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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

História da economia socialista moçambicana / History of the socialist economy Mozambican

Tomé Miranda Maloa 27 July 2016 (has links)
A presente Dissertação de Mestrado tem por objetivo resgatar através da História os aspectos que mais marcaram a organização econômica moçambicana, principalmente, entre os anos 1975 a 1986. Período este em que a FRELIMO (Frente de Libertação de Moçambique) adotou o Marxismo-Leninismo como o modelo de organização econômica, política e social. Porém, faz também um rescaldo dos aspetos relacionados com a organização econômica colonial portuguesa, depois herdada pelo primeiro governo independente do país. Especificamente, este estudo faz uma abordagem das opções estruturais do modelo de desenvolvimento socialista de Moçambique pós-colonial até os finais dos anos oitenta. Dentro deste processo, assinalo que o meu objetivo não consistia na apresentação de uma organização geral da História da economia socialista moçambicano, mas em inscrever o meu contributo na continuidade de uma reflexão multifacetada, iniciada há largos anos pelas gerações anteriores. / This Master Dissertation objective rescues the aspects that marked the Mozambican economic organization, especially between the years between 1975 and 1986, when FRELIMO (Mozambique Liberation Front) adopted Marxism-Leninism as the model of economic, political and social organization. However, it also makes an aftermath of the aspects related to the Portuguese colonial economic organization, which was later inherited by the first independent government in the country. Specifically, this study is an approach to structural options of the socialist model of development of post-colonial Mozambique until the end of the eighties. Within this process it has developed a centrally planned economy to overcome the inherited colonial capitalism in order to ensure compliance of the State leftist politics with the people\'s interests.

A literatura e a concepção de identidade em algumas narrativas de Estórias Abensonhadas de Mia Couto e de Rio dos bons sinais de Nelson Saúte / The literature and the conception of identity in some narratives from Estórias Abensonhadas by Mia Couto and from Rio dos bons sinais by Nelson Saúte

Camila Cesário Lérco 01 March 2013 (has links)
O presente trabalho, a partir da perspectiva comparatista, desenvolve uma análise crítica de algumas narrativas de Estórias Abensonhadas de Mia Couto e de Rio dos bons sinais de Nelson Saúte à luz da importância do gênero conto, em que também significativamente se revelam as dimensões das literaturas africanas de língua portuguesa, além das possibilidades de investigação em torno de algumas das lógicas culturais que envolvem a história dos diferentes grupos etnolinguísticos que fazem parte do contexto geográfico moçambicano. Evidentemente que preservadas as especificidades históricas de cada grupo nacional local, a dissertação também se volta para a análise das tensões históricas resultantes do processo de intervenção metropolitana e manifestas na ficção moçambicana, sobretudo em textos escritos por uma intelectualidade urbana local mobilizada para a resistência. Inevitavelmente, as questões que foram se intensificando em torno da identidade moçambicana entendida a partir dessa perspectiva endógena serão examinadas. / The present study, from the comparative perspective, develops a critical analysis of some narratives from Estórias Abensonhadas by Mia Couto and from Rio dos bons sinais by Nelson Saúte in the light of the importance of the short story genre, that also reveals the significant dimensions of African literature in Portuguese language, beyond the possibilities of research around some of the cultural logics that involve the history of different ethnolinguistic groups that are part of the geographical context of Mozambique. Of course that preserved the historical location of each national group, the dissertation also turns to the analysis of historical tensions resulting from the intervention process and metropolitan Mozambican manifest in fiction, especially in texts written by a local urban intelligentsia mobilized for resistance. Inevitably, the questions which were intensified around Mozambican identity understood from this perspective endogenous will be examined.

Crimes e acusações de feitiçaria entre os Ajáuas, debruçando sobre processos criminais coloniais 1920 a 1940

Ferraz, Eduardo Augusto Vieira 09 July 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Geandra Rodrigues (geandrar@gmail.com) on 2018-09-12T19:05:00Z No. of bitstreams: 1 eduardoaugustovieiraferraz.pdf: 1074526 bytes, checksum: da431c9a5363c8e7fec1820ddeacb3b0 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Adriana Oliveira (adriana.oliveira@ufjf.edu.br) on 2018-10-01T19:34:45Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 eduardoaugustovieiraferraz.pdf: 1074526 bytes, checksum: da431c9a5363c8e7fec1820ddeacb3b0 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-10-01T19:34:45Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 eduardoaugustovieiraferraz.pdf: 1074526 bytes, checksum: da431c9a5363c8e7fec1820ddeacb3b0 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-07-09 / O presente trabalho propõe-se a estudar as acusações de feitiçaria registradas na região norte de Moçambique (distrito do Niassa), durante o período colonial. Pretendemos entender a relação entre essas acusações e os conflitos sociais, principalmente com as disputas pelo poder dentro da estrutura de parentesco local. O estudo nos possibilitará realizar uma história social dos Ajáuas. Através dos relatos transcritos em depoimentos podemos tentar compreender as lógicas simbólicas de sua linguagem, seu “entendimento de mundo” e também como o discurso de feitiçaria se enquadra nela. Veremos que a feitiçaria dialoga com o discurso de poder. Ela reproduz a hierarquia e as relações de dominação presentes na sociedade e na estrutura de parentesco. As frequentes acusações podem-nos revelar questões muito mais amplas. Estratégias políticas e rivalidades são, na maioria das fontes, as principais motivações das acusações de feitiçaria. Sob este ponto de vista, o discurso de feitiçaria aparece como um instrumento, uma ferramenta através da qual os indivíduos buscam legitimidade para justificar suas ações e crimes cometidos. Podemos verificar que o discurso da feitiçaria atua como um meio pelo qual rivalidades enraizadas em sentimentos de vingança, disputas pelo poder ou aquisição de bens econômicos emergem. / This work aims at studying the witchcraft accusations registered in northern Mozambique (Niassa province) during the colonial period. We intend to understand the correlation between such accusations and the social conflicts, especially the ones related to disputes over power inside the local relationship matrix. This study will make it possible to structure the social history of the Ajáua people. Based on the transcribed reports, we may comprehend the symbolic logic of their language, their “view of the world” and also how the witchcraft discourse is framed in that view. We will see that the witchcraft is related to the discourse of power. It reproduces the hierarchy and the dominance relations present in their society and relationship matrix. The frequent accusations may reveal much broader issues. According to most sources, political strategies and rivalries are the main motivations for witchcraft accusations. From this point of view, the witchcraft discourse is seen as an instrument, a tool whereby individuals seek legitimacy to justify their actions and the crimes they commit. We are able to verify that the witchcraft discourse is the means by which the rivalries emerge, motivated by revenge feelings, disputes over power or the acquisition of economic goods.

Barreiras à gestão organizacional na África: um estudo com organizações de porte reduzido em Moçambique, Matola / Barriers to organizational management in Africa: A study of small-sized organizations in Mozambique Matola

Nirza Dinúcha Gonçalves Fumo 16 February 2011 (has links)
O presente trabalho tem como propósito levantar as principais barreiras enfrentadas pelas micro e pequenas empresas (MPEs) na Cidade da Matola. Para tanto, fez-se uma fundamentação teórica sobre as barreiras enfrentadas pelas MPEs e sobre políticas e instrumentos governamentais de apoio às empresas deste porte. A fundamentação teórica apoiou o desenvolvimento de uma triangulação da pesquisa empírica baseada em duas fases. A primeira fase consistiu na coleta de dados junto a 21 empresas de micro e pequeno porte, por meio de entrevistas onde posteriormente fez-se a identificação das principais barreiras enfrentadas pelos entrevistados e daí conduziu a segunda fase do trabalho de campo que foi as entrevistas junto as entidades governamentais de modo a saber o que estes tem feito para minimizar ou mitigar as barreiras identificadas pelos empresários. Os resultados mostram que as barreiras de financiamento e de concorrência são as principais barreiras enfrentadas pelas MPEs na Matola e que estas variam de acordo com o ramo de atuação das empresas. A dissertação vai servir para enriquecer o estado da arte sobre a temática das micro e pequenas empresas e sobretudo vai ajudar a suprir o déficit de pesquisas acadêmicas em Moçambique. / This paper aims to identify the main barriers faced by micro and small enterprises (MSEs) in the city of Matola. As such, there is a theoretical framework about the barriers faced by MSEs and on government policies and instruments to support enterprises of this size. The theoretical foundation supported the development of a triangulation of empirical research based on two phases. The first phase consisted of collecting data from 21 micro and small businesses, through interviews where later became the identification of the main barriers faced by the interviewees and then led the second phase of fieldwork was that the interviews with government entities in order to know what they have done to minimize or mitigate the barriers identified by entrepreneurs. The results show that the barriers to financing and competition are the main barriers faced by MSEs in Matola and that barriers vary according to branch of activity of enterprises. The paper will serve to enrich the state of the art on the theme of micro and small enterprises and especially will help meet the shortage of academic research in Mozambique.

Políticas públicas de promoção turística e desenvolvimento local sustentável: um estudo de caso em Vilankulos/Moçambique / Public policies to promote tourism and local development: a case study in Vilankulo / Mozambique

Cleotilde Teresa Domingos 16 March 2012 (has links)
O papel do turismo vem crescendo significativamente na geração de emprego e renda nas economias nacionais, com particular impacto sobre os países em fase de desenvolvimento. Moçambique, um destes países, vem se tornando um exemplo privilegiado deste fenômeno. Contudo, fazer deste setor um subsídio para a melhoria da qualidade de vida das populações é necessária uma estrutura bem consolidada do mesmo, envolvendo políticas públicas que permitam o alcance de vantagens competitivas. Portanto a presente pesquisa estudou as políticas públicas de turismo na promoção do desenvolvimento das comunidades locais moçambicanas. Para o efeito desenvolveu-se um estudo de caso no distrito de Vilankulos, um destino turístico de Moçambique localizado na província de Inhambane. Numa primeira fase fez-se uma coleta de dados de informações em fontes secundárias como dados oficiais centrais que constassem de arquivos, legislação e relatórios com objetivo de identificar o real estágio do desenvolvimento turístico do destino que se escolheu. Com esta tecnica foi possivel perceber a expressividade s do setor no ambito de desenvolvimento ecomico do pais com particular enfase no distrito de Vilankulos. A posterior, o trabalho de campo realizou-se por meio de entrevistas semiestruturadas envolvendo os vários intervenientes do setor turístico, objetivando perceber como é que as políticas e programas definidos pelo governo promovem desenvolvimento da região. Esta decorreu entre os meses de Maio e Outubro de 2011. O esforço de pesquisa pretendia, uma melhor compreensão do grau de sustentabilidade da indústria do turismo e das ações organizadas pelo governo, por forma a subsidiar o processo de elaboração e implantação de políticas públicas de desenvolvimento sustentável local. De uma forma geral a pesquisa mostrou que embora exitentes, as políticas públicas não estão proporcionando um desenvolvimento local sustentável. Esta situação ocorre devido às deficiencias constatadas nas três fases do ciclo de produção das políticas públicas, deficiencias estas, relacionam com limitações na participação das comunidades locais no processo de planejamento e execução das mesmas. O estudo de caso constatou que os investidores são no momento os mais beneficiados pelas políticas públicas. Daí que as análises sugerem uma maior inclusão das comunidades no processo de desenvolvimento turístico através da consideração dos fatores organizacionais locais no processo de formulação e execução de programas públicos, de modo que se possibilite a sustentabilidade e maximização dos benéficos que podem advir do turismo. / The role of tourism has grown significantly in generating employment and income in national economies, with particular impacts on countries in the development. Mozambique, one of these countries, is becoming a example of this phenomenon. However, make this sector one subsidy to improve the quality of living requires a well-established structure, involving public policies that enable the achievement of competitive advantages. Therefore, this project proposes to study public policies related to tourism as a tool for promoting local community development in Mozambique adopting a qualitative research. So we developed a case study in Inhambane province, a tourist destination in Mozambique, at Vilankulos district specifically. Initially made up a data collection of information from secondary sources like official data files, legislation and reports, the objetive here was to identify the actual stage of tourism development of the destination that we chosen. After that, the fieldwork was realized through semi-structured interviews involving the various stakeholders in the tourism industry to understand how public policies and programs set by government are promote development of the region. The research effort intended a better understanding of the degree of sustainability of the tourism and if the actions organized by the government are supporting local sustainable development. Overall the case study showed that public policies are not providing a sustainable local development. This occurs because of the limitations related to the participation of local communities in planning and executing them. We saw that the investors are most benefited by public policies. Hence it is recommended that a greater inclusion of communities in the process of tourism development through the consideration of local rganizational factors in the formulation and execution of public programs, to maximize the suatentabilidade and benefits gained from tourism.

Ma(d)jermanes = passado colonial e presente diasporizado : reconstrução etnográfica de um dos últimos vestígios do socialismo colonial europeu / Ma(d)jermanes : Colonial past and diasporical present: an Ethnographic reconstruction of one of the last relict of the European colonial socialism

Guerra Hernandez, Héctor Rolando, 1969- 11 July 2011 (has links)
Orientador: Omar Ribeiro Thomaz / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-19T07:19:55Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 GuerraHernandez_HectorRolando_D.pdf: 22692622 bytes, checksum: 8e4246b21935840c62314f42cdd89ba7 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011 / Resumo: O objectivo deste trabalho, foi o estudo de um grupo social formado essencialmente pelos antigos trabalhadores mozambiqueños na desaparecida República Democrática Alemã, conhecidos atualmente como "Magermane". Procurou-se estabelecer linhas de continuidade e ruptura entre o passado transnacional deste colectivo como migrantes trabalhistas e seu presente como grupo reivindicativo obliterado pelas esferas do poder, o qual leva 20 anos lutando por seu reconhecimento econômico e social em Moçambique. Este país africano, com uma história de ocupação colonial efetiva de não mais de 70 anos, depois de sua independência de Portugal em 1975, se transformou numa República independente, assumindo um projeto de desenvolvimento que a transformaria, entre 1977 e 1987, numa espécie de nova colônia dos países socialistas do chamado "Segundo Mundo", e posteriormente, com o fim da guerra fria e a queda do Muro de Berlim, tornar-se-ia numa depositaria dos novos postulados neoliberais. Estes antecedentes históricos são cruciais para o entendimento dos processos que intervieram na produção do Estado pós-colonial atual. Um processo que transparenta aquilo que constitui um dos fundamentos das "narrativas de injustiça" Magermane, e que consistem em denunciar uma realidade social que se sustenta e reproduz a partir da presença e persistência de um Estado contra sua sociedade, o qual recrear uma estrutura social conhecida, que situa na ponta de sua hierarquia uma elite empresarial patrimonialista. Uma estrutura que parece contemporizar com as percepções e representações de formas de dominação passadas, entendidas como superadas. Uma estrutura, finalmente, que se alimenta e reproduz de sua população, à qual persiste em tratar como súbditos / Abstract: The aim of this work, went the study of a social group formed essentially by the ancient Mozambican workers in the missing German Democratic Republic, known at present like "Magermane". It looked for establish lines of continuity and breaking-off between the transnational past of this community as labour migrants and his present as a obliterate vindicate group by the spheres of the power, which carries 20 years struggling by his economic and social recognition in Mozambique. This African country, with a history of effective colonial occupation of no more than 70 years, after his independence of Portugal in 1975, transformed in an independent Republic, assuming a project of development that would transform it, between 1977 and 1987, in a species of new colony of the socialist countries of the called "Second World", and later, with the end of the cold war and the fall of the Wall of Berlin, it would became in a depository of the new neoliberals postulates. These historical antecedents are crucial for the understanding of the processes that took part in the production of the current postcolonial State. A process that show what constitutes one of the foundations of the Magermane's "narratives of injustice", which consist in reporting a social reality that sustains and reproduces from the presence and persistence of a State against his society, which recreate a well-known social structure, that situates in the top of his hierarchy a patrimonialist business elite. A structure that seems to be accommodating toward to the perceptions and representations of old forms of domination, understood as surpassed. A structure, finally, that feeds and reproduces of his population, to which persists in treating like tributary subject / Doutorado / Antropologia / Doutor em Antropologia

Avaliação morfoquantitativa nos músculos estriados esqueléticos de ratos wistar (Rattus norvegicus) dos efeitos da dieta utilizada na alimentação de crianças das zonas rurais de Moçambique / Structural, Ultrastructural and Morfoquantitative analysis of the effects caused in striated skeletal muscle of Wistar rats (Rattus norvegicus) subject to diet utilized in young children of rural Mozambique

Catarina Tivane Nhamposse 29 November 2012 (has links)
Moçambique é um País da África Austral onde cerca de 55% da população vive abaixo da linha de pobreza absoluta com menos de uma refeição por dia sobrevivendo a muito custo com base em donativos. A insegurança alimentar e a nutrição extremamente precária, principalmente nas crianças, são fatores que induzem a níveis de Desnutrição crônica (DC) infantil em torno de 44%. Esta DC é responsável por um terço de mortes em menores de cinco anos. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar os efeitos que uma ração preparada com alimentos produzidos e consumidos pela população das zonas rurais de Moçambique exerceu no músculo gastrocnêmio de ratos wistar (Rattus norvegicus) alimentados com esta ração. Foram usados 75 ratos Wistar pesando aproximadamente 300 g divididos em três grupos: Nutrido ou controle (N), Desnutrido (D) e Moçambique ou grupo experimental (M), avaliados ao nascimento e ao desmame. Os animais foram mantidos sob as mesmas condições de alojamento, temperatura umidade e luz, porém com alimentação diferente consoante o grupo; Grupo N com ração normoproteica (20% de caseína), Grupo D com ração desnutrida (5% de caseína) e grupo M com ração de Moçambique. Em todos os grupos foi feita avaliação da massa corporal ao nascimento e desmame e coletado o músculo gastrocnêmio direito dos filhotes machos ao desmame para processamento. Foram realizadas cortes seriados de 10 µm de espessura em criostato e, as secções foram submetidas às técnicas da hematoxilina e eosina, picro-sirius, NADH-tr e análise em microscopio eletrônico de transmissão. A avaliação estatística das diferenças inter-grupos foi determinada pelos testes análise de variância, (ANOVA) e Tukey. Foram encontradas diferenças significativas entre os grupos N, D e M. Observou-se nos animais do grupo M uma grande variação no peso e tamanho que foi similar ao do grupo D; os mesmos apresentaram também alterações no formato das fibras musculares que exibiram contornos arredondados e, ainda, predominância de fibras colágenas tipo III tal como os desnutridos. Ultra estruturalmente os animais de Moçambique apresentaram um desalinhamento das linhas Z dos sarcômeros e rompimento das miofibrilas, diminuição na área de seção transversa e menor proporção de fibras glicolíticas e glicolítico-oxidativas, e maior porcentagem e área de seção transversa igual ao grupo D no respeitante ás fibras oxidativas. / Mozambique is a country of Southern Africa where about 55% of the population lives below the absolute poverty line with less than one meal per day, hardly surviving based on donations. Food insecurity and precarious nutrition, especially in children, are factors that induce to levels of 44% chronic infant malnutrition (DC). DC is responsible for one third of deaths in children under five years. The aim of this study was to evaluate morphoquantitative effects in gastrocnemius muscle of Wistar rats (Rattus norvegicus) fed with a diet utilized by people of rural areas of Mozambique. We used 75 Wistar rats weighing approximately 300 g divided in three groups: Nourished or control (N), Malnourished (D) and Mozambique or experimental group (M), measured at birth and weaning. The animals were kept under the same housing conditions, temperature, humidity and light, but fed with different diet depending on the group; Group N with normal protein diet (20% casein), Group D with hypo-proteic diet (5% casein) and group M with Mozambique diet. Body mass at birth and weaning was evaluated the right gastrocnemius muscle of male pups at weaning was colletcted for processing. Serial sections of 10 µm were performed in a cryostat prior to histology techniques of hematoxylin and eosin, picro-sirius, NADH-tr and analysis in transmission electron microscope. Statistical evaluation was determined by analysis of variance tests (ANOVA) and Tukey. Significant differences were found between groups N, D and M. Group M exhibit a great variation of body mass that was similar to group D; these animals (group M) also showed structural changes in muscle fiber which exhibited round-shaped contours, and a predominance of type III collagen similarly to malnourished group. Ultra structurally animals from Mozambique showed a disorganization of Z lines of sarcomeres and myofibrils disruption, decreased cross-sectional area and a smaller proportion of glycolytic and glycolytic-oxidative fibers, and higher percentage and cross-sectional area identical to group D with respect to oxidative fibers.

Nutmeg¹ : power relations between a Mozambican grassroots organisation and its donors

Van Heerden, Schalk 18 July 2012 (has links)
M.A. / A linear managerialist paradigm is considered normative in the planning, implementation and evaluation of development through sport initiatives. Such an approach is also assumed in an audit culture that has a clear bias for quantitative indicators that measure pre-set outputs and outcomes. The global popularity of using sport, especially football, as a development tool is being confronted with an uncompromising evidence burden, expecting rigid justification for money spent effectively. This approach is epitomised by techniques such as logical frameworks, which in turn make epistemological and ontological assumptions that are often in conflict with the local paradigms of recipients. What effect does this normative approach have on localised initiatives? A grassroots organisation (GRO) in central Mozambique instinctively employs a strategy of contestations and compromises to ensure that the people benefit from the ‘sport and dev’ industry, while maintaining their dignity. The history of Mozambique coupled with radically distinct contexts lead to donors and recipients collaborating without the ideals of equality, partnerships, transparency and participation being realised. Local beneficiaries start to play subversive games once they sense that they cannot change the donors’ offending impositions. A case study in central Mozambique, reinforcing the work of critical scholars, points to a recognition of unequal power relations as the first step out of the current impasse. An ethnographic approach reveals the complexity of inter-personal relationships, multiplicity of stakeholders and how a simple concept such as friendship can redefine power relations. The sustainability of the specific development through a football programme seems to hinge on the quality of friendship between all the actors that make up an unarticulated network, governed by unspoken rules.

Sexual Harassment in School : Descriptions, Explanations and Solutions among Participants

Kalmelid, Nesim January 2013 (has links)
Sexual harassments in schools have been identified as one of the factors preventing girls from attending education. Moreover, both female and male students who attend education and witness male teachers harassing female students may perpetuate this behaviour. In Mozambique, research addressing sexual abuse and harassments in school focus on the fact that decrees and policies on zero-tolerance against sexual abuse are not followed up properly. There is little research addressing how students perceive the issue, and even less on male students’ understanding of the phenomenon in relations to female students’ understanding. This study took place at two schools in Maputo, Mozambique, and examines what approach students in secondary school and university, as well as adults working around these students have upon sexual harassments and abuse in school. Furthermore, officials and informants at NGOs addressing gender issues and sexual harassments in schools were interviewed. The purpose was to find out how the informants described the phenomenon, what they believed were the reasons behind it and how they thought it could be prevented. The result has been analysed through a gender and power analysis. The study uses the social constructionist theory of gender, recognising that gender is constructed through interaction and expectations of people (Francis & Skelton 2005:28), and Collen’s (1996) theory of hegemonic masculinity, which explains how the patriarchy is legitimised. Further, in order to analyse the result, Allen’s (1998) theories of power-over, power-to and power-with as well as Lukes’ (2005) theories of different dimensions of power have been used. The informants described sexual harassments as occurring between male teachers and female students at the schools. However, there was a discrepancy between the male and the female students’ perception of whether it is the male teacher or the female student who is the harasser. Despite this, the informants agreed on sexual harassments occurring between female teachers and male students being rare. The explanations to why it occurs range from the patriarchal structures, myths claiming that an older man is given good luck if having sex with a virgin, the female students’ fear of failing in school if not saying yes to the teacher, her interest in getting material benefits and her lack of interest in studying, to the male teacher’s lack of ability to control himself sexually. The different explanations were given depending on how the informant described the phenomenon. This also led to different conclusions to what should be done to come to an end to sexual harassments. An issue brought up was the difficulties to report harassments and the lack of punishment towards the teachers. Further, some believed that the female students should be subjected to awareness raising in order to dress properly and focus on the studies. While the risk of the male students perpetuating the behaviour of male teachers harassing female students is prevalent, the female students interviewed have the power to say no to the teachers, but not the power-to report. There are a number of organisations addressing the issue in different ways and there are regulations on how to report. However, in order to work holistically with the issue, the male students have to be included in the work and the organisations have to co-ordinate their measures in order to find a solution to the problem.

[GADering WID Boserup] : Three perspectives on women and the gender impasse in the Mozambican district of Nacala Porto.

Danielsson, Lina, Jakobson, Hanna January 2008 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to understand the situation concerning women and gender in relation to development, in the Mozambican district of Nacala Porto. The ambition is to identify present theoretical feminist perspectives in terms of perceived problems for women, their ability to solve them, focus areas for improvement and strategies for reaching development aims. To enable an understanding of the situation concerning women and gender in relation to development, we have conducted an analytical framework consisting of three main theoretical feminist perspectives in international development policies. These were applied as analytical tools, which consisted of Ester Boserups perspective of Women’s role in economic development, Women In Development (WID) and Gender And Development (GAD). The study displayed a discrepancy between the powerful women in the Mozambican parliament and the lack of social power described by the women in Nacala Porto. At the district level the results showed a dominating modernistic paradigm, similar to the situation identified by Boserup, who emphasised that the economical development did not benefit women equally. The subordination of women has been apparent in the district. The long-term strategy of transforming the gender structure has been met with support as well as resistance. The GAD-aim of mainstreaming gender showed a gap between international policy and practise in the district. The interventions that were WID-oriented have on the other hand shown progress regarding female representation, non-discriminatory legislation and increase of girls starting primary school. However, the WID-progress is limited without a gender perspective. Three main areas were continuously discussed as means having to change, to potentially alleviate poverty and include women in the development process. These areas were the access to employment, sustainable education and functioning family relations. The interdependence of these areas also seemed to require an integration of the three theoretical feminist perspectives of Boserup, WID and GAD.

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