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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Die toepassing van Scrivener se kreatiewe produksiestruktuur in die skepping van ruimtelike grafiese ontwerp vir die Ferdinand Postma-Biblioteek / E. Steyn

Steyn, Estee January 2010 (has links)
Die doel van hierdie kreatiewe produksieprojek was om ruimtelike grafiese ontwerp-toepassings te skep vir die Ferdinand Postma-biblioteek van die Noordwes-Universiteit (Suid-Afrika) en om verslag te lewer ten opsigte van die toepassing van Scrivener se Kreatiewe Produksiestruktuur op die kreatiewe- en navorsingsprosesse. Om dié doelwitte te bereik moes navorsing met betrekking tot twee aspekte geskied. Eerstens is teorieë met betrekking tot ruimtelike grafiese ontwerp en verskeie ontwerpbenaderings wat die ontwerpdissipline betrek (identiteitsontwerp, inligtingsontwerp en wegwysingsontwerp) ondersoek. Tweedens is die aard en toepassing van praktykgebaseerde navorsing onder die loep geneem. Die literatuurstudie het gelei na die keuse van Scrivener se Kreatiewe Produksiestruktuur as 'n metode om praktykgebaseerde navorsing te benader. Deur die Kreatiewe Produksiestruktuur wat uit vyf stappe bestaan, toe te pas, was dit moontlik om aan die gevarieerde behoeftes en vereistes van die akademiese konteks waarbinne die projek geloods is, te voldoen: Eerstens is betrokke skeppings- en navorsingsprosesse volledig, rasioneel en reflekterend gedokumenteer en sodoende kon die navorsingsbenadering en geakkrediteerde navorsingstegnieke wat toegepas is, duidelik en deursigtig uiteengesit word. Tweedens het die toepassing van die Kreatiewe Produksiestruktuur gelei tot 'n gestruktureerde geskrewe argument waarin die navorsingsveld en konteks van die studie aangespreek is. In die derde plek het die betrokke skeppings- en navorsingsprosesse gelei na suksesvolle ruimtelike grafiese ontwerptoepassings wat die konteks van die Ferdinand Postma-biblioteek in ag neem en die navorsing beliggaam. Die studie se bydrae tot die veld van ruimtelike grafiese ontwerp is geleë in die wyse waarop dit toon hoe Scrivener se Kreatiewe Produksiestruktuur as 'n metode van praktykgebaseerde navorsing toegepas kan word om suksesvolle en konteksgerigte ruimtelike grafiese ontwerptoepassings te skep. / Thesis (M.A. (Graphic Design))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2011.

Guidelines for outreach programmes aimed at middle–childhood children in a resource–poor Western Cape community / Fourie, L.

Fourie, Lianca January 2011
In South Africa there are great polarities in terms of needs in resource–poor communities versus communities with available resources. This is evident during visits to Sir Lowry's Pass Village and when available statistics on trends in the community are taken into account. A potentially valuable resource in resource–poor communities is outreach programmes by a faith–based organisation (FBO) such as Jabulani Africa Ministries (JAM). JAM is a Christian FBO with a strong community focus. This study focuses on the resource–poor community of Sir Lowry's Pass Village, situated in the Helderberg Basin in the Western Cape. Sir Lowry's Pass Village is just one of a few resource–poor communities to whom JAM reaches out on a weekly basis since through their outreach programme aimed at middle–childhood children. The aim of this study was to explore and describe the content of this outreach programme of JAM in Sir Lowry's Pass Village aimed at middle–childhood children in order to provide guidelines to more specifically target the needs of the particular group of children. Data were collected from various sources according to principles of participatory action research. Data were organised through thematic data analysis to identify themes. Two core themes emerged; one theme is a mutual lack of understanding of the broader field by JAM members and the target of their interventions, middle–childhood children. The other theme centred on the moral value system of the particular group of children. The central theoretical argument of this study is that outreach programmes by faith–based organisations (such as JAM) in resource–poor communities should be directed as effectively as possible to meet the needs of middle–childhood children. / http://hdl.handle.net//10394/7006 / Thesis (M.A. (Psychology))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2012.

Die invloed van die SA skolewet (1996) op dissipline in intermediêre skole in die Namakwa distrik van die Noord-Kaapprovinsie = The influence of the South African schools act (1996) on discipline in intermediate schools in the Namaqua district of the Northern Cape Province

Hoorn, Lukas George 30 June 2006 (has links)
Die doel van hierdie studie van beperkte omvang is om inligting in te samel oor die probleem van dissipline soos dit manifesteer in Intermediêre Skole in die Namakwa Distrik van die Noord-Kaap Provinsie. Die aandag word toegespits op: * wetgewing met betrekking tot dissipline in skole; * soorte van probleme; * faktore wat aanleiding gee tot probleme; * maatreëls wat gebruik word om dissiplinêre probleme te hanteer en te voorkom. Deur literatuurstudie word begrip en kennis verkry wat as agtergrond dien vir die kwalitatiewe ondersoek waardeur `n kontekstuele begrip verkry word van die ervaring van dissipline en probleme deur `n geselekteerde groep skoolhoofde van Intermediêre Skole in die Namakwa Distrik van die Noord-Kaapprovinsie. Ten slotte word voorstelle gemaak met die oog op die verbetering van `n komplekse situasie. / The aim of this study on a small scale is to gather information about the problem of discipline as manifested in Intermediate Schools in the Namaqua District of the Northern Cape Province. The attention is focused on: * legislation in connection with discipline in schools; * types of problems; * factors that cause problems; * measures to cope and prevent disciplinary problems. The study of literature provides understanding and knowledge that serves as background to the qualitative study by way of which a contextual understanding is developed of the experience of discipline and specific problems by a selected group of principals of Intermediate Schools in the Namaqua District of the Northern Cape Province. In conclusion proposals are made aimed at the improvement of a complex situation. / Educational Studies / M. Ed. (Educational Management)

Verkenning van buffer- en risikofaktore wat ’n rol speel in die ontwikkeling van gehoorgestremde kleuters / Exploring the risk and protective factors that contribute to the development of hearing-impaired toddlers

Roux, Marike 02 1900 (has links)
Afrikaans text / Die doel van die studie is om buffer- en risikofaktore te verken wat ‟n rol in die ontwikkeling van gehoorgestremde kleuters kan speel. Gehoorgestremde kleuters presenteer met ‟n gehoorverlies, wat hul van normaalhorende kleuters onderskei. Tog beskik alle kleuters oor primêre behoeftes. Lewenskwaliteit word verbeter deur behoeftevervulling, wat die ontwikkelingsproses beïnvloed. Hierdie behoeftes word vervul deur die kleuter, asook faktore vanuit die omgewing. ‟n Literatuurstudie is onderneem as teoretiese raamwerk, wat teorieë omtrent die omgewing en behoeftes, buffer- en risikofaktore en kleuterontwikkeling insluit. Data is vanuit ‟n kwalitatiewe benadering ingesamel deur semi-gestruktureerde onderhoude en ekokaarte saamgestel deur ouers van gehoorgestremde kleuters. Kontrolering en integrering van data het deur triangulering geskied. Buffer- en risikofaktore binne kleuters self, die gesin en die breër gemeenskap is verken. Die studie is verkennend en beskrywend, en toegepaste navorsing is gebruik. So is gevolgtrekkinge en aanbevelings gemaak om toepaslike ondersteuning aan ouers van gehoorgestremde kleuters te bewerkstellig. / The aim of the study is to explore the protective and risk factors that may contribute to the development of hearing-impaired toddlers. Hearing impaired toddlers present with a hearing loss, which distinguish them from toddlers with normal hearing. However, all toddlers have primary needs. Quality of life is improved by the fulfilment of needs, which influences the developmental process. These needs are fulfilled by the toddler, as well as by factors from the environment. A literature study was conducted as theoretical framework. This included theories regarding the environment and needs, protective and risk factors, and toddler development. In this qualitative study, data collection was conducted by semi-structured interviews and the compilation of ecomaps by parents of hearing impaired toddlers. Triangulation was used to verify and integrate data. Protective and risk factors were explored within the toddler, the family and the wider community. This study is exploratory and descriptive and applied research was used. In this way conclusions and recommendations were made to provide appropriate support to parents of hearing impaired toddlers. / Social Work / M. Diac. (Spelterapie)

Argivale inligtingontsluiting en -herwinning vir die historiese navorser / Archival information orgqanisation and retrieval for the historical researcher

Ingram, Annette 05 1900 (has links)
Summaries in Afrikaans and English / Afrikaans text / Die doel van hierdie studie was om argivale inligtingontsluiting en -herwinning aan die einde van die 20ste eeu te ondersoek, verai met betrekking tot ernstige historiese navorsing. Inligting is op die volgende wyses ingesamel: ‘n uitgebreide literatuurondersoek, onderhoude met argivarlsse in beide staats- en privaatargiefbewaarpiekke en ‘n empiriese ondersoek deur middel van ‘n vraelys wat aan hoofsaaklik ernstige historiese navorsers versprei is. Die navorser het argivale vindmiddels soos inventarisse, gidse en indekse, sowel as die gerekenariseerde argivale databases, persoonlik ondersoek ten einde eerstehandse kennis van die voordele en nadele van hierdie navorsings- hulpmiddets te verkry. Daar is gevind dat tegnologiese ontwikkelings die aard van argiefbewaarplekke en argivale bronne verander het. Die impak van rekenaarnetwerke op die argivale milieu, sowel as die voor- en nadele verbonde aan die hantering van elektroniese argivale rekords en mondelinge geskiedenisargiewe, is gevolglik in besonderhede bespreek, Hoewel die ontsluiting van argivale bronmateriaai steeds op die beginsels van herkoms en oorspronklike orde gebaseer is, is sekere aanpassings noodsaaklik. Tog is geen toegang tot argivale inligtingbronne sonder hie rdie prosesse moontlik nie, Doeltreffende argivale inligtingherwinning kan slegs verwesenlik word indien genoeg fondse en opgeleide, ervare personeel beskikbaar gestel word. Vervolgens Is die veranderende aard van historiese navorsing belig, verat wat die keuse van ondemverpe betref. Moderne tendense ten opsigte van die geskiedenis van benede, of die geskiedenis van die aiiedaagse lewe, en die geskiedenis van vroue, in teenstelling met tradisionele historiese nadruk op politieke figure en gebeure, is bespreek. Die studie het verder aangetoon dat toeganklikheid tot argivale inligtingbronne die belangrikste behoefte van die historiese navorser is. Die beduidende rol wat die argivaris en argivale vindmiddels in historiese navorsing speel, is beklemtoon. Gedurende die empiriese fase is 'n ontleding van die antwoorde van respondente ten opsigte van navorsingsbesoeke aan argiefbewaarplekke gedoen, Historiese navorsers se ondervinding met betrekking tot argivale vindmiddels, gerekenariseerde argivale netwerke en leeskamerpersoneel is bespreek. Die ondersoek word afgesluit met beiangrike bevindings en 'n aantal aanbevelings rakende historiese navorsing as ‘n argivale aktiwiteit in 'n veranderende inligtingwereld. / The purpose of this study was to investigate archival information organisation and retrieval at the end of the 20th century, especially with regard to serious historical research. Information was collected by the following means: an extensive literature survey, interviews with archivists in both state and private archives and an empirical survey by means of a questionnaire distributed amongst mainly serious historical resea rchers.The researcher personally examined archival finding aids such as inventories, guides and indexes, as well as the computerised archival database, for firsthand knowledge of the advantages and disadvantages of these research aids. It was found that technological developments had changed the nature of archives and archival sources, the most important adjustment being to electronic information sources and oral history archives. The impact of computer networks on the archival milieu, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of dealing with electronic archival records and oral history archives, was subsequently discussed in detail. Although the organisation and description of archival source material are still based on the principles of provenance and original order, certain adaptations are necessary. Without these processes no access to archival sources is possible. Effective archival information retrieval can only be achieved if sufficient funds are made available and well-trained, experienced staff are appointed. Subsequently the changing nature of historical research, especially with regard to the choice of research topics, was discussed. Modern tendencies such as history from below, or the history of everyday life, and the history of women, were investigated, in opposition to traditional historical emphasis on important political figures and happenings. Research further showed that accessibility to archival information sources is of paramount importance to the historical researcher. The important role of the archivist and archival finding aids, is emphasised. During the empirical phase the answers of respondents about their visits to archives were analysed. The experiences of historical researchers with regard to archival finding aids, computerised archival networks, and reading room staff, are discussed. The study is concluded with important findings and a number of recommendations pertaining to historical research as an archival activity in a changing information world. / Information Science / D. Litt. et Phil. (Information Science)

Emosionele en spirituele intelligensie in huweliksaanpassing : jong volwassenes met voorskoolse kinders (Afrikaans)

Smith, Anna Magrietha 16 May 2010 (has links)
AFRIKAANS: In hierdie navorsing is die huwelik met voorskoolse kinders in Suid-Afrika aan die begin van die een-en-twintigste eeu ondersoek. Hierdie huweliksfase, met sy vele uitdagings en huwelikstake, word beskou as die fase met die laagste huweliksaanpassing en die hoogste voorkoms van egskeiding. Die sin en betekenis van hierdie uitdagings (spirituele intelligensie of SQ), sowel as die emosionele belewenis, verstaan en hantering hiervan (emosionele intelligensie of EQ), asook die rol wat dit in huweliksaanpassing speel, is ondersoek. Eerstens is ’n vraelys ontwikkel wat SQ-eienskappe kan meet (MMV-SQ-vraelys), naamlik: (i) die vind van sin en betekenis in ’n gegewe situasie, (ii) motiveringsbronne van gedrag, en (iii) die waardes wat uitgeleef word. Data van 198 respondente het gedui op betroubaarheid van subskale wat wissel van 0.47 tot 0.80. Bevredigende konstrukgeldigheid is verkry deur die verhouding tussen die subskale van die SQ-vraelys en waardeskaal te ondersoek (r het gevarieer van 0.15; p ≤ 0.05 tot 0.54; p ≤ 0.01). Sowel kwantitatiewe as kwalitatiewe navorsing is vervolgens gebruik. In die kwantitatiewe navorsing is die MMV-SQ-vraelys, die huweliks-aanpassingsvraelys van Spanier (Dyadic Adjustment Scale), asook die SSRI (Schutte Self-Report Inventory) op 84 deelnemers toegepas. Die deelnemers het 84 getroude persone, waaronder 34 egpare ingesluit. Die verband tussen huweliksaanpassing en EQ is ondersoek deur korrelasies te bereken tussen die subskale van die DAS en SSRI. Dit het geblyk dat ʼn optimistiese gemoedstemming ʼn verband toon met al die subskale van huweliksaanpassing. Die herkenning van die eie en die huweliksmaat se gevoelens, sosiale vaardighede, en die toepassing van emosies blyk verband te hou met hoër huwelikstevredenheid asook huwelikskonsensus. Sosiale vaardighede het ook ʼn verband getoon met affeksionele uitdrukking. EQ het egter nie ’n sterk verband met huwelikskohesie getoon nie. Die verband tussen die subskale van die DAS is vervolgens vergelyk met dié van die MMV-SQ-vraelys. Betekenisvolle korrelasies tussen enkele skale van huweliksaanpassing en SQ het voorgekom, veral wat die motiveringskaal betref: egpaarlede wie se gedrag deur die motiveringsbron bemeestering gemotiveer word, blyk ʼn hoër mate van huweliksaanpassing te hê, terwyl die negatiewe motiveringsbronne, waaronder selfgesentreerdheid, drange en vrees, ’n negatiewe verband met huweliksaanpassing toon. Min verbande is egter gevind tussen huweliksaanpassing, en sin en betekenis (wel tussen meditatiewe bewustheid en huwelikskonsensus, asook tussen empatiese aanvaarding en openheid, en affeksionele ekspressie). Geen verbande is ten opsigte van waardes gevind nie. Verskille tussen mans en vroue se EQ en SQ is ook ondersoek, maar geen groot verskille is verkry nie. Deur ’n meervoudige regressie is enkele verdere biografiese veranderlikes geïdentifiseer wat ʼn verband met huweliksaanpassing toon. In die kwalitatiewe navorsing is verskeie aspekte ondersoek en bespreek: die rolverdeling ten opsigte van kinderopvoeding en huistake, die balans tussen beroep en gesin, persoonlike tevredenheid (SQ) in die huwelik, asook die begrip en hantering van gevoelens (EQ). Die waarde van hierdie navorsing lê veral in die grondleggingswerk van die SQ-vraelys, asook bruikbare inligting ten opsigte van die huwelik met voorskoolse kinders in Suid-Afrika. Leiding aan egpare in die hantering van gevoelens (EQ), asook insig in hulle motiveringsbronne (SQ) behoort dus hulle huweliksaanpassing te verhoog. ENGLISH: In this research, the South-African marriage with preschool children was investigated. This phase of marriage, full of challenges and marital tasks, is regarded showing the lowest degree of marital adjustment and the highest incidence of divorce. The meaning, (spiritual intelligence or SQ), emotional experience, understanding and dealing with these challenges (emotional intelligence or EQ), as well as the relation to marital adjustment, were investigated. Firstly, a questionnaire was developed that could measure the characteristics of SQ, namely: (i) finding purpose and meaning in a given situation, (ii) motivations of behaviour, and (iii) values. Data from 198 respondents indicated the reliability of the subscales, which vary from 0.47 to 0.80. Satisfactory construct validity was obtained by researching the relation between the subscales of the SQ questionnaire and the value scale (r varied from 0.15; p ≤ 0.05 to 0.54; p ≤ 0.01). Next, both qualitative and quantitative research were utilised. In the quantitative research, the MMV SQ questionnaire, the marital adjustment questionnaire of Spanier (Dyadic Adjustment Scale), as well as the SSRI (Schutte Self-Report Inventory) were completed by the respondents. The respondents were 84 married individuals, including 34 couples. The relationship between marital adjustment and EQ was investigated by calculating correlations between the subscales of the DAS and SSRI. It transpired that an optimistic frame of mind showed a correlation with all the subscales of marital adjustment. It also appeared that the recognition of the own and the spouse’s feelings, social skills, and the application of emotions were related to increased marital satisfaction as well as marital consensus. Social skills also displayed a correlation with affectional expression. EQ, however, did not show a strong correlation with marital cohesion. Next, the relation between the subscales of the DAS was compared to that of the MMV-SQ questionnaire. Meaningful correlations between some scales of marital adjustment and SQ occurred, in particular with regard to the motivational scale: couples whose behaviour are motivated by mastering, appear to display a higher degree of marital adjustment, while the negative sources of motivation like self-centredness, craving and fears, display a negative correlation with marital adjustment. Few correlations were found between marital adjustment and purpose and meaning (between meditative awareness and marital consensus; between empathetic acceptance and openness, and affectional expression). No correlation was found with regard to values. Differences between the EQ and SQ of men and women were also investigated, but no major differences were observed. By means of multiple regressions it was indicated that some biographic variables did show a correlation with marital adjustment. Valuable information was obtained in the qualitative research regarding the couple’s roles in child-raising and domestic chores, the balance between career and family, personal satisfaction (SQ) in the marriage, as well as the understanding and handling of feelings (EQ). The value of this research lies in the foundational work of the SQ questionnaire in particular, as well as useful information with regard to South African marriages with preschool children. Guiding couples in their dealing with feelings (EQ), as well as providing an insight into the sources of motivation (SQ), should therefore enhance their marital adjustment. / Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2010. / Psychology / unrestricted

Die moontlike uitwerking van groepgebaseerde dramaterapie op die selfagting van die kind met leerhindernisse (Afrikaans)

De Jager, Liesl Mari 26 July 2010 (has links)
In hierdie studie is psigoterapeutiese uitkoms navorsing gedoen (Lindegger, 1999). Die navorser het as intern opvoedkundige sielkundige ‘n groepgebaseerde gestalt-dramaterapie program van 12 sessies ontwikkel ten einde selfagting-ontwikkeling by die kind met leerhindernisse aan te spreek. Gebrekkige motivering, ongunstige selfagting, sowel as problematiese sosiale vaardighede word geassosieer met leerhindernisse (DSM-IV-TR, 2000). Die Self-Esteem Index (SEI) is as meetinstrument gebruik en met aanvang en terminering van die intervensie afgeneem. Sekere strategieë is toegepas ten einde leerhindernisse te akkommodeer tydens die afneem van die meetinstrument. Na afloop van die intervensie, wat hoofsaaklik bestaan het uit dramatisering en rollespelle in kleingroep-verband, is die versamelde data statisties geanaliseer ten einde te bepaal of die intervensie moontlik tot die ontwikkeling van gunstige selfagting by die betrokke leerdergroep bygedra het. Die steekproef (n=17) is vanuit die SEI-vraelysdata van die Afrikaanssprekende Graad 4-leerders (tussen die ouderdomme van 10 tot 12 jaar) verbonde aan die betrokke remediërende skool, wie aan die LOD-program deelgeneem het, op sistematiese wyse getrek. Gepaarde t-toetse is gedoen ten einde te bepaal of daar enige statisties betekenisvolle verskille tussen die voortoets-/natoets-data bestaan. Die terapeutiese proses waartydens die data gegenereer is vir hierdie studie, was soortgelyk aan die pre-eksperimentele een groep voortoets-/natoets ontwerp. Die navorsingsresultate het aangedui dat die nulhipotese nie verwerp kan word nie. Die alternatiewe hipotese moet dus verder ondersoek word en vele moontlikhede vir toekomstige navorsing het vanuit die studie ontwikkel. ENGLISH : In this study psychotherapy outcome research was conducted (Lindegger, 1999). The researcher developed a group based gestalt drama therapy program during her internship as educational psychologist in a remedial school. The main therapeutic aim was to develop the self-esteem of the child with barriers to learning. Demoralization, low self-esteem, and deficits in social skills may be associated with barriers to learning (DSM-IV-TR, 2000). The intervention was facilitated over 12 sessions and all the Grade 4 pupils of the specific school participated in the intervention. The Self-Esteem Index (SEI) was administered during the beginning and at the end of the intervention. Certain strategies were used to accommodate barriers to learning during the administration of the SEI. After termination of the intervention the data were statistically analysed. The pretest/posttest results were compared in order to determine if the intervention contributed to self-esteem development of the participants. A data-sample (n=17) was systematically drawn from the Afrikaans speaking Grade 4 learner participants’ (between the ages of 10 to 12 years) SEI questionnaires. The therapeutic process during which the data was generated resembled a pre-experimental one group pretest/posttest design. Paired t-tests were used and the research results indicated no statistical significance which means that the null hypothesis could not be rejected. This resulted in the formulation of further hypothesis. The aim of this study therefore was to explore the possible effect of the intervention on the self-esteem development of the child with barriers to learning. Possibilities for further research emerged from this research study. Copyright / Dissertation (MEd)--University of Pretoria, 2010. / Educational Psychology / unrestricted

‘n Intervensiemodel vir die middelkinderjare-kind wat seksueel misbruik is (Afrikaans)

Britz, Linda 04 February 2004 (has links)
This research concentrates on the development of an intervention model for the sexually abused latency aged child. The focus is on short term, structured individual therapy. The importance of this model is linked to the underlying theoretical basis that it provides as well as the guidelines suggested for therapy. Intervention research was used as research methodology. This methodology implies a combined quantitative and qualitative approach. The first part (Chapters 2, 3&4) addresses the problem analysis and information gathering linked to the development of a theoretical basis for the intervention model. The latency years as developmental stage is discussed and suggestions are made as to which this information can be used during the planning and conducting of intervention. The reasons for the child’s vulnerability to become a sexual abuse victim are explained. The different forms of sexual abuse are indicated and it is argued that one child can be abused by another. The social environments where sexual abuse might occur are described as well as the possible consequences that sexual abuse holds for the victim. The second part of this research (Chapters 5&6) is related to the design of the intervention model, the conducting of a pilot test and the refining of the intervention. The key elements of abused focused therapy, cognitive behavioural therapy and movement therapy is outlined. These approaches serve as theoretical background for the formulation of the principles of the intervention model. The areas of focus during intervention are described. In Chapter 7 an outline of the intervention program is described. This programme can be viewed as a practical application of the intervention model. A detailed description of every therapy session is provided. The intervention program was tested on three children from the Jakaranda Children’s Home in Pretoria. Chapter 8 indicates the results of the empirical research as well as the interpretation thereof. The focus of this chapter is on the results as referring to the changes in the respondent’s experience of compliance, relationships, security and anxiety. The research results clearly shows that the three respondents were helped by the intervention and that they were no longer overwhelmed by their experience of the sexual abuse. The study is concluded in Chapter 8 with some remarks in summary and proposals for further research. / Thesis (DPhil (Social Work))--University of Pretoria, 2005. / Social Work and Criminology / unrestricted

An investigation of family/parent background and learning home environment on the academic performance of Std 8 pupils in the Northern Province

Yeboah, Seth Kwasi 04 April 2013 (has links)
This thesis discusses how a variety of factors like socio-economic status and educational levels of family/parents affect Std 8 pupils' school performance in twelve selected secondary schools in Thohoyandou, Venda in the Northern Province. It further examines how parents motivate pupils to do well at school, and how the expectations of parents and other relatives as well as teachers as significant others contribute to the academic attainment of pupils.. It also focuses on the favourable conditions in the pupils' learning home environment such as availability of a private study-room, language used at home, adequacy of time for both relaxation and schoolwork, learning facilities, parental involvement and nutritional values that help in promoting and enhancing pupil school performance. Finally, the author provides some recommendations about how parents can actively involve themselves in their children's education. AFRIKAANS : Hierdie tesis bespreek die wyse waarop 'n aantal faktore, soos die sosioekonomiese status en die opvoedkundige peil van die familie/ouers, st. 8 leerlinge se skoolprestasies beinvloed in twaalf geselekteerde skole in Thohoyandou, Venda, in die Noordelike Provinsie. Dit ondersoek ook die wyse waarop ouers leerlinge motiveer om goed te doen op skoal, asook hoe dit wat betekenisvolle mense soos ouers, ooms, tantes en onderwysers van hulle verwag, bydra tot die bereik van die verlangde akademiese sukses van die leerlinge. Dit fokus ook op gunstige toestande in die leerling se tuisomgewing, byvoorbeeld die beskikbaarheid van 'n private studeerkamer, taalgebruik by die huis, genoeg tyd om te slaap en te eet, ontspanning en skoolwerk, leerfassiliteite, ouerlike betrokkenheid en die voedingsvlakke wat help om leerlinge se skoolprestasies aan te moedig en te verbeter. Ten laaste voorsien die outeur ook 'n paar voorstelle oor hoe ouers aktief betrokke kan raak by 'n leerling se opvoeding. / Dissertation (MA)--University of Pretoria, 1997. / Sociology / unrestricted

Gestaltbegeleidingsprogram ten einde smartiewerk as projeksietegniek in lewensvaardighede met die kind te benut

Van Heerden, S. J. 02 1900 (has links)
Summary in English and Afrikaans / This study focus on a Gestalt guidance programme in order to utilize smartiewerk as projection technique in life skills with children The strategy used in the research was case studies. An in depth literature review guided the study‟s theoretical background. A specific focus on the gestalt therapeutic process and gestalt play therapy as such was given to the study. Further literature reviews on the child and life skills was done. In the completion of this study the researcher made use of case studies. The sample existed of non-probability sampling with criteria for inclusion focusing on the child with emotional distress and some form of loss without coping skills as such. The researcher conducted between seven and eight sessions with the three children. In all three case studies it was evident that smartiewerk as projective technique had value in dealing with life skills. / Hierdie studie is onderneem om „n Gestalt begeleidingsprogram te ontwikkel waarbinne smartiewerk™ as projeksietegniek in lewensvaardighede met kinders benut kan word. Die strategie wat vir die navorsing gevolg is, het gevallestudies behels. Daar is ook „n literatuurstudie onderneem wat spesifiek op die Gestalt-terapeutiese benadering en Gestaltspelterapie gefokus het. Verdere literatuurstudie oor die kind en lewensvaardighede is onderneem. In die uitvoering van hierdie studie is daar drie gevallestudies beskryf en die steekproef het berus op „n nie-waarskynlikheid-doelgerigte steekproeftrekking. Die kriteria vir insluiting tot die studie was kind er swat emosionele nood in die vorm van verlies ervaar en gevolglik nie effektief hul eie balans kon herstel nie. Daar is tussen sewe en agt sessie met hierdie kind ers terapeuties gewerk. In al drie gevalle het dit na vore gekom dat smartiewerk™ as projeksietegniek benuttingswaarde het ten einde lewensvaardighede vir die hantering van disekwilibrium by die kind te herstel. / M. Diac. (Spelterapie)

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