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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

On the relationship between spinal pain and temporomandibular disorders / Ryggvärk och käkfunktionsstörning : finns det ett samband?

Wiesinger, Birgitta January 2010 (has links)
Both spinal pain and temporomandibular disorders (TMD) commonly occur in the general population. Previous studies demonstrate neurophysiologic and biomechanical couplings between the trigeminal and cervical regions. This investigation tested the null hypothesis of no relationship between spinal pain (neck, shoulder and/or low back) and TMD, by using questionnaires and clinical examinations of the jaw function. In an age- and sex-matched case-control study, the specific aim was to compare the prevalence of signs and symptoms of TMD among cases with long-term spinal pain and controls without spinal pain. The results showed that subjects with spinal pain had signs and symptoms of TMD significantly more often than did controls. The associations remained after excluding all participants with jaw pain. Furthermore, the comorbidity pattern was similar, regardless of location of spinal pain. In a cross-sectional study, the specific aim was to test whether there is a reciprocal cross-sectional dose-response-like relationship between spinal pain and TMD. Two different designs were used, one with frequency/severity of spinal pain as independent variable, and the other, with frequency/severity of TMD symptoms as independent variable. The analysis showed increasing odds for presence of TMD symptoms with increasing frequency/severity of spinal pain, and increasing odds for presence of spinal pain with increasing frequency/severity of TMD symptoms. In a case-control study within a 2-year prospective cohort, the specific aim was to test whether there is a reciprocal temporal relationship between signs and symptoms in trigeminally, and symptoms in spinally, innervated areas. Incidence of symptoms in these areas was analyzed in relation to presence of spinal pain, headaches, and signs and symptoms of TMD at baseline. The main findings were that presence of signs of TMD at baseline increased the onset of spinal pain and symptoms in the trigeminal area, and that spinal pain increased the onset of symptoms in the trigeminal area. An augmentation effect between the significant baseline variables was observed for the incidence of headaches and jaw pain. In conclusion, the investigation demonstrated a cross-sectional and temporal relationship between spinal pain and TMD; thus, the null hypothesis was rejected. The results indicate common pathophysiological mechanisms in the development of spinal pain and TMD. The comorbidity and reciprocal influence that were found call for an integrated and multidimensional approach in the management of individuals with long-term spinal pain and TMD.

Patienters rökvanor, deras motivation till rökavvänjning samt om de har blivit tillfrågade om sina rökvanor av tandvårdspersonal / Patients' smoking habits, their motivation to stop smoking and if they were asked about their smoking habits by the dental staff

Prekadini, Njomze, Beciri Haziri, Lindita January 2010 (has links)
The aim of the present study was to examine smoking behaviour and motivation for smoking cessation in patients at a dental clinic. Another aim was to examine if the patients had been asked by the dental staff regarding their smoking habits. Twenty-two patients from a student clinic and twenty-one patients from a Swedish Public Dental Service Clinic in southern of Sweden participated in the study. Participants consisted of eighteen women and twenty-five men. Data collection was carried out using a questionnaire that was directed at smokers. The questionnaire was answered in connection with the visit to the dental hygienist. The patients smoked between eight and twelve cigarettes per day and had on average smoked between 5 -15 years. More than half of the patients started smoking because of pressure from friends. In the future the patients would consider quitting smoking to avoid oral health diseases. Most of the patients wanted to try without external aid. The general health and oral health was perceived as good, or very good by 43 respondents. The most common oral health problems were dry mouth, dark brown coating on the teeth and gingivitis. This survey shows that many of those who currently smoke started smoking because of their surroundings. Giving up smoking to avoid oral health diseases was very important / important to the respondents. The motivation for smoking cessation was different among the patients. It was difficult for many patients to stop smoking. The survey also showed that more dental hygienists than dentists asked their patients about smoking habits and informing them about smoking cessation. / Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka rökvanor och motivation till rökavvänjning hos patienter vid tandvårdsklinik. Ytterligare ett syfte var att undersöka om patienterna blivit tillfrågade av tandvårdspersonalen om sina rökvanor. Tjugutvå patienter från en studentklinik och tjuguen patienter från en folktandvårdsklinik i södra Sverige deltog i studien. Deltagarna bestod av 58 % män och 42 % kvinnor. Datainsamlingen genomfördes med användning av en enkät som var riktad till rökare. Enkäten besvarades i samband med ett tandhygienistbesök. Patienterna uppgav att de rökte mellan åtta och tolv cigaretter per dag och hade rökt mellan  5-15 år. Mer än hälften av patienterna började röka på grund av grupptryck eller kompisar. Patienterna kunde tänka sig att sluta röka i framtiden, för att undvika munhälsoskador och dem flesta av rökarna vill försöka sluta röka utan hjälp. Den allmänna hälsan respektive munhälsan upplevdes som bra eller mycket bra av samtliga 43 respondenter. De vanligaste problemen med munhälsan var muntorrhet, svarta bruna beläggningar på tänderna samt gingivit. Denna enkätstudie visar att många av dem som rökte började röka på grund av att personer i deras omgivning rökte. Att sluta röka för att undvika munhälsoskador var mycket viktigt/viktigt för patienterna. Motivationen till rökstopp varierade bland patienterna. Det var svårt för många av de att hålla sig rökfria. Studien visar även att det var fler tandhygienister än tandläkare som frågade patienterna om deras rökvanor och informerade om rökavvänjning.

Tobaksvanor och kunskaper om tobak och dess effekter i munhålan : En enkätstudie bland sjuksköterske-, tandhygienist- och folkhälsopedagogstudenter vid Högskolan Kristianstad

Ekelund, Cecilia January 2010 (has links)
Bruket av tobak har idag blivit en viktig folkhälsofråga eftersom rökning och snusning har negativa effekter på såväl allmänhälsa som munhälsa. Trots det röker nästan var fjärde svensk kvinna och var femte svensk man. Syftet med den här studien var att kartlägga tobaksvanorna bland förstaårsstudenterna på sjuksköterske-, tandhygienist- och folkhälsopedagogiska programmet samt att undersöka vilka kunskaper studenterna på respektive program har om tobak och dess effekter i munhålan. Studien genomfördes som en enkätundersökning där 121 enkäter delades ut till studenterna på de tre programmen. Resultatet visade att 7% av studenterna var dagligrökare och 17% var feströkare. Störst andel rökare återfanns på tandhygienistprogrammet. Endast 4% av studenterna brukade snus. Lungcancer, KOL och hjärt-kärlsjukdom var de sjukdomstillstånd som flest studenter associerade med tobaksbruk och när det gäller effekterna i munhålan, såg studenterna starka kopplingar till flera av de listade tillstånden. Rökning förknippades främst med dålig andedräkt, missfärgning av tänderna och muncancer medan snusning också förknippades med frätskador på munslemhinnan. Studenterna visade relativt goda kunskaper om tobak och dess effekter på hälsan. Trots detta rökte en stor del av studenterna vilket indikerar att kunskap allena, inte får unga människor att avstå från tobaksbruk. / The use of tobacco has today become an important question in the public health work since smoking and snuff use has a negative impact on general as well as oral health. Despite this, almost one out of four Swedish women and one out of five Swedish men are current smokers. The aim of this study was to survey tobacco habits among first grade students of nursing, dental hygiene and public health and to study the students’ knowledge about tobacco and its effects on the oral cavity. The study was carried out as a questionnaire survey where 121 questionnaires were handed out to the students of the three programmes. The result showed that 7% of the students were daily smokers and 17% were occasional smokers. The largest share of smokers was found at the dental hygienist programme. Only 4% of the students were current snuff users. Lung cancer, COPD and cardio vascular disease were the states of illnesses most students associated with tobacco use. Regarding the effects on the oral cavity, the students found strong connections to several of the listed conditions. Smoking was mainly associated with oral halitosis, tooth staining and oral cancer, while the use of snuff was also associated with corrosion damage to the oral mucous membrane. The students showed relatively good knowledge about tobacco and its health effects. Despite this, a large part of the students was current smokers, which indicates that knowledge alone does not make young people refrain from tobacco use.

Före detta tandhygieniststuderandes uppfattning om utbildningen vid Högskolan Kristianstad

Olsson, Hanna, Benjaminsson, Madelene January 2010 (has links)
Aim: The aim of this study was to investigate former dental hygienist students’ view regarding their education at Kristianstad University.Material and methods: This quantitative study was descriptive and the data collection method was used by a questionnaire. This was sent by post to former dental hygienist students at Kristianstad University. In total, 57 dental hygienists participated in the study.Result: The majority of the respondents (94 %, n=54) were content with their education. The education’s primary strength turned out to be the clinical activity that is conducted while at the same time there was a wish for more practice. The content in the dental hygienist education at Kristianstad University is corresponding to the requirements in the profession including oral health science according to the majority of the respondents.Conclusion: The clinical activity that is conducted both at external dental clinics and at the dental clinic at the college has a high significance for the prospective dental hygienist’s career.Keywords: alumnus, dental hygienist, dental hygienist education, knowledge, skills description

Hydrolytic degradation of dental composites and effects of silane-treatment and filler fraction on compressive strength and thermal expansion of composites

Söderholm, Karl-Johan M. January 1984 (has links)
Some researchers have suggested that the weakest link of dental composites is thefiller-matrix bond. However, due to incompleteness of information dealing with this bond and its stability in a humid environment, it was considered desirable to investigate the effect of water on this region, as well as the influence of filler bonding and filler fraction on compressive strength and therm al expansion. Experimental composites containing different filler fractions of either silane-treatedor untreated fillers were made. Compressive strength and coefficient of thermalexpansion were determined using routine methods, while the hydrolytic degradation was investigated by measuring changes in concentrations of elements in the storagewater using atomic absorption spectrophotom etry. Scanning electron microscopicinvestigations were made on fractured samples. The diffusion coefficient of a representative resin system was determined gravimetrically. Seven commercial composites were investigated regarding hydrolyticdegradation. The filler compositions of these composite materials were determined by emission spectroscopy or energy-dispersive x-ray analysis before storage in distilledwater. This water was replaced and analyzed m onthly using plasma spectrophotom etryor atomic absorption spectrophotom etry. After completed water storage the samples were fractured and investigated by useof scanning electron microscopy.From the results of these studies the following conclusions were drawn: 1. The compressive strength of composites changes linearly with increased fillerfraction. Contrary to bonded fillers, composites containing unbonded fillers loststrength with increased filler fraction. 2. Water diffuses through the polymer m atrix and attacks the filler particles. This degradation is most pronounced for untreated fillers containing glass modifying elements such as sodium, barium and strontium. 3. The resin, used as a matrix, influences the speed with which the hydrolyticdegradation of the filler proceeds. 4. The hydrolytic degradation of the filler seemed to be associated w ith micro-crackform ation occurring in the matrix. Of the investigated composites, the micro-filledresin showed the lowest frequency of such crack formations. 5. The coefficient of ther al expansion decreases linearly with increased fillerfraction. Silane treatment did not influence this coefficient. 6. Using a simplified model to predict stresses in a particle filled composite indicatesthat rather high stress levels are induced in the polymer m atrix due to polym erizationshrinkage. This shrinkage induces radial compressive and tangential tensilestresses with respect to the filler surface. Increased filler fraction increases thetangential tensile stresses but reduces the compressive radial stresses. / <p>S. 1-66: sammanfattning, s. 67-168: 6 uppsatser</p> / digitalisering@umu

Maximal voluntary occlusal bite force in young adult men -a pilot study

Alkhaiat, Reem, Jaber, Zahra January 2020 (has links)
Background: Maximal voluntary occlusal bite force (MVOBF) is the maximal force applied by the jaw muscles in dental occlusion. MVOBF is one parameter for functional capacity of the jaw system.  Aim: To evaluate MVOBF in different positions in the bite and to evaluate possible intra-individual differences between sessions.  Methods: MVOBF was measured with an electronic bite force device, with transducers sensitive to force, in 20 healthy men (mean 24.5 years). Eligibility of participants was full dental occlusion, Angle Class I relation, no diagnosis according to Diagnostic criteria for temporomandibular disorders. The test included three repeated measurements on each site: first molar right, first molar left and central incisor, in random order, with test-retest study design. Unpaired T-test was used to test the MVOBF in different positions in the bite and paired T-test for possible intra-individual differences between sessions. A post hoc test for repeated measure one-way ANOVA was added.  Results: MVOBF in different positions in the bite was lower in the incisor area compared with the molar region (P&lt;0.0001), but similar between right and left molar side (P=0.48 and P= 0.96, respectively). No intra-individual differences between sessions (molar right P= 0.40; molar left P= 0.81; incisor area P= 0.66). The intra-individual variability for repeated measurements showed variability for incisor area (P= 0.007), but not for molar right and left region (P=0.95 and P=0.49, respectively).  Conclusion: The results may provide reference values for MVOBF in young adult men, to be compared with men with pain or dysfunction in the jaw system.

Complications after coronectomy of third molars

Nguyen, Kevin, Pakdee, Jackapong January 2021 (has links)
ABSTRACT   Background Removal of mandibular third molars can be associated with postoperative complications. Coronectomy with partial removal of the crown, is described as an alternative surgical method when risks for post-operative complications are substantial.  Aim  The aim of this study was to evaluate risk factors for post-operative complications after coronectomy.   Materials and Methods Fifty-six patients (26 men/30 women, median age 51 years) were operated with coronectomy of mandibular third molars. Risk factors were identified from medical records and radiographic examinations. Post-operative complications lasting over 14 days were registered.   Results  Fifty percent of the patients had a post-operative complication with significant higher risk for complications for patients over 51 years (p = 0.016). The most common complications were pain from surgical site and local infection. Three patients were registered with affected sensory function. Root migration was registered in 16 patients. Gender, comorbidity, medication, tobacco use, cause of referral (bacterial/other causes) or angulation of the third molar did not affect the risk for complications. Conclusion  The results indicate that coronectomy is an appropriate surgical technique when the risks for postoperative complications are significant, although a high level of short-term complications has been observed.

Oral helse i Gamle Lödöse : En osteologisk undersøkelse av det humane materiale

Wehmer, Kathrine January 2020 (has links)
This Master ́s thesis focused on the oral health of people who lived in Old Lödöse, Sweden during the Middle Ages. Old Lödöse is approximately 4 miles northeast of Gothenburg. The town existed between 1100 and 1646, and within it you can find St. Peder ́s church, St. Olov ́s church and a monastery. The analyzed material was from these three places and consisted of 58 individuals affected by various oral pathology. From St. Peder ́s church there were 33 individuals, from St. Olov ́s there were 4 individuals and from the monastery there were 19 individuals. They were mostly young adults (20 – 35 year) and middle age adults (35 – 50 year), and there were more men (22) than women (14) in the material. Even though there were more individuals at St. Peder ́s church, the monastery’s individuals were more severely affected by various oral pathologies, furthermore the men were more severely affected with oral pathology than the women. In addition, there were two interesting discoveries. Seven individuals, three of them women, had black discoloring on their teeth, and there were six individuals, four of them men, that had special dental wear that may reflect “teeth as tools”, some in the form of grooves. Summarized, the oral health at Old Lödöse was poor.

Gymnasieelevers munhygienvanor samt konsumtion av sötsaker och snacks vid distansundervisning : Effekter av covid-19 / High school students' oral hygiene habits and consumption of sweets and snacks during distance education : Effects of covid-19

Frisk, Emma, Hörnstein, Amanda January 2022 (has links)
Syfte: Syftet var att jämföra gymnasieelevers munhygienvanor samt konsumtion av sötsaker och snacks, före respektive under distansundervisning, till följd av covid-19-pandemin. Med två frågeställningar, vilka syftade till att jämföra kvinnor och män. Metod: Metoden var en kvantitativ enkätstudie där 215 gymnasieelever i årskurs tre, vilka haft distansundervisning under läsåret 2020–2021, bjöds in till deltagande. Data analyserades genom Fisher exact test, där statistisk signifikans ansågs vid p≤0.05. Resultat: Totalt deltog 86 gymnasieelever. Resultatet visade statistisk signifikant skillnad vid jämförelse av samtliga respondenters tandborstningsfrekvens (p=0.040), mellanrumsrengöringsfrekvens (p=0.001) samt konsumtion av sötsaker och snacks (p=0.001) före respektive under distansundervisning. Vid jämförelse förändrades kvinnornas tandborstningsfrekvens mer än männens (p=0.026 respektive p=o.411). Slutsats: Både munhygienvanor och konsumtion av sötsaker och snacks har påverkats i hög grad av distansundervisning till följd av covid-19-pandemin. Minskad tandborstningsfrekvens och ökad konsumtion av sötsaker och snacks bidrar till risk för oral ohälsa. / Aim: The purpose was to compare high school students’ oral hygiene habits and consumption of sweets and snacks before and during distance education, because of the covid-19-pandemic. With two question statements, which aimed to compare women and men. Method: The method was a quantitative questionnaire study in which 215 high school students in year three who had distance education during the academic year 2020-2021 were invited to participate. Data were analyzed through the Fisher exact test; statistical significance was considered at p≤0.05. Results: A total of 86 students participated. The results showed statistically significant difference when comparing all respondents' toothbrushing frequency (p=0.040), frequency of interdental cleaning (p=0.001) and consumption of sweets and snacks (p=0.001) before and during distance education. By comparison, women's toothbrushing frequency changed more than men's (p=0.026 respectively p=o.411). Conclusion: Both oral hygiene habits and consumption of sweets and snacks have been affected by distance education because of the covid-19-pandemic. Reduced toothbrushing frequency and increased consumption of sweets and snacks contribute to risk of oral diseases.

Unga vuxnas uppfattning kring munhygienvanor och kostvanor vid distansundervisning under covid-19-pandemin : En fenomenografisk intervjustudie / Young adults' perception of oral hygiene habits and dietary habits during distance education in the course of the covid-19-pandemic : A phenomenographic interview study

Kyriakideli, Zoi, Hoang, Thi Thanh Xuan Hoang January 2022 (has links)
Syfte: Syftet var att beskriva 19-24 åringars uppfattning kring munhygienvanor och kostvanor vid distansundervisningen under covid-19-pandemin. Metod: Totalt intervjuades sex högskolestudenter i åldrarna 19-24 år. Studenterna valdes ut genom strategiskt och bekvämlighetsurval från olika fakulteter och högskolor i Sverige. Material bearbetades och analyserades genom fenomenografisk ansats. Resultat: Fenomenet som framkom var att distansundervisningen till följd av covid-19-pandemin medförde social distansering. Detta hade inverkan på  informanternas psykiska hälsa, vilken påverkade deras kostvanor i en mer ohälsosam riktning medan förändringar gällande munhygienvanor inte uppfattades vara överlag betydande. Studiens huvudresultat beskrevs i fyra beskrivningskategorier. Kategorin uppfattning av skapad social distansering omfattade uppfattningar av social distansering till följd av distansundervisning under covid-19-pandemin. Kategorin uppfattning av skapad psykisk ohälsa innefattade uppfattningar av den psykiska hälsan och hur den påverkades av social distansering. Kategorin uppfattning av social distansering och kostvanorna berörde uppfattningar av kostvanor och hur dessa påverkades av informanternas psykiska mående till följd av social distansering. Kategorin uppfattning av social distansering och munhygienvanor innehöll uppfattningar av munhygienvanor och hur dessa påverkades av informanternas psykiska mående till följd av social distansering. / Aim: To describe 19-24 year old young adults’ perception of oral hygiene and dietary habits during distance education in the course of the covid-19 pandemic. Method: A total of six university students aged between 19-24 years old selected through strategic and convenience selection from various faculties and universities in Sweden were interviewed. The acquired material was processed and analyzed using a phenomenographic approach. Results: The phenomenon that emerged was that distance education due to the covid-19-pandemic led to social distancing. This had an impact on the informants' mental health, which affected their dietary habits in an unhealthy direction, while changes in oral hygiene habits were not perceived to be generally important. The results were described in four categories; perception of created social distancing included perceptions of social distancing due to distance education during the covid-19 pandemic; perceptions of created mental di-sease included perceptions of how mental health was affected by social distancing; perception of social distancing and dietary habits contained perceptions of how dietary habits were affected by mental state due to social distancing; perception of social distancing and oral hygiene habits encompassed perceptions of how oral hygiene habit were influenced by mental state because of social distancing.

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