Spelling suggestions: "subject:"devalue"" "subject:"betweenvalue""
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Utrikesbevakning : – påverkar media agerandet i internationella kriser?Andrésson, Charlotta January 2007 (has links)
Abstract Title: Foreign news coverage. Does the media influence the action in international crises? (Utrikesbevakning. Påverkar media agerandet i internationella kriser?) Number of pages: 39 Author: Charlotta Andrésson Tutor: Professor Lowe Hedman Course: Media and Communication Studies C University: Division of Media and Communication, Department of Information Science, Uppsala University. Date of submission: 2007-01-03, autumn term of 2006 Purpose/Aim The purpose of the essay is partly to examine if foreign news coverage influence the political agenda setting and the incentives of the public’s willingness to give charity for humanitarian crises. It is also to answer if the media are responsible for the possible consequences of the news coverage. My main questions at issue are: 1. Does the foreign news coverage influence the political agenda setting and the incentives of the public’s willingness to give charity for humanitarian crises? 2. Is media responsible for the possible consequences of their foreign news coverage? I also ask a question at issue in a research of Swedish foreign news coverage in my essay to get a clearer picture of the foreign news coverage: 3. How does Swedish foreign news coverage relate to prior research? Method: The second chapter of the essay is a literature research of news selection and news values. The third chapter of the essay is a research of media’s influence on the world politics and humanitarian aid. These two chapters are literature studies based on prior research, theories and debates. The fourth chapter is an empirical study of a news programme on a Swedish TV-channel during a five months period between 2004 and 2005. My interest in the empirical study was to examine how the material was divided geographically and as regards contents. The fifth and sixth chapter of the essay consists of an analysis and a discussion. Main results: As my main result I concluded that the media influence the political agenda setting and the the incentives of the public’s willingness to give charity for humanitarian crises. The media throw light upon which crises that should be given priority to. The theories for news selection and news value agrees with the result of my research of Swedish foreign news coverage. I also concluded that the media alone was not responsible for the possible consequences for their foreign news coverage but that they are the premier channel of information about the world for most people. Keywords: Foreign news, news selection and news value, CNN-effect, Media and political agenda setting, Media influence of humanitarian aid.
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Making Korean American news : Korean American journalists and their news mediaBai, Sang Y. 13 December 2010 (has links)
One of the main purposes of this dissertation is to examine who Korean American diaspora-oriented journalists are and how they make news, taking into account several forces on the individual, organizational, extramedia, and social system levels that influence the gatekeeping processes and news content. In addition, this dissertation investigates what interests Korean American diaspora-oriented journalists mainly serve. The author surveyed journalists working for major Korean diaspora-oriented media in Los Angeles and conducted in-depth interviews with experienced personnel involved in the Korean diasporic journalism industry. In addition, two major Korean diasporic dailies were content-analyzed.
The basic characteristics of the majority of Korean American-oriented journalists in 2008 are depicted as follows: male Korean Americans, 30 to 40 years old, born in Korea, with a bachelor’s degree, in the United States and working as journalists for less than 15 years, politically liberal, Protestant religious backgrounds, with previous journalism experience at another media organization. Korean diaspora-oriented journalists place emphasis on three major news topics: immigration, business/economy, and education.
Cultural proximity rather than geographical proximity significantly influence the degree of newsworthiness of a news story. Newsworthiness is highest when an event/issue has both high cultural proximity and geographical proximity. When geographical proximity is low and cultural proximity is high, newsworthiness in Korean American-oriented journalism is moderately high. If the degree of cultural proximity is low, however, it does not matter whether the news story occurred in Los Angeles or other states or countries in determining the degree of newsworthiness.
The Korean American journalists value the interracial harmonizer function most, followed by the disseminator, ethnic consolidator, and interpreter functions. The finding suggests that Korean diaspora-oriented journalists keep in mind that their foremost responsibility is to help Korean immigrants settle smoothly in their new host country and to live in harmony with other racial groups. The longer a Korean journalist has lived in the U.S., the more he or she tends to embrace the interracial harmonizer and ethnic consolidator functions. In other words, the longer Korean American journalists stay in the U.S., the more sensitive they become both to racial issues and to their own ethnic identities. / text
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資優生自殺事件的媒體再現研究 / News Representations Study of Gifted or Talented Students' Suicides周榆鈞, Jou, Yu Chun Unknown Date (has links)
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Skandalen blir bättre när tv-mysgubbar dras fram på allmänhetens giljotin : En kvalitativ innehållsanalys av Expressens gestaltning av misstänkta gärningsmän vid nyhetsrapporteringen i kölvattnet av #metooUndhagen, Cornelia, Magnusson, Alexandra January 2018 (has links)
In October 2017, the actor Alyssa Milano announced a wish that all women who, in some way, have been sexually abused would answer their tweets with the words "me too". Almost a day later, #metoo breaks into Swedish social media. There are testimonies of countless of sexual harassments and abuse both from known, unknown and anonymous women who testify to the breadth of the major problem that came to be resembled as a revolution within the next few days. During the news reporting in connection with the campaign we discovered how the Swedish media generally showed differences in how suspected offenders were portrayed in the media. Using formulated analysis tools dramaturgical narrative techniques and criteria for newsworthiness from theories of media logic and theories of news value, we aim to investigate how one of the largest newspapers in Sweden, Expressen, choose to figure suspected perpetrators into sexual offenses in the context of the #metoo campaign. Our main research question is; “How do suspected offenders appear in Expressen's reporting of #metoo in relation to certain dramaturgic narrative techniques?” and “How are some suspects perpetrated in Expressen's reporting of #metoo in relation to certain news value criteria?” With a qualitative content analysis we examined a total of 20 articles and identified results that indicate that the suspected perpetrators according to our interpretation are expressed in the Expressens news reporting in such a way that they are to be perceived as guilty to the crime they're accused for. By identifying our chosen news value criteria in the empirical material which our study is based on, our interpretation is that there's a high news value of reporting suspected offenders in context of the #metoo campaign. The result of our study aims at contributing knowledge about how suspicious perpetrators are portrayed in cases of crime in the media. During our literature review, we found that the research previously conducted on media and crime is primarily about how the victim is portrayed in the media. With our study we want to contribute to the knowledge of how suspected perpetrators are portrayed, which can raise the awareness of how the media through different dramatic storytelling techniques and news evaluation criteria can shape news in different ways.
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"Han slog och slog tills hon blev helt apatisk av chocken." : En kvalitativ innehållsanalys av Expressens gestaltning av våldtäktsfall med okänd gärningsman.Westerling, Moa, Omer, Elise January 2020 (has links)
Följande studie undersöker hur Expressen har gestaltat våldtäktsfall med okänd gärningsman. Sex artiklar publicerade mellan 90-talet och 10-talet analyseras med syfte att undersöka om gestaltningen har förändrats över tid i en av Sveriges största kvällstidningar. På så sätt kan studien bidra till ökad förståelse för huruvida svensk kvällspress förstärker eller utmanar samhällsuppfattningar om vem som är en potentiell gärningsman och vem som får status som offer. Som metod tillämpas en kvalitativ innehållsanalys som genomförs med utgångspunkt i gestaltningsteorin, teorin om nyhetsvärdering, det ideala offret och medielogikens dramaturgi. Artiklarna analyseras utefter fem teman: rubrik, ingress, miljö, gärningsman och offer. Studiens resultat visar att en förändring har skett från ett subjektivt och väl detaljerat narrativ till ett mer objektivt och aktsamt narrativ i Expressens nyhetsrapportering. Studien visar även att Expressen på 90-talet har gestaltat ideala gärningsmän genom monstruösa beskrivningar. Gradvis har en förändring skett, där gärningsmannen på senare år gestaltas som gemene man. Förändringarna i Expressens gestaltning tyder på att dagens gestaltning förmedlar en bred bild av vem som kan bli ett offer och vem som är benägen att utföra en våldtäkt.
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Sex sells - does child sexual abuse? : A quantitative study examining the history ofevocative language use in Swedish newspapersregarding child sexual abuseOrneklint, Sanna January 2021 (has links)
The aim of this master’s thesis is to examine and analyze the news valuetheory and framing of news regarding child sexual abuse. The researchquestions for this study were:What changes can be found in the use of evocative language in crimejournalism regarding cases of sexual abuse towards children?Are there any clear differences in the language used when investigating theperspectives of objective, sensational and local journalism?The study has been conducted via a quantitative analysis, analyzing 1460articles, from three different newspapers archives. From 1994 up until 2020.The newspapers in the analysis are three Swedish newspapers, Aftonbladet,Dagens Nyheter and Barometern. To arrive at my conclusion, I measured thefrequency of a selected group of evocative words, measuring across the threenewspapers how often the words occurred as well as during what timeperiods.Through the analysis I found that Swedish newspapers, no matter theirdirection towards sensationalism, kept a neutral and objective tone regardingchild sexual abuse in most cases. With not so many cases of purely evocativewords.
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[pt] O objetivo desta dissertação de mestrado é analisar o impacto das redes sociais no jornalismo. Constatamos o processo de transformação do jornalismo em rede para a jornalismo plataformizado, com a transposição da notícia para o sistema de funcionamento das plataformas que, por sua vez, se apropriam, desagregam e redistribuem as notícias de maneira personalizada para os usuários pelo uso de algoritmos. Ainda sem conseguir encontrar uma solução financeira para se inserir neste novo ecossistema midiático, os jornais se adaptam ao domínio das plataformas digitais, assumindo uma posição resumida pelo presidente da Associação Nacional de Jornais, Marcelo Rech, como Too Big to Boycott (grande demais para boicotar). A expressão foi tão representativa do que observamos que escolhemos como título desta dissertação. Apresentamos os diversos desafios pelos quais passam as organizações jornalísticas, em suas diversas camadas. A sociedade, impactada pelas novas tecnologias, passa por mudanças estruturais e o jornalismo, como uma instituição social, também se transforma. O objeto empírico foi o jornal O Globo. Fizemos um percurso pelo processo de digitalização do jornal desde a estreia do site em 1996 até 2019. Com foco na atuação nas redes sociais, realizamos uma observação participante das rotinas produtivas na redação. Utilizamos as técnicas de pesquisas qualitativa e quantitativa, para levantarmos e analisarmos os critérios de noticiabilidade utilizados pelos jornalistas na seleção das notícias para o Facebook e o Instagram. Exploramos tanto os elementos intrínsecos – os valores-notícia – quanto os valores extrínsecos aqueles que estavam presentes no processo escolha. / [en] The objective of this master s thesis is to analyze the impact of social media on journalism. We perceived the process of transforming network journalism into platform journalism, with the transposition of the news to the operating system of the platforms that, in turn, appropriate, disaggregate and redistribute the news in a personalized way for users through the use of algorithms. Still unable to find a financial solution to insert themselves in this new media ecosystem, newspapers adapt to the domain of digital platforms, assuming a position summarized by the president of the National Association of Newspapers, Marcelo Rech, as Too Big to Boycott. The expression was so representative of what we observed that we chose it as the title of this work. We present the different challenges undergone by journalistic organizations, in their different layers. Society, impacted by new technologies, goes through structural changes and journalism, as a social institution, follows suit. The empirical object was the newspaper O Globo. We took a journey through the digitalization process of the newspaper from the website s debut in 1996 until 2019. Focusing on social media, we made a participant observation of the productive routines in the newsroom. We made use of the techniques of qualitative and quantitative research to survey and analyze the news criteria used by journalists in the selection of news for Facebook and Instagram. We explored both the intrinsic elements - the news values - and the extrinsic values to those that were present in the selection process.
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好新聞? 好生意? - 台灣報業生產政治的轉變李筱雯, Lee, Hsiao-wen Unknown Date (has links)
而在這樣的轉變過程中,新聞工作者一方面要堅守新聞專業,一方面又要顧及組織目標,內心充滿矛盾與掙扎,但在形勢比人強的情況下,新聞專業裡的「好新聞」已逐漸流失,現在的「好新聞」幾乎與「好生意」同意涵了。因此,新聞產製權,也已逐漸從編採部門手中,轉交行銷業務部門。 / Owing to advertisement resources are divided and competitions are keen,the news production process came through a gradual change in Taiwanese press.
Firstly,this paper explores the modus operandi of media which is influenced by the uncertainty of the organization and conflicts between business consideration and news professionalism. Furthermore,the development of market–driving journalism and tabloidization of news deeply affect the journalists' news values.
Secondly,facing these changes, journalists not only try to abide by traditional news professionalism but also concern about organizations' aim of seeking the maximum of profits. Situated in such a ambivalent circumstance,there is much more struggle in Taiwanese journalists' minds.
However,the market–driving force is so strong which has made the definition of 「good journalism」 change in nowadays news professionalism. As a consequence,in the meantime,「good journalism」 almost means 「good business.」
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Vägen till nyhetsvärdig : En kvalitativ textanalys för att utmana medielogiken genom att testa tre nyhetsvärderingsteorier / The road to being newsworthy : A qualitative text analysis to challenge the media logic by testing three news value theoriesAhlberg, Christofer, Trygged, Mattias, Wahlström, Alexander January 2011 (has links)
I augusti 2010 inträffade en olycka i San José-gruvan i Chile. Olyckan resulterade i att 33 gruvarbe-tare blev fast i ett skyddsrum i över två månader innan de kunde räddas. Händelsen fick ett stort utrymme i media världen över. I vår studie har vi utmanat medielogiken genom att testa tre ny-hetsvärderingsteorier utifrån aftonbladet.ses och dn.ses nyhetsrapportering kring gruvolyckan. Tidningarna valdes därför att de är Sveriges största kvälls- respektive morgontidning. Vi undersök-te vilken av teorierna som bäst kunde appliceras på rapporteringen och även på skillnader mellan tidningarnas rapportering sett utifrån teorierna. De nyhetsvärderingsteorier vi testat kommer från Håkan Hvitfelt, Tony Harcup & Deirdre O’Neill samt Pamela J. Shoemaker, Tsan-Kuo Chang & Nancy Brendlinger.Vid analysen utförde vi en kvalitativ textanalys och analyserade artiklarna hermeneutiskt genom åtta dimensioner i ett analysschema. Under studien kom vi fram till att det endast finns små skill-nader mellan tidningarna i deras rapportering. De skiljer sig bara åt i två av de åtta dimensioner vi analyserade. Ingen av teorierna stämde helt överens med rapporteringen, men Hvitfelt är den teo-retiker vars teorier stämmer bäst överens med hur tidningarna skrev. Tätt därefter följer Harcup & O’Neill och därefter Shoemaker et al. Det bör dock understrykas att teoriernas kriterier i många fall var vaga och svårtolkade, vilket ledde till att vi själva fick tolka vad teoretikerna menade. Fast-än teoretikernas idéer skiljer sig åt finns det alltså ingen som lyckats skapa en teori som är fullstän-dig. Det är först när teorierna konvergerar som de visar en godtagbar väg till hur en artikel blir nyhetsvärdig i dagens medielandskap. / In August 2010 an accident occurred in the San José mine in Chile. 33 miners were trapped in a shelter at a depth of 700 meters for over two months before they were rescued. The accident got a lot of media cover-age worldwide. In our study we have challenged the media logic by testing three news value theories from the content of aftonbladet.se:s and dn.se:s news articles regarding the mining accident. The newspapers were selected because they are the largest evening and morning newspaper in Sweden. We looked at which of the theories that best could be applied to the newspapers articles and also the differences between the newspa-pers' reporting from the perspective of the theories. The news value theories that we tested are from the theorists Håkan Hvitfelt, Tony Harcup & Deirdre O'Neill and Pamela J. Shoemaker, Tsan-Kuo Chang & Nancy Brendlinger. In the analysis we made a qualitative text analysis and analyzed the articles hermeneutically through eight dimensions in an analytical framework. During the study we concluded that there are only small differences between the newspapers in their reporting. We only found differences in two of the eight dimensions we analyzed. None of the theories fully consists with the newspapers reporting, but Hvitfelt is the theorist whose theory is most consistent with how the newspapers were written. He is followed closely by Harcup & O'Neill, then Shoemaker et al. It should be emphasized that the factors in the theories in many cases are vague and difficult to interpret, which led us to make our own interpretations in those cases. Although the theorists’ ideas differ, none of them has succeeded in creating a theory that is complete. It is only when the theories converge that they demonstrate an acceptable way of how an occurrence becomes news worthy in today's media landscape.
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April, april! En studie om källkritik i digitala och analoga medier.Ulming, Matilda, Johansson, Linnea January 2017 (has links)
Syfte – Syftet med studien har varit att ta reda på vad det finns för skillnad på källkritiken hos två olika åldersgrupper, samt undersöka hur man värderar nyheter i digitala och analoga medier. Metod – Studiens ansats har varit kvalitativ, där metoderna intervju och deltagande observation har använts för datainsamlingen. Resultat – Resultatet av studien visar att det inte finns några större skillnader på hur källkritisk de olika grupperna är, men deras sätt att granska källor varierar. I resultatet går det tydligt att se att förtroendet för analoga medier är större än för digitalamedier. Implikationer – Studiens generaliserbarhet är begränsad då majoriteten av intervjuerna har skett i samma geografiska område, Jönköping. Begränsningar – Den begränsade mängden tid att genomföra studien har påverkat slutresultatet. / Purpose – The purpose of the study has been to find the differences when it comes to source criticism for two different age groups, and to look into how they value news in digital and analogue media. Method – The pursuit of the study has been qualitative, where the methods interview and participant observation has been used to collect data. Findings – The results of the study show that there are no big differences when it comes to source criticism for the different age groups, but their ways of criticise sources varies. In the result you can clearly see that the faith in analogue media is larger thandigital media. Implications – Due to the fact that all the interviews took place in the same geographical area, Jönköping, the generalizability has been limited. Limitations – The limited time table for the study has inflicted on the result of the study.
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