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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Regional implementering av nationella uppdrag : Vad begränsar och möjliggör genomförandet? / Regional implementation of national policies : What limits and what enables the implementation?

Helander, Gustav January 2012 (has links)
Hållbar utveckling har sedan åtminstone 20 år tillbaka varit ett mål för miljöpolitiken i Sverige där begreppet ofta tolkats utifrån den ekologiskadimensionen. På nationell nivå bestämmer regering och riksdag inriktningen för miljöpolitiken och nationella myndigheter samordnar och följerupp arbetet. På den regionala nivån svarar länsstyrelserna för samordning, samverkan och uppföljning där arbetet anpassas efter länetsförutsättningar. På den lokala nivån ska kommuner översätta nationella mål till lokala mål och åtgärder. Det handlar alltså om att myndigheter pånationell, regional och lokal nivå ska implementera viktiga politiska beslut. Miljöpolitikens genomförande blir således ett samspel mellanmyndigheter på olika nivåer. Många aktörer är inblandade i och ska samverka inom implementeringen av miljöarbetet varför kommunikation bliren viktig faktor. Men eftersom kommunikation, liksom naturen, är komplex blir det svårt att uppnå en friktionsfri process från politik till praktik(Johansson, 2008). Det är också en utmaning och ett bekymmer för många regeringar att översätta politik till praktik varför det blir intressant attstudera implementeringsprocesser (Saetren, 2005). Det övergripande syftet med studien är att undersöka hur övergången fungerar när nationellauppdrag ska implementeras och utföras på regional nivå genom att ta reda på vad som begränsar och möjliggör implementeringen enligt regionalaoch nationella aktörer. I studien framkommer att ett ökat deltagande i utformningen av uppdragen möjligen skulle kunna underlättaimplementeringen genom en ökad förståelse. Samma uppdrag kan också upplevas på olika sätt. Det som en nationell aktör upplever som frihetoch handlingsutrymme kan en regional uppleva som otydliga instruktioner och bristande vägledning. Förändringar i uppdrag sig innebär problemi arbetet eftersom så mycket tid och kraft måste läggas på att tolka och förstå det nya systemet att det konkreta åtgärdsarbetet blir lidande. Vidareverkar resursbrist vara en hindrande faktor i implementeringen av miljökvalitetsmålen men även att målen är ambitiösa innebär att de inte kanuppnås inom tidsramarna. När det istället gäller klimat- och energistrategin upplevs tillräckliga resurser finnas tillgängliga. Det krävs inom ramenför båda uppdragen en (politisk) vilja hos kommuner och andra aktörer att samarbeta och att arbeta med miljöfrågor regionalt för att samordningoch samverkan ska fungera.

Riskklassificering av fiberområde i Bollstafjärden

Bjälkefur Seroka, Sofia, Roth, Emelie, Bergentz, Anna, Thufvesson Retzner, Anders, Green, Madeleine, Söderqvist, Åsa January 2016 (has links)
I detta projekt har ett fiberområde i Bollstafjärden i Västernorrland undersökts. Fiberområdet består av en fiberbank och fiberrika sediment. Trä- och cellulosafibrer har tillsammans med kemikalier släppts ut från pappers- och massaindustri vilket gett upphov till fiberområden. Kemikaliernas farlighet samt risk för spridning och upptag i näringsväven utgör ett miljöhot. Syftet med projektet var att undersöka och klassificera fiberområdet med hjälp av en modell som tagits fram av Golder Associates på uppdrag av Länsstyrelsen i Västernorrland. Modellen bygger på Naturvårdsverkets Metodik för Inventering av Förorenade Områden (MIFO) och är den första av sitt slag varmed det också ingår i syftet att utvärdera denna. Volymen för fiberbanken beräknades för att få en uppfattning om dess storlek samt för att den ingår i modellen. Fiberbankens volym beräknades i programvaran ArcGIS till 197 143 m3. Volymen kan jämföras med en simbassäng (50x25 meter) som har ett djup på 158 meter. Den beräknade volymen ansågs vara mycket osäker eftersom det fanns för lite mätdata att tillgå, vilket innebar att beräkningsmetoderna i ArcGIS inte fungerade optimalt. Genom att fylla i modellens parametrar riskklassificerades fiberområdet till klass 1C, ”särskilt stor risk”, på en skala från 1-4. Riskklassificeringar används för att kun- na jämföra förorenade områden med varandra och för att få en uppfattning om vilka områden som ska prioriteras vid eventuella åtgärder. Modellen validerades genom att ändra parametrarna inom ett rimligt intervall samt se hur den påverkades då inget parametervärde angavs. Då värden som innebar störst risk användes på ett flertal parametrar erhölls högsta riskklass 1A. De parametrar som enskilt påverkade riskklassen var ”sammanvägda spridningsförutsättningar” och ”avstånd till närmaste bostadshus”. Det är anmärkningsvärt att en dubblering eller hal- vering av volym fiberbank och fiberrika sediment inte resulterade i en förändring av riskklass. Under arbetet med modellen visade det sig att fiberområdet kunde riskklas- sificeras utan information om dess volym. Modellen ansågs vara användarvänlig men hade en del brister så som otillräckligt definierade svarsalternativ för en del parametrar. Viss information upplevdes som svår- tillgänglig men är förmodligen enklare att hitta för handläggare vid länsstyrelser.

Comparison of risk assessment methods for polluted soils in Sweden, Norway and Denmark

Plevrakis, Viktor January 2014 (has links)
Land contamination is an acknowledged problem around the world due to its potentially adverse impacts on human health and the environment. Specifically in Europe there are estimated to be 2,500,000 potentially contaminated sites. The risk that contaminated sites pose is investigated by risk assessments. The methods and the models though used in risk assessments, vary both on a national and an international level. In this study, the risk assessment methods and models for polluted soils used in Scandinavia and issued by the Environmental Protection Agencies were compared. The comparison aimed to (i) identify similarities and differences in the risk assessment methodology and risk assessment methods and to (ii) investigate to which extend these differences can impact the results of the models and the implications regarding mitigation measures. The method and model comparison showed that Sweden and Norway have great similarities in assessing risks for contaminated soil. However, there are differences with Denmark on a conceptual level. When a common hypothetical petrol station with 20 soil samples was assessed, the results and the conclusions of the three risk assessments were quite different; the site was seen as posing risk to human health with the Danish model when complied with the quality criteria issued by the Norwegian model. The Swedish risk assessment concluded that the contaminant concentration in 3 out of 20 samples was potentially harmful for the environment but not for human health. The demonstrated divergence of the conclusions of risk assessments has major implications and shows great interest for mainly four groups: Land-owners who may be called to cover the expenses for remedial action. Consultants and companies who perform risk assessments and land remediation. The countries that have to meet national and international environmental goals and can also share/ or cover the cost for remedial action. The people exposed to such environments that could be deemed as potentially harmful by a neighboring country. The study was conducted in collaboration with URS Nordic.

Uppföljning av 4 skånska kommuners miljökonsekvensbeskrivningar : en studie av detaljplaner

Tholin, Måns January 2017 (has links)
In 2004, a provision was introduced into the Environmental Code, which states that the plans and programs that may lead to significant environmental impact should be tested through an environmental impact assessment. This study focuses on what happens after such a description has been made. Is there anyone monitoring the real impact? And if so, in what regard?By reviewing environmental impact assessments made of Detailed Development Plans, as well as interviews with the municipalities concerned, I wanted to answer the question of municipalities actually live up to the legislative requirements, and how is monitoring sections written in the EIA's. The results show varying quality regarding monitoring sections in the EIA´s and almost non-existent follow-up work after the plan has been prepared.The municipalities that were interviewed all thought that the follow up idea was good, but in practice difficult. The reasons for this are that the law is poorly precise; there is a lack of resources or that the responsibilities within the organization can be a problem according to the municipalitiesOne of the solutions to this problem may be a reporting requirement against the municipalities, as this usually leads to an expanded and more focused work.

Defining the avalanche conditions and the potential impacts of climate changeon avalanche danger in Jämtland, Sweden

Kremp, Lea-Carlotta January 2021 (has links)
This study aimed to combine avalanche statistics with climate change models in orderto assess how a change in precipitation patterns, snow depth and snow density canimpact the avalanche danger in Jämtland, Sweden. Existing climate model reportsfrom SMHI and the Swedish county administration offices were used, and avalanchestatistics were compiled using data from SEPA from 2017 to 2020.It was found that days with moderate avalanche danger are most common (56 %) andthat a lot of days the danger is considerable (33%). The most common avalancheproblem is wind-drifted snow. The results show that wind velocity of 8 m/s isconnected to considerable danger in over 80 % of cases and for 10 m/s even 90 %. Dailyprecipitation of 3 mm or more is also connected to considerable danger on 81% of days;independently of wind. Towards the end of the 21st century, precipitation in Jämtland in winter and spring isexpected to increase by up to 50 % whereas snow depth is likely to decrease so muchthat many places will not reach 100 cm anymore (under the conservative RCP8.5scenario). While the snow depth comes with shortened winter seasons, increasedprecipitation is shown to increase the danger level. It is therefore likely that theavalanche forecasting period will be shortened but intensified in terms of danger.In conclusion, this study confirms again that avalanches are difficult to predict, andthat climate change will not make this easier. This makes it essential to keep updatingthe avalanche information that is available not just in Sweden but across the globe.However, the results are inconclusive due to the shortage of data and due to thecomplex combinations of factors that can impact avalanche danger. Further researchis required. / <p>2021-07-02</p>

Utvärdering av Naturvårdsverkets bedömningsgrunder för makrofyter i sjöar

Landbecker, David January 2011 (has links)
According to the Water Framework Directive of the European Union, macrophytes should be used as indicators in the ecological and environmental monitoring of lakes. In the member state Sweden the Environmental Protection Agency has elaborated assessment criteria for determining lake status based on macrophytes. The main focus of this thesis is to evaluate the efficiency of the assessment criteria for macrophytes. In addition the concordance between the ecological status classes of the four quality factors included was analysed. The assessment criteria for macrophytes are based on the total phosphorus preference of the respective species. The focus is thus mainly on the nutrient level of the investigated lakes and the environmental problem monitored is eutrophication. Macrophytes are one of the five biological quality factors used for lakes. The others are phytoplankton, diatoms, benthic fauna and fish. The two latter were included in this thesis. In addition to the biological factors the chemical factor, nutrients in lakes, i.e. the total phosphorus, was included. The macrophyte composition was investigated in two eutrophic Uppland lakes: Lake Trehörningen and Lake Edasjön. Since the assessment criteria were launched in 2007 there have been problems reported regarding the outcome of the methods. The results are sometimes inconclusive for eutrophicated lakes and especially for lakes with naturally high levels of nutrients. In this study the macrophyte species composition was compared with the nutrient level of different lakes. Some species were found in equal shares in oligotrophic lakes as in eutrophic, e.g. Nymphaea candida and Nuphar lutea. Hence they were considered less suitable as elements in the method evaluated. A couple of species were present in predominantly oligotrophic (e.g. Lobelia dortmanna) or eutrophic (e.g. Hydrocharis morsus-ranae) lakes, respectively. They were regarded as better indicators since they ”preferred” lakes either poor or rich in nutrients. It is important to point out that all the other biological quality factors used, except for macrophytes, are multimetric. I conclude that more parameters are needed for evaluation of macrophytes in lakes. Tentatively, the degree of coverage of the plants and algae, the presence and degree of coverage of invasive nonnative species, lake lowerings and the consequent composition and abundance change, all should be tested as additional parameters.  A high level of concordance was verified for the status classifications of the four quality factors in lakes of oligotrophy as well as in lakes of eutrophy, i.e. no particular  pattern based on trophy level was found. The macrophyte inventories of the two Uppland lakes both resulted in a moderate ecological status for macrophytes.

Integrering av Ekosystemtjänster i svenska kommuners stadsplanering : Utmaningar &amp; Drivkrafter

Lindstrand, Sophie, Isgren, Camilla January 2016 (has links)
Denna studie handlar om svenska kommuners arbete med att integrera ekosystemtjänster i stadsplanering. Fokus riktas mot drivkrafter och utmaningar i implementeringsarbetet. Semistrukturerade intervjuer har genomförts med Kristianstad, Umeå och Gävle kommun. En ekolog och en person inom fysisk planering intervjuades från respektive kommun för att ge en samlad bild av kommunens ekosystemtjänstarbete i stadsplanering. Drivkrafter som identifierats hos kommunerna är Egna mål och förutsättningar, Externa samarbeten och Nationella mål. Utmaningarna som identifierats är Ekosystemtjänster som begrepp, Kommunikation, Exploatering och Värdering. Kommunernas perspektiv på drivkrafter och utmaningar ställs mot tidigare forskning. Myndigheten Naturvårdsverkets perspektiv på kommunernas utmaningar redovisas också. Studiens slutsatser är att ekosystemtjänster kan fungera som ett potentiellt verktyg till en hållbar stadsutveckling. Det finns delade tankar om ansvarsfördelning mellan kommun och myndighet. För att stödja kommunernas integrering av ekosystemtjänster i stadsplanering bör framtida forskning lyfta fram praktiska exempel på hur kommuner kan applicera detta utefter sina lokala förutsättningar. Kommuner behöver arbeta utifrån sin lokala kontext med ett holistiskt synsätt. De behöver även fortsätta att kommunicera och samarbeta inom och utanför kommunen för att öka kunskap om ekosystemtjänster i stadsplanering. / This study is about the integration of ecosystem services in urban planning in Swedish municipalities. There is a focus on the driving forces and challenges in the process of implementation. Semi-structured interviews was performed with the municipalities of Kristianstad, Umeå and Gävle. An ecologist and a physical planner were interviewed from each municipality to present an overall picture of their work with ecosystem services. The identified driving forces within the municipalities is Own goals and conditions, External cooperation and National goals. The identified challenges is Ecosystem services as a concept, Communication, Exploitation and Valuation. The perspectives on the driving forces and challenges was compared to previous research. The perspectives from the authority Swedish Environmental Protection Agency on the challenges were also presented in this study. The conclusions from this study were that ecosystem services may work as a potential tool for sustainable urban development. There are different views on distribution of responsibility between the municipalities and the authority. To support the integration of ecosystem services in urban planning within the municipalities, future research should highlight practical examples on how the they can integrate ecosystem services according to their local conditions. The municipalities should work according to their local conditions and from a holistic point of view. A progressive work must take place in form of communication and cooperation within and outside the municipalities to increase the knowledge about ecosystem services in urban planning.

Naturum - mer än en port till naturen : En explorativ studie av Naturvårdsverkets koncept naturum och dess potentiella betydelse för Tyresö kommun / Naturum – more than a gateway to nature : An explorative study of the Swedish environmental protection agency’s concept naturum and its potential for Tyresö municipality

Iverson, Beata January 2016 (has links)
Naturvårdsverkets koncept naturum är ett besökscentrum i naturen och syftar till att vara en port till naturen. Detta för skapa ett fortsatt intresse i att bevara den svenska naturen. Naturumen är också en viktig del av Naturvårdsverkets arbete att göra naturen mer tillgänglig för människor och en del av att synliggöra naturen, dess värde och samtidigt locka fler människor att utforska och upptäcka naturen. Flera kommuner har på eget initiativ skapat naturum och ytterligare kommuner är intresserade av konceptet, dock är betydelsen för kommunerna de är placerade i ett outforskat område. Därför har denna explorativa studie genomfört en kartläggning av tidigare erfarenheter av naturumens betydelse, och applicerats i Tyresö kommun, för att bidra till en ökad förståelse kring betydelsen av Naturvårdsverkets koncept naturum. Kartläggningen av erfarenheter är insamlat via intervjuer med flera aktörer som Naturvårdsverket, Länsstyrelsen Stockholm, stiftelsen Tyrestaskogen och kommuner med naturum tillsammans med ett frågeformulär utskickat till naturumföreståndarna. De tidigare erfarenheterna visar att naturum har en stor betydelse för kommunerna och har många olika funktioner utöver att vara en port till naturen. Dessa sträcker sig från kunskapsspridande och besöksmål, till social mötesplats, symbol för kommunen och en resurs för utbildningsverksamhet. I uppsatsen konstateras att det finns stora möjligheter för Tyresö att uppnå dessa funktioner genom ett naturum och att det väl knyter an till flera av Tyresös kommuns existerade mål. Uppsatsen avslutas med vidare rekommendationer för Tyresö kommun kring deras arbete med ett potentiellt naturum i kommunen. / The Swedish Environmental Protection Agency concept naturum is a visitor center aimed at being a gateway to nature. It also aims at creating a continuing interest in preserving the Swedish nature. Naturum is also an important part of the Environmental Protection Agency's efforts to make nature more accessible to people and it is also aims at visualizing nature, its value and at the same time attract more people to explore and discover nature. Several municipalities have on their own initiative created naturum and there are several others that are interested in the concept, however the impacts of naturum towards the municipalities they are located in is an unexplored field of research. Therefore, this exploratory study conducted an examination of previous experiences of naturums impacts applied in Tyresö municipality to contribute to an increased understanding of the importance of the Environmental Protection Agency concept. The examination of experiences were collected through interviews with several actors as the Environmental Protection Agency, County Administrative Board of Stockholm, the foundation Tyrestaskogen and municipalities together with a questionnaire sent out to the head of all the naturum in Sweden. The previous experience shows that naturum has a great importance for municipalities and has many functions in addition to being a gateway to nature. These range from the dissemination of knowledge and tourist attraction to a social meeting place, a symbol of the municipality and a resource for educational purposes. The paper noted that there are numerous opportunities for Tyresö municipality to achieve these functions through a naturum in the municipality and that it links to several of Tyresö municipality existing goals. The paper concludes with recommendations for Tyresö municipality about their future work with a potential naturum in the municipality.

Modeling additional waterflows in sewage systems in Sweden – An outlook on the impact of climate change.

Bauer, Göran January 2013 (has links)
This study assesses the phenomenon of additional water intruding into sewage sys-tems in different areas of Sweden. Additional water means in this case the non-foul water that can originate from storm water runoff, which is either supposed to be con-veyed into the pipe system or intrudes it by wrongly connected drains. It can also re-sult from in-seepage of groundwater due to imperfections of the pipe system itself. It is intended to analyze how different features of the areas have an impact on the extent of this phenomenon. Further, an estimation of the conditions in future scenarios will be obtained. This includes an indication about the potential risk of a sewage system overflow, the expected volume of inflow at treatment plants and thus about the sys-tem´s suitability for the future. Numerical, hydrological compartment models for 19 cities in Sweden were set-up. The used parameters were obtained from previous studies by the Swedish Environ-mental Protection Agency. In these models present and future climate data were ap-plied. For future scenarios three different climate change projections were used which contain bias corrected climate data timeseries for each study area. The climate change scenarios were supposed to represent an "optimistic", "average" and "pessimistic" outlook. By assessing the outputs of the climate models, it was concluded that signifi-cant differences can occur, depending on exact geographical location and chosen cli-mate models. A sensitivity analysis was conducted of how geology, climate and status of the pipe system have an impact on the extent of additional water flows. It revealed that the status of the sewage system has by far the biggest impact. Finally a discharge analysis showed a potential outlook of future development of additional water flows for the chosen study sites, yielding highest increase for the sewage systems of Kiruna, Karlskoga and Sundsvall.

Hur översätts naturen? : En kritisk diskursanalys av de svenska miljömålen / How is nature translated? : A critical discourse analysis of the Swedish environmental quality goals

Björkman, Elvira January 2017 (has links)
The Swedish Environmental Protection Agency (Naturvårdsverket) has overseen the implementation, evaluation and development of the environmental political decisions in Sweden since 1967. In 1999 one “generation goal” (the general direction of the environmental politics) and fifteen “environmental quality goals” was installed to guide their work, in 2005 a sixteenth goal was instated. These goals (except for one) are supposed to be met in 2020. This is a study from a communication perspective of these goals and The Swedish Environmental Protection Agency’s role based on the theoretical concepts issue arena, stakeholder thinking, network, translation and mass communication. The method used is critical discourse analysis which focuses on how we understand, relate to and value different aspects of reality. The way political goals about the environment are written has implications on our relationship with nature and how we choose to govern it. The analysis shows, in line with previous studies on environmental policy documents, that the economical and human-centred discourses dominate. Ecological metaphors and expressions are mostly allowed within the discourse ecological modernisation. What differs from previous studies is that the growth discourse and the neo-liberal discourse are somewhat challenged and that the economical and human-centred discourses are questioned in some cases. The main conclusions are that more ecological discourse should be implemented in the translations of the political goals to gradually change the way we value and relate to nature and thereby create solutions that are sustainable long term. The Swedish Environmental Protection Agency also should not back away from expressing the ethical responsibilities we have to restore and protect nature.

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