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Utomhusmatematik som skärper elevers resonemangsförmåga / Outdoor mathematics that sharpen students' reasoning abilityKyntäjä, Lisa, Wångelid, Ida January 2017 (has links)
Syftet med den här studien är att undersöka hur utomhusundervisning kan ge eleverna möjligheter att föra och följa resonemang i matematik. Studien har två frågeställningar, den ena är vilka typer av matematiska resonemang ges eleverna möjlighet att föra och följa vid utomhusmatematik? Den andra frågeställningen är hur tänker lärarna när det gäller möjligheter för eleverna att föra och följa matematiska resonemang? För att uppnå syftet och besvara frågeställningarna genomförs två observationer av utomhusundervisning samt intervju med lärarna som bedrev undervisningen. För att kategorisera vilka typer av resonemang eleverna använder utformas ett observationsschema som tar stöd av Lithners ramverk, som även är studiens teori. Detta ramverk förklarar att det finns två huvudtyper, imitativa och kreativa resonemang, där de dessutom finns olika undergrupper. Resultatet visar att eleverna får möjlighet att föra och följa båda kreativa (CMR) och imitativa resonemang (IR) i utomhusundervisning. På grund av uppgifternas utformning förekommer det mest IR i observationerna. Lärarna är medvetna om vad resonemangsförmågan innebär och denna insikt kan hjälpa eleverna att utveckla sin resonemangsförmåga. Utomhusmiljön blir dessutom ett gott inslag i matematikundervisning. Genom att arbeta ute får eleverna använda fler sinnen och arbeta mer kreativt. Detta kan i sin tur skapa motivation samtidigt som eleverna får gripa för att begripa.
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Tryon Trekkers: An Evaluation of a STEM Based Afterschool Program for At-Risk YouthAnderson, Chessa Eckels 11 March 2016 (has links)
This study contributed to the body of research that supports a holistic model of afterschool learning through the design of an afterschool intervention that benefits elementary school students of low socioeconomic status. This qualitative study evaluated a science focused afterschool curriculum that was designed using principles from Risk and Resiliency Theory, academic motivation theories, science core ideas from the Next Generation Science Standards, and used environmental education philosophy. The research question of this study is: how does an outdoor and STEM based afterschool program impact at-risk students' self-efficacy, belonging and engagement and ability to apply conceptual knowledge of environmental science topics? The study collected information about the participants' affective experiences during the intervention using structured and ethnographic observations and semi-structured interviews. Observations and interviews were coded and analyzed to find patterns in participants' responses. Three participant profiles were developed using the structured observations and ethnographic observations to provide an in depth understanding of the participant experience. The study also assessed the participants' abilities to apply conceptual understanding of the program's science topics by integrating an application of conceptual knowledge task into the curriculum. This task in the form of a participant project was assessed using an adapted version of the Portland Metro STEM Partnership's Application of Conceptual Knowledge Rubric. Results in the study showed that participants demonstrated self-efficacy, a sense of belonging and engagement during the program. Over half of the participants in the study demonstrated a proficient understanding of program concepts. Overall, this holistic afterschool program demonstrated that specific instructional practices and a multi-modal science curriculum helped to support the social and emotional needs of at-risk children.
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Sportovní kurzy v přírodě na druhém stupni základních škol v Libereckém kraji / Outdoor Sport Courses for the 2nd Grade of Basic Schools in Liberec RegionLedvinová, Zuzana January 2013 (has links)
This thesis describes Outdoor Sports Courses for the 2nd Grade of Basic Schools in Liberec Region. The theoretical part discusses the close topics such as activities and education at elementary schools or summer and winter outdoor sports courses. The goal of the thesis is to obtain information about outdoor sports courses for the 2nd Grade of chosen basic schools in Liberec Region, and to recommend instructions for the optimal course education. Two methods of interrogation were applied: a controlled interview with school principals and questionnaire for students in 9th grade of elementary schools. Based on the above-mentioned interrogation methods, the diversity of sports courses in nature was investigated. In addition, the issue of the course capacity or material issues and staffing at schools were investigated. The research also concentrates on the participation of students in the courses and the reasons of their non-participation as well as students' satisfaction with the selection of available courses. Based on the students' responses, the ranking of the most popular courses was created. The results of the investigation were incorporated into the overall statistics which provide a comprehensive assessment of the course education in chosen basic schools in the Liberec district. Key words:...
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Vzdělávání v přírodě: norský přístup / Outdoor Education: the Norwegian ApproachBoháčová, Tereza January 2019 (has links)
Research shows that being in nature is important for children's health and psychosocial and physical development. Outdoor education can significantly improve the quality and meaningfulness of learning, contribute to the teachers' and pupils' well-being and help to build a positive attitude towards nature. However, learning outside the school building is rather an exception in the Czech Republic and has not yet received much attention here. On the contrary, Norway is specific in its attitude to outdoor recreation and outdoor education. The purpose of this paper is to present Norwegian approach to outdoor education in primary schools. The theoretical chapters describe the issue of outdoor education in general with a specific focus on the Czech tradition and discourse, the Norwegian education system and the local situation of outdoor education. This part is followed by a qualitative research carried out in the Bodø district in northern Norway. The main method of data acquisition were interviews with teachers from seven local primary schools. The research describes the teachers' concept of outdoor education and answers the question of where the sources of support for outdoor education in Norway are.
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Utomhusmatematik : En studie om utomhuspedagogikens roll i matematikundervisningen / Outdoor mathematics : A study on the role of outdoor learning in mathematics educationNyqvist, Evangeline, Roth, Therese January 2019 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis was to research what factors determines the teachers choice in using outdoor educational activities in their mathematics teaching as well as when and where the outdoors mathematics teaching is being used. The research that lies behind the study shows that there is a knowledge gap in the research on outdoor mathematics, since most of the research conducted today is focusing on a more general use of outdoor pedagogical activities irrespective of which subject content it`s applied on. The relevance of the study therefore becomes an important source of knowledge for teachers and students in teaching education. The survey was conveyed by a questionnaire as a research method with the purpose of being able to examine how the use of outdoor mathematics occurs today, in correlation to factors such as professional experience, education or which grade the teacher mostly teaches. The result of the survey showed that many teachers today use outdoor educational activities in their mathematics teaching. The purpose of the use of outdoor mathematics was primarily to vary their teaching and to concretise the subject content. The result also shows that the forest was the place that is best suited for outdoor mathematics according to the teachers. The teachers, however, shed light on the lack of time when planning and implementing lessons, class sizes and human resources as obstacles for outdoor educational activities. / Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka vilka möjliga faktorer som påverkar lärares val att använda sig av utomhuspedagogiska aktiviteter i matematikundervisningen samt när och var matematikundervisning utomhus används. Tidigare forskning som ligger till grund för studien visar att det finns ett kunskapsglapp om utomhusmatematik i undervisningen då merparten av forskning behandlar en mer generell användning av utomhuspedagogiska aktiviteter oberoende vilket ämnesinnehåll som tillämpas. Studiens relevans blir då en viktig kunskapskälla för verksamma lärare och studenter vid lärarutbildningen. Undersökningen genomfördes med enkät som datainsamlingsinstrument med syfte att undersöka hur användningen av utomhusmatematik ser ut idag, i relation till faktorer såsom yrkeserfarenhet, utbildning eller vilken årskurs läraren till störst del undervisar i. Resultatet av undersökningen visade att många lärare använder sig av utomhuspedagogiska aktiviteter i sin matematikundervisning. Syftet med utomhusmatematik anser lärare framförallt är att variera sin undervisning och för att konkretisera ämnesinnehållet. Resultatet visar även att skogen är den plats som lämpade sig bäst för utomhusmatematik. Lärare belyser dock tidsbrist vid planering och genomförande av lektioner, klasstorlek och personalresurser som hinder.
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"The owl hugs me in the forest" : Children's Experiences and Educators' Perceptions of Learning in a Swedish Mini-Forest GardenMeyer, Julia January 2019 (has links)
In recent years, there has been converging evidence on the relation between nature experiences and learning. Although outdoor experiences are not just seen as leisurely activities anymore, barriers, such as lack of resources or travel time can hinder the propagation of more outdoor educational programs. This study explores a relatively new outdoor educational setting that can help overcome these difficulties by decreasing the amount of resources, input and energy necessary to set up such measures: the educational forest garden. With lower maintenance in creating an environment that resembles an authentic ecosystem, the question remains if forest gardening can foster similar learning outcomes than those reported in other educational settings. A qualitative study in a Swedish mini-forest garden was employed to explore what types of learning are possible in this new type of setting. Interviews with two educators and eight children were conducted to find out what perceptions and experiences they communicate after spending time in the mini-forest garden. The educator’s ideas were compared with children’s accounts and observational notes on their behavior to see if there was a difference in perception and experience. Examples for learning were found in three different dimensions: cognitive, emotional and social. The explored categories were ecological literacy, language learning, attention; being comfortable outdoors, respect and care, awareness of surroundings, co-creation, teacher-student interaction, gender differences and free play and imagination. The findings indicate an overlap between teacher’s and children’s experiences and perceptions in almost all categories and similar beneficial learning outcomes with forest gardening to other outdoor educational endeavors. Along with the potential for self-development, forest gardening may be a new way to successfully teach in the outdoors with less input or resources. Although a small scale study that should not be generalized, the study gives insight to educators’ and children’s voices in a new outdoor educational setting and can help overcome the lack of children’s voices in research in general. At the same time, it adds to the limited amount of research on forest gardening and potentially helps to increase the popularity of forest gardening as a new outdoor educational method.
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Hinder för utomhuspedagogik : Lärares tankar om hur hinder för utomhusundervisning går att överkomma / Barriers for Outdoor Education : Teachers Thoughts About How to Overcome Barriers for Outdoor EducationCarstensen, Linnea January 2019 (has links)
Forskning visar att elever, på många skilda sätt, kan ha nytta av att delta i undervisning utomhus, vilken ger komplement till den traditionella undervisningen i klassrummet. Trots det får eleverna mindre undervisning utomhus ju äldre de blir. Det har i tidigare studier undersökts vad som hindrar lärare från att komma ut, vilket gör det intressant att fortsätta studera hur eventuella hinder kan överkommas. Syftet med den här studien är därför undersöka på hur lärare i årskurs 4–6 arbetar för att komma förbi hinder för utomhusundervisning. Undersökningen har genomförts med en pragmatisk teori om att kunskap blir till när det finns en balans mellan teori och praktik. I fenomenologiska intervjuer har fem lärare, med erfarenhet av utomhusundervisning, berättat om hur de kommer förbi hinder för den här typen av pedagogik och vad de anser skulle underlätta för att bedriva utomhusundervisning. Resultatet visar utöver likheter med tidigare forskning, att samarbete i arbetslaget, och tydliga läranderum utomhus är viktiga komponenter för att övervinna hindren. / Research shows that pupils, in many ways, benefit from participation in outdoor education, which makes a complement to the traditional pedagogy in the classroom. Nevertheless, our pupils get less outdoor education the older they become. In earlier studies barriers for outdoor educations have been investigated, which make it interesting continue study how to overcome possible barriers. Thus, the aim of this study is to investigate how teachers in grade 4-6 work around barriers for outdoor education. The investigation was performed assuming a pragmatic theory with the belief that knowledge is acquired by a balance between theory and practice. In phenomenological interviews five teachers, with experiences from outdoor education, have contributed with their solutions to overcome barriers, and what they find facilitate outdoor pedagogy. The results show, besides results from earlier research, that cooperation among colleagues, and distinct places for learning are of great importance to overcome the barriers.
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Educação ao ar livre pela aventura: o papel da experiência e o aprendizado de valores morais em expedições à natureza / Outdoor education through adventure: the role of the experience and the learning of moral values through nature expeditionsKunreuther, Flavio Theodor 15 April 2011 (has links)
A educação ao ar livre, por meio de cursos no formato expedição, ainda acontece de forma tímida no Brasil. Entende-se por cursos no formato expedição, experiências educacionais contínuas, de múltiplos dias, em que alunos e instrutores se aventuram em um trajeto em área remota na natureza, de forma autossuficiente. Embora haja estudos sobre esta proposta pedagógica no exterior, não se sabe se os resultados valem para a experiência brasileira. Este estudo trata de dois aspectos fundamentais à educação contemporânea: o valor da experiência e o desenvolvimento moral do indivíduo. Por meio de entrevistas e de questionários semiestruturados, investigamos a percepção das aprendizagens dos alunos de cursos da escola Outward Bound Brasil e de seus educadores. Também entrevistamos uma psicóloga que coordena um abrigo para menores, em um estudo de caso sobre um aluno adolescente. Os resultados encontrados indicam que os cursos de educação ao ar livre caracterizamse por experiências que estimulam os trabalhos em grupo, os debates sobre justiça e solidariedade na resolução de problemas e a reflexão sobre valores e princípios como coragem, esforço pessoal, disciplina, respeito e superação de limites. Os resultados também indicam que esta proposta educacional proporciona experiências sensíveis e de conexão do ser humano com a natureza. Muito embora os resultados indiquem um grande potencial educacional para a educação ao ar livre, a atuação do profissional frente aos seus alunos é fundamental para que as experiências sejam fisicamente e psicologicamente seguras, alcancem seus potencias pedagógicos de desenvolvimento da moralidade e ajudem as pessoas a desenvolverem uma consciência ambiental crítica e não dogmática, manifestada por meio de ações concretas ao retornarem dos cursos para as suas casas e comunidades / The outdoor education, through courses in the expedition form, is still beginning in Brazil. By expedition, we consider the multiple day, self-sustained experience, in which, instructors and students, adventure through a remote setting in nature. Although there are studies abroad on this pedagogic system, it is unknown if the results are valid for the Brazilian experience. This study analysis the courses in expedition form of the Outward Bound school in Brazil. Through interviews and semistructured questionnaires, we investigated the students learning, according to their own perceptions and the points of view of the instructors of the school, with emphasis in two major aspects of contemporary education: the value of the experience and the development of the moral reasoning of a person. We have also interviewed a psychologist who is the manager of a shelter for underprivileged youth, in a case study of a specific young student. The results found show that the outdoor education courses are experiences that stimulate works in groups, debates about justice and solidarity in the search of solutions for the problems that arise throughout a course, and the reflection about values and virtues like courage, effort, self discipline, respect and overcoming of limits. The results also show that this educational method provides sensitive experiences and connection of the human being with nature. Although the results indicate a strong educational potential for the outdoor education, the performance of the educator in face of his students is of major importance, to ensure that the experiences are physically and emotionally safe, reach their pedagogical potential of development of the moral reasoning and help people to develop a critical and non dogmatic environment consciousness, that is manifested through real actions when they return from the courses to their homes and communities
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Educação ao ar livre pela aventura: o papel da experiência e o aprendizado de valores morais em expedições à natureza / Outdoor education through adventure: the role of the experience and the learning of moral values through nature expeditionsFlavio Theodor Kunreuther 15 April 2011 (has links)
A educação ao ar livre, por meio de cursos no formato expedição, ainda acontece de forma tímida no Brasil. Entende-se por cursos no formato expedição, experiências educacionais contínuas, de múltiplos dias, em que alunos e instrutores se aventuram em um trajeto em área remota na natureza, de forma autossuficiente. Embora haja estudos sobre esta proposta pedagógica no exterior, não se sabe se os resultados valem para a experiência brasileira. Este estudo trata de dois aspectos fundamentais à educação contemporânea: o valor da experiência e o desenvolvimento moral do indivíduo. Por meio de entrevistas e de questionários semiestruturados, investigamos a percepção das aprendizagens dos alunos de cursos da escola Outward Bound Brasil e de seus educadores. Também entrevistamos uma psicóloga que coordena um abrigo para menores, em um estudo de caso sobre um aluno adolescente. Os resultados encontrados indicam que os cursos de educação ao ar livre caracterizamse por experiências que estimulam os trabalhos em grupo, os debates sobre justiça e solidariedade na resolução de problemas e a reflexão sobre valores e princípios como coragem, esforço pessoal, disciplina, respeito e superação de limites. Os resultados também indicam que esta proposta educacional proporciona experiências sensíveis e de conexão do ser humano com a natureza. Muito embora os resultados indiquem um grande potencial educacional para a educação ao ar livre, a atuação do profissional frente aos seus alunos é fundamental para que as experiências sejam fisicamente e psicologicamente seguras, alcancem seus potencias pedagógicos de desenvolvimento da moralidade e ajudem as pessoas a desenvolverem uma consciência ambiental crítica e não dogmática, manifestada por meio de ações concretas ao retornarem dos cursos para as suas casas e comunidades / The outdoor education, through courses in the expedition form, is still beginning in Brazil. By expedition, we consider the multiple day, self-sustained experience, in which, instructors and students, adventure through a remote setting in nature. Although there are studies abroad on this pedagogic system, it is unknown if the results are valid for the Brazilian experience. This study analysis the courses in expedition form of the Outward Bound school in Brazil. Through interviews and semistructured questionnaires, we investigated the students learning, according to their own perceptions and the points of view of the instructors of the school, with emphasis in two major aspects of contemporary education: the value of the experience and the development of the moral reasoning of a person. We have also interviewed a psychologist who is the manager of a shelter for underprivileged youth, in a case study of a specific young student. The results found show that the outdoor education courses are experiences that stimulate works in groups, debates about justice and solidarity in the search of solutions for the problems that arise throughout a course, and the reflection about values and virtues like courage, effort, self discipline, respect and overcoming of limits. The results also show that this educational method provides sensitive experiences and connection of the human being with nature. Although the results indicate a strong educational potential for the outdoor education, the performance of the educator in face of his students is of major importance, to ensure that the experiences are physically and emotionally safe, reach their pedagogical potential of development of the moral reasoning and help people to develop a critical and non dogmatic environment consciousness, that is manifested through real actions when they return from the courses to their homes and communities
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Modellbaserad undervisning i friluftsliv : En pilotinterventionsstudie om hur en platspedagogik möliggör lärande för elever / Instructional model in outdoor education : An pilot intervention study on how a place pedagogy enables learning for studentsGrönstedt, Chris, Viksell, André January 2019 (has links)
Sammanfattning Syfte och frågeställningar Syftet med denna studie är att genomföra och undersö̈ka modellbaserad undervisning inom friluftsliv med fokus på platspedagogiken och få svar på frågeställningarna: ● Vilka upplevelser har eleverna av den platspedagogiska undervisningsmodellen? ● Vad för lärandeerfarenheter skaffar sig eleverna av den platspedagogiska undervisningsmodellen? Metod I studien har en kvalitativ ansats tillämpats för att söka svar på frågeställningarna. Mer specifikt har en pilotinterventionsstudie på två lektioner med efterföljande kvalitativa intervjuer genomförts med 22 stycken elever i en skolklass i årskurs 6 belägen i södra Norrland. I de kvalitativa intervjuerna har semistrukturerade fokusgruppsintervjuer implementerats där varje fokusgrupp bestod utav 5-6 elever. Respondenterna i studien valdes ut via ett bekvämlighetsurval. I studien används den platsbaserade pedagogiken som teoretiskt ramverk. Resultat Den platspedagogiska undervisningsmodellen har i denna studie visat sig medföra en större meningsfullhet för elevernas friluftsundervisning. Dessutom har modellen bidragit till ökad platskännedom bland studiens deltagare utifrån ett historiskt- och nutida perspektiv. Samtidigt har de fått möjlighet att utveckla sitt lärande inom delar av kunskapskraven i friluftsliv och utevistelse. En intressant aspekt i resultatet var att eleverna upplevde ett större intresse att återkomma till den plats de hade kännedom kring. Däremot upplevde eleverna att friluftsliv är något som måste utövas ute i naturen och därför hade de inte kopplat lektionsserien till friluftsliv om den hade genomförts i en stadsmiljö eller på skolgården. Slutsats Den platspedagogiska undervisningsmodellen är en möjlig metod för att bemöta den problematik som forskning visat finnas i den svenska skolans friluftsundervisning, och kan skapa nya möjligheter för elevers lärande i friluftsliv i skolan. / Abstract Aim The aim of this study is to implement and investigate instructional model teaching in outdoor education within the knowledge requirements in the Swedish physical education with extra focus on place pedagogy, and get answers to these questions: ● What experiences do the students have of the place pedagogy model? ● What learning do the students get from the place pedagogy model? Method In this study a qualitative method was used to answer the research questions. More specifically an intervention study was made with two lessons, including a following interview, with 22 students in class 6 in southern north of Sweden. The interviews had a semi- structured form, and the students were divided into groups of 5 to 6 persons for each focus group. The students were selected by a convenience sample. In this study, the place pedagogy model will be used as theoretical framework. Results The findings in the study shows that a place pedagogy model entails meaningfulness in the student’s outdoor education. The model has also resulted in increased knowledge about the place, both in a historical and contemporary perspective. The students have been given the opportunity to work and develop their skills and knowledge requirements in the Swedish physical education steering documents. An interesting finding in the study was that students felt strong interest to return to a place they had learned new knowledge about. Still the students have an experience that outdoor education is something you do in the nature. Therefore, they wouldn ́t have seen the two lessons as outdoor education if we would have chosen another environment such as an urban area or a schoolyard. Conclusion The place pedagogy model is a possible method to treat the problems that earlier research has found in outdoor education within Swedish schools. Place pedagogy can therefore create new opportunities for students learning.
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