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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Resisting poverty : perspectives on participation and social development. The case of CRIC and the eastern rural region of Cauca in Colombia

Berglund, Staffan January 1982 (has links)
With the reproduction of severe deprivation among the campesinado in Latin America as a starting-point,the report explores the mechanisms of impoverishment in the eastern rural region of the department of Cauca in Colombia and the forms of resistance initiated by the Regional Indigenous Council of Cauca (CRIC). It is postulated that the continued existence of poverty derives its root-causes not from lacking integration of the traditional sector of the national economy into the modern sector, but from the processes through which the poor indigenous staple-food producer and agricultural worker by way of his actual participation within the capitalistic system is continously deprived of his energy and capacity by the power elite as he himself lacks the means to realize his own developmental power* Sham-participation, refering to the dysfunctionality of systemic participation performed by the poor who lack access to the bases for accumulating social power, is a concept applied to understand these mechanisms. Participation per se does not necessarily correspond to influence and power. Rather, systemic political participation can give legitimacy to the very system and to those structural conditions oppressing the indigenous small-holders and workers and consequently contributes to the consolidation of the transfer-process of power and thereby the reproduction of deprivation. Thus the poor indigenous population in Cauca cannot expect to be given access to the fundaments of social power. Thus the elements of real participation and the conditions for resisting deprivation are less likely to be obtained only through the creation of new institutions and channels for popular participation# In the case of the indigenous movement in Colombia, the problem is rather to revoke the repression of the indigenous organizations which have emerged from below and instead promote their spontaneous mobilization. / digitalisering@umu

mRNA-Expression von Genen des Fett- und Kohlenhydratstoffwechsels unterschiedlicher Fettlokalisationen bei Kühen / mRNA expression of selected genes involved in fat and carbohydrate metabolism in different fat depots of dairy cattle

Zapfe, Luise 19 November 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Problemstellung: Die Tiergesundheit hat sich bei Milchkühen in den letzten Jahren weltweit negativ entwickelt. Wichtigster Ausdruck dafür ist die auf ca. 2,4 Jahre verkürzte Nutzungsdauer. Dabei spielt das Fettmobilisationssyndrom eine dominante Rolle. Das Fettgewebe ist nicht nur als reiner Energiespeicher, sondern als endokrines stoffwechselaktives Organ anzusehen. Untersuchungen an Menschen und Mäusen haben gezeigt, dass das Fettgewebe in Abhängigkeit von seiner Lokalisation im Körper unterschiedlich auf metabolische und hormonelle Stimuli reagiert. Es gibt Hinweise, dass auch für das Rind ähnliche Differenzen angenommen werden können. Zielstellung: Um die Eigenschaften des bovinen Fettgewebes und seine Rolle im Energiestoffwechsel besser charakterisieren zu können, war das Ziel der vorliegenden Untersuchung, die mRNA-Expressionen ausgewählter für den Fettstoffwechsel relevante Gene im bovinen Fettgewebe an verschiedenen Lokalisationen grundlegend in gesunden Rindern zu untersuchen. Material und Methoden: Die Probenentnahme erfolgte an 12 gesunden Schlachtkühen direkt nach der Tötung, die aufgrund Schwermelkbarkeit oder Unfruchtbarkeit geschlachtet wurden. Das Fettgewebe wurde aus dem Omentum majus, dem Depotfett der Niere, im kaudalen Beckendrittel (retroperitoneales Fett), dem Hüftbereich (subkutanes Fett) und dem Fett an der Herzbasis entnommen. Die Proben wurden in Flüssigstickstoff tiefgefroren, auf Trockeneis transportiert und bis zur Untersuchung bei -70°C gelagert. Die mRNA-Expression für die verschiedenen Gene (Hormonsensitive Lipase (HSL), Lipoproteinlipase (LPL), Fettsäuresynthase (FASN), Leptin, Adiponektin, Retinolbindungsprotein 4 (RBP4), Tumornekrosefaktor  (TNF) und Interleukin 6 (IL-6), Fettsäurebindungsproteine (FABP3, 4 und 5) und Glukosetransporter 4 (GLUT4)) , wurden mit einer quantitativen real time (RT)-PCR gemessen. Ergebnisse: Die mRNA-Expressionen der verschiedenen oben genannten Gene, ausgenommen IL-6 und FABP3, sind im bovinen Fettgewebe nachweisbar. Die mRNA-Expressionen unterschieden sich in den einzelnen Fettdepots nicht signifikant. Ausnahme hierbei bildete RBP4, dessen mRNA im pericardialen Fett signifikant höher exprimiert war als im subkutanen und omentalen Depot. Die mRNA-Expression des subkutanen, omentalen, perirenalen und pericardialen Fettdepots korrelierten signifikant positive untereinander. Schlussfolgerung: Die mRNA-Expressionen der in den Fettstoffwechsel involvierten und untersuchten Gene gesunder Rinder waren nachweisbar, unterschieden sich jedoch nicht signifikant von einander mit Ausnahme der RBP4 mRNA. Die positiven signifikanten Korrelationen zwischen dem subkutanen, omentalen, perirenalen und pericardialen Fettlokalisationen und gleichmäßigen Expressionen innerhalb der Gewebe deuten auf eine einheitliche Fettmetabolismus des gesamten Körpers. Verglichen mit Ergebnissen der Humanmedizin sind nur wenige Übereinstimmungen (HSL, LPL, GLUT4,TNF) zu eruieren. Weitere Studien mit gesunden Tieren im Vergleich zu erkrankten Rindern müssen klären, ob eine mögliche Verschiebung der mRNA-Konzentrationen auf das Fettmobilisationssyndrom hinweisen. / Purpose: Over the last years, the situation of animal health concerning dairy cows has developed worldwide in an adverse way. Most important indicator is the shortened useful life of approx. 2.4 years. The fat mobilization syndrome plays a dominant role in this process. Apparently, fatty tissue does not only serve as a mere energy reservoir, but also as an endocrin organ with metabolic activity. Researches on humans and mice have shown fatty tissue to react on metabolic and hormonal stimuli in different ways, depending on its body localization. There are dues to anticipate, similar differences in cattle. Objectives: In order to better characterize the attributes of bovine fatty tissue and its purpose in metabolism, the present study aims examine basically the expression of mRNA in selected genes which are important for lipid metabolism in bovine fatty tissue of different localizations in healthy cattle. Methods and material: Samples where taken from twelve carcasses of healthy dairy cows slaughtered for reason of difficult milking or infertility directly after killing. Fatty tissue was taken from omentum major, kidney capsula, caudal pelvis area (retroperiteonal fat), hip area (subcutaneous fat), and cardiac base. It was instantly quick-freezed in liquid nitrogen, put on dry ice while transporting, and stored at -70°C until analysis. The expression of mRNA of different genes (hormone-sensitive lipase (HSL), lipoproteine lipase (LPL), fatty acid synthase (FASN), fatty acid binding proteine (FABP3,4 and 5), retinol binding proteine 4 (RBP4), adiponectine, glucose transporter 4 (GLUT4), leptin, interleukin-6 (IL-6), and tumor necrosis factor a (TNFα) was measured by means of a quantitative real-time (RT)-PCR. Results: The mRNA-expressions of all these different genes except IL-6 and FABP3 were detected in bovine fatty tissue. The differences of mRNA-expression between sample localization were not statistically significant. RBP4 was excepted, which mRNA showed a significantly higher expression in pericardial fat than in subcutaneous and omental fat, respectively. The correlation between mRNA-expressions of subcutaneous, omental, pericardial and perirenal fat was significant. Conclusions: The mRNA-expression of examined genes being involved in fatty tissue metabolism, were detected in healthy cattle, but were not significantly different, except RBP4. Significantly positive correlations between subcutaneous, omental, perirenal and pericardial localization and consistent expression indicate an integrative metabolism of the whole body. Compared to results of the human medicine only few analogies (HSL, LPL, GLUT4, TNF) were found. Further studies comparing healthy and diseased cattle will have to prove, if possible displacements of the mRNA-level can indicate the fat mobilization syndrome being present.

Citoyenneté, identité et mobilisation communautaire autour du VIH dans une organisation de travailleuses du sexe au Karnataka, en Inde

Chevrier, Claudyne 06 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire interroge les possibilités présentes et futures d’actions concertées pour remettre en question les structures sociales d’exclusion qui affectent des groupes désignés à risque, entre autres en les rendant plus vulnérables à l’infection au VIH. En Inde, l’attention grandissante portée aux travailleuse(r)s du sexe (TS) par la santé publique dans les interventions contre le VIH contribue à façonner l’identité des groupes ciblés en les associant à l’épidémie du VIH et à sa prévention. L’acceptation et la réorganisation de cette catégorie servent de base d’organisation d’efforts collectifs pour un groupe de TS de Mysore, dans l’état du Karnataka. Les membres de ce collectif, nommé Ashodaya, déploient des actions concertées pour remettre en question les limites de catégories qui leur sont assignées (avec des tentatives pour désamorcer certaines dynamiques d’exclusion sociale -en limitant la stigmatisation), et s’imposer comme un groupe de citoyennes à part entière en s’incluant dans des sphères civiles comme citoyens, comme représentants d’une occupation et non comme individus marginalisés ou « représentants » d’une maladie. L’inclusion d’Ashodaya dans les efforts de prévention du VIH offre un accès à des ressources humaines et matérielles qui lui seraient autrement inaccessibles, mais limitent les possibilités d’actions du groupe en restreignant sa participation à la prévention. Le contexte particulier de l’engagement et du programme d’Avahan, branche indienne de la Bill and Melinda Gates souligne la fragilité des acquis de groupes comme Ashodaya. / This thesis questions the present and future possibilities for concerted actions to challenge social exclusion structures affecting social groups designated as being at risk, in part by making them more vulnerable to HIV infection. In India, the increasing attention given to sex workers (SW) by public health instances in HIV prevention contributes in shaping the identities of the targeted groups as associated to the epidemic and its prevention. The acceptance and reorganization of this label of SW act as basis for the organization of collective efforts for a SW organization in Mysore, in the state Karnataka. The members of this collective, named Ashodaya, use concerted actions to question the limits of these assigned labels (with attempts to defuse certain dynamics of social exclusion associated with stigmatization), and impose itself as a group of full-fledge citizens by including themselves in civil life as citizens representing an occupation, and not as marginalized individuals or “representative” of a disease. The inclusion of Ashodaya in the HIV prevention efforts offers an access to human and material resources that would not be otherwise available. However, it also limits its action possibilities in restricting its participation to prevention. The particular context of the engagement and the program of Avahan, Indian chapter of the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation, highlight the fragility of the work of groups like Ashodaya.

Consequences of Categorization: National Registration, Surveillance and Social Control in Wartime Canada, 1939-1946

Thompson, Scott N Unknown Date
No description available.

La mobilisation des personnes en situation de pauvreté et d'exclusion à travers des organismes communautaires québécois

Racine, Sonia 11 1900 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur le phénomène de la mobilisation de personnes en situation de pauvreté et d’exclusion dans un acteur collectif existant et à travers les espaces collectifs privilégiés que constituent les organismes communautaires. Elle est composée de trois chapitres. La problématique et l’objet d’étude forment le premier, la méthodologie est présentée dans le deuxième alors que les résultats de recherche, combinés à leur analyse et à leur interprétation, constituent le troisième chapitre. La discussion générale des résultats est incluse dans la conclusion. La particularité de cette thèse réside dans l’appréhension globale du phénomène de la mobilisation, l’examinant dans le contexte spécifique de la pauvreté et de l’exclusion en tant qu’oppressions structurelles, et dans la perspective du développement du pouvoir d’agir (empowerment). Considérant que la mobilisation est le fruit de l’amalgame entre un acteur collectif et une action collective, cette recherche apporte d’abord une nouvelle compréhension de l’espace dans lequel se développe le processus de mobilisation. Elle propose en effet une distinction novatrice entre d’une part l’acteur collectif, entité relativement floue et diffuse, et d’autre part l’organisme communautaire en tant que tel, entité aux frontières bien définies, lequel fournit un espace collectif privilégié pour le développement de la mobilisation. Cette différenciation contribue notamment à mieux appréhender les processus qui s’y déroulent et à mieux cerner le rôle que peuvent jouer les organismes communautaires à cet égard. En examinant finement et avec un grand souci du détail le processus de mobilisation vécu par les individus, de leur premier contact avec un organisme communautaire à leur engagement avec un acteur collectif existant, cette recherche propose une nouvelle construction théorique à propos d’une réalité courante, mais peu explorée jusqu’à aujourd’hui, et fournit des pistes pour accompagner le plus adéquatement possible de tels processus. En se centrant sur les aspects individuels de la mobilisation sans pour autant occulter son caractère intrinsèquement collectif, cette thèse contribue à rendre encore plus explicite la nécessaire intégration entre le personnel et le collectif dans l’appréhension des problèmes sociaux, et permet d’en saisir les nombreux effets sur le plan individuel, spécialement en ce qui a trait à la restauration du statut d’acteur. En plus de démontrer clairement les liens existants entre les processus de mobilisation et de développement du pouvoir d’agir individuel et collectif, cette thèse met en évidence les principales pratiques communautaires qui y contribuent et soulève les principaux défis et les contradictions qui y sont associées. Ce faisant, elle nous semble apporter une contribution au renouvellement des pratiques sociales et communautaires. / This thesis studied the phenomenon of the mobilization of people living in poverty and social exclusion within an existing collective actor and throughout the privileged collective spaces that community organizations comprise. It has three chapters. The first discusses the field of study and the research problem, the second describes the research methodology and the third presents the research results, their analysis and their interpretation. A general discussion of the study’s findings is included in the conclusion. The thesis is unique in its global consideration of the phenomenon of mobilization, examined within the specific context of poverty and social exclusion conceived as structural oppressions as well as from an empowerment perspective. Considering that mobilization results from the amalgamation of a collective actor with a collective action, this thesis brings forth a new understanding of the space in which a mobilization process develops. Indeed, it proposes an innovative distinction between a collective actor, a relatively vague and diffuse entity, and a community organization as such, an entity with well defined borders, that provides a privileged collective space for the development of mobilization. This distinction, in turn, allows for a better grasp of the processes involved and of the role that community organizations can play within them. Based on a thorough and considerably detailed examination of the mobilization process that individuals go through from their first contact with a community organisation to their engagement within an existing collective actor, this research then proposes a new theoretical construct for this current but seldom explored reality and suggests the most adequate avenues for the accompaniment of such processes. Focused on the individual aspects of mobilization and without losing sight of its intrinsically collective character, this thesis reinforces even more explicitly the necessary integration of personal and collective phenomena in the investigation of social problems, and sheds light on the various effects that occur on the individual level, especially regarding the restoration of one’s standing as a social actor. On top of clearly illustrating the links between the process of mobilization and that of individual and collective empowerment, this thesis emphasizes the principal community practices that contribute to them and underscores the main challenges and contradictions associated with them. In this way, it seeks to contribute to the renewal of social and community practices.

Histoires d'appropriation de l'espace urbain à Saint-Pétersbourg

Dussault, Annie Pénélope 08 1900 (has links)
La présente thèse porte sur des mobilisations citoyennes qui ont court depuis quelques années à Saint-Pétersbourg, en Russie, contre la densification urbaine. La transformation de l’espace urbain en commodité a entraîné une augmentation fulgurante des constructions et ce, tant dans les périphéries qu’au centre-ville. La redéfinition de l’espace urbain, conséquence de la chute du régime communiste, a provoqué l’érosion d’espaces considérés comme publics et de nombreux espaces verts. De nombreuses voix se sont élevées pour dénoncer ce qui est souvent qualifié de catastrophe pouvant mener à la « disparition » de Saint-Pétersbourg. Je me suis intéressée à trois aspects de la mobilisation citoyenne contre la densification urbaine : 1) l’opposition de résidents à des projets de constructions qui menacent directement leur environnement immédiat; 2) les efforts de certaines organisations citoyennes pour sauver des espaces verts menacés et; 3) la mobilisation provoquée par la démolition du patrimoine historique. J’ai tenté de comprendre pourquoi la lutte contre la densification urbaine constitue la principale cause de mobilisation à Saint-Pétersbourg en ce début de 21e siècle. Je me suis questionnée sur le sens de cette mobilisation et sur les raisons qui poussent des citoyens à se transformer momentanément en activistes. J’ai examiné l’histoire singulière de cette ville et son passé de résistance qui ont contribué à donner naissance à une identité particulière qui a perduré au fil des siècles, malgré les guerres et les bouleversements politiques. L’analyse des récits et des actions des résidents a révélé que la densification urbaine met en lumière plusieurs enjeux qui touchent la société russe contemporaine, comme le fossé grandissant entre les riches et les pauvres et la perte de confiance aux autorités. La densification urbaine représente, pour ses opposants, une perte de qualité de vie. Mais les Pétersbourgeois qui s’unissent pour préserver leur ville craignent aussi que la densification urbaine mène à la disparition de la mémoire et de la culture incarnées par tous ces lieux menacés. En exprimant leur désaccord contre les divers projets qui envahissent la ville, les résidents souhaitent aussi faire entendre leur voix et participer de manière active à l’élaboration d’une vision qui prendrait en compte les intérêts non seulement de la classe dirigeante, mais de l’ensemble de la population. En ce sens, les mobilisations contre la densification urbaine constituent une tentative de (ré)appropriation de la ville, tant sur le plan matériel que symbolique. / This thesis examines the recent mobilization of citizens against urban densification in St-Petersburg, Russia. Urban spaces have undergone major transformations following the collapse of the communist regime. The commercialization of public spaces has caused a huge increase in the number of constructions in St-Petersburg. The redefinition of urban space has led to an erosion of what had been considered public spaces and has greatly affected the city’s green space. In the past few years a great number of voices have been raised to condemn this privatization of public space. In the opinion of many, in-fill construction can lead to a catastrophe: the disappearance of St-Petersburg. I have examined three aspects of this mobilization: 1) the opposition of residents against projects threatening their immediate living space; 2) the efforts displayed by local organizations to save public spaces and; 3) the mobilization against the destruction of historical monuments. My aim was to understand why the battle against urban densification has become the number one cause around which inhabitants of St-Petersburg mobilize today. I have tried to understand the meaning of this mobilization, and looked into the reasons why residents become activists. I have investigated the history of the city and its past tradition of resistance to see if I could find insights into current anti-densification movements. Since its very foundation St-Petersburg has developed its own identity, which has been transmitted from generation to generation and has survived wars, revolutions and political changes. The stories and actions of residents involved in the battle against in-fill construction reveal many issues pertaining to contemporary Russian society, including the growing gap between the wealthy and the rest of the population, and the loss of trust in the political class. From the standpoint of its opponents, urban densification is harmful to the quality of life of residents. But the residents of St-Petersburg who unite to protect their city also fear that urban densification will lead to the vanishing of a memory and a culture held by all these threatened places. By expressing their disagreement concerning construction projects, these residents wish to have their voices heard. They also wish to participate actively in the elaboration of a vision of their city that would take into account the interests of all citizens, not only a select few. In this sense, citizen mobilization against urban densification represents an attempt at (re)appropriating the city, both on a material and symbolic level.

Humor-Centered Design: Using Humor as a Rhetorical Approach in Design

Delaney, Chelsey 01 May 2011 (has links)
My thesis pursues the development of a tool to empower designers and non-designers to better understand humor’s function in design and to encourage the use of humor as a rhetorical device to undertake social problems. Humor research is a field that is largely based on linguistic studies, but because of its multidisciplinary stretch in the past decade has displayed a broad rhetorical influence; however, it has yet to form a substantial relationship with design. Through a literature review of linguistic, rhetorical, and design theories, I identified a set of heuristics that guide how humor should operate in design. I then tested the effectiveness of the heuristics, and with their final revision, applied them to designing for motivational problems associated with public displays of political mobilization. My user research inferred the creation of a mobile instructional tool that guides the collaborative and/or individual production of political communication artifacts (e.g. rally signs), which use humor to confront socially complex issues. The artifacts’ implicit intent is to motivate political mobilization and to found and/or empower communities. My project focus entails the creation and testing of the tool on the individual level. Whether the artifacts created produce the desired effect regarding mobilization and community strength is unknown; Future work should lend itself to testing humorous design’s effect on political mobilization and ability to empower communities.

Der Einfluß von Leptin auf die Freisetzung endothelialer Vorläuferzellen aus dem Knochenmark / The impact of leptin on the mobilisation of endothelial progenitor cells out of the bone marrow

Stein, Susanne 08 July 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Elfenbenstornet under belägring : Legitimering och mobilisering av humaniora i Sverige 1937-1947

Östh Gustafsson, Hampus January 2014 (has links)
Recently, there have been intense discussions about the humanities and their role in society. Internationally, as well as in a Swedish context, the humanities have been regarded to be in a state of crisis. However, these discussions usually demonstrate a lack of historical perspectives based on thorough empirical research. The notion of a crisis needs to be historicized. In this study, a case is being examined where the relationship between science and society was renegotiated. In the context of World War II, a discourse has been identified in a borderland between science and politics through an analysis of Swedish journals and anthologies during the time period 1937-1947. Historical actors were then highlighting that the humanities faced several challenges. The study argues that these discussions should be regarded as parts of a renegotiation of the humanities’ social contract. In the context of the war and fundamental societal changes, there occurred a greater pressure than before to mobilize science socially in order to make science appear as a legitimate undertaking. For the humanities, such demands seemed to conflict with their scientific ethos. During the interwar period this ethos was often based on a norm that demanded the drawing of a strict boundary between science and politics. But if they did not mobilize socially, scholars risked getting blamed for being isolated in the so-called ‘ivory tower’. How the humanities could be effectively mobilized in order to satisfy the needs of society while still maintaining their legitimacy in a scientific context emerged as a fundamental problem with no clear solutions. Part of this problem was the exclusion of the humanities from politically hegemonic narratives of society’s development, in contrast to natural and social sciences. Reactions to specific historical experiences and distinct expectations for the future thus seem – at least on a discursive level – to have put the humanities in a state of marginalization as early as the time period examined in this thesis.


Cabrera, Lilian Cervo 23 February 2012 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / This paper examines a possible alternative for dissemination of information and communication technologies in rural areas. In this sense, aimed to analyse, evaluate and validate some statistics metrics generated by Google Analytics software to the site of the Consórcio Antiferrugem. The analysis considered the metrics generated for the period of June 30, 2007 to June 30, 2011, during which the site of the Consórcio Antiferrugem totaled four cropping season of soybeans. From the metric data of the tool in use, we sought to identify some kind of user profile and certain pattern of use of the site. The results indicate that the site proves to be an innovation communication, since it plays a mobilizing role in the formation of a scientific network in combating a plant disease. To achieve the objective proposed in this work, we chose to conduct a search of the exploratory case study. To conduct the study, sought to relate the data to access the site with the sowing dates for soybean, planting sites, weather forecasts and increases or decreases in the applications of fungicides in crops. In addition, there was an interview with creator and responsible for building the current site of the Consórcio Antiferrugem, plant pathologist and professor at UFRGS, Emerson Del Ponte. Data access within the site are presented nationally and then broken down to the states of Mato Grosso do Sul and Rio Grande do Sul, which had their individual statistical studies. The study revealed that it is difficult to determine exactly who in the soybean production chain accesses the site, if they are mostly researchers, extension workers, laboratory workers or farmers. However, it was possible to infer that their users are seeking technological information through the Internet, becoming key actors in the chain of soybeans. These actors are considered to be decision-makers in their regions, and disseminate information locally and this causes the main objective of the site of the Consórcio Antiferrugem is reached. Thus, the scientific network generated by the Consórcio Antiferrugem proves to be much higher than that measured by the number of accesses to the site, once face to face dialogue between the actors of the chain contributes to the dissemination of information about the disease and the occurrence of focuses on the regions. / Propõe-se neste trabalho analisar uma possível alternativa de disseminação das tecnologias de informação e comunicação no meio rural. Neste sentido, teve-se como objetivo analisar, avaliar e validar algumas métricas estatísticas geradas pelo software Google Analytics para o site do Consórcio Antiferrugem. A análise levou em consideração as métricas geradas para o período de 30 de junho de 2007 a 30 de junho de 2011, período em que o site do Consórcio Antiferrugem totalizou quatro safras agrícolas da cultura da soja. A partir dos dados métricos da ferramenta em uso, buscou-se identificar algum tipo de perfil do usuário e certo padrão de uso do site. Os resultados indicam que o site mostra-se uma inovação comunicacional, uma vez que desempenha um papel mobilizador na formação de uma rede científica no combate a uma doença fitossanitária. Para alcançar o objetivo proposto neste trabalho, optou-se por realizar uma pesquisa de caráter exploratório do tipo estudo de caso. Para a realização do trabalho buscou-se relacionar os dados de acesso do site com as épocas de semeadura da cultura da soja, locais de plantio, previsões do tempo e aumentos ou reduções nas aplicações de fungicidas nas lavouras. Além disso, realizou-se uma entrevista com o idealizador e responsável pela construção do atual site do Consórcio Antiferrugem, professor da UFRGS e fitopatologista, Emerson Del Ponte. Os dados de acesso do site são apresentados em nível nacional e em seguida, discriminados para os Estados do Mato Grosso do Sul e do Rio Grande do Sul, que tiveram seus estudos estatísticos individualizados. O estudo revelou que torna-se difícil precisar exatamente quem da cadeia produtiva da soja acessa o site, se são em sua maioria pesquisadores, extensionistas, laboratoristas ou agricultores. No entanto, foi possível inferir que seus usuários buscam informações tecnológicas por meio da Internet, tornando-se atores privilegiados dentro da cadeia da soja. Estes atores são considerados formadores de opiniões em suas regiões, além de disseminarem informações localmente e isso faz com que o objetivo principal do site do Consórcio Antiferrugem seja alcançado. Desse modo, a rede científica gerada pelo Consórcio Antiferrugem mostra-se muito maior do que a quantificada pelo número de acessos ao site, uma vez que o diálogo face a face entre os atores da cadeia contribui na disseminação de informações sobre a doença e a ocorrência dos focos nas regiões.

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