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Filosofie jako zaujetí (Hra - hraní, sen - snění, báseň - básnění - tělo, mocné i nemocné) / Philosophy as Passionate InterestStrobachová, Ingrid January 2013 (has links)
The purpose of my dissertation is to analyze and further elaborate upon its main topic: the questions that are of a mutual deep interest to both medicine and philosophy. The dissertation has three parts. In the first part, I will introduce some of the key terms that will be used throughout the text. The second part, central to my work, is concerned with three possibilities that are offered to us - play and playing, dream and dreaming, poetic being - all become the places where comprehending, listening (to both the speech and the silence) and responding materialize. Playing, dreaming, poetic being - each offers our daily reality the beauty of transcending its borders without destroying them; in fact, they become a free spirited, passionate interest that enhances and makes valuable the ordinariness and finiteness of our daily lives. Freedom and Responsibility; I and the Other Person; Illness and Hope - each having its physical aspect and each being considered through the dimensions of seriousness and unseriousness, reason and unreason - will be rethought through playing, dreaming and poetic being, providing new insights of an engaged, passionate practice of philosophy and medicine. The third part, concerned with application on the two areas - I, the Child, and the Parenthood; and the Therapist and...
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Filosofie jako zaujetí (Hra - hraní, sen - snění, báseň - básnění - tělo, mocné i nemocné) / Philosophy as Passionate InterestStrobachová, Ingrid January 2013 (has links)
The purpose of my dissertation is to analyze and further elaborate upon its main topic: the questions that are of a mutual deep interest to both medicine and philosophy. The dissertation has three parts. In the first part, I will introduce some of the key terms that will be used throughout the text. The second part, central to my work, is concerned with three possibilities that are offered to us - play and playing, dream and dreaming, poetic being - all become the places where comprehending, listening (to both the speech and the silence) and responding materialize. Playing, dreaming, poetic being - each offers our daily reality the beauty of transcending its borders without destroying them; in fact, they become a free spirited, passionate interest that enhances and makes valuable the ordinariness and finiteness of our daily lives. Freedom and Responsibility; I and the Other Person; Illness and Hope - each having its physical aspect and each being considered through the dimensions of seriousness and unseriousness, reason and unreason - will be rethought through playing, dreaming and poetic being, providing new insights of an engaged, passionate practice of philosophy and medicine. The third part, concerned with application on the two areas - I, the Child, and the Parenthood; and the Therapist and...
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Marriage Moments: An Evaluation of an Approach to Strengthen Couples' Relationships During the Transition to Parenthood, in the Context of a Home Visitation ProgramLovejoy, Kimberly Ann Rose 09 August 2004 (has links) (PDF)
This study evaluates the efficacy of a self-guided, low-intensity curriculum, Marriage Moments, based on Fowers' (2000) virtues model of marital quality that emphasizes friendship, generosity, justice and loyalty. The Marriage Moments program consists of a guidebook and a video that were designed to strengthen marriages during the transition to parenthood and is used in the context of a home visitation program for first-time parents. Participants in the study included 119 married couples who had recently given birth to their first child. They were assigned to either a treatment, comparison or control group. The treatment group received the Marriage Moments curriculum as well as the Welcome Baby home visitation curriculum, the comparison group only received the Welcome Baby curriculum and the control group received neither program. Data were gathered through a battery of self- and spouse-report measures given at 3-months, 4-months, and 9-months postpartum. Relationship outcome measures included in this study were the Marital Virtues Profile, Revised-Dyadic Adjustment Scale, RELATE Satisfaction subscale, Transition Adjustment Scale, Father Involvement Scale, Household Labor Scale, and Maternal Depression Scale. Despite positive evaluations of the program from participants, analyses revealed a lack of significant, positive effects for members of the treatment group. Further research is needed before reliable conclusions can be drawn about the value of a marital virtues model as a guide for low intensity intervention.
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Leefwereld van die substituut-ouerDe Jager, Chantal Elsie 11 1900 (has links)
The aim of this study is to discover how primary scholars as substitute parents, contemplate the
perceiving aspect of their substitute parenting.
In the theoretical chapters the demands set for adults as primary educators and their development,
are viewed. A comparative study between the primary edu cator and the child, rounds it off. The
experiencing, giving meaning to, and the consequent involvement of substitute parents in their
life-world, follow.
The research design, substantiates the choice of format, methods of data col lection and analyses.
Examples of raw data gathered from various tests are presented. Finally, the consolidated data
is interpreted. The findings of this study is that substitute parents experience their
tasks as being pleasant. Substitute parents are generally over involved with their
siblings. This culminates in the development of a strong bond between substitute parents and
younger siblings. Substitute parents require support and guidance from an adult to enable them to
become adults and venture in their life-world. / In bierdie studie is die leefWereld van die substituut-ouer bestudeer. Die oorhoofse
doel van hierdie studie is om met behulp van teoretiese en empiriese studies, ondersoek
in te stel na substituut-ouers se belewing van bulle besondere taak.
Die studie neem 'n amwang met 'n beskrywing van die primere opvoeder se verantwoordelikhede en
eise. Die ontwikkeling van die volwassene word daama bestudeer. Verder Is gelet op die
e1se en ontwikkeling wat aan kindwecs gelykgestel word. Die doel hiermee, is om uiteindelik 'n
vergelyking te kan tref tussen die volwassene en die kind. Nadat so 'n vergclyking tussen die
kind en volwassene gemaak is, sal die probleme wat die kind as substituut-ouer
ervaar, oorweeg kan word.
Die literatuurstudie kulmincer in substituut-ouers se unieke betekenisgewing, betrokkenheid en
belewing aan en by bulle leefWereld. Dan word die literatuurstudie opgevolg deur die
navorsingsontwerp, keuse van steekproef neming asook wyses van dataverameling en -analisering.
Ten slotte word daar gekyk na die verslaggewing aangaande inligting soos bekom met behulp van
die verkenningsmedia, te wete individuele onderhoude met die deelnemers aan die navorsing, die
Bene-Anthony gesinsverhou dingstoets, die Persoonlikheidsvraelys vir kinders, die
projeksiemedia van Jacobs en Vrey en die Kinestetiese huisgesinstekeninge. Die gekonsolideerde
data word dan geinterpreteer en weergegee ten einde die postulate soos in boofstuk 5 uiteengesit
te beantwoord.
Die belangrikste bevindings van die studie is dat die taak van substituut ouerswees vir
laerskoolkinders aangenaam is. Hierdie aangename belewing van hulle taak as substituut-ouers,
dra egter nie by tot die vonning van 'n positiewe selfkonsep by die substituut-ouer nie.
Substituut-ouers ervaar angs en kommer aangaande hulle substituut-ouerskap. Hulle voel nie bevoeg
om as substituut-ouers op te tree nie. Substituut-ouers IS oar die algemeen oorbetrokke by
hulle broers en susters. Hulle sien om na hulle sibbe, verseker dat hulle veilig is en
verleen hulp aan hulle, waar nodig. Hierdie betrokkenheid veroorsaak 'n sterk band
tussen die leerlinge. Hierdie sterk band wat tussen die substituut-ouers en hulle sibbe
bestaan, is egter afwesig tussen die substituut-ouers en hulle eie ouers. Substituut-ouers toon
dan oak teen die verwagting van die navorser in, dat hulle nie beskik oor 'n
verantwoordelikheidsin nie. Substituut-ouers k:an eerder beskryf word as teruggetrokke, met min
deursettingsvennoe, prikkelbaar, goedhartig, onderdanig, athanklik en inskiklik.
Die studie toon ten slotte dat substituut-ouers betrokke raak by hulle taak as substituut-ouers,
vanwee 'n aansporingsmiddel, te wete sakgeld. Benewens vir die bogenoemde bevindings, toon die
studie oak dat die ondersteuning en begeleiding van substituut-ouers deur 'n volwassene tot
volwassenheid noodsaaklik is. / Psychology of Education / M. Ed. (Voorligting)
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Les figures de la maternité / Motherhood figuresTérel, Julie 09 December 2016 (has links)
Les évolutions sociétales - émancipation de la femme, maîtrise de la fécondité, acceptation del’homosexualité, multiplication des formes de conjugalité, nouveaux modèles familiaux, médicalisation de laprocréation - ont bouleversé le rapport entre maternité de fait et maternité juridique.La femme qui revendique le statut de mère n’est plus nécessairement celle qui a porté et mis au mondel’enfant. Les techniques d’assistance médicale à la procréation ont ouvert le champ des possibles enpermettant à la femme de réaliser son désir d’enfant, indépendamment des contraintes temporelles oubiologiques. Pourtant, la mère gestationnelle apparaît, aujourd’hui encore, comme la figure certaine de lamaternité. Elle a vu ses droits accrus par un mouvement d’harmonisation du droit de la filiation, jusqu’àdevenir l’égale de l’homme. Elle a cessé d’être identifiée par son statut conjugal, et est désormais définie parréférence au fait biologique maternel de l’accouchement. L’enfantement marque alors la singularité de lamaternité en tant que figure de rattachement, car elle est le seul vecteur d’identification spatio-temporelle del’enfant. Un ordre public fort en la matière est donc de rigueur : l’accouchement, qui détermine l’état civil del’enfant, ne devrait pas pouvoir être dissimulé. En revanche, la fonction maternelle de parenté devraitdavantage être soumise à la volonté de la femme qui se revendique mère. La mère gestationnelle, qui devraittoujours pouvoir établir un lien de filiation, devrait également pouvoir refuser l’établissement d’un tel lien,au profit d’une autre figure maternelle plus incertaine car reposant sur la volonté d’être mère, volontééventuellement corroborée par un lien génétique. Autrement dit, la filiation maternelle de l’enfant devraitpouvoir être transférée afin d’être en concordance avec la réalité sociologique.La multiplication des figures de la maternité conduit ainsi à une rénovation de la conception traditionnelle dela maternité, par un rééquilibrage du rôle joué par les éléments objectifs et subjectifs / A number of developments in society - the emancipation of women, birth control, the acceptanceof homosexuality, the diversification of couple arrangements, new family models, the increasingly medicalapproach to procreation - have shaken up the link between motherhood in fact and motherhood in law.The woman claiming the title of mother is no longer necessarily the one who bore the child and brought itinto the world. Assisted reproductive technology has opened up possibilities by allowing women who want achild to have one, regardless of restrictions related to time or biology. However, the “gestation mother”remains to this day the definite mother figure. Her rights have increased through the harmonisation of thelaws of filiation, eventually making her the man’s equal. She is no longer identified by her marital status andis now defined in relation to the biological process of giving birth. Giving birth hence highlights thespecificity of motherhood as an attachment figure, being the only means of identification in space and timefor the child. A strong public policy is therefore required in this area: giving birth should not be concealable,since it determines the child’s status in law. On the other hand, the maternal parenting role should dependmore on the will of the woman who claims the title of mother. The gestation mother, who should always beable to ascertain the filiation, should also be able to refuse such filiation, in favour of another mother figurenot as firmly ascertained, since her status is dependent on the will to be the mother, a will possiblycorroborated by filiation. The child’s maternal filiation should be transferrable in order to reflect the socialreality.The multiplication of mother figures has thus led to an overhaul of the traditional conception of motherhood,by rebalancing the role played by objective and subjective elements.
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Le droit du plus faible comme principe d'interprétation judiciaire en droit civil de la personne / The right of the weakest as principle of judicial interpretation in civil law of the person.Kadem, Sabine 09 July 2014 (has links)
La faiblesse est partout et touche tout le monde. Lorsqu’elle se trouve dévoilée serévèle la vulnérabilité. Et c’est dans ce moment là que la faiblesse doit être qualifiéejuridiquement. Or comme toute qualification, elle doit obéir à des règles. Ces règles s’imposentà la présente étude comme premier fondement analytique. C’est en effet en partant du droitprivé, celui de la personne, que de premières règles garantissant les droits de « l’Homme »peuvent être identifiées. Celles-ci ont pour objet ce qui fait l’être humain, dans sa faiblesse.Elles en donnent une forme de définition, juridique, mais sans toute la profondeur d’uneapproche autrement que systémique, voire parfois systématique, au sens d’une régulationadministrativiste des droits. C’est aux entrecroisements théoriques, qui fondent la règle dedroit, que l’on peut saisir des hypothèses faisant être la règle de droit. Toutefois, c’est dans lapensée sous-jacente, que seul un langage de philosophie du droit saura révéler, le lieu où lafaiblesse trouvera sa correspondance la plus exigeante. Là elle rejoint les langagesontologique et métaphysique, qui font qu’elle « existe » au-delà de toute qualification juridique.D’une approche de philosophie du droit on retiendra donc que le droit du plus faible obéit àplusieurs règles communes, relevant d’une forme d’universalité, et que celles-ci peuventtrouver une véritable traduction en droit positif. C’est une forme de typologie de la faiblesseque l’on retrouve le plus souvent en pratique dans le discours du juge. C’est en invoquant lasentence du juge, dans sa souveraine interprétation judiciaire, que la faiblesse prend sadernière forme, celle que la personne se doit d’accepter pour faire valoir un droit. / The weakness is everywhere and affects everybody. When she is revealed, showsitself the vulnerability. A this moment she must be legally qualified. Yet, as any qualification,her has to obey rules. So these impose upon the present study as first analytica l foundation.Indeed while leaving of the private law, that of the person, of first rules guaranteeing the rightsof " the Man " can be identified. These have for object what makes the human being, in hisweakness, in a way gives a shape of definition, legal, but without all the depth of an approachthan what systematism, even sometimes systematic, in the sense of a regulation“administrativiste” rights. It is in the theoretical intertwinings, that base the legal rule, whichwe can seize with hypotheses making the legal rule be. However, it is in the underlyingthought, that only a language of philosophy of the right/law will know how to reveal, that theweakness will find its most demanding correspondence. There she joins the ontological andmetaphysical languages, which make that she "exists". Of an approach of philosophy of theright/law we shall thus retain that the right of the weakest obeys several common rules, andbeing of a shape of universality, and that these can find a real translation in substant ive law. Itis a shape of typology of the weakness that we find most of the time in practice in the speechof the judge. While calling upon the judgment of the judge, in his ruler judicial interpretation,the weakness take its last shape, the one that the person owes accept to assert to right a“right”.
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Leefwereld van die substituut-ouerDe Jager, Chantal Elsie 11 1900 (has links)
The aim of this study is to discover how primary scholars as substitute parents, contemplate the
perceiving aspect of their substitute parenting.
In the theoretical chapters the demands set for adults as primary educators and their development,
are viewed. A comparative study between the primary edu cator and the child, rounds it off. The
experiencing, giving meaning to, and the consequent involvement of substitute parents in their
life-world, follow.
The research design, substantiates the choice of format, methods of data col lection and analyses.
Examples of raw data gathered from various tests are presented. Finally, the consolidated data
is interpreted. The findings of this study is that substitute parents experience their
tasks as being pleasant. Substitute parents are generally over involved with their
siblings. This culminates in the development of a strong bond between substitute parents and
younger siblings. Substitute parents require support and guidance from an adult to enable them to
become adults and venture in their life-world. / In bierdie studie is die leefWereld van die substituut-ouer bestudeer. Die oorhoofse
doel van hierdie studie is om met behulp van teoretiese en empiriese studies, ondersoek
in te stel na substituut-ouers se belewing van bulle besondere taak.
Die studie neem 'n amwang met 'n beskrywing van die primere opvoeder se verantwoordelikhede en
eise. Die ontwikkeling van die volwassene word daama bestudeer. Verder Is gelet op die
e1se en ontwikkeling wat aan kindwecs gelykgestel word. Die doel hiermee, is om uiteindelik 'n
vergelyking te kan tref tussen die volwassene en die kind. Nadat so 'n vergclyking tussen die
kind en volwassene gemaak is, sal die probleme wat die kind as substituut-ouer
ervaar, oorweeg kan word.
Die literatuurstudie kulmincer in substituut-ouers se unieke betekenisgewing, betrokkenheid en
belewing aan en by bulle leefWereld. Dan word die literatuurstudie opgevolg deur die
navorsingsontwerp, keuse van steekproef neming asook wyses van dataverameling en -analisering.
Ten slotte word daar gekyk na die verslaggewing aangaande inligting soos bekom met behulp van
die verkenningsmedia, te wete individuele onderhoude met die deelnemers aan die navorsing, die
Bene-Anthony gesinsverhou dingstoets, die Persoonlikheidsvraelys vir kinders, die
projeksiemedia van Jacobs en Vrey en die Kinestetiese huisgesinstekeninge. Die gekonsolideerde
data word dan geinterpreteer en weergegee ten einde die postulate soos in boofstuk 5 uiteengesit
te beantwoord.
Die belangrikste bevindings van die studie is dat die taak van substituut ouerswees vir
laerskoolkinders aangenaam is. Hierdie aangename belewing van hulle taak as substituut-ouers,
dra egter nie by tot die vonning van 'n positiewe selfkonsep by die substituut-ouer nie.
Substituut-ouers ervaar angs en kommer aangaande hulle substituut-ouerskap. Hulle voel nie bevoeg
om as substituut-ouers op te tree nie. Substituut-ouers IS oar die algemeen oorbetrokke by
hulle broers en susters. Hulle sien om na hulle sibbe, verseker dat hulle veilig is en
verleen hulp aan hulle, waar nodig. Hierdie betrokkenheid veroorsaak 'n sterk band
tussen die leerlinge. Hierdie sterk band wat tussen die substituut-ouers en hulle sibbe
bestaan, is egter afwesig tussen die substituut-ouers en hulle eie ouers. Substituut-ouers toon
dan oak teen die verwagting van die navorser in, dat hulle nie beskik oor 'n
verantwoordelikheidsin nie. Substituut-ouers k:an eerder beskryf word as teruggetrokke, met min
deursettingsvennoe, prikkelbaar, goedhartig, onderdanig, athanklik en inskiklik.
Die studie toon ten slotte dat substituut-ouers betrokke raak by hulle taak as substituut-ouers,
vanwee 'n aansporingsmiddel, te wete sakgeld. Benewens vir die bogenoemde bevindings, toon die
studie oak dat die ondersteuning en begeleiding van substituut-ouers deur 'n volwassene tot
volwassenheid noodsaaklik is. / Psychology of Education / M. Ed. (Voorligting)
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Fertility desire, intention and associated factors among people living with HIV seeking chronic HIV care at health facilities of Hawassa City, southern EthiopiaZewdu Gashu Dememew 03 1900 (has links)
Text in English / INTRODUCTION: Late in HIV epidemic while HIV program is maturing studies in rich and resource limited setting have shown controversial results with regard to whether childbearing desire and intention are changed after the expansion of ART and PMTCT services. There are few studies in Ethiopia which tried to find out fertility preferences after the decentralized ART and PMTCT services.
PURPOSE: The objective of the study is to determine the prevalence of fertility desire, intention and associated factors among HIV positive males and females at health facilities in Hawassa city with chronic HIV care.
METHOD: The study used quantitative, observational, analytic and cross-sectional study design. It was structured on Trait-Desire-Intention-Behaviour theoretical frame work. A gender based stratification followed by random sampling method was applied. An interviewer-administered structured data collection approach using the pre-tested questionnaire was applied in the study. The Microsoft Office Excel 2007 and Epi-Info version 3.5.3 were utilized for data analysis. In addition to descriptive statistics, both bivariate and multivariable logistic regressions were used to analyse the data.
RESULT: With a respondent rate of 93%, a total of 460 PLHIV participated in the study with equal number of males and females. The majority of the participants were from urban (85%), in relationship (70.9%), and on ART (80%). The reported fertility desire, 43.9% (45.2% in males; 42.6% in females), and fertility intention, 44.9% (46.4% in males; 43.4% in females), were high. The median number of intended children was 2. About 54% of PLHIV were using at least one of the contraceptives with 32.4% of unmet need of family planning. Participants with overall experinece of 2 births or less (AOR: 2.4 95% CI 1.32-4.32; p-value=0.0042), without birth experience after HIV diagnosis (AOR:0.52 95% CI 0.28-0.98; p-value=0.0424) and whose partner also desired for childbearing (AOR: 19.73 95%CI 10.81-35.99; p-value=0.0000) were more likely to intend for a/another child.They wished and planned to get birth because; they did not have a/children before or fear of childless stigma (25.3%), ART could help to have negative child (21.8%), importance of parenthood (17.8%) and the desire of once partner (16.8%). The study participants had consulted health care workers (34.2%), approached their partner or their partner had already approached them (27.6%), tried to get a partner or married (17.6%) and stop using family planning (6%) to get pregnant.
CONCLUSION: This study highlights high fertility desire and intention in the background of high unmet need for family planning among PLHIV. A development of comprehensive male partner-involved couple counseling protocol, improving the communication HCWs have with PLHIV to emphasize safer conception methods and strengthening all the components of PMCT integrating with other SRH services at chronic HIV clinic are critical. / Health Studies / M.A. (Public Health)
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Barn, föräldrar, välfärdsstat : Den politiska debatten om föräldrautbildning och föräldrastöd 1964-2009 / Children, parents, welfare state : The political debate about parent education and parenting support 1964-2009Littmarck, Sofia January 2017 (has links)
The political debate concerning parent education and parenting support between 1964 and 2009 has been scrutinized in this study in the light of the development of and changes in the welfare state. The investigation is based upon the analysis of official government inquiries and parliamentary papers dealing with parent education and parenting support. This study analyzes the different choices in the organization of welfare relevant to children and the family for which political actors have argued, and it examines the views on the relations between children, parents, family and the welfare state that were expressed in the argumentation. Parent education and parenting support aim at changing the living conditions of children by means of the parents. The study shows that the interest in this type of investment has been shared by both the political left and center-right, but from different arguments and political visions on how welfare for children and families with children should be organized, as well as from different views of the role of parent education and parenting support in the welfare. / I den här avhandlingen granskas den politiska debatten om föräldrautbildning och föräldrastöd mellan 1964 och 2009 i ljuset av välfärdssamhällets utveckling och förändring. Studien bygger på en analys av betänkanden från statliga utredningar och riksdagstryck i frågan om föräldrautbildning och föräldrastöd. I studien granskas vilka vägval i organiseringen av välfärden kring barn och familj som politiska aktörer har argumenterat för och vilken syn på relationerna mellan barn, föräldrar, familj och välfärdsstat som kommit till uttryck i argumentationen. Föräldrautbildning och föräldrastöd syftar till att förändra barns villkor genom att påverka föräldrarna. Analysen visar att intresset för denna typ av åtgärd har delats av såväl vänster som borgerliga, men utifrån skilda argument och politiska visioner för hur välfärden kring barn och barnfamiljen ska organiseras, såväl som utifrån olika sätt att se på föräldrautbildningens och föräldrastödets roll i välfärden.
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VaterschaftPossinger, Johanna 30 May 2018 (has links)
In der Familiensoziologie wird davon ausgegangen, dass sich Vaterschaft dann konstituiert, wenn Männer dauerhaft und generationsübergreifend Sorgearbeit für Kinder leisten. Begrifflich kann unterschieden werden zwischen den Einstellungen zur Institution Vaterschaft (fatherhood) und der sozialen Praxis von Vätern im Familienalltag (fathering). Beide Dimensionen von Vaterschaft unterliegen einem gesellschaftlichen Wandel, der sich im Kontext von Veränderungen der Geschlechterverhältnisse vollzieht.
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