Spelling suggestions: "subject:"net"" "subject:"neto""
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An Exposition of Performance-Security Trade-offs in RANETs Based on Quantitative Network ModelsMiskeen, Guzlan M.A., Kouvatsos, Demetres D., Habib Zadeh, Esmaeil January 2013 (has links)
No / Security mechanisms, such as encryption and authentication protocols, require extra computing resources and therefore, have an adverse effect upon the performance of robotic mobile wireless ad hoc networks (RANETs). Thus, an optimal performance and security trade-off should be one of the main aspects that should be taken into consideration during the design, development, tuning and upgrading of such networks. In this context, an exposition is initially undertaken on the applicability of Petri nets (PNs) and queueing networks (QNs) in conjunction with their generalisations and hybrid integrations as robust quantitative modelling tools for the performance analysis of discrete flow systems, such as computer systems, communication networks and manufacturing systems. To overcome some of the inherent limitations of these models, a novel hybrid modelling framework is explored for the quantitative evaluation of RANETs, where each robotic node is represented by an abstract open hybrid G-GSPN_QN model with head-of-line priorities, subject to combined performance and security metrics (CPSMs). The proposed model focuses on security processing and state-based control and it is based on an open generalised stochastic PN (GSPN) with a gated multi-class 'On-Off' traffic and mobility model. Moreover, it employs a power consumption model and is linked in tandem with an arbitrary QN consisting of finite capacity channel queues with blocking for 'intra' robot component-to-component communication and 'inter' robot-to-robot transmission. Conclusions and future research directions are included.
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Bradford Non-Lethal Weapons Research Project (BNLWRP). Research Report No. 4.Davison, N., Lewer, N. January 2003 (has links)
yes / Non-lethal weapons (NLWs) are explicitly designed and primarily employed to incapacitate personnel or material whilst minimising collateral damage to property and the environment. Existing NLWs include rubber and plastic bullets, entangling nets, chemical sprays such as OC and CS gas, and electrical stunning devices such as the `Taser¿ gun. New NLWs are on the way, which will include acoustic and microwave weapons, non-lethal landmines, malodorants, and sophisticated weapons developed through rapid advances in neuroscience and the genomics revolution. Most analysts would agree that there is a `legitimate¿ role for non-lethal weapons, both for civil and military applications. However there is considerable disagreement as to the operational effectiveness of NLWs, and the threat such weapons pose to arms conventions and international law. As usual, a balance has to be achieved where the benign advantages of developing and deploying non-lethal weapons are not outweighed by their more malign effects.
In particular, emerging non-lethal technologies offer an increasing opportunity for the suppression of civil dissent and control of populations ¿ these are sometimes referred to as the `technologies of political control¿. There is a continuing need for sustained and informed commentary to such developments which highlights the impact and threats that these technologies pose to civil liberties and human rights.
Because the last BNLWP Report was produced in August 2001, this edition is somewhat longer than usual so that key developments since then can be highlighted and summarised. Future BNLWRP reports will be published three times a year, and we welcome material to be considered for inclusion.
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Novel Diagnostic and Prognostic Methods for Cancer and Cancer Associated ThrombosisOto Martínez, Ana Julia 02 August 2023 (has links)
Tesis por compendio / [ES] El cáncer constituye la segunda causa de muerte en España. El tromboembolismo venoso (TEV), una complicación del cáncer, conlleva gran gasto del presupuesto sanitario y representa la segunda causa de muerte en estos pacientes. Sin embargo, las herramientas actuales disponibles para la identificación de pacientes oncológicos con elevado riesgo trombótico son limitadas. Adicionalmente, no existen métodos simples, mínimamente invasivos y económicos de diagnóstico de cáncer vesical. Por este motivo, se utilizan técnicas dañinas como la tomografía computarizada la cual implica una elevada dosis de exposición a radiación y procedimientos invasivos como la cistoscopia. Además, un estado hipercoagulable parece tener una relación directa con una mayor carga tumoral y un peor pronóstico. El objetivo principal de la presente Tesis Doctoral es explorar la utilidad clínica de nuevos métodos diagnósticos y pronósticos para el cáncer y sus complicaciones trombóticas. En la primera parte de la Tesis, nos hemos centrado en el papel de miRNAs en orina como biomarcadores de cáncer vesical. Hemos identificado al miR-29c-3p como el miRNA más estable por lo que fue utilizado como normalizador. Hemos ajustado un modelo de regresión logística ordinal para el diagnóstico y estratificación de cáncer vesical utilizando la expresión de miRNAs en orina de pacientes y controles. Este modelo incluyó la expresión de 7 miRNAs: miR-221-3p, miR-93-5p, miR-362-3p, miR-191-5p, miR-200c-3p, miR-192-5p y miR-21-5p. En la segunda parte de la Tesis, nos centramos en el estudio de nuevos biomarcadores para la trombosis asociada a cáncer. Analizamos el potencial predictivo de los miRNAs y de marcadores de activación de neutrófilos en pacientes con cáncer pancreático y pacientes con glioma y meningioma. En cáncer pancreático, obtuvimos un perfil de 7 miRNAs (miR-486-5p, miR-106b-5p, let-7i-5p, let-7g-5p, miR-144-3p, miR-19a-3p y miR-103a-3p) capaz de estimar el riesgo de TEV al diagnóstico con dianas incluidas en las rutas pancreatic cancer y complement and coagulation cascades. En el estudio de los marcadores de activación de neutrófilos, obtuvimos un nuevo modelo predictivo de TEV con la calprotectina como variable predictora. Respecto al estudio de trombosis asociada a cáncer en tumores intracraneales, en pacientes con glioma, ajustamos y validamos un modelo predictivo de embolismo pulmonar (EP) postquirúrgico con 6 miRNAs: miR-363-3p, miR-93-3p, miR-22-5p, miR-451a, miR-222-3p y miR-140-3p y otro con cfDNA y mieloperoxidasa como predictores. Además, hemos combinado los dos tipos de marcadores y hemos obtenido un modelo con mayor capacidad predictiva que incluye a miR-140-3p y a la mieloperoxidasa como predictores. En pacientes con meningioma, ajustamos y validamos un modelo predictivo de EP postquirúrgico con 6 miRNAs: miR-29a-3p, miR-660-5p, miR-331-3p, miR-126-5p, miR-23a-3p y miR-23b-3p. En conclusión, proponemos diferentes perfiles de biomarcadores para el diagnóstico de cáncer de vejiga y para la identificación de pacientes oncológicos con elevado riesgo de trombosis. / [CA] El càncer constitueix la segona causa de mort a Espanya. El tromboembolisme venós (TEV), una complicació del càncer, representa la segona causa de mort en aquests pacients i comporta una gran despesa sanitària. No obstant això, les eines disponibles actualment per a la identificació de pacients oncològics amb elevat risc trombòtic són limitades. Actualment, no existeixen mètodes diagnòstics per al càncer de bufeta senzills, mínimament invasius i econòmics. Per aquest motiu, s'utilitzen tècniques nocives com la tomografia computada la qual implica una elevada dosi d'exposició a radiació i procediments invasius com la cistoscòpia. A més, un estat hipercoagulable sembla tindre una relació directa amb una major càrrega tumoral i un pitjor pronòstic. L'objectiu principal de la present Tesi Doctoral fou explorar la utilitat clínica de nous mètodes diagnòstics i pronòstics per al càncer i les seues complicacions trombòtiques. En la primera part de la Tesi, ens hem centrat en el paper dels microRNAs (miRNAs) en orina com biomarcadors de càncer de bufeta. Hem identificat al miR-29c-3p com el miRNA més estable per la qual cosa va ser utilitzat com a normalitzador. Hem ajustat un model de regressió logística ordinal per al diagnòstic i estratificació de càncer de bufeta utilitzant l'expressió de miRNAs en orina de pacients i controls. Aquest model va incloure l'expressió de 7 miRNAs: miR-221-3p, miR-93-5p, miR-362-3p, miR-191-5p, miR-200c-3p, miR-192-5p i miR-21-5p. En la segona part de la Tesi, ens centràrem en l'estudi de nous biomarcadors per a la trombosi associada a càncer. Analitzàrem el potencial predictiu dels miRNAs i de marcadors d'activació de neutròfils en pacients amb càncer pancreàtic i pacients amb glioma i meningioma. En càncer pancreàtic, vàrem obtindre un perfil de 7 miRNAs (miR-486-5p, miR-106b-5p, let-7i-5p, let-7g-5p, miR-144-3p, miR-19a-3p i miR-103a-3p) capaç d'estimar el risc de TEV al diagnostic dels pacients els quals tenen dianes incloses en les rutes biològiques pancreatic cancer y complement and coagulation cascades. En el estudi dels marcadors d¿activació de neutròfils, vàrem obtenir un altre model predictiu de TEV amb la calprotectina com a variable predictora. Respecte a l'estudi de trombosi associada a càncer en tumors intracranials, en pacients amb glioma, ajustàrem i validàrem un model predictiu d'embolisme pulmonar (EP) incidental postquirúrgic amb 6 miRNAs (miR-363-3p, miR-93-3p, miR-22-5p, miR-451a, miR-222-3p i miR-140-3p) i un altre amb cfDNA i mieloperoxidasa com a predictors. A més, vàrem combinar els dos tipus de marcadors i vàrem obtenir un model amb major capacitat predictiva que inclou al miR-140-3p i la mieloperoxidasa com a predictors. En pacients amb meningioma, ajustàrem i validàrem un model predictiu d¿EP incidental postquirúrgic amb 6 miRNAs: miR-29a-3p, miR-660-5p, miR-331-3p, miR-126-5p, miR-23a-3p i miR-23b-3p. En conclusió, proposem diferents perfils de biomarcadors per al diagnòstic de càncer de bufeta i per a la identificació de pacients oncològics amb elevat risc de trombosi. / [EN] Cancer is the second leading cause of death in Spain. Collaterally, venous thromboembolism (VTE), as a complication of cancer, consumes a great part of its healthcare budget and, more importantly, it is the second cause of death in these patients. However, limited tools are available to identify high risk patients. Additionally, a simple, minimally invasive and economical diagnostic methods for bladder cancer are also lacking. For that aim, harmful techniques are used like CT scan with high radiation exposure and invasive procedures like cystoscopy. Moreover, a hypercoagulable state seems directly related to a large tumor burden and poor prognosis. The overall aim of this Doctoral Thesis is to explore the clinical utility of novel diagnostic and prognostic methods for cancer and its thrombotic complications. In the first part of this Doctoral Thesis, we focused on the role of urine miRNAs as bladder cancer biomarkers. We identified miR-29c-3p as the most stable miRNA and was therefore used as normalizer. We adjusted an ordinal logistic regression model for the diagnosis and stratification of BC using the urine miRNA expression levels of patients and controls. This model included 7 miRNAs: miR-221-3p, miR-93-5p, miR-362-3p, miR-191-5p, miR-200c-3p, miR-192-5p and miR-21-5p. In the second part of this Doctoral Thesis, we focused on the study of novel biomarkers for cancer-associated thrombosis. We analyzed the predictive potential of miRNAs and neutrophil activation markers of thrombotic events in patients with pancreatic cancer and patients with glioma and meningioma. In pancreatic cancer, we obtained a profile of 7 miRNAs (miR-486-5p, miR-106b-5p, let-7i-5p, let-7g-5p, miR-144-3p, miR-19a-3p and miR-103a-3p) able to estimate the risk of potential VTE at diagnosis with targets involved in the pancreatic cancer and complement and coagulation cascades pathways. In the study of the neutrophil activation makers, we obtained a new predictive model of VTE with calprotectin as predictor. Regarding the study of cancer-associated thrombosis in intracranial tumors, in glioma patients, we adjusted and validated a predictive model for post-surgical pulmonary embolism (PE) with 6 miRNAs: miR-363-3p, miR-93-3p, miR-22-5p, miR-451a, miR-222-3p and miR-140-3p, and another with cfDNA and myeloperoxidase as predictors. Furthermore, we combined both types of biomarkers and obtained an improved model using myeloperoxidase and miR-140-3p as predictors. In meningioma patients we fitted and validated a predictive model with 6 miRNAs: miR-29a-3p, miR-660-5p, miR-331-3p, miR-126-5p, miR-23a-3p and miR-23b-3p. In conclusion, we propose several profiles of biomarkers for the diagnosis of bladder cancer and for the identification of oncologic patients at high risk of suffering a thrombotic event. / Oto Martínez, AJ. (2022). Novel Diagnostic and Prognostic Methods for Cancer and Cancer Associated Thrombosis [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/181510 / Compendio
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Timing multimodal turn-taking in human-robot cooperative activityChao, Crystal 27 May 2016 (has links)
Turn-taking is a fundamental process that governs social interaction. When humans interact, they naturally take initiative and relinquish control to each other using verbal and nonverbal behavior in a coordinated manner. In contrast, existing approaches for controlling a robot's social behavior do not explicitly model turn-taking, resulting in interaction breakdowns that confuse or frustrate the human and detract from the dyad's cooperative goals. They also lack generality, relying on scripted behavior control that must be designed for each new domain. This thesis seeks to enable robots to cooperate fluently with humans by automatically controlling the timing of multimodal turn-taking. Based on our empirical studies of interaction phenomena, we develop a computational turn-taking model that accounts for multimodal information flow and resource usage in interaction. This model is implemented within a novel behavior generation architecture called CADENCE, the Control Architecture for the Dynamics of Embodied Natural Coordination and Engagement, that controls a robot's speech, gesture, gaze, and manipulation. CADENCE controls turn-taking using a timed Petri net (TPN) representation that integrates resource exchange, interruptible modality execution, and modeling of the human user. We demonstrate progressive developments of CADENCE through multiple domains of autonomous interaction encompassing situated dialogue and collaborative manipulation. We also iteratively evaluate improvements in the system using quantitative metrics of task success, fluency, and balance of control.
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Algorithmique et complexité des systèmes à compteursBlondin, Michael 04 1900 (has links)
Réalisé en cotutelle avec l'École normale supérieure de Cachan – Université Paris-Saclay / L'un des aspects fondamentaux des systèmes informatiques modernes, et en particulier des systèmes critiques, est la possibilité d'exécuter plusieurs processus, partageant des ressources communes, de façon simultanée. De par leur nature concurrentielle, le bon fonctionnement de ces systèmes n'est assuré que lorsque leurs comportements ne dépendent pas d'un ordre d'exécution prédéterminé. En raison de cette caractéristique, il est particulièrement difficile de s'assurer qu'un système concurrent ne possède pas de faille.
Dans cette thèse, nous étudions la vérification formelle, une approche algorithmique qui vise à automatiser la vérification du bon fonctionnement de systèmes concurrents en procédant par une abstraction vers des modèles mathématiques. Nous considérons deux de ces modèles, les réseaux de Petri et les systèmes d'addition de vecteurs, et les problèmes de vérification qui leur sont associés.
Nous montrons que le problème d'accessibilité pour les systèmes d'addition de vecteurs (avec états) à deux compteurs est PSPACE-complet, c'est-à-dire complet pour la classe des problèmes solubles à l'aide d'une quantité polynomiale de mémoire. Nous établissons ainsi la complexité calculatoire précise de ce problème, répondant à une question demeurée ouverte depuis plus de trente ans.
Nous proposons une nouvelle approche au problème de couverture pour les réseaux de Petri, basée sur un algorithme arrière guidé par une caractérisation logique de l'accessibilité dans les réseaux de Petri continus. Cette approche nous a permis de mettre au point un nouvel algorithme qui s'avère particulièrement efficace en pratique, tel que démontré par notre implémentation logicielle nommée QCover.
Nous complétons ces résultats par une étude des systèmes de transitions bien structurés qui constituent une abstraction générale des systèmes d'addition de vecteurs et des réseaux de Petri. Nous considérons le cas des systèmes de transitions bien structurés à branchement infini, une classe qui inclut les réseaux de Petri possédant des arcs pouvant consommer ou produire un nombre arbitraire de jetons. Nous développons des outils mathématiques facilitant l'étude de ces systèmes et nous délimitons les frontières au-delà desquelles la décidabilité des problèmes de terminaison, de finitude, de maintenabilité et de couverture est perdue. / One fundamental aspect of computer systems, and in particular of critical systems, is the ability to run simultaneously many processes sharing resources. Such concurrent systems only work correctly when their behaviours are independent of any execution ordering. For this reason, it is particularly difficult to ensure the correctness of concurrent systems.
In this thesis, we study formal verification, an algorithmic approach to the verification of concurrent systems based on mathematical modeling. We consider two of the most prominent models, Petri nets and vector addition systems, and their usual verification problems considered in the literature.
We show that the reachability problem for vector addition systems (with states) restricted to two counters is PSPACE-complete, that is, it is complete for the class of problems solvable with a polynomial amount of memory. Hence, we establish the precise computational complexity of this problem, left open for more than thirty years.
We develop a new approach to the coverability problem for Petri nets which is primarily based on applying forward coverability in continuous Petri nets as a pruning criterion inside a backward coverability framework. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach by implementing it in a tool named QCover.
We complement these results with a study of well-structured transition systems which form a general abstraction of vector addition systems and Petri nets. We consider infinitely branching well-structured transition systems, a class that includes Petri nets with special transitions that may consume or produce arbitrarily many tokens. We develop mathematical tools in order to study these systems and we delineate the decidability frontier for the termination, boundedness, maintainability and coverability problems.
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Optimization of blood collection systems : Balancing service quality given to the donor and the efficiency in the collection planning. / Optimisation de la collecte de sang : concilier la qualité de service au donneur de sang et l'efficience de l'organisation de la collecteAlfonso Lizarazo, Edgar 04 July 2013 (has links)
Les rapports d’activité de l’Établissement Français du Sang (EFS) font état d’une demande croissante de produits sanguins labiles (PSL) tels les concentrés globules rouges (CGR), les plaquettes, et le plasma. Afin d’assurer la demande vitale en PSL, il est primordial d’optimiser la logistique liée aux activités de collecte du sang et de ses composants. Pour faire face à cette situation, l’EFS Auvergne-Loire mène une réflexion dans le but d’utiliser de manière plus efficiente les dispositifs de collecte en sites fixes et mobiles pour améliorer (i) la qualité de service rendue au donneur, et (ii) l’efficience de l’utilisation des ressources humaines. Dans ce contexte nous avons développé dans cette thèse des outils opérationnels pour (i) la modélisation des dispositifs de collecte, (ii) la régulation des flux de donneurs, et (iii) la planification de collectes mobiles.La méthode d'analyse des dispositifs de collecte est basée sur des techniques de simulation à événements discrets. Une modélisation préalable des flux de donneurs dans les systèmes de collecte en sites fixes et mobiles à l’aide de réseaux de Petri a été proposée. Pour la régulation de flux de donneurs, notamment pour la planification optimale des rendez-vous des donneurs et la planification de la capacité dans les systèmes de collecte au site fixe, deux approches ont été abordées: (a) Construction d'un algorithme basée sur techniques d'optimisation stochastique via simulation ; (b) Programmation mathématique: Modèle de programmation en nombres entiers non-linéaire (MINLP) basée sur réseaux de files d'attente et représentation et évaluation des systèmes à événements discrets à travers de programmation mathématique. Pour la planification de collectes mobiles. Deux types de modèles ont été développés : (a) Au niveau tactique : Modèles de programmation en nombres entiers linéaire (MIP) pour planifier les semaines de collectes pour chaque ensemble disponible sur un horizon de temps pour garantir l'autosuffisance à niveau régional des CGR. (b) Au niveau opérationnel : Modèle de programmation en nombres entiers linéaire (MIP) pour l’organisation du travail des équipes en charge de la collecte. / Activity reports of the French Blood Establishment (EFS) indicate a growing demand for Labile Blood Products (LBP) as red blood cells (RBC), platelets and plasma. To ensure the vital demand of labile blood products (LBP), it’s essential to optimize the logistics related with the collection of blood components. To deal with this situation, the EFS Auvergne-Loire carry out a reflection in order to use more efficiently the collection devices in fixed and mobile sites, to improve the quality of service offered to the donor and the efficiency of human resources. In this context we have developed in this thesis operational tools for (i) modeling of blood collection devices (ii) The regulation of flows donors (iii) Planning of bloodmobile collections.The method analysis of collection devices is based on techniques of discrete event simulation. A preliminary modeling of donors’ flow in fixed and mobile collection systems using Petri nets was conducted. For the regulation of flow of donors, i.e. the optimal capacity planning and appointment scheduling of blood collections, two approaches were considered: (a) Simulation based-optimization.(b) Mathematical Programming: Mixed integer nonlinear programming (MINLP) based on queuing networks and mathematical programming representation of discrete event systems. For planning of bloodmobile collections. Two models have been developed: (a) At the tactical level: Mixed integer linear programming (MIP) to determine the weeks in which the mobile collection must be organized in order to ensure the regional self-sufficiency of RBC. (b) At the operational level: Mixed integer linear programming (MIP) for the planning of human resources in charge of blood collections.
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Supervision of distributed systems using constrained unfoldings of timed models / Supervision de systèmes répartis utilisant des dépliages avec contraintes de modèles temporisésGrabiec, Bartosz 04 October 2011 (has links)
Ce travail est consacré à la problématique du suivi des systèmes répartis temps réel. Plus précisément, il se concentre sur les aspects formels de la supervision basée sur des modèles ainsi que sur les problèmes qui lui sont liés. Dans la première partie du travail, nous présentons les propriétés de base de deux modèles formels bien connus utilisés pour la modélisation de systèmes répartis : les réseaux d'automates temporisés et les réseaux de Petri temporels. Nous montrons que le comportement de ces modèles peut être représenté par les procédés dits de branchement. Nous introduisons également les éléments conceptuels clés du système de surveillance. La deuxième partie du travail est consacrée à la question des dépliages avec contraintes qui permettent le suivi des relations causales entre les événements dans un système réparti. Ce type de structure peut reproduire des processus sur la base d'un ensemble totalement non-ordonné d'évènements. Dans notre travail, nous soulevons les problèmes des contraintes de temps et de leurs paramétrages. Les méthodes proposées sont illustrées par des études de cas. La troisième partie du travail traite de la problématique des boucles inobservables qui peuvent résulter de comportements cycliques inobservables des systèmes considérés. Ce type de comportement conduit à un nombre infini d'événements dans les dépliages avec contraintes. La quatrième et dernière partie du travail est consacrée à l'implémentation des méthodes décrites précédemment. / This work is devoted to the issue of monitoring of distributed real-time systems. In particular, it focuses on formal aspects of model-based supervision and problems which are related to it. In its first part, we present the basic properties of two well-known formal models used to model distributed systems: networks of timed automata and time Petri nets. We show that the behavior of these models can be represented with so-called branching processes. We also introduce the key conceptual elements of the supervisory system. The second part of the work is dedicated to the issue of constrained unfoldings which enable us to track causal relationships between events in a distributed system. This type of structure can be used to reproduce processes of the system on the basis of a completely unordered set of previously observed events. Moreover, we show that time constraints imposed on a system and observations submitted to the supervisory system can significantly affect a course of events in the system. We also raise the issue of parameters in time constraints. The proposed methods are illustrated with case studies. The third part of the work deals with the issue of unobservable cyclical behaviors in distributed systems. This type of behaviors leads to an infinite number of events in constrained unfoldings. We explain how we can obtain a finite structure that stores information about all observed events in the system, even if this involves processes that are infinite due to such unobservable loops. The fourth and final part of the work is dedicated to implementation issues of the previously described methods.
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XML manipulation by non-expert users / Manipulation des données XML par des utilisateurs non-expertsTekli, Gilbert 04 October 2011 (has links)
Aujourd’hui, les ordinateurs et l’Internet sont partout dans le monde : dans chaque maison, domaine et plateforme. Dans ce contexte, le standard XML s’est établi comme un moyen insigne pour la représentation et l’échange efficaces des données. Les communications et les échanges d’informations entre utilisateurs, applications et systèmes d’information hétérogènes sont désormais réalisés moyennant XML afin de garantir l’interopérabilité des données. Le codage simple et robuste de XML, à base de données textuelles semi-structurées, a fait que ce standard a rapidement envahi les communications medias. Ces communications sont devenues inter-domaines, partant de l’informatique et s’intégrant dans les domaines médical, commercial, et social, etc. Par conséquent, et au vu du niveau croissant des données XML flottantes entre des utilisateurs non-experts (employés, scientifiques, etc.), que ce soit sur les messageries instantanées, réseaux sociaux, stockage de données ou autres, il devient incontournable de permettre aux utilisateurs non-experts de manipuler et contrôler leurs données (e.g., des parents qui souhaitent appliquer du contrôle parental sur les messageries instantanées de leur maison, un journaliste qui désire regrouper et filtrer des informations provenant de différents flux RSS, etc.). L'objectif principal de cette thèse est l'étude des manipulations des données XML par des utilisateurs non-experts. Quatre principales catégories ont été identifiées dans la littérature : i) les langages visuels orientés XML, ii) les Mashups, iii) les techniques de manipulation des données XML, et iv) les DFVPL (langages de programmation visuel à base de Dataflow), couvrant différentes pistes. Cependant, aucune d’entre elles ne fournit une solution complète. Dans ce travail de recherche, nous avons formellement défini un Framework de manipulation XML, intitulé XA2C (XML-oriented mAnipulAtion Compositions). XA2C représente un environnement de programmation visuel (e.g., Visual-Studio) pour un DFVPL orienté XML, intitulé XCDL (XML-oriented Composition Definition Language) qui constitue la contribution majeure de cette thèse. XCDL, basé sur les réseaux de Pétri colorés, permet aux non-experts de définir, d’arranger et de composer des opérations de manipulation orientées XML. Ces opérations peuvent être des simples sélections/projections de données, ainsi que des opérations plus complexes de modifications de données (insertion, suppression, tatouage, etc.). Le langage proposé traite les données XML à base de documents ou de fragments. En plus de la définition formelle (syntaxique et sémantique) du langage XCDL, XA2C introduit une architecture complète à base d’un compilateur et un environnement d'exécution dédiés. Afin de tester et d’évaluer notre approche théorique, nous avons développé un prototype, intitulé X-Man, avec un Framework d’évaluation pour les langages et outils visuels de programmation orientés XML. Une série d'études de cas et d’expérimentations a été réalisée afin d'évaluer la qualité d'usage de notre langage, et de le comparer aux solutions existantes. Les résultats obtenus soulignent la supériorité de note approche, notamment en termes de qualité d’interaction, de visualisation, et d’utilisation. Plusieurs pistes sont en cours d’exploration, telles que l'intégration des opérations plus complexes (opérateurs de contrôle, boucles, etc.), les compositions automatiques, et l’extension du langage pour gérer la spécificité des formats dérivés du standard XML (flux RSS, RDF, SMIL, etc.) / Computers and the Internet are everywhere nowadays, in every home, domain and field. Communications between users, applications and heterogeneous information systems are mainly done via XML structured data. XML, based on simple textual data and not requiring any specific platform or environment, has invaded and governed the communication Medias. In the 21stcentury, these communications are now inter-domain and have stepped outside the scope of computer science into other areas (i.e., medical, commerce, social, etc.). As a consequence, and due to the increasing amount of XML data floating between non-expert users (programmers, scientists, etc.), whether on instant messaging, social networks, data storage and others, it is becoming crucial and imperative to allow non-experts to be able to manipulate and control their data (e.g.,parents who want to apply parental control over instant messaging tools in their house, a journalist who wants to gather information from different RSS feeds and filter them out, etc.). The main objective of this work is the study of XML manipulations by non-expert users. Four main related categories have been identified in the literature: XML-oriented visual languages, Mashups, XML manipulation by security and adaptation techniques, and Dataflow visual programming languages. However, none of them provides a full-fledged solution for appropriate XML data manipulation. In our research, we formally defined an XML manipulation framework, entitled XA2C (XML Alteration/Adaptation Composition Framework). XA2C represents a visual studio for an XML-oriented DFVPL (Dataflow Visual Programming Language), called XCDL (XML-oriented Composition Definition Language) which constitutes the major contribution of this study. XCDL is based on Colored Petri Nets allowing non-expert users to compose manipulation operations. The XML manipulations range from simple data selection/projection to data modification (insertion, removal, obfuscation, etc.). The language is oriented to deal with XML data (XML documents and fragments), providing users with means to compose XML oriented operations. Complementary to the language syntax and semantics, XA2C formally defines also the compiler and runtime environment of XCDL. In addition to the theoretical contribution, we developed a prototype, called X-Man, and formally defined an evaluation framework for XML-oriented visual languages and tools that was used in a set of case studies and experiments to evaluate the quality of use of our language and compare it to existing approaches. The obtained assessments and results were positive and show that our approach outperforms existing ones. Several future tracks are being studied such as integration of more complex operations (control operators, loops, etc.), automated compositions, and language derivation to define specific languages oriented towards different XML-based standards (e.g., RSS, RDF, SMIL, etc.)
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Emprego de computadores em elucidação estrutural de alcalóides / Use of computers in structural elucidation of alkaloidsRufino, Alessandra Rodrigues 12 May 2005 (has links)
O Sistema Especialista SISTEMAT foi construído com o objetivo de auxiliar os pesquisadores da área de produtos naturais na tarefa de determinação estrutural, estendendo-se também ao químico orgânico sintético. Seus programas aplicativos fornecem propostas de esqueletos fazendo uso dos dados de diversas técnicas espectrométricas, sendo que a espectrometria de ressonância magnética nuclear de 13C tem um papel de destaque entre as demais. Este trabalho descreve a utilização do SISTEMAT como uma ferramenta auxiliar na determinação estrutural de substâncias pertencentes às subclasses dos alcalóides quinolínicos, quinolizidínicos, aporfínicos, benzilisoquinolínicos, isoquinolínicos, pirrolizidínicos, acridônicos e indólicos. Para a realização deste trabalho foi construído um banco de dados contendo 1182 alcalóides, sendo todos coletados da literatura. Nestes 1182 alcalóides, estão presentes 1156 espectros de RMN 13C, 354 espectros de RMN 1H, 320 espectros de massas e as substâncias de origem vegetal estão distribuídos em 49 Famílias, 164 Gêneros e 260 Espécies. Os testes realizados forneceram bons percentuais de acertos para o reconhecimento de esqueletos. Outro programa utilizado neste trabalho foi o de redes neurais artificiais. As redes foram treinadas para auxiliar na determinação estrutural dos alcalóides aporfínicos, fornecendo a probabilidade de uma determinada substância pertencer ao esqueleto pesquisado. Para utilização das redes neurais foi construída uma planilha com os deslocamentos químicos de RMN 13C, de 165 alcalóides aporfínicos, pertencentes a 12 esqueletos diferentes. A rede forneceu ótimos resultados, classificando os esqueletos com alto grau de confiabilidade. / The Expert System SISTEMAT was built with the objective of aiding the researchers of the area of natural products in the task of structural determination, also extending to the synthetic organic chemist. Their applications programs supply proposed of skeletons making use of the data of several techniques spectrometrics, and the 13C NMR has a main paper among the others. This work describes the use of SISTEMAT as an auxiliary tool in the structural determination of substances belonging to the underclass of the alkaloids quinoline, quinolizidine, aporphine, benzylisoquinoline, isoquinoline, pyrrolizidine, acridone and indoles. For the accomplishment of this work a database was built containing 1182 alkaloids, being all collected of the literature. In these 1182 alkaloids, are present 1156 spectra of 13C NMR, 354 spectra of RMN 1:00, 320 spectra of masses and the substances of botanical origin are distributed in 49 Families, 164 Genders and 260 Species. They were accomplished around 100 tests, of which 30 are presented in this thesis. These tests supplied good percentile of the successes for the recognition of skeletons. Another program used in this work the one of nets artificial neurais, in which the nets were trained to aid in the structural determination of the aporphine alkaloids was, supplying the probability of a certain substance to belong to the researched skeleton. For use of the nets neurais a spreadsheet was built with the chemical displacements of 13C NMR, of 165 aporphine alkaloids, belonging to 12 different skeletons. The net supplied great results, classifying the skeletons with high reliability degree.
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Topological analysis of metabolic and regulatory networks by decomposition methodsOancea, Ionela 23 March 2004 (has links)
Die lebenden Organismen sind für eine wissenschaftliche Analyse zu kompliziert, wenn man sie als Ganzes und in ihrer vollen Komplexität betrachtet. Die vorliegende Arbeit behandelt die topologischen Eigenschaften von zwei wichtigen Teilen der lebenden Organismen: die metabolischen und die regulatorischen Systeme. Topolgische Eigenschaften sind solche, die durch die Netwerkstruktur bedingt werden. Ein Signalsystem ist eine spezielle Art von regulatorischem System. Zwischen den metabolischen und Signalnetzen gibt es wichtige Unterschiede, die ihre Behandlung in unterschiedlicher Weise erfordert. In der metabolischen Pfadanalyse ist das Konzept der elementaren Flussmoden bereits als ein passendes Instrument für die Charakterisierung der einfachsten essentiellen Wege in biochemischen Systemen etabliert. Wir untersuchen die Eigenschaften und Vorteile dieses Konzepts in einigen besonderen Fällen. Zuerst untersuchen wir die vielfach vorkommenden Enzyme mit niedriger Spezifität (z.B. Nukleosiddiphosphokinase, Uridinkinase, Transketolase, Transaldolase). Sie können parallel verschiedene Substrate und Produkte umwandeln. Auch die Enzym-Mechanismen sind vielfältig, wie wir mit dem Reaktionsschema für bifunktionelle Enzyme veranschaulichen. Wir betrachten dabei nur den Fall, dass ein bestimmtes aktives Zentrum mehrere Reaktionen katalysiert. Der Fall, dass das studierte Enzym mehrere solche aktiven Zentren hat, kann in den Fall mehrerer Enzyme transformiert werden, die nur ein aktives Zentrum haben. Wenn eine Krankheit das Ausgangsenzym ändert, werden dann in der Analyse auch alle ersetzenden Enzyme geändert. Es gibt zwei unterschiedliche Betrachtungsweisen, um multifunktionelle Enzyme zu beschreiben. Zum einen kann man die Gesamtreaktionen betrachten und zum anderen die elementaren Reaktionsschritte (Hemireaktionen, Halbreaktionen). Für Enzyme mit zwei oder mehr Funktionen ist es wichtig, nur linear unabhängige Funktionen zu betrachten, weil sonst zyklische elementare Moden auftreten würden, die keine Nettoumwandlung durchführen. Jedoch ist die Wahl der linear unabhängigen Funktionen nicht a priori eindeutig. Wir stellen eine Methode für das Treffen dieser Wahl vor, indem wir die konvexe Basis des Hemireaktions-Systems betrachten. Eine formale Anwendung des Algorithmus für das Berechnen der elementaren Flussmoden (Routen) erbringt das Resultat, dass die Zahl solcher Moden manchmal vom Niveau der Beschreibung abhängt, wenn einige Reaktionen reversibel sind und die Produkte der multifunktionellen Enzyme externe Metabolite sind, oder einige multifunktionelle Enzyme zum Teil die gleichen Stoffwechselprodukte umwandeln. Jedoch kann dieses Problem durch eine geeignete Deutung der Definition der elementaren Moden und die korrekte Wahl der unabhängigen Funktionen der Multifunktionsenzyme gelöst werden. Die Analyse wird durch einige kleinere Beispiele und ein größeres biochemisches Beispiel veranschaulicht, das aus dem Nukleotidmetabolismus stammt und die zwei Arten der Beschreibung für Nukleosiddiphosphokinase und Adenylatekinase vergleicht. Der Nukleotidmetabolismus spielt eine wichtige Rolle in lebenden Organismen und ist gegenüber allen möglichen Störungen in seiner internen Balance sehr empfindlich. Gefährliche Krankheiten können auftreten, wenn einige Enzyme nicht richtig funktionieren. Mit Hilfe des Konzeptes des elementaren Flussmodus erklären wir das Auftreten und den Schweregrad von Krankheiten, die auf Enzymdefizienzen basieren. Wenn ein Enzym vollständig gehemmt wird, werden einige metabolische Wege blockiert. Wenn jedoch einige alternative Wege noch bestehen, ist die Krankheit weniger gefährlich. Unsere Analyse ist darauf gerichtet, alternative Wege, wesentliche Enzyme und solche Enzyme, die immer zusammenarbeiten zu finden. Der letzte Begriff ist auch als "Enzyme subset" bekannt und stellt einen intermediären Schritt im Algorithmus zur Berechnung der elementaren Flussmoden dar. Wir diskutieren bereits bekannte und bisher nur hypothetische Mechanismen einiger Krankheiten (proliferative Krankheiten, Immundefizienzen), die auf Störungen des Nukleotidmetabolismus oder seiner Ausbeutung durch Viren und Parasiten beruhen. Die meisten Strategien, die für das Bekämpfen solcher Krankheiten eingesetzt werden, basieren auf der Unterbrechung des Nukleotidmetabolismus an bestimmten Stellen. Diese Strategien können aber auch zur Akkumulation toxischer Stoffe führen und dadurch Nebenwirkungen hervorrufen. Deswegen hilft ein besseres Verständnis dieses Systems, wirkungsvollere Medikamente zu entwickeln, und eine gute strukturelle Analyse kann viele experimentelle Bemühungen ersparen. Konzepte aus der Theorie der Petri-Netze liefern zusätzliche Werkzeuge für das Modellieren metabolischer Netzwerke. In Kapitel 4 werden die ähnlichkeiten zwischen einigen Konzepten in der traditionellen biochemischen Modellierung und analogen Konzepten aus der Petri-Netztheorie besprochen. Zum Beispiel entspricht die stochiometrische Matrix eines metabolischen Netzwerkes der Inzidenzmatrix des Petri-Netzes. Die Flussmoden und die Erhaltungs-Relationen haben die T-Invarianten beziehungsweise P-Invarianten als Gegenstücke. Wir decken die biologische Bedeutung einiger weiterer Begriffe aus der Theorie der Petri-Netze auf, nämlich "traps", "{siphons", "deadlocks" und "Lebendigkeit". Wir konzentrieren uns auf der topologischen Analyse anstatt auf die Analyse des dynamischen Verhaltens. Die geeignete Behandlung der externen Stoffwechselprodukte wird ebenfalls besprochen. Zur Illustration werden einige einfache theoretische Beispiele vorgestellt. Außerdem werden einige Petri-Netze präsentiert, die konkreten biochemischen Netzen entsprechen, um unsere Resultate zu belegen. Zum Beispiel wird die Rolle der Triosephosphatisomerase (TPI) im Metabolismus von Trypanosoma brucei ausgewertet, indem "traps" und "siphons" ermittelt werden. Alle behandelten Eigenschaften von Petri-Netzen werden anhand eines Systems illustriert, das aus dem Nukleotidmetabolismus stammt. Während viele Bemühungen für das Zerlegen metabolischer Systeme, (elementare Flußmoden, extreme Wege) erfolgt sind, sind bisher unseres Wissens keine Versuche in dieser Richtung für Signalübertragungssysteme unternommen worden. Eine spezielle Eigenschaft von Signalnetzwerken in lebenden Zellen ist, dass Aktivierungen, Hemmungen und biochemische Reaktionen normalerweise gleichzeitig anwesend sind. Selbst wenn sie nicht Reaktionen enthalten, machen Mehrfach-Aktivierungen oder Mehrfach-Hemmungen die Netzwerke in hohem Grade verzweigt. Es ist eine schwierige und sehr zeitraubende Aufgabe, alle Faktoren, die einen Einfluss auf ein gegebenes Ziel haben, ohne eine automatische Methode zu ermitteln. Bereits in Kapitel 1 heben wir die ähnlichkeiten und Unterschiede zwischen den metabolischen und Signal-Netzwerken hervor. In Kapitel 5 errichten wir einen Rahmen und präsentieren einen Algorithmus für die Zerlegung von Signalnetzwerken in kleinere Einheiten, die einfacher zu studieren und zu verstehen sind. Zwei Fälle werden untersucht: ein einfacheres, wenn nur monomolekulare Aktivierungen oder Reaktionen anwesend sind, und ein komplizierterer Fall, wenn die Aktivierungen und die Reaktionen multimolekular sein können. Ihre Beschreibung erfordert unterschiedliche Methoden: klassische Graphen bzw. Petrinetze. Wir besprechen die Probleme, die in unserem Modell wegen des Vorhandenseins von Hemmungen oder von unbekannten Effekten im Netz auftreten. Der vorgeschlagene Algorithmus ermittelt die Faktoren, die zusammenwirken und die Zielsubstanzen, die auf dem gleichen Weg beeinflusst werden. Die Zyklen, die im System auftreten, und mögliche fehlende Reaktionen werden ebenfalls ermittelt . Theoretische Beispiele veranschaulichen unsere Resultate. Anhand der T-Zell-Antigen-Rezeptor-Signalkaskade zeigen wir, wie die Methoden in realen Systemen angewendet werden können. / The living organisms are too complex when considering them as a whole. The present thesis deals with the topological properties of two important parts of living organisms: the metabolic and the regulatory systems. The topological properties are those features that are determined by the network structure. A classification in metabolic and regulatory systems is often used. A signalling system is a special kind of regulatory system. Between metabolic and signalling networks, there are important differences that impose their treatment in different ways. In metabolic pathway analysis, the elementary flux mode concept is already established as a proper tool for identifying the smallest essential routes in biochemical systems. We examine its features and advantages in some particular cases. Firstly, many enzymes operate with low specificity (e.g. nucleoside diphosphokinase, uridine kinase, transketolase, transaldolase), so that various substrates and products can be converted. Also the enzymatic mechanisms are diverse, as we have illustrated with reaction schemes for bifunctional enzymes. Therefore, there are two different approaches to describe multifunctional enzymes (We considered only the case when a certain active site hosts several reactions. The case when the studied enzyme has several such active sites can be transformed into that of several enzymes having only one active site. If a disease alters the initial enzyme, also all substituting enzymes are altered.): in terms of overall reactions and in terms of reactions steps (hemi-reactions, half-reactions). For enzymes with two or more functions, it is important to consider only linearly independent functions, because otherwise cyclic elementary modes would occur which do not perform any net transformation. However, the choice of linearly independent functions is not a priori unique. In Chapter 2, we give a method for making this choice unique by considering the convex basis of the hemi-reactions system. The set of linearly independent functions provided by our algorithm coincides, in the case of transketolase in pentose phosphate pathway, with the set of linearly independent functions mentioned in literature. A formal application of the algorithm for computing elementary flux modes (pathways) yields the result that the number of such modes sometimes depends on the level of description if some reactions are reversible and the products of the multifunctional enzymes are external metabolites or some multifunctional enzymes partly share the same metabolites. However, this problem can be solved by appropriate interpretation of the definition of elementary modes and the correct choice of independent functions of multifunctional enzymes. The analysis is illustrated by a biochemical example taken from nucleotide metabolism, comparing the two ways of description for nucleoside diphosphokinase and adenylate kinase, and by several smaller examples. The nucleotide metabolism plays an important role in living organisms and is very sensitive to any perturbations in its internal balance. Dangerous diseases may occur if some enzymes do not work properly. With the help of elementary flux mode concept, we explain the occurrence and severity of diseases based on enzyme deficiencies. If an enzyme is completely inhibited, some metabolic routes are blocked. If, however, some alternative routes still exist, the disease is less dangerous. In Chapter 3, we focus on finding alternative routes, essential enzymes and enzymes operating together. The latter notion is also known as ,,enzyme subset`` and represents an intermediary step in calculating the elementary flux modes. The known or hypothesised mechanisms of several disorders, occurred due to the malfunctioning of nucleotide metabolism (proliferative diseases, immunodeficiency diseases) or due to its hijacking by viruses and parasites, are given. Most strategies adopted for curing such diseases are based on nucleotide metabolism interruption. Therefore, a better understanding of this system helps developing more effective drugs and a good structural analysis can spare many experimental efforts. Petri net concepts provide additional tools for the modelling of metabolic networks. In Chapter 4, the similarities between the counterparts in traditional biochemical modelling and Petri net theory are discussed. For example, the stoichiometry matrix of a metabolic network corresponds to the incidence matrix of the Petri net. The flux modes and conservation relations have the T-invariants, respectively, P-invariants as counterparts. We reveal the biological meaning of some notions specific to the Petri net framework (traps, siphons, deadlocks, liveness). We focus on the topological analysis rather than on the analysis of the dynamic behaviour. The treatment of external metabolites is discussed. Some simple theoretical examples are presented for illustration. Also the Petri nets corresponding to some biochemical networks are built to support our results. For example, the role of triose phosphate isomerase (TPI) in Trypanosoma brucei metabolism is evaluated by detecting siphons and traps. All Petri net properties treated in above-mentioned chapter (4) are exemplified on a system extracted from nucleotide metabolism. While for decomposing metabolic systems, many efforts have been done (elementary flux modes, convex basis, extreme pathways), for signalling maps, as far as we know, no attempt in this direction has been made. A special characteristic of signalling networks is that activations, inhibitions, and biochemical reactions are normally present in parallel. Even if they do not contain reactions, multi-part activations or inhibitions make them highly branched. To detect all factors that have an influence on a given target, without using an automatic method, is a difficult and very time-consuming effort. Already in Chapter 1 (Backgrounds), we highlight the similarities and differences between metabolic and signalling networks. In Chapter 5, we build a framework and algorithm for decomposing signalling networks in smaller units, which are easier to study and understand. Two cases are investigated: a simpler one, when only monomolecular activations or reactions are present, and a more complex case, when the activations and reactions can be multimolecular. Their description requires different instruments: classical graphs and Petri nets, respectively. We discuss the problems that occur in our model due to the presence of some inhibitions or unknown effects in the network. The algorithm that we propose detects the factors that are acting together and the targets that are affected on the same route. The cycles that occur in the system are also highlighted. We point out possible missing reactions. Theoretical examples illustrate out findings. Using the T cell antigen-receptor signalling cascade, we show how it can be applied to real systems.
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