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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Hur ska man tänka? : Om bristande läsförståelse hos elever i Vuxenutbildning med Svenska som modersmål / How to think about it? : About the lack of comprehension of students in adult education with Swedish as their mother tongue

Karlsson, Josephine January 2017 (has links)
Genom iakttagelser under den verksamhetsförlagda delen av min yrkeslärarutbildning har jag gjort iakttagelser som ligger till grund för den här studien. Läsförståelse är avgörande för att kunna tillgodogöra sig sina studier på bästa sätt det finns det forskningen om, men hur ser forskningen ut när det handlar om läsförståelse inom vuxenutbildning? Jag har i den här studien valt att fokusera på de elever som har svenska som modersmål då det inte tenderar vara ett prioriterat område inom forskning om läsförståelse. Genom fenomenografi som metod har jag undersökt hur elever med svenska som modersmål tolkar några av de centrala begrepp som används inom vård- och omsorgs utbildning. Tillsammans med studiens etnografiska ansats har jag kunnat observera och analysera vad som påverkar läsförståelsen hos elever i vuxenutbildning men också kunna sätta in läsförståelsen i en större och vidare kontext genom den skoldidaktiska teorin som ligger till grund för diskussionen. Resultatet visar på att det finns anledning att se över hur man arbetar med läsförståelse även inom vuxenutbildningen för att ge alla elever bästa möjliga förutsättningar till progression i sin utbildning. / Through observations during the activity-related part of my vocational education program, I have made observations that underlie this study. Reading comprehension is crucial in order to be able to study their studies in the best possible way. There is research, but what does the research look like when it comes to reading comprehension in adult education? In this study, I have chosen to focus on those students who have Swedish as a mother tongue as it does not tend to be a priority area in research on reading comprehension. By means of phenomenology as a method, I have investigated how students with Swedish as a mother tongue interpret some of the key concepts used in healthcare and education. Together with the ethnographic approach of the study, I have been able to observe and analyze what influences reading comprehension in adult education students but also to put the reading comprehension into a broader and further context through the school-didactic theory underlying the discussion. The result shows that there is a need to review how to work with reading comprehension, even in adult education, to give all students the best possible conditions for progression in their education.

Die impak van tutoriale op die wiskundeprestasie van studente in eerstejaarswiskunde (Afrikaans)

Louw, Cecilia Jacomina 06 May 2004 (has links)
The pass rate in mathematics is unsatisfactory both in South Africa and internationally. Historically disadvantaged students tend to underachieve even more due to a variety of hampering factors. An investigation into the reasons for underachievement in mathematics prompted the researcher to launch a study through which she wanted to remediate some of these identified problems. The research project took place at Technikon Northern Gauteng (TNG), and comprised of the implementation of tutorial sessions. The study was conducted by means of a quasi-experimental design using action research. The primary goal of this dissertation is to report on the process, outcomes and recommendations in order to facilitate improvement in practice. The researcher's overarching hypothesis was that tutorials in mathematics would have a positive effect on the achievement of first year mathematics students at TNG. The following questions were focussed on during the course of the study: ¨ What is the impact of mathematics tutorials on problem-solving abilities and critical thinking? ¨ What is the impact of tutorials on the self-image of the students, with reference to mathematics and mathematics achievement? ¨ What is the impact of tutorials on mathematics achievement? ¨ Which role could tutors play in the creation of role models? ¨ Do students have the need to communicate mathematically in their mother tongue? ¨ How successfully could portfolio assessment be implemented? Quantitative and qualitative data were gathered through a standardised questionnaire, the SOM, a specifically designed, structured questionnaire, observations, focus group interviews, reflective diaries and student records. Some of the findings include: ¨ Historically disadvantaged students § often possess a unsatisfactory study orientation; § apply inefficient time management; § suffer from mathematics anxiety; § do not show a correlation in terms of grade 12 symbols and success at tertiary level § often experience milieu deficit; § do not achieve according to their expectations; and § do not have a learning culture (COLT) at their disposal. ¨ Students generally perceived the tutorials as positive and contributing towards success. The students § did not often speak in their mother tongues; § appreciated the relaxed work tempo; and § utilise the support system of the smaller group. ¨ During the focus group interviews students recognised the following success factors: § regular class attendance; § completion of homework § planning and revision according to a study timetable. ¨ Students shared some personal experiences with the researcher, namely that § the tutorials boosted their self-image and make them willing to ask questions during lectures; § some tutors acted as positive role models; and § the consistent involvement of the lecturer motivated students. The statistical procedures revealed that the students in the experimental group did not perform significantly better than those in the control group, yet that does not diminish the value of the study in any way. The researcher recommends further research in the tertiary mathematics environment in order to empower students. / Dissertation (MEd (Curriculum Studies))--University of Pretoria, 2005. / Curriculum Studies / unrestricted

Taipuuko suomalainen oppikirja ruotsinsuomalaiseen äidinkielenopetukseen? : Sisällönanalyysi oppikirjasta ruotsalaisen peruskoulun äidinkielen kurssisuunnitelmaa vasten tarkasteltuna / Does a Finnish textbook suit the Swedish curriculum and course plan for the mother tongue instruction in Finnish?

Halonen, Daniel January 2021 (has links)
Tutkielman tavoitteena oli selvittää voiko Suomessa julkaistua oppikirjaa perustellusti käyttää ruotsalaisessa suomi äidinkielenä -opetuksessa, ruotsalaisen peruskoulun opetussuunnitelman äidin­kielen kurssisuunnitelman keskeisiä sisältöjä vasten tarkasteltuna, kun kirja on tarkoitettu alun perin käytettäväksi Suomessa ruotsinkielisten koulujen suomi toisena kotimaisena kielenä -oppiaineessa, äidinkielenomaisen suomen oppimäärässä. Tutkimuksen taustalla on Ruotsissa julkaistun suomen kielen oppimateriaalin, joka olisi suunnattu ruotsalaisen kurssisuunitelman ”suomi ensimmäisenä kielenä” oppiaineeseen, vähäisyys. Äidinkielen­opettajat Ruotsissa käyttävät ruotsalaisen materiaalin vähäisyyden vuoksi Suomessa julkaistua opetusmateriaalia. Tutkimuksen teoreettinen kehys perustuu sosiokulttuurisen oppimis­käsityksen teorialle, ja sitä kehittävälle systeemis-funktionaaliselle kieliteorialle, tai genre­pedagogiikalle. Opetuksen, ja sen myötä myös oppimateriaalin tehtävien ja käsiteltävien tekstien on oltava näiden näkemysten mukaan sellaisia, että ne ovat oppijan lähikehityksen vyöhykkeellä. Tutkielman menetelmänä oli oppikirjatutkimuksen alalla yleinen sisällöntutkimus, ja tässä tutkielmassa sisällön­tutkimuksen kohteena oli nimenomaan oppikirja pedagogisena, ei ideologisena artefaktina. Oppikirjassa ei ole mukana ruotsinsuomalaista näkökulmaa, eikä se mainitse ruotsissa puhuttua suomea, joten tutkimuksessa on rajattu nämä kurssisuunnitelman kohdat tutkimuksen ulkopuolelle.  Tutkimuksen perusteella on todettavissa, että suomessa julkaistua suomen kielen opetusmateriaalia voidaan käyttää äidinkielenopetuksessa, mutta tietyin varauksin. Maiden välisten opetussuunnitelmien painotuserojen vuoksi käsitellyssä oppikirjassa oli vain vähän kaunokirjallisuuteen liittyviä sisältöjä ja tehtäviä, kaunokirjallisuuden ollessa kuitenkin yksi keskeinen osa ruotsalaista kurssisuunnitelmaa. / Målet med denna studie var att undersöka om det går att använda en finsk lärobok i modersmåls­undervisning i finska i Sverige i enlighet med den svenska kursplanen. Boken är publicerad i Finland och riktad mot undervisning i finlandssvenska skolor i ämnet finska som det andra inhemska språket, den modersmålsinriktade lärokursen (mofi). Det saknas lämpliga läroböcker och -material som är utformade för modersmålsundervisning i Sverige med de elever som studerar finska enligt kursplanen ”finska som modersmål”. På grund av bristen har modersmålslärare i Sverige använt sig av läromedel från Finland i undervisningen. Den teoretiska utgångspunkten i studien är den sociokulturella teorin om lärande, som utvecklas vidare i systemisk-funktionell grammatik, eller genrepedagogik. Enligt denna syn på lärande ska läroböcker, -medel och uppgifter vara anpassade så att eleven befinner sig i sin proximala utvecklingszon. Undersökningen grundar sig vidare på innehållsanalysens metoder och betraktar boken som pedagogisk artefakt, inte ideologisk. Boken har inte det sverigefinska perspektivet och nämner inte finskan man talar i Sverige, och därför har jag valt att lämna ut kursplanens delar som berör sverigefinsk kultur. Med den gällande svenska kursplan i modersmål - finska och dess centralt innehåll, visar studien att man kan använda boken i modersmåls­undervisningen även i Sverige, men på vissa villkor: På grund av de tyngdpunkter som den finska läroplanen i Finland har, uppvisar läroboken vissa brister, till exempel beträffande genrer: skönlitteratur saknas i stort sett helt i boken. / The goal of this study was to analyse whether it is arguable to use a textbook in Finnish mother tongue instruction in Sweden when the book itself is originally published in Finland and aimed to be used by Swedish speakers in language instruction within a subject called “Finnish as a second national language” in Finland. There is a lack of suitable textbooks and material that are designed for the Sweden Finnish mother tongue instruction with learners that are studying Finnish in Sweden following the course plan of “Finnish as a first language”. Due to the lack of suitable Swedish-made material, mother tongue teachers in Sweden have used material published in Finland. The theoretical basis of this study is found in the sociocultural perspective of learning and the systemic-functional language theory or genre-based pedagogy. According to these theories, the used material, textbooks and exercises should be on the learners’ zone of proximal development.  The analysis in this study follows the methods of content analysis, and the study focuses on the book as a pedagogical rather than ideological artefact. The textbook analysed in this study does not contain the Sweden Finnish perspective, and does not mention the Finnish spoken in Sweden, and therefore the parts of the Swedish course plan that are related to the perspective are left out of this study. With the current Swedish course plan for Finnish, and its core contents, the textbook in question may be used in mother tongue instruction, with some reservations. The book lacks few genres that are present in the Swedish course plan’s core contents, such as fictional literary genres other than short stories. The lack of specific genres is due to the different emphasises that the curricula of the two countries’ school systems have.

Style, espace et corps : trois approches du rapport de l'écrivain à sa langue dans le projet littéraire d’Hernán Ronsino / Style, espace and body : three approaches to the writer's relation with with mother tongue in the literary project oh Hernán Ronsino

Gentilezza, Laura 07 December 2018 (has links)
Le projet littéraire d’Hernán Ronsino (Chivilcoy, Argentine, 1975) présente actuellement une charnière spatiale et temporelle qui, sans laisser de côté sa poétique sur la langue, s’apprête à retrouver un nouvel élan. Cet auteur a commencé à publier dans les années 2000, moment où des nouvelles maisons d’édition ont ouvert leurs portes aux jeunes écrivains, peu connus. Dans ce contexte de renouveau, les questionnements sur la langue littéraire se sont multipliés. Le travail de Ronsino propose depuis cette époque une réflexion sur la langue et sur la condition linguistique des êtres humains. Il intègre dans la diégèse cet état d’esprit expérimental vis-à-vis de la langue littéraire. Lorsque le champ littéraire questionnait sa langue, cet écrivain a bâti son projet à partir de la poétisation de ces réflexions. Son rapport à la langue est pour nous l’aspect le plus important de sa poétique.L’étude que nous proposons dans cette thèse cherche à déterminer les piliers de son projet, ainsi qu’à formuler, à travers ses mots lorsqu’il s’exprime dans des entretiens à propos de son écriture, des catégories qui permettent d’analyser son travail créatif. Cette perspective méthodologique constitue, à notre sens, un point de départ conséquent dans notre démarche de croisement du texte fictionnel et de la parole de l’écrivain. Pour développer ces propos, nous présentons une thèse à deux parties.Dans la première partie, divisée en trois chapitres, nous menons une étude intégrale de la stylistique de ses quatre premiers livres. Nous analysons la manière dont Ronsino travaille la temporalité d’un point de vue transtextuel, s’appuyant sur la figure de la répétition. Les liens établis avec d’autres textes deviennent une caisse de résonance construisant une image du régime d’historicité. À cet égard, la répétition sert à élaborer une organisation temporelle à l’intérieur de son projet, ainsi qu’à insérer dans son propre discours la formulation d’autres écrivains. Ronsino cherche surtout à faire de la phrase la face visible d’une « poétique de l’accent ». En effet, nous trouvons au sein de son projet le désir d’écrire l’oralité de son village natal.Dans la deuxième partie nous abordons deux notions dérivées de la poétique de l’accent: l’espace et le corps. La matérialité du livre est au centre d’un intérêt pour une écriture historiquement dense. Cette matérialité participe à la poétisation de l’espace réel et met en avant une approche de la littérature en tant qu’art graphique. Dans ces circonstances, le corps joue un rôle déterminant à l’heure de penser l’écriture dans la dimension gestuelle et corporelle. Il s’agit, après tout, d’une pratique qui engage pleinement le corps. Ainsi, la littérature peut entraîner une pensée du corps qui permet une approche biopoétique des textes. / Hernán Ronsino's literary project (Chivilcoy, Argentina, 1975) presents a spatial and temporal hinge that, without leaving aside its poetics on the language, is about to regain a new momentum. This author began publishing in the 2000s, when new publishing houses opened their doors to young lesser-known writers. In this context of renewal, questions about the literary language have multiplied. Since then, Ronsino's work has been a reflection on language and the linguistic condition of human beings. In his diegesis, he integrates this experimental state of mind vis-à-vis the literary language. When the literary field questioned his language, this writer built his project from the poetization of these reflections. His relation to language is for us the most important aspect of his poetics.The study that we propose in this thesis seeks to determine the pillars of his project, as well as to formulate, through his words when he expresses himself in interviews about his writing, categories that make it possible to analyze his creative work. This methodological perspective is, in our opinion, a starting point in our approach to cross the fictional text and the writer's words. To develop these words, we present a two-part thesis.In the first part, divided into three chapters, we conduct an integral study of the stylistics of his first four books. We analyze the way in which Ronsino works temporality from a transtextual point of view, based on the figure of repetition. Links established with other texts become a box of resonance building an image of the regime of historicity. In this respect, repetition serves to elaborate a temporal organization within one's project, as well as to insert in one's speech the formulation of other writers. Ronsino seeks, above all, to make the sentence the visible face of a "poetics of the accent". Indeed, in his project we find the desire to write the orality of his native village.In the second part, we address two notions derived from the poetics of the accent: space and the body. The materiality of the book is at the center of an interest in historically dense writing. This materiality contributes to the poetization of real space and puts forward an approach to literature as a graphic art. In these circumstances, the body plays a decisive role when it comes to thinking about writing in the gestural and corporal dimension. It is, after all, a practice that fully engages the body. Thus, literature can lead to a body thinking that allows a biopoetique approach to texts.

Suomen äidinkielentuki esikoululuokassa verkkosivujen valossa : Kuntien viranomaisviestintä vivahteikasta / Finnish mother tongue support in pre-school class in the light of websites : Municipal authority communication shows variable solutions

Holmberg, Hannele January 2020 (has links)
Huvudsyftet med denna studien var att granska hur kommuner informerar om modersmål i förskoleklassen på finska. Tio kommuner valdes för att studera detta, fem s.k. förvaltningskommuner för finska, fem som inte var det. Studien visar att det är vanligare att kommunerna informerar om modersmål och förskoleklass på finska om kommunen ingår i förvaltningsområdet för det finska språket. För att sprida information på finska använder kommunerna både finskspråkiga myndighetstexter och automatiska översättningsprogram. Kommunernas finskspråkiga texter visade sig vara vaga och mångtydiga. De automatiska översättningarna motsvarade inte det förväntade innehållet. Denna kvalitativa studie tar sin teoretiska utgångspunkt i nationell lagstiftning ur ett språk- och minoritetspolitiskt synsätt. Huvudmaterialet består av de valda kommunernas internetsidor som samlades in under oktober 2019 och analyserades med hjälp av kritisk diskursanalys. / The aim of this study was to examine how municipalities inform about mother tongue in the pre-school class in Finnish. Ten municipalities were chosen to study this, five so-called administrative areas for Finnish, five that were not. The study shows that it is more common for municipalities to provide information about mother tongue and pre-school class in Finnish if the municipality is included in the administrative area for Finnish language. To disseminate information in Finnish, the municipalities use both government texts in Finnish and automatic translation programs. The language texts of the municipalities in Finnish proved to be vague and ambiguous. The automatic translations did not match the expected content. This qualitative study takes its theoretical point of departure in national legislation from the perspective of a language and minority policy. The main material consists of ten municipalities' internet pages which were collected in October 2019 and analysed using critical discourse analysis.

Žák s odlišným mateřským jazykem / Pupil with different mother tongue

Zimová, Marie January 2021 (has links)
Abstract:​ Diploma thesis called​ Pupil with a different mother tongue​ concerns the topic of pupils with a home language different from the language of communication of the country they are in. In the theoretical part, the thesis describes the situation of these pupils in the Czech republic and in the world, especially the topic of bilingualism which reflects the situation of pupils with a different home language which already use the second language in various degrees. Next, it deals with intercultural communication, support of these pupils in school and methods of maintaining both languages (native and second). Practical part is based on observation of bilingual children in a particular Czech school in England, further on analyzed language utterances of children with a different home language and on semi-structured interviews with some bilingual families (children and parents) in England and in the Czech republic. Interviews concern the maintenance of mother language and situations regarding usage of both languages by questioned children in families and in school. The aim of the thesis is to describe the situation of pupils with a different home language in family and in school in England and in the Czech republic and to find out how families deal with maintenance of mother language and which of both...

Transspråkande undervisningsmetoder inom sfi : En kvalitativ studie av sfi-lärares utsagor om elevers modersmål som resurs i undervisningen / Translingual teaching methods within SFI : A qualitative study of SFI teachers’ statements about pupils’ mother tongue as a teaching resource

Lundqvist, Ulrika January 2021 (has links)
I Sverige talas det många olika språk utöver svenskan och officiellt råder det en flerspråkig norm där också Skolverkets styrdokument betonar vikten av att tillvarata elevens alla kompetenser. Trots det råder det i praktiken ibland en enspråkig norm inom svenskt utbildningsväsende.  Sfi är en utbildning för vuxna invandrare där alla elever har flerspråkiga kunskaper. Syftet med den här uppsatsen var därför att undersöka hur sfi-lärare uttrycker sin inställning till transspråkande undervisning och sin syn på förstaspråkets betydelse och funktion för undervisning. Studien utgick från en fenomenologisk ansats med kvalitativa intervjuer av åtta sfi-lärare på samma kommunala sfi-skola och som också var kollegor till mig. Analysen av intervjuerna undersökte olika aspekter av sfi-lärarnas utsagor om elevers förstaspråk som resurs i undervisningen. Studien sökte efter uppfattningar och synsätt som visade sig i lärarnas tal om ämnet. De viktigaste resultaten i studien visade att utsagorna från lärarna pekade på en positiv syn på transspråkande undervisning. Aspekter som framkom var att lärarna ansåg att flerspråkigheten hade positiv inverkan vid inlärning av ett andraspråk och att lärarnas tal beskrev en tro på elevernas personliga studieansvar. Men analysen av lärarnas utsagor kring deras egen flerspråkiga undervisning visade att lärarna lade in olika betydelser av begreppet flerspråkighet. Det vill säga att det skiljde sig mellan lärarnas utsagor hur man talade om vad flerspråkighet var och vilka kvaliteter som måste vara infriade för att undervisningen skulle uppfattas som transspråkande. / In Sweden, many different languages are spoken in addition to Swedish and officially there is a multilingual norm. The National Agency for Education´s governing documents emphasizes how important it is to utilize all competencies that students possess. Despite this, there is at times a monolingual norm present in the Swedish education system in practice. SFI (Swedish for Immigrants) is an education for adult immigrants where all students have multilingual knowledge. The purpose of this thesis was therefore to investigate how SFI teachers express their attitude to translingual teaching and their view of the significance and function of the first language for teaching.  The study was based on a phenomenological approach with qualitative interviews of eight SFI teachers from same municipal SFI school. These SFI teachers were also my colleagues. The analysis of the interviews examined various aspects of the SFI teachers’ statements about their students’ first language as a resource in teaching. The study looked for perceptions and perspectives that were reflected in what the teachers had to say about the subject.  The most important results in the study showed that the statements from the teachers pointed towards a positive view on translingual teaching. Aspects that emerged were that the teachers considered that multilingualism had a positive impact when learning a second language and that the teachers’ statements expressed a belief in their students’ personal study responsibilities. However, the analysis of the teachers’ statements about their own multilingual teaching showed that the teachers added different meanings to the concept of multilingualism. There was a difference between the teachers’ statements regarding how they talked about what multilingualism was and what qualities must be met in order for teaching to be perceived as translingual.

Fonetická gramotnost českých žáků středních škol v ruském jazyce / Phonetic literacy of Czech secondary school pupils in the Russian language

Konečný, Jakub January 2015 (has links)
The dissertation deals with the pronunciation of Czech pupils in the Russian language. In this work, the phonetic literacy is defined and the attention is paid to its formation. The text is divided into three basic parts - the first is devoted to theoretical foundations which influence pupils' acquisition of the phonological system of a foreign language (from the linguistic, psychological and lingvodidactic points of view); the second part summarizes the results of the analysis of the relationship of Russian language teachers to the examined problem, the results of an analysis of available textbook sets and it describes a performed phonetic testing of secondary school pupils including the interpretation of its results; in the third part of the thesis there is a synthesis of the findings from both preceding chapters, followed by a discussion. During the research within the domain of the dissertation focus, quantitative and qualitative methods of educational research were used: a survey, content analysis of textbook sets, phonetic testing and analysis of recordings of students' authentic speech. The work provides a comprehensive view of the examined problem in the context of the current situation when the Russian language at Czech schools is taught as L3. It proves that Russian language teachers...

Hudba jako výrazný prostředek kultivace řeči předškolních dětí / Music as a Significant Means for Speech Cultivation in Pre-School Children

Kmentová, Milena January 2017 (has links)
This dissertation of an interdisciplinary character involves music education, music psychology, linguistics and special education. In the theoretical part of the thesis the author explains the term timbre from the musicological and linguistic perspective; characterizes timbre hearing as a musical hearing ability; introduces and compares timbre and phonemic hearing tests; describes the development of musicality and speech of pre-school children from an ontogenetic perspective, and emphasizes hearing atten- tion as a prerequisite for their advancement. The author also characterizes disruption of these abilities and describes reeducation therapies that involve elements of music education and mu- sic therapy. A field study described in the practical part of the thesis has a form of fundamental research and experiment. Research participants were 180 pre-school children. A field study is addressing the relationship between speech and musical manifestations of pre-school children with atypi- cal speech development. The aim of the experiment was to search for the most effective com- bination of music and language education with positive influence on both musicality and speech. Chapters of the thesis introduce a unique diagnostic material, experimental methodol- ogy and research outcomes. A field study...

Rozvoj čtenářské gramotnosti u dětí s odlišným mateřským jazykem v kontextu inkluzivního vzdělávání / Reading Literacy Development of Pupils with Other Mother Tongue in Inclusive Education Context

Rychlíková, Marie January 2016 (has links)
TITLE: Reading Literacy Development of Pupils with Other Mother Tongue in Inclusive Education Context AUTHOR: Mgr. Marie Rychlíková DEPARTMENT: Department of Primary Education PedF UK Prague SUPERVISOR: prof. PaedDr. Radka Wildová, CSc. ABSTRACT: This thesis is focused on the reading literacy issues of pupils with other mother tongue in primary education. The aim of this work is to analyse and describe the contemporary state of reading literacy skills of pupils with other mother tongue in inclusive education context. The foreigners children have to overcome the social and cultural differences as well as the language barrier. In order to be successfully included into the education system, and consequently into our society, the pupils need to learn Czech language at the best level they are able to. The structure of this work is divided into two parts - the theoretical and practical one. There were quantitative and qualitative methods used in the research. The individual aims of this work were analysed, processed and discussed based on the results of the two research phases and description of good practice examples from Finland. Finally the conclusions and suggestions were expressed. KEY WORDS: Reading literacy, first reading literacy, inclusion, stereotypes, basic literacy, pupil with other mother tongue,...

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