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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Digitaliseringen av Svensk Gruvindustri: Strategier för att Hantera Kompetensrelaterade Utmaningar och Paradoxer / The Digitalization of the Swedish Mining Industry: Strategies for Addressing Competence-Related Challenges and Paradoxes.

Sjögren, Julia, Andersson, Viktor January 2024 (has links)
Bakgrund och problemformulering: Gruvnäringen i Sverige står inför flerakritiska utmaningar som hotar dess långsiktiga hållbarhet. Digitaliseringen som ärnödvändigt för att förbli konkurrenskraftig i gruvindustrin, riskerar att minskasysselsättningen i företagens närområden. Detta kan leda till ökat motstånd frånlokalbefolkningen, vars sociala acceptans är avgörande för verksamhetens fortsattadrift. Samtidigt finns det en brist på högutbildad arbetskraft som ingenjörer,automationstekniker, och datavetare, vilket är nödvändigt för att genomföra dendigitala omställningen. Gruvbolagen måste också omskola befintlig personal föratt möta de nya kompetenskraven, vilket riskerar att mötas av internt motståndsom kan spridas till omgivningen. I och med digitaliseringen måste gruvbolagensåledes bemöta flertalet kompetensrelaterade utmaningar samtidigt som godarelationer med lokalbefolkningen upprätthålls. Utan en väl genomförd omställningriskerar gruvbolagen att förlora både effektivitet och lokalt stöd. Dennabalansgång mellan att driva digitaliseringen och bibehålla social och ekonomiskstabilitet i gruvsamhällena är en central utmaning för branschen. Syfte och forskningsfrågor: Syftet med denna uppsats är att få en holistisk bildöver vilka kompetensrelaterade utmaningar gruvindustrins digitalisering medför,samt hur dessa utmaningar kan förstås i relation till varandra. Studien ämnar ävenatt undersöka hur svenska gruvbolag arbetar för att möta dessa utmaningar, ochslutligen att utifrån befintlig litteratur och intervjuer med anställda inomgruvindustrin ge förslag på hur dessa utmaningar kan hanteras. Detta harundersökts genom följande två forskningsfrågor; Vilka utmaningar medför gruvindustrins digitalisering kopplat tillkompetensförsörjning, och hur samverkar dessa med varandra? Hur arbetar svenska gruvbolag i dagsläget för att möta de kompetensrelateradeutmaningarna digitaliseringen medför? Resultat och kunskapsbidrag: Studien identifierade tre huvudsakligautmaningar: personal- och kompetensbrist, motstånd till förändring, och socialacceptans (SLO). Dessa utmaningar utgör en paradox där lösningen på ett problem kan förvärra ett annat, vilket ställer krav på att kunna se problemen bådeindividuellt och holistiskt, vara dynamisk i beslutsfattandet, och att noggrantbalansera olika åtgärder.Resultaten visar likt tidigare forskning ett ökat behov av digitalt kunnig personal. Imotsats till tidigare forskning framgick dock att digitaliseringen osannolikt ledertill minskad sysselsättning, då företagens behov av personal växer medutvecklingen. Gruvindustrins attraktionsproblem grundas sig i geografiskavlägsenhet, låg arbetslöshet i närområden, få högutbildade i närheten, ochnegativa uppfattningar om branschen. Gruvbolagen kompenserar detta medgenerösa löner, karriärmöjligheter, socialt engagemang och rekrytering frånutlandet med stöd för integration. För att stärka sin SLO och göra området mer attraktivt arbetar gruvbolagen medsocial hållbarhet och stöttar närliggande samhällen. De samarbetar även medskolor, deltar i arbetsmarknadsmässor och använder sociala medier för attmarknadsföra sig som arbetsgivare. Även kompetensutveckling framgick somavgörande för att möta verksamhetens behov, marknadsförautvecklingsmöjligheter och behålla personal genom främst intern men ocksåextern utbildning och utvecklingsprogram. Internt förändringsmotstånd identifierades särskilt bland anställda som arbetatinom företagen under en längre tid. Då gruvbolag har en hög andel anställda medlång anställningstid, kan det bli ett signifikant problem för företagen om det intehanteras rätt. Detta motstånd hanterar gruvbolagen huvudsakligen genom attinformera anställda om varför förändringen är nödvändig, men kan hanteras bättregenom att ta stöd av Hiatts ADKAR-modell. / Background and problem statement: The mining industry in Sweden facesseveral critical challenges that threaten its long-term sustainability. Digitalization,which is necessary to remain competitive in the mining industry, is at risk ofcausing reduced employment in the companies' local areas. This can lead toincreased resistance from the local population, whose social acceptance is crucialfor the continued operation of the industry. Simultaneously, there is a shortage ofhighly educated workforce, such as engineers and data scientists, which isnecessary to carry out the technical transition. Mining companies also need toretrain existing staff to meet the new competency requirements, which risksencountering internal resistance that can spread to the surrounding community.Thus, in the face of digitalization, mining companies must address multiplecompetence-related challenges while maintaining good relations with the localpopulation. Without a well-executed transition, mining companies risk losing bothefficiency and local support. Balancing digitalization with maintaining social andeconomic stability in mining communities is a central challenge for the industry. Purpose and research questions: The purpose of this thesis is to obtain a holisticview of the competence-related challenges brought by the digitalization of themining industry and how these challenges can be understood in relation to eachother. The study also aims to examine how Swedish mining companies work tomeet these challenges and based on existing literature and interviews withindustry employees, to propose how these challenges can be managed. This hasbeen investigated through the following two research questions: What challenges does the digitalization of the mining industry pose related tocompetence provision, and how do these interact with each other? How are Swedish mining companies currently working to meet thecompetence-related challenges brought by digitalization?  Results and contribution: The study identified three main challenges: employeeand competence shortage, resistance to change, and Social License to Operate(SLO). These challenges form a paradox where the solution to one problem canexacerbate another, requiring the ability to view the problems both individuallyand holistically, be dynamic in decision-making, and carefully balance differentmeasures. The results show, like previous research, an increased need for digitally skilledpersonnel. However, contrary to earlier studies, it emerged that digitalization isunlikely to result in reduced employment, as companies' need for personnel growswith the development. The employee attraction problems of the mining industryare based on geographical remoteness, low unemployment in local areas, fewhighly educated people nearby, and negative perceptions of the industry. Miningcompanies compensate for this with generous salaries, career opportunities, socialengagement, and recruitment from abroad with support for integration. To strengthen their SLO and make the area more attractive, mining companieswork with social sustainability and support local communities. Further, theycollaborate with schools, participate in job fairs, and use social media to marketthemselves as employers. Competence development also emerged as crucial tomeet the needs of the business, market development opportunities, and retain staffthrough mainly internal but also external training and development programs.Internal resistance to change was identified, especially among employees whohave worked in the company for a long time. As mining companies have a highproportion of employees with long tenures, it can become a significant problemfor the companies if not managed right. This resistance is mainly managed byinforming employees about why the change is necessary but can be better handledusing Hiatts ADKAR-model.

Developing Green Cement in Slite, Gotland : Heidelberg Materials Cement Sverige AB’s role in net-zero carbon emissionsthrough CCS on Gotland and the intricacies of social sustainability on the localcommunity. A case study on stakeholder analysis

van Beek, Julius, Berglund, Robert January 2024 (has links)
Purpose: The thesis investigated how local entrepreneurs in Slite perceive Heidelberg Materials Cement Sverige AB (HMCS) 's upcoming carbon capture storage (CCS) project—the thesis aimed to explore their perceptions of both enthusiasm and concern regarding the forthcoming mega-project in eco-innovation. Method: A case study based on qualitative research consisting of semi-structured interviews. Theory: Stakeholder Theory and Social License to Operate Results: Economic benefits such as job creation and increased local business activity are acknowledged by the entrepreneurs, who are also concerned about environmental impact, especially dust and transport-related pollution. Some entrepreneurs felt that HMCS has decreased its community involvement over time, and there is a need for increased engagement. Communication gaps were evident, and some entrepreneurs were skeptical about the project's benefits versus its potential disruptions. There was optimism about the potential, but entrepreneurs strongly emphasized the urgent need for improved corporate responsibility, better communication, and genuine community engagement. Conclusion: In conclusion, the thesis recommends that HMCS set a robust community engagement strategy for the upcoming CCS project. To achieve this, it will be essential to emphasize transparent communication, mutual feedback procedures, and community benefits such as job creation and infrastructure improvements. Creating a genuine commitment to corporate social responsibility can mitigate the concerns of entrepreneurs and foster trust between HMCS and its stakeholders.

From Diesel to Battery Power in Underground Mines : A Pilot Study of Diesel Free LHDs

Jäderblom, Niklas January 2017 (has links)
Load, haul and dump machines (LHDs) are commonly used in underground mines around the world. The machines are used to transport fragmented ore after blasting in the ore body. The main propellant used is diesel which accounts for a large part of the diesel consumed in mines today. This master thesis is a pilot study for further work to be done by LTU and Atlas Copco in a project called SIMS or Sustainable Intelligent Mining Systems, where the aim is to physically demonstrate diesel free LHDs doing productive work in mines. The objective of the thesis was to assess if the integration of battery-powered LHD machines is plausible in today’s underground mines. The aims were to map the current state of the production and to perform risk and job analysis of the new technology in the current systems. A theoretical framework was constructed with focus on safety, risk, hazards and change in work content. Social acceptance was then researched to be able to analyze how the new technology is received. Data gathering was done through interviews, observations, a focus group and reviewing documents while visiting Atlas Copco and two underground mines in Sweden. Diesel and electric-powered LHDs were studied in the mines and battery-powered LHDs were studied at Atlas Copco. The results present the current state of diesel, electric and battery-powered LHDs. How the machines are used in the visited mines and the identified risks with the work is presented along with the mapping of the battery system being developed by Atlas Copco. New risks that the battery system will bring to the work environment were identified using energy and deviation analyzes. The change in work content was discussed using the information from the visits and identifying what tasks will change, disappear and be added with the new technology. A large part of the thesis was analyzing the results with support from the theoretical framework. The analysis showed that a switch from diesel to battery-power would improve the overall health and safety inside the mines. A switch does not change the skill needed to operate the machines but can increase the qualifications for the service personnel. The main obstacles, in terms of social acceptance, with implementing the battery systems in the current state are that the need for constant battery exchange would cause problems in the production, the prejudice that the batteries would increase the consequences of a fire and the initial cost of making the switch. Recommendations for Atlas Copco going forward in the SIMS project were made. They need to emphasizing the safety of the technology to the users, developing the battery exchange so it can be done closer to the stopes and involve the operators in the projects of SIMS to help them understand the benefits it will have on them directly. / Gruvlastmaskiner (LHD) används ofta i gruvor runt om i världen. Maskinerna används för transportera fragmenterade malm efter malmen sprängts. Det huvudsakliga drivmedlet som används är diesel, som står för en stor del av den diesel som förbrukas i gruvor idag. Detta examensarbete är en pilotstudie för ytterligare arbete som ska utföras av LTU och Atlas Copco i ett projekt som heter SIMS eller Sustainable Intelligent Mining Systems. Syftet är att fysiskt demonstrera dieselfria LHD-maskiner göra produktivt arbete i gruvor. Syftet med examensarbetet var att bedöma om integrationen av batteridrivna LHD-maskiner är möjligt i dagens underjordiska gruvor. Målet var att kartlägga den aktuella produktionssituationen och att utföra risk- och arbetsanalyser av den nya tekniken i nuvarande system. En teoretisk referensram konstruerades med fokus på säkerhet, risk och förändring i arbetsinnehåll. Social acceptans undersöktes sedan för att kunna analysera hur den nya tekniken tas emot. Datainsamlingen gjordes genom intervjuer, observationer, en fokusgrupp och granskning av dokument givna vid besök på Atlas Copco och två underjordiska gruvor i Sverige. Diesel- och el-drivna maskiner studerades i gruvorna och batteridrivna studerades hos Atlas Copco. Resultaten presenterar det nuvarande läget för diesel, elektriska och batteridrivna LHDmaskiner. Hur maskinerna används i de besökta gruvorna och de identifierade riskerna med arbetet presenteras tillsammans med kartläggningen av batterisystemet som utvecklas av Atlas Copco. Nya risker med batterisystemet identifierades med hjälp av energi- och avvikelsesanalyser. Ändringarna i arbetsinnehåll diskuterades med hjälp av informationen från besöken och klargör vilka uppgifter som ska förändras, försvinnas och läggas till med den nya tekniken. En stor del av arbetet var att analysera resultaten med stöd från den teoretiska referensramen. Analysen visade att bytet från diesel till batterier skulle förbättra hälsan och säkerheten i gruvorna. Teknologibytet förändrar inte den färdighet som krävs för att kunna manövrera maskinerna men kan öka kvalifikationerna för servicepersonalen. De viktigaste hindren när det gäller social acceptans med att implementera batterisystemen i det nuvarande tillståndet är att behovet av konstant batteribyte skulle orsaka problem i produktionen, fördomarna om att batterierna skulle öka konsekvenserna av en brand och de initiala kostnaderna att göra ett byte. Rekommendationer för Atlas Copco för fortsatt arbete i SIMS-projektet gjordes. De behöver klargöra säkerheten hos den nya teknik för användarna, utveckla batteribytet så att det kan göras närmare produktionen och involvera operatörerna i SIMS-projekten för att hjälpa dem att förstå de fördelar som det kommer att ha på dem direkt.

EU:s Critical Raw Minerals Act och lokala konflikter kring gruvdrift i norra Sverige : En fallstudie av Rönnbäck och Nunasvaara / EU:s Critical Raw Minerals Act and Local Mining Conflicts in Northern Sweden : A Case Study of Rönnbäck and Nunasvaara

Richardson, Ilse Marie January 2024 (has links)
The increasing global demand for critical raw minerals is increasing the demand for expansion of the mining industry, requiring quicker issuance of environmental and mining permits while maintaining sustainability standards. Social License to Operate (SLO) is crucial for gaining local support for mining projects. The EU's increased influence on member statesmineral policies through the Critical Raw Mineral Act (CRMA) could lead to local power shifts and conflicts. This study examines how CRMA affects local power dynamics and conflicts, focusing on two mining projects in Sweden to investigate the local impacts of the EU's CRMA and its effect on SLO. Using a qualitative case study approach, the study applies MacPhail et al.'s (2022) theoretical framework, focusing on process legitimacy, value compatibility, and expected distributional outcomes. The findings indicate that CRMA may negatively impact SLO and may lead to reduced power for indigenous populations and increased conflicts among stakeholders. The study highlights the need for inclusive, transparent, and fair permitting processes to secure SLO and minimize conflicts, emphasizing the importance of integrating indigenous rights and values in political decisions and permitting processes to support democratic and sustainable development in the mining industry.

Impactos de projetos de engenharia realizados entre 2007 e 2016 de uma empresa do setor de petróleo e gás natural em uma comunidade de pescadores no município de Magé/RJ na perspectiva dos stakeholderes

Ferreira, Thiago da Silva 14 December 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Joana Azevedo (joanad@id.uff.br) on 2017-08-19T19:00:59Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissert THIAGO DA SILVA FERREIRA.pdf: 2170199 bytes, checksum: 55980b70fed9f12cbea47f1f7c15a6f1 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Biblioteca da Escola de Engenharia (bee@ndc.uff.br) on 2017-08-22T16:51:41Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissert THIAGO DA SILVA FERREIRA.pdf: 2170199 bytes, checksum: 55980b70fed9f12cbea47f1f7c15a6f1 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-08-22T16:51:41Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissert THIAGO DA SILVA FERREIRA.pdf: 2170199 bytes, checksum: 55980b70fed9f12cbea47f1f7c15a6f1 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-12-14 / O presente estudo tem o objetivo de analisar os impactos da implementação por uma empresa de petróleo e gás natural dos empreendimentos GNL (gás natural liquefeito) e GLP (gás liquefeito de petróleo) aos pescadores artesanais de Magé, Estado do Rio de Janeiro no período de 2007 a 2016. Em termos metodológicos, a pesquisa se apoiou na revisão sistemática da literatura adotada tanto para oferecer o devido embasamento teórico sobre licença social para operar e justiça ambiental, quanto para apoiar a construção de instrumentos de coleta de dados aplicados junto a distintos stakeholders. Dentre os resultados destacaram-se: a necessidade de um maior esforço por um diálogo para além dos requisitos legais para licenciamento dos empreendimentos, assim como a busca por uma maior contribuição da academia e poder público na comunicação e esclarecimentos sobre os riscos e impactos locais do empreendimento, e suas respectivas oportunidades, quando existem. / This study aims to analyze the impacts of the implementation from LNG projects (liquefied natural gas) and LPG (liquefied petroleum gas) by an oil company and natural gas to the fisherfolk of Magé, State of Rio de Janeiro in the period 2007-2016. In terms of methodology, the research relied on the systematic review of the literature to both provide theoretical basis of social license to operate and environmental justice, and to support the construction of data collection instruments applied along the different stakeholders. The results highlighted the need for a greater effort for dialog beyond the legal requirements for the licensing of enterprises, as well as the search for a greater contribution of academia and public power in communication on the local risks and impacts, as their opportunities, when it exists.

Voluntary environmental reporting: the why, what and how

De Silva, T-A. January 2008 (has links)
Society is increasingly calling for organisations to demonstrate corporate social responsibility (CSR). To fulfil this demand, organisations need to be accountable, democratic and transparent to their stakeholders. This can be achieved using a number of tools including communication about the environmental, social and economic impacts of an organisation’s actions and activities. Yet despite the importance of communicating environmental information, and society’s heightened environmental awareness, organisations are still demonstrating an insufficient commitment to environmental reporting, continuing their reluctance to be open and accountable about their environmental impacts. This suggests organisations currently have little understanding of why they should report, what they should report and/or how they should report. For environmental reporting progress to be achieved it is important that we have knowledge of how various factors influence voluntary environmental reporting engagement. This research, in contributing to and extending the body of environmental reporting knowledge, aims to provide an understanding of the Why, What and How of voluntary environmental reporting by specifically examining: why organisations should, and why organisations do, voluntarily report environmental information; what environmental information organisations should, and what environmental information organisations do, voluntarily report; and how organisations should, and how organisations do, voluntarily report environmental information. In using a combination of research methodologies this research extends prior CSR reporting studies – closing the gap between voluntary environmental reporting practice and theory, providing better insights into the underlying reasons and motivations for voluntary environmental reporting, and providing improved knowledge of the considerations made by companies as part of the voluntary environmental reporting process. In doing so, this research presents a more recent examination of voluntary environmental reporting in the annual reports of New Zealand and Australian publicly listed companies. Aspects of voluntary environmental reporting that have not been extensively examined before, particularly in Australasia, are examined. These include a focus on content-quality (as opposed to reporting quantity), an investigation of the effect of public pressure (using a combination of three proxy measures), and, through the use of qualitative research, an expansion of the insights obtained from quantitative data. This research finds that New Zealand and Australian publicly listed companies continue to have an insufficient and incorrect understanding of why they should report, what they should report and/or how they should voluntarily report environmental information. This deficient understanding results in voluntary environmental reporting in their annual reports which is inadequate – the reporting lacks meaning and purpose (i.e. has form but little or no substance), and reflects managers’ incorrect perceptions about the environmental impact of their company’s actions and activities. As a result voluntary environmental reporting in the annual reports of New Zealand and Australian publicly listed companies fails to “… give an understanding, which is not misleading, …” of the environmental consequences of an organisation’s actions and activities (adapted from Alexander & Jermakowicz, 2006, p. 132), providing little accountability to stakeholders, and serving neither external stakeholders nor those reporting well. As the demand for organisations to demonstrate accountability to stakeholders continues to increase over time it is important to develop informed environmental reporting guidance and undertake further examinations of the Why, What and How of environmental reporting.

O USO DAS TECNOLOGIAS DA INFORMAÇÃO E COMUNICAÇÃO NO CAMPO OPERACIONAL DA GUARDA CIVIL METROPOLITANA DE SÃO PAULO DESAFIOS À GESTÃO DE PESSOAS / The use of information and communication technologies in the operational field of the Guardia Civil Metropolitana de São Paulo - challenges to managing people

Almeida, Jeane dos Santos 16 March 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-02T21:42:55Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Jeane dos Santos.pdf: 951287 bytes, checksum: ff538f5b140126c9671bcbc130f8207b (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-03-16 / This thesis presents an exploratory study on the experience of implementing a system of digital security. The study had the locus of the Civil Guard Metropolitan Sao Paulo and general objective of the research is to examine the use of information and communication technologies in the organization's operational. First a literature search was performed for screening of similar themes. It was possible to verify the lack of studies on information and communication technologies in the Public Security in Brazil. Of the rare works that has found the inspiration for this research was the experiment conducted in Brasilia, in the area of Knowledge Management and Information Technology, which investigated the integration of information systems in the Federal District Public Security. For this case study adopted the methodology with qualitative research literature, documentary and field (interviews and direct observation). The results demonstrate the need for investment in information and communication technologies, to the integration and interoperability of organizations of Public Security. The results also confirmed the findings in research and studies on urban violence that indicate that only investment in technical infrastructure, in staff, management of safety, called the policy of combating violence and crime, not solve. We need urgency in integrated management of public policies to combat the causes of violence and provocative crime that are increasing poverty, unemployment, lack of efficient public services, particularly in the health sector and education, and lack of social policies, all seen as violence.(AU) / Esta dissertação apresenta um estudo exploratório sobre a experiência de implantação de um sistema digital de segurança. O estudo teve como locus a Guarda Civil Metropolitana de São Paulo e o objetivo geral da pesquisa é analisar o uso das tecnologias da informação e comunicação no campo operacional da organização. Primeiramente foi realizada a pesquisa bibliográfica para rastreamento de temas análogos. Foi possível verificar a escassez de estudos sobre as tecnologias da informação e comunicação na Segurança Pública no Brasil. Dos raros trabalhos encontrados o que deu inspiração para essa pesquisa foi o experimento realizado em Brasília, na área de Gestão do Conhecimento e da Tecnologia da Informação, que investigou a integração de sistemas de info rmações na Segurança Pública do Distrito Federal. Para a realização deste estudo de caso adotou-se a metodologia qualitativa com pesquisas bibliográfica, documental e de campo (entrevistas e observações diretas). Os resultados obtidos demonstram a necessidade de investimentos em tecnologias da informação e comunicação, objetivando a integração e a interoperabilidade das organizações de Segurança Pública. Os resultados também confirmaram os achados em pesquisas e estudos sobre a violência urbana que apontam que só os investimentos na estrutura técnica, em pessoal, em gestão de segurança, chamada política de combate à violência e à criminalidade, não resolve. É preciso urgência na gestão de políticas públicas integradas para combater as causas provocativas da violência e da criminalidade que são a miséria crescente, o desemprego, a falta de serviços públicos eficientes, em especial no setor da saúde e da educação e a ausência de políticas sociais, todos entendidos como violência.(AU)

Proposta de diretrizes para gestão do relacionamento com comunidades: análise do caso em empresa extrativista brasileira

Faria, Marcio Carapeto Silveira 05 August 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Joana Azevedo (joanad@id.uff.br) on 2017-11-18T13:30:48Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissert Marcio Carapeto.pdf: 4480984 bytes, checksum: e3f0fb0f00ff4670fb57164024fcccd6 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Biblioteca da Escola de Engenharia (bee@ndc.uff.br) on 2018-01-08T13:27:55Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissert Marcio Carapeto.pdf: 4480984 bytes, checksum: e3f0fb0f00ff4670fb57164024fcccd6 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-01-08T13:27:55Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissert Marcio Carapeto.pdf: 4480984 bytes, checksum: e3f0fb0f00ff4670fb57164024fcccd6 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-08-05 / A presente pesquisa, de caráter exploratório, qualitativo e descritivo, surge diante necessidade em jogar luz à crescente preocupação das empresas, em especial as extrativistas, em relação à pressão exercida sobre as suas atividades e operações por parte das comunidades nas localidades onde se instalam. Os impactos e os riscos gerados, inerentes aos seus processos, quando não tratados de forma correta são propulsores de movimentos capazes de gerar prejuízos operacionais, financeiros, patrimoniais, de segurança e reputacionais. Neste sentido as empresas buscam estabelecer orientações corporativas adequadas e um modelo de gestão eficiente para se relacionarem com as comunidades. A temática relacionamento comunitário, enquanto ciência, é muito recente, assim a coleta de dados demandou uma triangulação de métodos que garantissem a validação de seus resultados. Foi realizada uma extensa revisão literária, a partir dos conceitos chave da pesquisa, um estudo de caso aprofundado, com uma empresa extrativista brasileira a partir de análise documental e observação de campo e entrevista com profissionais e especialistas. Destaca-se que as orientações e diretrizes analisadas na empresa estudada se mostram coerentes com a revisão literária realizada, rendendo um rico material técnico e teórico para a escassa literatura existente sobre o tema. Como conclusão do trabalho, ainda, revela-se a importância da prática, da rotina das atividades de relacionamento para o sucesso do processo. Diante da destacada importância do tema o presente estudo apresenta orientações eficientes, a luz da bibliografia científica e técnica existente, para as empresas do segmento e uma nova perspectiva científica para pesquisadores ao confrontar um modelo real e a revisão literária visitada. / This research, exploratory, qualitative and descriptive, arises from the need to understand the growing concern of extractive companies, about the pressure exerted on their activities and operations by the communities in the places where they are installed. The impacts and risks generated, inherent in their processes, when not treated in a right way can start movements capable of generating operational, financial, property, safety and reputational losses. In this sense, companies seek to establish adequate corporate guidelines and an efficient management model to relate to communities. “Community relations”, as a science, is very recent, so the data collection required a triangulation of methods that could guarantee its results. An extensive literary review was carried out, based on the key concepts of the research, and a case study, with a brazilian extractive company based on documentary analysis and field observation and, finally, interviews with professionals and specialists were realized. It should be noted that the guidelines analyzed in the studied company are consistent with the literary review, yielding a rich technical and theoretical material for the scarce existing literature on the subject. As conclusion, it also reveals the importance of practice, from the routine of relationship activities to the success of the process. In view of the importance of the topic, the present study presents efficient guidelines, if compared with the existing scientific and technical bibliography, for the companies of the segment and a new scientific perspective for researchers when confronting a real model and the literary review visited.

Legitimacy perspective in sustainability reporting of the Swedish property and construction market / Legetimitetens perspektiv i hållbarhetsrapportering i svenska fastighetsutvecklingsbranschen

Altenborg, Ulrica, Lu, Xiaoming, Yelistratova, Anna January 2011 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to study the legitimacy perspective in sustainability reporting in the given context, and to find out whether Swedish construction companies define and value their legitimacy. In the thesis we have performed a qualitative study using the inductive method; in the research we have used hermeneutics as our starting point and constructionism as the research strategy. In the empirical part we have conducted structured interviews with a list of pre-formulated questions. For the interviews, we have chosen Sweden’s major property developers: Skanska AB, PEAB AB, NCC AB, JM AB and Midroc AB. Companies can get motivation to report their sustainability from their perceived obligation to support license to operate. Not all the companies use stakeholder analysis in the preparation of annual reports, which lets us assume that the companies base their choice of data mainly on internal perceptions of what is required. Data is not selected basing only on what company itself finds interesting; stakeholders’ information needs are reflected in the selection process, although, just like in the first question, not necessarily deliberately. Financial rationale is merely a criterion when choosing sustainability projects to work with; it does not define whether a company is focusing on sustainability in general. / Syftet med denna uppsats är att studera legitimitetsteorin hållbarhetsredovisningar i en särskild kontext och att studera om den svenska fastighetsutvecklingsbranschen definierar och värderar deras legitimitet. I vår uppsats har vi utfört en kvalitativ studie genom att använda induktiv metod. I forskningen har vi använt hermeneutik till att börja med och konstruktionism som forskningsmetodik. I vår empiri har vi utfört intervjuer med hjälp av ett frågeformulär. Till intervjuerna har vi valt Sveriges största fastighetsutvecklingsbolag: Skanska AB, PEAB AB, NCC AB, JM AB and Midroc AB. Bolagen kan motiveras att rapportera hållbarhet genom deras påtvingade skyldighet att upprätthålla licence to operate. Alla företag använder inte intressentanalys i förberedelserna inför årsrapporteringen, vilket ledde oss att antaga att företagen baserar deras val av innehåll huvudsakligen genom en intern föreställning om vad som förväntas från omvärlden. Fakta blir inte enbart utvald efter vad bolagen själv finner intressant. Intressenternas informationsbehov är reflekterade i urvalsprocessen, dock ej helt medvetet. Finansiella motiv är endast ett kriterium när företagen skall välja hållbarhetsprojekt; det avgör inte om ett företag fokuserar på hållbarhet i allmänhet.

De l’accaparement des terres aux investissements agricoles internationaux responsables : la construction de l’acceptabilité sociale

Bohbot, Reine 03 1900 (has links)
Le 25 juin 2011, Kofi Annan, déclare « avec le problème du changement climatique, la sécurité alimentaire et nutritionnelle mondiale est l’enjeu de notre époque ». En effet, les prévisions estiment que la population mondiale atteindra neuf milliards en 2050. Ces propos alarmants placent sur la sellette le phénomène en émergence de transactions internationales agricoles à grande échelle. Alors que la Banque mondiale encourage l’agrobusiness dans les pays en voie de développement, les mouvements sociaux crient à « l’accaparement des terres », avec une superficie totale de terres ayant changé de main, estimée entre 48,9 et 63,1 millions d’hectares. Le monde agricole est en crise, et le sujet de l’accaparement des terres est devenu incontournable dans les médias. Cette recherche interdisciplinaire se veut exploratoire. Elle a pour ambition de dégager comment pourrait s’amorcer la construction de l’acceptabilité sociale de l’industrie agricole à l’échelle internationale, en se basant sur les représentations des acteurs de « l’inacceptabilité de la situation ». Après avoir dégagé les grands enjeux du monde agricole, la question centrale de la légitimité des décisions publiques, c’est-à-dire des décisions ayant une portée publique, qu’elles soient prises par des acteurs privés ou publics, sera abordée. Par la suite, un parallèle sera établi avec le secteur minier, qui est confronté depuis plusieurs années à la notion de « risque social », en se concentrant plus particulièrement sur les instruments de régulation hybride, qui ont émergé en réponse à la crise de légitimité du secteur. La recherche se concentrera donc sur le processus d’homogénéisation du jugement d’acceptabilité sociale, au sein de l’industrie agricole, en analysant la couverture médiatique du phénomène, et en renforçant l’analyse par des entretiens semi-structurés avec différents acteurs oeuvrant dans des ONG internationales, des organisations internationales (comme la Banque mondiale ou la Société financière internationale), une multinationale d’envergure impliquée dans l’exploitation minière, ou des groupes d’investissement responsable. / June 25, 2011, Kofi Annan, said « the problem of climate change, global food and nutrition security is the challenge of our time. » As forecasts estimate the world population will achieve nine billion in 2050, the question of how the world is to be fed is thrust into startling focus. In this context, the emerging phenomenon of international agricultural transactions is on the spot. While the World Bank encourages agribusiness in developing countries, social movements denounce "land grabbing", with a total area of land that changed hands, estimated between 48.9 and 63.1 million hectares. The agricultural world is in crisis, and the subject of land grabbing has become a must in the media. This interdisciplinary research is intended to be exploratory and aims at identifying how the construction of the social acceptability of the agricultural industry at international level could be started, based on the representations of the actors of what is “unacceptable”. Having identified the main issues of the agricultural world, the central question of the legitimacy of public decisions, that is to say decisions having a public scope, whether taken by private or public actors, will be addressed. Subsequently, a parallel will be drawn with the mining sector, which has been confronted for several years with the notion of "social risk", focusing in particular on hybrid regulatory instruments, which emerged in response to the crisis of legitimacy of the sector. The research will therefore concentrate on the process of homogenization of the judgment of social acceptability within the agricultural industry, analyzing the media coverage of the phenomenon, and reinforcing the analysis by semistructured interviews with different actors working in international NGOs, international organizations (such as the World Bank or the International Finance Corporation), a large multinational involved in mining, or responsible investment groups.

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