Spelling suggestions: "subject:"organizacijų"" "subject:"organizacijos""
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Liderstvo i učeća organizacija / Leadership and Learning OrganizationMilić Bojana 15 July 2016 (has links)
<p>Cilj ovog istraživanja je utvrđivanje prirode veza između autentčnog liderstva,<br />afektivne posvećenosti i učeće organizacije, u tržišnim uslovima Republike Srbije.<br />Konkretno, rad ispituje uticaj autentičnog liderstva na učeću organizaciju uz<br />testiranje posredujuće uloge afektivne posvećenosti. Analiza ove studije od 502<br />ispitanika u proizvodnim i uslužnim preduzećima u Republici Srbiji empirijski<br />potvrđuje pretpostavljene uticaje. Dobijeni rezultati sugerišu da je autentično<br />liderstvo važan prediktor učeće organizacije. Pored toga, rezultati pokazuju da<br />percipirana autentičnost kod lidera umereno i pozitivno utiče na afektivnu<br />posvećenost zaposlenih, što zauzvrat delimično utiče na učeću organizaciju.</p> / <p>The aim of this study is to determine the nature of the relationship between<br />authentic leadership, affective commitment and learning organization, in market<br />conditions of the Republic of Serbia. In particular, the paper examines the impact<br />of authentic leadership on learning organization, along with testing the mediating<br />role of affective commitment. The analysis of a survey of 502 employees in the<br />manufacturing and service companies in the Republic of Serbia confirms these<br />influences empirically. The findings suggest that authentic leadership is an<br />important predictor of learning organization. In addition,the results reveal that<br />perceived authentic leadership capabilities moderately and positively influence<br />employee affective commitment, which in turn partly affects the learning<br />organization.</p>
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Razvoj modela složenosti projektnih sistema i njegov uticaj na performanse međunarodnih razvojnih projekata / Project systems’ complexity model and its influence on performance of International Development ProjectsGajić Slađana 08 July 2020 (has links)
<p>Osnovni cilj istraživanja predstavlja ispitivanje faktora<br />kompleksnosti koji utiču na performanse međunarodnih razvojnih<br />projekata. Savremeni izazovi u upravljanju međunarodnim razvojnim<br />projektima doveli su do povećane kompleksnosti ove vrste projekata,<br />što je u poslednjih nekoliko godina podstaklo istraživače da<br />publikuju veliki broj radova na ovu temu. Dobijeni model<br />kompleksnosti razvijen je kombinovanjem rezultata Delfi<br />istraživanja sa rezultatima kvantitativnog istraživanja. Model<br />kompleksnosti može biti primenjen od strane praktičara i akademika<br />za procenu nivoa kompleksnosti međunarodnih razvojnih projekata.</p> / <p>The main goal of the research is to examine complexity factors that influence<br />International Development projects. Contemporary challenges in ID projects<br />have led to their growth in their complexity, which in recent years has driven<br />researches in recent years to publish numerous papers that deal with this<br />topic, demonstrating its importance in current project management research.<br />The research in the dissertation was done by conducting mixed research<br />method – by comparing Delphi methodology in the qualitative part, with<br />quantitative research. The model represents a novel theoretical lens for<br />assessing complexity in ID projects by both academics and practitioners.</p>
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Razvoj modela interne komunikacije zasnovane na poverenju / The development of Trust based Internal Communication modelNešić Ana 17 December 2019 (has links)
<p>Interna komunikacija u organizacijama predstavlja osnovu svih radnih procesa. Poverenje u komunikacionom procesu doprinosi uspešnijim i kvalitetnijim rezultatima rada, utičući na organizaciono ponašanje i poslovne performanse i posebno radno angažovanje. Uspostavljanje komunikacije zasnovane na poverenju se smatra jednim od najvažnijih ciljeva, posebno kada su u pitanju timski rad, rad sa novim tehnologijama i pre svega stil upravljanja. U radu se analiziraju rezultati istraživanja interne komunikacije, poverenja i radnog angažovanja u organizacijama različitog tipa i vlasničkog statusa i njihova međusobna povezanost koja utiče na radno ponašanje zaposlenih.</p> / <p>Internal communication in organizations represents the basis of all working processes. Trust in the communication process contributes to more successful and efficient work results, influencing organizational behavior and work performance, and a particular - work engagement. Establishing trust-based communication is considered to be one of the most important goals, especially when it comes to teamwork, working with new technologies and, above all, management style. The thesis analyzes the results of the research of internal communication, trust and work engagement in organizations of different type and ownership status and their interconnectedness that influences the working behavior of employees.</p>
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Darbuotojų mokymų įtaka organizacijos konkurencingumui / The influence of personal training for companies competitive abilityLaurinėnienė, Elinga 26 June 2014 (has links)
Darbuotojų mokymo įtaka organizacijos konkurencingumui Magistro studijų baigiamasis darbas, sudaro 72 puslapiai, darbe pateikiama 36 paveikslai, 5 lentelės bei 2 priedai. Raktiniai žodžiai: organizacijų mokymai, besimokanti organizacija, mokymų įtaka organizacijos konkurencingumui. Tyrimo objektas – Lietuvos organizacijų darbuotojai. Tyrimo laikotarpio trukmė – 2010 m. pirmas ketvirtis. Darbo objektas - Lietuvos organizacijų darbuotojų mokymai. Darbo tikslas – nustatyti, ar personalo mokymai tiekia naudą organizacijų konkurencingumui. Darbo uždaviniai: 1. Išnagrinėti darbuotojų mokymų sampratą bei procesą. 2. Aptarti darbuotojų mokymo ir tobulinimo sistemą Lietuvoje. 3. Įvertinti darbuotojų mokymų įtaka organizacijos konkurencingumui. Tyrimo metodai: anketinis, palyginamosios analizės. Anoniminis anketavimas pasirinktas dėl patogumo respondentams ir tikėtinai teisingos informacijos. Norint pabrėžti skirtumus tarp įvairių organizacijų ir jų pasirinktos mokymosi/nesimokymo strategijos naudojama palyginamoji analizė. Pirmojoje dalyje „Darbuotojų mokymai teoriniu aspektu“ aptariami darbuotojų mokymai teoriniu aspektu, nagrinėjama darbuotojų mokymų samprata, mokymų proceso etapai bei metodai. Antrojoje darbo dalyje „Darbuotojų mokymo ir tobulinimo sistema Lietuvoje“ nagrinėjama Lietuvoje šiuo metu egzistuojanti darbuotojų mokymo ir tobulinimo sistema. Aptariama kvalifikacijos tobulinimo svarba organizacijos konkurencingumui. Taip pat nagrinėjama besimokančios organizacijos... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / LAURINĖNIENĖ, Elinga. (2010) The Influence of Personal Training for Companies Competitive Ability. MBA Graduation Paper. Kaunas: Kaunas Faculty of Humanities, Vilnius University. 72 p. SUMMARY Master's degree final paper consists of 72 pages. 36 figures, 5 tables and 2 appendixes are exposed. Key words: organizational training, learning organization, training and the influence of training to ompanies competitiveness. Research of object – staff of Lithuania organizations. Study period - the first quarter of 2010. Object - Lithuanian organizations in staff training. The aim - to determine whether staff training benefits the competitiveness of organizations. The tasks: 1. To verview the concept of employee training and process. 2. To xplore the training and development system in Lithuania. 3. To evaluate thye staff training on the organization's competitiveness. Research methods: questionnaire, comparative analysis. Anonymous questionnaire was chosen for the better convenience of selected respondents and the higher probabilily for the correct information gathering. To highlight the differences between various organizations and the preferred learning/not learning strategy a comparative analysis was used. The first part „The theoretical concept of employee training“ consist of the theoretical aspect of staff training, overviewing staff training concepts, processes and methods of trainings. The second part of "Training and development system if staff in Lithuania“ contains analysis... [to full text]
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Intraneto taikymas gimnazijos veiklos efektyvumui didinti / Application of intranet for enhancing high school effectivenessAldakauskas, Aidas 27 June 2014 (has links)
Viena labiausiai paplitusių internetinių informacinių sistemų rūšių yra intranetas. Tai organizacijos tinklas, grindžiamas interneto protokolų rinkiniu TCP/IP. Pagrindinė intraneto paskirtis – komunikacija ir bendradarbiavimas tarp organizacijos narių, ir paprastai kiekvienas jų, priklausomai nuo savo atliekamų funkcijų, turi skirtingas naudojimosi intranetu teises. Magistrinio darbo tikslas - sukurti informacinę sistemą „Ei-tinklas“ gimnazijoje – intranetą – kaip vieną iš priemonių, skirtų šiuolaikinei vadybai bei mokymui(-si), realizuoti. / One of the most prevalent types of Internet Information Systems is Intranet. It is an organization network based on the collection TPC/IP of internet records. The main purpose of the Intranet is communication and cooperation among members of an organization, and usually each of them, depending on their accomplishing functions, has different rights of the Intranet’s usage. The aim of Master Degree Work is to create an information system “Ei-network” in the gymnasium – Intranet – as one of the means designed for implementing modern management and teaching (learning).
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Profesionaliojo sportininko teisinis statusas Europos Teisingumo Teismo jurisprudencijoje / Legal status of professional athlete in the jurisprudence of the european court of justiceSemėnas, Egidijus 27 June 2014 (has links)
Magistro darbe tema Profesionaliojo sportininko teisinis statusas Europos Teisingumo Teismo jurisprudencijoje yra atskleidžiama Europos Teisingumo Teismo sprendimuose ir nutartyse pateikiama profesionaliojo sportininko samprata, taip pat analizuojamos svarbiausios bylos, kuriose yra sprendžiamos su Europos Sąjungos teisės aktų taikymu susijusios problemos, kylančios tiek individualiu, tiek komandiniu sportu užsiimantiems profesionaliesiems sportininkams. Pirmoje tyrimo dalyje yra analizuojamas sportinės veiklos reglamentavimas Europos Sąjungos teisėje, taip pat Europos Teisingumo Teismo vaidmuo reglamentuojant sportą Europos Sąjungos lygmeniu. Šioje dalyje yra išskiriamas ir nagrinėjamas dvejopas profesionaliojo sportininko supratimas – asmuo, užsiimantis sportu gali būti suvokiamas tiek kaip darbuotojų judėjimo laisvę pagal Sutarties dėl Europos Sąjungos (toliau – Sutartis) veikimo nuostatas įgyvendinantis darbuotojas, tiek kaip paslaugų teikėjas, kuris naudojasi Sutartyje įtvirtintos paslaugų teikimo laisvės suteikiamomis teisėmis. Antroji šio darbo dalis apima komandiniu sportu užsiimančio profesionaliojo sportininko teisinio statuso atskleidimą. Pirmajame skyriuje plėtojama diskriminacijos dėl profesionaliojo sportininko pilietybės problema, o antrajame – profesionaliojo sportininko padėtis, kai tarp sporto organizacijų sutariama profesionaliojo sportininko perėjimo iš vienos sporto organizacijos į kitą. Paskutinėje darbo dalyje yra plačiau nagrinėjami individualiu sportu... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The master thesis Legal Status of Professional Athlete in the Jurisprudence of the European Court of Justice discloses the concept of professional athlete found in the jurisprudence of the European Court of Justice. The master’s work contains a detailed analysis of European Union law on issues arising from both individual and team sports professional athletes. In the first part of master’s work analysis of sports regulation under the European Union law is performed and the role of the European Court of Justice in regulation of sport is examined. This section also approaches the issue of professional athlete's dual understanding – a person engaged in sport can be seen both as an employee, that benefits from free movement of workers under the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, as well as service provider (freedom to provide services is applied). The second part of the master's work discloses the legal status of team sport professional athlete. The first section examines the problem of discrimination based on nationality of professional athlete. The second – professional athlete’s status, when the sport organizations agreed on the transfer, otherwise known as the professional athlete’s transition from one sport organization to another. The legal status of professional athletes in the individual sports and the main problems they face are revealed in section number three, where cases Christelle Deliège against Ligue francophone de judo et associées disciplines... [to full text]
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Orientavimosi sporto varžybų organizavimo kokybės gerinimas: sporto organizacijos atvejis / Orienteering race organization quality improvement: the case of sports organizationLazdauskas, Karolis 20 June 2014 (has links)
Darbo objektas: orientavimosi sporto varžybų kokybės gerinimas.
Darbo tikslas: nustatyti orientavimosi sporto varžybų kokybės spragas.
Darbo uždaviniai:
1. Išnagrinėti sporto organizacijos sampratą.
2. Apibrėžti sportinių varžybų organizavimo ypatumus.
3. Atskleisti orientavimosi sporto varžybų organizavimo ir formavimo etapus.
4. Nustatyti orientavimosi sporto varžybų dalyvių masiškumą kintant metams.
5. Atskleisti orientavimosi sporto varžybų organizavimo kokybę.
Tyrimo metodai:
1. Mokslinės literatūros analizė;
2. Dokumentų turinio analizė;
3. Anketinė apklausa;
4. Aprašomoji statistika.
Rezultatai, išvados, pasiūlymai
Šiuolaikinės sporto organizacijos neatsilieka nuo verslo organizacijų, jos sugeba pritaikyti naujausius verslo modelius, technologijas, strateginio valdymo metodus. Gerai organizuotos ir sistemingai vykdomos varžybos turi turėti išliekamąją vertę, bet tik gerai organizuotos varžybos bus naudingos atletams bei teiks malonumą žiūrovams. Orientavimosi sporto varžybų organizavimo ištakos siejamos, nuo turistinių sąskrydžių, kuriuo metu, jų dalyviai, kaip laisvalaikio praleidimo formą įtraukdavo šį sportą. Atlikus tyrimą buvo nustatyta, kad dauguma apklaustųjų yra nusivylę šio sporto organizavimo kokybe. Tačiau paskutiniųjų metų statistiniai duomenys rodo, jog dalyvių masiškumas auga. Atsižvelgus į tyrimo gautus rezultatus galima teigti, jog orientavimosi sporto organizavime yra trūkumu ir juos reiktu gerinti. Tyrimas atskleidžia, kad Lietuvoje trūksta... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The object of the work: orienteering race quality improvement
The aim of the work: determine the quality of orienteering event quality gaps.
The goals of the work:
1. To examine the concept of sports organizations.
2. To define the specific organization of sporting events.
3. To reveal of orienteering events organizing and formation stages.
4. To estimate orienteering sports participants in a competition with the changing years.
5. To reveal of orienteering events organizing quality.
Methods of survey:
1. Analysis of scientific literature;
2. Content analysis of documents:
3. Questionnaire;
4. Descriptive statistics.
Modern sports organizations keeping pace with business organizations, they are able to adapt the latest business models, technologies and strategic management. Well organized and systematic race has to have lasting value, but only well-organized race will be useful for athletes and provide enjoyment to the audience. Orienteering race organizing origins are going back to the tourist hiking time. In that time participants include this sport as a leisure form. The investigation found out that most of the respondents are disappointed with the quality of organization of sport. But last year, statistics show that the massification of participants grows. Based on the study results suggest that orienteering is a lack of organization and they should be improved. The study reveals that orienteering organized in Lithuania has weaknesses in a high-level competition, which... [to full text]
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Lietuvos žemės ūkio konsultavimo tarnybos įvaizdžio formavimas / Development of Corporate Image of Lithuanian agricultural advisory serviceDereškevičius, Arūnas 29 May 2006 (has links)
The conclusions of those studies is that the heads of service should focus not only on the management or marketing of the products, but also on corporate identity and corporate communication as well. The corporate identity and corporate communication are very close related with the image-building of advisory services. The signals from audiences create correct market perception for the service when it is not commensurate with market share. Well developed corporate image of the service minimize the risk of relations with staff, customers and suppliers, governmental institutions, press and other institutions or persons which could have influence on activity of the service – in other words for strategic plans.
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NVO kaip vaikų socialinės atskirties mažinimo agentas / NGO as agent of lowering children social exclusionVaitkevičius, Valdas 24 September 2008 (has links)
Darbe siekta atskleisti NVO kaip vaikų socialinės atskirties mažinimo agentą. Mokslinės literatūros, dokumentų analizė ir atlikti du ekspertiniai tyrimai išryškino NVO veiklą vaikų socialinės atskirties aspektu. Ištirtos Panevėžio, Šiaulių ir Klaipėdos VDC kaip vaikų socialinės atskirties mažinimo agentų veiklos problemos ir galimybės, parengtos veiklos tobulinimo gairės. / The purpose of the research work is to reveal NGO as an agent of lowering children social exclusion. The analysis of scientific literature, documentation (legislation) and two forensic examinations which were accomplished highlighted the work of NGO in the aspect of children social exclusion. Children day-centres as the agents of lowering children social exclusion were investigated in Siauliai, Panevezys and Klaipeda. The problems and possibilities of the work that children day-centres do were revealed. Points of reference for the improvement of NGO work were prepared.
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Vartotojų elgsenos įtaka pieno perdirbimo įmonių rinkodaros sprendimams / Consumer behavior influence to milk processing companies marketing decisionsKlimienė, Kristina 06 June 2005 (has links)
Consumer behavior influence to milk processing companies marketing decisions
The conclusive master work consists of 57 pages, 10 pictures, 2 tables, 40 references and 3 additions. The work is written in Lithuanian.
The key words: consumer, consumer behavior, need, relationship marketing, product, organization.
The aim of the work is to present milk processing companies relationship improvement means with consumers.
The research object - consumer behavior.
The research subject – consumer behavior influence to the marketing decisions.
The main tasks of the work are to:
1. Characterize the outward and inherent factors of consumer behavior;
2. Identify the consumption stimulating marketing means;
3. Point out how the consumer behavior influence milk processing companies marketing decisions;
4. Present relationship improvement means with consumers.
The work was written analising different literature resources, comparing the facts of different authors, systematizing and concentrating them, using graphic, logical abstraction methods, also it was used a inquest.
In oder to influence consumer behavior it‘s necessary to understand what affects consumer docisions. Consumer behavior is influenced by many enviromental and personal factors. Understanding them the organization can accept the effective marketing decisions.
One of the most important subjects for the milk processing companies is to satisfy consumer needs by educating their consumers and... [to full text]
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