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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Factors contributing to low completion rates of National Certificate Vocational (NCV) students at a TVET college in the Northwest Province

Nthako, Matshwenyego Dorothy 01 1900 (has links)
This study was interested in investigating the factors contributing to low completion rates at a TVET college in the North-West Province. There is not much research conducted on the low completion rates at TVET Colleges in South Africa. The study sought to explore the understanding of completion rates at TVET Colleges, the current completion rates and the causes and the strategies that might be employed to increase the completion rates. Qualitative methodology was used to collect data, using semi-structured interviews for all the focus group interviews. Collected data were transcribed, interpreted, analysed and the findings were presented. The study revealed that factors contributing to the low completion rates are finance and management issues, staff problems, policy factors, socio-economic factors and students’ personal factors that require attention in order to increase the completion rates. These include lecturer qualifications, student funding, inadequate infrastructure, drug and substance abuse, involvement of stakeholders and lack of adherence to policies. The study recommends proper administration of students’ bursaries, effective Quality Management System (QMS), lecturer development, adequate infrastructure and efficient policies to be implemented. The study might draw the attention of the DHET, the college management and other stakeholders in order to come up with interventions to remedy the low completion rates at TVET Colleges. / Educational Management and Leadership / M. Ed. (Educational Management)


Hiredal, Sandra January 2020 (has links)
In a place that has been abandoned I have collected the human-made traces. Preserving the perishability of places and people. Saving the small memory. To hold close and pass on to the next. Placing them in a jewelry context where we may care for them more tenderly. To approach the people through adornment and wearing. I don't want to physically mark anyone, but I still want to come close. A piercing of the clothes: brooches. You who left it. I who collected. Next one to wear. Where all of us become involved and equally important. With the traces taken from the place, I add my own imprint in the craftsmanship of the jewelry. Each brooch fragile and where the next one, the wearer, will become part of our traces and history. Each brooch with a part of us and in transformation. Traces can be left, and memories preserved. They can be passed on through the visible, the tangible, the sound and the anecdotes. They can be experienced or relived when we feel, listen and see. Therefore, I needed to pass on the traces in several ways. Through the brooches and through film. For more people to take part of. Where the next one can see, hear and feel a place; its traces, stories and the imagination created in the experience.

Thermo-Mechanical Modelling of Wire-Arc Additive Manufacturing (WAAM) of Semi-Finished Products

Graf, Marcel, Hälsig, Andre, Höfer, Kevin, Awiszus, Birgit, Mayr, Peter 13 February 2019 (has links)
Additive manufacturing processes have been investigated for some years, and are commonly used industrially in the field of plastics for small- and medium-sized series. The use of metallic deposition material has been intensively studied on the laboratory scale, but the numerical prediction is not yet state of the art. This paper examines numerical approaches for predicting temperature fields, distortions, and mechanical properties using the Finite Element (FE) software MSC Marc. For process mapping, the filler materials G4Si1 (1.5130) for steel, and AZ31 for magnesium, were first characterized in terms of thermo-physical and thermo-mechanical properties with process-relevant cast microstructure. These material parameters are necessary for a detailed thermo-mechanical coupled Finite Element Method (FEM). The focus of the investigations was on the numerical analysis of the influence of the wire feed (2.5–5.0 m/min) and the weld path orientation (unidirectional or continuous) on the temperature evolution for multi-layered walls of miscellaneous materials. For the calibration of the numerical model, the real welding experiments were carried out using the gas-metal arc-welding process—cold metal transfer (CMT) technology. A uniform wall geometry can be produced with a continuous welding path, because a more homogeneous temperature distribution results.

Personalizované poměrné zastoupení na Novém Zélandu / Mixed member proportional representattion in New Zealand

Trávníček, Matěj January 2012 (has links)
The thesis is about New Zealand House of Representatives electoral system. In introductory part is briefly presented the political system of New Zealand. Then is currently used electoral system, its genesis and impacts of transition from the first past the post to mixed member proportional system researched. Thesis is in its effort focusing on segments of electoral system and trying to identify its problematic points and to introduce alternative electoral system proposed to the electors in referenda. The thesis is using the electoral studies methods, especially quantitative measuring of attributes of electoral system and party structure within the House of Representatives.

Koexistence mobilních komunikačních systémů WLAN a Bluetooth / WLAN and Bluetooth Systems Coexistence

Mikulka, Jan January 2009 (has links)
The dissertation thesis deals with a WLAN and Bluetooth systems coexistence. A Bluetooth standard works in an unlicensed frequency band 2,402 – 2,480 GHz. This frequency band is also used by an IEEE 802.11b/g standard (Wi-Fi) which is the most extended representative of WLAN networks. Because Bluetooth and Wi-Fi systems operate in the same frequency band, a mutual signal degradation may appear, when devices are collocated in the same area. In the first part of the dissertation thesis there is a brief summary of 2,402 - 2,480 GHz frequency band regulations and its usage. There are described physical layers of Bluetooth and IEEE 802.11b/g standards and techniques used for a collision avoidance. The main part of the dissertation thesis deals with a development of a new Matlab Simulink model for investigations of the Bluetooth and Wi-Fi standards coexistence. Physical layer models and results of the coexistence simulations are verified by a measurement in real conditions with a help of a modern vector signal analyzer. The results are presented in a graphical form and a brief summary is attached at the end of each chapter. Corresponding tables of simulated and measured values are available in the enclosed CD.

To Be Free: The Life and Times of Nate Luck - A Novel

Mullins, Lloyd 06 July 2022 (has links)
No description available.

Hållbar kraftförsörjning av signalanläggningar : En undersökning av Roslagsbanans signalsäkerhetsutrustning / Sustainable power supply of signalling facilities

Strandberg, Leo, Mirovic, Zivojin January 2018 (has links)
Roslagsbanans signalanläggningar har flera olika lösningar för dess strömförsörjning i form av standarder för batterier och likriktare. Denna lösningsvariation har försvårat för underhållspersonalen att åtgärda de fel som uppstått och därmed fördröjt trafiken, dvs trafikstörningar. Roslagsbanan försörjs delvis av lokala elnät där avbrott emellanåt förekommer. Dessa avbrott inträffar ofta när elnätsleverantörerna underhåller sitt ortnät vilket kan ske även under rusningstrafik. Avbrotten kan även orsakas inom signalanläggningarna när stora spänningsvariationer förekommer, t.ex. när stora induktiva- eller kapacitiva laster slås av. Dessa problem analyseras och åtgärdsförslag tas fram i denna rapport. De befintliga likriktarna och batterierna samt förslag till ersättningsprodukter som behövs för detta säkerhetssystem har sammanställts i denna rapport. För att skapa en hållbar, robust och miljövänlig strömförsörjning till Roslagsbanans signalanläggningar undersöktes i detta arbete strömspikar, avbrottsfri kraftförsörjning samt dessutom möjligheten att ansluta solceller som kompletterande åtgärd. I signalutrustningen vid Roslags Näsby stationsområde detekterades och undersöktes förekomsten av strömspikar. Två åtgärdsförslag för att komma till rätta med dessa strömspikar togs fram. Förslagen var ett lågpassfilter och en metalloxidvaristor som båda var för sig reducerar strömspikarna. Lågpassfiltret dämpar insignalernas spänning och strömförsörjning vid kraftiga förändringar i frekvensen och metalloxidvaristorn reducerar strömflödet vid överspänningar. Ytterligare undersökningar av transienterna i Roslags Näsbys och de övriga signalanläggningarna på Roslagsbanan bör utföras. Resultaten av de genomförda undersökningarna om avbrottsfri kraftförsörjning och solceller visade däremot att utrustningarna inte bör installeras i de nuvarande signalanläggningarna. Solceller var inte implementerbara eftersom effektbehovet av signalanläggningarna var större än den takyta som fanns tillgänglig för solcellerna. Arbete och investeringar för ett avbrottsfritt kraftförsörjningsunderhåll och installation av denna utrustning var mer krävande i jämförelse med dess nytta för signalanläggningarnas tillförlitlighet, dvs ingen åtgärd i nuläget. Förslag på ersättningsprodukter i form av likriktare och batterier lades fram till arbetsgivarna för att skapa en standard för Roslagbanans kraftförsörjning framåt. / Roslagsbanan's signal systems have several different solutions for its power supply in the form of several standards for batteries and rectifiers. This solution variation has made it difficult for maintenance staff to correct the errors that occurred and thus delayed traffic, i.e. traffic disturbances. Roslagsbanan is partly supplied by local power grids where interruptions occur occasionally. These interruptions often occur when the network service providers maintain their home network, which may also occur during rush hour traffic. The interruptions can also be caused by the signal systems them self when large voltage variations occur, e.g. when large inductive or capacitive loads are switched off. These problems are analysed, and action proposals are presented in this report. The existing rectifiers and batteries as well as proposals for replacement products that are needed for this safety system have been compiled in this report. To create a sustainable, robust and environmentally friendly power supply to Roslagsbanan’s signal systems, this work investigated transients, uninterruptible power supply, as well as the possibility of connecting solar cells as a complementary arrangement. An investigation of the signal equipment at Roslags Näsby station area showed presence of transients. Two proposals to reduce these transients were presented. The proposals were a low pass filter and a metal oxide varistor, both individually reduces transients. The low pass filter attenuates the voltage and current of the signal when the strong frequency changes occurs and the metal oxide varistor reduces the current flow at overvoltages. Further investigations of the transients in Roslags Näsbys and the other signal facilities on the Roslagsbanan should be performed. On the other hand, the results of the investigations on uninterruptible power and solar cells showed that the equipment should not be installed in the current signal systems. Solar cells were not implementable because the power requirement of the signal systems was greater than the current ceiling area for the solar cells. The work and investment for uninterruptible power supply maintenance and installation were more demanding in comparison to its usefulness for the reliability of the signal systems. Proposals for replacement products were submitted to employers to create a standard for Roslagbanan's power supply onwards. / Сигнални систем на железници која се зове Рослагсбана садржи више различитих решења за своје напајање у облику неколико стандарда за батерије и исправљаче. Варијација различитих решења проузроковала je потешкоће у отклањању новонасталих грешака служби које се баве одржавањем и изазвала је застој у железничком саобраћају. Рослагсбана се напаја електричном енергијом из локалних мрежа на којима може доћи до прекида. Прекид напајања електричном енергијом може бити изазван наглим променама напона у сигналним системима и уколико локални дистрибутер изводи радове на одржавању електричне мреже. Проблеми који могу настати променама напона се анализирају и испитују у овом извештају. Попис исправљача и батерија као и њихова стандардна решења су обрађени и представљени у циљу стварања одрживог и дугорочног решења за системску сигнализацију. Анализирани су високонапонски шпицеви, системи за непрекидно напајање електричном енергијом (УПС) и могућност прикључивања соларних панела. У сигналном систему на станици Рослас Насби измерени су високонапонски шпицеви. Како би се дошло до најбољег и најповољнијег решења анализирана су два предлога за њихово уклањање. Један предлог за уклањање био је ниско пропусни филтер док је за редукцију предложен метал- оксидни одводник пре напона (МОВ). Ниско пропусни филтер смањује јачину струје и напона уколико фреквенција пређе одређену претходно утврђену границу, док МОВ редукује ток струје уколико дође до скока напона. Пре имплементације било ког од наведених решења треба извршити накнадна испитивања у вези са напонским шпицевима. Резултати указују да имплементација УПС-а и соларних панела није могућа. Могућност соларних панела да произведу довољну количину енергије која је потребна за одређени систем није сразмерна површини система која би могла да се прекрије соларним панелима. Трошкови одржавања и прикључивања УПС система су већи у поређењу са значајем које би систем имао од самог УПС система. Предлог стандардних батерија и исправљача који је представљен послодавцу коригован је како би се дошло до стандардног решења за све предстојеће пројекте.

Development of Resistor-based Silver and Zinc Devices using Novel Applications of Inkjet Printing

Radwan, Abdulaziz (Aziz) N. 27 January 2023 (has links)
No description available.

Design of a grating lobe mitigated antenna array architecture integrated with low loss PCB filtering structures / Design av en sidloblindrande gruppantenn integrerad med låg förlust PCBfilterstrukturer

Salvador Lopez, Eduardo January 2023 (has links)
Massive multiple input multiple output - MIMO systems are a reality and modern communication systems rely upon this technology to cope with the increasing need for capacity and network usage. Antenna arrays are at the heart of the of the massive-MIMO system and are the enabling technology. The defining cost of such a system is the number of transmit receive ports TRx as they dictate the number of control points and the associated digital control computational capacity. Typically users are spread along the azimuth and there is limited angular user spread along elevation. This enables us to group the elements in elevation which of course limits the elevation scanning performance. The element grouping result in grating lobes when we do elevation scanning. In the newly introduced frequency range 3 - FR3 in the envisioned 6G communication systems that is from 6-20 GHz it will not be allowed to transmit power above the horizon and the resulting grating lobes from the standard grouping should be mitigated. This project is structured into two parts. In the first part a grating lobe mitigation technique based on irregular subarray grouping utilizing the wellknown Penrose irregular tessellation is developed. This tessellation is based into two geometrical shapes where when put together they can fully tile the space aperiodically. Introducing this apperiodicity the grating or quantization lobes of the array are mitigated. In addition, in the first part a beam forming algorithm is developed based on particle swarm optimization that is able to produce the optimal weights for the array steering as well as optimize some of the embedded patterns of the irregular grouping. The last optimization step of the irregular subarray patterns is utilized only when the grouping results in a narrow pattern in azimuth and as a result we have static single port beamforming networks. This of course is a trade off between the broadside gain and the azimuth steerability of the array. In the second part of this thesis two low loss band pass filters have been developed with a PCB integrated suspended stripline techology. The filters were optimised for the frequencies within FR3. The resulted filtering structures can further be integrated at the input port of the proposed feeding network with the same technology. The two parts of this thesis target to introduce on one hand a antenna array architecture with subarray groupings that produce no grating lobes and on the other hand the proposed filtering structures have small enough dimensions to fit within the subarray footprint. / Dagens moderna kommunikationssystem använder sig av Massive multiple input multiple output (m-MIMO) för att kunna möta det allt större kraven på kapacitet och nätverksanvändning. Gruppantenner är den mest fundamentala delen av massive-MIMO system och möjliggör dess funktion. För ett sådant system (m-MIMO-system), så kommer den största kostnaden från antalet sändare/mottagare (TRx) -portar som används. Antalet portar i ett massiveMIMO system bestämmer vilken kapacitet systemet har till hands när det gäller lobformning. Vanligtvis är användare utspridda i det horisontella planet, samtidigt som de är begränsade i sin spridning i höjdled. Detta möjliggör användandet av en gruppantenn som grupperar sina antennelement i höjdled, vilket såklart begränsar gruppantennens lobformning i höjdled. Grupperandet av antennelement skapar sidlober när gruppantennen lobformar i höjdled. I det nya frekvensbandet, 3 - FR3 i det föreställda 6G kommunikationssystemet som opererar mellan 6-20 GHz, så kommer det inte att vara tillåtet att sända ut effekt över horisonten, samtidigt som de sidlober som kommer från standardgruppering måste begränsas. Detta projekt är strukturerat i två delar. I första delen så presenteras ett sätt att lindra sidlober, som baseras på irreguljära gruppantenner via Penrose tessellation. Denna tessellation är indelad i två geometriska former sådan att när vi sätter ihop dem så kan de framgångsrikt täcka vår geometri icke-periodvist. Genom att introducera denna icke-periodicitet så kan sidloberna från gruppanetnnen lindras. Utöver detta så är också så är en lobformningsalgoritm skapad som baseras på particle swarm optimization (PSO), som kan skapa de optimala vikterna för lobformning och lobstyrning. Det sista optimiseringssteget av de irreguljära gruppantennmönstret används bara när gruppering av antennelement resulterar i ett snävt mönster i azimut-riktning. Därför använder vi ett statiskt enportsmatningsnätverk. Detta är såklart en vägning mellan bredsideförstärkning och förmågan att kunna lobforma i det horisontella planet. I den andra delen så har två låg förlust bandpassfilter utvecklats med en PCB-integrerad suspended sripline teknik. Filtrerna optimerades för frekvenser inom FR3. De resulterande filterstrukturerna kan integreras längs input-porten av det föreslagna matningsnätverket som använder sig av den samma teknik. De två delarna i denna uppsats presenterar dels en gruppantenn med irreguljär antennelementsindelning som lindrar sidlober, samt dels filterstrukturer som kan användas tillsammans med gruppantennen.

'The Marshall System' in World War II, Myth and Reality: Six American Commanders Who Failed

Carlson, Cody King 08 1900 (has links)
This is an analysis of the U.S. Army's personnel decisions in the Second World War. Specifically, it considers the U.S. Army Chief of Staff George C. Marshall's appointment of generals to combat command, and his reasons for relieving some generals while leaving others in place after underperformance. Many historians and contemporaries of Marshall, including General Omar N. Bradley, have commented on Marshall's ability to select brilliant, capable general officers for combat command in the war. However, in addition to solid performers like J. Lawton Collins, Lucian Truscott, and George S. Patton, Marshall, together with Dwight D. Eisenhower and Lesley J. McNair, often selected sub-par commanders who significantly underperformed on the battlefield. These generals' tactical and operational decisions frequently led to unnecessary casualties, and ultimately prolonged the war. The work considers six case studies: Lloyd Fredendall at Kasserine Pass, Mark Clark during the Italian campaign, John Lucas at Anzio, Omar Bradley at the Falaise Gap, Courtney Hodges at the Hürtgen Forest, and Simon Bolivar Buckner, Jr. at Okinawa. Personal connections and patronage played strong roles in these generals' command appointments, and often trumped practical considerations like command experience. While their superiors ultimately relieved corps commanders Fredendall and Lucas, field army and army group commanders Clark, Hodges, and Bradley retained command of their units, (Buckner died from combat wounds on Okinawa). Personal connections also strongly influenced the decision to retain the field army and army group commanders in their commands.

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