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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Spanska sjukan på Kungliga Gotlands infanteriregemente 1918-1920

Meriläinen, Sanna January 2008 (has links)
Uppsatsens syfte har varit att undersöka hur Kungliga Gotlands infanteriregemente drabbades av spanska sjukan under 1918-1920. Det har även jämförts hur detta regemente drabba¬des i jämförelse med Dalarnas och Västmanlands regementen under 1918. Frågeställning¬arna som besvarats handlar om hur många som insjuknade och dog, hur regementets ansva¬riga agerade samt vilka åtgärder som vidtogs när epidemin hade nått regementet. Det huvudsakliga materialet jag har använt mig av är förste provinsialläkarens årsberättelser och regementets inkomna och utgående skrivelser. Studiens resultat visar att Kungliga Gotlands infanteriregemente med sina cirka 500 sjuk¬domsfall och fyra dödsfall under epidemins första period, 1918 drabbades i hög grad i jämfö¬relse med Dalregementet, men i liten grad i jämförelse med Västmanlands rege¬mente. Anledningen till att regementet på Gotland klarade sig relativt lindrigt från spanska sjukan kan bero på att en fungerande sjukvård snabbt kunde sättas in samt att man vidtog andra åt¬gärder såsom inskränkningar på permissioner, striktare personlig hygien och renlighet i loka¬lerna samt skyddsympning.

Militära berättelser : Berättande som kulturell praktik i det militära / Military narratives : Narrative as cultural practice in the military

Johansson, Gustaf January 2012 (has links)
The main purpose of this study is to show how narrative can be understood as cultural practice, how it can be said to function both internally and externally, and to ask questions about how the narrating subject, through the organizing of narrative, positions it self and mediates between the different discoursive contexts of which it is a part. This is done by an analisys of how six swedish soldiers tells the tale of how they came to choose a military carrer and why they have served or want to serve in peace-keeping missions abroad. The source material is primarily collected through unstructured interviews with theese soldiers, but also through textual analysis of a soldier blog. Theoretically the study draws on a combination of the discourse theory of Michel Foucault, narrative theory, Richard Jenkins theory of the internal-external dialectic of identifikation and intersectionality to construct a framework that allows the narratives to be deconstructed and understood as discoursive products of both the military contexts as such and the larger cultrual context that surrounds it. The conclusions of this study suggests that the organizing of soldier narratives are a complex and multifaceted process, in which the soliders must balance between the ideals, values and norms of the military context while also taking into account how society at large views and interprets the practices and forms of military life. It is also argued that the construction of swedish national identity during the second half of the twentieth century, which put a large emphasis on civilian modernity and neutrality rather than on the military, when combined with the previously implemented conscript system, creates a discourse in which it is hard to make sense of the choice to voluntarily become a part of the military context.

Att skapa kön : En bildanalys av svensk militärs visuella kommunikation på webben

Israelsson, Emma January 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Svensk militär medverkan i nationell terroristbekämpning efter 11 september

Jeppsson, Christian January 2004 (has links)
Uppsatsen syftar till att diskutera hur troligt det är att riksdagen fattar beslut i enlighet med 11septemberutredningens förslag om militära maktmedels bruk, i samhället, i fredstid.Frågeställningarna är: Vilka argument förs fram i frågan om utökad användning av militära maktmedel,vilken är synen på militära maktmedels roll i samhället samt en diskussion om hur troligt det är attriksdagen kommer att besluta om utökad användning av militära maktmedel i enlighet med11 septemberutredningens förslag?Undersökningen och analysen genomförs med ett verktyg som omfattar parametrarna: värdet av11 septemberutredningen, hotbild, grundsyn på militära maktmedel samt hur civil kontroll övermilitärmakten skall uppnås. Med detta verktyg skapas, utgående från litteratur om politisk-militärarelationer, två idealtyper som anses svara mot de nuvarande och de föreslagna förhållandena.Källmaterialet, remissinstansernas yttranden, debatt och motioner i riksdagen samt debattartiklar i dagspressen,undersöks genom en kvalitativ textanalys och klassificeras med hjälp av analysverktyget.Undersökningen visar att både bland remissinstanserna och bland riksdagspartierna finns tvåhuvudteman. Ett som ser militärmakt som ett hot mot medborgarna och vill begränsa dessinflytande och befogenheter samt säkerställa noggrann civil/politisk kontroll. Det andra som sermilitärmakt som ett maktmedel likställt exempelvis polis och förordar utökade befogenhetersamt integration och ett pragmatiskt bruk av militära maktmedel i fredstid. / The main purpose of this study is to examine the arguments put forward by thecentral authorities and in the national parliament of Sweden with regard to agovernment-initiated report concerning the fight against terrorism in Sweden.The so-called 9/11-report has proposed several measures to be taken in order toenhance Swedish capacity for dealing with large-scale terror attacks. Amongthese proposals are some concerning increased use of military means of powerto counter terrorism, which constitutes the focus of this study.The study is done with an analytical tool derived from political-militaryrelations theory, comprising parameters such as: view of 9/11-report, threatperception, view of military means of power and view of political-militaryrelations.The empirical material consists of official replies from various governmentalauthorities to the 9/11-report, which has been circulated for comment and thedebate in the Swedish parliament concerning national issues of combatingterrorism.The study shows that both governmental authorities and the parliament aredivided along two lines of reasoning. One depicts the armed forces of Swedenas a threat to the citizens and wants to limit military authority and promotestrict separation of civilian from military means. The other views the armedforces as a means of power equivalent to other means of power, such as thepolice, and argues for increased authority for military means of combatingterrorism and a pragmatic use of our society’s available means. / Avdelning: ALB - Slutet Mag 3 C-uppsHylla: Upps. ChP 02-04

Gränser i öppna landskap : en studie i samverkanspotential mellan Försvarsmakten och centrala myndigheter vid svåra påfrestningar i fred

Petersson, Mats January 2002 (has links)
Denna uppsats har varit inriktad på att studera Försvarsmakten och centrala myndigheters samverkanvid svåra påfrestningar i fred. Problembakgrunden återfinns i sårbarhets - och säkerhetsutredningen.Utredningen gör bl a gällande att samverkanspotentialen ej är fullt utnyttjad mellan militära och civilamyndigheter. Tyngdpunkten i uppsatsens problemformulering omfattas av hur dennasamverkanspotential i positiv riktning kan förändras.Studien har strukturerats med hjälp av fem funktioner för ledningsförmåga; personal, organisation,doktrin, styrmedel samt teknik. Utifrån dessa funktioner har samverkanspotentialen analyserats.Analysen visar att det finns ett antal faktorer som är avgörande för en god samverkanspotential. Dessafaktorer kan summeras med; öka förståelsen för varandras verksamheter, tydliggöraansvarsfördelningen, skapa positiv vilja och attityd till samverkan, fördjupa personell ochorganisatorisk kunskap i gällande lagrum, förstärka möjligheterna till samverkan genom gemensamtledningssystem. / During the last years, the question of the national ability to handle a seriouscrisis situation has arisen. In the governmental official reports, the need of anoverall view is emphasised because catastrophes can affect many publicfunctions. Central authorities play an important role in this case. During 1999,the government initiated an official report to analyse how a better overall viewcould be reached. Vulnerability and security aspects were examined. The reportshows that the military force could contribute with important efforts and thatthe co-operation ability between military and civilian authorities could begreatly improved.The purpose of this paper is to describe how the co-operation abilitybetween military and civilian authorities could be developed. The paper isintended to respond to the following questions:- What prerequisites and abilities are desirable in order to co-operatebetween military and central authorities from a national crisis point ofview?- What can change the co-operation ability between military and civilianactivities in a national crisis situation in a positive way?This paper uses the qualitative method because the authorities’ teamworkshould be reflected from an overall point of view and the co-operation ability ishard to measure.The overall point of view is central.The source material for the empirical studies is collected from interviews ofpersons in authority.The theoretical model concerns the ability to command and control. Themodel consists of the following elements; personnel, organization, doctrine,instruments of control and finally technique. To achieve co-operation interplayis required between these elements.In support of these empirical studies, the following conclusions of how tochange the co-operation ability between military and civilian authorities couldbe presented:- PersonnelJoint practice and instruction to produce a common understanding for thedifferent kinds of activity- OrganizationElucidate the authorities’ responsibility in a crisis situation- DoctrineStimulate the authorities’ will and attitude to co-operation- Instrument of controlDeeper personnel and organizational knowledge of existing legislation- TechniquesDevelopment of joint command and control systemsThe information above could be used to further develop co-operation abilitybetween military and civilian authorities in crisis situations. / Avdelning: ALB - Slutet Mag 3 C-upps.Hylla: Upps. ChP 00-02

Den svenska skölden, smyckad med kulturens emblem? : En kvalitativ studie om den svenska militärens förberedelser inför ett ryskt anfall mot Åland under 1930-talet

Lillsebbas, Marcus January 2021 (has links)
This study in military history provides a deeper explanation of the Swedish military’s proposed  counter-operations in case of a russian invasion against Åland in the 1930s. This purpose was fulfilled by answering the central question regarding how a cultural model could explain these proposed counter-operations. Through a qualitative text analysis of Swedish military documents from 1935, on which Keegan’s theory of culture as a vital aspect in the nature of war were applied, the question was answered. The moralic, intellectual and technichal elements that Keegan defines as characteristic in the Western culture, proved to be able to explain the Swedish military’s proposed counter-operations against an eventual russian invasion. To successfully protect Sweden and its democracy from the Soviet Union and thereby the greatly feared communism, the defence of the strategically important Åland was crucial. (Intellectual element) The majority of the Swedish military perceived this as their  duty and obligation, as well  as something they were willing to risk their lives for. By all possible means and technical systems, even if adaptations were necessary, everything would be done to protect Sweden and democracy. (moralic and technical element)

LMX och välbefinnande i en militär kontext – de underordnades perspektiv / LMX and wellbeing in a military context – the subordinate perspective

Hagelberg, Henrik, Khoury, Kristian January 2021 (has links)
Majoriteten av militärrelaterade studier fokuserar främst på ledarperspektivet relaterat till deras underordnade; mindre om den vardagliga militärrelaterade påverkan på de underordnade soldaternas välbefinnande. Denna kvalitativa tematiska analys syftade till att identifiera och lyfta fram den subjektiva upplevelsen ur soldatens perspektiv. Artiklar och litteratur från databaser har använts för att undersöka tidigare resultat och relevanta studier, som kan vara till hjälp för att förstå de faktorer som kan påverka soldaternas välbefinnande. Studien genomfördes digitalt genom semistrukturerade intervjuer där tio soldater deltog i samtal om ca 60 minuter gällande ledarskap, välbefinnande och stress inom det militära. Det enda kriteriet för deltagande i studien var att soldaterna för närvarande var anställda av den svenska militären. Resultaten av studien visade att militärledare har ett inflytande på soldaternas välbefinnande och förmåga att hantera stress. När soldaterna inte kunde få stöd från sina ledare, fann studien att de sociala resurserna var av stor vikt för att upprätthålla ett subjektivt bra välbefinnande. / The majority of military-related studies focuses primarily on the leaders perspective related to the their subordinates; less about the everyday military-related effects on the subordinated soldiers wellbeing. This qualitative thematic analysis aimed to identify and highlight the subjective experiences from the soldiers perspective. Articles and literature from databases were used to study earlier findings and relevant theories that could be of help to grasp a greater understanding of factors that could effect the soldiers well-being. The study was conducted digitally through semi-structured interviews with ten soldiers for 60 minutes each. The only criteria for participation in the study was that the soldiers were currently employed by the Swedish Military. The findings of the study showed that leaders in the military have an influence on the soldiers well-being and capability to cope with stress. When the soldiers were not able to get the support from their leaders, the study found that the social resources were a close second to maintain a good subjective wellbeing.

Civilt-militärt samarbejde (CIMIC) under Counterinsurgency (COIN) operationer

Lysholm Nielsen, Henrik January 2008 (has links)
CIMIC er, som et interface mellem den militære styrke og de civile omgivelser, siden ”Balkanmissionerne”blevet en væsentlig del af konceptet for at skabe en effektiv militær indsats i PeaceOperations. CIMIC konceptet, som blev anvendt relativt succesfuldt under ”Balkan-missionerne,vurderes at være det samme, som i dag anvendes i Irak. Men virker dette koncept samtidigt med,at koalitionen er blevet en del af de stridende parter? Virker det samtidigt med, at volden er rettetmod koalitionen? Og virker det i et operationsmiljø som er langt fra at være ”safe and secure” –og hvor kontrollen med de stridende parter må siges at være begrænset?På baggrund af disse spørgsmål har hensigten med denne ”uppsats” været at analysere udvalgtetilfælde af dansk CIMIC, i relation til COIN-operationer for at kunne pege på, hvorvidt danskCIMIC kan siges at have haft den ønskede effekt og dermed understøttet opnåelsen af deoperative målsætninger. Denne opgave skal således ses som et bidrag til en vurdering afCIMIC´s evne som ”Force Multiplier” i COIN-operationer. Opgaven er besvaret gennem atundersøge følgende spørgsmål: Hvad skal der opnås med CIMIC under COIN-operationer?Hvordan kan effekten af CIMIC måles under COIN-operationer? Hvilken effekt kan det siges atdanske CIMIC-enheders indsats har haft under COIN-operationerne i Irak? Er de opnåedeeffekter i overensstemmelse med målsætningerne?Følgende fem analysefaktorer er udledt og har dannet grundlag for, hvorvidt det kan siges omdansk CIMIC har virket i COIN-operationer: (1) Forbedring af hverdagen for befolkningen, (2)samarbejde og koordination med civile organisationer (forbindelsesvirksomhed), gennemførelseaf (3) informationsindhentning, informationsspredning og vurderinger (Situational Awareness),(4) uddannelse i lokale forhold for egne styrker og (5) Force Protection.Resultatet af undersøgelsen er, at CIMIC inden for alle analysefaktorer samlet set har vist, atCIMIC som minimum har haft en moderat effekt. Det er derfor konkluderet, at CIMIC-konceptethar virket i COIN-operationer og at CIMIC dermed har kunnet fungere som en ”ForceMultiplier”. / Since the missions in the Balkans during the 1990´s CIMIC has become a vital part of theconcept of creating effective Peace Operations, by acting as an interface between the militaryforces and the civilian environment. The CIMIC concept being used with relative success duringthe “Balkans-missions” is, in principle, the same concept being used in Iraq today. But does thisconcept work also if the coalition becomes part of the warring parties? Does it work when theviolence is also directed at the coalition? And does it work in an operational environment whichis far from being safe and secure, and with a limited or with no control of the warring factions?Using the above questions as the background, the aim of this paper has been to analyse specificcases of Danish CIMIC related to COIN-operations. This has been done in order to identify towhich extent Danish CIMIC has achieved the desired effects and thereby supported theoperational objectives. This paper can be seen as a contribution to the evaluation of CIMIC as aForce Multiplier in COIN-operations. The paper has been aimed at answering the followingquestions: What is CIMIC to achieve within COIN-operations? How can the effects of CIMICwithin COIN-operations be measured? What are the effects of Danish CIMIC within the COINoperationsin Iraq? Have the desired effects been achieved and thus supported the operationalobjectives?In order to identify to which extent Danish CIMIC has been effective within the COINoperationsin Iraq, the analysis of the paper focuses on the following five distinctive factors: (1)Improvement of the living standards for the local population (2) Co-operation and Co-ordinationwith civilian organizations (Liaison activity), (3) Information gathering, information sharing, andassessments (Situational Awareness), (4) Education of own troops concerning the localenvironment as well as cultural awareness, and finally (5) Force Protection.The analysis of the above mentioned factors shows that CIMIC has had a positive effect withregard to the COIN-operations. The measured effects range from no effect to high effect, with anaverage effect that can be best described as moderate. It is therefore the conclusion of the paperthat the CIMIC concept has worked within the COIN-operations in Iraq, and that it has thusacted as a Force Multiplier. / Avdelning: ALB - Slutet Mag 3 C-upps. Hylla: Upps. ChP 06-08

Civil-militär samverkan under fredsoperationen i Kongo

Östman, Peter January 2002 (has links)
Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka civil-militär samverkan vid fredsoperationen i Kongo 1960-1964 ur ett kulturkonstruktivistiskt perspektiv. Detta har gjorts i form av en fallstudie där litteratur av personer verksamma på plats i Kongo 1960-1964varit dominerande. Ur fallstudien framkommer att många samverkansproblem förekom trots ett genomtänkt koncept ochinsatser för att förbättra samverkan mellan civila och militärer. Vidare framkommer att militärer och civila i huvudsak upplevde likartade problem. I uppsatsen har kulturkonstruktivistisk teori använts som analytiskt verktyg och skillnader mellan civilaoch militära aktörers kollektiva identiteter, världsuppfattningar och normer utgjort grunden för attförklara samverkansproblemen. Vid analysen av empirin framkommer att samverkansproblem inte bara förekom mellan civila ochmilitära aktörer utan även inom respektive skrå och mellan olika nivåer i organisationen.Vidare framkommer att den kontext en person befinner sig i, likväl som dennes bakgrund och yrke,betyder mycket för den personens åsikter och värderingar. Min övergripande slutsats är att kulturkonstruktivistiska skillnader mellan civila och militära aktörer tillstor del kan anses förklara de problem som förekom i civil-militär samverkan vid fredsoperationen iKongo 1960-1964. / The aim of this essay is to study civil- military cooperation during the peace operationin Congo between 1960 and 1964 from a culture-constructivist perspective. The study has been performed as a case study and literature written mainly by militaryofficers and UN-officials who were in active duty in Congo between 1960 and 1964has been used.Based on the case study it appears that there were many cooperation problems, despitea well thought-out concept and a lot of efforts made by military and civilian personnelin order to improve civil-military cooperation. It also appears that military andcivilian personnel experienced similar problems. A culture-constructivist theory has been used as an analytic tool in the essay anddifferences between civil and military actors´ collective identities, opinions of realityand norms have constituted the foundation to explain cooperation problems. In the analysis it appears that cooperation problems not only occurred between civiland military actors but also within each branch (civil and military) and betweendifferent hierarchic levels in the organisation. It also appears that the context, inwhich a person exists, as well as the person’s background and profession, is importantfor that specific person’s opinions and set of values. The main conclusion of the analysis is that culture-constructivist differences betweencivil and military actors, at least to a large extent, can be seen as an explanation to theproblems that occurred in civil- military cooperation in the peace operation in Congoduring 1960-1964. / Avdelning: ALB - Slutet Mag 3 C-upps.Hylla: Upps. ChP 00-02

Jämställdhet inom Försvarsmakten : Vision kontra verklighet / Equality within the Swedish armed forces : Vision vs. reality

Grönskog, Marie January 2008 (has links)
<p>Denna uppsats handlar om den svenska Försvarsmaktens jämställdhetsmål som har satts upp för att främja jämställdheten och på sikt få in fler kvinnor i organisationen. Mer specifikt handlar uppsatsen om hur kvinnorna inom Försvarsmakten anser att dessa jämställdhetsmål efterlevs. Uppsatsen baserar sig på intervjuer med tre kvinnliga yrkesofficerare som får ge sin syn på livet i och runt det militära samt på försvarets jämställdhetsarbete och hur det påverkar dem. Resultaten jag kommer fram till i denna uppsats är att Försvarsmakten för dessa tre kvinnor är en bra arbetsplats för dem, oavsett deras individuella livssituationer, men att det fortfarande finns en hel del att jobba på vad gäller jämställdhetsmålen.</p> / <p>This thesis is about the Swedish armed forces and the equality goals which have been established to give equal opportunities between the sexes and to encourage more women to join the armed forces. More specifically this study is about the women of the armed forces and whether they believe that these equality goals have been achieved or not. The thesis is based on interviews with three female officers employed by the Swedish armed forces. They answered questions regarding their experiences of the equality goals and about their day to day life regarding their job as well as questions about their social life. The conclusion of this thesis is that the armed forces in general seem to be good employer regarding equality, regardless of the women’s individual lifestyles, but that there is still work to do regarding the equality between the sexes.</p>

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