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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Alternativní reprodukční strategie a pohlavní výběr u vlaštovky obecné Hirundo rustica / Alternative reproductive strategies and sexual selection in barn swallow Hirundo rustica

Michálková, Romana January 2021 (has links)
Molecular techniques have revealed that avian mating system is more diverse and complex than previously thought. Both males and females can use alternative reproductive tactics to increase their fitness. Here, we have determined the prevalence of conspecific brood parasitism (CBP, 22% of nests), quasi-parasitism (QP, 6.5% of nests) and extra-pair paternity (EPP, 51.2% of nests) in European subspecies of barn swallow (Hirundo rustica rustica). In contrast to EPP and CBP, QP is rare and has been described in only a few bird species. Our data indicate nonrandom QP patterns, suggesting that this tactic can be considered a third alternative reproductive strategy, alongside CBP and EPP. Sexual ornaments are usually assumed to evolve as condition-dependent signals of individual quality. In this context, a positive correlation between the expression of ornamental traits and survival, is expected. Evolutionary theory predicts that females seek extra-pair fertilizations from high-quality (more ornamented) males and EPP has consequently been proposed as a principal protagonist in the evolution of male secondary sexual traits, however empirical evidence in support of the assertion is relatively scarce. Despite decades of research into the role of EPP in sexual selection, the potential fitness advantages for...

Parures et échanges au premier âge du Fer, des Pyrénées à l'Atlantique (VIIIe-Ve siècles avant JC) / Personal ornaments and exchanges in the first Iron Age of the Pyrenees to the Atlantic (8th-5th centuries BC)

Rodrigues, Vanessa 16 December 2016 (has links)
Mon doctorat porte sur les objets de parure de l'aire atlantique méridionale de l’Europe (Portugal, Nord de l'Espagne, Aquitaine méridionale) du premier âge du Fer (VIIIe – Ve siècles avant J.-C.). Longtemps considérés comme de simples traceurs chronologiques, et parfois appréciés pour leur seul caractère somptuaire, ils n'ont, pour l'heure, jamais fait l'objet d'un travail de synthèse. J’ai orienté mon investigation selon deux trajectoires : d'une part, prendre en compte l'ensemble des objets de parure, quel que soit le matériau et, d'autre part, engager une étude sur les interactions artistiques des Pyrénées à l’Atlantique. Une telle démarche peut aujourd'hui être entreprise grâce aux données archéologiques récentes valorisées dans des monographies régionales et dans les travaux portant sur la paléo-ethnogénèse des peuples de la péninsule Ibérique.La première étape de la recherche consiste à rassembler et ordonner le corpus des parures fabriquées par les ateliers nord-péninsulaires et aquitains sous la forme d'un catalogue raisonné. L'angle d'approche privilégié dans ce travail est l’analyse du style dans le but de différencier les parures locales des importations. Cette démarche est associée à une analyse spatiale, temporelle et fonctionnelle afin d'établir des aires de répartition stylistiques et des réseaux de circulation. À partir des continuités et les variations de style établies d'une aire à l'autre, la question des échanges d'art est mise en perspective avec les motivations identitaires, socio-culturelles et économiques des sociétés protohistoriques. En effet, une approche globale de ce mobilier ne pouvait faire l’impasse sur son mode d’expression qu’il se rapporte à l’identité individuelle ou collective. J’ai abordé cette question selon deux angles d’approche : la première appréhende la manière dont une communauté donnée construit un discours identitaire par rapport à ses voisins alors que la seconde interroge la manière dont l’individu structure son rapport à l’autre en utilisant tel ou tel ornement. / My PhD thesis deals with the personal ornaments of the South Atlantic area (Portugal, northern Spain, southern Aquitaine) of the first Iron Age (8th - 5th centuries BC). Long regarded as simple chronological tracers, and sometimes only appreciated for their sumptuary character, they have, for now, never been subject to a synthesis work. My investigation focused on two directions: first, to take into account all the personal ornaments, regardless of types and materials and, then, to initiate a study on the artistic interaction from the Pyrenees to the Atlantic. This approach can now be undertaken through recent archaeological evidence recovered in regional studies and researches on the paleo-ethnogenesis of Iberian Peninsula communities. The first step in the research is to collect and order the corpus of personal adornments made by the north-peninsular and Aquitanian workshops to provide a descriptive catalogue. The strategy chosen is a stylistic analysis in order to differentiate the local production from the importations. This method is associated with a spatial, temporal and functional analysis in order to establish stylistic areas and traffic networks. From stylistic continuities and changes established from one area to another, the question of art exchanges is put into perspective with identity, socio-economic and cultural-historic societies motivations. Therefore, a global approach to these personal ornaments could not overlook its mode of expression whether it refers to the individual or collective identity. I have discussed this issue from two angles: the first apprehend how a given community build its identity in relation to its neighbors while the second asks how one person makes its individual identity in its relationship with others in using a particular ornament.

Signalizace personality a stresové odpovědi prostřednictvím druhotných pohlavních znaků u sociálně monogamního pěvce / Signalling of personality and stress response by secondary sexual traits in a socially monogamous passerine

Tesař, David January 2019 (has links)
Secondary sexual traits play an irreplaceable role in the reproduction of a range of animals and are used as quality and fitness sensors during pairing of individuals. Expression of these traits, ornamentes, can correlated with an individual's personal and behavioral strategies. In the case of melanin ornaments, not only the relationships with personal individuals are considered, but there is the possible connections with stress resistance and the level of stress responses too. This hypothesis is based on the pleiotropic effect of the melanocortin system, which can be used during melanogenesis but also in the production of hormones that contribute to range of stress responses. The aim of this work was to clarify the relationship between an individual's ornaments, his stress response and individuality in the barn swallows (Hirundo rustica rustica). In this work the relationship between selected ornaments and the stress reaction of the organism, stressed glucose levels measured 15 minutes after a stress stimulus, was tested. Both sexes showed a correlation between area of white tail spots and stress response. Only for males a relationship with the length of outermost tail feathers was found and a correlation with the color saturation of feathers on the throat was shown for females. The second part of...

Virtuosa di Musica di Camera: A Performance Edition of Sonata in F Major, Op. 1, No. 2 by Anna Bon di Venezia

Alvarado Piña, Maria Gabriela 05 1900 (has links)
The flute music of Anna Bon di Venezia (1738–ca. 1767) belongs to the group of long-overlooked compositions by women composers throughout history worthy of rediscovery. This dissertation includes a discussion of Bon's life and music, as well as the artistic, historical, and theoretical significance of her compositions. It also presents biographical research on Bon, including Michaela Krucsay's dissertation, which provides new evidence of Bon's birth date, which had been uncertain up until 2015. Bon's Sonata in F Major for flute and basso continuo is analyzed to provide a more comprehensive understanding of the work. A table is provided explaining specific ornaments and articulations added to the performance edition. In addition, this dissertation includes analyses of sonatas by Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach (1714–1788) and Johann Joachim Quantz (1697–1773) to contextualize Bon's sonatas within the standard flute repertoire. This dissertation expands the music scholarship on this distinguished composer and performer and provides a historically informed performance edition of the Sonata in F Major, op. 1, no. 2, for flute and piano, to serve as a model to modern flutists for historically informed performances of Bon's entire opus 1.

GUILD HOUSE. La idea de transgresión en la arquitectura de Venturi, Rauch & Scott Brown

Arnau Orenga, Prudencia Inés 28 February 2022 (has links)
[ES] Robert Venturi y Denise Scott Brown no sólo fueron transgresores con sus teorías en los años 60, también con sus obras. La Guild House fue una de ellas, "ordinaria" y "extraordinaria" a la vez. Un edificio de transición, ni sólo moderno, ni sólo posmoderno, sino complejo y contradictorio, que fue más allá de las convenciones del Movimiento Moderno, transgrediéndolo y apostando por su superación, sin dirigir la mirada a los grandes maestros, sino al presente y el futuro. Un ejercicio de experimentación en un edificio de viviendas sociales para personas mayores con pocos recursos, que incluye un programa complejo, repleto de simbolismos históricos y ordinarios a favor de la semántica de los elementos convencionales, las distorsiones y los distintos tipos de ornamento, con el que volvieron su mirada hacia el pasado para mirar al futuro, acercándose a la realidad social a través de la aceptación de los gustos populares americanos. Apoyados en la ironía, promovieron una arquitectura aparentemente ordinaria, aunque compleja y culta en esencia, arquetipo de la arquitectura de "lo feo y lo ordinario" frente a lo "heroico y original", manifiesto del "decorated shed", y probablemente, el primer gran edificio "posmodernista". / [CA] Robert Venturi i Denise Scott Brown no només van ser transgressors amb les seves teories en els anys 60, també amb les seves obres. La Guild House va ser una d'elles, "ordinària" i "extraordinària" alhora. Un edifici de transició, ni només modern, ni només postmodern, sinó complex i contradictori, que va anar més enllà de les convencions del Moviment Modern, transgredint-lo i col¿laborant en la seva superació, sense dirigir la mirada als grans mestres, sinò al present i el futur. Un exercici d'experimentació en un edifici d'habitatges socials per a gent gran amb pocs recursos, que inclou un programa complex, ple de simbolismes històrics i ordinaris a favor de la semàntica dels elements convencionals, les distorsions i els diferents tipus d'ornament, amb el qual van tornar la seva mirada cap al passat per mirar al futur, acostant-se a la realitat social a través de l'acceptació dels gustos populars americans. Recolzats en la ironia, van promoure una arquitectura aparentment ordinària, encara que complexa i culta en essència, arquetip de l'arquitectura de "el lleig i l'ordinari" davant el "heroic i original", manifest del "decorated shed", i probablement, el primer gran edifici "postmodernista". / [EN] Robert Venturi and Denise Scott Brown were not only transgressors with their theories in the 1960s, but also with their works. The Guild House was one of them, "ordinary" and "extraordinary" at the same time. A transitional building, neither only modern nor only postmodern, but complex and contradictory, that went beyond the conventions of the Modern Movement, transgressing it and collaborating in its overcoming, without looking to the great masters, but to the present and the future. An exercise of experimentation in a social housing building for old people with few resources, which includes a complex program, full of historical and ordinary symbolism in favor of the semantics of conventional elements, distortions and different types of ornamentation, with which they turned their gaze to the past to look to the future, approaching social reality through the acceptance of popular American tastes. Supported by irony, they promoted an apparently ordinary architecture, although complex and cultured in essence, an archetype of the architecture of "the ugly and the ordinary" as opposed to the "heroic and original", a manifesto of the "decorated shed", and probably, the first great "post-modernist" building. / Arnau Orenga, PI. (2022). GUILD HOUSE. La idea de transgresión en la arquitectura de Venturi, Rauch & Scott Brown [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/181230 / TESIS

The Chinese Tea Trade and Its Influence on the English Garden of the Eighteenth Century

Miller, Bobbie J. 08 1900 (has links)
The problem discusses the influence that tea trade between England and China may have had on eighteenth-century English garden architecture and aesthetics. Five chapters include an historical overview of non-Oriental influences on the garden, the relationship between Britain and China, the evolution of the tea trade, the motifs and decoration of tea wares, and a summary with conclusions. Conclusions reached were that tea was responsible for importation of porcelains in Britain, architectural structures in the garden were inspired by scenes on tea wares, predilection for Chinese motifs in the minds of the English may have resulted from their drinking tea, and it seems probable that affected garden aesthetics but there is no conclusive evidence.

Náhrobní mříž v českých zemích v období raného novověku. Mříž a hrobový prostor 1550-1740 / Sepulchral Ironwork in Early Modern Bohemia. Ironwork and Sepulchral Environment between 1550-1740

Gandalovičová, Šárka January 2015 (has links)
The text deals with various types of ironwork from ca 1550-1740, which we can encounter in sepulchral spaces in Bohemia. The text includes notable examples of individual types of ironwork related to sepulchral monuments in Bohemia and even Central Europe, especially when the works were inspired by Bohemian examples. The main research subject matter of the dissertation is a typological group of ironwork that defined the space around a tombstone or mausoleum freely situated in a sacred environment, e.g. the most important cited work - the ironwork surrounding the Royal Mausoleum in Prague, or the ironwork surrounding the Cenotaph of Maxmilian I located in the Court Church of Innsbruck. Other types of ironwork related to sepulchral monuments are mentioned complementarily, such as ironwork closing off interior chapels, freely standing ironwork, and ironwork protecting sepulchral niches. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)

Kaleidoscope : Reflection through ornaments in childhood memories

Vashchenko, Yuliia January 2024 (has links)
The following work examines how childhood ornaments and memories can be translated into the material world, particularly through graphic design. This process not only creates a beautiful symbol of childhood but also offers a reflection in adulthood.

Gemensamma Symboliska Beteenden Och Interaktioner Mellan Neanderthalare Och H. Sapiens

Karlsson, Julia January 2022 (has links)
The behaviours that the Neanderthals and Homo sapiens sapiens had in common could have made their interaction more advanced and deeper. Ever since Richard E. Green et al’s discovery in 2010 that a lot of the modern day population have inherited about 1-4 %  of the genome from Neanderthals, the assumption that Neanderthals are primitive beings lacking advanced cognition has changed. For H. Sapiens to interbreed with Neanderthals one could argue that they could not have been that dissimilar. Since the modern day population inherited parts of the Neanderthals it could be very interesting to bring more insight into how their relationship and interaction would have looked in relation to H. Sapiens. In this thesis some behaviours will be analysed and compared that existed among them both. In this remark it will be about behaviors of a symbolic nature, indicating a more advanced thinking. These are the usage of personal ornaments, the burial practice, and lastly language and speech. The personal ornaments they used are in some instances very similar, but there is also variation in what they put value in as personal ornaments, later H. Sapiens put a lot of energy into making beads of different types, and Neanderthals having a focus on birds of prey. The burial practice is in general nothing that is too common among either of them during the middle palaeolithic or African Middle stone age. Before the upper palaeolithic there is not too much evidence indicating that they had a tradition of burying their dead. In cases they did bury their dead there is evidence of places with multiple burials, maybe working as grave centers. The anatomical capacities for speech existed among them both. When it comes to language it is harder to discern, since it does not fossilise, but since language is symbolic it could be argued that evidence of symbolism among them could indicate that they had language as well. In the discussion and conclusions it is argued that these common behaviours could have made it possible for a more advanced interaction and relationship between the two.

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