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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A critical appraisal of the harmonisation of Shona-Nyai cross-border varieties in Zimbabwe and Mozambique

Mazuruse, Mickson 02 1900 (has links)
The study sought to explore possibilities of harmonising Shona-Nyai cross-border varieties in Zimbabwe and Mozambique. Emerging from the responses were problems of attitudes, ignorance of what the harmonisation project entails and the different levels of development among the varieties to be harmonised. Participants believed that the challenges they faced could be resolved and they proposed some intervention strategies. Results from the questionnaire, the interview and documents analysed affirmed the generally held view that, the future of Shona-Nyai as a language and culture is securely in the hands of the speakers’ initiatives. The argument of the study has been that, the success of such a harmonisation project depends on the presence of favourable and conducive political and economic conditions through enabling language engineering activities. Information collected from the questionnaires was mainly presented in tables and information from interviews and document analysis was presented qualitatively in words. The language as a right and the language as resource orientations of language planning guided this study. The intention was to show that the preservation of linguistic diversity is important in the maintenance of group and individual identity and harmonisation should further this cause. Findings from this thesis indicate that for a successful harmonisation project to take place there is need for research in the documentation of underdeveloped Shona-Nyai varieties so that they have some presence in the education domain. The study recommends that people’s mindsets must be changed by packaging the harmonisation project in a way which they understand and appreciate. A holistic approach in solving the language problem can be achieved through a mixed approach of language policy formulation. / African Languages / D. Litt. et Phil. (African languages)

Transition to multilingual education in South African schools

Mabiletja, Matome Meriam 06 1900 (has links)
Text in English / There is an abundance of multilingual education (MLE) studies internationally and locally. Studies show that MLE is a global issue. South Africa is a unique country since it has assigned eleven languages official status at the national level. The multilingual nature of this country calls for the implementation of MLE. This study seeks to argue that if mother tongue, the language of wider communication as well as other languages are important, the transition should be geared towards MLE rather than to second language (L2). The question is how the transitioning to MLE is embraced in South Africa. This study is an attempt to examine the transitioning to MLE in South Africa schools with reference to Limpopo Province. The study mainly explored the Language-in-education policy (LiEP) implementation and practices in the selected schools as well as examining schools’ compliance with the pedagogical motivations and theories dealing with transition to multilingual education. The study used both quantitative and qualitative methodologies to corroborate the data obtained by using one method to reduce the limitations of another method. In quantitative research, questionnaires and semi-structured interviews were used to gather data from principals, parents, teachers and learners. In the qualitative research methodology, observations and document analysis methods of collecting data were employed. Purposive sampling was the major sampling method to ensure that relevant data was collected. Qualitative data was analysed thematically. LiEP and the National Language Policy Framework (NLPF) formed the major analytical framework for this study. Cummins’ theories (1978), bi/multilingual education models as well as the Language management theory form the theoretical framework that guided this study. The theories emphasise the link between mother tongue and the development of L2. The findings of this study show the misunderstandings of the LiEP, the implementation of early transitional bilingual education as well as the lack of confidence in the ability of African languages to provide quality education. The study generally suggests that language policies should be dealt with differently due to the contexts which they address. This study concludes by suggesting a working model that is suitable for the unique linguistic situations of schools. / Linguistics and Modern Languages / D. Litt. et Phil. (Linguistics)

Exploring the correlation between language medium and academic achievement: a comparative study of the language of learning and teaching (LoLT) and mathematics results in the 2010 Grade 12 National Senior Certificate examinations in the Eastern Cape

Mbude-Shale, Beryl Ntombizanele January 2013 (has links)
In 2009, of the 68,129 learners who wrote Matric, only 34,731 learners passed. In 2010, there was an increase in the provincial pass rate causing much excitement across the board. The reality was that of the 64,090 learners who wrote, only 37,345 learners passed. In 2010, a result below 50% was recorded for Mathematics and Physical Science nationally (DBE; 2011). Despite efforts by the Education Department to support MSTE; establishing Mathematics and Science schools, NGOs and HEIs giving extra Mathematics and Science support to students and teachers, the offering of Saturday classes and incubation camps, we still get minimal return on investment. This thesis analyses these results against the backdrop of language planning theory, particularly language-in-education policies, pre and post-apartheid. The correlation between language medium and academic performance in language (LoLT) and Mathematics of Grade 12 learners is explored. Worldwide the issue of low achievement in Mathematics by ESL students is of great concern (Cuevas, 1984). The 2004 Systemic Evaluation sample of learners was in Grade 6 then; in 2010 they wrote Grade 12. The purpose of the systemic evaluation was to provide an insight into the levels of learner performance in Maths, Natural Science and LoLT in Grade 6 (IPSER, 2006). A major finding of the IPSER was that language was an important factor related to learner achievement. A major disparity was observed in this research, that although the Eastern Cape performed below the national average in the three subjects evaluated, the learners for whom LoLT was the same as their home language obtained scores that were significantly higher than those whose home language was different from the LoLT. The provincial average for Mathematics was 23.40% compared to the national average of 27.80%. For LoLT the province scored 30.16 against the national score of 38.03%. Of interest in this study is a juxtaposition of the Matric results of this same group of learners in 2010 and see whether issues that came up then are still significant in mitigating achievement in Mathematics and Language (LoLT). Some research studies have been conducted in South Africa (Adler, 1998; Setati, 1996-2002; Moloi, 2006) identifying the vital role language plays in learning Mathematics, especially for English L2 learners. Building on research and findings of academics such as the late Alexander, Ramani, Joseph, Hendricks, Heugh, Dalvit, Webb and Murray, this thesis suggests that a mother-tongue-based-bilingual approach to education should be adopted as a matter of urgency

Le vieillissement des groupes linguistiques au Québec

Perrot, Camille 04 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Onko aika kehittää äidinkielen oppikirjoja? : Kartoitus Ruotsin peruskoulun suomen opetuksessa käytetyistä oppikirjoista / Is it Time to Develop School Books in the Mother Tongue? : A survey of the books used in Finnish language teaching in Swedish primary schools

Turunen, Pauliina January 2010 (has links)
Päättötyöni on kvalitatiivinen kartoitus kymmenestä Ruotsin peruskoulussa vuosiluokilla 1–5 suomen kielen opetuksessa käytetystä oppikirjasta. Kartoitusten lisäksi olen haastatellut kolmea opettajaa ja saanut vastauksia kyselykaavakkeisiin 11 opettajalta heidän mielipiteistään oppikirjoista. Aihe, suomen kielen oppikirjojen kartoitus ja mielipidekysely kirjoista, on tarpeellinen , sillä suomen kieli on ollut yksi Ruotsin viidestä virallisesta, kansallisesta vähemmistökielestä vuodesta 2000 ja peruskouluasetuksen mukaan kaikilla oppilailla on Ruotsin peruskouluissa oikeus oppia ja kehittää suomen kieltä, jos heillä on ennestään perustava kielitaito. Vaikka suomi on ollut virallinen vähemmistökieli jo kymmenen vuotta ja koululainmuutos, jonka mukaan suomen kielen ei enää tarvitse olla aktiivinen kotikieli, on ollut voimassa kaksi vuotta, vasta tämän syksyn aikana painettiin ruotsinsuomalaisia varten ensimmäinen oppikirjasarja 20 vuoteen. 1970- ja 80-luvuilla teetettiin kolme kirjasarjaa, mutta sen jälkeen opettajat ovat joutuneet käyttämään Suomessa tuotettuja ja suomalaisia oloja varten suunniteltuja kirjoja, eivätkä kirjat tutkimukseni mukaan täytä kaikkia ruotsalaisen kurssisuunnitelman tavoitteita. Suomen kielen opettajat ovat kuitenkin tyytyväisiä oppikirjoihinsa, vaikka niissä on puutteita; niiden suurin heikkous on, että ne sisältävät ruotsinsuomalaisille liian vaikeita sanoja ja lauseita / Mitt examensarbete är en kvalitativ kartläggning med fokus på 10 skolböcker som idag används i finskundervisningen i den svenska grundskolan i årskurserna ett till fem. Som komplement till kartläggningen har tre lärare intervjuats och 11 lärare har besvarat ett frågeformulär med åsikter om de böcker som de använder. Uppsatsens ämne är relevant eftersom finskan sedan år 2000 är ett av Sveriges fem officiella, nationella minoritetsspråk. Enligt grundskoleförordningen har alla elever med grundläggande kunskaper i finska rätt att lära sig och att utveckla språket i skolan. Finskan har varit ett officiellt minoritetsspråk i tio år och ändringen i skollagen, att finskan inte längre behöver vara ett aktivt hemspråk för att ge rätt till modersmålsundervisning, kom för två sedan. Ändå är det först nu i höst som de första skolböckerna på 20 år för sverigefinska elever tryckts. På 1970- och 80-talen trycktes tre bokserier, men sedan dess har lärarna fått förlita sig på böcker producerade i Finland som enligt min forskning inte uppfyller alla kursplanens kriterier. Modersmålslärarna är nöjda med sina böcker även om de har brister. Deras största svaghet är, att de innehåller för svåra ord och meningar för sverigefinska elever. / My degree project is a qualitative survey of 10 books used in Swedish primary schools in Finnish teaching. As a complement to the survey I interviewed three teachers and handed out questionnaires to eleven more, asking for their opinions of the school books they are using. The subject is relevant, as Finnish has been one of the five official minority languages in Sweden since the year 2000. According to the Compulsory School Ordinance on the nine-year compulsory school all students with a basic knowledge of Finnish have the right to learn and develop the language in school. Finnish has been a national minority language for ten years and two years ago a change in the school law was introduced, which entitles pupils to classes in Finnish even when Finnish is not an active language at their home. Nevertheless, it was only this autumn that, for the first time in 20 years, school books were printed for Finns in Sweden. In the 1970s and 1980s three book series were printed, but since then teachers have had to rely on books produced in Finland, which, according to the findings of my degree project, do not meet all the criteria of the Swedish course syllabus. The teachers of Finnish are satisfied with the books, although the books have weaknesses; the biggest weakness is that they have too advanced words and sentences for Swedish Finnish pupils.

Rozvoj, možnosti a dovednosti učitele při práci s žáky s odlišným mateřským jazykem na 1. stupni ZŠ / Development, possibilities and skills of a teacher working with immigrant children in primary school

Fialová, Gabriela January 2017 (has links)
Theoretical part follow up possibilities of a teacher in self-education of students with Czech as a second language problematic as well as preparation for entry to class for students with Czech as a second language and their teachers as their mission should be to create welcoming climate in the class. I also describe the key terms in field of students with Czech as a second language in Czech Republic and Finland as well. In the practical part I prepare questionnaires for teachers with the goal to identify the level of awareness on this issue, which I deepen via subsequent interviews with selected teachers. Based on personal experience from an internship in Finland than the findings from interviews and study of available literature to prepare a workshop for teachers. I would also like to prepare a variety of examples of good practice and inspiration for teachers. KEYWORDS inclusion, individuality, teacher, respect, environment, group integration, immigrant pupils, pupil with a different mother tongue, multicultural education, primary/elementary school, education in Finland, inspiration for teachers, workshop

Čeština jako druhý jazyk pro žáka s odlišným mateřským jazykem v primární škole / Czech as a second language for a pupil with a different mother tongue in primary school

Helclová, Tereza January 2017 (has links)
This thesis deals with teaching Czech as a second language for pupils with a different mother tongue at primary school. Collects and presents professional findings on this topic. Diploma thesis explains the difference between Czech as a second language and Czech as a foreign language and compares them. The thesis examined what is necessary when the teacher is planning the lesson. Further, describes in detail the various materials and textbook Domino 1 in terms of a beginning teacher of Czech for foreigners. In the practical part of the thesis submitted to analyse three topics. Based on this analysis and complete analysis of theoretical knowledge, textbooks, and materials originated recommendations for a beginning teachers. The thesis also deals with a utility of textbooks of Czech as a second language in a regular classroom. The practical part includes ideas for games in a lesson or samples of worksheets. The result of the work is to evaluate teaching materials and sample other tools that can be used in the Czech lessons for foreigners. KEYWORDS Pupil - foreigner, Czech as a foreign language, Czech as a second language, teaching foreigners, working with foreign pupils, integration, pupil with a different mother tongue, cultural differences, primary school, textbook

Framgångsfaktorer för fungerande stöd : En studie av sju specialpedagogers uppfattningar om stöd i arbetet med elever i språk-, skriv- och lässvårigheter i grundskolans senare år / Success factors to make support work : A study of seven special education teachers' perceptions on support from working with secondary school students in language-, writing- and reading difficulties

Stensdahl, Jessica January 2017 (has links)
Syftet med den här kvalitativa studien var att studera några specialpedagogers uppfattningar angående mer eller mindre väl fungerande stöd till elever i språk-, skriv- och lässvårigheter i grundskolans senare år. Datamaterialet består av semistrukturerade intervjuer med sju specialpedagoger och har i en första analys tolkats utifrån hermeneutisk metod. Därefter har resultaten i den slutgiltiga analysen förklarats utifrån en teoretisk utgångspunkt som utgörs av två perspektiv på specialpedagogisk verksamhet, enligt Bengt Perssons (2013) modell: det relationella och det kategoriska perspektivet. Resultatet visade på flera faktorer för väl fungerande stöd, där vikten av en tillitsfull relation mellan lärare och elev sticker ut, liksom kunskap om specialpedagogiskt stöd hos lärare samt tidiga insatser såsom pedagogisk kartläggning och digitala verktyg. Samarbete och goda relationer mellan specialpedagog, pedagoger och vårdnadshavare var ytterliga faktorer som bidrog till fungerande stöd medan elevens egen inre vilja och drivkraft; sk grit var en annan intressant framgångsfaktor i uppfattningarna. Faktorer som hittades för mindre väl fungerande stöd var motsatsen; nämligen brist på specialpedagogisk kunskap hos rektorer, lärare men även hos specialpedagoger själva. Värt att uppmärksamma var också avsaknad av studiehandledning på modersmålet samt försummelse att sätta in stöd till elever i avvaktan på utredningsbeslut. Sammanfattningsvis så är de viktigaste resultaten från studien om faktorer för fungerande stöd följande: a) kunskap om specialpedagogiskt stöd hos rektorer och pedagoger, b) goda relationer och samarbete mellan lärare, elever, specialpedagoger och vårdnadshavare, c) tidiga insatser samt d) elevers drivkraft; sk grit och inre vilja att lyckas. Den faktor som utkristalliserades tydligast i studien för mindre väl fungerande stöd var just bristen på specialpedagogisk kunskap hos rektorer och skolans pedagoger, vilket förstärker det omvända resultatet, att specialpedagogisk kunskap hos rektorer och pedagoger är en framgångsfaktor för fungerande stöd. De flesta uppfattningar i resultatet utgick från ett relationellt perspektiv på specialpedagogisk verksamhet. / The aim of this qualitative study was to examine the perceptions of some special educators concerning more or less well functional support to students in language-, writing- and reading difficulties in secondary education. The data consists of semi structured interviews with seven special educators, which has been analyzed according to hermeneutic analysis method in the primary analysis. In order to explain the results, a theoretical framework was used in the final analysis, which proceeds from two perspectives on special education practices according to Bengt Perssons’ (2013) model: the relational and the categorical perspective. The result indicated several factors for well functional support, where the importance of a trusting relation between teacher and student stands out as well as knowledge about special educational support within teachers but also early interventions, such as pedagogical surveys and the use of digital tools. Good relations and collaboration in between special educators, teachers, students and caregivers were other important factors contributing to functional support while the student´s own will and inner urge to succeed; the so called grit was another interesting finding among the perceptions. Factors found working less well for functional support were the opposite; lack of knowledge concerning special educational support within principals, teachers but also within special educators themselves. Noticeable was lack of study guidance in the mother tongue and negligence to insert support to students in special education needs while awaiting results of inquiry. In summary; the most important results from this study concerning factors for functional support were a) knowledge about special educational support within school staff, b) good relations/collaboration between teachers, students, special educators and caregivers, c) early interventions and d) students’ grit and inner will to succeed. The most important result indicating less well functional support was the lack of knowledge about special educational support within staff, which stretches the opposite result, that knowledge about special educational support within principals and teachers is a success factor for functional support. Most perceptions in the result proceeded from a relational perspective on special education practices.

Erziehung zur Zwei- und Mehrsprachigkeit. Eine kritische Untersuchung pädagogischer Konzepte

Weber, Angelika 14 October 2004 (has links)
This study investigates different ways of efficiently educating learners to become bi- or multilingual. In the introduction relevant background information concerning the definition of bilingualism is given and related issues are being discussed, such as language learning, language awareness, bilingual instruction and bilingual education models. Human beings are characterised by language, but also by social and cultural tradition. In the context of globalisation pluralism and multiculturalism are common factors affecting even previously isolated communities. Bi- and multilingualism are some of the strategies of adaptation to this reality. It can be assumed, that this development will continue rapidly as the inhabitants of the global village grow in and adapt to this realisation. In countries with a history and tradition of multilingual and bilingual education like South Africa, Canada, Luxembourg and Belgium and also in countries where immigration results in issues of multilingual and bilingual challenging society like in the USA one finds a great variety of answers to these problems posed. The situation in Germany is different, because bilingualism became an issue only fairly recently due to the actual demands brought by the European union. In South Africa the social context determines largely that people are inclined to bi- and multilingualism and the educational system tries to promote this predisposition by means of bi- or multilingual models in schools, so that the learners become efficient facing the bi- and multilingual challenges of their diverse and pluralistic society. In the USA on the other hand the need arises to provide for minority groups, so that they can retain their mother tongue (e.g. Spanish) while becoming fluent in the predominant language (i.e. American). Lastly the new development of the European Union has led Germany to actively promote bi- und multilingual education to aid the integration of Germans in the Union. The various models developed in these countries are studied in the wide variety of their different social and historical contexts. The main part of the study comprises a systematic overview of the various bilingual education models that are being implemented in different countries. These countries include the USA, Canada, Germany, Luxembourg, Belgium and lastly and more detailed, South Africa. A number of different circumstances surrounding bi- or multilingualism in the various countries have given rise to a large variety of models attempting to address the challenges posed by the various issues. A number of different goals have been addressed and the results have been just as varied. This leads to a concluding comparison of the western and European models with those of the South African models. Much research has been done on bi- and multilingualism and specifically bilingual education, as humans since earliest times were concerned with this subject. For my study I have relied mainly on more recent sources (1990 to the present) from the USA, Canada and Germany. However as the academic study of this issue has been going on for quite a time in some countries like South Africa, I have also referred to older books and journals (1945<). Due to the overwhelming information about this subject a drastic limitation of sources was necessary. / Dissertation (MA (German))--University of Pretoria, 2005. / Modern European Languages / unrestricted

"L'enseignement de la langue et culture d'origine turque en Alsace depuis 2013 : quel nouveau dispositif, quel nouveau public ?" / The teaching of Turkish as original language and culture in Alsace since 2013 : which new educational device, which new public ?

Dervisoglu, Gulsen 26 September 2017 (has links)
L’Enseignement des Langues et Cultures d’Origine (ELCO) a été mis en place, dans les années 70, à la suite du regroupement familial. L’ELCO a été créé dans le but d’intégrer les enfants d’immigrés dans le système éducatif français et de leur permettre de garder un lien avec leur langue d’origine en cas de retour des parents. Notre recherche porte sur l’enseignement de la langue et la culture d’origine turque en Alsace. Depuis 2013, l’ELCO s’ouvre dorénavant à tout enfant, quelle que soit son origine. Notre but est de comprendre les raisons du faible taux d’élèves choisissant le turc et ne parlant pas cette langue à la maison ainsi que les facteurs d’influence. Une recherche qualitative a été menée auprès d’élèves, de parents élèves, d’enseignants et de responsables institutionnels. Nous avons opté pour une démarche inductive sans hypothèses préalables. Le taux faible d’élèves s’explique par un nombre important de variables : par exemple : l’invisibilité du dispositif au sein de l’école, la non considération du turc par les parents comme une langue internationale et la non continuité de la langue turque au collège. / The teaching of original languages and cultures (ELCO) was implemented in the 70s, after the family reunification policy. The purpose of ELCO is to integrate children from immigrant’s backgrounds in French educational system, and to preserve their original language in case of return to their parents’ native country. Our study deals with the teaching of Turkish as original language and culture in Alsace and more specifically, in the new change in ELCO that opens the class to a different public. Indeed, since 2013, ELCO has been opened to all children applying for it, regardless of their origin. In our research, we aim at understanding the reasons and the external factors of the low number of pupils that chose Turkish, among children that are not speaking Turkish at home. We selected an inductive approach without starting hypothesis due to the newness of the system. The low number of pupils is explained by multiple variables, such as the irrelevance ELCO within the school, the fact that Turkish is not considered as an international language or the lack of continuity of Turkish learning in junior high school.

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