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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Grön infrastruktur i den kommunala planeringen : En studie av den gröna infrastrukturens integrering i 14 Stockholmskommuners planering

Donoso, Andrés, Ozims, Naima January 2021 (has links)
Syftet med arbetet är att undersöka hur 14 kommuner i Stockholms län integrerar grön infrastruktur i den kommunala planeringen. Utöver det vill arbetet även utreda hur kommunernas arbete med grön infrastruktur relaterar till Länsstyrelsen Stockholms handlingsplan för grön infrastruktur och till den regionala utvecklingsplanen för Stockholmsregionen - RUFS2050. Rapporten avser att besvara följande frågor:  Hur arbetar kommuner i Stockholmsregionen med grön infrastruktur? Hur relaterar kommunernas arbete med grön infrastruktur till RUFS2050 och till Länsstyrelsens handlingsplan för grön infrastruktur? Vilka insatsområden för grön infrastruktur prioriteras över lag i den kommunala planeringen? Hur arbetar kommunerna med mångfunktionella områden och konnektivitet?  För att besvara dessa frågor har en litteraturstudie av kommunernas styrdokument med koppling till grön infrastruktur gjort. Inventeringar av respektive kommuns hemsida har gjorts för att hitta dessa styrdokument. För varje kommun presenteras vilka planer som kan kopplas till deras gröna infrastruktur, hur de vill arbeta med sina grön- och blåstrukturer, samt hur kommunen arbetar med uppföljning av sitt arbete och mellankommunal samverkan.  Arbetet påvisar att de flesta kommuner saknar en konkret handlingsplan för grön infrastruktur, och ingen standardiserad process för att arbeta med ämnet finns etablerad. RUFS är ett mycket viktigt underlag, men Länsstyrelsen Stockholms handlingsplan för grön infrastruktur finns inte implementerad i dagsläget, antagligen på grund av att den är relativt ny tidsmässigt. Störst fokus läggs på kulturella och försörjande ekosystemtjänster, följt av stödjande tjänster. Alla kommuner vill jobba med mångfunktionella områden, men enbart ett fåtal fokuserar på de barriärer som påverkar konnektiviteten, samt arbetar för att motverka dem. Sammantaget kan man se att ett behov finns för en mer standardiserad process berörande integreringen av grön infrastruktur i den kommunala planeringen. / The purpose of this report is to explore how 14 municipalities in the county of Stockholm incorporate green infrastructure into their municipal planning. Furthermore, the work also investigates how the municipalities work with green infrastructure in relation to the County Administrative Board of Stockholm's action plan for green infrastructure, and the regional development plan for the Stockholm Region. The following questions are answered:  How does the municipalities within the Stockholm region work with green infrastructure? How does the municipalities implementation of green infrastructure relate to the action plan for green infrastructure, and the regional development plan for the Stockholm Region? What areas within green infrastructure are mostly prioritised in municipal planning? How does the municipalities work with multifunctional areas and connectivity?  To answer these questions a literature study of municipal documents related to green infrastructure has been made. These documents were found by thoroughly searching through each municipality's website. For each municipality there is a summary describing what documents were found, how the municipality integrates green and blue structures into their planning, and also how they follow-up their work and co-operate with neighbouring municipalities.  The study shows that most municipalities lack an actual action plan for green infrastructure, and there is no established process for the municipalities to follow when working with green infrastructure. The regional development plan for the Stockholm region is a great asset for the municipalities, as all of them base their municipal planning on it. However, the County Administrative Board of Stockholm's action plan for green infrastructure has not been implemented into the municipal planning as of today, probably because of it being relatively new. The main areas within green infrastructure that are being prioritised are cultural and provisioning ecosystem services, followed by supporting services. All municipalities want to work with multifunctional areas, but only a few of them prioritise barriers that affects the connectivity within their green infrastructures. Overall, there is a clear need for a more standardised process for the integration of green infrastructure into municipal planning.

Kranskommuner och kommunal allmänkultur : Kommunala narrativ i Stockholms Kranskommuner - En fallstudie av Sollentuna och Huddinge kommun / Municipal Planning In Suburban Regions : A Narrative Case Study Sollentuna and Huddinge Municipality in the Region of Stockholm.

Ahlm, Vera January 2024 (has links)
This essay handles municipal cultural planning practices in suburban areas and compares Sollentuna and Huddinge municipality in the Stockholm Region. Citizens' accessibility to culture serves as an important catalyst in regional growth strategies. Sollentuna and Huddinge municipality are two municipalities within the region of Stockholm, yet are not integrated with the City of Stockholms cultural core. In this essay I aim to analyze disparities in how these municipalities conceive, manage, and implement cultural policies.  This research focuses on the often-overlooked domain of 'general culture' (allmänkultur) which is entirely voluntary for municipalities to administer and is thus driven solely by local policies. Through the lens of intermediary cultural actors involved in municipal planning, the study investigates prevalent narratives shaping cultural practices and collaborations with local community groups. Furthermore, narratives articulated by planners and cultural actors can uncover the challenges and aspirations unique to each municipality. The study underscores the importance of understanding local contexts and dynamics in shaping cultural planning practices, challenging conventional urban-rural dichotomies in land-use management. Key findings reveal differing approaches in cultural planning between Huddinge and Sollentuna municipalities, despite sharing similar overarching goals. While both municipalities prioritize accessibility and support for local cultural activities, their strategies differ. Huddinge emphasizes governance strategies and collaborative partnerships with community organizations, whereas Sollentuna focuses on placemaking initiatives and fostering a cultural cluster with cross-boundary appeal.  In conclusion, this research advocates for a nuanced understanding of municipal cultural planning, emphasizing qualitative assessments over quantitative metrics to capture the social impact and significance of cultural investments. By examining suburban municipalities, the study contributes to expanding perspectives on Swedish municipal cultural planning, highlighting the role of intermediary cultural actors in shaping local cultural policy.

Är kommunal klimatanpassning inkluderande? : En fallstudie av kommunal klimatanpassning ur ett funktionshinderperspektiv / Is municipal climate adaptation inclusive? : A case study in municipal climate change adaptation from a disability perspective

Wennström, Elin January 2024 (has links)
Klimatförändringar har en betydande inverkan på grundläggande mänskliga rättigheter. Marginaliserade grupper anses särskilt sårbara för klimatförändringarnas återverkan, där bland annat personer med funktionsnedsättningar. Denna fallstudie undersöker därför hur funktionshinderperspektivet integreras eller konkurrerar med klimatanpassning i kommunal översiktsplanering i Sveriges storstadsregioner Stockholm, Göteborg och Malmö. Målet är att bedöma hur inkluderande svenska kommuners klimatanpassning är.Klimatförändringarnas påverkan på personer med funktionsnedsättningar och deras rättigheter utforskas, och en teoretisk ram byggs baserad på FN:s konvention om rättigheter för personer med funktionsnedsättning, det sociala synsättet på funktionsnedsättning och intersektionalitet. Studien bygger på en innehållsanalys av översiktsplaner och en mindre mängd enkäter. En tematisk analys av resultaten visar skillnader i hur ett funktionshinderperspektiv integreras i kommunala planer och upplevs av personer med funktionsnedsättningar. Trots liknande förutsättningar, målsättningar och klimatrelaterade förhållanden varierar kommunernas förmåga att integrera funktionshinderperspektiv. Bristande kommunikation, skillnader i förståelse och tillämpning av tillgänglighetsåtgärder och dess upplevda funktion framträder som stora utmaningar för kommunal klimatanpassning. Den bristande kommunikationen från kommuner förvärrar problemen och understryker behovet av förbättrade åtgärder och tydligare dialoger mellan kommuner och medborgare.Vidare forskning rekommenderas för att bredda förståelsen av kunskapsluckan och i en svensk kontext ska en mer omfattande förståelse inför de utmaningar som personer med funktionsnedsättningar står inför i skuggan av klimatförändringar / Climate change is disrupting vital human rights, with marginalized groups bearing the brunt. For the marginalized group of people with disabilities, the challenges are even more pronounced. Therefore, this case study investigates the integration or potential competition between a disability perspective and climate adaptation efforts in municipal planning, focusing on Stockholm, Gothenburg, and Malmö in Sweden. The aim being to assess the inclusivity of climate adaptation initiatives in Swedish municipalities. The study establishes a theoretical framework encompassing the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, the social model of disability, and intersectionality. It identifies crucial aspects within climate adaptation and disability rights, emphasizing the importance of an ecological and social sustainability perspective, adaptive versus mitigative adaptation strategies, and the political underpinnings of effective adaptation measures. By conducting a content analysis over municipal comprehensive plans and an additional smallscale survey, the outcome reveals disparities in integrating accessibility measures within municipal plans, hindering the participation and well-being of individuals with disabilities. While municipalities strive for incorporation of accessibility measures, the efforts fall short, leading to exclusionary outcomes. Insufficient communication and engagement from municipal authorities exacerbate these short-comings, highlighting the need for enhanced measures and clearer communication channels between municipalities and citizens to achieve equitable and inclusive climate adaptation. Despite similar geographic and climate-related conditions, municipalities exhibit variations in their ability to integrate disability perspectives effectively - the study exposes both progress and shortcomings in climate adaptation efforts across the municipalities, emphasizing the underrepresentation of disability perspectives. This resulted in a pin-pointed necessity for municipalities to intensify efforts to comprehensively integrate disability perspectives into climate adaptation strategies to ensure inclusivity and equity in Swedish municipalities. Further research is recommended to broaden the understanding of a disability perspective in climate change adaptation and to further clarify if adaptation initiatives are inclusive and just.

Kommunal Samverkan och Förnybar Energi : En studie om kommunal samverkan för utbyggnad av landbaserad vindkraft / Municipal Collaboration and Renewable Energy : A study on municipal collaboration for the expansion of onshore wind power

Kanhaleela, Iyara, Stålhammar, Emilia January 2024 (has links)
Energy production in southern Sweden is insufficient to meet the demand. As a result, Skåne relies on electricity imports from other parts of the country and abroad. Region Skåne sees potential in increasing energy production through renewable resources, including wind power. Many land-based wind turbines in Skåne are outdated and need upgrades in the near future. Wind turbines hold significant potential for future electricity production, necessitating further expansion to meet the growing demand for electricity. Wind power planning transcends municipal boundaries, requiring intermunicipal collaboration for effective wind power expansion. In 2010, three neighboring municipalities - Helsingborg, Höganäs, and Ängelholm - developed a thematic addition to identify suitable land for wind power expansion. This study aims to investigate the importance of municipal collaboration in wind power expansion and the challenges and opportunities municipal planning presents for renewable energy production. The methodology includes interview studies and document analysis to capture the broad aspects of collaboration and wind power development. The theoretical framework applies governance at various types and levels. The results highlight the significance of effective dialogue between municipalities for planning sustainable energy sources. Despite some debate over the thematic addition, the study underscores the need for cross-municipal cooperation to optimize planning. Municipal collaboration can address challenges in planning renewable energy production, but it requires political support and balancing diverse interests. Intermunicipal cooperation is crucial for tackling the challenges of renewable energy sources and for sharing resources and expertise among municipalities.

District Heating in a Liberalized Energy Market: A New Order? : Planning and Development in the Stockholm Region, 1978-2012 / Fjärrvärme i en liberaliserad energimarknad: en ny ordning? : Planering och utveckling i Stockholmsregionen, 1978-2012

Magnusson, Dick January 2013 (has links)
This dissertation analyses how district heating systems in the Stockholm region have evolved and developed during the period 1978-2012. The thesis comprises four papers analyzing how district heating has been handled in municipal and regional planning. The examination explores how actors have worked together to create regional, interconnected district heating systems with economic, technological and environmental benefits. An investigation is undertaken on the effects of liberalization (and the subsequent commercialization of the district heating market) on the planning and cooperation of these systems. The impact on the present and future district heating market is also discussed. The dissertation shows that energy companies cooperated on a regional level to create interconnected regional systems. Through openness, the capacity to make high-level decisions and municipal legitimacy, the regional strategies could be implemented at the municipal level. This can be considered a form of regional planning from below that developed through the initiative of the municipalities. The regional energy planning authority Stoseb could therefore succeed where other regional planning authorities in the Stockholm region have previous failed, to gather and unite the municipalities into a regional force. This cooperation changed around the time of the liberalization of the energy market in 1996, which led to sales of several municipal energy companies and a subsequent concentration of ownership in the region. The organizational distance between energy companies and municipalities has increased and affected the communication between them. Regional cooperation could not be maintained and this has meant that opportunities and tools to implement energy strategies today are weaker than earlier. This is a case of ‘regional splintering’. The liberalization of the energy market thus had a major impact on the district heating sector. / Denna sammanläggningsavhandling analyserar hur fjärrvärmesystemen iStockholmsregionen vuxit och förändrats, mellan 1978 och 2012. Avhandlingen består av fyra artiklar som analyserar hur fjärrvärme hanterats i kommunal och regional planering, hur aktörer samarbetat för att skapa regionala, sammankopplade fjärrvärmesystem med ekonomiska, tekniska och miljömässiga vinster som följd, hur elavregleringen, och den påföljande kommersialiseringen av fjärrvärmemarknaden, påverkade planering och samverkan kring dessa system, samt fjärrvärmemarknadens nuläge och framtid. Avhandlingen visar att energibolagen samarbetat på regional nivå för att skapa sammanhängande regionala system, genom öppet samarbete och att man tack vare hög beslutskompetens kunnat implementera de regionala strategierna på kommunal nivå. Det var en form av regional planering underifrån, då initiativet kom från kommunerna och samarbetsorganet lyckades med vad regionala planorgan haft svårt att genomföra under flertalet decennier i Stockholmsregion, nämligen att samla och ena kommunerna kring strategier som implementerats. Detta samarbete förändrades vid tiden runt liberaliseringen av energimarknaden, som genomfördes 1996, vilket ledde till försäljning av flertalet kommunala energibolag och en efterföljande koncentration av ägandeskapet i regionen. Det organisatoriska avståndet mellan energibolag och kommun har därmed blivit längre och påverkat kommunikationen dem emellan. Det regionala samarbetet kunde därmed inte fortsätta som tidigare och detta gör att möjligheterna och verktyg att implementera regionala energistrategier idag är svaga. Detta var ett fall av ”regional splintering”. Liberaliseringen av energimarknaden hade således stor påverkan påfjärrvärmesektorn.

The integration of water issues in comprehensive municipal planning : A comparison of organization and practice in Sweden and the Netherlands

Lelie, Simon January 2011 (has links)
The water environment is facing many threats, waters are polluted, ecosystems destroyed andclimate change is causing more problems related to flooding and droughts. For a long time,these water problems have been addressed separately. Although there have been improvementsin how water is managed, for example through advanced wastewater treatment, in order toaddress water problems thoroughly, the use of integrated water management has been advocatedas the solution. This integration can refer to the consideration of the different components of thewater system, the connection between the water system, social and economic factors and to thelink between the water management and other policy sectors. The EU Water FrameworkDirective has further stressed the importance of an integrated approach to water management.The connection between spatial planning and water management has been recognized as beingof special importance. By considering water aspects in spatial planning it is possible to preventnegative effects on the water system. This study focuses on the practice of comprehensivemunicipal planning and the integration of water issues in that process. Based on interviews anda literature review it tries to find answers on how the organization of the spatial planning andwater management systems contribute to that integration and what other factors are ofrelevance. The situation in Sweden is compared with the situation in the Netherlands. Thiscomparison shows that water issues are of great importance in Dutch spatial planning. This canbe explained by the historical battle against water, since a large part of the Netherlands issituated below sea level. In contrast to the Swedish situation, several organizational levels haveresponsibilities in water planning and there is the presence of a strong water institution, theWater Boards. A requirement to carry out a Water Assessment for spatial plans has been aninitiative to further raise the integration of water issues in spatial planning. Although it appearsthat the Netherlands have better prerequisites to integrate water in spatial planning, thecomparison with Sweden shows that other factors and uncertainties at the local level are quitesimilar. Solutions for integration have been proposed, for example the development ofmunicipal water plans. In two case studies, local efforts to promote the integration of waterissues in planning are further discussed.

Resiliensanalys för trygg dricksvattenförsörjning : Problemidentifiering av stadsbyggnadsprojektet Ulleråker i Uppsala / A Resilience Assessment for Water Security : Problem identification of the urban development project Ulleråker in Uppsala

Wängdahl, Malin January 2016 (has links)
Detta examensarbete består av en resiliensanalys av ett stadbyggnadsprojekt i området Ulleråker, straxsöder om Uppsalas stadskärna. Resiliensanalysen kan bidra med perspektiv till planeringen för att säkraUppsalas dricksvattenförsörjning då stadsbyggnadsprojektet, enligt programförslaget, är planerat attligga på känsliga delar av Uppsalas grundvattentäkt och därför riskerar att förorena grundvattnet.Området Ulleråker ligger inom zon för vattenskyddsområde. Resiliensanalysen har tidigare inte använts i stor utsträckning för planeringkontexten och metoden hardelvis kritiserats för brister i praktisk användbarhet. Examensarbetet ämnar därför till att fylla håletmellan teori och praktik och därför testa metoden på ett praktiskt planeringsfall (Ulleråker) och ommöjligt föreslå förbättringar för dess användbarhet. Dessutom ska examensarbetet bidra till denpraktiska fallstudien för Ulleråker där Sweco och Uppsala kommun får nya perspektiv kring vilkaaspekter som är relevant att inkludera i planeringen. Metoden följer Resilience Alliance praktikerns handbok ”Assessing Resilience in Social-EcologicalSystems: Workbook for Practitioners”, vilken används för att analysera systemet utifrån handbokensfem steg, inkluderat vägledande frågor. Det första steget fokuserade på att definiera systemgränser samtidentifiera huvudproblem. Det andra steget handlade om systemdynamik i form av den adaptiva cykelnoch önskvärda eller icke önskvärda systemlägen. Det tredje steget fokuserade på tvärvetenskapligasamverkansprocesser mellan andra system på högre och lägre nivåer. Det fjärde steget handlade omaktörssamverkan. Slutligen, i det femte steget, sammanfattades analysen och adaptiva lösningar försystemet diskuteras vilka kan användas för att bygga ett resilient system. Analysen avstadsbyggnadsprojektet Ulleråker gjordes utifrån tillgängligt underlag från planprocessen samtintervjuer av nyckelpersoner, och fokuserade på riskerna för grundvattentäkten och ytvattnet i Fyrisån. Slutsatserna från resiliensanalysen är att metoden är svår att använda i en komplex planeringkontextutifrån handbokens utformning och fokus på mindre komplexa system. Även om det finns vissabegränsningar i analysmetodens praktiska användbarhet finns det faktorer som kan bidra tillplaneringskontexten, t.ex. ett ökat systemtänkande (Ulleråker som system), risktänk kringtröskeleffekter (irreversibel förorening av grundvattentäkten) samt längre tidsperspektiv (framtidaosäkerheter). Modellen ball-in-the-basin med systemlägen är relevant för att förstå ett systems önskade,oönskade eller irreversibla förändring liksom den adaptiva cykeln för att systemet ständigt utvecklas.Dessutom är en viktig poäng med de tvärvetenskapliga interaktionerna att kunskapen från systemetsminne bör utnyttjas i större grad. Finns redan kunskapen inom kommunen bör det social-ekologiskasystemet mycket snabbare kunna återhämta sig och återgå till ett fungerande dricksvattensystem (högresystemnivå). Resiliensanalysen har också identifierat och diskuterat strategiska åtgärder, som skullekunna skapa ett mer resilient Ulleråker, bland annat i form av att öka samverkansprocesserna(governance) och att initiera förändring. Avslutningsvis är de viktigaste slutsatserna kopplade till de tre pelarna: Social-ekologiska system(systemtänk), komplexa adaptiva system (risker för tröskeleffekter och att utvecklingen inte alltså skerlinjärt och förutsägbar utan inkluderar stora osäkerheter) samt utveckling över skalor av tid och rum(långa tidsperspektiv, men också olika geografiska skalor). Eftersom det utifrån handbokens utformningkrävs kunskap kring resiliens från analysören och dessutom mycket tid och resurser som det sällan finnsgott om i planeringsprocessen bör dessa tre pelare, tillsammans med anpassningsbarhet,omställningsbarhet och specifik samt generell resiliens, implementeras i traditionell planering. / This master thesis contains of a resilience assessment of an urban development project in the area called Ulleråker, a bit south of the center of Uppsala city. The resilience assessment aims to give newperspectives for obtaining water security in Uppsala, since the program proposal affects sensitive areasof the groundwater aquifer of Uppsala and is posing risks of contaminating the ground water aquifer.The area of Ulleråker is highly sensitive and therefore secured by a water protection area. The resilience assessment has not earlier been used to a large extent in the urban planning context andthe method has earlier been criticized for lack of practical usefulness. The thesis aims to fill the gapbetween scientific studies of practical cases. The method is therefore used on a practical case (Ulleråker)and propose improvements connected to the usability. The thesis should also contribute to the case,Ulleråker, where Sweco and the municipality of Uppsala are given new perspectives of what should beimportant to consider in planning. The method is based on the Resilience Alliance’s workbook ”Assessing Resilience in Social-EcologicalSystems: Workbook for Practitioners”, which is used to analyze the system based in five steps, includingguiding questions. The first step of the workbook focused on defining the system and limiting the systemtogether with identifying main problems. The second step of the assessment focused on the systemdynamic exploring the adaptive cycle as well as desired and undesired system regimes. The third stagefocused on interactions between different hierarchical levels of time and scale. The fourth stage focusedon governance, and on how actors cooperate with decision-making. The last stage focused onsyntezeising the assessment findings and adaptive solutions for building resilience. The analysis ofUlleråker is based on already completed investigations and material from the planning process togetherwith interviews of main actors and is focused on risks connected to ground- and surface water. The conclusions are that the resilience assessment is hard to use in a planning context with theconformation of today. Even though there are difficulties, the assessment can contribute with factors asthe resilience thinking about social-ecological systems (Ulleråker as a system with social and ecologicalsystems interacting), risks of thresholds (contaminating the groundwater) and the longer timeperspective (future uncertainties), to the planning context. The model ball-in-the-basin with systemregimes are relevant to understand the systems desirable, undesirable or irreversible development andthe adaptive cycle for the constant development (adaptation and transformation) of the system. Anotherimportant aspect with the cross-scale interactions (between levels) are to a higher extent use the memoryof the system. If the knowledge already exists in the municipality, the social-ecological system wouldbe able to reorganize faster and return to a functional drinking water system (on higher level). Theresilience assessment has also identified strategic actions that possibly could create a more resilientUlleråker, by for example increase the governance and initiating change. In conclusion, the most important aspects of the assessment to bring in to the planning process are thethree aspects: Social-ecological system (resilience thinking), complex adaptive system (risks connectedto thresholds and non-linear development including uncertainties) and cross-scale interactionsdevelopment (long time perspectives and geographical scales). The conformation of the workbookrequires great knowledge about resilience from the assessor, and there are seldom enough time andresources available in the conventional process. The three aspects together with adaptability,transformability and specified and general resilience should be implemented in conventional planning.

Municipalities as Enablers of Citizen-led Urban Initiatives : Possibilities and Constraints / Kommuner som möjliggörare av medborgardriven stadsutveckling : Möjligheter och hinder

Danenberg, Rosa January 2015 (has links)
Municipal bottom-up urban development is growing into an increasingly common urban practice. However, bottom-up urban development differs considerably from conventional top-down planning. The discrepancy forms obstacles for the relationship between top-down and bottom-up actors. Yet, creating an enabling relationship is possible, although how it can be realized is rather underexamined. Therefore, the aim of this research is to contribute knowledge to how municipalities can enable citizen-led urban initiatives. Empirical research in Stockholm and Istanbul, based on four examples of citizen-led urban initiatives and one municipal representative, provided valuable insights. On the one hand, within the existing municipal framework, certain possibilities and constraints for municipal bottom-up urban development arise. However, aiming to creating a structural change that transforms the relationship, new urban governance arrangements need to be established at the local level. From a governance innovation perspective, implementing a neighborhood council and a municipal guide form feasibly possibilities. Especially its combination is found key to redeem most of the constraints while it has the potential to establish socially innovative urban development.

Kommunalt självstyre och regional fysisk planering i Region Värmland : En studie om hur kommuner kan påverkas av regional fysisk planering i Region Värmland / Municipal self-government and regional spatial planning in Region Värmland : A study of how municipalities can be affected by regional spatial planning in Region Värmland

Welamsson, Thea January 2023 (has links)
What is studied in this essay is how municipal self-government and the municipal planning monopoly can be affected for municipalities in Region Värmland if physical planning were to be regionalized in Värmland. There is a power shift going on in today´s situation, where the local is being moved more and more to the regional level. It is also a power struggle between who should control different thing. The purpose of the work is to find out how municipalities in Värmland will be affected if the physical planning were to be regionalized. Also how civil servants and their work regarding planning may be affected. This can be seen based on two dimensions that are applied in the study, the dimension of power and the dimension of activity, which can show differences and similarities exist between municipalities. The questions to be answered are:  - What effects and perspectives (pros and cons) do you think the working method can have for the interviewed municipalities if spatial planning is regionalized? -Does it matter if it is a smaller or larger municipality? -How is planning affected by this, what would be the consequences/problems for the businesses from more regional physical planning in Värmland?  Through qualitative interviews, respondents from eight municipalities in Värmland have been interviewed to answer how they think they will be affected if regional spatial planning were to be used in Värmland. The respondents work with relevant professions within community planning. The results show, based on four themes, divided unconditionally based on the respondent´s answers, how the municipalities and their respondents would be  affected. Among other things, the respondents lack responsibility from the region, resources and the municipalities conditions look different and depending on whether it is a small or large municipality it can look different. The local knowledge a municipality has is also important for municipalities, and municipal self- government is also something that municipalities think is important. Politics and democracy are important parts of how things should work. The conclusion shows that different effects and perspectives with pros and cons will affect the interviewed municipalities if spatial planning is regionalized. An important perspecitve is that power between municipality and region plays a role and also that municipalities today work in different ways and are therefore affected differently depending on their size, small or large municipality. The planning and activites will have several different consequences, both good and bad, knowledge and cooperation is something that will be able to improve the planning.

Learning From Practice : Exploring the Relationship Between Land Subsidence, Climate Change and Flood Risk in Swedish Municipal Level Strategic Planning

Andersson, Charlotte January 2022 (has links)
Land subsidence is in international academic literature recognised as a significant problem for urban environments. The phenomenon can cause severe damage to infrastructure and buildings resulting in expensive repairs or permanent damage to the ground’s conditions and services. In more recent literature, academics have started to connect an increase in land subsidence occurrences to climate change. Performed as a qualitative case study, this thesis research how the relationship between land subsidence and climate change can be understood by exploring Gothenburg municipality’s strategic planning strategies for climate adaptation for flood risk. The research utilizes the qualitative methods of document analyses and semi-structured interviews. The thesis’ results show the relationship between land subsidence and climate change can be understood as a wicked problem in the sense it is hard to define and require multi-level governance to be managed. Benefits for urban planning are identified as increased knowledge on the relationship would bring more comprehensive management of land subsidence on a larger scale as well as enable faster responses in case of risk of climate change-induced land subsidence occurring, threatening the urban environment. Final suggestions are made to further research what information on land subsidence is relevant to include and in which document to enable more strategic management of the topic.

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