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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Évaluation de l’hémodynamique systémique lors de l’arrêt cardiaque par analyse des signaux recueillis par un défibrillateur / Circulation detection during out of hospital cardiac arrest using the biological signals recorded by a defibrillator

Neyton, Clément 24 September 2018 (has links)
Afin d’apporter les soins adéquats aux victimes d'arrêt cardiaque extrahospitalier, l'évaluation de leur état hémodynamique est primordiale. La prise de pouls manuelle ne permet pas une identification fiable de l'arrêt cardiaque par les profanes ou une discrimination des rythmes organisés par les premiers intervenants. Dans ce contexte, l'entreprise Schiller Médical a cherché à intégrer dans sa gamme de défibrillateurs un module de détection de l'hémodynamique systémique par analyse de l'électrocardiogramme et des variations d'impédance transthoracique recueillis via les électrodes de défibrillation. Ce travail de recherche mené en partenariat entre l'entreprise Schiller Médical et l'Institut Pluridisciplinaire Hubert Curien de l’Université de Strasbourg a consisté dans un premier temps a recherché, lors d'arrêt cardiaque induit électriquement chez l'homme, des descripteurs des variations d'impédance transthoracique marqueurs de l’hémodynamique systémique. L’identification des descripteurs les plus pertinents a par la suite permis de construire des modèles prédictifs des défaillances circulatoires. Nous avons mis en lumière des limites à l’utilisation des variations d’impédance transthoracique. Elles sont prises en considération pour la documentation des interventions extrahospitalières destinée à l’apprentissage des algorithmes de classification des rythmes perfusants et rythmes sans pouls. / Providing suitable emergency care during out of hospital cardiac arrest requires the diagnostic of the circulatory status. Manual pulse check does not provide a reliable way for laypersons to identify cardiac arrest or for first responders to discriminate organized rhythms. Thus, Schiller Medical sought to embed an hemodynamic sensor in its external defibrillators by analyzing the electrocardiogram and transthoracic impedance recorded via the defibrillation pads. This thesis work stemmed from a partnership between Schiller Medical and the Institut Pluridisciplinaire Hubert Curien of the Université de Strasbourg. We first identified transthoracic impedance featureslinked with the circulatory status by studying clinically induced cardiac arrest. The most relevant features were later selected to form predictive models of hemodynamic collapse. We uncovered restrictions to the use of transthoracic impedance. We took them into account for the annotation of out of hospital cardiac arrests aimed at training algorithms for the classification of pulseless electrical activity and pulsatile rhythms.

Devenir à long terme des survivants d’arrêt cardiaque : analyse de la cohorte de Cochin / Long term outcome of cardiac arrest survivors : insights of Cochin’s cohort

Geri, Guillaume 16 October 2015 (has links)
L’arrêt cardiaque extra-hospitalier (ACREH) touche environ 30 à 40,000 personnes en France chaque année. Dans près de la moitié des cas, la cause de l’ACREH est une occlusion coronaire aiguë provoquant un trouble du rythme ventriculaire létal. Malgré les progrès réalisés ces dernières années en terme de prise en charge pré et intra-hospitalière, le pronostic de ces patients reste sombre, de par les lésions neurologiques se produisant très rapidement après l’arrêt circulatoire. Alors que le pronostic à court terme est relativement bien décrit, les données sur le devenir à long terme, en termes de survie, mais aussi de devenir fonctionnel, neurologique, et de qualité de vie, restent rares. Objectifs : L’objectif de ce travail est de décrire le devenir à long terme des patients victimes d’un ACREH et admis vivants à l’hôpital (qualité de vie liée à l’état de santé, devenir neurologique et fonctionnel) et d’évaluer les facteurs associés à ce devenir (biomarqueurs, revascularisation coronaire précoce). Patients et méthodes : Ce travail a consisté en l’analyse des données de la cohorte des patients victimes d’un ACREH et admis vivants en réanimation mé- dicale à l’hôpital Cochin. Cette cohorte a été constituée rétrospectivement entre 2000 et 2006 sur dossiers archivés puis prospectivement selon les recommandations internationales d’Utstein depuis 2007. Les données de survie ont été collectées. Le devenir neurologique et fonctionnel et les données de qualité de vie ont été collectées lors d’entretiens téléphoniques réalisés auprès des survivants sortis vivants de l’hôpital. Résultats principaux : La mortalité globale à J30 était de 68,2%. La revascu- larisation coronaire (ATL) immédiate était associée à une mortalité à J30 plus faible (ORcoro sans ATL vs. pas coro 0,79 [0,57;1,08], p=0,14 et ORcoro avec ATL vs. pas coro 0,61 [0,43;0,85], p<0,01). Les 466 patients vivants à J30 ont été suivis pendant une durée médiane de 3,2 ans [IQR : 0,7 ;6,7], avec une durée maximale de suivi de 13,5 ans. En analyse multivariée, la revascularisation coronaire immédiate restait inversement associée à la mortalité à long terme (HRcoro sans ATL vs. pas coro 0,78 [0,45 ;1,33], p=0,35 et HRcoro avec ATL vs. pas coro 0,40 [0,23 ;0,70], p<0,01).
La copeptine a été dosée chez 298/510 patients à l’admission et chez 224 patients à J3. Le taux médian à l’admission était de 261,3 [125,2 ;478,6] pmol/L. Le taux de survie à 1 an était inversement proportionnel au quintile de copeptine à l’admission (38,2, 32,6, 27,7, 31 et 13,6%, respectivement; p<0,01). En analyse multivariée, seul le cinquième quintile de copeptine à l’admission était associé à la mortalité à 1 an (HR5ème vs. 1er 1,64 [1,06;2,58], p=0,03). Après ajustement mutuel des taux de copeptine à l’admission et à J3, le taux de copeptine à l’admission n’était plus associé à la mortalité à 1 an mais le taux de copeptine à J3 restait asso- cié à la mortalité à 1 an par une relation concentration-dépendante (HR2ème vs. 1er 1,60 [0,90-3,17], p=0,10 ; HR3ème vs. 1er 1,94 [1,01 ;3,71], p=0,05 ; HR 4ème vs. 1er 2,01 [1,04 ;3,89], p=0,04 et HR5ème vs. er 2,38 [1,19 ;4,74], p=0,01 ; p de tendance =0,02). Au cours du suivi, 255 patients ont pu être recontactés. Le délai médian de recon- tact après la survenue de l’ACREH était de 50 [22-93] mois. 66% des patients sortis de réanimation avec un score CPC coté à 1 gardaient une performance neurolo- gique préservée au moment de l’interview (n=150/231). Les dimensions physiques et mentales agrégées du SF-36 étaient similaires chez les survivants d’ACREH en comparaison avec les individus de la population générale (47,0 vs. 47,1, p=0,88 et 46,4 vs. 46,9, p=0,45, respectivement). Les patients présentaient une altération plus marquée des dimensions physiques que des dimensions mentales du score SF- 36 en comparaison avec la population générale. L’activité physique (74,1 vs. 78,4, p=0,02) et la vitalité (50,7 vs. 56,2, p<0,01) étaient les dimensions les plus altérées. (...) / Out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) occurs in about 30-40,000 people in France each year and is related to a culprit coronary occlusion in half cases. Although pre and in-hospital management of such patients dramatically improved last years, outcome remains poor because of the neurological damage related to brain anoxia. Short-term outcome is well-described but data are lacking on long-term outcome, functionnal and neurological outcome and health-related quality of life (HRQOL). Objectives : The main purpose of this work was to describe the long-term outcome of successfully resuscitated OHCA patients admitted alive at ICU. We aimed at picking up factors associated with HRQOL as well. Patients and methods : Data from the Paris registry were used. Consecutive sucessfully resuscitated OHCA patients admitted alive at Medical ICU of Cochin hospital, Paris, France are included in the database since 2000, January 1st, accor-ding to Utstein style. We also collected survival data. Neurological and functionnal outcome, as well as HRQOL (SF-36 questionnaire) were recorded during phone in- terviews in OHCA patients discharged alive from hospital. Main results : Overall mortality at day-30 was 68.2%. Immediate percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) was associated with day-30 mortality (ORcoro w/o PCI vs. no coro 0.79 [0.57,1.08], p=0.14 et ORcoro w/ PCI vs. no coro 0.61 [0.43,0.85], p<0.01). The 466 patients alive at day-30 were followed-up for 3.2 years [IQR : 0.7-6.7]. After adjus- tement for cofounders, immediate PCI remained associated with long-term mor-
tality (HRcoro w/o PCI vs. no coro 0.78 [0.45,1.33], p=0.35 et HRcoro w/ PCI vs. no coro 0.40 [0.23,0.70], p<0.01). Copeptin was assessed in 298/510 patients at ICU admission and in 224 patients at day-3. Median admission copeptin level was 261.3 [125.2,478.6] pmol/L. Survival rates were 38.2, 32.6, 27.7, 31 and 13.6% through admission copeptin quintiles (p<0,01). In multivariate analysis, only the fifth quin-
tile was associated with one-year mortality (HR5ème vs. 1st 1.64 [1.06-2.58], p=0.03). After mutual adjustement of admission and day-3 copeptin levels, admission co- peptin level was not associated anymore with one-year mortality whereas day-3 copeptin level remained associated with one-year mortality in a concentration- dependent manner (HR2nd vs. 1st 1.60 [0.90-3.17], p=0.10; HR3th vs. 1st 1.94 [1.01- 3.71], p=0.05; HR 4th vs. 1st 2.01 [1.04-3.89], p=0.04 et HR5th vs. st 2.38 [1.19-4.74], p=0.01 ; p for trend =0.02). During follow-up, 255 OHCA patients dicharged alive from hospital were phone in- terviewed, after a median duration from cardiac arrest of 50 [22-93] months. 66% of patients kept a good cerebral performance after hospital discharge (n=150/231). Overall physical and mental SF-36 dimensions were similar between OHCA pa- tients and age- and gender-matched individuals from French general population (47.0 vs. 47.1,p=0.88 and 46.4 vs. 46.9, p=0.45, respectively). Physical dimensions were more significantly altered in OHCA patients, especially physical functionning (74.1 vs. 78.4, p=0.02) and vitality (50.7 vs. 56.2, p<0.01). In multivariate analysis, age, male gender, initial shockable rhythm were associated with an improvement in most of the SF-36 dimensions. Immediate PCI was associated with a gain in physical functionning (+7.0, p=0.06), general health (+7.3, p=0.02) and vitality (+4.4, p=0.08). Conclusion : Overall survival in this large cohort of successfully resuscitated OHCA patients was about 20%. Immediate PCI was associated with a decrea- sed short and long-term mortality. HRQOL was similar between OHCA patients and age and gender matched individuals from general population but physical di- mensions appeared significantly altered. Age, male gender and initial shockable rhythm were associated with a better HRQOL. (...)

A prospective observational study to investigate the effect of prehospital airway management strategies on mortality and morbidity of patients who experience return of spontaneous circulation post cardiac arrest and are transferred directly to regional Heart Attack Centres by the Ambulance Service

Edwards, Timothy Robin January 2017 (has links)
Introduction: The most appropriate airway management technique for use by paramedics in out-of-hospital cardiac arrest is yet to be determined and evidence relating to the influence of airway management strategy on outcome remains equivocal. In cases where return of spontaneous circulation (ROSC) occurs following out-of-hospital cardiac arrest, patients may undergo direct transfer to a specialist heart attack centre (HAC) where the post resuscitation 12 lead ECG demonstrates evidence of ST elevation myocardial infarction. To date, no studies have investigated the role of airway management strategy on outcomes in this sub-set of patients. The AMICABLE (Airway Management In Cardiac Arrest, Basic, Laryngeal mask airway, Endotracheal intubation) study therefore sought to investigate the influence of prehospital airway management strategy on outcomes in patients transferred by the ambulance service directly to a HAC post ROSC. Methods: Adults with ROSC post out-of-hospital cardiac arrest who met local criteria for transfer to a HAC were identified prospectively. Ambulance records were reviewed to determine prehospital airway management approach and collect physiological and demographic data. HAC notes were obtained to determine in-hospital course and quantify neurological outcome via the Cerebral Performance Category (CPC) scale. Neurologically intact survivors were contacted post discharge to assess quality of life via the SF-36 health survey. Statistical analyses were performed via Chi-square, Mann Whitney U test, odds ratios, and binomial logistic regression. Results: A total of 220 patients were recruited between August 2013 and August 2014, with complete outcome data available for 209. The age of patients ranged from 22-96 years and 71.3% were male (n=149). Airway management was undertaken using a supraglottic airway (SGA) in 72.7% of cases (n=152) with the remainder undergoing endotracheal intubation (ETI). There was no significant difference in the proportion of patients with good neurological outcome (CPC 1&2) between the SGA and ETI groups (p=.286). Similarly, binomial logistic regression incorporating factors known to influence outcome demonstrated no significant difference between the SGA and ETI groups (Adjusted OR 0.725, 95% CI 0.337-1.561). Clinical and demographic variables associated with good neurological outcome included the presence of a shockable rhythm (p < .001), exposure to angiography (p < .001), younger age (p < .001) and shorter time to ROSC (p < .001). Due to an inadequate response rate (25.4%, n=15) analysis of SF36 data was limited to descriptive statistics. Limitations: The study only included patients who achieved ROSC and met the criteria for direct transfer to a HAC. Results are therefore not generalisable to more heterogenous resuscitation populations. Accuracy of clinical decision making and ECG interpretation were not assessed and therefore some patients included in the study may have been inappropriately transferred to a HAC. The low SF-36 survey response rate limited the level of neurological outcome analysis that could be undertaken. Conclusion: In this study, there was no significant difference in the proportion of good neurological outcomes in patients managed with SGA versus ETI during cardiac arrest. Further research incorporating randomised controlled trials is required to provide more definitive evidence in relation to the optimal airway management strategy in out-of-hospital cardiac arrest.

Étude de facteurs visant à favoriser l’intégration de la réanimation par circulation extracorporelle à l’arsenal de soins pour les patients souffrant d’un arrêt cardiorespiratoire extrahospitalier

Cournoyer, Alexis 08 1900 (has links)
Le taux de survie des patients souffrant d’un arrêt cardiaque extrahospitalier est inférieur à 10% même avec les meilleures pratiques en réanimation. Une nouvelle technique de réanimation, soit la réanimation par circulation extracorporelle, a été mise à l’essai et s’avère prometteuse pour améliorer le pronostic chez cette population. Par contre, des réponses à plusieurs enjeux doivent être obtenues avant de tester de façon prospective les avantages de cette technique, notamment quant aux impacts collatéraux sur les pratiques de réanimation préhospitalière qu’elle impliquerait, à la sélection des patients et aux potentielles stratégies de monitorage à utiliser chez ces patients. Cette thèse vise à répondre à ces questions avant d’éventuellement démontrer la valeur ajoutée de cette technique de réanimation et ainsi améliorer la survie pour ces patients. Le premier volet présente les résultats de trois études de cohorte explorant les impacts qu’aurait l’incorporation de la réanimation par circulation extracorporelle sur les protocoles de soins. Les résultats d’une première étude de cohorte ont démontré que la durée des manœuvres de réanimation avancées pratiquées en préhospitalier pourrait être réduite pour permettre un départ plus rapide vers un centre hospitalier pouvant initier la réanimation par circulation extracorporelle puisqu’il n’y avait pas d’association positive entre la durée de ces manœuvres et la survie chez ces patients. Les résultats d’une deuxième étude ont démontré que de rediriger les patients en arrêt cardiaque vers les centres hospitaliers pouvant pratiquer la réanimation par circulation extracorporelle pourrait augmenter leur taux de survie. Ce bénéfice potentiel subsistait jusqu’à un ajout de 14 minutes de la durée du trajet par ambulance dû à la redirection. Troisièmement, la modification de ces deux protocoles de soins permettrait à potentiellement trois fois plus de patients de bénéficier d’une réanimation par circulation extracorporelle. Le second volet présente les résultats de deux études visant à optimiser la sélection des patients pour une réanimation par circulation extracorporelle. Les résultats d’une première étude de cohorte descriptive ont démontré que les patients nécessitant plus de 10 défibrillations conservaient un pronostic de survie adéquat, et ainsi devraient demeurer éligible à une réanimation par circulation extracorporelle. Dans une deuxième étude de cohorte, nous avons étudié l’impact pronostique d’une conversion de rythme pendant la réanimation et avons démontré que le rythme initial était un meilleur marqueur de pronostic que la conversion du rythme. Ainsi, les patients ayant une conversion d’un rythme non-défibrillable à un rythme défibrillable ne devraient pas être retenus en première intention pour une réanimation par circulation extracorporelle, contrairement à ceux dont le rythme initial était déjà défibrillable. Les études du troisième volet visaient à explorer l’usage d’une technologie de monitorage de l’oxymétrie tissulaire, la spectroscopie proche-infrarouge, en raison de son potentiel pour mesurer en continu le degré d’oxygénation des candidats à une réanimation par circulation extracorporelle. Une revue systématique de la littérature a démontré l’utilité pronostique de cette technologie pour les patients en arrêt cardiaque. Ensuite, nous avons décrit à l’aide d’une cohorte prospective les propriétés métrologiques de deux appareils et les facteurs associés permettant d’optimiser leur utilité dans le contexte de patients en arrêt cardiaque. Les connaissances développées par l’entremise des études composant la présente thèse ont déjà été intégrées aux protocoles de prise en charge des patients souffrant d’un arrêt cardiaque extrahospitalier ce qui jette des bases solides pour poursuivre des recherches pour ultimement améliorer leur pronostic. / Despite advances in medical care, survival amongst out of hospital cardiac arrest patients remains low, with only 10% of patients surviving. The use of extracorporeal cardiopulmonary resuscitation, a novel resuscitation procedure, has recently garnered interest and showed promise to improve resuscitation outcomes. However, questions remain to be answered before this technology can be prospectively evaluated, notably regarding the collateral impacts of its implementation, appropriate patient selection and the monitoring strategies to use for these patients. The main objective of this thesis is to answer these questions to eventually improve the outcome of patients suffering from an out-of-hospital cardiac arrest. In the first part, the results of three cohort studies exploring the potential impact of the implementation of extracorporeal resuscitation on prehospital resuscitation protocols are presented. A first cohort study showed that the duration of prehospital advanced cardiac life support could be reduced to allow for an earlier transport to an extracorporeal resuscitation centre. A second cohort study showed that patients being transported to specialized resuscitation centres might have increased survival. This increase in survival would remain despite an additional 14 minutes of prehospital transport time due to the redirection. A third study showed that prehospital redirection could triple the number of patients who could benefit from extracorporeal resuscitation. In the second part, the results of two studies aiming to improve the selection of adequate patients for extracorporeal resuscitation are presented. A first cohort study showed that patients requiring more than 10 defibrillations still had an adequate chance at survival and should remain eligible for an extracorporeal resuscitation. A second cohort study showed that the initial rhythm was a much better prognosticating factor than subsequent rhythms. Patients with an initial non- shockable rhythm who experience a conversion to a shockable rhythm should not be considered first-line candidates for extracorporeal resuscitation. In the third part, three studies exploring the potential uses of near-infrared spectroscopy for the monitoring of extracorporeal resuscitation patients are presented. A systematic review was first performed and showed the prognosticating ability of this technology for patients suffering from a cardiac arrest. Then, using a prospective cohort, the metrological properties and their determinants of two frequently used near-infrared spectroscopy devices were described, in order to optimize their uses in the context of cardiac arrest. The knowledge acquired by the studies comprised in this thesis has already been integrated in protocols guiding the care for patients suffering from an out-of-hospital cardiac arrest and has laid the foundation for the prospective evaluation of extracorporeal resuscitation for this population, which will hopefully ultimately lead to improvement in their prognosis.

Påverkar prehospitala luftvägshjälpmedel överlevnaden hos patienter som drabbats av hjärtstopp? : en litteraturstudie

Henriksson, Jonatan, Tedmar, Jens January 2020 (has links)
Bakgrund Vid ett prehospitalt hjärtstopp krävs utöver hjärt- och lungräddning med bröstkompressioner och defibrillering med hjärtstartare, även avancerad luftvägshantering för att skapa en fri luftväg vilket ambulanssjuksköterskan ansvarar för. Det finns en mängd olika luftvägshjälpmedel som ambulanssjuksköterskan kan använda sig av. För en del sjuksköterskor inom ambulanssjukvården kan en viss osäkerhet kring användningen av luftvägshjälpmedel finnas då de kan sakna rätt kompetens, utbildning eller ej fått tillräcklig träning i användandet för att utföra det på ett patientsäkert sätt.   Syfte Syftet med denna studie var att jämföra prehospitala luftvägshjälpmedel vid hjärtstopp utanför sjukhus i förhållande till överlevnad.   Metod Studien är en litteraturöversikt med kvantitativ ansats. Studien genomfördes genom en systematisk sökning av vetenskapliga artiklar vilka har jämfört olika luftvägshjälpmedel vid prehospitala hjärtstopp. Databaser som PubMed och CINAHL har främst använts. De utvalda artiklarna har kvalitetsgranskat.   Resultat Två huvudfynd framkom där mask- och blåsa var korrelerad till högre prevalens av överlevnad och där endotracheal intubering var korrelerad till högre prevalens att uppnå återkomst av spontan cirkulation.   Slutsats Av de inkluderade artiklarna visar resultatet på att mask- och blåsa är bästa alternativet för överlevnad och att endotracheal intubering är bästa alternativet för att uppnå återkomst av spontan cirkulation under ett prehospitalt hjärtstopp. Dock bör slutsatsen tas med försiktighet då resultaten kan skilja sig och bero på en mängd olika faktorer som skiljer sig åt i de olika studierna. / Background In addition to cardiac and pulmonary rescue with chest compressions and defibrillation with defibrillator, pre-hospital cardiac arrest also requires advanced airway management to create a clear airway for which the ambulance nurse is responsible. There are a variety of respiratory aids that the ambulance nurse can use. For some nurses in ambulance care, there may be some uncertainty about the use of respiratory aids as they may lack the right skills, education or have not received sufficient training in the use of it to perform it in a patient-safe manner.   Aim The purpose of this study was to compare prehospital airway aids in cardiac arrest outside of hospital in relation to survival.   Method The study is a literature review with a quantitative approach. The study was conducted through a systematic search of scientific articles comparing different respiratory aids at prehospital cardiac arrest. Databases such as PubMed and CINAHL have mainly been used. The selected articles have been quality checked.   Results Two main findings emerged where bag valve mask was correlated to higher prevalence to survival and where endotracheal intubation was correlated to higher prevalence to achieve return of spontaneous circulation.    Conclusion Of the included articles, the results indicate that bag valve mask is the best option for survival and that endotracheal intubation is the best option for achieving return of spontaneous circulation during a prehospital cardiac arrest. However, the conclusion should be taken with caution as the results may differ and depend on a variety of factors that differ in the different studies.

Parto e nascimento no ambulatório e na Casa de Partos da Associação Comunitária Monte Azul: uma abordagem antropológica / Childbirth at the Monte Azul Clinic and Birth Center of the Monte Azul Community Association: an anthropological approach

Hotimsky, Sonia Nussenzweig 29 June 2001 (has links)
Este estudo de caso buscou caracterizar a clientela de camadas populares e médias de um serviço de saúde \"alternativo\", com uma proposta de parto ambulatorial realizado fora do hospital, assistido por obstetrizes. Seu objetivo principal foi o de compreender a forma como ambas as clientelas conheceram e passaram a freqüentar esse serviço e os motivos que as levaram a fazerem essa opção, buscando reconhecer semelhanças e diferenças entre elas. O serviço em estudo foi o ambulatório e a Casa de Parto da Associação Comunitária Monte Azul - ACOMA, associação antroposófica que tinha, por objetivo, prestar serviços de saúde, prioritariamente, a moradores de duas favelas e do bairro em que se situa. A análise parte de uma abordagem antropológica, na qual a parturição é vista como uma arena, em que concepções e práticas conflitantes e competitivas se confrontam e se articulam. Foram utilizados métodos e técnicas qualitativos e quantitativos. A realização de entrevistas semi-abertas, visando a apreender as narrativas dos sujeitos acerca de suas vivências de gestação e parto, ao lado da observação participante de consultas de pré-natal e parto foram os principais instrumentos da análise qualitativa empreendida. Foi usada metodologia quantitativa para caracterizar o cenário da investigação, em que se procurou traçar o perfil sócio-epidemiológico de 564 mulheres atendidas nesse serviço, no período entre abril de 1995 e março de 1998, e de seus recém- nascidos, a partir das Declarações de Nascidos Vivos. Os resultados do levantamento sócioepidemiológico indicam que a maioria de sua clientela (77,2%) reside fora da área de abrangência prioritária da ACOMA. Por outro lado, a grande maioria dessas mulheres (93,5%) pertence aos estratos mais pobres da população do Município de São Paulo. As maneiras pelas quais a clientela soube da existência desse serviço e padrões de freqüência ao pré-natal são descritas e analisadas, quantitativa e qualitativamente, apontando para continuidades e descontinuidades entre a clientela \"particular\" e de \"usuárias\". Destaca-se que, para muitas \"usuárias\", a ACOMA era o serviço de prénatal mais freqüentado na gestação, e 44,2% dessas, deram à luz no mesmo serviço. A tendência predominante entre as \"clientes particulares\", por outro lado, era a de realizarem o pré-natal, simultaneamente, nesse e em outro serviço, pois procuravam a ACOMA, com a intenção de evitarem um parto hospitalar e de conferirem a proposta de parto do mesmo. As razões apresentadas e que levaram à escolha desse serviço para realizarem o parto foram múltiplas e complexas e acompanhadas de constrangimentos de ordem sócio-econômica e cultural. Entre elas, destacaram-se, o relacionamento com profissionais de saúde, a percepção de riscos em relação ao parto e a possibilidade de contar com acompanhantes de sua escolha, no momento do parto. Entre as \"usuárias\", o maior temor em relação ao parto hospitalar era o de não ter acesso a um leito, na hora necessária, e, entre as \"clientes particulares\", temia-se a cesárea desnecessária. Questões que se colocaram e que merecem ser aprofundadas referem-se a certas noções e valores em relação à sexualidade e à maternidade e sua associação com noções de \"modernidade\" em relação à família e ao parto, bem como sobre o processo de constituição da autoridade cultural e social de profissionais de saúde. / This study describes some of the characteristics of lower and middle class clients of an \"alternative\" health care center in which midwives were assigned to maternity care in an out clinic. It\'s primary objective was to understand how clients became familiar with the proposal; the patterns of attendance; why they chose this form of maternity care in a context where hospital birth is predominant, and whether there were significant differences in these patterns according to social class. This study was conducted at the Monte Azul Clinic and Birth Center, administrated by the Monte Azul Community Association (ACOMA). The latter is an anthroposophical association, whose basic objective is to attend to demands of the inhabitants of two shanty towns and the surrounding neighborhood. An anthropological approach in which birth is viewed as an arena where conflicting and competitve concepts and pratices are articulated and confront themselves is adopted in analysis. Qualitative and quantitative methods and techniques were employed. Interviews focused on the experiences with respect to pregnancy and birthing among the subjects of this study. Participant observation of pre-natal consultations and of childbirths were also conducted. In order to characterize the context of the field of research, quantitative methodology was employed. A social and epidemiological profile was constructed of the 564 women (as well as their newborns) who gave birth between April 1995 and March 1998, receiving maternity care from midwives working at the Clinic and Birth Center during this period. For this purpose data was collected from the Declaração de Nascidos Vivos - Live Birth Form, a document from the Ministry of Health, filled out at birth by the birth attendant which records data concerning live births. Results indicate that the majority of it\'s clients (77,2%) did not live within the association\'s \"target\" community. On the other hand, data indicates that the majority of women attended (93,5%) belonged to the poorest segments of the population of Sao Paulo City. How clients were informed about the existence of this Clinic and Birth Center as well as patterns of attendance are described and analyzed using quantitative and qualitative approaches. Continuities and discontinuities with respect to these patterns among the Clinic\'s clients and the midwives\' private clients are described and analyzed. Many of the Clinic\'s clients, recurred to this service predominantly for their prenatal checkups and 44,2% of these women recurred to the midwives\' assistance for maternity care. Among the midwives\' private patients, on the other hand, the predominant tendency was to do prenatal checkups simultaneously at the clinic and at other clinics where they were attended by obstetricians. The latter wanted to avoid hospital maternity care and attended prenatal checkups so as to confer and perhaps adhere to the midwives\' proposal of maternity care. Reasons presented with respect to choice of care in childbirth are multiple and complex, involving social, economic and cultural constraints. Among the reasons referred to in the interviews, the most recurrent were the quality of the relationship established with the health professionals; perception of risks with respect to childbirth; and the possibility of having support persons of their choice present during labour and childbirth. Among the clinic\'s clients, the fear of not gaining access to a hospital bed in due time was their major concern with respect to hospital maternity care. Among the midwives\' private patients, the fear of being submitted to a unnecessary cesarean section was a major concern with respect to hospital maternity care. Themes which emerged in this study and require further research include notions of \'modernity\' and their association to concepts and values concerning sexuality and maternity as well as questions related to the construction of cultural and social authority.

Parto e nascimento no ambulatório e na Casa de Partos da Associação Comunitária Monte Azul: uma abordagem antropológica / Childbirth at the Monte Azul Clinic and Birth Center of the Monte Azul Community Association: an anthropological approach

Sonia Nussenzweig Hotimsky 29 June 2001 (has links)
Este estudo de caso buscou caracterizar a clientela de camadas populares e médias de um serviço de saúde \"alternativo\", com uma proposta de parto ambulatorial realizado fora do hospital, assistido por obstetrizes. Seu objetivo principal foi o de compreender a forma como ambas as clientelas conheceram e passaram a freqüentar esse serviço e os motivos que as levaram a fazerem essa opção, buscando reconhecer semelhanças e diferenças entre elas. O serviço em estudo foi o ambulatório e a Casa de Parto da Associação Comunitária Monte Azul - ACOMA, associação antroposófica que tinha, por objetivo, prestar serviços de saúde, prioritariamente, a moradores de duas favelas e do bairro em que se situa. A análise parte de uma abordagem antropológica, na qual a parturição é vista como uma arena, em que concepções e práticas conflitantes e competitivas se confrontam e se articulam. Foram utilizados métodos e técnicas qualitativos e quantitativos. A realização de entrevistas semi-abertas, visando a apreender as narrativas dos sujeitos acerca de suas vivências de gestação e parto, ao lado da observação participante de consultas de pré-natal e parto foram os principais instrumentos da análise qualitativa empreendida. Foi usada metodologia quantitativa para caracterizar o cenário da investigação, em que se procurou traçar o perfil sócio-epidemiológico de 564 mulheres atendidas nesse serviço, no período entre abril de 1995 e março de 1998, e de seus recém- nascidos, a partir das Declarações de Nascidos Vivos. Os resultados do levantamento sócioepidemiológico indicam que a maioria de sua clientela (77,2%) reside fora da área de abrangência prioritária da ACOMA. Por outro lado, a grande maioria dessas mulheres (93,5%) pertence aos estratos mais pobres da população do Município de São Paulo. As maneiras pelas quais a clientela soube da existência desse serviço e padrões de freqüência ao pré-natal são descritas e analisadas, quantitativa e qualitativamente, apontando para continuidades e descontinuidades entre a clientela \"particular\" e de \"usuárias\". Destaca-se que, para muitas \"usuárias\", a ACOMA era o serviço de prénatal mais freqüentado na gestação, e 44,2% dessas, deram à luz no mesmo serviço. A tendência predominante entre as \"clientes particulares\", por outro lado, era a de realizarem o pré-natal, simultaneamente, nesse e em outro serviço, pois procuravam a ACOMA, com a intenção de evitarem um parto hospitalar e de conferirem a proposta de parto do mesmo. As razões apresentadas e que levaram à escolha desse serviço para realizarem o parto foram múltiplas e complexas e acompanhadas de constrangimentos de ordem sócio-econômica e cultural. Entre elas, destacaram-se, o relacionamento com profissionais de saúde, a percepção de riscos em relação ao parto e a possibilidade de contar com acompanhantes de sua escolha, no momento do parto. Entre as \"usuárias\", o maior temor em relação ao parto hospitalar era o de não ter acesso a um leito, na hora necessária, e, entre as \"clientes particulares\", temia-se a cesárea desnecessária. Questões que se colocaram e que merecem ser aprofundadas referem-se a certas noções e valores em relação à sexualidade e à maternidade e sua associação com noções de \"modernidade\" em relação à família e ao parto, bem como sobre o processo de constituição da autoridade cultural e social de profissionais de saúde. / This study describes some of the characteristics of lower and middle class clients of an \"alternative\" health care center in which midwives were assigned to maternity care in an out clinic. It\'s primary objective was to understand how clients became familiar with the proposal; the patterns of attendance; why they chose this form of maternity care in a context where hospital birth is predominant, and whether there were significant differences in these patterns according to social class. This study was conducted at the Monte Azul Clinic and Birth Center, administrated by the Monte Azul Community Association (ACOMA). The latter is an anthroposophical association, whose basic objective is to attend to demands of the inhabitants of two shanty towns and the surrounding neighborhood. An anthropological approach in which birth is viewed as an arena where conflicting and competitve concepts and pratices are articulated and confront themselves is adopted in analysis. Qualitative and quantitative methods and techniques were employed. Interviews focused on the experiences with respect to pregnancy and birthing among the subjects of this study. Participant observation of pre-natal consultations and of childbirths were also conducted. In order to characterize the context of the field of research, quantitative methodology was employed. A social and epidemiological profile was constructed of the 564 women (as well as their newborns) who gave birth between April 1995 and March 1998, receiving maternity care from midwives working at the Clinic and Birth Center during this period. For this purpose data was collected from the Declaração de Nascidos Vivos - Live Birth Form, a document from the Ministry of Health, filled out at birth by the birth attendant which records data concerning live births. Results indicate that the majority of it\'s clients (77,2%) did not live within the association\'s \"target\" community. On the other hand, data indicates that the majority of women attended (93,5%) belonged to the poorest segments of the population of Sao Paulo City. How clients were informed about the existence of this Clinic and Birth Center as well as patterns of attendance are described and analyzed using quantitative and qualitative approaches. Continuities and discontinuities with respect to these patterns among the Clinic\'s clients and the midwives\' private clients are described and analyzed. Many of the Clinic\'s clients, recurred to this service predominantly for their prenatal checkups and 44,2% of these women recurred to the midwives\' assistance for maternity care. Among the midwives\' private patients, on the other hand, the predominant tendency was to do prenatal checkups simultaneously at the clinic and at other clinics where they were attended by obstetricians. The latter wanted to avoid hospital maternity care and attended prenatal checkups so as to confer and perhaps adhere to the midwives\' proposal of maternity care. Reasons presented with respect to choice of care in childbirth are multiple and complex, involving social, economic and cultural constraints. Among the reasons referred to in the interviews, the most recurrent were the quality of the relationship established with the health professionals; perception of risks with respect to childbirth; and the possibility of having support persons of their choice present during labour and childbirth. Among the clinic\'s clients, the fear of not gaining access to a hospital bed in due time was their major concern with respect to hospital maternity care. Among the midwives\' private patients, the fear of being submitted to a unnecessary cesarean section was a major concern with respect to hospital maternity care. Themes which emerged in this study and require further research include notions of \'modernity\' and their association to concepts and values concerning sexuality and maternity as well as questions related to the construction of cultural and social authority.

Bystander CPR : New aspects of CPR training among students and the importance of bystander education level on survival

Nord, Anette January 2017 (has links)
Background: It has been proved that bystander cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) saves lives; however, which training method in CPR is most instructive and whether survival is affected by the training level of the bystander have not yet been fully described. Aim: To identify the factors that may affect 7th grade students’ acquisition of CPR skills during CPR training and their willingness to act, and to describe 30-day survival from outof- hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) after bystander CPR and the actions performed by laymen versus off-duty medically educated personnel. Methods: Studies I–III investigate a CPR training intervention given to students in 7th grade during 2013–2014. The classes were randomized to the main intervention: the mobile phone application (app) or DVD-based training. Some of the classes were randomized to one or several additional interventions: a practical test with feedback, reflection, a web course, a visit from elite athletes and automated external defibrillator (AED) training. The students’ practical skills, willingness to act and knowledge of stroke symptoms, symptoms of acute myocardial infarction (AMI) and lifestyle factors were assessed directly after training and at 6 months using the Laerdal PC SkillReporting system (and entered into a modified version of the Cardiff test scoring sheet) and a questionnaire. The Cardiff test resulted in a total score of 12–48 points, and the questionnaire resulted in a total score of 0–7 points for stroke symptoms, 0–9 points for symptoms of AMI and 0– 6 points on lifestyle factors. Study IV is based on retrospective data from the national quality register, the Swedish registry of cardiopulmonary resuscitation, 2010-2014. Results: A total of 1339 students were included in the CPR training intervention. The DVD-based group was superior to the app-based group in CPR skills, with a total score of 35 (SD 4.o) vs 33 (SD 4.2) points directly after training (p&lt;0.001) and 33 (SD 4.0) vs 31 (SD 4.2) points at six months (p&lt;0.001). Of the additional interventions, the practical test with feedback had the greatest influence regarding practical skills: at six months the intervention group scored 32 (SD 3.9) points and the control group (CPR only) scored 30 (SD 4.0) points (p&lt;0.001). Reflection, the web course, visits from elite athletes and AED training did not further increase the students’ acquisition of practical CPR skills. The students who completed the web course Help-Brain-Heart received a higher total score for theoretical knowledge in comparison with the control group, directly after training: stroke 3.8 (SD 1.8) vs 2.7 (SD 2.0) points (p&lt;0.001); AMI 4.0 (SD 2.0) vs 2.5 (SD 2.0) points (p&lt;0.001); lifestyle factors 5.4 (SD 1.2) vs 4.5 (SD 2.0) points p&lt;0.001. Most of the students (77% at 6 months), regardless of the intervention applied, expressed that they would perform both chest compressions and ventilations in a cardiac arrest (CA) situation involving a relative. If a stranger had CA, a significantly lower proportion of students (32%; p&lt;0.001) would perform both compressions and ventilations. In this case, however, many would perform compressions only. In most cases of bystander-witnessed OHCA, CPR was performed by laymen. Off-duty health care personnel bystanders initiated CPR within 1 minute vs 2 minutes for laymen (p&lt;0.0001). Thirty-day survival was 14.7% among patients who received CPR from laymen and 17.2% (p=0.02) among patients who received bystander CPR from off-duty health care personnel. Conclusions: The DVD-based method was superior to the app-based method in terms of teaching practical CPR skills to 7th grade students. Of the additional interventions, a practical test with feedback was the most efficient intervention to increase learning outcome. The additional interventions, reflection, web course, visit from elite athletes and AED did not increase CPR skills further. However, the web course Help-Brain-Heart improved the students’ acquisition of theoretical knowledge regarding stroke, AMI and lifestyle factors. For OHCA, off-duty health care personnel bystanders initiated CPR earlier and 30-day survival was higher compared with laymen bystanders.

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