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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Influential Factors of Customer Experience in O2O E-commerce : A quantitative study of what affects Chinese customers’ experience in online travel industry under the O2O e-commerce context

Yang, Ye January 2017 (has links)
Background: The development of the O2O market in China has been increasingly growing and will remain a steady growth in 2017 (iiMedia Research, 2016), but it is still an ambiguous phenomenon in the academic world and lack of relevant research, especially the influential factors to customer experience in the O2O business model. Research question: What factors affect customer experience in China in the context of O2O business? Purpose: The primary objective of this paper is to examine the influential factors of the customer experience in the context of O2O context, especially to the Chinese customers in the online travel industry. The purpose is to contribute to theoretical development on this topic. Method: The research is a quantitative study with deductive reasoning which was carried out by the survey. The data collection was conducted through online questionnaires. Conclusion: The findings of this study show that all five variables (reference group influence, perceived ease-of-use, sensory experience, brand association and spatial accessibility) are positively influential to Chinese customer experience in the context of O2O business. Perceived ease-of-use and Sensory experience are the most dominant influential factors followed by the Reference group influence and Spatial accessibility. The Brand association impacts customer O2O experience least.

O2O消費的使用與滿足和科技接受整合模式——以線上買票,線下觀影為例 / A Model of O2O Consumer Motivation, Combination of Uses & Gratifications and Technology Acceptance Model: A Study on Movie Ticking

區谷怡 Unknown Date (has links)
電子商務多年的發展之下,人們在生活中已經習慣於網路購物,而隨着智慧型手機等行動裝置的普及,跨越線上與線下的O2O消費掀起了新一波風潮。其中,電影O2O在中國更是以爆發式地增長中。 本研究以電影O2O為例,希望探討消費者在線上購買電影票再到線下電影院觀影的消費行為背後的心理需求動機,以及在使用線上介面時前置因素如何影響其使用行為,以建構結合使用與滿足理論及科技接受模式(Technology Acceptance Model)的O2O消費行為模型。 本研究收集到460份有效問卷,研究結果發現消費者使用O2O的動機包括娛樂性、便利經濟性、社交性,其中娛樂性、社交性動機對促成使用行為有正向影響;而線上使用介面的知覺有用易用性對消費者的線上使用行為有正向影響。 / As e-commerce has been flourished for years, people getting more and more used to shopping online, on the other hand, popularization of mobile device leads to a new trendy of O2O service, which broke the wall between online and offline. For example, movie ticketing O2O is experiencing a great development in China. This study focus on movie ticketing O2O and try to clarify its user motivations, besides how actual uses were influenced by the factors of online interface. Altogether it is tempt to build up an O2O user model which combine with Uses and Gratifications Theory and Technology Acceptance Model. Collected 460 web questionnaires, the findings of this study show that entertainment, convenience and economy, sociality are all motivations of using O2O ticketing, entertainment and sociality indicate significance influence to actual using. For the part of online interface, perceived usefulness and ease of use are combined together to affect the online using positively.

零售業導入Beacon之虛實整合模式分析 / A study on click and mortar business model of Beacon implementation in the retail industry

王冠平 Unknown Date (has links)
虛實整合商業模式及O2O模式等概念在市場上的應用不斷崛起,許多業者紛紛投入電商平台之經營,然在越來越多企業朝電子商務發展的同時,線上消費平台卻傳出一道警訊。目前,全球零售市場的規模在2016年約為22兆美元,其中,電商的份額僅佔了8.7%;即使到了2020年,7成以上市場份額仍由實體通路所把持,此現象催生了「全通路」時代的來臨。 許多人誤以為實體與網路是完全獨立的兩個世界,且兩個世界互相是此消彼長的,但其實不然。目前,實體店面與純電子商務單一的銷售模式已逐漸被打破且面臨僵固不前的窘境,而唯有打造全通路,落實虛實整合並打破通路間的界線,將兩邊的危機化為轉機才是突破現況的新解方。 「新零售革命」正在零售業者間展開,究竟如何同時經營實體店面與網路商店,並進行有效的虛實整合,對於純實體商店或純網路銷售商都是一大挑戰。而過去O2O模式相關文獻多聚焦於經營模式、商業策略上的改變,但在實務上如何實際應用以落實虛實整合仍未有所見。因此,本文將探討企業如何透過新興科技的導入來協助完善O2O模式之整合應用,並探究其行銷策略規劃以創造全通路之經營。 本文藉由瞭解所選擇之該產業極具代表性的實際企業個案騰訊以及燦坤,透過二者經營策略上的創新做法,來檢視其二運用Beacon技術於各市場階段的行銷策略決策,進而剖析管理者在運用物聯網產品於經營模式之思維,深入探究其對於虛實整合問題的見解與作法。 / Since The upgrading integration of Click and Mortar Business and O2O model, more and more companies tried to entry the online business. However, as an increasing number of enterprises got into the e-commerce, there came up a warning. The scale of the global retail market in 2016 was about 22 trillion US dollars, but the market shares of e-commerce only got 8.7%. Even by 2020, more than 70% of the market share will still hold by the physical channel, and this phenomenon let the “Omni-channel Retailing” idea showed up. Many people had mistaken the related worlds between the virtual and physical as completely independent. Actually, the only one side business model of physical store or e-commerce has been gradually broken, and the only way to create the new path is developing the omni-channel retailing method. To fully implement the click and mortar business model and break out the boundaries between the path, it’s the best cure for breakthrough the current situation. The "new retail revolution" is being launched between retailers, but how to operate the physical stores and the online stores simultaneously, it’s a big challenge for pure physical stores or online stores managers. Since past O2O model literatures were focus on the change of business model and business strategies, we haven’t seen the practical application to implement the click and mortar business method. Therefore, this paper will explore how enterprises improved the O2O model by importing new techs, and discovered its management of omni-channel retailing with marketing strategy. At last, by studying the innovative business strategy and the decision-making in each products stage of these two businesses Tencent and TSANN KUEN which selected in the industries. This paper will explore the thinking of the managers by using IOT products in their business model, and understand the insights of the click and mortar business model.

從企業角度探討O2O的關鍵成功因素 / The Critical Success Factors of Online to Offline Business Model – A Business Perspective

楊欣庭, Yang, Abby S.T. Unknown Date (has links)
O2O 是一個嶄新的商業模式,透過網路上的服務提供導引線上消費者到線下店面進行消費或是取用實體服務。在近年,O2O迅速成為眾企業討論的話題。除了知名零售和電子商務企業,O2O商業模式以在各行各業中逐漸發展,舉例來說,知名零售業的Walmart和Target; 服飾業的Uniqlo和GAP; 配件-眼鏡的Warby Parker和餐飲業麥當勞和Instacart。業界充滿林林種種的實際個案,但學術上卻缺乏完整的研究來說明O2O的現況,我們不了解O2O的定義和範圍,甚至對於企業來說,到底該如何成功地實現O2O的精華。此篇研究的目的是希望能提供企業更具體了解O2O的概觀,並可以檢視在規劃一個O2O專案的發展需要有哪些關鍵成功因素。 基於之前少數的文獻和大量從網路、報章雜誌所蒐集的業界個案,我們的研究透過這些資料蒐集分為兩階段研究。第一階段,根據蒐集的資料,我們建立五種型態的O2O 商業模式 –(1) Commerce O2O; (2) Try-on O2O; (3) Promotional O2O; (4) Experience O2O; and (5) Crowdsourcing O2O。我們專注在promotional O2O的五家在台灣企業的個案研究。第二階段,根據文獻我們先定義出可能的關鍵成功因素列表,再舉辦深入的企業訪談,透過訪談的方式來驗證並修改原本的關鍵成功因素列表,為3個分類-(1)4個技術關鍵成功因素: 系統操作友善, User Interface 設計, 精確的定位, 穩定的IT系統承載的能力;(2)5個管理關鍵成功因素-管理者支持, 客戶關係管理, 使用者參與方案設計, 專案執行的高貫徹度, 專案的監控管理追蹤;(3)4個組織關鍵成功因素-完整的人員訓練, 線上線下的流程無縫整合, 不斷創新與思考方向, 明確的專案目標。最後,我們希望這篇研究可以幫助企業更了解O2O商業模式,並且幫助他們有效的發展O2O專案。 / Online-to-Offline (O2O), a brand-new business model that drives online visitors to purchase in-store by offering services online, has received a great deal of attention. In addition to well-known retailers and ecommerce businesses, the O2O business model has been adopted by companies across a variety of industries, such as Target and Macy's in retailing, GAP and Uniqlo in apparel, Warby Parker in accessories and McDonald’s and Instacart in food. However, less attention has been paid in the literature to the clear definition and scope of both online and offline businesses in the O2O business model, and there is limited understanding of how to build a successful O2O project. The objective of this study is to organize comprehensive information for the O2O business model and to examine the critical success factors (CSFs) for building O2O business models. Based on the literature and case studies of the O2O business model, this study builds a framework for data collection and is conducted in two stages. First, we build a preliminary finding regarding the five major types of O2O business models—(1) Commerce O2O; (2) Try-on O2O; (3) Promotional O2O; (4) Experience O2O; and (5) Crowdsourcing O2O—based on the literature and more than 50 practical cases and select five promotional O2O companies in Taiwan as our focus. Second, we conduct an in-depth case study on selected cases related to possible CSFs for successful O2O implementation. The critical success factors (CSFs) for building O2O business models are–(1) Four factors of technological dimension- User Interface design, Ease of use application, Accurately located function and IT load balancing capability; (2) Five factors of management dimension- Management support, Good CRM system, Strategic execution capability, Actively involve end users in solution design and Measure, monitor, and track; (3) Four factors of organization dimension- Complete staff training, Seamless the process of online and offline channels, Reinvent the company's future and Establish a clear project goal. The research results not only provide a complete O2O overview but also verify and enhance the list of CSFs for building O2O business models. It is hoped that we can gain a better understanding of the O2O business model from these cases and thus help companies develop effective plans for building O2O projects.

台灣新創公司O2O經營策略之研究 - 以食我、百迪爾與呼叫師傅為例

秦嘉興, Chin, Chia Hsin Unknown Date (has links)
繼網路創業後,近年來可以看到以行動應用創業的案例越來越多,而之中又以整合虛實通路的O2O (Online to Offline,線上至線下的通路模式)模式更為熱門。過去由於虛擬通路的盛行,造就了電子商務的快速發展,也因而使得消費資訊傳遞得更加快速。在這樣的情況下,企業的策略與經營模式也不斷地調整,電子商務方面則產生了很大的變化,原本只著重於經營虛擬通路的企業,開始反向經營實體通路,而原本只經營實體通路的企業,則開始經營起虛擬通路。 本論文研究主要的目的在於探討台灣新創公司如何經營O2O的模式,本研究以核心資源、營運範疇、事業網路等三構面,探討三家新創公司(食我餐飲顧問公司、百迪爾資訊公司、呼叫師傅公司)O2O方面的經營策略,並藉由第四構面-價值創造,探究該等公司在O2O服務上所創造的價值。 本研究所得到的主要結論包括:(1)新創公司在O2O的初期經營上,會著重於需求端。(2)新創公司在經營O2O的業務推廣上,會尋求外部資源的協助。(3)新創公司在經營O2O的服務品質控管上,會透過廠商篩選機制的建立以及與廠商的合約來加以強化。(4)新創公司在O2O的經營上,會透過在地資訊的即時提供來提高使用者採用O2O平台的意願。本文最後並提出實務上的意涵與後續研究的建議。 / Since the trend of running businesses on the Internet started to foster, we could see that there are more and more cases taking portable devices as the core of their business. Besides, the Online to Offline (O2O) business model of using the clicks-and-mortar channel might be one of the most popular choices. In the past, due to the prevailing of virtual channel, it did make e-commerce to be in vogue, and also help consuming information to transact more rapidly. In this kind of situations, the business strategies and business models of enterprises also kept on making adjustments to follow the flow. As for e-commerce, it did resulted in huge changes. For those enterprises who used to concentrate on virtual channels, they started the business of physical channels; those enterprises who only aiming at running physical channels started to explore the area of virtual channels. The main purpose of the study is to discuss about how those Taiwanese start-up companies operate O2O business. Moreover, the study takes core resources, operating area and business networks to view the O2O business strategies of three start-up companies. Also, by using value creation, the study wants to understand the value created by the O2O business of those companies. After the research of the issues above, the study came up with four main conclusions: 1. Start-up companies would concentrate on the demand side in the beginning of their business. 2. Start-up companies would seek for the help of outer resources when they were promoting their business. 3. In the aspect of controlling the quality of their services, start-up companies would choose to build the filtering system of target companies and signing contracts. 4. In running O2O business, start-up companies would offer local information immediately to raise consumers’ will of using their O2O platform. With those four main point provided by the study, it also brings up the meaning the practical meaning of the study and suggestions of following researches. Keywords: Start-up Company, O2O (Online to Offline), Business Strategy, Value Creation

房屋比價平台對房仲業影響之研究 / The Impacts of Emerging of House Price Comparisons Platform on the Real Estate Industry

宋昌龍 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究聚焦「房屋比價平台」對於房仲產業的各項衝擊,及傳統的房仲產業面對這波來勢洶洶的創新潮流將如何因應?研究者比較著重其影響及對應的策略,以及對於未來趨勢研究者的一些推測。 房仲產業是一個十分本土而傳統的產業,研究者花了25年的時間對於體系內的從業人員不管是系統、流程、服務觀念、作業模式做了許多改變的努力,不過改變是漫長而緩慢的,各種破壞式創新的商業模式不斷出現,許多產業或多或少都感受到這波變革的衝擊,進而必須做出一些因應改變。 ‭ ‬本研究個案部分便是以目前市場剛推出的一家房屋比價平台當研究的案例,結合大數據、互聯網及平台的相關技術與觀念,串起線上線下的虛實整合(O2O),試圖來挑戰這個本土而傳統的房仲產業,由解決有買賣需求的消費者及第一線的從業人員的痛點入手,提供一個更便利、更友善、更有效的媒合工具與平台,讓房屋交易市場能夠更透明而不被操控,也能早日讓房屋市場回歸市場機制。 研究者以SWOT、SAS策略分析、策略地圖等策略分析工具來進行個案的研究,並列出目前房仲產業中各角色會受到的衝擊與預期因應對策,並提出未來房仲產業的發展建議,以及將來研究的趨勢與方向供大家參考,相信這絕對是一個值得關注的議題,對有志研究的研究者提供先行的參考。

A transformation of a garment company from offline to online - an analysis with solutions based on SWOT and Enterprise Modeling : A case study on a small traditional enterprise

Shuting, Wan January 2020 (has links)
Chinese traditional garment enterprises not only have to face inventory and channel problems left over by history, but also encounter the influx of new online companies into the market, resulting in a significant decline in the turnover of the traditional garment industry. With the promotion of e-commerce, the economic development of the garment industry presents a new trend. In order to find new opportunities in the environment of increasingly fierce competition, traditional garment enterprises have embarked on the road of strategic transformation.This study takes a garment company DLD as the research subject and displays the primary information through the Business Model Canvas. A case study, therefore, is the research strategy applied in this study, and data are collected through interviews and questionnaires. The primary method of analyzing data is a combination of qualitative and quantitative analysis. The purpose of this study is to provide a useful reference for the enterprise in the transformation of e-commerce. SWOT analysis is conducted under the background information based on the Business Model Canvas, which demonstrates the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats encountered in the transformation process of its sales channel from offline to online. Combined with the Enterprise Modeling, this study summarizes the strategic transformation of the DLD company and proposes corresponding strategies and recommendations. Implementing the O2O e-commerce mode and the C2B business mode effectively reduces the product backlog and improves the company's competitiveness in the market. In the process of implementing these two modes, establishing a consumer database, unifying product prices, and establishing online and offline coordination teams are some practical methods for adjusting conflicts between sales channels and increasing product update rates. Besides, through the questionnaire, the recommendations proposed in this study are evaluated, two of which required further investigation and design.

使用圖碼技術於行動商務平台 / Apply Picture Code to Commerce Application

何駿逸, Ho, Chun Yi Unknown Date (has links)
從過去的公元2000年所強調網路Dot Com時代來臨,資訊商務發展一路從電子錢包、電子商務、B2B、B2C、第三方支付、C2C、O2O..到近期的「行動支付」發展的角度上來看,因為網路的發達,無線網路覆蓋面積的增大,網路速度也不斷的提升,智慧型手機及行動裝置使用廣泛,讓整體消費市場由過去所重視的企業消費市場已大幅轉向重視個人的消費市場。 短短的這二、三年,因智慧型手機使用的普及,各種APP應用程式蓬勃發展,已徹底改變了人們的生活習慣,當人們想要獲取與傳遞資訊時,只要動動手指頭,馬上就可達成;相對的,人們對於智慧型手機行動裝置也越來越依賴。面對這一新的「動動手指頭的時代」發展與趨勢,加上個人消費者的使用與消費習慣改變,造就了消費市場巨幅的變化;企業更為爭取個人消費者的市場,作為企業競爭力之指標。從企業為爭取個人消費者的市場之發展趨勢來看,O2O (Online to Offline)更成為現代重要的營銷模式。 本研究的貢獻希望在於以便利商店繳交信用卡帳款為例得到之啟發,打造一個行動商務平台,藉由現代圖碼(Picture Code),即利用目前所常見使用的條碼,如:堆疊式二維條碼以及矩陣式二維條碼,結合現行還在開發之新技術,組合出更新,圖形更複雜且資料儲存量更大之圖碼當作介質,透過網路之連結,以現代資訊商務發展活動的應用模式為基礎,套用本研究之應用模型,作為對於個人使用者的身分驗證,以及個人消費者於現代資訊商務發展活動之「電子錢包」及「電子商務」、「第三方支付」乃至「C2C」在使用信用卡的應用上,透過使用智慧型手機或行動裝置,作為現代另一新的「行動支付」方法。同時,在完成商務交易活動後,又能結合O2O營銷模式,為使用或消費者個人帶來共多利益,也為商家創造出更多商機。 / From "Dot Com" network generation coming in 2000, the IT Business Development Activities from "Electronic Wallet", "e-commerce", "B2B", "B2C", "Third-party payment," "C2C", "O2O" to the recent "Mobile Payment" development, because the network developed, wireless network coverage area increases, network speed has also been improved, smart phones and mobile devices are popular, overall business market is focus on the individual consumer market now. In this three years, smart phones use a variety of APP applications, it really has completely changed people's habits. When people want to capture and transmit some information, it just need to “move your fingers” as soon as you can reach. Also, people become increasingly dependent on smart phones and mobile devices. Face with this new "move your fingers time” developments trends and consumers’ consumption habits change, enterprise all want to increase the individual consumers’ market share and also as a business Indicators competitiveness. O2O (Online to Offline, Offline to Online) business model is more and more important to enterprise in the future. This thesis investigates from a case study on credit card payment for bill in the convenience store to get an idea. Hope build up a mobile commerce platform and use the modern “Picture Code” that the current use of bar codes, such as Stacked 2D bar codes and two-dimensional matrix bar code and combined with the existing new technology still in development. The combination of updates, graphics and more complex and larger data storage capacity of the bar code to be the new “interface”. Based on all application connect within Internet, we try to implement for all application according to development and innovation from this paper that to be a customer’s ID verification and “mobile payment” new model. Meanwhile, after transaction successfully, integrate the O2O business model to create more benefit for customer and more business opportunity for enterprise.

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