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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Baranava, Tatiana January 2010 (has links)
After 12 years of isolation, the relations between Brussels and Minsk have been thawing starting in the last year. One of the components of the policy of re-engagement is the new initiative adopted by the EU called Eastern Partnership (EaP). This thesis sought to answer following question: what were the main reasons for the change in the EU policy towards Belarus after 2008? In order to answer the research question I formulated two hypotheses. The first hypothesis argues that while the EU has acted according to the normative power expectations up until 2008, after that date a more pragmatic approach in the foreign policy has been at work. The second hypothesis explains this change by the increasing influence of Eastern European countries in realm of decision-making processes within the EU, which resulted in a reformed EU foreign policy towards Belarus.These hypotheses are tested in a qualitative case study of the launching of the Eastern Partnership initiative, seen as the most important instrument that defines the new policy of EU. I will focus on the process of decision–making in regards to the adoption of the new initiative towards the Eastern European countries, using the rational actor model and the theory of formal leadership. The results of the paper point out that the main reason for changing the EU foreign policy towards Belarus were connected to pragmatic interests in the economic and energy areas, which weakened the EU normative claims. However, EU values are still counted as political conditionality has recently re-entered the agenda. Thus, the current foreign policy is two-fold: based on rational model of acting and normative power. Moreover, the EaP is the result of the strengthened position of Eastern European countries in terms of the power hierarchy among EU members, with Poland, and the Baltic States playing an increasingly larger role.

The Effect of the European External Action Service on the Coherence of the Common Foreign and Security Policy on the Vertical Dimension: A Comparative Analysis of the 2003 Iraq War and the 2011 Military Intervention in Libya

Anwar, Sarosh January 2015 (has links)
How has the EEAS affected, if in any way, the coherence of the CFSP on the vertical dimension in security and defence matters? In this thesis I answer this research question in order to draw a conclusion on the affect of the EEAS on the cooperation and coordination of the MS with and within the CFSP in security and defence matters. Coherence within the EU’s foreign policy is an issue that its leaders have emphasized on developing for more than four decades. The introduction of the EEAS through the Lisbon Treaty in 2009 is perceived to enhance the cooperation and coordination of the MS with and within the CFSP, as well as coordinate the actions of the MS outside the boundaries of the EU. By conducting a multiple case study, in this thesis I compare how the most powerful MS: the UK, France, and Germany, interacted with and within the CFSP in the 2003 Iraq War, and the 2011 military intervention in Libya. Relatedly, a qualitative content analysis approach is applied in order to uncover all relevant information from the primary and secondary literature concerning the two cases. In contrast to most of the previous studies conducted on this topic, I combine and apply the theoretical perspectives of liberal institutionalism and social constructivism in order to explain and explore the phenomenon under investigation. Conclusively, this thesis suggests that the coherence of the CFSP on the vertical dimension in security and defence matters has not been affected in any way after the EEAS has been implemented in the CFSP. This is due to the inherent characteristic of the MS of always prioritizing their national interests, determined by their value-based normative ideas gained through social interaction, before a collective, effective, and coherent CFSP in defence and security terms.

Hållbar Stadsutveckling enligt principerna för Cradle to Cradle - Från teori till praktik i Kilen, Ronneby

Fälth, Erik, Thulin, Jens January 2012 (has links)
Vad är egentligen hållbar stadsutveckling och kommer vi i framtiden att kunna planerastadsmiljöer som har en positiv inverkan, på både natur och människa, i stället för en negativ?En av de grundläggande principerna för designteorin Cradle to Cradle är att vi skaagera hållbart i stället för mindre ohållbart. Dock är teorin ännu relativt outforskad inomfysisk planering.Utöver att undersöka Cradle to Cradle som designteori för hållbar stadsutveckling är syftetmed uppsatsen att dess resultat och slutsatser ska kunna utgöra verktyg för hållbarfysisk planering. Uppsatsen syftar också till att inspirera med innovativa idéer och lösningari den byggda miljön.Uppsatsen inleds med en teoretiskt grundad diskussion kring vad som kan utgöra normativaprinciper för hållbar stadsutveckling. Efter en grundlig objektiv översikt av Cradle toCradle ställs designteorin i relation till de normer som ställts upp.Intentionerna med Cradle to Cradle är goda men designteorin är i dag främst inriktadmot ekologisk och ekonomisk hållbarhet och den viktiga sociala aspekten är inte utvecklad.För ett förverkligande av teorins visioner skulle en övergång till Cradle to Cradle,som står för det vi kallar ekologisk modernisering, behöva ske parallellt med beteendeförändringgenom ett ifrågasättande av de normer, för till exempel produktion och konsumtion,som vi lever efter i dag. Ekologisk modernisering i kombination med normativaprinciper för beteendeförändring kan således vara en väg till hållbar stadsutveckling.Uppsatsens analysresultat överförs sedan från teori till praktik i utvecklingsområdet Kileni Ronneby, Sverige. Den övergripande konceptuella gestaltning som uppsatsen presenterar,ger exempel på hur det är möjligt att fysiskt planera inom Ronneby kommuns olikafokusområden energi, vatten, biologisk mångfald i utemiljön och social mångfald.Samtidigt som det planeras hållbart är det essentiellt att också göra det enkelt och självklartför medborgaren att leva hållbart. Medborgardeltagande i planeringsprocessen är enviktig komponent för att ett område som Kilen ska ge det mervärde som kommunenönskar och spegla de goda intentioner som ligger till grund för utvecklingen. Att planeraett område enligt principerna för Cradle to Cradle kan vid rätt tillvägagångssätt utgöra ettviktigt steg i den hållbara stadsutvecklingen. Inte minst som en manifestation av godaintentioner, en plattform för innovation inom ekologisk modernisering, ett pedagogisktexempel samt en uppmaning till brukaren och betraktaren att också leva hållbart. / What is sustainable urban development and will it in the future be possible to plan urbanenvironments which have a positive impact on both nature and people, instead of negative?One of the basic principles of the design theory Cradle to Cradle is for us to actsustainable, rather than less unsustainable, but the theory is still relatively unexplored inspatial planning.In addition to examining Cradle to Cradle as a design theory for sustainable urban development,the purpose of this paper is that its findings and conclusions should serve astools for sustainable spatial planning. The paper also aims to inspire with innovative ideasand solutions in the built environment. The essay begins with a theoretically baseddiscussion of what may constitute normative principles for sustainable urban development.After an objective review of Cradle to Cradle Design, the theory is set in relationto these standards.The intentions of Cradle to Cradle are good but the main focus of the design theory todayis on ecological and economic sustainability and the important social aspect is notdeveloped. For realization of the visions of the theory, transferring to Cradle to Cradle,which stands for what we call ecological modernization, need to be accompanied by behavioralchange. A comprehensive behavior change requires a questioning of the standards,regarding for example production and consumption, that we live by today. Ecologicalmodernization in combination with normative principles of behavior change can thusbe a path to sustainable urban development.The analytical results of the essay are then transferred from theory to practice in the developmentarea Kilen in Ronneby, Sweden. The overall conceptual design the essay presents,gives examples of how it is possible to physically plan within the municipality ofRonneby's various focus areas - energy, water, biodiversity in the outdoor environmentand social diversity.While planning sustainable, it is also essential to make it easy and natural for people tolive sustainable. Civic participation in the planning process is an important component tomake an area like Kilen provide the added value that the municipality wishes, and to let itreflect the good intentions underlying the development. Designing an area using theprinciples of Cradle to Cradle may, at the right approach, represent an important step inthe sustainable urban development. Not least as a manifestation of good intentions, aplatform for innovation in ecological modernization, a pedagogical example, and a call tothe user and the viewer to also live sustainable.

Normative Political Communities: Foundations for a Hartian Theory of State and Non-State Law

Fabra-Zamora, Jorge L. January 2019 (has links)
This dissertation outlines a theory of law capable of explaining both the legal systems of domestic states and other types of legal phenomena different from state law that I will call non-state legal phenomena. Central examples of non-state law include indigenous and customary laws, the international legal order, the European Union, and transnational commercial law. This theoretical framework aims to formulate and resolve questions about the common features shared by different types of legality and the distinctive legal character of non-state legal phenomena. It also sets the stage for doctrinal and politico-moral inquiries about these phenomena. My account draws liberally from central themes of HLA Hart’s theory of state law that I deem applicable outside the domestic context. One key idea is the notion of normative order or unified complexes of interrelated rules that regulate specific domains of action. The refined Hartian view that I develop here distinguishes between two kinds of normative orders, sets and systems, which differ in their characteristic features and that allow for different doctrinal and moral inquiries. While these tools can be used to explain both state and non-state normative phenomena, I shall consider as law the normative orders of political communities, i.e. groups whose participants efficaciously employ intense forms of social pressure to secure conformity to norms that regulate pressing politico-moral issues. With these elements in place, the legal domain can be characterized as a constellation of sets and systems that constitute political communities at the state, non-domestic, international, supra-national, and potentially global levels. The argument proceeds as follows. Chapter 1 sets the stage of this inquiry. Chapter 2 explicates the key insights of the Hartian framework. Chapter 3 defends the applicability of this framework to non-state contexts. Chapter 4 illustrates its explanatory virtues by applying it to two regimes of international trade law. The conclusion summarizes the central insights of this view and highlights the avenues for future research. / Thesis / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) / This dissertation outlines a theory of law capable of explaining both state and non-state legal phenomena. This theoretical framework aims to formulate and resolve questions about the common features shared by different types of legality and the distinctive legal character of non-state legal phenomena, and to help to set the stage for further inquiries about them. My account draws liberally from HLA Hart’s theory of state law. The argument proceeds as follows. Chapter 1 sets the stage of this inquiry. Chapter 2 explicates the key insights of the Hartian framework. Chapter 3 defends the applicability of this framework to non-state contexts. Chapter 4 illustrates its explanatory virtues by applying it to two regimes of international trade law. The conclusion summarizes the central insights of this view and highlights the avenues for future research.

Reliabilitet och normalvärden för muskulära styrke- och uthållighetstester vid bedömning och utvärdering inom hjärtrehabilitering / Reliability and Normative Reference Values for Muscular Strength and Endurance Tests Used in Exercise Based Cardiac Rehabilitation

van Zonneveld, Marit, Wiklander, Joakim January 2022 (has links)
Introduktion: Muskulära styrke- och uthållighetsteter är fysioterapeutiska bedömningsinstrument som används inom hjärtrehabilitering. I kliniken krävs uppdaterade normalvärden för de muskulära styrke- och uthålighetstesten samt värden på absolut reliabilitet (MDC) för att upptäcka avvikelser och avgöra kliniskt relevanta förändringar vid utvärdering av patientens prestationsförmåga.   Syfte: Att utvärdera test-retest reliabiliteten och ta fram normalvärden för muskulära styrke- och uthållighetstester.   Metod och material: Test-retest analysen bestod av två testtillfällen med 2-3 dagars mellanrum där 9 friska personer (6 kvinnor, 3 män) slutförde samtliga test (isometrisk armbågsflexion, isometrisk knäextension, isotonisk unilateral axelflexion och isotonsik unilateral tåhävning). Underlaget till normalvärdesanalysen bestod av insamlad data på 164 friska kontroller (61 kvinnor, 103 män) från tidigare studier.   Resultat: Den relativa reliabiliteten klassades som utmärkt för isometrisk armbågsflexion (ICC = 0,98), isometrisk knäextention (ICC = 0,97) samt isotonisk unilateral axelflexion (ICC = 0,98) och god för isotonisk unilateral tåhävning (ICC = 0,90). Mäns muskulära uthållighet var sämre jämfört med kvinnor vid test av isotonisk unilateral axelflexion. Ingen enlighet sågs i muskulär uthållighet mellan könen för isotonisk unilateral tåhävning. Kraftutvecklingen för män var större i båda isometriska tester jämfört med kvinnor. En skillnad sågs mellan olika åldersgrupper i isometrisk knäextension och isotonisk unilateral tåhävning. Ingen skillnad sågs mellan åldersgrupperna i övriga test.   Konklusion: Den relativa reliabiliteten för de muskulära styrke- och uthållighetstesten klassas vara god-utmärkt. Mer forskning behövs på större studiepopulationer där samtliga åldersgrupper representeras för att ta fram ett precist och stabilt underlag för normalvärden och absolut reliabilitet som kan representera och matcha standarden i den kliniska verksamheten.

Beyond the Purchase : Exploring the Dynamics of Microtransactions Among Swedish Gamers

Sellgren, Julius January 2024 (has links)
This study explores the behavior of Swedish gamers regarding microtransactions in the Free-To-Play model. It focuses on their attitudes towards in-game purchases and explores the psychological, ethical, and social factors influencing their engagement. The study used qualitative research methods, including semi-structured interviews with nine Swedish gamers. The findings reveal that community norms and peer pressure significantly impact microtransaction engagement, especially among younger players. The study also identifies a psychological barrier that, once crossed, triggers increased spending. Furthermore, the research highlights the controversial role of loot boxes, their association with gambling, and the psychological effects they have on players. The results from this study suggest the need for regulatory oversight and ethical monetization practices. Additionally, the study reveals that premium in-game currencies obscure real-world costs, which can impact spending behavior and raise ethical concerns about transparency. The research suggests that game developers and policymakers should prioritize fair and transparent strategies that uphold player autonomy and well-being by considering the complex interplay between player experience, microtransaction design, and ethical considerations.

Nuclear Power Coalitionsamong the Swedish Parliamentary Parties : Understanding Changes in Party PositionsUsing the Advocacy Coalition Framework

Frank, Erika Frank January 2024 (has links)
This thesis investigates the circumstances under which parties change their positions, with Swedish nuclear power policy as a case to adress the purpose. The thesis employed qualitative text analysis and the theoretical framework Advocacy Coalition Framework (ACF) to examine and adress the the thesis's research questions and purpose. ACF was used to formulate the research questions, focusing on wether there had been changes in the Swedish parliamentary parties' policy core belifes regardning nuclear power policy and, if so, wether external subsystem events and or\changes in coalition formation could explain these changes. The study found that three out of eight Swedish parliamentary parties had changed their policy core belifes regarding the nuclear power issue:the Social Democrats, the Green Party, and the Center party.  At least one of the examined external subsystem events could either explain the changes or reinforce previous changes. Furthermore, the sudy showed that changes in coalition formation could potentially explain the Social Democrats' and the Green Party's altered policy core belifes. Other potential explanations included the influence of the Janaury Agreement, where the Liberals, as a strongly pro-nuclear party, may have influenced the Green party and the Social Democrats to become more positive towards nuclear power. In summary, the sudy demonstrated that changes in coalition formation and\or external subsystem evenets are circumstances that can explain why parties change their positions. Additionally, the thesis suggested that ACF should include two additional external subsystem events, which this sudy has shown to have an impact on parties' changed policy core belifes:war and economic changes.

The educational background of the gifted Indian pre-school child

Jaggan, Vijay Aheer Jaggan 06 1900 (has links)
The study focussed on determining whether there were any distinguishing characteristics that comprised the background of the gifted Indian pre-school child. The paucity of literature on the Indian pre-school child forced the researcher to rely on international studies. The theoretical composition of the study reviewed personality and normative development, as well as cognitive development of the gifted pre-school child. Family background and stimulatory activities that parents engaged children in, were also explored. The empirical investigation combined the use of quantitative and qualitative techniques. Initially, parents, teachers and peers were responsible for selecting the research sample. The sample of eighty-three children was subjected to the administration of the JSAIS. Of this twentyfive were selected in order for the questionnaire to be administered to their parents. Results of the questionnaire indicated that parents undertook to stimulate their children by engaging them in activities that they were of the opinion would promote their intellectual development. The results of the questionnaire were corroborated by interviews that were conducted with six of the parents. Relevant excerpts from five of the interviews are presented as well as a full interview with one of the parents. The results reveal that parents continuously strive to stimulate their children so that they can ensure that the potential that they believe their children possess can be actualised. / Psychology of Education / M. Ed. (Guidance and Counselling)

The relationship between career anchors, organisational commitment and turnover intention

Clinton-Baker, Michelle 22 January 2014 (has links)
The primary objectives of the study were as follows: (1) to explore the relationship between career anchors (as measured by the Career Orientations Inventory), organisational commitment (as measured by the Organisational Commitment Questionnaire) and turnover intention (as measured by a three-item questionnaire, developed by Mobley, Horner, and Hollingsworth, 1978); and (2) to determine whether employees from different gender, race, employment positions and age groups differ significantly in their career anchors, organisational commitment and turnover intention. A quantitative survey was conducted on a non-probability sample of 343 employed adults at managerial and general staff levels in the South African retail sector. The results of this study suggest that there was a significant but weak relationship between employees‟ career anchors and their organisational commitment. Career anchors were also found to be significantly related to organisational commitment and turnover intention; with entrepreneurial creativity, lifestyle and service/dedication to a cause career anchors being the best predictors of these two variables. The relationship between organisational commitment and turnover intention was significant and negative, with affectively and normatively committed participants being more likely to remain with the organisation (i.e. having lower turnover intentions). In addition, the findings indicate that although gender has no relationship with turnover intention, race, employment position and age do. African, general staff and 30 years and younger participants indicated higher intentions to leave the organisation. / Industrial & Organisational Psychology / M. Comm. (Industrial and Organisational Psychology)

Non-normative eating behavior and psychopathology in prebariatric patients with binge-eating disorder and night eating syndrome

Baldofski, Sabrina, Tigges, Wolfgang, Herbig, Beate, Jurowich, Christian, Kaiser, Stefan, Stroh, Christine, de Zwaan, Martina, Dietrich, Arne, Rudolph, Almut, Hilbert, Anja 28 June 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Background: Binge-eating disorder (BED) as a distinct eating disorder category and night eating syndrome (NES) as a form of Other Specified Feeding or Eating Disorders were recently included in the fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5). Objectives: This study sought to investigate the prevalence of BED and NES and associations with various forms of non-normative eating behavior and psychopathology in prebariatric patients. Setting: Within a consecutive multicenter registry study, patients in six bariatric surgery centers in Germany were recruited. Methods: Overall, 233 prebariatric patients were assessed using the Eating Disorder Examination and self-report questionnaires. Assessment was unrelated to clinical procedures. Results: Diagnostic criteria for full-syndrome BED and NES were currently met by 4.3% and 8.2% of prebariatric patients, respectively. In addition, 8.6% and 6.9% of patients met subsyndromal BED and NES criteria, respectively. Comorbid BED and NES diagnoses were present in 3.9% of patients. In comparison to patients without any eating disorder symptoms, patients with BED and NES reported greater emotional eating, eating in the absence of hunger, and more symptoms of food addiction. Moreover, differences between patients with BED and NES emerged with more objective binge eating episodes and higher levels of eating concern, weight concern, and global eating disorder psychopathology in patients with BED. Conclusions: BED and NES were shown to be prevalent among prebariatric patients, with some degree of overlap between diagnoses. Associations with non-normative eating behavior and psychopathology point to their clinical significance and discriminant validity.

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