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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Zjištění ceny rodinného domu a posouzení, zda sjednané pojištění pokryje případnou totální škodu v Letovicích a okolí / Determine the price of the house and assess whether the agreed total insurance will cover any damage in and around Letovice

Kaderka, Jaroslav January 2013 (has links)
The thesis is engaged in executing the prices of three different types of houses and especially the assessment of whether insurance contract in each of them covers a potential total loss, ensuring the cost of comparable housing. Location of interest is located in the district of Blansko, namely Letovice and surroundings. The basic terminology and methods of real estate valuation is described in the thesis. In details, three selected methods are described, which are cost method, comparative method according to regulations and the comparative non-promulgation method which have been used for valuation. For the real estate insurance has been selected company Allianz, which is also described in the thesis. The conclusion is devoted to the recapitulation of prices and insurance cover risk.

The International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda's approach to serious violations of humanitarian law

Mutabazi, Etienne 11 1900 (has links)
On October 1, 1990 the Rwandan Patriotic Front launched a war from and with the support of the Republic of Uganda against Rwanda. This war was accompanied by unspeakable violations of International Humanitarian Law. Both conflicting parties violated the basic rules protecting the civilian population in situations of armed conflicts. The United Nations Security Council, acting under Chapter VII of its Charter, passed resolution 955 of November 8, 1994 establishing the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda to prosecute alleged responsible of such violations. This study investigates the background of the ICTR and questions the nature of the conflict that prompted the Security Council to establish another ad hoc international criminal tribunal after the one established for the former Yugoslavia. It further inquires into its jurisprudence and reflects critically on the ICTR's approach to serious violations of IHL under Article 3 Common to the Geneva Conventions and Additional Protocol II. / Jurisprudence / LL. M. (Law)

Le contentieux de la résolution du contrat au regard de l'article 1184 du Code civil : éléments pour une stratégie du créancier / Judicial dissolution of contract based on article 1184 of French Civil Code : elements for a creditor's strategy

Berne de la Calle, Cédric 16 April 2014 (has links)
La stratégie du créancier face à l'inexécution est une réalité masquée par les théories, elle est tacite dans les analyses. Les éléments qui la composent sont étudiés tour à tour de façon à découvrir une institution qui est composée de mécanismes interdépendants ayant chacun son propre ressort. À partir de l'article 1184 du Code civil, il a fallu saisir l'esprit de la résolution, des qualifications qu'elle comprend, expressément et tacitement, dans l'optique de vérifier les connaissances présentés comme certaines afin de projeter l'institution dans une perspective d'avenir.À travers huit thématiques constitutives de la résolution, il est question d'opérer un tri dans les connaissances relatives au domaine de l'action, à la disqualification de la force majeure, à l'inexécution du contrat par le débiteur dûment constatée par une mise en demeure. Le juge une fois saisi, le créancier bénéficie ainsi de l'option entre résolution ou exécution forcée conférée par l'article 1184 alinéa 2, amenant au caractère judiciaire - fort discuté - de l'action. Enfin, la résolution produit des effets apparents sur le contrat : la rétroactivité mais surtout des effets caractéristiques : l'extinction et les restitutions qui sont issues de la décision judiciaire de résolution.Si le concept de résolution a été étudié à travers son fondement, son histoire ou encore ses formes diverses, il restait à explorer l'envers de cette théorie dans une relecture critique rappelant sa fonction première : permettre au créancier de protéger le contrat face au phénomène d'inexécution. / Creditor's strategy in case of breach of contract is often avoided because of full theories.It could be described as a tacit phenomenon. Elements of judicial dissolution are studied in a way to discover a legal institution made by independent mechanisms which each have their own spring. Starting with article 1184 of French Civil Code, the aim of the study was to grasp the spirit of "judicial dissolution" of contract, also the legal institutions it contains, formally or tacitly, checking all the law doctrinal knowledge, supposed to be certain and proposing a perspective for this particular judicial termination of contract.Judicial dissolution composed of eight themes is a study trying to share into a mass knowledge relative to the action's area, the fortuitous event (irresistible force), the breach of contract itself, which is officially established into a formal notice. When the judge is seized, the creditor has a legal option between dissolution or enforced performance offered by article 1184 paragraph 2, which leads to the question of judicial characteristic - involving an important argument - of the dissolution.Finally, judicial dissolution causes apparent consequences : retrospective effect on contract but, overall, there are specific effects : termination of contract involving return of goods, values and performances between parties coming from the judicial decision.If dissolution's concept had been studied before into its fundamentals, its story or its diverse forms, it allows to explore the reverse side of this theory into as a new critical reading which recalls the original function of this legal action : to permit creditor to defend in case of breach of contract

Les clauses de fin de contrat / End-of-contract clauses

Frasson, Vanessa 24 October 2014 (has links)
Les clauses de fin de contrat illustrent l’importance de la liberté contractuelle. La pratique s’est emparée de cette période de l’« après-Contrat » sous le contrôle de la jurisprudence, dans le relatif désintérêt du législateur.Les fins du contrat sont diverses. La fin peut être retardée par le biais de la prorogation du contrat. La fin peut être prématurée : elle peut être une fin brutale et définitive par le biais de la clause résolutoire, la continuité de ce qui était par l’arrivée du terme extinctif, ou encore la venue de quelque chose de nouveau par le biais d’une clause de caducité. La fin peut n’être qu’un passage vers un autre contrat par le biais de la reconduction. Il en ressort un flou théorique nécessitant une construction juridique. Il peut être proposé de scinder le temps de l’après-Contrat en trois temps. Le premier temps, les parties satisfaites de leur relation vont chercher à la faire perdurer. Les clauses de fin de contrat ont alors pour finalité la préservation de la pérennité du lien contractuel entre les parties. La deuxième période porte sur les modes d’extinction du contrat. La sortie de la relation contractuelle est devenue un enjeu important nécessitant le recours à différents mécanismes juridiques tels que la clause de dédit, la condition résolutoire ou encore la clause résolutoire.La troisième période peut être désignée comme la période de liquidation du passé contractuel comprenant deux séries de clauses : celles liquidant le passé contractuel (notamment la clause de non-Concurrence et la clause de confidentialité) et celle s’intéressant à l’avenir post-Contractuel. La fin du contrat doit être distinguée de la clôture de la relation contractuelle désignant la cessation de toutes les obligations post-Contractuelles et de leurs conséquences. Ainsi loin d’être secondaires, ces clauses de fin de contrat composant la période de l’après-Contrat sont fondamentales pour toute relation d’affaires continue. / End-Of-Contract clauses illustrate the significance of contractual freedom. Practice took hold of this “post-Contractual” period under the control of established precedents, in the relative disinterest of lawmakers.The types of contractual ends are diverse. The end may be delayed by means of prolongation of the contract. The end may come prematurely: it may come suddenly and definitively by means of a termination clause, the continuity of that which was by the arrival of the extinctive term, or the arrival of something new by means of a sunset clause. The end may only be a passage to another contract by means of renewal. This results in a lack of theoretical clarity that requires a legal structure. It may be proposed to divide the post-Contractual period into three parts. In the first part, parties satisfied with their relationship will seek to have it continue. The end-Of-Contract clauses thus serve the purpose of preserving the durability of the contractual bond between the parties. The second part involves the manner of termination the contract. Closing the contractual relationship has become an important matter that requires resorting to different legal mechanisms such as the forfeiture clause, the termination condition or the termination clause.The third part may be referred to as the period of liquidation of the contractual past including two series of clauses: those liquidating the contractual past (notably the clause of non-Competition and the clause of confidentiality) and those concerning the post-Contractual future. The end of the contract must be distinguished from the close of the contractual relationship designating the cessation of all post-Contractual obligations and their consequences. Thus, far from being secondary, these end-Of-Contract clauses affecting the post-Contractual period are fundamental for any ongoing business relationship.

Zánik závazků jednostranným právním jednáním / Discharge of Obligations by Unilateral Legal Act

Bém, Jiří January 2016 (has links)
It is now more than two years since the new Civil Code (OZ), which unified the previous predominantly two-way regulation of the discharge of obligations in one single codex, became effective. As a follow-up to this legally significant event, the focus of my PhD thesis (dissertation) has been on analyzing the resulting changes in comparison with the foregoing legal regulation of the Civil Code and the Commercial Code, including a deliberation on whether such changes have been positive or, alternatively, whether the new regulation can be reproached for certain shortcomings. Although the regulation of OZ which deals with the termination of obligations due to unilateral legal act (such as satisfaction/fulfillment of an obligation (in Czech: "splnění"), deposition in court custody (in Czech: "složení do soudní úschovy"), withdrawal from a contract (in Czech: "odstoupení od smlouvy"), contract cancellation fee (in Czech: "odstupné"), cancellation/termination of a contract by a notice of cancellation/termination (in Czech: "výpověď smlouvy"), and unilateral set-off (in Czech: "jednostranné započtení")) mostly follows up the preceding regulation, it also introduces certain new elements. These new elements evidently intended both to remove certain issues of smaller relevance resulting from the current...

Išbandymas sudarant darbo sutartį : jo reguliavimo Lietuvoje ir ES valstybėse - narėse lyginamoji analizė / The comparative analysis of probation clause in a contract of employment in Lithuania and the members of the EU

Šilinskaitė, Jurga 16 March 2006 (has links)
By means of comparative analysis the features of regulation of probationary period in a contract of employment in the law of Lithuania and the members of the EU are revealed. The problem of evaluation of the results of probationary period as well as the right to dispute the dismissal due to the negative outcome of probationary period are considered. The author also discusses some law cases of the Supreme Court of Lithuania to reveal the problems, related to probation clause.

The International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda's approach to serious violations of humanitarian law

Mutabazi, Etienne 11 1900 (has links)
On October 1, 1990 the Rwandan Patriotic Front launched a war from and with the support of the Republic of Uganda against Rwanda. This war was accompanied by unspeakable violations of International Humanitarian Law. Both conflicting parties violated the basic rules protecting the civilian population in situations of armed conflicts. The United Nations Security Council, acting under Chapter VII of its Charter, passed resolution 955 of November 8, 1994 establishing the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda to prosecute alleged responsible of such violations. This study investigates the background of the ICTR and questions the nature of the conflict that prompted the Security Council to establish another ad hoc international criminal tribunal after the one established for the former Yugoslavia. It further inquires into its jurisprudence and reflects critically on the ICTR's approach to serious violations of IHL under Article 3 Common to the Geneva Conventions and Additional Protocol II. / Jurisprudence / LL. M. (Law)

L'encadrement juridique du droit de grève : étude comparée Benin - France / The legal framework for the right to strike : comparative study Benin-France

Quenum, Cossi 21 July 2017 (has links)
Délit pénal puis faute contractuelle, la grève est devenue un droit constitutionnel en France et au Bénin. Le législateur français a assorti l’exercice du droit de grève de garanties en optant pour le principe de la suspension du contrat de travail du salarié faisant grève, le maintien de l’emploi dès lors que la grève se déroule dans certaines conditions. Seule la faute lourde imputable au salarié rend possible la rupture du contrat de travail. Le législateur béninois n’a pas édicté expressément les mêmes règles laissant à la jurisprudence le soin de protéger et garantir l’exercice de ce droit constitutionnel. Pour exercer valablement le droit de grève, les grévistes doivent informer préalablement de l’employeur de leur revendication afin qu’il puisse y répondre et éviter si possible le déclenchement de la grève. Le droit de grève doit s’exercer dans la quête permanente d’une compatibilité avec d’autres libertés constitutionnelles (droit de propriété, liberté d’entreprendre, liberté du travail,…). Il existe dans les deux pays des procédures facultatives de prévention et de résolution de conflit. L’exercice du droit de grève s’incline devant l’invocation d’un intérêt supérieur tel que l’intérêt général ; ceci conduit à la prévision d’un service minimum, parfois à un ordre de réquisition. Par ailleurs, l’obligation d’observer un préavis tout comme la multiplication de recours préalable peut participer, singulièrement au Bénin, de stratégies visant à différer ou à rendre difficile l’entrée en grève. Enfin, de façon variable en droits béninois et français, sont interdits certains motifs ou certaines modalités de grève. Dans les deux pays, en cas d’exercice anormal du droit de grève, le gréviste peut voir mis en jeu sa responsabilité tant au plan civil que pénal. Respecter le droit de grève tout en limitant les débordements les plus nuisibles liés parfois à son exercice, conduit à voir affirmer une véritable démocratie sociale, adjuvant nécessaire de la démocratie politique. / Penal offense and then contractual fault, the strike became a constitutional right in France and Benin. This consecration comes in paragraph 7 of the Preamble of the French Constitution: "the right to strike is exercised within the framework of the laws that regulate it". Article 31 of the Beninese Constitution of 11 December 1990 states: "The State recognizes and guarantees the right to strike. Any worker may defend his interests, either individually or collectively or through trade union action, as provided by law. The right to strike shall be exercised in accordance with the conditions laid down by law ". As the formulas adopted by the French and Beninese constituents were almost similar, it was the legislator who had the task of clarifying the scope of beneficiaries. In common, apart from some variable legal limitations, the right to strike is found both in the public sector and in the private sector. The Beninese and French legislators have specified the conditions under which the right to strike can be exercised and the formalities or procedures to be respected before the strike begins. The French legislature imposed guarantees on the exercise of the right to strike by opting for the principle of the suspension of the employment contract of the striking employee and the maintenance of employment if the strike takes place under certain conditions. Only the gross negligence attributable to the employee makes it possible to terminate the employment contract. The Beninese legislature has not expressly enacted the same rules, leaving the case law to protect and guarantee the exercise of this constitutional right. The powers traditionally recognized by the employer are subject to scrutiny when disciplinary proceedings are instituted against strikers or in the event of a pay deduction for strike action. Protection is only in favor of a strike based on professional demands. In order to properly exercise the right to strike, strikers must inform the employer in advance of their claim so that they can respond to it and avoid the strike if possible. The right to strike must be exercised in the permanent search for compatibility with other constitutional freedoms (property rights, freedom of enterprise, freedom of labor, etc.). There are voluntary conflict prevention and resolution procedures in both countries. The exercise of the right to strike is subject to the invocation of a superior interest such as the general interest, but also sometimes to the obligation imposed on employees to observe a minimum service or even to respond to a requisition order. The system of requisitioning strikers differs in its implementation in Benin and French law. On the other hand, the obligation to observe a long notice as well as the multiplication of preliminary remedies is part of strategies to delay or make difficult the strike. In Beninese law, as in French law, certain grounds or methods of strike are prohibited. By way of indication, the requirement to call a strike by a representative trade union in the public sector constitutes a point of divergence between Beninese and French rights. On the other hand, in both countries, the "statute" of an employee's striker does not preclude the possibility that, in the event of an abnormal exercise of the right to strike, civil or criminal liability may be exercised.

Rozvazování pracovních poměrů / Termination of employment contracts

Holoubková, Aneta January 2011 (has links)
The final thesis deals with the theme of termination of employment contracts from the perspective of the law and the practice of the company. The aim of thesis is to introduce the reader to the issue of employment termination, to show the changes of Act No. 262/2006 Coll. Labour Code that became effective on January 1, 2012 with amendment No. 365/2011 Coll. in the theme of this thesis and to identify practices of employment termination in the monitored company. The methods used are observation, comparison, analysis and synthesis. In the theme of termination of employment contracts, the focus is given to termination by the employee, employer or by mutual agreement and also to invalid employment termination. However, the reader is in the first chapters familiarized with employment relations and subjects of these relations as well. A separate part of the thesis is concerned on the practice of company doing business in the banking sector, in this part are described practices of this company in terminating employment relationships and the impact of the amendment to the Labour Code on the monitored company.

Srovnání vybraných způsobů ocenění pro nemovitost typu byt ve Žďáře nad Sázavou / Comparison of Selected Methods of Valuation of Apartment-type Real Estate in Žďár nad Sázavou

Úradníček, Pavel January 2011 (has links)
This master’s thesis survey on juxtaposition single methods that the use for evaluation real property type flat. From methods exploited for evaluation avails administrative way evaluation, for assesment usual price will used method direct comparison. Confrontation flats will effected in locality Žďár nad Sázavou, subject evaluation will houses about sizes 2+1. Work includes description given to areas and maps in her situation in the marketplace with houses periods.

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