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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Filtrace signálů EKG s využitím vlnkové transformace / Wavelet filtering of ECG Signals

Ryšánek, Jan January 2012 (has links)
This work deals with the possibilities of filtering the ECG signal, representing the first part, which is the basis for successful delineation and follow diagnosis of the ECG signal. Filtration in this case is mean to suppress interference from electrical grid, noise of electrical grid. The content of the work is description of filters realized trough wavelet transform and linear filtering as a means to successful filtration of interference. There are method of stationary wavelet transform - dyadic wavelet transform, wavelet packet transform and wavelet wiener filtering method. Linear filtering includes two narrow-band FIR filters. The objective of this work is to propose different methods of wavelet and linear filters in Matlab, filtering of ECG signals and compare the success of filtration methods. ECG signals used in this work are from the CSE database.

Remediation of instability in Best Linear Unbiased Prediction

Eatwell, Karen Anne January 2013 (has links)
In most breeding programmes breeders use phenotypic data obtained in breeding trials to rank the performance of the parents or progeny on pre-selected performance criteria. Through this ranking the best candidates are identified and selected for breeding or production purposes. Best Linear Unbiased Prediction (BLUP), is an efficient selection method to use, combining information into a single index. Unbalanced or messy data is frequently found in tree breeding trial data. Trial individuals are related and a degree of correlation is expected between individuals over sites, which can lead to collinearity in the data which may lead to instability in certain selection models. A high degree of collinearity may cause problems and adversely affect the prediction of the breeding values in a BLUP selection index. Simulation studies have highlighted that instability is a concern and needs to be investigated in experimental data. The occurrence of instability, relating to collinearity, in BLUP of tree breeding data and possible methods to deal with it were investigated in this study. Case study data from 39 forestry breeding trials (three generations) of Eucalyptus grandis and 20 trials of Pinus patula (two generations) were used. A series of BLUP predictions (rankings) using three selection traits and 10 economic weighting sets were made. Backward and forward prediction models with three different matrix inversion techniques (singular value decomposition, Gaussian elimination - partial and full pivoting) and an adapted ridge regression technique were used in calculating BLUP indices. A Delphi and Clipper version of the same BLUP programme which run with different computational numerical precision were used and compared. Predicted breeding values (forward prediction) were determined in the F1 and F2 E. grandis trials and F1 P. patula trials and realised breeding performance (backward prediction) was determined in the F2 and F3 E. grandis trials and F2 P. patula trials. The accuracy (correlation between the predicted breeding values and realised breeding performance) was estimated in order to assess the efficiency of the predictions and evaluate the different matrix inversion methods. The magnitude of the accuracy (correlations) was found to mostly be of acceptable magnitude when compared to the heritability of the compound weighted trait in the F1F2 E. grandis scenarios. Realised genetic gains were also calculated for each method used. Instability was observed in both E. grandis and P. patula breeding data in the study, and this may cause a significant loss in realised genetic gains. Instability can be identified by examining the matrix calculated from the product of the phenotypic covariance matrix with its inverse, for deviations from the expected identity pattern. Results of this study indicate that it may not always be optimal to use a higher numerical precision programme when there is collinearity in the data and instability in the matrix calculations. In some cases, where there is a large amount of collinearity, the use of a higher precision programme for BLUP calculations can significantly increase or decrease the accuracy of the rankings. The different matrix inversion techniques particularly SVD and adapted ridge regression did not perform much better than the full pivoting technique. The study found that it is beneficial to use the full pivoting Gaussian elimination matrix inversion technique in preference to the partial pivoting Gaussian elimination matrix inversion technique for both high and lower numerical precision programmes. / Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2013. / gm2014 / Genetics / unrestricted

Entwicklung von HT-Lötsystemen für artfremde Werkstoffverbunde

Blank, Robin 06 February 2020 (has links)
In Gasturbinenbrennern kommen Nickelbasiswerkstoffe für thermisch hoch belastete Komponenten standardmäßig zum Einsatz. Die Bauteile liegen strömungstechnisch vor der stattfindenden Verbrennung, wodurch es zu einer stark einseitigen thermischen Belastung kommt. Ein wirtschaftlich effizienter Einsatz von Nickelbasiswerkstoffen kann daher in Kombination mit kostengünstigen warmfesten Stählen für die weniger stark thermisch belasteten Bauteilbereiche erreicht werden. Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit ist die Prozessentwicklung zum Hochtemperaturlöten von im Brennerbau häufig verwendeten Nickelbasislegierungen und dem niedriglegierten warmfesten Stahl 16Mo3 (1.5415). Im Entwicklungsprozess wurden die Mikrostruktur der Verbunde charakterisiert, die Auswirkungen thermischer Ausdehnungsunterschiede evaluiert und die erreichbare Festigkeit erfasst. An einem Demonstrator wurden die Erkenntnisse im Rahmen der industriellen Fertigung getestet.:1 Einführung 1.1 Einleitung und Motivation 1.2 Stand von Wissenschaft und Technik 1.3 Schlussfolgerungen und Zielsetzung 2 Technologische Grundlagen 2.1 Der Hochtemperaturlötprozess 2.2 Thermische Ausdehnung 2.3 Diffusion 2.4 Metallurgische Prozesse 3 Experimentelle Durchführung 3.1 Grund- und Lotwerkstoffe 3.2 Lötprozesse und Probengeometrien 3.3 Mikrostrukturelle, thermische und mechanische Charakterisierung 4 Ergebnisse und Diskussion 4.1 Mikrostrukturcharakterisierung 4.1.1 Grundwerkstoffe 4.1.2 Lötsystem 16Mo3 – INCONEL 625 4.1.3 Lötsystem 16Mo3 – Nimonic 75 4.1.4 Lötsystem 16Mo3 – Hastelloy X 4.1.5 Lötsystem 16Mo3 – INCONEL 718 4.1.6 Normalisierungsgefüge von 16Mo3 4.1.7 Zusammenfassung der Mikrostrukturcharakterisierung 4.2 Thermische Ausdehnung 4.2.1 Maßänderung 4.2.2 Eigenspannungen 4.3 Mechanische Eigenschaften 4.3.1 Zugversuch 4.3.2 Zugscherversuch 4.3.3 Ermittlung der kritischen Überlapplänge 4.4 Demonstrator 5 Zusammenfassung und Ausblick / Nickel-base alloys for thermally high loaded components are widely used for gas turbine burner parts. By means of flow direction burner parts are located prior to the combustion. They are therefore one-sided thermally loaded. An economical efficient use of nickel based alloys can be achieved in combination with low alloyed steels for thermally less loaded components. The aim of this work is the development of brazing processes for GT-burner manufacturing related nickel based alloys and the low alloyed steel 16Mo3 (1.5415) using nickel based filler materials. The development includes a microstructural characterization of the brazed compounds, the evaluation of thermal expansion behavior and the maximum strength. A final test examines the feasibility by means of industrial manufacturing.:1 Einführung 1.1 Einleitung und Motivation 1.2 Stand von Wissenschaft und Technik 1.3 Schlussfolgerungen und Zielsetzung 2 Technologische Grundlagen 2.1 Der Hochtemperaturlötprozess 2.2 Thermische Ausdehnung 2.3 Diffusion 2.4 Metallurgische Prozesse 3 Experimentelle Durchführung 3.1 Grund- und Lotwerkstoffe 3.2 Lötprozesse und Probengeometrien 3.3 Mikrostrukturelle, thermische und mechanische Charakterisierung 4 Ergebnisse und Diskussion 4.1 Mikrostrukturcharakterisierung 4.1.1 Grundwerkstoffe 4.1.2 Lötsystem 16Mo3 – INCONEL 625 4.1.3 Lötsystem 16Mo3 – Nimonic 75 4.1.4 Lötsystem 16Mo3 – Hastelloy X 4.1.5 Lötsystem 16Mo3 – INCONEL 718 4.1.6 Normalisierungsgefüge von 16Mo3 4.1.7 Zusammenfassung der Mikrostrukturcharakterisierung 4.2 Thermische Ausdehnung 4.2.1 Maßänderung 4.2.2 Eigenspannungen 4.3 Mechanische Eigenschaften 4.3.1 Zugversuch 4.3.2 Zugscherversuch 4.3.3 Ermittlung der kritischen Überlapplänge 4.4 Demonstrator 5 Zusammenfassung und Ausblick

Organische Photosensoren mit spektraler Anpassung

Jahnel, Matthias Stephan 24 March 2017 (has links)
Der Schwerpunkt dieser Arbeit liegt auf der Simulation, Entwicklung und Realisierung organischer Halbleiterbauelemente für Anwendungen im Bereich der Sensorik. Unter dem Gesichtspunkt der Fertigung sollen die organischen lichtemittierenden Dioden (OLEDs) und die organischen Photodioden (OPDs) einfach konzeptioniert sein. Je nach Bauelementetyp stehen für die Herstellung der organischen Schichten die Vakuumtechnologie oder lösungsmittelbasierte Prozesse zur Verfügung. Eine Besonderheit der Arbeit ist die Integration der OLEDs bzw. der OPDs auf Silizium-Substraten. Zudem wird die Integration von optischen Filtern für die OLEDs sowie die Etablierung einer Dünnschichtverkapselung für die OLEDs und OPDs gezeigt. Im ersten Teil der Arbeit wird anhand von Simulationen der Dünnschichtoptik erarbeitet, welche Möglichkeiten vorhanden sind, die Charakteristik der OLEDEmission bzw. die Absorptionseigenschaften der OPDs zu beeinflussen. Die Besonderheit der OLEDs für die Sensorikanwendungen liegt hierbei in der Licht-Emission mit geringen Halbwertsbreiten. Es wird anhand von Fluoreszenzmarkern (Rhodamin 6G und Nah-IR Alzheimer Farbstoff-4) und einem Chromoprotein (PAS-GAF-64) verdeutlicht, welche Möglichkeiten für die Sensorik durch die Anregung mit der OLED bestehen. Für die OPDs hingegen wird gezeigt, welche Möglichkeiten es für das Rodamin 6G gibt, mit dielektrischen Spiegeln die Absorptionseigenschaften so zu beeinflussen, dass die gewünschten spektralen Bereiche des Lichtes absorbiert bzw. reflektiert werden. Der zweite Teil widmet sich der Entwicklung der OLEDs anhand der Integrationsmöglichkeiten der dielektrischen Filter sowie deren Optimierung. Es wird am Beispiel des Rhodamin 6G gezeigt, dass für die OLED-Emission eine Halbwertsbreite von 18 nm beim Maximum von 530 nm hat. Durch die Verwendung von Entlastungsschichten zwischen OLED und dielektrischem Spiegel können die Kennwerte der OLED positiv beeinflusst werden und weiterhin werden das Temperaturverhalten der OLEDs sowie die Verspannungseigenschaften der dielektrischen Schichten betrachtet. Darüber hinaus steht im dritten Teil die Entwicklung der organischen Photodioden im Fokus. Hierbei wurden OPDs auf Glas- und Siliziumsubstraten gefertigt. Inhalt der Entwicklung auf Glassubstraten ist die Variation der absorbierenden Schicht und deren Einfluss auf die elektro-optischen Eigenschaften. Die Entwicklung der OPDs auf Siliziumsubstraten basiert auf der Integration sowie der Optimierung verschiedener Absorbersysteme, einer alternativen Anode und Kathode sowie der Integration einer Dünnschichtverkapselung. Im Ergebnis wurden OPDs entwickelt, die ohne Dünnschichtverkapselung einen Photonen-zu-Elektron-Umwandlungs-wirkungsgrad (IPCE) von ca. 37 % bei 550 nm haben. Der IPCE konnte zudem durch die Modifikation des Kathodenaufbaus um 4 % gesteigert werden. Die OPD-Bauelemente mit integrierter Dünnschichtverkapselung zeigen einen IPCE von ca. 33 % bei 550 nm. Weiterhin wurde die Methode der orthogonalen Photolithographie zur Strukturierung der OPDs verwendet und es erfolgte der Übertrag der OPD-Technologie auf 8-Zoll-Halbleitersubstrate. In diesem Zusammenhang sind zur Bewertung von Einflüssen, wie Wasser oder Sauerstoff, Untersuchungen zur Lebensdauer der OPDs durchgeführt worden. Die Kenntnis über den Einfluss der orthogonalen Photolithographie auf die Kennwerte der OPDs sowie der Einfluss der Dünnschichtverkapselung auf die Eigenschaften der OPDs und OLEDs sind essentiell für weitere Entwicklungen und zur Fertigung von Sensoranwendungen. / This work focuses on the simulation, development and implementation of organic semiconductor devices for applications in the field of sensor technology. From the viewpoint of manufacturing, organic light emitting diodes (OLEDs) as well as organic photodiodes (OPD) should be designed simply. Depending on the type of device vacuum technology or solvent-based processes are available for producing organic layer. A special feature of OLED- and OPD-devices is the integration on silicon substrates. In addition, the integration of optical filters for OLED-devices and the thin-film encapsulation of OLEDs and OPDs is shown. The first part of the work elaborates on simulations of thin film optics, describing options to control the characteristics of the OLED-emission or the absorption properties of the OPD. A special characteristic of OLEDs is the light emission with a small full with half maximum for sensor applications. By using of fluorescent markers Rhodamine 6G and near-IR dye Alzheimer-4 or the Chromoproteins (PAS-GAF-64) clarifies the possibilities for sensors by excitation with the OLED. In contrast, for the OPD is shown which solutions are available, to influence the absorption properties of Rhodamin 6G with dielectric mirrors so that desired spectral ranges of light are absorbed or reflected. The second part is dedicated to the development of OLEDs based on integration of dielectric filters and their optimization. It is shown by the example of Rhodamine 6G that the OLED emission represents a full with at half maximum of 18 nm at 530 nm. Furthermore, the temperature behavior of the OLEDs and the strain properties of the dielectric layers are considered. Organic photodiodes are in the focus of the third part of the development. These OPDs were made on glass and silicon substrates. The main objective of the development on glass substrates is the variation of the absorption layer and its influence to the electro-optical properties to increase the spectral sensitivity of the OPD. The development of OPD on silicon substrates deals with the integration and optimization of different absorber systems, an alternative anode and cathode as well as the integration of a thin-film encapsulation. As a result, the OPDs without a thin-film encapsulation have an incident photon-to-electron conversion efficiency (IPCE) of about 37 % at 550 nm. The IPCE was increased to 4 % by modifying the cathode structure. The OPD devices with integrated thin-film encapsulation showed an IPCE of about 33 % at 550 nm. Furthermore, the method of orthogonal photolithography was used to pattern the OPD and an upscaling of the OPD technology to 8-inch semiconductor substrates have been realized. In this context studies have been carried out to evaluate the influence of process and encapsulation to the lifetime of OPDs. The knowledge about the influence of the orthogonal photolithography to the characteristics of OPDs and the influence of the thin-film encapsulation on the properties of OPD and OLEDs is essential for further development and for the manufacturing of sensor applications.

Att dela ett bostadshus eller kommunikationen till staden / To share a residential building or the communication to the city

Wallerius, Gustav January 2013 (has links)
Detta projekt handlar om hur vi kan bo nära varandra i en stad och samtidigt ha tydliga gränser kring de ytor vi delar. Var möts vi i staden? Var är vi tillsammans i bostaden? När övergår den privata sfären till gemensam? Kommunikationen i dagens bostadshus har reducerats till minsta möjliga vilket helt tar över dess utformning. Att istället se denna som en social yta har potential att skapa ett levande atmosfär där mer privata funktioner delas med kommunikationen. Delandet handlar också om de saker vi har i hemmet, är delning av kökmaskiner och städredskap ett möjligt sätt att spara energi? Hur kan vi bygga för att främja detta? I processen har jag försökt definiera vad som skapar ett attraktivt boende i stadskontext och se hur detta går att applicera i morgondagens Stockholm. Jag har gjort detta genom att skissa i modell och analysera dessa i jämförelse med exempel på lyckade bostadshus. Utformning av kommunikation och vad vi kan dela i ett bostadshus är de två frågor jag har fokuserat på i detta projekt. Hur kan bostadshuset vara en förlängning av staden och samtidigt signalera en privathet? / This project is about how we can live near each other in the city, while having clear boundaries around the areas we share. Where do we meet in the city? Where does the private sphere become commune? Communication, such as stairs and corridors, in residential houses has been reduced to a minimum. The result of this is that the balance between architecture and function is very unstable. To instead see this as a social area has the potential to create a vibrant atmosphere where more private functions are shared with the communication. How can we share space? What can the house share with the city? What can the user share with each other? Sharing is a potential way to save energy. How can we build to promote this? In the process, I have tried to define what creates an attractive residential building in a city context. I have done this by model sketching and analyze these in relation to examples of successful residential buildings. The formation of the communication and what we can share in a residential building are the two main questions in this project. How can the dwelling house be an extension to the city while signal a private sphere?

Nouveaux concepts de filtres spectraux ultra-sélectifs pour spectroscopie embarquée / New ultra-narrow band optical filters for embedded spectroscopy

Sharshavina, Ksenia 06 December 2016 (has links)
Les filtres spectraux à réseaux résonants, ou GMRF (Guided-Mode Resonance Filters), sont une nouvelle génération de filtres à bande étroite et constituent une alternative très prometteuse aux filtres conventionnels multicouches Fabry-Pérot. Le pic de résonance d'un GMRF peut être très fin spectralement et de longueur d'onde de centrage accordable en fonction de l'angle d'incidence. Ces propriétés sont particulièrement importantes pour la spectroscopie. Les travaux antérieurs ont permis de mettre en œuvre une structure originale comportant deux réseaux 1D croisés. Les performances de ce filtre surpassent celles des filtres conventionnels par leur réponse spectrale subnanométrique, leur accordabilité, et leur capacité à s'affranchir de l'influence de la polarisation de l'onde incidente sous incidence oblique. Le but de ce travail est d'explorer les performances ultimes de ce type de dispositif en termes de résolution et taux de réjection, par une approche mêlant théorie, technologie et caractérisation. Nous présentons des résultats expérimentaux d'un filtre en réflexion indépendant de la polarisation, accordable sur 40 nm avec 8.3nm/° d'accordabilité, ayant une réflexion de 10-3 sur une plage de 90nm en dehors de la résonance et un facteur de qualité supérieur à 5000. / Guided Mode Resonance Filters ( GMRF ) are a new generation of narrowband optical filters and are a very promising alternative to conventional multilayer Fabry-Perot filters. The resonance peak of GMRF can be spectrally extremely thin and with a centering wavelength tunable according to the angle of incidence of the light. These properties are particularly important for spectroscopy. Previous works have helped to implement an original structure with two 1D crossed gratings. The performance of this filter overpasses those of conventional filters in their spectral subnanometric response, tunability and their ability to overcome the influence of the polarization of the incident wave under oblique incidence. The aim of this work is to explore the final performances of such devices in terms of resolution and rejection rate, thanks to an approach combining theory, fabrication technology and characterization. We present experimental results of a polarization independent reflective filter, tunable over 40nm with a tunability of 8.3nm / °, having a reflection of 10-3 on a 90nm range outside the resonance and a quality factor over 5000.

Pre-Existing Film Music Re:sourced : Technical Aspects and Narratological Implications of Audible Diegetic Transitions in Joker and Other Films / Förflyttning av tidigare existerande filmmusik : Tekniska aspekter och narratologiska implikationer av hörbara diegetiska övergångar i Joker och andra filmer

Danstål Skiöld, Martin January 2023 (has links)
This thesis concerns itself with a phenomenon found in film music that can be described as audible diegetic transitions. In short, an audible diegetic transition occurs when film music shifts from one implied musical placement to another by changing its pre­sented sound quality. This occurs predominantly through the employment of music that is pre-existing in relation to the release of the film where the music is utilised. These audible diegetic transitions are categorised as aural displacements and transaural dis­placements which are both anchored in previous re­search concerning stable musical place­ments. In order to answer the research questions regarding technical aspects and narra­tological implications, the thesis is centred around a film music analysis. The de­marcation of said analysis uses pre-existing songs from the film Joker (Philips, 2019) as its main focus. In order to provide a colourful and meaningful discussion the selected material also contains a variety of examples from other films. The analysis shows that the selected audible diegetic transitions can provide narra­tological implications both for a film as a whole and for a specific scene or se­quence in any film. In Joker specifically, the audible diegetic transitions arguably contain the narra­to­logi­cal im­plication of adding to the retrospective and unreliable narration, which is im­port­ant for the story of the film. The thesis also argues that the technical aspects of the ana­lysed audible diegetic transitions can be condensed into being either diegetic to comm­en­tary, or vice versa. Diegetic music is, in this context, defined as music that is im­­­­plied as being heard in the acoustic space of the story-world, whereas commen­tary music is an um­brella term defined as music that is not implied being heard in the acous­tic space of the story-world. The analysis shows that these transitions can transpire either instantly or gra­­­dually with the change of sound quality from being either narrow or wide. These tech­nical aspects contribute in under­standing the narratological im­plications of said au­dible diegetic transition by categorising them as either emotive or groun­ding. Both of these narratological implications can be concluded and described as swift enforcers of the relationship be­tween the one consuming the film and the char­acters, or lo­cations, of the film they are con­­­­suming. Audible diegetic transitions figura­tively breach the fourth wall that is the screen.

Analysis and design of efficient passive components for the millimeter-wave and THz bands

Berenguer Verdú, Antonio José 29 June 2017 (has links)
This thesis tackles issues of particular interest regarding analysis and design of passive components at the mm-wave and Terahertz (THz) bands. Innovative analysis techniques and modeling of complex structures, design procedures, and practical implementation of advanced passive devices are presented. The first part of the thesis is dedicated to THz passive components. These days, THz technology suffers from the lack of suitable waveguiding structures since both, metals and dielectric, are lossy at THz frequencies. This implies that neither conventional closed metallic structures used at microwave frequencies, nor dielectric waveguides used in the optical regime, are adequate solutions. Among a variety of new proposals, the Single Wire Waveguide (SWW) stands out due to its low attenuation and dispersion. However, this surface waveguide presents difficult excitation and strong radiation on bends. A Dielectric-Coated Single Wire Waveguide (DCSWW) can be used to alleviate these problems, but advantages of the SWW are lost and new problems arise. Until now, literature has not given proper solution to radiation on bends and, on the other hand, rigorous characterization of these waveguides lacks these days. This thesis provides, for the first time, a complete modal analysis of both waveguides, appropriated for THz frequencies. This analysis is later applied to solve the problem of radiation on bends. Several structures and design procedures to alleviate radiation losses are presented and experimentally validated. The second part of the thesis is dedicated to mm-wave passive components. These days, when implementing passive components to operate at such small, millimetric wavelengths, to ensure proper metallic contact and alignment between parts results challenging. In addition, dielectric absorption becomes significant at mm-wave frequencies. Consequently, conventional hollow metallic waveguides and planar transmission lines present high attenuation so that new topologies are being considered. Gap Waveguides (GWs), based on a periodic structure introducing an Electromagnetic Bandgap effect, result very suitable since they do not require metallic contacts and avoid dielectric losses. However, although GWs have great potential, several issues prevent GW technology from becoming consolidated and universally used. On the one hand, the topological complexity of GWs difficulties the design process since full-wave simulations are time-costly and there is a lack of appropriate analysis methods and suitable synthesis procedures. On the other hand, benefits of using GWs instead of conventional structures are required to be more clearly evidenced with high-performance GW components and proper comparatives with conventional structures. This thesis introduces several efficient analysis methods, models, and synthesis techniques that will allow engineers without significant background in GWs to straightforwardly implement GW devices. In addition, several high-performance narrow-band filters operating at Ka-band and V-band, as well as a rigorous comparative with rectangular waveguide topology, are presented. / Esta tesis aborda problemas actuales en el análisis y diseño de componentes pasivos en las bandas de onda milimétrica y Terahercios (THz). Se presentan nuevas técnicas de análisis y modelado de estructuras complejas, procedimientos de diseño, e implementación práctica de dispositivos pasivos avanzados. La primera parte de la tesis se dedica a componentes pasivos de THz. Actualmente no se disponen de guías de onda adecuadas a THz debido a que ambos, metales y dieléctricos, introducen grandes pérdidas. En consecuencia, no es adecuado escalar las estructuras metálicas cerradas usadas en microondas, ni las guías dieléctricas usadas a frecuencias ópticas. Entre un gran número de recientes propuestas, la Single Wire Waveguide (SWW) destaca por su baja atenuación y casi nula dispersión. No obstante, como guía superficial, la SWW presenta difícil excitación y radiación en curvas. El uso de un recubrimiento dieléctrico, creando la Dielecric-Coated Single Wire Waveguide (DCSWW), alivia estos inconvenientes, pero las ventajas anteriores se pierden y nuevos problemas aparecen. Hasta la fecha, no se han encontrado soluciones adecuadas para la radiación en curvas de la SWW. Además, se echa en falta una caracterización rigurosa de ambas guías. Esta tesis presenta, por primera vez, un análisis modal completo de SWW y DCSWW, adecuado a la banda de THz. Este análisis es aplicado posteriormente para evitar el problema de la radiación en curvas. Se presentan y validan experimentalmente diversas estructuras y procedimientos de diseño. La segunda parte de la tesis abarca componentes pasivos de ondas milimétricas. Actualmente, estos componentes sufren una importante degradación de su respuesta debido a que resulta difícil asegurar contacto metálico y alineamiento adecuados para la operación a longitudes de onda tan pequeñas. Además, la absorción dieléctrica incrementa notablemente a estas frecuencias. En consecuencia, tanto guías metálicas huecas como líneas de transmisión planares convencionales presentan gran atenuación, siendo necesario considerar topologías alternativas. Las Gap Waveguides (GWs), basadas en una estructura periódica que introduce un efecto de Electromagnetic Bandgap, resultan muy adecuadas puesto que no requieren contacto entre partes metálicas y evitan las pérdidas en dieléctricos. No obstante, a pesar del potencial de las GWs, varias barreras impiden la consolidación y uso universal de esta tecnología. Por una parte, la compleja topología de las GWs dificulta el proceso de diseño dado que las simulaciones de onda completa consumen mucho tiempo y no existen actualmente métodos de análisis y diseño apropiados. Por otra parte, es necesario evidenciar el beneficio de usar GWs mediante dispositivos GW de altas prestaciones y comparativas adecuadas con estructuras convencionales. Esta tesis presenta diversos métodos de análisis eficientes, modelos, y técnicas de diseño que permitirán la síntesis de dispositivos GW sin necesidad de un conocimiento profundo de esta tecnología. Asimismo, se presentan varios filtros de banda estrecha operando en las bandas Ka y V con altas prestaciones, así como una comparativa rigurosa con la guía rectangular. / Aquesta tesi aborda problemes actuals en relació a l'anàlisi i disseny de components passius en les bandes d'ona mil·limètrica i Terahercis. Es presenten noves tècniques d'anàlisi i modelatge d'estructures complexes, procediments de disseny, i implementació pràctica de dispositius passius avançats. La primera part de la tesi es focalitza en components passius de THz. Actualment no es disposen de guies d'ona adequades a THz causa que tots dos, metalls i dielèctrics, introdueixen grans pèrdues. En conseqüència, no és adequat escalar les estructures metál·liques tancades usades en microones, ni les guies dielèctriques usades a freqüències òptiques. Entre un gran nombre de propostes recents, la Single Wire Waveguide (SWW) destaca per la seua baixa atenuació i quasi nul·la dispersió. No obstant això, com a guia superficial, la SWW presenta difícil excitació i radiació en corbes. L'ús d'un recobriment dielèctric, creant la Dielecric-Coated Single Wire Waveguide (DCSWW), alleuja aquests inconvenients, però els avantatges anteriors es perden i nous problemes apareixen. Fins a la data, no s'han trobat solucions adequades per a la radiació en corbes de la SWW. A més, es troba a faltar una caracterització rigorosa d'ambdues guies. Aquesta tesi presenta, per primera vegada, un anàlisi modal complet de SWW i DCSWW, adequat a la banda de THz. Aquest anàlisi és aplicat posteriorment per evitar el problema de la radiació en corbes. Es presenten i validen experimentalment diverses estructures i procediments de disseny. La segona part de la tesi es centra en components passius d'ones mil·limètriques. Actualment, aquests components pateixen una important degradació de la seua resposta a causa de que resulta difícil assegurar contacte metàl·lic i alineament adequats per a l'operació a longituds d'ona tan menudes. A més, l'absorció dielèctrica incrementa notablement a aquestes freqüències. En conseqüència, tant guies metàl·liques buides com línies de transmissió planars convencionals presenten gran atenuació, sent necessari considerar topologies alternatives. Les Gap Waveguides (GWs), basades en una estructura periòdica que introdueix un efecte de Electromagnetic Bandgap, resulten molt adequades ja que no requereixen contacte entre parts metàl·liques i eviten les pèrdues en dielèctrics. No obstant, tot i el potencial de les GWs, diverses barreres impedixen la consolidació i ús universal d'aquesta tecnologia. D'una banda, la complexa topologia de les GWs dificulta el procés de disseny atés que les simulacions d'ona completa consumeixen molt de temps i no existeixen actualment mètodes d'anàlisi i disseny apropiats. D'altra banda, és necessari evidenciar el benefici d'utilitzar GWs mitjançant dispositius GW d'altes prestacions i comparatives adequades amb estructures convencionals. Aquesta tesi presenta diversos mètodes d'anàlisi eficients, models, i tècniques de disseny que permetran la síntesi de dispositius GW sense necessitat d'un coneixement profund d'aquesta tecnologia. Així mateix, es presenten diversos filtres de banda estreta operant en les bandes Ka i V amb altes prestacions, així com una comparativa rigorosa amb la guia rectangular. / Berenguer Verdú, AJ. (2017). Analysis and design of efficient passive components for the millimeter-wave and THz bands [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/84004 / TESIS

Římské lázně a saunový svět / Roman spa and sauna world

Máslová, Jana January 2014 (has links)
The building of Roman Baths and sauna world forms, along with a formerly-designed waterpark, a stand-alone recreational and sports compound in the vicinity of “Růžena's” quarry and the former “Hády” quarry in Brno. The mass of the object is nearly cubic, and in the cross direction it is complemented with an external atrium, with swimming pools situated next to the central glass-fronted part of the object. This bright space functions as a place of relaxation and offers a view of the city of Brno. The view and solar energy have been used in the south-western part as well, where a two-floor glass front has been designed. On the facades of the object there are narrow vertical windows which create an effect of dripping water. The primary architectonic plan has been to create an object offering relaxation, originated in the principles and traditions of Ancient Roman bathing, complemented with a sauna world and further related relaxation establishments.

Investigation of the magnetic and electronic structure of Fe in molecules and chalcogenide systems

Taubitz, Christian 09 June 2010 (has links)
In this work the electronic and magnetic structure of the crystals Sr2FeMoO6, Fe0.5Cu0.5Cr2S4, LuFe2O4 and the molecules FeStar, Mo72Fe30, W72Fe30 are investigated by means of X-ray spectroscopic techniques. These advanced materials exhibit very interesting properties like magnetoresistance or multiferroic behaviour. In case of the molecules they also could be used as spin model systems. A long standing issue concerning the investigation of these materials are contradicting results found for the magnetic and electronic state of the iron (Fe) ions present in these compounds. Therefore this work focuses on the Fe state of these materials in order to elucidate reasons for these problems. Thereby the experimental results are compared to multiplet simulations.

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