Spelling suggestions: "subject:"novella"" "subject:"novelle""
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Ensamhetens människor : Den svenska samtidsnovellen ur ett tematiskt perspektivFahlén Olsson, Sara January 2011 (has links)
No description available.
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The Space Cadet and the Golden Moon : Thoughts About my Work / There is Plenty of Misery for EveryoneBergström Hyldahl, Johan January 2014 (has links)
A space cadet wakes up by the rattle of his spaceship leaving the atmosphere of the earth. He is faced with the glowing sphere of his destination, the Moon, ahead of him. As he approaches the point where he is supposed to launch the rocket for course trajectory, he ponders his life, his village, and his education. But he needs to maintain his focus - if he launches the rocket too late, he will have passed the gravity field of the moon, and will be lost in space forever. / [I examensarbetet ingår utställningen "There is Plenty of Misery for Everyone":] Lentikulärbilder med 3d effekt samt animation av groteska motiv som har kopplingar till holländskt 1600tals måleri Material: Lentikulärbilder i plastram. Teknik: Foto/video. / <p>Examensarbetet består av 9 bilder samt en essä</p>
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UTOPIAThorell, Julia January 2019 (has links)
Mitt examensarbete består av en skriftlig del och en gestaltande del. Den skriftliga delen är en DROP, med beskrivande text och bild kring arbetsprocessen av mitt examensarbete. Den gestaltande delen består av mitt examensarbete, den grafiska novellen UTOPIA.
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Novell’s Open Source Evolution: a case study in adapting open source business strategiesDu Preez, Jacobus Andries 10 March 2006 (has links)
Novell International was a leading network operating system provider in the 1980’s and 1990’s. In the mid 1990’s Novell lost market share in the network operating system market. To counter this loss, Novell made a strategic decision to go open i.e. to make use of open standards and open source business strategies. Since then Novell has managed to successfully change from being a proprietary network operating system provider to being a leader in Linux and open source solutions. Its primary business model makes use of a subscription strategy, selling subscriptions to its Linux desktop operating system called SuSE. This has been instrumental in turning their business around. For example, comparing the financial results of Novell’s fourth quarters of 2004 and 2005 shows an increase of 418% in Linux revenue to $61m. Novell has proven that this open source business strategy is feasible and profitable. / Dissertation (M-IT)--University of Pretoria, 2007. / Informatics / unrestricted
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The evaluation and analysis of the control facilities in a network environment with specific reference to Novell 408 September 2015 (has links)
M.Com. / The auditor has the objective to express an opinion on the financial statements on which he is reporting. It is important for the auditor to know that the data which he is auditing has not been changed without the necessary authority or been lost and that the data meets the three Information Security Objectives (IS0s) ...
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Erik / ErikSvensson, Freddie January 2019 (has links)
Detta avsnitt är en del av ett större romanprojekt där vi får följa en av huvudkaraktärerna Erik. Avsnittet tar avstamp i ett förvrängt Malmö där byråkratin härskar och Erik försöker hitta sin plats i maskineriet.
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Vad betyder min novell? : Författaren tolkar sin okända textSvensson, Morgan January 2010 (has links)
<p>All my short stories have been written in an intuitive way according to which no outline of characters, intrigue or plot was made in advance. A consequence of this process is that not even myself as the author is aware of the meaning of the texts and therefore I too have to interpret the stories. Because of the character of the text, I use an analysis of archetypes according to C. G. Jung’s analytic psychology. In addition to this I also use concepts from hermeneutical and existential phenomenology, represented here by Viktor Frankl, Emmanuel Lévinas, Martin Heidegger and Paul Ricoeur. The Jungian analysis shows that the content in the short story <em>Sjön</em> (The lake) in a high degree is structured in a way that correlates very well with this method. When it comes to the phenomenological thinkers, several of their concepts are applicable in my short story. In the philosophy of Frankl and Heidegger, the concept of <em>conscience</em> is a warning to the individual to take care of his life, which is a possible interpretation of the anxiety of my main character. When it comes to his seeking for the significance of an important earlier event in his life the concept of <em>memory</em> in the discourse of Ricoeur also bring some light to the understanding. Finally, the concept of <em>the Other</em> in Lévinas´ philosophy can explain his longing for a reestablishing of a meaning in his life.</p><p> </p>
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Carpeta docente como práctica formativa y de desarrollo profesional del profesorado universitario novel. Un estudio de casos, LaBozu, Zoia 15 October 2008 (has links)
El objeto o la problemática de estudio de la mencionada tesis doctoral lo constituye el análisis de la carpeta docente del profesorado universitario novel.La carpeta docente (en su acepción original, portafolio del profesorado) constituye un fenómeno relativamente reciente en el campo de la formación docente en general, y la de la formación del docente universitario, en particular. Este y algunos más fueron motivos que determinaron a manifestar mucho interés por este foco de investigación. Si bien el portafolio como carpeta de aprendizaje de los estudiantes ha sido investigado de forma recurrente en la Universidad de Barcelona, los análisis sobre la carpeta docente del profesorado universitario novel son escasos en este contexto.Por ello, el objetivo principal de este trabajo de investigación es el de indagar sobre la mejora docente en la aplicación de esta herramienta formativa en el desarrollo profesional del profesorado universitario novel de la Universidad de Barcelona, profesorado que ha elaborado una carpeta docente en los cursos de iniciación en docencia universitaria que imparte el Instituto de Ciencias de la Educación para el profesorado universitario novel de esta universidad.El marco teórico que se aborda en este trabajo responde a un planteamiento de lo general a lo particular, de un nivel macro a un nivel micro de configuración y análisis. Concretamente, el marco teórico consta de cuatro grandes capítulos.En el primer capítulo ("La nueva enseñanza universitaria y el profesorado que requiere"), la doctoranda realiza un análisis descriptivo y reflexivo sobre el nuevo modelo de universidad del siglo XXI, sobre el contexto actual de la enseñanza universitaria y sobre el modelo de profesorado que requiere.El segundo capítulo, "La formación y el desarrollo profesional del profesorado universitario" analiza la profesión de docente universitario, por una parte y, por otra los modelos y las tendencias en la formación y el desarrollo profesional del profesorado universitario.En el tercero, titulado "La formación y el desarrollo profesional del profesorado universitario novel", revisa la literatura más importante sobre la problemática del profesor universitario novel, se analiza la etapa de socialización en la docencia universitaria y describe varias experiencias o programas de formación inicial llevadas a cabo en diferentes universidades del contexto local, nacional e internacional.En el último capítulo, el más sustantivo del marco teórico, se pretende hacer una síntesis acerca de las experiencias y las investigaciones que se han producido en el campo de la enseñanza universitaria sobre la temática de la carpeta docente.La presente tesis doctoral se aproxima o enmarca en un enfoque cualitativo. Dentro del enfoque cualitativo optamos, como metodología de la investigación, por un estudio de casos como la mejor opción para dar cuenta del objeto de investigación. En esta investigación se realiza un "estudio de casos múltiple", dado que la muestra del estudio está constituida por diez profesores universitarios noveles y los datos provienen de diferentes fuentes de información y de la aplicación de varios instrumentos de recogida de datos.El escenario de la investigación es el Curso de Iniciación en la Docencia Universitaria impartido por el Instituto de Ciencias de la Educación (ICE) de la Universitat de Barcelona. La muestra esta constituida por diez docentes noveles universitarios que cursaron este postgrado en una de las ediciones de los cursos 2003-2006 y que pertenecen a diversas áreas de conocimiento de la UB.Para recoger y registrar la información propia de todo el estudio de casos, los instrumentos empleados fueron: la entrevista en profundidad, el análisis textual (análisis de contenido de las diez carpetas docentes) y un cuestionario de opinión.Y finalmente, el informe narrativo del estudio de casos es descriptivo e interpretativo y las conclusiones son relevantes y pertinentes para este estudio. Las conclusiones nos llevan a una propuesta de mejora de la carpeta docente del profesorado para su formación y desarrollo profesional. / In this doctoral thesis I aim at investigating the role of the teaching portfolio in the professional development of new members of the teaching staff at university level.The thesis is divided into five parts. The first two parts are relative short and serve as an introduction. In the first part, I introduce the topic of my thesis and explain why I was deciding to engage in research on this topic. In the second part, I describe how I planned my research.In my third, quite extensive part I develop a theoretical framework for my research.In the third part of my thesis, I present the methodological framework of my research. I begin by characterising my own work as qualitative study in the field of educational research using the method of case studies. I then suggest to develop a questionnaire for my subjects as well as an in-depth interview on the topic of teaching portfolios and a method to analyse the teaching portfolios of a selected number of my subjects. I also demonstrate that my methodological approach satisfies established criteria for scientific rigour (chapter 1). In the second chapter, I describe her sample-new members of the teaching staff at the University of Barcelona-as well as the data collection process and the procedures for data analysis. In my third chapter, a present and interprets the findings of my study. More concretely, I explain how the teaching portfolio is perceived by my subject, how it helps them to reflect on their teaching and what role it is perceived to play in their professional development.The fifth part of my work concludes my study. I point out that the teaching portfolio is perceived from a variety of angles by my subjects, but that there is also quite some communality among the different perspectives with regard to the potential of teaching portfolios to help young university teachers to reflect on their teaching and to develop a professional identity.
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Att välja litterär metodSvensson, Morgan January 2008 (has links)
Mot bakgrund av att jag tappade motivationen att skriva skönlitteratur så fort jag i förväg bestämde textens handling, beslöt jag mig för att hålla fast vid en intuitiv metod men att istället byta genre från roman till novell. Syftet med denna studie är att försöka beskriva hur min metod växte fram och analysera förtjänster och svårigheter med en intuitiv metod. Genom att studera författare som varit inspirationskällor för mig har jag upptäckt att flera av dem brottats med liknande problem och att min stil i flera avseenden påverkats av dem. Resultatet av min studie är att det finns uppenbara likheter mellan Franz Kafkas produktion och min egen när det gäller litterär metod, berättarsynvinkel och bildspråk. Vidare betraktar jag mina noveller snarare som dikter än noveller då grundstrukturen i dem påminner om lyrik, vilket jag försöker visa med hjälp av begrepp hämtade från Jurij Lotman och Riffaterre. Det visade sig också att min förebild inom novellistik, Hjalmar Söderberg, betraktade sina Historietter mer som dikter än noveller. Jag diskuterar även på vilket sätt mina noveller kan ha påverkats av Tomas Tranströmers och Pär Lagerkvists produktion. Avslutningsvis försöker jag också se om det finns möjligheter att komma förbi svårigheterna med min litterära metod när jag i framtiden ska försöka att skriva en roman.
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Vad betyder min novell? : Författaren tolkar sin okända textSvensson, Morgan January 2010 (has links)
All my short stories have been written in an intuitive way according to which no outline of characters, intrigue or plot was made in advance. A consequence of this process is that not even myself as the author is aware of the meaning of the texts and therefore I too have to interpret the stories. Because of the character of the text, I use an analysis of archetypes according to C. G. Jung’s analytic psychology. In addition to this I also use concepts from hermeneutical and existential phenomenology, represented here by Viktor Frankl, Emmanuel Lévinas, Martin Heidegger and Paul Ricoeur. The Jungian analysis shows that the content in the short story Sjön (The lake) in a high degree is structured in a way that correlates very well with this method. When it comes to the phenomenological thinkers, several of their concepts are applicable in my short story. In the philosophy of Frankl and Heidegger, the concept of conscience is a warning to the individual to take care of his life, which is a possible interpretation of the anxiety of my main character. When it comes to his seeking for the significance of an important earlier event in his life the concept of memory in the discourse of Ricoeur also bring some light to the understanding. Finally, the concept of the Other in Lévinas´ philosophy can explain his longing for a reestablishing of a meaning in his life.
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