Spelling suggestions: "subject:"nonlife insurance"" "subject:"nonprolife insurance""
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Mikro-úrovňové stochastické rezervování škod / Micro-level stochastic claims reservingRathouský, Marek January 2019 (has links)
This thesis covers, in detail, theoretical background of micro-level stochastic model, which includes definition and properties of non-homogeneous Poisson process. This the- ory is then applied to real data generated by MTPL portfolio. Estimates of provisions under micro-level stochastic model are calculated using ordinary Monte Carlo simula- tion method. Results obtained from micro-level stochastic model are compared to Mack Chain-ladder estimates. 1
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應用羅吉特迴規模式分析壽險購買行為 / Using Logisitic regression to analysis life insurance purshasing behavior陳棻煐, Chen, Feng-Ying Unknown Date (has links)
本文乃以『問卷調查』為研究工具,針對台灣地區 20 歲- 70 歲之消費者為研究對象,實際訪查消費者所偏好之保險商品。共計取得有效問卷 965 份,輔以以效用函數為理論基礎之『羅吉特迴歸模式』計量方式,找出「消費者本身的差異性」與「是否購買及購買何種保險產品」之間的因素,並而建立消費者效用函數,進而預估消費者購買保險機率,促使業者更能設計符合消費者需求之保單組合。
就「偏好購買不同商品」的議題上,本研究亦就目前市面上較為普遍之十種商品作研究,研究發現影響消費者偏好購買各個商品之因素各有不同,本文亦對其作綜合整理。最後亦針對研究結果,就各個不同保險商品,依其具有顯著水準之人口統計變項作--市場區隔,以期能提供保險公司或業務員在銷售時,可依商品的不同對消費大眾做市場區隔,使業務員或保險公司較易針對消費者不同的需求,做出較適合消費者且較易使消費者接受的保單設計。相信如此一來,非但有助於保險公司之保單設計與行銷,對於保險消費者如何選擇最適合自己的保單,也有相當的助益。 / The main goal of this research is to study the motives of the consumers purchasing the insurance policies and the selecting procedures. The previous researches on this area have been focused on the purchasing motives of each individual consumer. This kind of approach is widely used in practice. However, the consumers are not facing one insurance product but a variety of different insurance portfolios. In this study, we focus on analyzing the consumer-purchasing behavior of insurance portfolios. The logistic regression model is used to estimate the preference of the consumers among different insurance policies. The procedures of this study are summarized in the following:
( 1 )Review the developments of the previous researches and the findings.
( 2 )Design an appropriate questionnaire to collect the valid information and formulate the logistic regression model in this study.
( 3 )Collect the samples from the questionnaire and code this survey into a database system.
( 4 )Estimate the coefficients in the regression model in Step (2) and analyze the results. Finally comment on the findings.
Using the logistic regression model is helpful for the marketing department in insurance company to target the appropriate populations and differentiate the various insurance portfolios. In this study, the information from the questionnaire is investigated based on our choice model. Monitoring these effects is beneficial for the managers having concise information in our target markets. Finally, a quantitative model is proposed for Taiwan insurance markets and the recommended marketing strategy.
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筆記型電腦之使用對壽險業者營運之影響 / The Impacts From the Use of Notebook PCs On A Life Insurance Com- pany蔡金德, Tsai,Chin Te Unknown Date (has links)
:1.目前筆記型電腦在壽險業內的應用範疇為何? 2.壽險業者採用筆記型
電腦與否,是否受到其本身之特徵、所採策略以及外在環境的影響? 3.筆
記型電腦如何影響公司的營運? 4.筆記型電腦對壽險業者營運績效的影響
析 (ANCOVA)、卡方檢定、平均數和標準差等統計方法來處理。由於整個
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論費率自由化下之車險通路行銷(以個案公司為例) / The marketing channels of motor insurance under the Taiwan's non-life rate deregulation plan(with case study)陳銘德, Chen, Min Te Unknown Date (has links)
本篇論文主要目的係探討我國費率自由化相關議題。透過98年4月1日費率自由化第三階段的正式實施,我國產險市場邁入全面自由化階段,除了對費率自由化第三階段的相關監理配套措施內容作深入瞭解外,並針對費率自由化第一、二階段實施過程中所產生的諸多相關議題作深入研究,且借鏡鄰國日本產險費率自由化之經驗作為參考,並搭配我國汽車保險市場的實際現況,提出費率自由化第三階段實施對未來汽車保險市場的預期影響,並藉由個案公司的研究分析,提出個案公司未來車險通路最適行銷策略,以期盼產險業在面臨全面費率自由化之際,提出個人的幾點因應淺見,能提供給產險業者作為參考,並亟盼未來我國汽車保險市場運作能更佳健全蓬勃發展。 / Taiwan’s Non-life Rate Deregulation Plan has put into practice since April 1, 2002 with three phases. The first phase is to liberalize the restrictions of the loading expense. The non-life insurers can flexibly reduce the loading expenses by way of a more simplified administration process and lower personnel costs. The second phase further allows for a limited deviation rate applicable for the risk premium, namely, a conditioned deregulation for the risk premium. The third and last phase begun from Apr. 1, 2009 is to entirely liberalize all relevant expenses and premium rates. It also means that all non-life insurers should have worked out a set of comprehensive measures in preparation for a completely competitive market.
The future development of motor insurance, which ranks largest among all lines of business, is subject to the corresponding supervisory measures to be taken at the third stage. However, the agents of motor companies regularly dominate the non-life insurers’ operations in the aspects of underwriting, claim and market strategy. Hence, if the existing problems related to the marketing channels encountered by the non-life insurers can be resolved, a more prosper development for motor insurance market is anticipated.
The thesis mainly studies the relevant topics in relation to the rate deregulation in Taiwan. In line with the rate deregulation implemented in the third stage, the thesis not only has an in-depth study of the corresponding supervisory measures, but also discusses many related subject matters arising from the implementation process between the first and second phases. Meanwhile, the expected effects resulting from the third phase has been submitted based on Japanese same experiences in the past and domestic motor insurance market. Furthermore, by means of a specific case study, the thesis also proposes some optimal marketing strategies, which might be helpful to insurers as well as to develop a sound and stable motor insurance market in the future.
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金融海嘯期間公司治理與績效分析:台灣銀行業與壽險業探討 / Corporate governance and performance analysis in financial crisis:taiwan banking and insurance company吳姿瑩, Wu, Tzu Ying Unknown Date (has links)
本文以2007 年至2008 年金融海嘯期間,台灣公開發行之銀行與壽險業為對
象,研究公司治理與經營績效是否有顯著相關性,並進一步探討其與經營績效下跌程度是否有顯著相關,同時納入2004 年及2005 年檢測此現象是否僅於金融海嘯期間存在。本研究發現金融海嘯前與期間的公司治理變數顯著項目與經營績效不同,金融海嘯期間公司治理對其當年度經營績效有顯著影響,也與期間的受損程度有顯著影響,董監事報酬與經營機效呈現負相關;董事長兼任總經理呈現正相關,表示不論是在一般時期或是系統性風險下的事件發生時,金融業的公司治理機制會對企業經營表現具有攸關性。 / Using data from publicly-traded Taiwan banks and life insurance companies before and during the financial crisis, this study analyze the relation between corporate governance and the performance of Taiwan banking and life insurance company. In addition, to research the relation between corporate governance and the performance change ratio of Taiwan banking and life insurance company. Obviously,performance decreases during the crisis. Furthermore, We find negative relation between performance and ownership structure and compensation of board of directors, but positive relation between performance and dual. Finally, we find there are different relations before and during the financial crisis.
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壽險業新契約作業的演進與未來發展 / The evolution & future development in processing the new business of life insurance吳雲嬌 Unknown Date (has links)
1.由於早期的人工作業已難以負荷大幅成長的業務量,故個案公司於1992年建置了「自動化核保系統」(Underwriting Automation)。然在專案推動過程中,面臨了〝如何建置完善的自動化系統〞、〝如何在兼顧成本與流程順暢下,決定最佳的系統建置方式〞及〝如何讓人員接受作業改造〞的問題, 透過專案小組以使用者的角度規劃系統流程,並且不斷地與相關人員進行充份溝通與宣導後,終於獲得所有人員的認同與支持。透過自動核保系統,不僅解決因業務量急速成長所面臨的作業瓶頸,也大幅提昇核保效率、降低人為核保錯誤率並且節省人力成本。
2.Underwriting Automation系統雖已提昇核保/發單效率,但仍面臨因產品的多元化以致業務員反應記不了這麼多的投保規則、以及無法在與客戶洽談保險當時即提供保戶確定的核保結果,因此,個案公司於2001年建置了「線上快速投保系統」(e-Application)。然在專案推動過程中,須克服的問題是〝如何提昇業務員使用系統的意願〞,透過專案小組不斷地與業務員進行溝通、並不斷地修正系統與持續地教育訓練及推廣,終於將e-Application系統使用率提昇到98%。透過e-Application系統,業務員不再有投保規則複雜的困擾,且不論上班/下班時間或例假日,都可隨時經由網際網路(internet)在客戶所在之處完成e受理、e核保,提供保戶即時的保障承諾,大幅提昇業務員的保險專業形象及行銷便利性。
3.e-Application系統雖可立即獲得核保結果,惟業務員仍須將要保文件寄達分公司才能處理後續作業。再加上投資型商品熱賣且作業較傳統型商品複雜,致核保人員的作業負荷增加。為了大幅提昇作業效率且運用有限的人力資源發揮最大的效益,個案公司於2006年建置了「影像線上作業系統」(Image & Workflow)。然在專案推動過程中,面臨了〝如何改變核保人員的作業習慣 〞、〝如何將分公司人力順利移轉至簡易作業中心〞等問題,專案小組透過不斷地溝通及訓練,協助核保人員適應全程線上作業的變革;並提早一年與分公司溝通及規劃人力移轉事宜,讓人力及作業能夠順利移轉。透過Image & Workflow系統,其快速便捷的e化流程,5秒鐘即可傳遞要保文件影像,不僅有效改善新契約受理高峰量之人力及作業負荷問題,且簡易案件的分流已大幅提昇核保效率且降低行政作業成本,並使核保員可更專注於複雜案件的處理與溝通,提供保戶及業務員更優質的核保服務。
保險是永續經營的服務事業,因此,流程變革是保險公司必須與時俱進且持續研討的重要課題。本研究藉由個案公司流程變革的過程、經驗及成效的分享,建議小型壽險公司推動核保自動化/影像化、中大型壽險公司全面e化/影像化/無紙化,並建議個案公司在邁入e化、影像化、無紙化的流程後,針對仍須仰賴人工處理的輸入作業,以及體檢核保人員養成不易的問題,可再進一步研議如何運用更精進的文字辨識技術與醫務專家系統,同時結合相關產業資源,採分階段方式逐步建置更科技化的系统平台,讓新契約作業邁向更快速、更專業的服務新里程。 / Along with the time evolution, the application of high technology and the spread of Internet are popular. The companies, currently are facing the competition environment in the era of globalization, all are looking for the modern technology aggressively to improve their service / operation in creative innovation way and to achieve the maximum benefit with limited resources. For the insurance companies, whose main focus is to provide customer service, they are facing more and more dramatic challenges and strict competition as the rapid growth of new business, variety of products, and diversity of promotion methods. Therefore, to maintain competitive advantage in the fast-changing financial-insurance market, the insurance companies need to strive for accelerated changes newly (as called re-engineering) not only to provide the innovative service which is beyond customer’s expectation, but also to manage the operation cost, besides promoting new business.
This thesis is a case study of the new business process of the insurance company. It showed us how to break the process bottleneck, while the company faced the difficult situation that the business volume grown rapidly but no enough manpower can be added considered the cost/benefit justification. In addition, while the insurance company faced the difficulties and challenges of processing new business in each phase, how to evaluate the risks in advance and the corresponding countermeasures, adopting technology and professional team work to enhance the service quality and the operation efficiency. In these topics, we also discussed about how to evaluate the outcomes of re-engineering in each phase, included the way of reviewing the achievements / benefits of projects, continuously identifying the issues that can be improved, and the future development direction. The summary of the new business process evolution of the insurance company as below,
1.Considered the previous manual process barely handled the loading along with the huge growth of business volume, the insurance company implemented the Underwriting Automation system in 1992 to release the work load. However, the company faced several problems as “how to implement a comprehensive automation system”, “how to decide the best implementation way to achieve the objectives of that the cost is justified and the flow is smooth”, and “how to let the user to accept the process re-engineering”. Through planed the system workflow from user’s point of view and keep fully communicating with the stakeholders by the project team, this project gained all the stakeholders’ recognition and support eventually. By using the Underwriting Automation system, not only the process bottleneck caused by the huge growth of business volume can be solved, but also can large improved the underwriting efficiency, decreased the manual underwriting error rate, and saved the manpower cost.
2.Even though the Underwriting Automation system had improved the efficiency of underwriting and policy issuing, the agent still complained that they cannot remember so many underwriting rules and unable to provide the confirmed underwriting result timely when they sell the insurance product in front of the customer. Therefore, the company implemented e-Application system in 2001. However, the project team had to overcome the problem as “how to promote agent’s usage on this system” during the project implementation period. Through keep fully communicating with the agent, continuously enhanced the system features, training and promotion by the project team, the e-Application system usage rate finally raised up to 98%. By using the e-Application system, not only the agent’s persecution caused by the complex underwriting rule can be solved, but also can promise the protection to the customer in time as soon as the agent completed the e-submit, e-underwriting on customer site through the internet anytime. The professionalism and convenience of sales were big improved.
3.Even though e-Application can reply with the underwriting result immediately, the agent still need to mail out the signed copy of the application documents back to branch office for further process. Furthermore, the hot sale of Investment Link Product (ILP) and more complicated process of ILP product than the traditional product that caused the underwriter work load increased. In order to improve the operation efficiency and elaborate the best effectiveness under the limited human resource, the insurance company implemented the Image & Workflow system in 2006. However, the company faced several problems as “how to change the usual practice of underwriter”, “how to smoothly transfer the manpower from branch to the simple processing center” during the project implementation period. The project team was not only keep training and fully communicating with the underwriter, helped them accommodate to the change to entire on-line process, but also well planed the transformation and communicated with the branches one year ahead to smooth out the transfer of process and manpower. By using the Image & Workflow system, the fast convenient auto-flow that enable the document image be delivered in five second, not only can effectively solve the work load problem caused by the new business peak volume., but also can separate the simple case process to improve the underwriting efficiency and lower the operation cost. So the underwriter can more focus on the complicated case handling and communication to provide the best underwriting service quality to the agent and customer.
Since insurance is the business of providing sustainable service, the process re-engineering is important task to the insurance company and has to be examined and modified concurrently with the times. In this thesis, with sharing with the experience and the achievement of the insurance company’s re-engineering process, it is suggested to implement the underwriting automation and imagelization within the small scale of insurance company, and fully implemented the electronic, imagelizing and paperless process within the medium or large scale of insurance company. After the insurance company had done the process re-engineering in electronic, imagelizing and paperless ways, it is also suggested that for those key-in works still rely on the manual process and the difficulties of developing and training medical underwriting personnel, the company can further study how to apply more advanced handwriting identification (OCR) technology and medical specialist system to solve the problems. Through utilizing the resource from the related industries to implement the highly technological system platform by phases, so as to the new business process toward more rapid and professional service milestone.
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中國人壽保險市場研究 / A study of life insurance market in China王倩雯, Wang, Chien Wen Unknown Date (has links)
我們建議,中國政府應注意仍然存在的壟斷局面,風險管理,以及利率的變化,以避免在未來的利差損問題。現在外資保險公司只佔較小的市場份額,如果情況持續存在,這並不利於金融體系的發展。跨業之間風險互相影響傳遞的可能性,將一天一天增加,因此,政府應創造良好的金融環境,也應對於風險控管持續關注。 / Started in 1978, but after Deng’s Southern Speech in 1992, Mainland China officially entered an evolution and opening year, which last 20 years till now. Nowadays China is a moderately prosperous society. The change of the concept "private" replaces "state-owned" is a huge driven power for the society.
Following the market economy step, insurance industry joins and become a stable power to the society. In the two decades, life insurance industry is one of the fastest developing industries in China. Understanding how important the stable power for the society, the Chinese government enacts many regulations and pushes insurance industry to actively join the whole financial system.
Under globalization environment and WTO structure, Chinese government accelerates the open steps by perfect legal system and attracts foreign investment. Nowadays China’s insurance market reaches a certain scale. Bancassurance brings continuous growth of China’s life insurance market and keep playing important role for insurer’s premium income.
This study suggests that the Chinese government should pay more attention on monopoly situation, risk management, and the changes of interest rate to avoid negative spread problem in the future. Foreign insurers nowadays only accounted for minor market share which is not good for the development for the financial system if the situation exists continuously. The probabilities of risk transmission across industries will increase day by day; therefore, the government should create a sound financial environment and also keep their eyes on risk control.
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Daughters of Ruth : enterprising black women in insurance in the New South, 1890s to 1930sGarrett-Scott, Shennette Monique 16 June 2011 (has links)
The dissertation explores the imbricated nature of race, gender, and class in the field of insurance within the political economy of the New South. It considers how enterprising black women navigated tensions between New South rhetoric and Jim Crow reality as well as sexism and racism within the industry and among their industry peers. It complicates the narrative of black southern labor history that focuses more on women as agricultural laborers, domestics, and factory workers than as enterprising risk takers who sought to counterbalance personal ambition and self-interest with communal empowerment.
Insurance organizations within black-run secret fraternal societies and formal black-owned insurance companies emerged as not only powerful symbols of black business achievement by the early decades of the twentieth century but also the most lucrative business sector of the separate black economy. Negro Captains of Industry, a coterie of successful, influential, self-made men, stood at the forefront; they represented the keystone of black economic, social, and political progress. The term invoked a decidedly masculinist image of “legitimate” leadership of black business. Considering fraternal and formal insurance, gender-inscribed rhetoric, shaped by racism and New South ideology, imagined black men as the ideal protectors and providers; women became the objects of protection rather than agents of economic development, job creation, and financial security. The dissertation explores how women operated creatively within and outside of normative expectations of their role in the insurance business.
The dissertation considers the role of state regulation and zealous regulators who often targeted insurance organizations and companies, the primary symbols of black business success; in other ways, regulation dramatically improved profitability and stability. The dissertation identifies three key periods: the Pre-Regulatory Era, 1890s to 1906; the Era of Regulation, 1907-World War I; and the Professionalization of Black Insurance, Post-WWI to the Great Depression. It also considers the barriers to black women’s involvement in professional organizations. By the late 1930s, enterprising women in insurance lost ground as fraternal insurance waned in influence and as the strongest proponents of the black separate economy promoted a vision that embraced women as consumers rather than business owners. / text
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運用關聯結構網絡隨機邊界分析法探討我國壽險公司經營績效 / Applying the Copula-Based Network Stochastic Frontier Approach to Study the Efficiency of Taiwan’s Life Insurance Industry巫瑞虔, Wu, Ruei Cian Unknown Date (has links)
實證結果發現壽險公司在行銷活動過程投入較少的內勤員工與較多的固定資產,在投資階段則相反,投入較多的內勤員工與較少的固定資產,與壽險公司實際運作情況相符;此外,投資階段的效率優於第一階段的行銷效率。整體台灣壽險業受到2008年金融風暴影響導致經營效率下降,國內壽險公司在經營效率上優於外商壽險分公司,金控壽險公司生產技術效率優於非金控壽險公司,1993年後成立的新壽險公司生產技術效率平均優於傳統舊壽險公司。 / This paper uses the copula-based network SFA model developed by Huang et al. (2013) to estimate the technical efficiency of Taiwan’s life insurance companies over the period 2000-2012. Under this framework, life insurance companies produce premium income as intermediate product which is one of input factors to produce investment income. The empirical analysis concluded: (a) life insurers use little internal staff in first stage, (b) domestic life insurers have both high technical efficiency and cost efficiency in comparison with foreign life insurers, (c) financial holding life insurers have greater technical efficiency than those of not from financial holding insurers, and (d) new life insurers have higher technical efficiency than old life insurers.
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Porovnání investic na stáří / Comparison of investments for retirementSUCHÁŇOVÁ, Markéta January 2015 (has links)
The aim of this thesis was to choose some types of investments and set the expected return using time series; furthermore to compare these possibilities using multi-dimensional assessment. I chose four types of investments, namely: mutual funds, life insurance, additional pension savings and building savings. I expected a monthly deposit of 1000 CZK for a period of 20 years in my thesis. In case the investor would keep this money cash or on a bank account, where he would not have to pay account fees and have a zero interest rate, he would save 240 000 CZK during this period. Based on published historical returns I modeled the expected return of the investment by means of methods of time series. For modeling the return I used the model of linear trend. The highest revaluation is expected with the additional pension savings, where the dynamic strategy brings the overall return of 414 214 CZK, the balanced strategy 379 874 CZK and the conservative strategy 333 209 CZK. The investment into mutual funds using conservative strategy brings 317 894 CZK, using balanced strategy brings the return of 314 986 CZK. When choosing the conservative strategy of life insurance the overall return is 296 071 CZK and when choosing the balanced strategy it is 292 614 CZK. The expected return of the building saving is 286 139 CZK. However, it is not recommended to opt for an investment only based on the expected return. We have to take into consideration as well the risk of the investment, input one-time fee and the overall fee (monthly or annual fees). For this reason I determined the category of the above mentioned criteria, which I set using scoring method. For the determination of the order I chose the TOPSIS method and the scoring method. Based on the carried out above methods it is certain that the best investment is investing in additional pension savings.
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