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Le service public à l’heure de l’Open Data. / The public service at the Open Data’s era.Ait Mouhoub Louali, Nadia 28 June 2018 (has links)
Le service public a éprouvé une ouverture massive de données publiques dite "Open Data". Ce phénomène s'est développé avec l'émergence des nouvelles technologies d’information dans les administrations publiques, devenant un facteur important dans le renouveau et la modernisation du service public. Cette nouvelle tendance que le monde explore depuis quelques années, vise à partager et à réutiliser les données publiques détenues par le service public. L’objectif de l’Open Data étant la transparence démocratique en réponse à l’exigence de rendre des comptes aux citoyens, pour lutter contre la corruption et promouvoir un gouvernement ouvert en faveur de la participation citoyenne. À cet égard, le concept Open Data mène à nous interroger sur l'importance de l'ouverture des données du service public, sur le degré de l'obligation de s'adapter à cette ouverture, sur les conséquences de l'intrusion d’Open Data dans la sphère du service public et sur les limites imposées à l'Open Data. Pour répondre à ces interrogations, on s’intéressera à l’apparition et au développement de l’Open Data dans le service public, tout en illustrant son impact sur l'évolution de la démocratie et son rôle éminent dans la création de nouveaux services publics, avec notamment le cas du service public de la donnée en France. Ainsi, le meilleur angle pour étudier l'ouverture des données publiques dans le service public sera le droit public comparé, cela nous permettra d'analyser la pratique d'Open Data dans les pays pionniers dans ce domaine et les pays du Maghreb qui intègrent, depuis peu, cette nouvelle méthode de travail. Cette étude a pour but aussi de démontrer ce que l'Open Data peu apporter concrètement à l'administration et au citoyen. / The public service has experienced a massive opening of public data known as "Open Data". This phenomenon has developed with the emergence of new information technologies in public administrations, becoming then an important factor in the renewal and modernization of the public service. This new trend that the world has been exploring for a few years aims to share and reuse the public data held by the public service, while keeping as objective the democratic transparency in response to the requirement to be accountable to citizens to fight against corruption and promote Open Government in favor of citizen involvement.In this respect, the Open Data concept leads us to question ourselves about the importance of opening up data in the public service, about the degree of obligation to adapt to this opening, also about the consequences of the Open Data’s intrusion into the sphere of the public service and the limits that Open Data may encounter.To answer these questions, we will focus on the emergence and development of Open Data in the public service, with a depiction of its impact on democracy evolution and its eminent role in the creation of new public services, such as the case of data public service in France. Thus, the best angle to study the opening of public data in the public service is the comparative public law, this allows us to analyze the practice of Open Data in the pioneer countries in this field and the Maghreb countries who recently integrated this new way of work. This study also aims to prove what are the benefits of Open Data for the administration and the citizen.
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Le Linked Data à l'université : la plateforme LinkedWiki / Linked Data at university : the LinkedWiki platformRafes, Karima 25 January 2019 (has links)
Le Center for Data Science de l’Université Paris-Saclay a déployé une plateforme compatible avec le Linked Data en 2016. Or, les chercheurs rencontrent face à ces technologies de nombreuses difficultés. Pour surmonter celles-ci, une approche et une plateforme appelée LinkedWiki, ont été conçues et expérimentées au-dessus du cloud de l’université (IAAS) pour permettre la création d’environnements virtuels de recherche (VRE) modulaires et compatibles avec le Linked Data. Nous avons ainsi pu proposer aux chercheurs une solution pour découvrir, produire et réutiliser les données de la recherche disponibles au sein du Linked Open Data, c’est-à-dire du système global d’information en train d’émerger à l’échelle du Web. Cette expérience nous a permis de montrer que l’utilisation opérationnelle du Linked Data au sein d’une université est parfaitement envisageable avec cette approche. Cependant, certains problèmes persistent, comme (i) le respect des protocoles du Linked Data et (ii) le manque d’outils adaptés pour interroger le Linked Open Data avec SPARQL. Nous proposons des solutions à ces deux problèmes. Afin de pouvoir vérifier le respect d’un protocole SPARQL au sein du Linked Data d’une université, nous avons créé l’indicateur SPARQL Score qui évalue la conformité des services SPARQL avant leur déploiement dans le système d’information de l’université. De plus, pour aider les chercheurs à interroger le LOD, nous avons implémenté le démonstrateur SPARQLets-Finder qui démontre qu’il est possible de faciliter la conception de requêtes SPARQL à l’aide d’outils d’autocomplétion sans connaissance préalable des schémas RDF au sein du LOD. / The Center for Data Science of the University of Paris-Saclay deployed a platform compatible with Linked Data in 2016. Because researchers face many difficulties utilizing these technologies, an approach and then a platform we call LinkedWiki were designed and tested over the university’s cloud (IAAS) to enable the creation of modular virtual search environments (VREs) compatible with Linked Data. We are thus able to offer researchers a means to discover, produce and reuse the research data available within the Linked Open Data, i.e., the global information system emerging at the scale of the internet. This experience enabled us to demonstrate that the operational use of Linked Data within a university is perfectly possible with this approach. However, some problems persist, such as (i) the respect of protocols and (ii) the lack of adapted tools to interrogate the Linked Open Data with SPARQL. We propose solutions to both these problems. In order to be able to verify the respect of a SPARQL protocol within the Linked Data of a university, we have created the SPARQL Score indicator which evaluates the compliance of the SPARQL services before their deployments in a university’s information system. In addition, to help researchers interrogate the LOD, we implemented a SPARQLets-Finder, a demonstrator which shows that it is possible to facilitate the design of SPARQL queries using autocompletion tools without prior knowledge of the RDF schemas within the LOD.
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Offene Kulturdaten regional: Überlegungen zur Rolle von Regionalbibliotheken unter den Bedingungen der DigitalitätMunke, Martin 26 April 2023 (has links)
Wie können Regionalbibliotheken von einer offenen Bereitstellung ihrer digitalen Bestände profitieren? Unter Bezug auf aktuelle Entwicklungen im Bibliothekswesen versucht der Beitrag zu zeigen, wie sich hier gerade Regionalbibliotheken eine Möglichkeit bietet, ihre Rolle neu zu definieren und eine neue Relevanz zu entwickeln. Im Mittelpunkt stehen die Begriffe Digitalität, Kulturdaten und Citizen Science, damit zusammenhängende Konzepte und untereinander bestehende Verbindungen. Am Beispiel von Erfahrungen und Aktivitäten der Sächsischen Landesbibliothek – Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Dresden (SLUB) bzw. allgemein der Landschaft von Gedächtnis-, Wissenschafts- und Kultureinrichtungen im Freistaat Sachsen wird untersucht, wie sowohl die Arbeit in festen Strukturen als auch in offenen Netzwerken zu dieser Profilbildung beitragen können. Mehrere Thesen zu Regionalbibliotheken und Digitalität schließen den Beitrag ab.
Manuskriptfassung des in Zeitschrift für Bibliothekswesen und Bibliographie 2023, 70(2), S. 74-83 erscheinenden Beitrags
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Databaserat värdeskapande i rörelse : Potentialen i fordonsdata som öppna data / Data-based value creation in motion : The potential in vehicle data as open dataGustafsson, Adam, Löfvenberg, Lovisa January 2024 (has links)
Delning av data genom öppna data börjar bli allt mer vanligt i samhället. Samtidigt blir fordon på vägarna mer uppkopplade, tekniskt avancerade och samlar in mer data än tidigare. Öppna data i kombination med uppkopplade fordon i syfte att tillgängliggöra fordonsdata som öppna data har stor potential att bidra med värde till samhället. Denna studie identifierade och konkretiserade fem drivande och fem utmanande faktorer relaterade till potentialen för fordonsdata att utgöra öppna data. Studien applicerar en kvalitativ metod med en induktiv ansats. Sju informanter med varierande erfarenheter inom öppna data intervjuades genom semi-strukturerade intervjuer. Urvalet baserades främst på ett informationsurval. Studiens analys underbyggs av teoriområdena: databaserat värdeskapande, öppna dataekosystem och öppen innovation. Sammanfattningsvis är de drivande faktorerna som identifierats att data har ett högt värde, öppna fordonsdata kan bidra till förbättrade tjänster och infrastruktur, öppna fordonsdata främjar innovation, informationssäkerheten kan stärkas och slutligen att öppna dataekosystem främjar öppna data. De utmanande faktorerna är bristande interoperabilitet, komplicerade dataägarskapsförhållanden, att fordonsdata kan innehålla känsliga data och integritetsproblem, ekonomiska och strategiska hinder och till sist bristande kunskap och medvetenhet om öppna data. För att realisera värdet i fordonsdata som öppna data krävs det att fler aktörer delar öppna fordonsdata och bidrar till ett mer etablerat öppna dataekosystem. / Sharing data through open data is becoming increasingly common in society. Simultaneously, vehicles on the roads are becoming more connected, technologically advanced, and collect more data than before. Open data combined with connected vehicles, with the aim of making vehicle data available as open data, has great potential to contribute value to society. This study identified and concretized five driving and five challenging factors related to the potential for vehicle data to serve as open data. The study employs a qualitative method with an inductive approach. Seven interviewees with varying experiences in open data were interviewed through semi-structured interviews. The selection was mainly based on an information-oriented sampling. The study’s analysis is supported by the theoretical areas of data-based value creation, open data ecosystems, and open innovation. In summary, the identified driving factors are that data has high value, open vehicle data can contribute to improved services and infrastructure, open vehicle data promotes innovation, information security can be enhanced, and finally, open data ecosystems facilitate open data. The challenging factors are a lack of interoperability, complicated data ownership relationships, vehicle data potentially containing sensitive data and privacy issues, economic and strategic barriers, and finally, a lack of knowledge and awareness about open data. To realize the value of vehicle data as open data, more actors need to share open vehicle data and contribute to a more established open data ecosystem.
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A roadmap for how industrial firms create and extract value from open data : Evidence from the Swedish power sector / En färdplan för hur industriella företag kan skapa och extrahera värde från öppna data : Bevis från den svenska kraftsektornFahlgren, Ebba January 2024 (has links)
Purpose – The purpose of this thesis is twofold: first to understand the various sustainable values open data (OD) can create, and second is to maximize the sustainable values created through a process a firm can follow. Method – For this study, I used a single case study design on a Swedish firm within the power sector with an inductive and exploratory approach. Data has been collected in three waves with respondents in different roles having different experiences with OD. First five exploratory interviews, then nine semi-structured interviews to gain depth. At last, to validate the study’s findings I conducted an online seminar with six respondents. To analyze these interviews, the method of thematic analysis was utilized. Findings – The results indicate there are four dimensions of value, Economic, Social, Environmental, and Internal. In total, there are 11 first order codes describing which values can be expected when working with OD. Regarding the process the respondents emphasize on three dimensions: Preparation and pre-study, Implementation, and Usage and restrictions, each with two business practices related to them. Within these business practices a total of 14 activities has been identified to help implement an OD initiative within an organization. Theoretical contribution – This study contributes to the OD literature by highlighting different types of sustainable values connected to working with OD, and a process to do so. This study also contributes to the sustainable value creation literature by highlighting how sustainable value creation can be maximized through OD. At last, a framework has been devised to interlink all findings for a comprehensive understanding. Practical implications – This study provides both managers and employees with guidance into how an OD initiative can be implemented and how it positively can affect their organization leading them to creating sustainable values. The focal point being organizations who are not obliged to share by any directive, law, or regulation. Limitations and future research – This study, being a single case study, focused on details and depth, which can affect the generalizability of the study. Hence, future research in other industries is suggested to validate and extend my findings in another context. / Syfte – Syftet med denna uppsats är tvåfaldigt: dels att förstå de olika hållbara värden som öppna data (ÖD) kan skapa, dels att maximera de hållbara värden som skapas genom en process som företag kan följa. Metod – För denna studie använde jag mig av en enfallsstudie på ett svenskt företag inom kraftsektorn med en induktiv och explorativ ansats. Data har samlats in i tre faser med respondenter som har olika roller och erfarenheter. Först genomfördes fem explorativa intervjuer, sedan nio semistrukturerade intervjuer och slutligen, för att validera studiens resultat, genomförde jag ett online-seminarium med sex respondenter. För att analysera dessa intervjuer användes tematisk analys. Resultat – Resultaten indikerar att det finns fyra dimensioner av värde, ekonomisk, social, miljömässig och intern. Totalt finns det 11 första orderns koder vilka beskriver värden som kan förväntas när man arbetar med ÖD. När det gäller processen betonar respondenterna tre dimensioner: Förberedelse och förstudie, Implementering samt Användning och restriktioner, var och en med två affärsmetoder relaterade till dem. Inom dessa affärsmetoder har 14 aktiviteter identifierats hjälpsamma för att implementera ett ÖD-initiativ inom en organisation. Teoretiskt bidrag – Denna studie bidrar till ÖD litteraturen genom att belysa olika typer av hållbara värden kopplade till att arbeta med ÖD, och en process för att realisera detta initiativ och fånga dessa värden. Denna studie bidrar även till litteraturen om hållbart värdeskapande genom att belysa hur hållbart värdeskapande kan maximeras genom ÖD. Slutligen har ett ramverk utarbetats för att koppla samman alla resultat för en heltäckande förståelse. Praktiska implikationer – Denna studie ger både chefer och medarbetare vägledning i hur ett OD-initiativ kan implementeras och hur det positivt kan påverka deras organisation och leda dem till att skapa hållbara värden. Där fokuset ligger på organisationer som inte är skyldiga att dela med sig av något direktiv, lag eller förordning. Begränsningar och framtida forskning – Denna studie, som är en fallstudie, fokuserade på detaljer och djup, vilket kan påverka studiens generaliserbarhet. Därför föreslås framtida forskning i andra branscher för att validera och utvidga mina resultat i ett annat sammanhang.
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A Mixed-Method Study on Barriers to the Publication of Research Data in Learning AnalyticsBiernacka, Katarzyna 07 November 2024 (has links)
Diese Studie untersucht umfassend Barrieren bei der Veröffentlichung von Forschungsdaten im Bereich Learning Analytics (LA) mithilfe eines Mixed-Methods-Ansatzes. Methodologisch gegliedert in vier Phasen – Systematic Literature Review (SLR), Leitfrageninterviews, eine weltweite Online-Umfrage und adaptive Workshops – zeigt die Forschung eine Vielzahl interdisziplinärer und internationaler Perspektiven auf.
Das SLR bildet die Grundlage, indem es rechtliche, ethische und ressourcenbezogene Hindernisse für die Datenveröffentlichung identifiziert. Durch die Integration dieser Erkenntnisse in Interviews zeigt sich ein vertieftes Verständnis kultureller und institutioneller Unterschiede, die die Datenpublikation beeinflussen. Eine globale Umfrage verdeutlicht zudem eine Diskrepanz zwischen der Bereitschaft von Forschenden, Daten zu teilen, und ihrer Bewertung der Vorteile geteilten Wissens. Dies weist auf Vertrauensthemen und den geringen wahrgenommenen Nutzen gemeinsamer Daten in der Forschung hin, trotz zunehmender Infrastrukturen und Förderungen für Open Data.
Adaptive Workshops beleuchten die Lücke zwischen der Anerkennung der Bedeutung von Datenfreigabe und der Fähigkeit der Forschenden, diese effektiv umzusetzen. Insbesondere Datenschutzbedenken, etwa zur DSGVO, und der Verlust von Kontrolle über geteilte Daten erweisen sich als große Hürden.
Die Ergebnisse dieser Studie verdeutlichen, wie Barrieren der Datenpublikation je nach Disziplin und Region variieren und tief in kulturellen und institutionellen Rahmen eingebettet sind. / This study investigates barriers to research data publication in Learning Analytics (LA) through a mixed-method approach encompassing a Systematic Literature Review (SLR), semi-structured interviews, a global survey, and adaptive workshops.
The SLR establishes a foundation by identifying legal, ethical, and resource-related barriers to data publication across disciplines. Findings from the SLR integrate in the subsequent interviews, which reveal cultural and institutional nuances affecting researchers' motivations and capabilities for data sharing. A global survey uncovers a discrepancy between researchers' willingness to share data and their perceived benefits from accessing others' data, highlighting trust issues within the scientific community despite growing support for open data.
Adaptive workshops underscore the gap between researchers' recognition of data sharing importance and their practical ability to implement it, with data protection concerns, particularly related to GDPR compliance, emerging as major barriers alongside fears of losing data control.
The findings from this study illustrate how barriers to data publication vary by discipline and region, being deeply embedded within cultural and institutional frameworks.
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Intégration holistique et entreposage automatique des données ouvertes / Holistic integration and automatic warehousing of open dataMegdiche Bousarsar, Imen 10 December 2015 (has links)
Les statistiques présentes dans les Open Data ou données ouvertes constituent des informations utiles pour alimenter un système décisionnel. Leur intégration et leur entreposage au sein du système décisionnel se fait à travers des processus ETL. Il faut automatiser ces processus afin de faciliter leur accessibilité à des non-experts. Ces processus doivent pallier aux problèmes de manque de schémas, d'hétérogénéité structurelle et sémantique qui caractérisent les données ouvertes. Afin de répondre à ces problématiques, nous proposons une nouvelle démarche ETL basée sur les graphes. Pour l'extraction du graphe d'un tableau, nous proposons des activités de détection et d'annotation automatiques. Pour la transformation, nous proposons un programme linéaire pour résoudre le problème d'appariement holistique de données structurelles provenant de plusieurs graphes. Ce modèle fournit une solution optimale et unique. Pour le chargement, nous proposons un processus progressif pour la définition du schéma multidimensionnel et l'augmentation du graphe intégré. Enfin, nous présentons un prototype et les résultats d'expérimentations. / Statistical Open Data present useful information to feed up a decision-making system. Their integration and storage within these systems is achieved through ETL processes. It is necessary to automate these processes in order to facilitate their accessibility to non-experts. These processes have also need to face out the problems of lack of schemes and structural and sematic heterogeneity, which characterize the Open Data. To meet these issues, we propose a new ETL approach based on graphs. For the extraction, we propose automatic activities performing detection and annotations based on a model of a table. For the transformation, we propose a linear program fulfilling holistic integration of several graphs. This model supplies an optimal and a unique solution. For the loading, we propose a progressive process for the definition of the multidimensional schema and the augmentation of the integrated graph. Finally, we present a prototype and the experimental evaluations.
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Contributions à la formalisation et à la mise en œuvre d'indices spatiaux urbains utilisant des données ouvertes : application aux études de l'étalement urbain / Contributions to the formalization and implementation of spatial urban indices using open data : application to urban sprawl studiesGervasoni, Luciano 19 November 2018 (has links)
Le nombre de personnes vivant dans les villes a considérablement augmenté depuis 1950, passant de 746 millions à 3,9 milliards en 2014.La croissance démographique et l'urbanisation devraient ajouter 2,5 milliards de personnes à la population urbaine mondiale d'ici 2050.Cette situation pose de nouveaux défis sur la manière de concevoir des villes qui accueillent de telles quantités de population d'une manière durable, qui devrait aborder plusieurs aspects, allant des questions économiques aux questions sociales et environnementales.Les processus urbains sont la conséquence de différents facteurs d'interaction, liés entre eux de telle sorte que le processus qui en résulte est complexe à mesurer et à comprendre.Étant donné le nombre croissant de personnes vivant dans les villes, il devient urgent de comprendre la complexité sous-jacente de ces modèles urbains.A cette fin, nous proposons dans cette thèse des outils d'aide à la décision appliqués dans le contexte de l'analyse urbaine, qui permettent d'étudier les phénomènes de mixité et d'étalement urbain.Tout d'abord, un cadre permettant de saisir la répartition spatiale de l'utilisation des terres dans les villes est présenté.En premier lieu, les données urbaines sont extraites d'OpenStreetMap.En utilisant les techniques d'estimation de la densité du noyau, des estimations de la densité d'utilisation des terres sont ensuite effectuées pour les utilisations résidentielles et les activités.Les résultats sont utilisés pour calculer les indices de développement spatial mixte.En outre, des estimations de densité pour différents types d'activités sont proposées, qui décrivent un modèle clair de localisation dans les villes en fonction de leur type.Nous fournissons les résultats des systèmes d'information géographique, qui s'avèrent être un atout, en particulier pour les urbanistes, en soutenant et en facilitant leur processus de prise de décision - surtout en comparaison relative avec les mesures agrégées.Deuxièmement, les travaux susmentionnés ont été étendus pour le calcul des indices d'étalement urbain.L'approche proposée formalise l'étalement urbain sous l'angle du développement durable, en trois dimensions : la mixité de l'utilisation des sols, la dispersion des zones bâties et l'accessibilité aux opportunités d'activités.Il en résulte un nombre gérable de dimensions, où chaque dimension est formalisée d'une manière facile à interpréter, et en particulier une pertinence par rapport aux aspects de l'étalement urbain qui entravent le développement durable.Troisièmement, nous proposons deux approches pour effectuer des estimations désagrégées de la population.Le premier exploite l'information sur les surfaces résidentielles, en supposant une consommation de surface résidentielle constante par habitant.Grâce à l'utilisation de données maillées - c'est-à-dire agrégées - sur les secteurs de recensement, une désagrégation fine est effectuée pour répartir les données démographiques dans les bâtiments.Le second consiste en un réseau neuronal entièrement convolutif qui cartographie les données de population à grain grossier à fin.Nous utilisons la base de données OpenStreetMap pour extraire un ensemble de caractéristiques urbaines qui décrivent un contexte urbain local et guident la procédure de désagrégation.Les densités de population sont estimées pour des mailles 25 fois plus petites que la résolution d'entrée, c'est-à-dire 200m par 200m. / The number of people living in cities has been increasing considerably since 1950, from 746 million to 3.9 billion in 2014.The continuing population growth and urbanization are projected to add 2.5 billion people to the world's urban population by 2050.This situation brings new challenges on how to conceive cities that host such amounts of population in a sustainable way, which should address several aspects, ranging from economical to social and environmental matters.Urban processes take place as a consequence of different interacting factors, linked between them in such a way that the resulting process is complex to measure and understand.Given the increasing number of people living in cities, understanding the underlying complexity of these urban patterns is thus becoming a pressing issue.To this end, we propose in this thesis decision-support tools applied in the context of urban analysis, which allow to study land use mix and urban sprawl phenomena.In our first contribution, a framework for capturing spatial land use mix in cities is presented.In the first place, urban data are extracted from OpenStreetMap.Using Kernel Density Estimation techniques, land use density estimations are then carried out for residential and activity uses.The outputs are employed to calculate spatial mixed-use development indices.Additionally, density estimations for different activity types (i.e. commercial and industrial, leisure and amenities, and shops) are proposed.We provide fine-grained Geographic Information System outputs, which happen to be an asset particularly for urban planners, supporting and aiding their decision-making procedure -- specially in relative comparison to aggregated measures.In a second contribution, the above work was extended for calculating spatial urban sprawl indices.The proposed approach formalizes sprawl under a sustainable development angle, into three dimensions: land use mix, dispersion of built-up area, and accessibility to activity opportunities.This results in a manageable number of dimensions, where each dimension is formalized in an easy-to-interpret way, and in particular pertinence to the aspects of sprawl that impede sustainable development.In our third contribution, we propose two approaches for performing disaggregated population estimates.The first one exploits information on residential surfaces, assuming a constant residential surface consumption per-capita.By means of employing gridded -- i.e. aggregated -- census tract data, a fine disaggregation is carried out to distribute population count data into buildings.The second one consists of a fully convolutional neural network that maps coarse-grained to fine-grained population data.We use the OpenStreetMap database to extract a set of urban features which describe a local urban context and guide the disaggregation procedure.Population densities are estimated for grid-cells 25 times smaller than the input resolution, i.e. 200m by 200m.
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O cuidado de si e o mundo distribuído: a apropriação dos meios de comunicação e as novas práticas políticas em redeGuzzi, Adriana de Araújo 21 February 2014 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2014-02-21 / This research subject is the appropriation of communication media and the new political practices in the network, from information sharing to collective action. The starting point is from the hypotesis that the emergence of descriptions, terms, vocabularies, fields that guide s reconfigurations of domains in possible knowledge in this time of massive access to internet, reveals new conditions of a future being produced in the present, decreasing distances between the networks and the devices that cross the govern-society institutional relations. Our aim is to investigate the internet access and invention of new ways of making politic. As specific aim a mapping of displacement of knowledge field was carried out, articulating the distributed concept to multiplicity of communication media s uses and appropriations. Methodologically, the axis of the formation of scientific knowledge was analized from the articulation of Michel Foucault 's focus on experience, the concepts of governmentality and itself government, and concepts of discursive practices, procedures and subjectivity processes developed by Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari, as references for uniqueness, multiplicity and difference. The bridges between these concepts and some contemporary social analysts were developed, as Shirky, Chris Anderson, Manuel Castells, Miller and Rose, authors that collaborateto understand how some ways of thinking about the world begin to emerge in the public space as a hybrid opportunities to be more active and collaborative in practices of itself and others government. It is also the nature of the study object the existence of big data, computing power and reading interfaces currently available. The immense amount of data (and metadata) produced in the networks, the existence of statistical hardware and software and innovative visualization, with low cost and processing capacity, constitute a change. Events as manifestations of June in Brazil among others in the world were analyzed through mappings of social networks and the characterization of these cases and their consequences in the field of networking experience and practical innovative policies. It was possible to demonstrate that more than creating motivations is the use of tools by people that make internet amplify its potential without going through mediation of government or official communication channels. This is the innovative character of the appropriation of the communication media, information sharing to collective action: the new political practices in the new network / O tema desta pesquisa é a apropriação dos meios de comunicação e as novas práticas políticas
em rede, do compartilhamento da informação à ação coletiva.Parte-se da hipótese de que a
emergência de descrições, termos, vocabulários, campos que pautam reconfigurações de
domínios nos saberes possíveis dessa época de acesso massivo à internet, revelam condições
inéditas de um futuro sendo produzido no presente, diminuindo distâncias entre as redes e os
dispositivos que atravessam as relações institucionais governo-sociedade. O objetivo é
investigar o acesso à internet e a invenção de novas formas de fazer política.Como objetivo
específico foi realizado o mapeamento de deslocamentos nos campos do conhecimento,
articulando o conceito de distribuído à multiplicidade de usos e apropriações dos meios de
comunicação.Como metodologia, analisou-se de início o eixo da formação dos saberes
científicos, a partir das articulações de Michel Foucault sobre o foco da experiência, dos
conceitos de governamentalidade e governo de si e de conceitos de práticas discursivas,
procedimentos e processos de subjetivação desenvolvidos por Gilles Deleuze e Félix Guattari,
enquanto pensadores da singularidade, multiplicidade e diferença. Em seguida, desenvolveramse
pontes entre esses conceitos e os de alguns analistas sociais contemporâneos, como Shirky,
Chris Anderson, Manuel Castells, Miller e Rose, autores que ajudam a entender como algumas
formas de pensar o mundo começam a surgir nesse espaço público híbrido como oportunidades
para as pessoas serem mais atuantes e colaborativas nas práticas de governo de si e dos outros.
É também da natureza do objeto de estudo a existência do big data, poder computacional e de
interfaces de leitura atualmente disponíveis. A imensa quantidade de dados (e metadados)
produzidos nas redes, a existência de hardware e software estatísticos e de visualização
inovadores, com baixo custo e capacidade de processamento, constituem per si uma
mudança.Procedeu-se à análise de acontecimentos como as Manifestações de Junho de 2013 no
Brasil entre outras no mundo, por meio de mapeamentos das redes sociais e da caracterização
desses casos e seus desdobramentos no campo de experiências em rede como práticas políticas
inovadoras. Foi possível demonstrar que, mais do que criar motivações, é o uso das ferramentas
pelas pessoas que faz a internet amplificar suas potencialidades, sem passar por mediações de
governo ou canais de comunicação oficiais. Este é o caráter inovador das apropriações dos
meios de comunicação, o compartilhamento da informação à ação coletiva:as novas práticas
políticas em rede
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O controle de autoridade no consórcio VIAF / The authority control in the consortium VIAFRomanetto, Luiza de Menezes [UNESP] 24 January 2017 (has links)
Submitted by LUIZA DE MENEZES ROMANETTO (luizamenezes@reitoria.unesp.br) on 2017-02-22T14:24:28Z
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Previous issue date: 2017-01-24 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / O controle de autoridade garante consistência aos sistemas de informação. Adotado na catalogação, o tema recebeu maior visibilidade durante a década de 1980 com a automação dos catálogos. Desde então, surgiram projetos direcionados ao intercâmbio e compartilhamento de dados de autoridade. O Virtual International Authority File (VIAF) é um consórcio de cooperação internacional entre bibliotecas e agências nacionais que disponibiliza arquivos de autoridade no Linking Open Data. Este estudo foi desenvolvido com o intuito de responder ao problema de pesquisa: como o controle de autoridade no VIAF contribui para a efetivação da Web Semântica de modo a proporcionar maior qualidade aos sistemas de busca e recuperação da informação? Para isso, foram definidos os objetivos: 1) descrever sobre os princípios, técnicas e padrões que proporcionam o controle de autoridade na catalogação; 2) analisar o controle de autoridade de nomes para pessoas, instituições e geográfico; 3) apresentar o VIAF, sua origem, as tecnologias envolvidas em sua estrutura e sua perspectiva de contribuição para a Web Semântica. A metodologia compreende um estudo qualitativo, de natureza aplicada, com objetivos exploratórios. Os resultados obtidos apresentam a abrangência internacional do VIAF e a caracterização sobre as tecnologias e a forma pela qual são estabelecidos os registros de autoridade no consórcio. Os registros de autoridade estabelecidos no VIAF compreendem a agregação de vocabulários de valor estabelecidos pelas principais agências catalogadoras no mundo, que têm sido adotados em Linking Open Data. / Authority control ensures consistency in information systems. Adopted in the cataloging, the theme received greater visibility from the automation of the catalogs, during the decade of 1980 with automation of catalogs. Since then emerged projects cooperation targeted to exchange and cooperation of authority data. The Virtual International Authority File (VIAF) is consortium of international cooperation between library and national agencies what provides authority file in the linking open data. This study was developed with intent to respond to research problem: how does the authority control in VIAF contributes to the effectiveness from the semantic web so provide higher quality to the search systems and information retrieval? For this were defined the objectives: 1) to describe about the principles, techniques and standards what provide authority control in cataloging; 2) to analyze authority control of names for people, institutions and geographical; 3) present the VIAF, your origin, the technologies involved in your structure and its perspective of contribution to the Semantic Web. The methodology comprises a qualitative study of an applied nature with exploratory objectives. The obtained results present the international scope of VIAF and characterization about the technologies and the way in which are established authority records in the consortium. The authority established the VIAF records comprise the vocabulary of aggregate value established by the main catalogers agencies in the world. What stands out to the importance relevance of the consortium to the international community.
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