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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Savižudybių prevencijos galimybės mokykloje / Suicide prevention opportunities at school

Kašėtienė, Irma 09 June 2004 (has links)
Das Ziel meiner Magisterarbeit ist die Erscheinung des Selbstmords unter sozial – pädagogischem Aspekt zu ermitteln und die Ansichten der Pädagogen über diese Erscheinung zu erforschen. Außerdem setze ich mir zum Ziel zu erforschen, invieweit die Pädagogen vorbereitet sind, Präventivmaßnahmen zu ergreifen. Die Hypothese der Untersuchung: 1. Die Pädagogen sind bereit, präventive Maßnahmen gegen Selbstmord zu ergreifen. Aber es fehlt ihnen an Information über die Besonderheiten des Selbstmords und über die Möglichkeiten der Präventivmaßnahmen. Selbstmord ist eine komplizierte Erscheinung, die in verschiedenen Kulturen, Epochen und bei den Menschen von unterschiedlichen Rassen vorkommt. Diese Erscheinung widerspiegelt sich in zwischenmenschlichen Beziehungen und im seelischen Leben des Menschen. Sie ist als Kraft, die zu einer bestimmten Tat führt, sie ist als eine bestimmte Form des Protests. Selbstmord kann als Disharmonie der inneren Welt erscheinen, die im Augenblick der menschlichen Unsicherheit auf den Tod des Menschen verlangt. Selbstmord kann auch als das Ergebnis der schweren psychischen Krankheit vorkommen. Am häufigsten ist Selbstmord das Ergebnis des langen Prozesses, der manchmal auch das ganze Leben hindurch dauert. Die Aktualität dieses Problems ist auch in Litauen von besonderer Wichtigkeit. Das bestätigt die Statistik, die davon zeugt, dass jedes Jahr in Litauen etwa 1700 Menschen Selbstmord begehen. Noch mehr, 17000 Menschen versuchen es jedes Jahr, sich... [to full text]

Mokyklinės geografijos raida 1945 - 1990 metais Lietuvoje / The development of Lithuanian school's geography in 1945 - 1990 years

Brazauskas, Gintaras 13 June 2005 (has links)
The topic of my Master’s Thesis is ‘The development of Lithuanian school’s geography in 1945 – 1990 years’. The main purpose is to research this development relating it with the issues of antebellum ideological attitudes and pedagogical ideas of the particulate stage. The curriculum, vocabularies of geography and methodical experience of teachers were analyzed and developed in conformity with the methods of literature, data analyzing, comparing and critical assessment and the method of systematical analysis also.

Mokinių smurto pasireiškimai tarp bendraamžių ir jo prevencija / Violence between the same age schoolchildren and it‘s prevention

Pocienė, Jurgita 09 June 2009 (has links)
Tyrimo objektas: Mokinių smurto pasireiškimai ir jo prevencija. Tyrimo metodai: 1) Mokslinės literatūros ir dokumentų analizė 2) Mokinių ir jų tėvų anoniminė anketinė apklausa 3) Rezultatai apskaičiuoti statistinių duomenų apdorojimo programa PAULA 4 (Bitinas, 1998). Tyrimo tikslas: nustatyti pagrindines mokinių smurto elgesio apraiškas gimnazijoje, vidurinėje mokykloje, bei jo prevenciją. Tyrimo rezultatai: Empirinio tyrimo rezultatai paneigė hipotezę, kad smurtas didesnis vidurinėje mokykloje, negu gimnazijoje. Mokinių smurto mokykloje raiškos tendencijos, labiausiai atsiskleidžia per saugumo mokykloje parametrą. Tiek vienoje mokykloje tiek kitoje smurtaujama panašiai. Reikšmingesni skirtumai būtų tarp lyčių, berniukai mokyklose jaučiasi saugiau negu to paties amžiaus mergaitės. Hipotezė teigusi, kad smurto prieš vaikus prevencija vykdoma aktyviau Kauno rajono gimnazijoje, nei Kauno miesto vidurinėje mokykloje, nepasitvirtino. Smurto prieš vaikus prevencija vykdoma nepakankamai aktyviai abiejose mokyklose. Daugiau negu pusė mokinių atsakė tokių užsiėmimų skirtų apie smurtą prieš vaikus aiškinimui, nevyksta niekada. Tyrimo rezultatai patvirtino hipotezę dėl tėvų požiūrio į vaikų problemas: kuo vyresni tėvai, tuo jiems aktualesnė smurto problema mokykloje. / Object of research: violence of schoolchildren and its prevention. Methods of research: 1) Analysis of the research literature and documents 2) The anonymous guestionnaire for the schoolchildren and their parents 3) The results are computerised with the statistical data working program PAULA 4 Purpose of research: find the main manifestation of children violence and it‘s prevention in the secondary schools and gymnasiums. Purpose of research: The results of empirical research denied the hypothesis than violence is bigger in the secondary school than in the gymnasium. The violence of the schoolchildren is brighter in the secondary school. The violence is similar in both schools. More significant differences are between the different sexes. Boys in the school feel much more safety than the girls. Hypothesis which claimed that the prevention of violence with the children is more active in Kaunas gymnasium than in Kaunas secondary school is not correct. The prevention of violence with the schoolchildren is not active in both schools. More than half schoolchildren claimed that there isn’t the lesson about violence prevention in the schools. The results of research confirmed the hypothesis about parent’s opinion to children problems: more elder the parents are more relevant violence problem for them is. Object of research: violence of schoolchildren and its prevention. Methods of research: 1) Analysis of the research literature and documents 2) The anonymous guestionnaire for... [to full text]

Vilniaus miesto ir rajono vidurinių mokyklų ir mokinių kaita 1990 – 2008 m / Secondary schools network and it‘s schoolchildren changes in Vilnius city and Vilnius administrative district through 1990 – 2008 years

Urbanovič, Renata 12 July 2010 (has links)
Atkūrus nepriklausomybę, Lietuvos valstybė ėmėsi tautinio atgimimo metais pradėtos švietimo reformos. Valstybingumo atkūrimas atvėrė naujas, tautos siekius atitinkančias, Lietuvos socialinės, kultūrinės, ekonominės bei politinės raidos perspektyvas. Mokyklų tinklo pertvarka, atitinkanti šiuolaikinės visuomenės mokymosi poreikius bei paklausą ir realias finansines savivaldybės galimybes, turi pagerinti mokymosi kokybę, padidinti prieinamumą ir socialinį teisingumą, padaryti švietimo sistemą efektyvesnę ir darnesnę. Taigi vienas iš švietimo sistemos atsinaujinimo kriterijų Vilniaus krašte ir yra bendrojo lavinimo mokyklų tinklo pertvarka. Tačiau labai svarbu kruopščiai ištirti dabartinę situaciją, įvertinti egzistuojančias tendencijas ir perspektyvas. Vilniaus mieste ir rajone sovietmečiu itin populiarių mišrių mokyklų beveik neliko – jos buvo išskirstytos arba reorganizuotos į vienakalbes, daugiausia lenkiškas ir lietuviškas. Labai sumažėjo rusiškų mokyklų – jas dabar lanko tik rusų bei baltarusių tautybės gyventojai. Tenkinant ne tik vietos lietuvių, bet ir tautinių mažumų poreikius mokyti vaikus valstybine lietuvių kalba, itin smarkiai išaugo lietuviškų mokyklų skaičius. Dabar lietuviškas mokyklas moksleiviai lanko kelis kartus daugiau, nei yra lietuvių tautybės gyventojų, nes dažnai nelietuviai tėvai linkę leisti vaikus į lietuviškas mokyklas. Tikėtina, kad lietuvėjimo tendencijos išliks ir ateityje. / After restoration of independence the state of Lithuania took up educational reform, which had been started in the years of national revival. Reinstatement of statehood opened new, according national aims, perspectives of social, cultural, economical and political germination. Reorganization of the school’s chain, conforming learning needs and demand of modern society, also real financial abilities of municipality, has to improve the quality of learning, increase the accessibility and social justice, make the educational system more effective and accordant. So one of criteria of the educational system’s renewal in Vilnius district is the reorganization of the secondary school’s chain. But it is very important to research thoroughly the present situation, evaluate existing trends and perspectives. In Vilnius and it’s region mixed schools, which were especially popular at soviet times, are not almost left – they were separated or restored into monolingual, mostly Polish and Lithuanian. The number of Russian schools has decreased significantly – at present only Russians and Byelorussians attend them. Stratifying needs of not only local Lithuanians but also national minorities to teach children in state Lithuanian language, especially severely increased the number of Lithuanian schools. At present students attend Lithuanian schools more than there are inhabitants of Lithuanian nationality, because often not Lithuanian present let... [to full text]

Sveikata kaip mokyklos nelankymo veiksnys / Health - as a factor of Absence from school

Gerasimovič, Svetlana 15 June 2005 (has links)
Children under 16 must attend the school, however, not everyone does it. In attempt to understand the reasons for absence from school, the assumption is usually made that such a behavior is influenced by the child’s health disorders. The survey of such scale has been performed for the first time in Lithuania. It helped to unfold if children if children who tend to skip classes have health disorders (and what kind) and to what extend it can excuse their absence (i. e. absence from school, rare attendance or bad learning). The goal of the work: to detect the influence of health condition on the absence from school. To achieve this goal the following issues have been analyzed: how pupils themselves assess their health condition and compare their evaluation to that of the school preceptor; or/what influence the health condition (or disorders) of pupils have on the absence from school, rare attendance and bad learning; the bond between child’s social environment and health condition has been found. The target of the survey: pupils that do not attend school, or do it rarely and pupils who are bad at learning: total – 660 respondents. The survey has been performed using the theoretical method – analysis of pedagogical and scientific literature; empirical method – questionnaire survey of pupils (pupils that do not attend school, or do it rarely and pupils who are bad at learning), their class preceptors and school principals. The statistical analysis of empirical data has been... [to full text]

Moksleivių destruktyvaus elgesio apraiškos pagrindinėje mokykloje: situacijos analizė ir sprendimo gairės / Destructive behaviour of the children at basic scholl

Survilienė, Milda 17 June 2005 (has links)
Destructive behavior is recurrent intentional, unprovoked, rude behavior, used by one child or a group of children in order to cause pain or torture to another child. It is common among school children and is a problem in today’s school. According to this research and some others, we think that school must seek to protect children from destructive behavior of their contemporaries, which may later grow into criminal nature and violence at home, and it may cause long term harm for its victims. The aim of this work is to reveal peculiarities of expression of children destructive behavior at basic school and to foresee the guidelines of the solution to this kind of problem. Schoolchildren of fifth- eighth grades and their teachers from Utena basic schools took part in this research (n=249). The conclusions are: schoolchildren who took part in this research agree on the frequency of mockery at schools. The most common forms of destructive behavior at schools is nicknaming, slandering, pushing one another and fighting. Threatening and ignoring is more common at school, which is situated in the area of private houses. Fighting, pushing one another and damaging things – at school, that is attended by children from poor families. The attitude of the eighth formers towards the frequency of destructive behavior at school is more pessimistic than the attitude of the fifth formers. The eighth formers more often experience destructive behavior from their classmates. The fifth formers... [to full text]

Mokyklos įvaizdžio formavimas / The formation of school’s image

Petrylaitė, Žydrė 08 June 2006 (has links)
The aim of master’s work is to make the model of school’s image formation. This master’s work explains the problems of school’s image formation. It also analyses organization’s image, reputation, types, structure and model of image creation in Lithuanian and foreign author’s works. The creation of organization’s image is analysed comprehensively, that is why a lot of attention is paid to identity and means to form it. This master’s work explains the purposefulness of school’s image formation: structure, components and means. The result of theoretical and empirical research is the model of school’s image formation that can be used to form the image of every school. This master’s final paper does not prove the hypothesis formulated by author that the school’s image is mostly influenced by the quality of education services.

Profesines mokyklas baigusių bedarbių būsimos veiklos perspektyvos / Unemployed people' prospectives of the future activities

Mažulienė, Barbara 04 July 2006 (has links)
When Lithuania became the part of the Europian Union market, it has to compete with increasing competition of the international market. The following elements: work qualification, material investment, skills of marketing and management, scientific research papers determine work productivity and competitive advantages of the country. In such conditions Lithuanian companies can compete in the international market but this depends from the company staff, how they manage to use their knowledge, qualification and creativity. If we want not to be behind with the world tendencies in the state and company level, it is important to understand human resources and to develop them. Unemployment problem is one of the biggest world economical and social problems.Increasing busyness promotes economic growth and increasing work income of people guarantees stability of the country and welfare of the people.That is why big and effective busyness is one of the most important social political aims of the state, which can be successfully solved by decreasing unemployment by creating new work places. Talking about the improvement of vocational training system it is planned to optimise vocational institutions, create training quality sponsorship system, to give the evaluation of the qualification to institutions which represent competetive employers, develop distance training, integrate into the market groups (unemployed people, young people without profession or people who only start their... [to full text]

Smurto tarp mokinių prevencinės veikos modelis vidurinėje mokykloje / The model of violence prevention activity among pupils in a secondary school

Lodienė, Dalia 02 September 2008 (has links)
Smurtas ir patyčios tarp mokinių mokykloje tampa vis dažnesniu reiškiniu, žalojančiu vaikus, kenkiančiu jų sveikatai ir mokymuisi, neigiamai veikia mokyklos psichologinį klimatą. Smurtas mokykloje yra nepageidaujamas, nesuderinamas su mokyklos tikslais ir uždaviniais, neužtikrina vaiko teisės saugiai gyventi. Smurto prevencija mokykloje yra aktuali visai mokyklos bendruomenei. Tyrimo problema - mokykloje tarp mokinių vis dažniau pasireiškia smurtas ir patyčios. Šios problemos sprendimas aktualus mokykloje dirbantiems socialiniams pedagogams ir mokytojams. Tyrimo objektas – smurtas mokykloje tarp mokinių ir jo prevencija. Tyrimo klausimas – koks mokinių, mokytojų ir socialinių pedagogų požiūris į smurtą tarp mokinių ir jo prevenciją ? Tyrimo tikslas – sukurti smurto tarp mokinių prevencinės veiklos modelį vidurinėje mokykloje. Tyrimo uždaviniai: 1. Apibrėžti smurto sampratą, kilimo priežastis, pasireiškimo požymius ir pasekmes. 2. Teoriškai atskleisti smurto prevencijos sampratą, lygius ir veiklos galimybes mokykloje. 3. Atskleisti mokinių, mokytojų ir socialinių pedagogų požiūrį į smurtą ir jo prevenciją mokykloje. 4. Parengti smurto prevencinės veiklos vidurinėje mokykloje modelį. Tikslui pasiekti pasirinktas aprašomasis kiekybinis tyrimo tipas. Mokslinės literatūros analizė atskleidė smurto ir jo prevencijos teorinius aspektus. Empiriniam tyrimui įgyvendinti taikyta kiekybinė metodologija su kokybinio tyrimo elementu. Mokinių požiūriui į smurtą ir jo prevenciją... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Violence and sneering are becoming more and more common phenomenon among schoolchildren at school. This phenomenon harms the young generation, their health and the learning process, negatively affecting the psychological climate at school. Violence is not acceptable at school, it is not combined with the aims and goals of the school. Besides, violence does not guarantee the right to live safely. The prevention of violence is relevant to the whole community of the school. The problem – violence and sneering are rather common phenomenon among schoolchildren. The solving of these problems is relevant to both social workers and teachers working at school. The object of the investigation – violence at school among schoolchildren and the prevention of it. The question of the investigation – what is the attitude of pupils, teachers and social workers towards violence among schoolchildren and its prevention? The purpose of the investigation – to create the model of violence prevention among schoolchildren at a secondary school. The goals of the investigation: 1. To define the concept of violence, the causes of its generation, the features of its spread and the consequences to the child. 2. Theoretically reveal the concept of violence prevention, the levels and the possibilities of the activity at school. 3. To show the attitude of pupils, teachers and social workers towards violence and the prevention of it. 4. To create the model of... [to full text]

Teritorinės bendruomenės ir bendrojo lavinimo mokyklos sąveika: būklė ir rezervai (Pagirių miestelio atvejis) / Interaction between local community and secondary school: current situation and unfulfilles reserves (Case of Pagiriai village)

Tamošaitytė, Aušra 24 September 2008 (has links)
Šiame darbe nagrinėjama mokyklos bendruomenė ir jos bendradarbiavimas su vietos teritorine bendruomene. Ugdydama asmenybę, mokykla pirmiausia turi padėti kiekvienam suprasti save, suvokti savo tapatybę, rasti gyvenimo tikslą. Šio tikslo galima sėkmingai siekti, kai gyvuoja mokyklos bendruomenė, aktyviai ir veiksmingai dirba visi bendruomenės nariai. Magistro baigiamąjį darbą sudaro 3 dalys. Pirmoje dalyje pateikiama bendruomenės, teritorinės bendruomenės, mokyklos bendruomenės sampratos, jų bendradarbiavimo galimybės, būdai. Šio darbo tikslas - įvertinti teritorinės bendruomenės ir bendrojo lavinimo mokyklos sąsajas, būklę ir rezervus. Antroje dalyje pateikiama mokyklos ir teritorinės bendruomenės ryšio svarba vykdant administravimą. Trečioje magistro darbo dalyje pateikiami empirinio tyrimo rezultatai. Tyrimas atliktas Vilniaus rajono Pagirių gyvenvietėje, jame dalyvauja bendrojo lavinimo mokyklos mokytojai, moksleiviai, jų tėvai, administravimo institucijų atstovai. Darbo pabaigoje pateikiamos išvados ir pasiūlymai. Apibendrinant, galima sakyti, kad mokyklos ir vietos bendruomenės ryšys yra svarbus tiek pačiai mokyklai, tiek visai bendruomenei. Bendruomenės gyventojai mokosi bendradarbiauti, įgyja reikalingų žinių ir patirties, tobulėja. Taip pat keliamas gyventojų kultūrinis lygis. O mokyklai naujų gyventojų įtraukimas į bendrą veiklą, padeda siekti ugdomųjų tikslų ir viešojo administravimo vykdymo. / This study is analysis of community of schools, their relations and cooperation with local communities. First of all developing personality school should help everyone to realize themselves, to comprehend sameness and individuality, to clarify personal objections of life. This goal is achieved more easily when schools and local communities are working efficiently and actively together and everyone is involved personally. This study consists of three parts. In the first part are given conceptions of community, schools community, local community, communication methods and cooperation possibilities. The goal of this study – evaluate connections, conditions and reserves of local and schools communities. In the second part of this study is shown the importance of cooperation between school and local communities during implementation of administration. The results of empirical research are shown in the third part of this study. The research has been done in Pagiriai, which is suburb of Vilnius city. The participants of this research are teachers, school children, their parents and representatives of administration offices. All conclusions and proposals are given in the end of this study. We conclude that link between schools and local communities is important to both sides. Members of local community learn to cooperate, acquire knowledge and experience also improve themselves. This leads to the rising standards of culture of local community. Involvement of new local community... [to full text]

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