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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

L’histoire de l’olivier et de l’huile d’olive en Corse de la fin du XVIème siècle au début du XXème siècle – Economie – Société – Aspects culturels / The history of olive and olive oil in Corsica from the end of the sixteenth century to the beginning of the twentieth century – Economy – Society – Cultural Aspects

Jouffroy, Denis 09 April 2013 (has links)
L’histoire de l’olivier et de l’huile d’olive est indissociable de l’histoire de l’agriculture corse. La réalité historique de la culture de l’olivier et de la production d’huile a été appréhendée à partir de la fin du XVIe siècle jusqu’à la veille de la première guerre mondiale. Le paysage oléicole a connu un grand développement à l’époque moderne sous l’impulsion de la Sérénissime République de Gênes ; il s’est poursuivi au XIXe siècle sous l’autorité de l’administration française. L’étude de l’ensemble des microrégions de l‘île a mis en évidence le rôle majeur joué par les communautés dans l’économie oléicole insulaire. On parle d’une diversité et non d’une unicité de l’olivier en Corse : diversité des variétés, des pratiques culturales, des modes d’extraction de l’huile, des paysages… L’impact économique de cette culture durant la période étudiée a été très important pour la Corse. L’olivier est au cœur des préoccupations des hommes, il a transformé partiellement l’agriculture, les paysages, les infrastructures de transports, l’architecture rurale et a participé à l’émergence d’une société microrégionale originale. / The olive tree and olive oil's history is inseparable from the History of the Corsican agriculture. The real nature of the culture of the olive tree and the production of the olive oil have been comprehended from the end of the XVIth century to the eve of the first world war. The olive landscape knew a great development during the modern age with the Serene highness Republic of Genoa; it pursuded on the XIXth century under the authority of the French administration. The study on the whole microregions of the island higlights the main part played by the comunities in the oleicol economy of the island. Concerning the olive tree in Corsica we notice an important diversity of trees not an uniquiness: diversity of the sorts of trees, of the cultural pratices, of ways to extract the oil, of landscapes... the economic impact of this culture during the era studied had been really important for Corsica. The olive tree is at the heart of the humans' concerns, it partially transformed the agriculture, the landscapes and the substructure of the transports, the rural architecture and took part in the emergence of an original regional micro society. / A storia di l'alivu è di l'oliu d'aliva hè propiu ligata à a storia di l'agricultura corsa. A realità storica di a cultura di l'olivu è di a produzzione d'oliu hè stata studiata da a fine di u XVIe seculu finu à a prima guerra mundiale. U paisaghju d'alivi hà cunnisciutu un grande sviluppu durante l'epica muderna per via di l'abbrivu datu da a Republica di Genuva. S'hè perseguitu durante u XIXe seculu sottu à l'autorità di l'admministrazione francesa. U studiu di l'inseme di a rughjoni di l'isula hà dimustratu a funzione maestra di e communità in l'ecunumia à partesi di a cultura di l'alivi. Si parla d'una diversità è micca d'un'unicità di l'alivu in Corsica : diversità di e varietà, di e pratiche culturale, di e manere per fragne l'alive, di i paisaghji... U pesu ecunomicu di sta cultura durante u periodu studiatu hè statu assai impurtante per a Corsica. L'alivu face parte di e riflessione di l'omi. Hà cuntribuitu à transfurmà l'agricultura, i paisaghji, l'infrastrutture di i trasporti, l'architettura campagnola è hà participatu ancu à a nascita d'una sucetà micro regiunale originale.

Symboly vyloučení ze společenství v lidové tradici / Symbols of exclusion from society in folk tradition

JUŘICOVÁ, Iveta January 2015 (has links)
The dissertation titled Symbols of exclusion from society in folk tradition concentrates on the interaction of symbols and folk tradition. It explores the way the phenomenon of love and death is traditionally viewed in the Czech country, namely during the Middle Ages and modern times. The main focus of this dissertation is on the social roles of women, although it also shows proof of social exclusion of a man as an executioner. To demonstrate the reasons behind excluding individuals on the outskirts of society, the author also gives short characteristics of the views on the issue of chastity, traditional expectations of fulfilling the female social roles - as virgins, wives and mothers. The author then gives examples of behavior which, in folk tradition, were looked upon as impure/virtueless.

Espace et société à Vendôme du 11e au début du 19e s. : fonctionnement et fabrique d'une ville intermédiaire sur le temps long / Space and society at Vendôme between the 11th and the beginning of the 19th century : functionning and urban fabric of the intermediate town in the longue durée

Simon, Gaël 12 December 2015 (has links)
L’étude du fonctionnement et de la fabrique de Vendôme du 11e au début du 19e s. propose une lecture différente des villes intermédiaires en montrant toutes la complexité du phénomène urbain dans un type de ville très souvent réduit à son origine castrale. La ville résulte en fait d’une multitude de temporalités et de spatialités où le temps des acteurs et de leurs projets n’est pas celui des structures. Tout d’abord, une approche théorique présente les concepts et la modélisation de l'espace urbain utilisés dans ce travail (1ère partie). Puis, l’étude de Vendôme dans la longue durée met en évidence quatre grandes phases dans le fonctionnement urbain, durant lesquelles les fins poursuivies par les acteurs et leurs répercutions spatiales sont étudiées (2ème partie). Enfin, sont analysées les structures de la ville, tant morphologiques que fonctionnelles, grâce à une modélisation de l’espace urbain prenant en compte la multiplicité des objets de la réalité urbaine (parcelle, réseau de voies, domaine construit…) évoluant chacun dans leur temporalité propre mais interagissant entre eux (3ème partie) / The study of the functioning and of the urban fabric of Vendôme between the 11th and the beginning of the 19th century offers a different interpretation of small towns showing the great complexity of the urban phenomenon in a type of town often regarded as the simple result of the construction of a castle. As a matter of fact, a town is the result of a large number of time and space units in which the time of the people involved in various projects is not the same as the time of structures. To start with, the concepts and the modeling rules of urban fabric used in this research are defined (part 1). Then, the study of Vendôme in the longue durée allows to distinct four main phases in the urban functioning for which the projects fulfilled by various actors are analyzed as well as their impact on urban space (part 2). Finally, urban structures are considered both from a morphological and functional point of view through a model based on the diversity of urban objects such as plots, street system, buildings etc. which have their own timing but interact with each other (part 3)

Geometrie und Stadtgestalt / praktische Geometrie in der Stadt- und Landschaftsplanung der Frühen Neuzeit

Leisse, Gisela 11 March 2010 (has links)
In der Erforschung der Städtebaukunst stehen die bildenden Künste im Vordergrund. Die Frage nach den technischen Künsten wird kaum gestellt, obwohl der Entwurf des Architekten nicht nur von individueller Intuition, sondern im gleichen Maße auch vom technisch Machbaren geprägt ist. Um aber das der Planung frühneuzeitlicher Städte zugrunde liegende Konstruktionsschema und die Planungsintention erkennen zu können, ist es notwendig die Städtebau- mit der Technikgeschichte zu verbinden. Die in den Tratakten zur geometria practica und zur architectura militaris beschriebenen Konstruktions- und Vermessungsmethoden werden städtebaulichen Planungen der Frühen Neuzeit gegenübergestellt. An einzelnen Fallstudien, die vom Ende der mittelalterlichen Stadtplanung bis hin zu barocken Stadterweiterungen reichen, wird untersucht, wie das Planungswerkzeug die Entwurfssprache des Architekten beeinflusste und die Formensprache der Stadt- und Landschaftsplanung nachhaltig veränderte. Der Paradigmenwechsel im Städtebau vollzog sich in Mitteleuropa um die Wende vom 15. zum 16. Jh. mit dem Bau der Erzgebirgsstädte Annaberg und Marienberg. Die in Annaberg noch praktizierte rhythmische und räumliche Grundrissgestaltung wurde in Marienberg zugunsten eines egalisierten Stadtgrundrisses aufgegeben. Überlegungen zur Stadtstruktur und Hygiene führten zu diesem Wandel, die Aufteilung des Grundrisses selber aber wurde durch das verwendete Instrumentarium bestimmt. Im Barock stand den Planern Geometrie als allgemeine Kulturtechnik zur Verfügung, das Denken in geometrischen Formen und Proportionen bestimmte den Entwurfsprozess. Geometrie war nicht mehr nur Planungsmittel, sondern wurde - wie bei der Anlage der Berliner Torplätze zu Beginn des 18. Jh. zu sehen ist - Planungsziel. Die Rekonstruktion der Planungsmaße beweist, dass nicht nur die Namensgebung - Rondell, Oktogon und Quarré – auf die Quadratur des Kreises hinweist, sondern die Proportion der Plätze aus ihr heraus entwickelt wurde. / In the research of the art of urban development, the fine arts are mainly taken into account. The question of the technical arts is seldom raised, even though the architect’s design is a work of personal intuition as well as of the technically possible. In order to recognize the construction scheme and the planning intention in the urban planning of Early Modern Times it is necessary to merge the history of urban development with the history of technology. The construction and surveying methods described in the essays of the geometria practica and the architectura militaris are compared to the urban planning of the Early Modern Times. In case studies reaching from urban planning at the close of the Middle Ages to Baroque city expansion it is shown how the planning tools influenced the design language of the architect and the form language of urban development. The paradigm shift in Middle European urban planning took place at the end of the 15th century with the construction of Annaberg and Marienberg in the Ore Mountains. The rhythmic and spatial floor plan design still used in Annaberg was abandoned for a leveled out town plan in Marienberg. Deliberations of city structure and hygiene lead to this change. The design of the layout itself, however, was dictated by the implemented tool. In the Baroque period, geometry was available to the planers as general cultural knowledge and technology: the use of geometrical forms and proportions determined the design process. Geometry was not only planning method, but became planning intention – as can be seen by the Berlin Gate Plazas built in the beginning of the 18th Century. Not only do the names given - Rondell, Oktogon and Quarré – refer to the squaring of the circle, but the reconstruction of the design measurements proves the connection. Only the development of practical geometry enabled the variable form language of Baroque city construction.

Zwischen Spremberger-, Burg- und Schlosskirchstraße – Archäologie eines Wohnquartiers im Südosten der Cottbuser Altstadt

Heber, Sebastian 09 September 2019 (has links)
Die Arbeit versucht hauptsächlich basierend auf Grundlage der (Keramik-) Funde eine chronologische Abfolge der mittelalterlichen Besiedlung des Cottbuser Altstadtviertels im Bereich Spremberger-, Schlosskirch- und Burgstraße zu erstellen. Dabei lässt sich eine Besiedlung dieses Viertels in Stadtrandlage und eine Einbeziehung in die Stadtplanung seit dem ersten Drittel des 13. Jahrhunderts belegen. Aufgrund des Stadtbaues am Beginn des 13. Jahrhunderts kommt, neueren Forschungen zur Landesgeschichte folgend, noch Konrad von Landsberg als Gründungsinitiator der größten Stadt der Niederlausitz in Frage. Die meist ebenerdigen Besiedlungsstrukturen des 13. Jahrhunderts haben sich nur partiell erhalten und lassen daher die Unterscheidung bestimmter Nutzungsareale bzw. Parzelleneinteilungen und Strukturen nur eingeschränkt zu. Erst ab dem 14. Jahrhundert liegen sichere Hinweise auf eine ältere Parzellenstruktur und Nutzung der Areale vor. Es zeichnet sich eine Vorderhausbebauung mit Seitenflügeln ab, von denen nur noch die Kellerbauten zeugen. Im Hofbereich fanden sich Brunnenanlagen zur Wasserversorgung der Grundstücke. Der Entsorgung dienten zahlreiche Latrinenbauten am hinteren Grundstücksrand. Das umfangreiche Fundmaterial aus diesen Befunden gibt einen umfangreichen Einblick in einen spätmittelalterlichen Haushalt am Ende des 15. Jahrhunderts. Die neuzeitlichen Funde und Befunde wurden nicht nur aufgrund der zunehmenden schriftlichen Überlieferung dieses Viertels nur noch punktuell erfasst. Bereits die archäologischen Untersuchungen konzentrierten sich hauptsächlich auf die mittelalterlichen Strukturen. Eine Versteinerung dieses Stadtviertels setzte erst im 16. Jahrhundert ein. Die nicht erfolgte Wiederbebauung nach dem Dreißigjährigen Krieg, die teilweise bis zum Beginn des 18. Jahrhunderts anhielt, ermöglichte die gute Erhaltung der älteren mittelalterlichen Baustrukturen im Boden. / Mainly based on pottery and other finds, this doctoral thesis tries to establish a chronology of the medieval settlement of the Cottbus old town quarter in the area between Spremberger Strasse, Schlosskirchstrasse and Burgstrasse This approach proves a settlement of the quarter at the town periphery and its inclusion into urban planing since the first third of the 13th century. Following recent research in regional history, the city construction at the beginning of the 13th century might indicate to Konrad von Landsberg as a founding initiator of the largest town in Lower Lusatia. The mostly ground level building structures of the 13th century have been preserved only partially. Therefore, a distinction of certain activity zones as well as of plots and structures is possible only to a limited extend. Reliable indications of an older plot structure and the usage of areas do not exist until the 14th century. Buildings are characterized by a front house with side wings of which only the cellars have been preserved. Wells for the water supply of the plots were found in the yard area. Numerous latrine buildings on the rear edge of the plot served for disposal. Of outstanding importance are the findings of the buildings that were destroyed by one or more city fires (probably that of 1478). The extensive archaeological material of these findings provides a comprehensive insight into a late medieval household at the end of the 15th century. Modern finds and findings were recorded only occasionally, not only because of the increasing written tradition. Already the archaeological investigations focused mainly on the medieval structures. Stone buildings did not exist in this area until the 16th century. As the place was not rebuild after the Thirty Years' War, what partially continued until the beginning of the 18th century, the older medieval structures have been well preserved in the soil.

Le choix du régime politique dans les temps modernes : Machiavel et sa postérité (XVIE-XVIIIE siècles)

Andrieu, Elodie 02 November 2011 (has links)
Les récentes révolutions du « Printemps des pays arabes » attestent de la vivacité de l’idéal démocratique. Or ce régime est caractéristique d’une manière philosophique de penser le droit et les institutions. En effet, il se conforme mieux que nul autre à l’essence de l’Homme. Alors, malgré le succès des méthodes quantitatives en sciences humaines et l’autonomie désormais incontestée de la science du politique, nos temps contemporains seraient les héritiers d’une vision métaphysique plutôt que scientifique de la matière politique. Pourtant, la thèse explore l’histoire de la première « science des institutions » qui naît et se développe dans les Temps Modernes. Courant méconnu au cœur de l’histoire des institutions, ses tenants sont pourtant des figures incontournables et emblématiques de la pensée politique moderne, qu’il s’agisse de Machiavel, Hobbes, Montesquieu ou encore Hume. La thèse dévoile alors l’ambitieux projet de ces penseurs : proposer des institutions adaptées à la variété des mœurs, des histoires et des sociétés qu’ils étudient. Le choix du régime politique se doit d’être à la fois respectueux de l’humain et adapté à la variété des populations existantes. Dès lors l’universel et le particulier se rejoignent pour servir la première « science » de la Modernité. La thèse serpente les siècles et le continent européen. Au bout de son périple, une rencontre surprenante : celle de philosophes fascinés par les découvertes de ces premiers scientifiques du politique. De cette rencontre devait naître un nouveau régime politique, différent de son homologue athénien : la Démocratie moderne / The recent revolutions of the « Arab Spring » attest of the vivacity of the democratic ideal. Yet, this regime is characterised by a philosophical questioning on law and on institutions. In fact, it fits better than any other regime the essence of mankind. So despite the success of quantitative methods and the now undisputed autonomy of political sciences, modern times inherited a metaphysical point of view rather than a scientific way to address political questioning. However, the thesis explores the history of the first “science of institutions” that was born and developed in Modernity. Unknown current in the history of institutions, its proponents are paradoxically emblematic figures of modern political thinking, such as Machiavelli, Hobbes, Montesquieu or even Hume. The thesis unveils their ambitious project: to propose institutions adapted to the variety of the customs, behaviours, histories of the societies they study. The choice of the political regime should be respectful of human nature and at the same time adapted to the variety of the existing people. Therefore, the universal and the specific merge in order to serve the first real science of the modern era. The thesis research progresses through Europe from the XVIth to the XVIIIth centuries. At the end of its journey: a surprising encounter: the meeting of philosophers fascinated by the discoveries of these first political scientists. This encounter bore a new type of political regime, different from its Athenian counterpart: modern Democracy

Tempos Pré-Modernos: a Matemática escolar dos anos 1950

Marques, Alex Sandro 04 November 2005 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-27T16:57:18Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 ALEX SANDRO MARQUES.pdf: 7139616 bytes, checksum: f96912783b8a80ca4b7918ade2f51542 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2005-11-04 / The purpose of our search, to verify how mathematics was organized at junior high school in 1950 s, it s located between two fundamental moments in brazilian mathematics education history: the born of mathematics as a subject, in 1929, and the advent of Modern Mathematics Movement (MMM), in the beginning of 1960 s decade. Inicially, to analyse this question, we worked out on a synthesis about the educational reforms Francisco Campos and Gustavo Capanema, that are responsable for the criation of mathematics as a subject and junior high school, respectivily. After that, based on the new educational legislation, the Ministry Edict of 1951 we verified the estabilishment of Minimum Programs to be carried out obrigatorily, motivating a worry about the possibility of that among the teachers. On this context, we analysed the Annals of the 1st National Congress of Mathematics Teaching in High School, that happened in Salvador in 1955, witch counted on the participation of the teacher and author of the school books Osvaldo Sangiorgi, one of the protagonists of MMM in Brazil, and we verified that the discussion epicenter wasn t around the programs but had been dislocated to the quastion of weekly number of this subject classes. With the purpouse to get traces of the school daily we analysed the collection of the most representative brazilian school books of pre-modern times, that authorized us to certificate the subject estability on this decade. That way, we conclued that the pre-modern times didn t represent an ideal setting for a revolution on this subject; on the contrary, were years of agreement among the teachers about the methods and contents to be taught, were years of estability / O objeto de nosso trabalho, a verificação de como estava organizada a matemática escolar do ginásio nos anos 1950, está situada entre dois momentos fundamentais da história da educação matemática brasileira: o nascimento da disciplina matemática, em 1929, e o advento do Movimento da Matemática Moderna (MMM), no início do decênio de 1960. Inicialmente, para análise desta questão, elaboramos uma síntese sobre as reformas educacionais Francisco Campos e Gustavo Capanema, responsáveis pela criação da disciplina matemática e do ginásio, respectivamente. Em seguida, partindo da nova legislação educacional, a Portaria Ministerial de 1951, verificamos o estabelecimento de Programas Mínimos a serem cumpridos obrigatoriamente, motivando uma preocupação entre os professores em relação à viabilidade de tal medida. Nesse contexto, analisamos os Anais do I Congresso Nacional de Ensino da Matemática no Curso Secundário realizado em Salvador no ano de 1955, que contou com a participação do professor e autor de livros didáticos Osvaldo Sangiorgi, um dos protagonistas do MMM no Brasil, e verificamos que o epicentro das discussões não estava em torno dos programas e havia se deslocado para a questão do número de aulas semanais para a disciplina matemática. Com a finalidade de obter indícios do cotidiano escolar analisamos as coleções de livros didáticos brasileiros mais representativas dos tempos pré-modernos, o que nos autorizou atestar sobre a estabilidade da disciplina nessa década. Assim, concluímos que os tempos pré-modernos não representavam um cenário ideal para uma revolução na disciplina; pelo contrário, foram anos de consenso entre os professores sobre métodos e conteúdos a serem ministrados, foram anos de estabilidade

Kronika o Štilfrídovi a Kronika o Bruncvíkovi - srovnání rytířské povídky a knížky lidového čtení / Kronika o Štylfrýdovi" and "Kronika o Bruncvíkovi" - Comparing knightly story and the book of native reading

TRUHLÁŘOVÁ, Veronika January 2017 (has links)
This diploma thesis is going to focus on a comparison of a traditional knight´s short story and an early modern folk reading of the Chronicles of "Štifríd" and "Bruncvík"; the focus will be primarily on differences of the two texts. Narratives in Czech literature were repeatedly used in different time periods and in texts of various genres: from the allegorical knight's short story in the end of the 14th century to the early modern funny book of folk reading or even e.g. a folclore fairytale in the 19th century. The starting point for the work will be, therefore, an introduction of the interpretation attempts aimed at the filliation of handwritten and printed editions of the two narratives (Jaroslav Kolár's study), then an actual composition of the work (Hana Mirvaldová - Šmahelová's study) and also an allegorical presentation (Jaroslav Kolár's story). The main part of the thesis is an analysis of the handwritten releases from the turn of the 14th and 15th century and the printed edition from the 18th century, and their mutual comparison.

Evolution et diversité de la forme du cochon entre l'âge du Fer et la période moderne en Gaule et en France. Régionalisme, acquisitions zootechniques et implications historiques. / Morphological changes in domestic pig between the Iron Age and modern times in Gaul and France : Regionalisms, zootechnical acquisitions and historical implications

Duval, Colin 11 September 2015 (has links)
Cette étude archéozoologique porte sur les variations morphologiques de différents éléments du squelette porcin (Sus scrofa domesticus) et s’appuie sur deux présupposés majeurs : (1) les changements morphologiques de l’animal sont le reflet des évolutions du contexte socio-économique ; (2) il existe une grande diversité des formes porcines, conditionnée par différents facteurs d’influence (environnement, stratégies agropastorales, habitudes culturelles, etc.). L’analyse menée, sur la base de tels postulats, tend à mesurer puis décrire ces changements et cette diversité pour tenter d’en comprendre l’origine et les mécanismes de progression. Pour cela il a fallu observer les restes dentaires et osseux de plus de 600 sites archéologiques, situés sur les territoires gaulois, français et italien, datés de La Tène moyenne à la période moderne, à l’aide de différentes méthodes de morphométrie géométrique et traditionnelle. De cette manière, il a été possible de constituer un solide référentiel ostéométrique pour le porc et d’atteindre ici une meilleure compréhension des pratiques d’élevage aux périodes gauloise, romaine et médiévale / This archaeozoological study investigates morphological variations in different skeletal parts of the pig (Sus scrofa domesticus) according to two main assumptions: (1) the morphological changes of the animal reflect socio-economic changes; (2) there is a great diversity of pig’s forms, driven by different factors (environment, agropastoral strategies, cultural habits, etc.). Our analysis, based on these assumptions, tends to quantify and describe these changes and this diversification to try to understand their origin and mechanisms. For this we have observed the dental and skeletal remains of more than 600 archaeological sites, located on the Gallic, French and Italian territories, dated from La Tène moyenne to the modern period, using different methods of geometric and traditional morphometrics. In this way, we were able to build a strong osteometric framework for pigs and get new clues to a better understanding of farming practices for Gallic, Roman and medieval periods

La place des prieurés conventuels dans la vie économique, politique et religieuse du diocèse de Genève-Annecy aux XVIe, XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles / The role of the conventual priories in the economic, political and religious life of the Annecy-Geneva's diocese in the 16th, 17th and 18th centuries

Bouziat, Quentin 29 February 2012 (has links)
Au Xe siècle, l’Eglise savoyarde se trouve dans une situation catastrophique. Désorganisé par les différentes invasions, le clergé séculier peine à se redresser. Pour remédier à cette situation, l’épiscopat décide l’installation de moines venus des grandes abbayes. C’est ainsi que l’on note l’apparition de nombreux prieurés sur les terres diocésaines. Ces maisons religieuses s’installent durablement et prennent une place importante dans la vie des paroisses qui les accueillent. Leurs destins diffèrent, mais certains prieurés réguliers sont toujours conventuels à l’époque moderne. Les différents évêques en dénombrent cinq, dont quatre sont fondés autour du Xe siècle. Il s’agit des prieurés de Bellevaux en Bauges, de Peillonnex, de Talloires et de Contamine. Cette étude porte sur le rôle que jouent ces institutions dans le contexte de la Contre-Réforme catholique, instaurée dans le diocèse au cours des dernières décennies du XVIe siècle. Elle s’articule autour de trois grandes parties. La première retrace l’évolution des prieurés depuis leur fondation jusqu’à l’instauration de la Réforme à Genève. La seconde partie relate l’histoire des différents monastères au cours de trois siècles de l’Ancien Régime. La troisième et dernière partie est plus thématique. Elle tente de définir la place qu’occupent les prieurés conventuels dans la vie politique, religieuse et économique du diocèse de Genève-Annecy aux XVIe, XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles. / In the 10th century, the Church from Savoy is in a very poor state. Weakened by various invasions, the secular clergy struggles to recover. Monks from major abbeys are sent by the episcopate influencing the creation of priories on the diocesan land. These religious houses settle permanently and play an important role in the life of the parishes hosting them. While regular priories had to face different fates, some of them are still conventual in the modern era. The different bishops count five conventual priories, but only four of these were founded around the 10th century. These are the priories of Bellevaux en Bauges, Peillonnex, Talloires and Contamine. This study focuses on the role of these institutions in the context of the Catholic Reformation introduced in the diocese during the last decades of the 16th century. The study is based on three main points. The first point traces back the evolution of the priories from their foundation until the introduction of the Reform movement in Geneva. The second part concentrates on the story of the monasteries over three centuries under the Ancien Regime. The last part is more thematic as it outlines how the conventual priories influence the political, religious and economic life of the Annecy-Geneva's diocese in the 16th, 17th and 18th centuries.

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