Spelling suggestions: "subject:"nonplaces"" "subject:"amongplaces""
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De la production d'une organisation alternative via l'espace : le cas des lieux intermédiaires dans le secteur du théâtre / Producing an alternative organisation through space : The case of intermediary places in the the theatre industryParigot, Julia 25 November 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse s’intéresse au rôle de l’espace en tant qu’outil et enjeu de pouvoir dans le processus de développement des organisations alternatives. Plus spécifiquement, elle examine dans quelle mesure la production d’un espace peut contribuer à la création et à la pérennisation d’une organisation alternative. Pour répondre à cette question, nous menons une étude de cas unique auprès des lieux intermédiaires franciliens dans le secteur du théâtre français. Celui-ci est dominé par deux modèles organisationnels : le théâtre privé marchand et le théâtre public non marchand. Les lieux intermédiaires cherchent à imposer un troisième modèle qui ne relèverait ni du privé ni du public mais de ce qu’ils appellent le tiers secteur. En conjuguant entretiens semi-directifs, observation et données secondaires, nous montrons que ces organisations produisent différents types d’espaces – à la fois individuels et collectifs – à différentes échelles. Cette combinaison permet aux lieux intermédiaires d’être mobiles et de résister aux réactions hostiles de l’espace dominant et ainsi de se pérenniser. / This thesis analyses how the production of space helps to create and sustain alternative organizations. In this study, space is seen as a source of power. In order to answer this question we conduct a single case study: the intermediary places in the French theatre sector. Two organizational models prevail in this sector: the lucrative private sector and the public non-profit one. Intermediary places tend to establish a third model neither private nor public: third sector organizations. We combine semi-structured interviews, observations and secondary data. We show alternative organizations produce different type of individual and collective spaces on multiple scales. Thanks to this combination, intermediary places become mobile and more resistant to dominant space reactions. They are most likely to sustain themselves.
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Kostnice. Obraz města / Konstanz. Image of The CityMlynarcikova, Dana January 2017 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the study of the City's Image. The main objective is to present an Image of the city of Konstanz in Germany. The realization was carried out with methods using mental maps (Kevin Lynch), and Panofsky's iconology, which is a method of interpretation that reveals cultural, social, and historical background of city as a visual artwork. The structure of thesis is divided into three chapters Spaziertour - Führertour - Kunsthistorischetour,corresponding to Panofsky's three levels of technique: look - see - think. The main source for me was a visual of the city, my own perception of it, and visual materials displaying the city (pictures of the map, vedutas, photos, viewcards) and places of memory (Pierre Nora). Through the interaction with the surroundings of the city mixed with my subjective feelings. I tried to show the image of this city from a new personal perspective. KEY WORDS Image of the city, mental map, iconology, places of memory, tour
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Virtual Activity Becomes Visible - ICT Users in Public PlacesGeratz, Elke January 2013 (has links)
Whether utilizing our smartphones for navigation or skyping our friend on our way, the use of ICTs affects the way that we walk through and stay in public places. "Dancing" mobile phone users are only one example of this. Their virtual activity becomes visible in public places. This master thesis is about contemporary demands on public space imposed by the new ICT generation, and aims to explore ethe behaviour of ICT users in public places. Therefore, it investigates the question of how the use of ICTs affects the way that people use public places and whar that means for urban planning. To this end, the thesis combines a literature review with an empirical study on the Münsterplatz in Bonn, Germany. The interviews and observations from this case study identified examples of characteristics of ICT users that are described in the literature; however, they also revealed new insights. Therefore, the thesis contributes to a greater understanding of the behaviour and demands of ICT users in public places and identifies ICT users as one user group, out-of-many, with specific demands on public space.
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Crime Concentration in Sweden : An Explorative Test of a Criminological LawBreski, Robert January 2021 (has links)
According to the law of crime concentration, a certain percentage of crime is predicted to be concentrated at a certain percentage of microgeographic units, and relatively large amounts of crime are predicted to be accounted for by a small percentage of places. Given the lack of research testing the law in a Swedish context and for a whole country, this study set out to examine the concentration of crime at all densely populated areas in Sweden. Analyzing national grid net data, where all densely built-up areas of Sweden were divided into 250 x 250 meter pixels with added police recorded crime data, the study aimed to examine how many percent of the pixels are required to account for 25, 50 and 80% of the crimes in all densely populated areas; how the concentrations differ between small, medium-sized and big cities; how the concentrations differ between violent and property crimes in all of the country; and how an observed crime concentration compares to a counterfactual, randomized concentration. The results indicated a crime concentration that is stronger than the ones observed in most previous studies, with just 0.4, 2.3 and 10.2% of the pixels accounting for 25, 50 and 80% of all crimes in all densely populated areas, respectively. In line with previous research, the results also showed that crime is more strongly concentrated in smaller cities compared to the big ones, that violent crime is more strongly concentrated than property crime, and that the observed concentration of violent crime is considerably stronger than a counterfactual, randomized concentration in the form of a Poisson distribution. Further research on crime concentration in Sweden is requested to build on these findings.
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Social sammanhållning genom mötesplatser : Offentliga mötesplatsers betydelse för social trivsel och individers känsla av trygghetLarsson, Cecilia, Teveldal, Moa January 2021 (has links)
The purpose of this essay is to highlight the importance of public meeting places for people's sense of social well-being and security, and thereby social cohesion. The purpose and issues of the thesis have been developed in consultation with Halmstad municipality, with the aim that the study will serve as a basis for the municipality in their urban development project regarding the area Larsfrid and Vilhelmsfält. The idea is that a more mixed development that offers both housing and meeting places will be developed. In an increasingly globalized world where both diversity and individualism become a larger part of the society we live in, the risk of segregation and polarizations between different groups increases. Creating public places where people with different backgrounds have the opportunity to meet and make valuable exchanges of experiences opens up for a social rotation and a stronger community, which in turn promotes social cohesion. The study's approach has followed a hermeneutic methodology where we have conducted qualitative interviews with four women and four men in close areas to Larsfrid and Vilhelmsfält. Our results have been analyzed based on our chosen theories, Randall Collins' theory of Interaction Rituals Chains, Thomas Scheff's theory of Social Bond and Rolf Lidskog's theory of social order. Through theoretical connections and our own interpretations of our material, we found that the majority of our respondents feel that public meeting places where other people circulate are an important component for them to experience both social well-being and security. Furthermore, based on our material, we can conclude that public meeting places have a beneficial effect on social cohesion.
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A Comparison of the Functions and Population Size of Central Places in Snohomish County, Washington and Cache County, UtahDixon, Richard L. 01 May 1968 (has links)
A study of the central places in Cache County to determine their population and function was made during the academic year 1967-1968. The purpose was to determine if the function of places in Cache County, Utah of a given population was the same as the function of places in Snohomish County, Washington of the same population.
The data for Snohomish County, Washington were taken from a report on the central places in that county prepared by Brian J. L. Berry and William Garrison of the University of Washington Geography Department.
Evidence is presented to support the conclusion that these two areas are very similar in geographic setting and general economy. Evidence is also presented that the central places of similar population size do not perform the same functions. A central place in Cache County must have a larger population in order to support a given function than is necessary in Snohomish County. Further evidence is presented to support the conclusion that lack of a complementary region for the Cache County central places and presence of complementary regions for Snohomish County central places is the cause of the differences found in function of the places.
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"Man har som lärt sig att vi ska vara otrygg" : Unga kvinnors upplevda otrygghet på offentliga platser - ett sociokulturellt perspektiv / “We have been taught into thenotion of feeling unsafe” : Young women´s perception of unsafety in public places – asociocultural perspectiveVestman, Fanny, Svensson, Jonna January 2022 (has links)
Denna studie syftar till att öka förståelsen för unga kvinnors upplevda otrygghet på offentliga platser i Örnsköldsvik. Studien synliggör orsaker till att känslan av otrygghet uppstår och belyser dess konsekvenser. Upplevd otrygghet undersöks med hjälp av fyra semistrukturerade fokusgruppintervjuer. Totalt intervjuas tolv unga kvinnor som går andra året på gymnasiet i Örnsköldsviks kommun. Undersökningen utgår från tre forskningsfrågor: Vad är otrygghet? Vad ger upphov till otrygghet på offentliga platser? Hur påverkas unga kvinnors liv av upplevd otrygghet på offentliga platser? Materialet analyseras med en induktiv tematisk analysmetod och diskuteras i förhållande till ett sociokulturellt perspektiv på lärande. Denna studie bekräftar tidigare forskning som visar att känslan av otrygghet är ett komplext område, såväl sociala medier, erfarenheter och miljömässiga faktorer har betydelse för upplevd otrygghet. Resultatet i vår studie visar dock att den huvudsakliga orsaken till att känslan av otrygghet uppstår på offentliga platser är mäns gränslösa beteende, vilket har en negativ påverkan på unga kvinnors livskvalité och välmående. / This study aims to increase understanding of young women´s perception of unsafety in publicplaces in Örnsköldsvik. The study raise knowledge about underlying causes of feeling unsafe inpublic places and possible consequences that follow. To examine this, a qualitative semistructured focus group interview is conducted. The interviewees consist of twelve young womenin upper secondary school. This study is based on tree main research questions: What isunsafety? What gives rise to the feeling of being unsafe in public places? How does perceivedunsafety in public places affect young women lives? The collected data material is analyzedusing an inductive thematic analyze method and is discussed in relation to a socioculturalperspective on learning. The result confirms that perceived unsafety is a complex problemcaused by several influencing factors, such as social media, experiences of victimization andenvironmental factors. However, the main reason for the occurrence of perceived unsafetyamong young women appears to be men and their disrespectful behavior. This in turn has anegative effect on wellbeing and quality of life among young women.
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”VART ÄR VI PÅ VÄG?” / WHERE ARE WE GOING?Grundmark, Anna January 2019 (has links)
In the middle of the nineteenth century, the train came to Sweden. It has been just over 150 years and a lot has happened. With the train and its station came more then just a means of transportation, it turned Sweden from a developing country into one of the most modern. In the small Swedish cities and on the countryside, the stations became a central node, a meeting point and a place to gather. The train passed through previously isolated areas where the stations became not only just that but also a window towards the rest of the world. This project is a study of the Swedish train station and a humble proposal on how to treat them, what to do with them and when to do it (now).
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Betydelse av meningsfulla fysiska samlingsplatser och psykisk hälsa bland ungdomar / Importance of meaningful physical gathering places and mental health among youthsViklund, Elias, Niklasson Burlin, Jonathan January 2022 (has links)
Denna studie syftar till att undersöka hur ungdomars psykiska hälsa kan påverkas av fysisk interaktion på fysiska samlingsplatser samt deras motiv för att intressera sig för meningsfyllda fysiska samlingsplatser. Undersökningen genomfördes genom en kvalitativ ansats i formen av en litteraturstudie. Resultatet visar indikationer på att fysisk interaktion kan vara positivt för ungdomars psykiska hälsa. Meningsfulla fysiska samlingsplatser kan vara platser för fysisk interaktion och därigenom är platser där ungdomars psykiska hälsa kan påverkas. Resultaten visar också indikationer för ett samband mellan användningen av sociala medier via vistelsen på digitala samlingsplatser och symtom på psykisk ohälsa. Ungdomar uppger att de helst vill spendera sin fritid på aktiviteter som de tycker är roliga och intresserar dem. I analysen framkommer det att många av de ungdomar som rapporterade en bättre psykisk hälsa hade en högre benägenhet att delta i gemenskapsbundna fritidsaktiviteter. Detta fenomen förklaras med hjälp av känslan av meningsfullhet och deras förmåga av hanterbarhet enligt KASAM-teorin. Det diskuteras sedan behovet av struktur och hur saknaden av struktur verkar påverka ungdomarnas förmåga att lära sig ett prosocialt beteende, samt möjligheterna att delta i strukturerade fritidsaktiviteter. Slutsatserna är att det behövs ytterligare forskning på området men att det verkar finnas tendenser som pekar på att fysisk social interaktion medför en bättre psykisk hälsa än digital social interaktion.
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"Den som äger Gotland, äger Östersjön"Fie-Ahlvin, Hanna January 2023 (has links)
This study delves into the security and defense debates that took place on the Swedish island of Gotland during the closing years of the cold war, from 1987 to 1989. Gotland’s unique geographical position as a border zone during this era, facing the Soviet Union´s across the Baltic Sea towards the Baltics, made it a focal point in discussions surrounding Sweden´s geographical stance. This paper analyzes the newspaper articles, political statements and letters to the editor to shed light on how local and political actors perceived Gotland´s defense capabilities and its strategic significance within the broader geographical context. The research methodology involves close reading and textual analysis, with focus on the intertextual aspect of the chosen newspaper articles. The study examines articles from the gotlandic newspaper Gotlands Allehanda and Gotlands Tidningar, both of which remain influential on Gotland to this day. By contextualizing the articles within the historical context of the Cold War, this research aims to provide a deeper understanding of Gotlands role as a border zone and how it was influenced by and influenced the geopolitical dynamics of the time.
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