Spelling suggestions: "subject:"nonplaces"" "subject:"amongplaces""
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Is practice placement capacity helping the NHS to recruit healthcare professionals?Hellawell, Michael, Graham, Claire, O'Brien, Caroline January 2018 (has links)
Yes / Practice placements are a fundamental aspect of preparing students for working in the NHS and will influence where, and in what specialities, students work. Additionally, NHS leaders now consider the issues of recruitment and retention of NHS staff to be as serious as concerns over funding. NHS Providers have outlined the issues although there appears to be little, or no, consideration in terms of plans required for the most immediate future workforce. It is hypothesised that there is link between student healthcare placement capacity and workforce gaps. The policy of increasing training places and of funding practice placements may have a positive effect on practice placement provision and if so contribute to increasing the NHS workforce, but without further detail this impact remains unknown. Along with most aspects of service delivery, planning practice placements using the best available evidence will ensure that the impact on service delivery is minimised while maximising the experience for the next generation of NHS employees.
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Processus de valorisation patrimoniale, tourisme et développement local en Haïti de 2010 à 2018 : le cas de la place d'Armes des GonaïvesCasimir, Rodny 25 March 2024 (has links)
Titre de l'écran-titre (visionné le 30 octobre 2023) / La place d'Armes des Gonaïves en Haïti est le site qu'avait choisi Jean Jacques Dessalines pour la prononciation du premier discours consacrant la naissance du nouvel État. Depuis ce grand événement, ce lieu incarne l'acte d'union accompli lors de la guerre de l'indépendance. Il est aussi le symbole de la survie et la communion nationale dans les sphères politique, sociale et culturelle. Malgré la place unique qu'occupe ce lieu dans l'histoire et la mémoire collective d'Haïti. Ce site souffre de peu de considération de la part des acteurs locaux et nationaux. L'objectif de ce travail vise à ce que ce lieu historique et patrimonial soit pris en considération par les acteurs chargés de la valorisation du patrimoine haïtien. Pour ce faire, nous procèderons à un important travail de documentation portant sur les enjeux et les défis de la patrimonialisation du site au moyen d'observations directes et participantes, d'entretiens avec des cadres du ministère de l'Éducation nationale et de la formation professionnelle (MENFP), de l'Institut de sauvegarde du patrimoine national (ISPAN), de membres des associations culturelles de la ville des Gonaïves.
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Monica Alis Brick Lane: A tale of two cities or How Nazneen left her fate / Monica Alis Brick Lane: A tale of two cities or How Nazneen left her fateJulia Goulart Sereno 21 March 2011 (has links)
O objetivo desta dissertação é analisar o romance Brick Lane (2003), da escritora Monica Ali, focalizando o processo de empoderamento da protagonista Nazneen. Usando os conceitos de lugar e não-lugar propostos por Marc Augé, pretendo examinar passagens do romance que caracterizem a sensação de não-pertencimento vivida pela personagem. Nazneen recorre às memórias de sua infância com a irmã Hasina em Bangladesh para tentar se distanciar do espaço físico de Brick Lane (a comunidade onde reside em Londres), que se constitui em um não-lugar, pois ali não é possível reconstruir sua identidade fragmentada pelo deslocamento de uma cultura para outra. Considerando aspectos históricos e culturais de Bangladesh, terra natal de Nazneen, este trabalho pretende discutir as experiências da protagonista e de outros sujeitos diaspóricos do romance, além de analisar o papel crucial que Hasina (e suas cartas) desempenham na narrativa. O atual contexto multicultural e cosmopolita da cidade de Londres também será investigado, com a discussão de situações que afetam os imigrantes e suas representações no romance. Esta dissertação também considera o caráter gendrado dos movimentos migratórios contemporâneos que possibilitam novas perspectivas acerca das consequências da diáspora. A análise de passagens selecionadas do romance ratifica o processo gradual de autonomia de Nazneen que, por fim, consegue se sentir em casa novamente / The objective of this dissertation is to analyze the novel Brick Lane (2003), by Monica Ali, focusing on the process of empowerment of the protagonist Nazneen. By making use of the concepts of place and non-place proposed by Marc Augé, I intend to examine passages from the novel that characterize the feeling of not-belonging experienced by the character. Nazneen resorts to the memories of her childhood with her sister Hasina in Bangladesh in order to escape the physical space of Brick Lane, which is a non-place for Nazneen, who is unable to reconstruct her identity fragmented in the process of dislocation from one culture to another. Considering the historical and cultural aspects of Bangladesh, Nazneens homeland, this work intends to discuss the experiences of the protagonist and other diasporic subjects in the novel as well as to analyze the crucial role played by Hasina (and her letters) in the narrative. The present multicultural and cosmopolitan context of London will also be investigated, with a discussion of real situations affecting immigrants and their representations in the novel. This dissertation also considers the gendered nature of contemporary migratory movements which offer new perspectives on the consequences of diaspora. I will also analyze selected passages from the novel that highlight the gradual process of autonomy experienced by Nazneen who, eventually, feels at home again
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Monica Alis Brick Lane: A tale of two cities or How Nazneen left her fate / Monica Alis Brick Lane: A tale of two cities or How Nazneen left her fateJulia Goulart Sereno 21 March 2011 (has links)
O objetivo desta dissertação é analisar o romance Brick Lane (2003), da escritora Monica Ali, focalizando o processo de empoderamento da protagonista Nazneen. Usando os conceitos de lugar e não-lugar propostos por Marc Augé, pretendo examinar passagens do romance que caracterizem a sensação de não-pertencimento vivida pela personagem. Nazneen recorre às memórias de sua infância com a irmã Hasina em Bangladesh para tentar se distanciar do espaço físico de Brick Lane (a comunidade onde reside em Londres), que se constitui em um não-lugar, pois ali não é possível reconstruir sua identidade fragmentada pelo deslocamento de uma cultura para outra. Considerando aspectos históricos e culturais de Bangladesh, terra natal de Nazneen, este trabalho pretende discutir as experiências da protagonista e de outros sujeitos diaspóricos do romance, além de analisar o papel crucial que Hasina (e suas cartas) desempenham na narrativa. O atual contexto multicultural e cosmopolita da cidade de Londres também será investigado, com a discussão de situações que afetam os imigrantes e suas representações no romance. Esta dissertação também considera o caráter gendrado dos movimentos migratórios contemporâneos que possibilitam novas perspectivas acerca das consequências da diáspora. A análise de passagens selecionadas do romance ratifica o processo gradual de autonomia de Nazneen que, por fim, consegue se sentir em casa novamente / The objective of this dissertation is to analyze the novel Brick Lane (2003), by Monica Ali, focusing on the process of empowerment of the protagonist Nazneen. By making use of the concepts of place and non-place proposed by Marc Augé, I intend to examine passages from the novel that characterize the feeling of not-belonging experienced by the character. Nazneen resorts to the memories of her childhood with her sister Hasina in Bangladesh in order to escape the physical space of Brick Lane, which is a non-place for Nazneen, who is unable to reconstruct her identity fragmented in the process of dislocation from one culture to another. Considering the historical and cultural aspects of Bangladesh, Nazneens homeland, this work intends to discuss the experiences of the protagonist and other diasporic subjects in the novel as well as to analyze the crucial role played by Hasina (and her letters) in the narrative. The present multicultural and cosmopolitan context of London will also be investigated, with a discussion of real situations affecting immigrants and their representations in the novel. This dissertation also considers the gendered nature of contemporary migratory movements which offer new perspectives on the consequences of diaspora. I will also analyze selected passages from the novel that highlight the gradual process of autonomy experienced by Nazneen who, eventually, feels at home again
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Budova 18, rue Bonaparte: Místo paměti a jeho význam pro Čechy žijící v Paříži / The building at 18, rue Bonaparte: The place of memory and its meaning for the Czechs living in ParisOkénková, Věra January 2014 (has links)
Diploma thesis "The building at 18, rue Bonaparte: The place of memory and its meaning for the Czechs living in Paris" deals with the theme of everyday life of the Czechs in Paris which is connected with a place that presents a piece of Czech country inside of the historical Paris. This work tries to show the perception of this place on the basis of material, functional and symbolic meaning of this building. As well it treats the overhangs to the migration studies, memory studies and problems of identity. Constituent of the text is also theoretical embodiment of the concept of a place not only in the ethnology but also in others social and humanity sciences - mainly with the regard to the Pierre Nora's theory "places of memory" and Marc Augé's theory "anthropological places". Apart from the symbolical capital of the building at 18, rue Bonaparte which is important place of memory there is presented in the text also history of another places in France which is a part of collective memory of the compatriots up to now. The main goal of this work is to present how important role can play one concrete physical place with strong functional and symbolic meaning for the Czechs living outside of their homeland and how this place can contribute to the process of integration to the hosting society.
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Sociabilités de comptoir : une ethnographie des débits de boissons / Drinking places : a sociological perspecitve of norms and behaviours in barsNiedzielski, Pierre-Emmanuel 24 September 2018 (has links)
Les débits de boissons que l’on préfère les appeler cafés, bars, troquets ou autres font partie de nos sociétés depuis plusieurs siècles. A ce titre ils nous paraissent parfois familier, les connaissons nous vraiment ? A travers le discours d’une quarantaine de personnes qui ont partagé leurs expériences et le sens qu’ils donnent à leurs pratiques, cette thèse propose une exploration des usages en cours des débits de boissons, des raisons qui nous y conduisent jusqu’aux ritualités qui accompagnent les façons d’y consommer. Scindés autour de plusieurs axes qui déterminent les normes comportementales, les débits de boissons ne sont pas vécus ni envisagés de la même façon selon qu’il s’agisse du jour ou de la nuit, que l’on s’y rende seul ou accompagné. Ces axes influent sur les façons de boire, le choix du lieu et les rencontres qui s’y produisent ou non. Cette orchestration variée et pourtant harmonieuse est détaillée au cours de cette recherche offre une réponse originale quant à la place qu’ils occupent dans nos sociétés. / The drinking establishments that we sometimes call cafes or bars have been part of our societies for several centuries. As such they seem to us sometimes familiar but do we really know them ?Through the speech of some forty people who have shared their experiences and the meaning they give to their practices, this thesis proposes an exploration of the current uses of drinking establishments, the reasons that lead us there, to the rituals which accompany the ways of consuming alcohol. Split between several axes that determine behavioral norms, drinking establishments are not experienced or considered in the same way depending on whether it is day or night, whether one goes there alone or accompanied. These axes influence the ways of drinking, the choice of place and the encounters that occur there or not. This varied and yet harmonious orchestration is detailed during this research and offers an original answer as to the place they occupy in our societies.
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Les espaces de la mort à Beyrouth. Entre frontières, structuration et fragmentation de l’espace géopolitique / Spaces of death in Beirut. Between boundaries, structuringand fragmentation of the geopolitical spaceAbdel-Hay, Germaine 12 December 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur l’étude des frontières et des limites qui marquent les rapports entre les morts et les vivants dans la ville en général, et plus particulièrement à Beyrouth, ville multiconfessionnelle. Elle pose la question de la nature des espaces, places et territoire de la mort, inscrite dans ses formes les plus concrètes : les cimetières, et les limites qu’ils entretiennent entre eux d’une part et avec la ville, d’autre part. Elle décrit leur impact sur l’organisation spatiale au sein de la ville tout en interrogeant les stratégies et les enjeux adoptés par chaque groupe pour affirmer sa présence face aux autres.Notre choix s'est porté sur la ville de Beyrouth parce que cette dernière présente une histoire sociale, culturelle, religieuse et urbaine riche et particulière, et a subi des changements démographiques, urbanistiques et paysagers radicaux au cours de l’Histoire et surtout durant les dernières années de guerre (1975-1990) et de l’après-guerre. Après les différents conflits, les espaces de la mort, par leur emplacement et les limites qu’ils entretiennent entre eux et avec la ville, constituent une véritable césure physique et symbolique, conditionnée par les appartenances politiques, sociales ou religieuses. Ces espaces semblent être instrumentés par les vivants pour justifier leurs positions spatiales ou s’arroger le droit d’occuper tel lieu. Dans ce cas, les cimetières constitueraient de véritables enjeux, aux implications diverses, qui peuvent aller jusqu'à fragmenter et restructurer le paysage urbain d’une ville. À Beyrouth, suite aux différentes guerres, le lien est manifeste entre la géographie de la mort et la géopolitique. / This thesis focuses on the study of borders and boundaries that mark the relations between the dead and the living in multiconfessional cities in general, and particularly Beirut. It raises the question of the nature of spaces, places and territories of death in its most concrete forms: the cemeteries, and the limits between them on one hand and with the city on the other. It describes their impact on the spatial organization of the city while questioning the strategies and challenges of each group to assert its presence against the other. Our choice focuses on the city of Beirut because of its social, cultural, religious and urban structure. It has undergone demographic changes through history, especially during the last years of the civil war (1975-1990) and the post-war period. After these conflicts, the spaces of death, their location and their boundaries, have created real physical and symbolic schisms, conditioned by political, social or religious affiliations. These spaces appear to be instrumented by the living to justify their positions in space or to assume the right to occupy such a place. In this case, the cemeteries constitute real challenges for research and entail consequences on space, which can be fragmented and restructured along with the urban landscape.
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Campos de pelada na configuração de espaços livres urbanos na periferia de Maceió Alagoas. / Unofficial soccer fields in Maceió-Alagoas free places urbans periphery.Santos, Nelcy Magdala Moura e 22 October 2009 (has links)
A great number of 475 unofficial and official soccer fields present on the digital cartographical
data/2000, in Maceió city, was approached as a phenomenon related to leisure practice,
sociability and the most popular sport among Brazilians: soccer. The unofficial soccer fields
(campos de pelada) appear on urban scenery due to the need of free leisure places for
communities, mainly, the poorer ones. This research goal is to understand the dynamic of
unofficial soccer fields as places for sociability that compose the city free places system.
Unofficial soccer fields as urban free places directed to leisure and social living, characterized by
non-professional use, unprofessional soccer players, and without refinement in its physical
structure, and that, in some aspects, contribute for urban environment quality. Before the
diversity of observed aspects, physical, social, judicial and cultural, it was necessary to classify
them in 8 categories, making possible thus the analysis and the definition of the diferences
between unofficial and official soccer fields. Soccer is a collective sport which requires
competitive and cooperative spirit, considering that cooperation, in this research, is used as a
word and action intensely experienced into the daily of poor communities, among them, the one
in the popular Benedito Bentes sector. In this place, the deepening of the study about the 3
unofficial soccer fields made possible the perception of the importance degree that they have for
the community and the city, several times assuming the function of a square. The extinction of
these urban places may cause a qualitative loss in the community daily life because they are free
leisure and social living places. / Fundação de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de Alagoas / A expressiva quantidade de 475 campos de pelada e campos de futebol constatada sobre a base
cartográfica digital/2000 da cidade de Maceió foi abordada como um fenômeno relacionado com
a prática do lazer, da sociabilidade e do esporte mais popular entre os brasileiros, o futebol. Os
campos de pelada surgem na malha urbana devido a necessidade de espaços gratuitos de lazer
pelas comunidades, sobretudo, as menos favorecidas. O objetivo desta pesquisa é o entendimento
da dinâmica dos campos de pelada como espaços de sociabilidade constituintes do sistema de
espaços livres da cidade. Campos de pelada são espaços livres urbanos destinados ao lazer e
convívio social, caracterizado pelo uso não profissional, de peladeiros e amadores, e pela
ausência de requinte na sua estrutura física, e que, em alguns aspectos, contribuem para a
qualidade ambiental urbana. Diante da diversidade dos aspectos observados, físicos, sociais,
jurídicos e culturais, sentiu-se a necessidade de classificá-los segundo 8 categorias,
possibilitando assim a análise e definição das diferenças entre campo de futebol e campo de
pelada. O futebol é um esporte coletivo que exige espírito competitivo e cooperativo, haja vista
que cooperação, nessa pesquisa, é decifrada como palavra e ação intensamente vivenciada no
cotidiano das comunidades carentes, entre elas, aquela situada no bairro popular Benedito
Bentes. Nessa localidade, o aprofundamento do estudo dos 3 campos de pelada permitiu a
percepção do grau de importância que estes exercem para a comunidade e para a cidade, muitas
vezes assumindo a função de praça. A extinção destes ambientes urbanos pode gerar uma perda
qualitativa no cotidiano da comunidade porque são espaços de lazer e convívio social gratuitos.
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När barn skapar egna platser - en studie om barns platser i en förskolemiljö i ett strukturerat övervakande samhälleBily, Moa January 2018 (has links)
Children today have difficulty in finding places to play in the modern Swedish welfare society. Spontaneous play in the streets has almost vanished. When parents drive their children to different activities and institutions where the children are supervised and controlled by adults, the children are under constant surveillance. It’s not children or children’s desire to play that has changed, it is society. Despite this surveillance children still manage to create their own places. The aim of this study is to investigate when children create their own places in the preschool in a structured surveillance society as well as to find out what kind of materials they need to create such places. To be able to find out the answers to these questions I performed a mini ethnographic study in a preschool where I observed children. I followed the ethics rules of the Swedish research council. Ideas and concepts that I used were places for children – children’s places, breaking rules as a way to enter play, affordance as well as the theory of prospect refuge. Through these it was possible for me to identify and analyze when children were creating their own places as well as what materials that they used. The results show that children are capable of creating their own places, despite being under constant surveillance in the preschool. They managed to do so both indoors and outdoors. They both created their own places as well as used “places for children” as their own. By creating children’s places of their own, they get to break rules and use creativity as well as learn with their whole bodies, which benefits both their experience of joy as well as their learning.
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Design for Places of CollaborationPetrakou, Alexandra January 2011 (has links)
This thesis reports a research effort that comprises six papers and a cover paper. In essence, the thesis contributes to the understanding of collaborative settings by introducing the perspective of 'places of collaboration‘. This perspective is particularly important when designing computer-based technologies that support collaborative settings. The starting point and overall research aim is to understand people‘s efforts to configure their current context for the purposes of collaboration. The cover paper of the thesis comprises a theoretical reflection and examination of four collaborative settings. The settings have been studied in situ through ethnographic inquiry and the results are reported in the six papers enclosed in the thesis. In my theoretical reflection, the concepts of 'place‘, 'space‘ and 'boundary objects‘ are central. The studies revealed that people‘s efforts to configure the current context create and reflect a 'place of collaboration‘. In other words, the effort to configure the context results in a practice characterized by an understanding of how to cooperate; a collaborative practice that constitutes a 'place of collaboration‘. During this configuration, the space and the use of materiality in this space are important parts in the creation of a place of collaboration. In addition, people configure collaborative contexts of intersecting practices by creating boundary objects. Boundary objects serve as mediators in a place-making process for the integration of places into a 'place of collaboration‘ for several practices. What is more, the dynamics of a place of collaboration may affect changes in existing modes of working and in computer-based tools that have been introduced into the workplace. The people and practices that constitute the place will in turn re-configure the place of collaboration, including the space and objects available due to the new circumstances. People‘s configuration of their current context reveals crucial aspects about the place of collaboration that must be considered also when designing to support this setting. However, this configuration may not necessarily equal efficiency and effectiveness, as evaluated by actors external to this context. The conclusion of this thesis is that future research and design should consider how to support people in their own effort to configure their collaborative context.
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