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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Nutzung von Prozessparametern automatischer Melksysteme für die Erkennung von Eutererkrankungen unter Verwendung der Fuzzy Logic

Köhler, Stefan Daniel 22 October 2002 (has links)
Das Ziel der Arbeit bestand darin zu untersuchen, inwieweit durch Kombination von einfach zu erhebenden Daten des Melkprozesses mittels Fuzzy Logic die Bewertung der Eutergesundheit in Automatischen Melksystemen (AMS) verbessert werden kann. Eigene Forschungen richteten sich auf die Evaluierung unterschiedlicher Milch- bzw. Melkparameter hinsichtlich ihrer Eignung als Inputvariable verfeinerter Erkennungsmodelle für Euterkrankheiten am Melkroboter sowie auf die Entwicklung und Optimierung von Fuzzy Logic Modellen. Im Rahmen eines Vorversuches ist geprüft worden, welche Variablen Eingang in das Erkennungsmodell finden sollten. Zu diesem Zweck wurden neben der Erhebung von Prozessdaten eines AMS Astronaut(r) am 26. und 27. Juli 2001 mit Geräten des Typs LactoCorder(r) low flow insgesamt 754 Einzelmessungen an Eutervierteln durchgeführt und verarbeitet. Die Auswertung dieses Datenmaterials ergab, dass zwischen "unauffälligen", d.h. mehr oder weniger gesunden, und "auffälligen", d.h. mehr oder minder kranken Eutervierteln gewisse Unterschiede hinsichtlich der viertelbezogenen Parameter normierte Milchbildungsrate und normierter Milchfluss sowie der normierten Zwischenmelkzeit bestehen, welche für eine Modellierung nutzbar sind. Auch die elektrische Leitfähigkeit sollte in das weitere Vorgehen einbezogen werden. Die Funktionalität einfacher Fuzzy Logic Modelle ist anhand von 74 erstellten Datensätzen erfolgreich getestet worden. Vom 4. bis 9. März 2002 fand in einem Betrieb mit zwei parallel arbeitenden AMS Astronaut(r) in einer Herde von 103 melkenden Kühen die Hauptuntersuchung statt. 4 282 Messungen mit LactoCorder(r) low flow-Geräten an 359 Eutervierteln sind einzeln analysiert worden. Nach Entfernung eventuell fehlerhafter oder nicht eindeutig zuzuordnender Datensätze verblieb eine nutzbare Datenbasis von 2 826 Datensätzen, welche an 195 "unauffälligen" und an 41 "auffälligen" Eutervierteln gemessen worden waren. Die statistische Aufbereitung der absoluten Parameterwerte ergab hoch signifikante Differenzen zwischen "unauffälligen" und "auffälligen" Vierteln für die untersuchten Eingangsvariablen Milchbildungsrate, Milchfluss, Zwischenmelkzeit und Leitfähigkeit. Zur weiteren Modellierung wurden 527 aus den Rohdaten berechnete, normierte Datensätze verwendet, weil diese weitgehend unbeeinflusst von störenden individuellen und Umwelteinflüssen sind. Es sind drei verschiedene Ansätze zur Modellierung der normierten Parameter verfolgt, eingehend analysiert und untereinander sowie mit den Alarmmeldungen der AMS verglichen worden. Während Ein-Parameter-Modelle die höchsten Spezifitätswerte aufzeigten, konnten für die Verknüpfung der vier Eingangsvariablen durch Indexmodelle die besten Sensitivitätswerte ermittelt werden. Das optimale Ergebnis erzielte jedoch die Modellierung mit Hilfe von Fuzzy Logic. Sie ergab mit 5,9 Prozent die niedrigste statistische Wahrscheinlichkeit von Fehlklassifizierungen (falschen Diagnosen). Die Alarmliste der AMS wies zwar eine ähnlich geringe Fehlerquote auf, war jedoch zugleich durch eine schlechte Sensitivität charakterisiert. In einer abschließenden vergleichenden Diskussion mit aktuellen Forschungsergebnissen bestätigte sich die Richtigkeit beider Grundannahmen der vorgelegten Dissertation: 1. Aus Daten des Melkprozesses zu ermittelnde, viertelbezogene Parameter eignen sich zur Ergänzung von Leitfähigkeitsmessungen für die Erkennung von Euterkrankheiten. 2. Fuzzy Logic ist eine handliche und wirkungsvolle Methodik zur Modellierung der Zusammenhänge zwischen Melk- und Milchparametern einerseits und der Eutergesundheit andererseits. / The goal of the work was to examine to what extent the evaluation of the udder health in Automatic Milking Systems (AMS) can be improved by the combination of simply measurable data of the milking process by means of Fuzzy Logic. Own investigations were centred on the evaluation of different milking and milk parameters regarding their suitability as input variable of recognition models for udder diseases as well as on the development and optimisation of Fuzzy Logic models. In the context of a preliminary study, it was examined which variables should form the input of the recognition model. For this purpose, besides the collection of the process data of an AMS Astronaut(r), 754 measurements of single udder quarters were accomplished with measuring devices LactoCorder(r) low flow and were individually processed. The evaluation of this data resulted in certain differences between "inconspicuous" (healthy) and "conspicuous" (more ore less ill) udder quarters regarding the quarter-related parameters milk production rate, milk flow and milking interval which are usable for model building. Also the electrical conductivity should be included into further procedures. The functionality of simple Fuzzy logic models was tested successfully on the basis of 74 generated data sets. The main investigation took place in a dairy farm with two parallel working AMS Astronaut(r) in a herd of 103 milking cows. 4,282 measurements at 359 udder quarters with devices LactoCorder(r) low flow were individually analysed. After removal of possibly incorrect data records or those which could not clearly be assigned remained a usable database of 2,826 records measured at 195 "inconspicuous" and at 41 "conspicuous" udder quarters. The statistic analysis of the absolute parameter values resulted in highly significant differences between "inconspicuous" and "conspicuous" quarters for the examined input variables milk production rate, milk flow, milking interval and electrical conductivity. For the further modelling, 527 standardised data sets computed from the raw data were used because these are largely uninfluenced by disturbing individual and environmental determinants. Three different approaches of model building for the standardised parameters were pursued, analysed and compared among themselves as well as with the alerts of the AMS. While the One-parameter-models pointed out the highest specificity values, the best sensitivity values were determined for the linkage of the four input variables by index-models. However, the optimal result of modelling was obtained by Fuzzy logic. It resulted in the lowest probability of false classifications (wrong diagnoses) with 5,9 per cent. The alarm list of the AMS featured a margin of error which was similar low, however, at the same time it was characterised by bad sensitivity. A concluding discussion with current investigation results confirmed the correctness of both basic assumptions of the dissertation: 1. Quarter-related parameters which can be calculated from data of the milking process are suitable as a complement to conductivity measurements for the detection of udder diseases. 2. Fuzzy Logic represents a manageable and effective methodology for modelling the interrelations between milking and milk parameters on the one hand and the udder health on the other hand.

Untersuchungen zum Einfluss melktechnischer Parameter auf die Zitzenkondition von Milchkühen / Milking technique parameters and the bovine teat condition

Hubal, Michael 10 February 2011 (has links)
No description available.

Robotizuoto melžimo poveikis tešmens sveikatingumui / Robotic milking effect to udder wellness

Čivilis, Mindaugas 05 March 2014 (has links)
Darbo tikslas- įvertinti karvių bandos sergamumą mastitais, prieš įdiegiant automatizuotą melžimo sistemą ir po įdiegimo, kaip keitėsi pieno sudėties, kokybės rodikliai, bei ištirti pieno elektrini laidumą. Tyrimas atliktas ūkyje „x“ 2011- 2013 metų laikotarpyje. Surinkti pieno SLS, BBS, riebalų, baltymų, laktozės, urėjos duomenys iš 3-6m. amžiaus laktuojančių karvių melžiant į liniją ir pradėjus melžti „Lely Astronaut“ melžimo robotu, bei surinkti AMS duomenys apie pieno EL. Pieno sudėties bei kokybės tyrimai atlikti VĮ “Pieno tyrimai” laboratorijoje. Nustatyti dažniausi karvių mastito sukėlėjai ūkyje. / The objective of this work is to assess the incidences of mastitis in the herd and to evaluate milk composition, quality indicators, and the milk electrical conductivity before and after an installation of an automated milking system. The study was conducted in the farm "x" during the year period from 2011 to 2013. During this study, milk SCC, TBC, fat, protein, lactose, and urea data of lactating cows from 3 to 6 years old was collected. The milk was firstly collected by using a pipeline milking system and later by using a “Lely Astronaut” robotic milking system (AMS). Data about the milk electric conductivity was collected from the AMS. Milk composition and quality research was performed by the State Enterprise “Pieno tyrimai” laboratory. The most common causes of mastitis were identified in the farm.

Influence of different technical elements and settings in automatic milking systems on the quality of dairy cows' milk

Alhomoch, Fadi 16 November 2021 (has links)
Automatische Melksysteme (AMS) sind in weiten Teilen Europas bereits sehr verbreitet und werden von verschiedenen Herstellern weltweit angeboten. Die Gewährleistung einer hohen Milchqualität ist eine der Hauptanforderungen beim Übergang vom konventionellen zum automatischen Melken. Ziel dieser Arbeit war es den Einfluss des mechanischen Stresses, der durch mehrere AMS-Elemente induziert wird, auf die Milchqualität zu untersuchen. Dafür wurden zwei Labor-Melkstände (LMP) mit den melktechnischen Hauptkomponenten zweier AMS entwickelt und die Versuche unter standardisierten Laborbedingungen durchgeführt. Für die Analyse der Effekte einzelner technischer Komponenten oder Einstellungen wurden verschiedene Modifikationen vorgenommen, die zum Teil von den realen Einsatzbedingungen in der Praxis abweichen. Zur Bewertung der Milchqualität wurden folgende Merkmale herangezogen: freie Fettsäuren (FFA), Fett-, Eiweiß-, Laktose- und Harnstoffgehalt, Zellzahl, pH, und Gefrierpunkt. Für einen Teil der Untersuchungen konnte darüber hinaus auch das Fettsäureprofil in der Milch analysiert werden. Der Einfluss der folgenden Komponenten wurde analysiert: Das Pulsationsverhältnis, LMP, die Melkbecher, die Auslegung der LMP-Technik, und die Durchflussrate. Allgemeine Korrelationen zwischen einzelnen technischen Elementen und der Milchqualität festgestellt, signifikante Ergebnisse wurden eindeutig beim FFA- und Fettgehalt beobachtet. Die seit einiger Zeit routinemäßig bestimmbaren Fettsäureprofile bieten einen aussichtsreichen Ansatz für Ursache-Wirkung-Analysen in neuer Qualität. Die nachgewiesenen Signifikanzen in den Änderungen von Eiweiß- und Laktosegehalt sowie des Gefrierpunktes bedürfen tiefergehender Betrachtungen und kausaler Analysen. Insgesamt wurde deutlich, dass mechanische Belastungen von Milch bereits auf dem Weg vom Kuheuter zum Milchsammeltank zu Veränderungen chemischer und physikalischer Produkteigenschaften führen, auch wenn hier unter Laborbedingungen gearbeitet wurde. / Automatic milking systems (AMS) have been common in large parts of Europe and are offered by various manufacturers worldwide. Ensuring high milk quality is one of the primary requirements when transition from conventional milking to AMS. The aim of the present thesis was to investigate whether the mechanical stress induced by multiple AMS elements and settings affect the parameters of cow milk. To this end, two laboratory milking parlors (LMP) were developed to imitate an actual AMS. Under standardized laboratory conditions, the main milking technical components were installed by two different AMS companies for the analysis of the effects of single technical elements or settings on milk parameters. The following parameters were used to evaluate milk quality: free fatty acids (FFA), fat, protein, lactose, urea, somatic cell count (SCC), pH, and freezing point (FP). For some of the investigations, the milk fatty acid profile (MFAP) was also analyzed. The influence of following components: pulsation ratio, LMP, teat cup, the layout of the LMP technique, and flow rate was analysed. General correlations were identified between singular technical elements and milk quality, significant results were observed clearly on FFA and fat content. Milk fatty acid profiles (MFAP) have been routinely determinable for some time now and can offer an interesting approach for cause-and-effect analyses of a new quality. The demonstrated significances in the changes of protein and lactose content as well as freezing point require deeper consideration and causal analysis. Overall, it became clear that mechanical stresses on milk already lead to changes in chemical and physical product properties on the way from the cow's udder to the milk collection tank, even if the work was carried out under laboratory conditions.

Genetic Parameter Estimates of Milkability Traits in South African Holstein Cattle

Tshilate, Thendo Stanley 18 September 2017 (has links)
MSCAGR (Animal Science) / Department of Animal Science / Milkability, or ease of milking, is the rate at which milk can be completely drawn from a cow’s udder. It is an important functional trait with regard to milking costs as well as udder health. Milkability traits have not been included in the breeding objectives of South African dairy cattle and their genetic parameters in the population have not been estimated. The primary objective of the study was to estimate genetic parameters for milkability traits in South African Holstein cattle. Data consisted of production and milkability records of 1 532 Holstein cows, from 6 herds, participating in the South African National Dairy Animal Recording and Improvement Scheme during the period 2015 to 2016 . Measures of milkability were average milk flow (AMF), maximum milk flow (MMF) and milking time (MT). Genetic parameters were estimated by a multi-trait sire model using the Restricted Maximum Likelihood (REML) procedure. Means for AMF, MMF and MT were 1.99 kg/min, 3.02 kg/min and 5.50 min, respectively. Non-genetic factors affecting variation in milkability traits were herd-year-season of calving, parity and milk yield. Heritability estimates for AMF, MMF, and MT were 0.23±0.09, h2 = 0.41±0.12 and h2 = 0.36±0.11, respectively. Genetic correlations between the three milkability traits were medium to high, ranging from -0.35±0.23 between AMF and MT to 0.79±0.09 between AMF and MMF. Correlations were positive between AMF and MMF and negative between MT and the other two traits. There was an increase in the mean EBV for AMF of 0.002 kg/min (0.0001 kg/min per year) during the period 2002 to 2014. Maximum milk flow also showed an increasing genetic trend of 0.04 kg/min (0.0003 kg/min per year) over the same period. The genetic trend for MT was undesirable, as it increased by 0.0003 kg/min. There is scope for improving milkability through selection, in South African Holstein cattle, as indicated by the moderate to high heritability estimates. The favourable genetic correlations among milkability traits imply that selection on one trait will result in a correlated improvement in the others. Results of the current study provide a basis for including milkability traits in the breeding objective for South African Holstein cattle.

Treatment of typical South African milking parlour wastewater by means of anaerobic sequencing batch reactor technology.

Du Preez, Jeanne 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScEng (Process Engineering))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Due to the growing demands for fresh and clean water, the investigation into the treatment, reuse and recycling of wastewater from all industries are becoming more of a priority, both globally and in South Africa where as much as 62 % of the total water used per year is used by the agricultural sector. The investigation into the recycling and reuse of wastewater in the agricultural sector (especially the dairy farming industry) is therefore no exception. The water usage in five typical South African milking parlours was estimated in this study and ranged from 15 to 51 L.cow-1.day-1. However, the water used for the cleaning in place (CIP) washing of the milking equipment were rather similar in all five milking parlours and ranged between 4.9 and 6.4 L.cow-1.day-1. The possibility of handling and treating the CIP wastewater separately from the rest of the milking parlour wastewater has been considered in the past by other researchers. Anaerobic digestion, as a means of treating wastewater from the dairy industry, has been employed successfully in both full scale and laboratory scale projects. The wastewater from equipment washing of milking parlours is assumed to have similar characteristic to that generated from dairy factories. The anaerobic sequencing batch reactor (ASBR) system is gaining popularity as a wastewater treatment technology lately due to its simplicity, ease of operation and compact design and is therefore expected to be a suitable and practical solution for dairy farmers in treating milking parlour wastewater from equipment washing. Investigation into anaerobic treatment at lower temperatures than the conventional mesophilic range is also becoming of interest due to lower energy requirements. The aim of this study was to determine whether the ASBR technology could be considered as a suitable technology for treating wastewater from the CIP washing of milking parlour equipment. To support this study, the water usage and CIP effluent generated at typical South African milking parlours were firstly verified. Subsequently, laboratory work entailed: • Assessing the sensitivity of the ASBR process (at mesophilic temperature of 35 °C) to fluctuations in the concentration of the detergents in synthetic CIP milking parlour wastewater; and • Evaluating the performance of the ASBR process at 22.5 and 35 °C when treating real wastewater from the CIP washing of milking equipment. Chemical oxygen demand (COD) removal efficiencies between 89 and 98 % were achieved when the synthetic wastewater (similar to wastewater from the CIP washing of milking equipment with COD concentrations ranging between 12 600 and 13 400 mg.L-1) was treated in an ASBR. The results showed that an increase in the CIP detergent concentration up to four times the concentration normally used in milking parlours did not significantly affect the ASBR performance in terms of methane productivity, methane yield and COD removal efficiencies when OLRs between 0.6 and 5.2 g COD.L-1.day-1 were applied. The results also showed that COD removal efficiencies between 92 and 98 % could be achieved in the ASBR process operated at 35 °C when treating real CIP milking parlour effluent (with COD concentrations ranging between 14 900 and 28 800 mg.L-1) when applying OLRs up to 6.6 g COD.L-1.day-1, without nutrient control. Therefore, the ASBR process is suitable to treat real milking parlour wastewater with OLRs above 6 g COD.L-1.day-1 at mesophilic temperatures. At an operating temperature of 22.5 °C, the ASBR achieved TCOD removal efficiencies between 86 and 98 % when treating real CIP effluent. Despite these high COD removal efficiencies, the reactor failed at an OLR of 2.9 g COD.L-1.day-1. As such, the ASBR process appears to be susceptible to failure (due to overloading) when the OLR is increased too rapidly at this low operating temperature. This is most probably due to the fact that methanogenic bacteria do not acclimatise and operate as well at temperatures below the mesophilic range. However, during a second attempt at 22.5 oC, the ASBR achieved COD removal efficiencies between 89 and 97 % when the OLR was increased less rapidly, up to 3.3 g COD.L-1.day-1. These results show that the ASBR process can indeed treat real milking parlour wastewater at 22.5 °C without nutrient control at OLRs above 3 g COD.L-1.day-1. The COD concentration in the effluent from the ASBRs when the maximum OLRs were applied were always below 1 000 mg.L-1. This is notably lower than the South African legal limit for irrigation of up to 50 m3 of wastewater per day. However, this is significantly higher than the South African legal limit of 75 mg.L-1 for safe disposal into a fresh water body. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die wêreldwye toename in die aanvraag na vars, skoon water het tot gevolg dat die ondersoek in die behandeling, hergebruik en herwinning van afvalwater tans groot aandag geniet. Nie net wêreldwyd nie, maar ook in Suid-Afrika waar tans 62 % van die water wat gebruik word per jaar, aangewend word vir die lanbou sektor. Daarom is die ondersoek na besparing van water in lanbou aktiwiteite (veral melkboerderye) geen uitsondering nie. Die watergebruik tydens melktyd in 5 verskillende melkerye is ondersoek en dit blyk dat die watergebruik in die 5 melkery drasties van mekaar verskil. Dit strek van ‘n minimum van 15 litres per koei per dag tot ‘n maksimum van 51 liters per koei per dag. Die volume water wat gebruik word vir die outomatiese was van die melktoerusting het nie so baie gevarieer nie en het gestrek tussen 4.9 en 6.4 liter per koei per dag. Die moontlikheid om die afvalwater wat gegenereer word tydens die outomatiese was van die melktoerusting apart te hou van die res van die afvalwater, is in die verlede deur ander navorsers oorweeg. Afvalwater van suiwelfabrieke is in die verlede al deur middel van anaerobiese vertering in ‘n groot aantal laboratorium- en volskaalse anaerobiese aanlegte behandel. Daar word aangeneem dat die afvalwater wat gegenereer word tydens die was van melktoerusting min of meer dieselfde samestelling sal hê as die afvalwater van suiwelfabrieke. Die anaerobiese opvolgende lot reaktor (AOLR) word al hoe meer gewild in anaerobiesewaterbehandeling as gevolg van die eenvoudige en maklike werking en kompakte ontwerp. Dit word verwag dat hierdie tegnologie ‘n gepaste en praktiese oplossing sal wees om die afvalwater van die was van melktoerusting te behandel. Die anaerobiese behandeling van afvalwater by temperature laer as die normale mesofiliese temperature word ook al hoe meer gewild as gevolg van minder hitte wat benodig word. Die doel van hierdie studie was om te bepaal of die AOLR tegnologie ‘n gepaste tegnologie is om afvalwater wat gegeneer word tydens die outomatiese was proses van melkery toerusting te behandel. Ter ondersteuning van die doel, is die watergebruik in ‘n paar tipiese, Suid- Afrikaanse melkerye eers bevestig. Daaropvolgend, het die laboratoriumwerk die volgende behels: • The bepaal of die AOLR proses (wat by mesofiliese temperatuur van 35 °C bedryf was) sensitief is vir veranderinge in die konsentrasie van sepe in sintetiese waswater wat na ‘n AOLR gevoer word; en • Om die werking van die AOLR proses te ondersoek wanneer regte afvalwater van melkery by onderskeidelik 22.5 en 35 °C behandel word. Chemiese suurstof behoefte (CSB) verwydering van 89 to 98 % is bereik toe sintetiese afvalwater wat gelykstaande aan afvalwater gegenereer tydens die was van melk toerusting is (met CSB konsentrasies tussen 12 600 en 13 400 mg.L-1) in ‘n AOLR behandel is. Die resultate het getoon dat daar geen aanmerklike verskil in die werking van die AOLR in terme van metaanproduksie, metaanopbrengs en CSB verwyderingseffektiwiteit was met a toename tot en met so hoog as vier maal die normale seepkonsentrasie in die afvalwater was toe organiese ladingstempo’s (OLTs) tussen 0.6 en 5.2 g CSB.L-1.dag-1 aangewend was nie. Die resultate het ook getoon dat die CSB van regte afvalwater van melkerye (met CSB konsentrasies tussen 14 900 en 28 800 mg.L-1) met 92 tot 98 % verminder kan word wanneer dit in ‘n AOLR (wat by 35 °C bestuur word) en OLTs tot so hoog as 6.6 g CSB.L-1.dag-1 aangewend word, sonder dat die nutrientinhoud in die afvalwater beheer was. Hierdie AOLR proses wat is dus gepas om afvalwater van melkery te behandel met OLTs bo 6 CSB.L-1.dag-1 by mesofiliese temperature. Die AOLR wat by ‘n temperatuur van 22.5 °C bedryf was, het CSB verwydering tussen 86 en 98 % behaal. Ondanks die hoë CSB verwydering het die reaktor misluk by ‘n maksimum OLT van 2.9 g CSB.L-1.dag-1. Dit het getoon dat die AOLR proses meer geneig is om vatbaar te wees vir mislukking (as gevolg van ‘n oorlading) wanneer die OLT te vinnig verhoog word by laer temperature. Dit is moontlik as gevolg daarvan dat die metanogeniese bakterieë nie so goed aanpas en werk by temperature laer as mesofiliese temperature nie. Nietemin, tydens ‘n tweede probeerslag by 22.5 °C, het die AOLR CSB verwydering tussen 89 en 97 % behaal tydens ‘n stadiger toename in die OLT tot en met 3.3 g CSB.L-1.dag-1. Hierdie resultate dui aan dat die AOLR proses wat by ‘n temperatuur van 22.5 °C bedryf word ook gepas is om afvalwater van melkerye te behandel, sonder nutrient beheer by OLTs hoër as 3 g CSB.L-1.dag-1. Die CSB konsentrasies in die afvloeisel van die AOLR’e in die studie tydens die aanwending van die hoogste OLTs, was altyd laer as 1 000 mg.L-1. Dit is merkbaar laer as die limiet vir besproeiing van tot en met 50 m3 per dag in Suid-Afrika. Maar, dit was nogtans regdeur hoër as die limiet van 75 mg.L-1 vir veilige storting in ‘n varswaterbron.

Atividade de células entéricas de cordeiros recém-nascidos aleitados com colostro bovino e ovino / Enteric cell activity in newborn lambs fed bovine and ovine colostrum

Moretti, Débora Botéquio 07 October 2008 (has links)
O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o processo de aquisição de anticorpos em cordeiros recém-nascidos aleitados com colostro bovino e ovino, bem como a taxa de proliferação celular no epitélio intestinal. Este estudo contribui com informações sobre a aquisição de imunidade passiva nesta espécie, com o conhecimento do desenvolvimento e maturação do trato gastrintestinal no período neonatal, e para a avaliação de uma alternativa de manejo de colostro para estes pequenos ruminantes. Foram utilizados 30 cordeiros recém-nascidos. Às 0 e 6 horas de vida, 12 animais receberam 250 mL de colostro bovino (grupo CB) e outros 12 animais receberam 250 mL de colostro ovino (grupo CO). Amostras de sangue foram coletadas às 0, 6, 24, e 72 horas de vida para quantificação de imunoglobulina G (IgG) e proteína total sérica (PT). Seis animais foram sacrificados aleatoriamente, logo após o nascimento, sem ingestão de colostro, constituindo o grupo controle. Os demais grupos foram abatido às 24 e 72 horas. Amostras do intestino delgado foram coletadas para a quantificação da taxa de divisão celular nas criptas intestinais. O delineamento experimental adotado foi inteiramente casualizado, sendo as variáveis séricas analisadas como medidas repetidas no tempo. Para a variável histológica foi considerado um arranjo fatorial 2 X 2 + 1, tendo como efeitos principais o colostro fornecido, as idades de abate e o grupo controle. As concentrações de IgG sérica às 6, 24 e 72 horas foram significativamente superiores para o grupo CB (16,58±6,19; 34,12±5,67 e 28,77±5,45 mg mL-1) comparado com CO (10,76±6,08, 20,77±6,53 e 20,25±7,3 mg mL-1). A eficiência aparente de absorção (EAA) da IgG mostrou-se inferior no grupo CB (15,06±4,97%) em relação aos animais do grupo CO (25,70±13,08%). O grupo CB apresentou às 24 e 72 horas maiores (P<0,05) valores de PT (7,29±0,87 e 6,89±0,30 g 100mL-1) em relação ao grupo CO (5,73±1,35 e 5,69±0,57 g 100mL-1). Ao nascimento, os animais apresentaram 32,52%, 45,47% e 30,60% de células em divisão para as regiões do duodeno, jejuno médio e íleo, respectivamente. Às 24 horas, os animais do grupo CO apresentaram menor (P<0,0001) porcentagem de células em mitose no duodeno (42,12%) e no íleo (35,66%) em relação aos animais CB, 46,44% e 39,74%, respectivamente. Às 72 horas, foi observada uma porcentagem menor (P<0,0001) de células em divisão nas criptas do duodeno dos animais CO (36,28%), comparados com o grupo CB (43,18%). Não foi observada diferença significativa entre os tratamentos na porcentagem de células mitóticas nas criptas do jejuno às 24 e 72 horas, bem como nas criptas do íleo às 72 horas (P>0,05). Independente do tratamento, o jejuno foi o segmento com maior (P<0,0001) porcentagem de células mitóticas em todos os períodos. Os valores superiores na taxa de divisão celular no grupo CB indicam que o colostro bovino, provavelmente pela elevada concentração de fatores bioativos e de anticorpos, influencia positivamente o processo de renovação epitelial e que o mesmo pode ser utilizado como fonte alternativa de IgG para cordeiros recém-nascidos. / The objective of this study was to evaluate the antibody acquisition mechanism in newborn lambs fed bovine or ovine colostrum as well as the cell proliferation rate in the intestine epithelium. This study contributes with information about passive immunity acquisition in this specie, with knowledge about development and maturation of the small ruminant intestine tract, and for the evaluations of colostrums management alternative to these small ruminant. Thirty newborn lambs were used. At 0 and 6 hours of life, 12 animals received 250 mL of bovine colostrum (BC group) and another 12 animals received 250 mL of ovine colostrum (OC group). Blood samples were collected at 0, 6, 24, e 72 hours of life for immunoglobulin G (IgG) and total serum protein (TP) quantification. Six animals were randomly slaughtered just after birth, without colostrum intake, constituting the control group. The other groups were randomly slaughtered at 24 and 72 hours. Samples of the small intestine were collected for quantification of cellular division rate in intestinal crypts. A completely randomized desining was used, with the serum variables analyzed as repeated measures on time. For the histological variable it was considered a 2 X 2 + 1 factorial arrangement, having as the main factors colostrum supply, slaughter date and the control group. The IgG serum concentration at 6, 24 and 72 hours were significantly higher for the BC group (16,58±6,19; 34,12±5,67 and 28,77±5,45 mg mL-1) compared with the OC group (10,76±6,08, 20,77±6,53 and 20,25±7,3 mg mL-1). The apparent efficiency of IgG absorption (AEA) were lower for the BC group (15,06±4,97%) in relation to the animals from the OC group (25,70±13,08%). The BC group showed at 24 and 72 hours higher (P<0,05) TP values (7,29±0,87 and 6,89±0,30 g 100mL-1) in relation to the OC group (5,73±1,35 and 5,69±0,57 g 100mL-1). At birth, the animals showed 32,52%, 45,47% and 30,60% cells in division for duodenum, jejunum and ileum, respectively. At 24 hours, the animals from the OC group showed lower (P<0,0001) percentage of cells in mitosis in the duodenum (42,12%) and ileum (35,66%) in relation to the BC animals, 46,44% and 39,74%, respectively. At 72 hours, it was observed lower percentage (P<0,0001) of cells in division in the duodenum crypts of the OC animals (36,28%) compared with the BC group (43,18%). It was not observed significantly difference between treatment in mitotic cell percentage of jejunum crypts at 24 and 72 hours as well as in ileum crypts at 72 hours. Independent of the treatment the jejunum was the segment with higher mitotic cells percentage in all periods. The highest values in cellular division rate in the BC group, probably due to high concentrations of bioactive factors and antibodies, indicates that bovine colostrum influences positively the epithelium renovation process and that it can be used as an alternative source of IgG for newborn lambs.

Fontes de contaminação de Yersinia enterocolitica durante a produção de leite / Contamination sources of Yersinia enterocolitica during milk production

Tavares, Alana Borges 23 February 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Ubirajara Cruz (ubirajara.cruz@gmail.com) on 2017-04-25T15:22:49Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Dissertacao_Alana_Tavares.pdf: 523511 bytes, checksum: 0e4a085043934dadf9915c93d3f924f5 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Aline Batista (alinehb.ufpel@gmail.com) on 2017-04-25T17:21:22Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Dissertacao_Alana_Tavares.pdf: 523511 bytes, checksum: 0e4a085043934dadf9915c93d3f924f5 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-04-25T17:21:22Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Dissertacao_Alana_Tavares.pdf: 523511 bytes, checksum: 0e4a085043934dadf9915c93d3f924f5 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-02-23 / Sem bolsa / Este trabalho foi realizado com o objetivo de determinar as possíveis fontes de contaminação de Yersinia enterocolitica em diferentes pontos do processo de ordenha de vacas leiteiras em oito propriedades da região de Pelotas, RS, distribuídos em quatro períodos diferentes ao longo de um ano. Y. enterocolitica é uma bactéria psicrotrófica, responsável por causar gastroenterite em humanos, principalmente em bebês e crianças, a partir do consumo de água ou alimentos contaminados, sendo o leite cru um destes. Foram analisadas amostras de leite cru de conjunto logo após a ordenha, água de estábulo leiteiro, mão de ordenhador, balde de recolhimento do leite e insuflador de teteiras. As amostras de leite cru e água foram coletadas em frascos estéreis e as amostras de mão de ordenhador, balde e teteiras foram coletadas com o auxilio de zaragatoas estéreis. As amostras de leite cru foram submetidas a um pré-enriquecimento em água peptonada tamponada a 4°C durante 30 dias, sendo posteriormente incubadas em caldo PSTA, adicionado de ampicilina, a 28°C durante 48h. As amostras de água foram filtradas em membrana de éster de celulose e incubadas em caldo TSB a 30°C durante 24h. As amostras de leite após incubação em PSTA, as membranas utilizadas na filtragem da água incubadas em TSB, bem como o material de mãos, balde e teteiras coletadas nas zaragatoas, foram semeadas em ágar MacConkey e incubados a 30°C durante 24h, para a obtenção de colônias. Colônias características foram analisadas através de duplex PCR para confirmação da espécie. Os perfis moleculares dos isolados de Y. enterocolitica foram comparados utilizando a técnica de rep-PCR. Y. enterocolitica foi isolada de 9,37% (3/32) das amostras de leite, 6,25% (2/32) das amostras de água e 12,5% (4/32) das amostras de mão. Não houve similaridade no perfil de bandas dos isolados encontrados, entretanto foi identificada a presença de cepas diferentes na mesma amostra, demonstrando uma variedade grande de cepas distribuídas no ambiente. A presença de Y. enterocolitica em leite cru no Brasil é preocupante, já que uma quantidade considerável do produto ainda é comercializado de forma clandestina, expondo o consumidor ao risco de infecção pela bactéria, ao consumi-lo sem tratamento térmico adequado. / This work was performed in order to determine the possible Yersinia enterocolitica contamination sources at different points of the dairy cows milking process in eight properties of Pelotas, RS, over four different periods distributed in a year. Y. enterocolitica is a psychrotrophic bacterium responsible for causing gastroenteritis in humans, especially in infants and children, from the consumption of contaminated water or food, and raw milk. Raw milk samples were analyzed immediately after milking, water of milking parlor, milker’s hands, milk collection bucket and inflator liners. The samples of raw milk and water were collected in sterile bottles and milker hand samples, bucket and liners were collected with sterile swabs. The raw milk samples were subjected to a pre-enrichment peptone water buffered at 4°C for 30 days and subsequently incubated in PSTA broth ampicillin added at 28°C for 48h. Water samples were filtered through cellulose ester membrane and incubated in TSB medium at 30°C for 24h. The milk samples after incubation in PSTA, the TSB where the membranes used in water filtration were incubated and the material of the hands material, bucket and liners collected in the swabs were plated on MacConkey agar and incubated at 30°C for 24h, to obtain colonies. Characteristics colonies were analyzed by duplex PCR to confirm the species. The molecular profiles of Y. enterocolitica isolates were compared using rep-PCR. Y. enterocolitica was isolated from 9,37% (3/32) of milk samples, 6,25% (2/32) of water samples and 12,5% (4/32) of hand samples. There weren’t similarities in the band profile of the isolates found, however showed the presence of different strains of the same sample, demonstrating a variety of strains distributed in the environment. The presence of Y. enterocolitica in raw milk in Brazil is dangerous, considering that the product is sold clandestinely, exposing consumers to the risk of infection by the bacterium, to consume it without proper heat treatment.

Aspectos cl?nicos, comportamentais e metab?licos de vacas e novilhas submetidas ao uso de ocitocina ex?gena / Clinical, behavioral and metabolic aspects in cows submitted to use exogenous oxytocin.

BARROS, Janne Paula Neres 04 March 2013 (has links)
Submitted by Jorge Silva (jorgelmsilva@ufrrj.br) on 2018-10-02T17:59:10Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2013 - Janne Paula Neres de Barros.pdf: 1470590 bytes, checksum: 26bc151026960dcebea410aabf092779 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-10-02T17:59:10Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2013 - Janne Paula Neres de Barros.pdf: 1470590 bytes, checksum: 26bc151026960dcebea410aabf092779 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-03-04 / CAPES / The use of oxytocin (OT) during milking crossbred cows, replacing the calf became common and many properties in the OT is used in virtually all cows "to facilitate milk letdown and increase production" without any criteria technician. Thus, it was evaluated in Experiment 1: behavior, production and metabolic indicators and stress in cows milked twice daily without the presence of the calf, in properties where OT is applied at the beginning and middle of milking all animals. We assessed eight cows in four treatments and eight replications. The treatments were established based on the form of application of the OT in the property (3 mL or 0.3 IU intravenously at the beginning and middle of each milking) and how to control the physiological solution (PS). The milk yield (L) and the residual milk were evaluated every three days. The animals were subjected to visual observation beginning and end of milking to evaluate performance. Blood samples were collected at the beginning and end of each treatment to determine the levels of cortisol, glucose, cholesterol, triglycerides, albumin and urea, and serum activity of AST. As the volume of milk collected using two doses of OT (beginning and middle of milking) was equivalent to OT at the middle of milking. The application of SF in the two periods resulted in lower volume of milk collected. It can be shown that milk production is influenced by exogenous OT with the possibility of addiction. The residual milk was lower in the treatment OT / OT with a significant difference (p ? 0.01) compared to SF / SF and OT / SF. Reactivity was observed in the treatment OT / OT and more frequent at the time of application of OT and / or SF, which suggests discomfort and stress associated with this process. Cortisol was elevated in all treatments and no significant difference (p ? 0.05), being higher in the treatment with OT / SF and OT / OT. In Experiment 2 we sought to assess weight gain, behavior through the levels of cortisol and metabolic indicators of 12 heifers (? to ? Red Angus x Zebu) in two daily treatments: 20 IU / day, intramuscular (n = 6 ) dosage used for the residual milk, and 2 ml of 0.85% SF intramuscular. The weight gain was low in both groups with no significant difference with or without use of OT. Serum cortisol in both treatments and at all times has been high, however, there was a significant difference between groups at week 4 indicating the modulating effect of OT in the neuroendocrine response to stress Of the biochemical parameters in both experiments, aside from heifers treated with OT that where significant difference from week 3 compared with other levels of cholesterol, other parameters showed no significant difference between treatments. Further studies should be conducted to gain a better understanding of how the OT works on the metabolism of ruminants. / O uso de ocitocina (OT) durante a ordenha de vacas mesti?as, em substitui??o ao bezerro tornou-se comum e em muitas propriedades a OT ? utilizada praticamente em todas as vacas ?para facilitar a descida do leite e aumentar a produ??o? sem nenhum crit?rio t?cnico. Assim, objetivou-se avaliar no Experimento 1: o comportamento, a produ??o e os indicadores metab?licos e de estresse em vacas com duas ordenhas di?rias, sem a presen?a do bezerro, em propriedades nas quais a OT ? aplicada no in?cio e no meio da ordenha de todos os animais. Foram avaliadas oito vacas em quatro tratamentos e oito repeti??es. Os tratamentos foram institu?dos com base na forma de aplica??o da OT na propriedade (0,3 mL ou 3 UI, intravenosa no in?cio e no meio de cada ordenha) e como controle a solu??o fisiologia (SF). A produ??o de leite (litros) e o leite residual foram avaliados em intervalos de tr?s dias. Os animais foram submetidos ? observa??o visual in?cio e fim da ordenha para a avalia??o do comportamento. Amostras de sangue foram coletadas no in?cio e final de cada tratamento para determina??o dos n?veis de cortisol, glicose, colesterol, triglic?rides, albumina e ureia, al?m da atividade s?rica da AST. Quanto ao volume de leite coletado a utiliza??o de duas doses de OT (in?cio e meio da ordenha) foi equivalente ? OT somente no meio da ordenha. A aplica??o de SF nos dois momentos resultou em menor volume de leite coletado. Isso pode demonstrar que a produ??o de leite ? influenciada pela OT ex?gena com possibilidade de depend?ncia. O leite residual foi menor no tratamento OT/OT com diferen?a significativa (p?0,01) em rela??o ao SF/SF e OT/SF. Reatividade foi mais observada no tratamento OT/OT e mais frequente no momento da aplica??o da OT e/ou SF, o que sugere desconforto e estresse associado a este processo. O cortisol foi elevado em todos os tratamentos e sem diferen?a significativa (p?0,05), sendo mais elevados nos tratamento com OT/SF e OT/OT. No Experimento 2 buscou-se avaliar o ganho de peso, o comportamento atrav?s dos n?veis de cortisol e os indicadores metab?licos de 12 novilhas (? a ? Zebu x Red Angus) em dois tratamentos di?rios: 20 UI/dia, intramuscular (n=6), dosagem utilizada para obter o leite residual, e 2 mL de SF 0,85%, intramuscular. O ganho de peso foi baixo em ambos os grupos sem diferen?a significativa com o uso ou n?o de OT. O cortisol s?rico em ambos os tratamentos e em todos os momentos foi elevado, no entanto, observou-se uma diferen?a significativa entre os grupos na semana 4 indicando o efeito modulador da OT na resposta neuroend?crina ao estresse Dos par?metros bioqu?micos avaliados em ambos os experimentos, com exce??o das novilhas tratadas com OT que onde houve diferen?a significativa da semana 3 em rela??o as demais nos n?veis de colesterol, os demais par?metros n?o apresentaram diferen?a significativa entre tratamentos. Novos estudos devem ser conduzidos para obter uma melhor compreens?o de como a OT atua no metabolismo de ruminantes

Caracterização de propriedades leiteiras com relação ao conhecimento técnico, gestão administrativa e atendimento das necessidades humanas / Characterization of dairy farms regarding to technical knowledge, administrative management and satisfaction of human needs

Amaral, Talita Gil Regis do 16 January 2008 (has links)
Os objetivos deste trabalho foram relacionar o atendimento das necessidades humanas dos funcionários com os indicadores de qualidade do leite, avaliar o conhecimento técnico tanto dos ordenhadores quanto dos proprietários e gerentes, observar as práticas realizadas na ordenha, relacionando-as com os indicadores de qualidade do leite e verificar a adoção de ferramentas da gestão administrativa de explorações leiteiras, segundo o sistema MDA, da Clínica do Leite - ESALQ/USP. Para atingir estes objetivos, 74 propriedades leiteiras localizadas nos Estados de São Paulo, Minas Gerais e Rio de Janeiro participaram deste projeto. Estas propriedades foram divididas em dois grupos, a partir da média de contagem bacteriana total (CBT) apresentada, sendo o grupo com alta CBT com média superior a 200.000 ufc/ml e o grupo com baixa CBT, com média inferior a 50.000 ufc/ml. Foram realizadas visitas a estas propriedades, com duração de meio dia, sendo que estas constituíram no acompanhamento da rotina de ordenha, aplicação de questionários com os ordenhadores sobre questões relacionadas ao atendimento das necessidades humanas, segundo Maslow e conhecimentos técnicos e aplicação de questionários com os proprietários ou gerentes sobre aspectos relacionados ao gerenciamento das propriedades, segundo o sistema MDA. Os dados foram analisados por estatística descritiva e também pela metodologia de árvores de regressão, relacionando as questões com a CBT e contagem de células somáticas (CCS). A média de CBT das propriedades com alta CBT foi de 330.113 ufc/ml (± 143.865 ufc/ml) e das com baixa CBT foi 49.126 ufc/ml (± 36.704 ufc/ml). Já para CCS, as médias foram: 908.473 céls/ml (± 463.992 céls/ml) para propriedades com alta CBT e 605.728 céls/ml (± 282.885 céls/ml) para propriedades com baixa CBT. Tanto os funcionários quanto proprietários ou gerentes de ambos os grupos apresentaram conhecimento satisfatório sobre a rotina de ordenha, mas uma pequena porcentagem dos grupos conhecia os conceitos relacionados à qualidade do leite. No entanto, os conhecimentos sobre mastite foram maiores para os funcionários e proprietários ou gerentes das propriedades com baixa CBT. Com relação ao atendimento das necessidades humanas, todas as necessidades tenderam a ser mais bem atendidas para os funcionários das propriedades com baixa CBT, com exceção das necessidades fisiológicas. O mesmo perfil pode ser observado para o gerenciamento administrativo das propriedades com baixa CBT, sendo que a adoção das ferramentas de gestão, como política básica, gestão da rotina, procedimentos operacionais e recursos humanos, tendeu a ser maior nestas propriedades. Além disso, os procedimentos recomendados da rotina de ordenha foram mais e melhor conduzidos pelas propriedades com baixa CBT, assim como a limpeza dos equipamentos. Desta forma, pode-se observar que os aspectos relacionados ao conhecimento técnico, comprometimento dos funcionários, conseguido através do atendimento das necessidades humanas, adoção de ferramentas de gestão administrativa e a ordenha estão interferindo na qualidade do leite produzido. Apesar das propriedades com baixa CBT terem apresentado resultados melhores nestas áreas, há a possibilidade de melhorar ainda mais a qualidade do produto, através do investimento em todas as áreas relacionadas neste projeto. / The purposes of this work were to relate satisfaction of employees\' human needs with milk quality indicators, to evaluate technical knowledge of milkers and producers or managers, to observe milking practices conducted, relating them to milk quality indicators and to verify adoption of dairy farms management tools, according to MDA system, of Clínica do Leite - ESALQ/USP. In order to achieving these goals, 74 dairy farms located in states of São Paulo, Minas Gerais and Rio de Janeiro participated of this work. These dairy farms were divided in two groups, from total bacterial count (TBC) average, being the group with high TBC with average greater than 200,000 cfu/ml and the group with low TBC with average minor than 50,000 cfu/ml. Visits to these farms were accomplished during half day, being these constituted of milking routine observation, application of questionnaires to milkers about satisfaction of human needs, according to Maslow and technical knowledge and application of questionnaire to producers or managers about aspects related to farms management, according to MDA system. Statistical analyses were performed by descriptive statistics and also by regression trees methodology, relating questions with TBC and somatic cell count (SCC). The TBC average of dairy farms with high TBC was 330,113 cfu/ml (± 143,865 cfu/ml), and of those with low TBC was 49,126 cfu/ml (± 36,704 cfu/ml). The averages of SCC were: 908,473 cells/ml (± 463,992 cells/ml) to dairy farms with high TBC and 605,728 cells/ml (± 282,885 cells/ml) to dairy farms with low TBC. Both groups of milkers and producers or managers showed a satisfactory knowledge about milking routine, but a little percentage of both groups knew the concepts related to milk quality. Nevertheless, knowledge about mastitis was greater to milkers and producers or managers of dairy farms with low TBC. Regarding human needs satisfaction, all needs tended to be more satisfied to milkers of dairy farms with low TBC, except for physiological needs. The same scenario was observed to administrative management of dairy farms with low TBC, being the adoption of management tools, like basic policy, routine management, operational protocols and human resource, tended to be greater at these farms. Besides, milking routine recommended practices were more and better conducted by dairy farms with low TBC, just like equipment cleaning. In this way, it can be observed that aspects related to technical knowledge, employees commitment, achieved through satisfaction of human needs, adoption of administrative management tools and milking were interfering at milk quality. Despite dairy farms with low TBC showed better results at these areas, there is a possibility to improve the product quality, through investment in all related areas of these work.

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