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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Kallemeyn, Rebecca 25 June 2008 (has links)
No description available.

A 30-Year Trend Analysis of Male Representation and Objectification in Esquire Advertisements

DeCarlo, Sarah 18 June 2012 (has links)
No description available.

Factors Influencing the Relationship Between Instagram Use and Female Body Image Concern: An Extension of Objectification Theory

Kibbe, Mackenzie R. January 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Compulsory Hijab in Iran : Functions and impacts on Iranians’ daily life during 44 years of Islamic State

Shirazizadeh, Fatemeh January 2024 (has links)
No description available.

Social Attitudes Towards Sexism, Self-Objectification, Fear of Crime, and Trustworthiness-Based Face Ratings

Hughes, Tiana K. 03 August 2023 (has links)
No description available.

Sexualité et corporéité féminines dans le cinéma de réalisatrices contemporaines : une lecture féministe

Lejour-Perras, Laurence 03 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire de maîtrise étudie le traitement cinématographique de la sexualité et de la corporéité féminines dans le travail de réalisatrices contemporaines. Il prend appui sur les films Anatomie de l’enfer (Catherine Breillat, 2004), Sleeping Beauty (Julia Leigh, 2011), Nuit #1 (Anne Émond, 2011), et Klip (Maja Milos, 2012). Notre hypothèse est que ces réalisatrices adoptent une posture féministe, affirmée ou non, par leur révision des stéréotypes de genre relatifs au corps et à la sexualité féminine. Dans un premier temps, nous nous intéressons à la dynamique érotique entretenue, à travers l’Histoire, entre la femme comme objet de désir et l’homme comme sujet désirant, au cinéma comme ailleurs. Puis, nous analysons la déconstruction des stéréotypes de genre féminins de pudeur et de passivité au sein du corpus choisi. Nous démontrons ainsi qu’en révisant ces stéréotypes, les réalisatrices déjouent volontairement le spectateur dans son expérience érotique. Enfin, nous examinons les stratégies d’auto-réification du corps féminin récurrentes chez les cinéastes étudiées. Nous estimons que les cinéastes s’inscrivent de la sorte dans une tendance à la subversion observable dans les pratiques artistiques féministes contemporaines. / This master’s thesis examines how female corporeality and sexuality are dealt with in the work of contemporary female film directors. It draws on the films Anatomy of Hell (Catherine Breillat, 2004), Sleeping Beauty (Julia Leigh, 2011), Nuit #1 (Anne Émond, 2011), and Clip (Maja Milos, 2012). Our hypothesis is that these directors adopt a feminist attitude, whether it is asserted or not, by reviewing gender stereotypes about the female body and sexuality. To begin with, we focus on the erotic dynamic, maintained throughout history, between the woman as an object of desire and the man as a desiring subject, in film and elsewhere. Subsequently, we analyze the deconstruction of female gender stereotypes pertaining to modesty and passivity in the chosen corpus. Thus, we demonstrate that by revising these stereotypes, the directors voluntarily thwart the spectator’s erotic experience. In conclusion, we examine the recurring self-objectification strategies of the female body employed by the filmmakers. These directors are part of a trend of subversion which can be observed in contemporary feminist artistic practices.

Application des techniques spectroscopiques vibrationnelles couplées aux analyses statistiques multivariées pour la caractérisation et l'objectivation des produits de soins comestiques / Application of vibrational spectroscopic techniques coupled to multivariate statistical analysis for the characterization of cosmetic care products

Miloudi, Lynda 18 October 2018 (has links)
La fonction barrière de la peau, qui protège l’organisme contre les molécules exogènes, limite la pénétration des actifs cosmétiques, ce qui réduit l’efficacité des molécules actives dans les couches profondes de l’épiderme. Il est alors apparu essentiel d'optimiser l'administration des actifs cosmétiques déjà existants afin d’en tirer tout le bénéfice escompté. Certaines innovations sont développées pour répondre à ce défi, notamment l’encapsulation des actifs cosmétiques dans des nanosystemes. En parallèle, il est nécessaire de s’intéresser aux méthodes analytiques capables de fournir une information qualitative et quantitative sur ces systèmes dispersés dans un produit fini complexe et de permettre une évaluation biologique à différents stades de développement des formulations. / The barrier function of the skin, which protects the body against exogenous molecules, limits the penetration of active cosmetic ingredients (ACI), thus reduce the effectiveness of molecules with a deep cellular target. Therefore, it appeared crucial to optimize the administration of existing active cosmetic in order to get the full benefits expected. Some innovations are explored to bypass this issue, including the encapsulation of existing active cosmetic in nanocarriers. In parallel, it is important to also focus on the development of analytical methodologies that could provide qualitative and quantitative information, in particular the determination of ACI contents and potentially excipients incorporated in a final form, and biological evaluation at different stages of formulation.

O caráter objetivo do processo brasileiro no controle judicial de constitucionalidade: estudo de sua dimensão e de sua compatibilização com as regras do direito processual civil / The objective character of the Brazilian process in judicial control of constitutionality: a study of its dimension and compatability with civil procedural law

Pignatari, Alessandra Aparecida Calvoso Gomes 09 September 2014 (has links)
A presente tese se ocupa do processo em que o órgão judicial realiza o controle de constitucionalidade de normas ou de omissões normativas. Mais precisamente, a investigação recai sobre a índole ou natureza objetiva de que se reveste tal processo no sistema pátrio, buscando-se: (i) analisar a sua real dimensão (o que, como e em que medida o mencionado caráter objetivo repercute na configuração estrutural e procedimental daquele processo); (ii) identificar o conjunto normativo processual e concepções da dogmática processual civil que se compatibilizam nesse quadrante (até mesmo porque, a esse respeito, muitas são as polêmicas no ambiente doutrinário e muitas são as dúvidas surgidas em razão de uma não-uniformidade de pronunciamentos do Supremo Tribunal Federal). A hipótese do trabalho reside na seguinte ideia: o caráter objetivo do processo não se restringe ao controle abstrato de constitucionalidade e se harmoniza, ainda que com limites, com as regras do direito processual civil brasileiro. Desse modo, o estudo se inicia com um exame de premissas conceituais, classificatórias e terminológicas que tangenciam os domínios da jurisdição constitucional; nessa parte da pesquisa, também são colhidos subsídios aptos para consolidar a noção de que o caráter objetivo pode se apresentar com maior ou menor expressão em toda atividade jurisdicional. Para compreender como a natureza objetiva em estudo se afirma no sistema jurídico atual, parte-se para uma análise de seus aspectos históricos e conceituais, prosseguindo-se com um exame que confere ênfase ao exercício do controle principal e abstrato modalidade que viabiliza em maior escala a projeção da natureza objetiva do processo. Nesse contexto, inclusive, enfrentam-se questões processuais relacionadas à existência ou não de lide, partes, contraditório, cognição judicial sobre fatos e de atividade probatória, rompendo-se mitos que doutrina e jurisprudência chegaram a estabelecer sobre esses assuntos. Para a demonstração de que o caráter objetivo também se apresenta no controle difuso e concreto, embora com menor projeção, realiza-se uma abordagem sob a ótica da tutela jurisdicional coletiva; posteriormente, o foco se volta para o fenômeno da expansão de caracteres da natureza objetiva para as vias processuais vocacionadas à proteção de interesses subjetivos. Considerações conclusivas de cunho crítico encerram o trabalho. Pondera-se, sobretudo, que a natureza objetiva conduz a uma modelagem processual de feição diferenciada, mas que, ao mesmo tempo, contempla padrões que não se desvencilham das vigas mestras e dos institutos fundamentais do direito processual civil. / The focus of this thesis is the process by which a judicial body carries out the constitutional control of rules or the omission of regulatory groups. The research more specifically deals with the character or objective nature with which this process is covered in the national system. The aim of the work is to (i) analyse its real dimension (what, how and to what extent the aforementioned objective character affects the structural and procedural setting of the process); (ii) identify the procedural set of rules and dogmatic civil procedural conceptions that are compatible in the area (because there are many controversial issues in such regard in the doctrinal environment and many doubts have arisen due to non-uniform Supreme Court pronouncements). The hypothesis of this work rests in the following idea: the objective character of the process is not restricted to the abstract control of constitutionality. It is rather in harmony, under certain limits, with the rules of Brazilian civil procedural law. The study therefore starts with an examination of conceptual, terminological and classificatory assumptions that constitute the constitutional jurisdiction fields. State support is also chosen in this part of the research to consolidate the idea that objective character is expressed in different levels across all jurisdictional activity. An historical and conceptual analysis is conducted in order to understand better how objective nature in study is present in the current legal system. The emphasis of the examination is on the exercise of principle and abstract control, which allows for a greater scale projection of the objective nature of the process. In this context, the thesis also encompasses procedural questions dealing with leads, parts and contradiction and judicial cognition about facts and evidential activity. Myths that doctrine and case law have established on these matters are thereby broken. In order to demonstrate that objective character is also present in the diffuse control, albeit with less projection, the perspective of collective legal protection is focused on and in turn moves on to the phenomenon of character expansion of objective nature of the procedures that are directed at the protection of subjective interests. Concluding considerations of a critical nature complete the work. It is, in sum, a reflection that objective nature does shape procedural features, but at the same time is unable to affect the structure of the fundamental institutions of civil procedural law.

L'homme monochrome ? : Marketing de la masculinité sur les pages couverture des magazines pour hommes

Demers, Isabelle Anne January 2015 (has links)
"In seeing what picture makers can make of situational materials one can begin to see what we ourselves might be engaged in doing" (Goffman, 1979). Les dernières décennies ont été marquées par d'importants changements dans les rôles traditionnels des hommes ainsi que par une explosion de l’offre commerciale qui leur est offerte. Alors que l'industrie des médias utilise des stratégies multiples pour façonner l'identité de genre et les intérêts des consommateurs, il est pertinent d'examiner la représentation de la masculinité moderne dans les médias. L’hypothèse de cette recherche est que les magazines masculins généralistes projettent une image stéréotypée, monochrome et hégémonique de la masculinité, et ce, indépendamment du segment de la population qu’ils visent. À partir d’éléments empruntés à la théorie du marketing, d’éléments archétypaux de Jung, des codes du genre développés par Goffman, ainsi que de certains concepts associés à la masculinité hégémonique définis chez Bourdieu et Connell, une analyse de 72 pages couverture provenant de 12 magazines pour hommes a été effectuée. À quelques exceptions près, l’étude a démontré une homogénéité du message commercial dans la communication des attributs de la masculinité. Ces attributs forment un idéal type qui représente diverses variantes de la masculinité hégémonique. Le portrait type de la masculinité offert aux différents profils sociodémographiques est celui d’un homme caucasien fort, rebelle, consommateur d’alcool et de femmes, qui a réussi et qui prend soin de lui-même, tout en ayant une vision (plutôt) négative de la paternité. Cette valorisation stéréotypée de la masculinité a des effets pervers sur la santé des hommes, alors que l’image commerciale de la masculinité normalise l’objectivation du corps masculin. La recherche conclut que la commercialisation de la masculinité et de ses attributs esthétiques, stéréotypés et hégémoniques globalise l’idéal masculin en le rendant attrayant pour le grand public, alors que peu de place est laissée à des masculinités alternatives et à d'autres façons de comprendre et d'être un homme.

An exploration of the symbolic world of Proverbs 10:1–15:33 with specific reference to ‘the fear of the Lord’

Viljoen, Anneke January 2013 (has links)
The text of the Bible projects for its readers a Biblical-textual world. Christians live within the seminal, normative contours of this symbolic Biblical world. In this regard, a Ricoeurian hermeneutics presents a helpful apparatus to the reader of the Biblical text. In his hermeneutical studies, Ricoeur organises his considerations around four poles that operate as guidelines for this study – distanciation, objectification, projecting of a world and appropriation. In this thesis each of these considerations is applied to Proverbs 10:1–15:33 to facilitate an exploration of the symbolic-textual world projected for the reader in this literature. It is the thesis of the study that the proposed reading strategy is, in terms of the threefold movement within postmodern thought – the movements beyond foundations, beyond totalities and towards the Other – a most productive effort. When this reading strategy is utilised for Proverbs 10:1–15:33, with specific reference to the fear of the Lord, the concept of the fear of the Lord is found to have a functional definition within this collection rather than an ontological or theoretical one. With this approach, the fear of Yahweh-proverbs in Proverbs 10:1–15:33 are understood not to be dogmatised, absolute, universal truths but finds, in line with the movement beyond totalities, its authority in the context within which it is applied. Instead of communicating propositional content, which is in line with the movement beyond foundations within postmodern thought, by their power to disclose a symbolic world, it confronts the reader with the Other, in line with the movement toward the Other, and consequently opens up new modes of being, orienting the reader’s practical actions. / Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2013. / gm2013 / Old Testament Studies / unrestricted

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