Spelling suggestions: "subject:"housekeeping,""
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Whose peace? : local ownership and UN peacebuildingvon Billerbeck, Sarah Birgitta Kanafani January 2012 (has links)
Recent years have seen an increasing emphasis on local ownership in UN peacebuilding. Advocates of local ownership assert that it boosts the legitimacy and sustainability of UN peacebuilding by helping to preserve the principles of self- determination and non-imposition of externally-conceived solutions onto post-conflict countries in an activity that can contravene them. However, while the UN perceives local ownership as enabling it to act in accordance with these principles, it also perceives local ownership to imperil the achievement of its operational goals, thus bringing its normative and operational objectives into conflict. This thesis evaluates the UN’s discourse, understandings, and operationalizations of local ownership in peacebuilding. Drawing on examples from the UN peace operation in DR Congo, it shows that despite the UN’s regular invocation of local ownership discourse, it operationalizes ownership in restrictive and selective ways that are intended to protect the achievement of operational goals but that consequently limit self-determination and increase external imposition on the host country. This gap between the rhetoric and reality of ownership suggests that the UN uses local ownership primarily as a discursive tool for legitimation, one intended to reconcile the organization’s normative and operational imperatives. However, because its actions do not match its rhetoric, the UN’s attempts to generate legitimacy through discourse appear to fall flat, particularly in the eyes of local actors. Moreover, because of contradictions in the ways that the UN operationalizes local ownership, it not only deepens the curtailment of self-determination and the degree of external imposition, it also undercuts its ability to realize the very operational goals it is trying to protect. Ultimately, because it is a contradictory and contested concept, local ownership fails to eliminate or ‘fix’ the trade-offs the UN faces in peacebuilding, suggesting that the UN must instead accept them and incorporate them into its goals and expectations.
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Analýza faktorů, které významně ovlivňují subjektivní vnímání psychické zátěže / Significantly influence subjective psychological Stress perceived Factor Analysis.Pecha, Jiří January 2011 (has links)
Title: Significantly influence subjective psychological Stress perceived Factor Analysis. Objectives: The main Aim of this Work is subjective perceived psychological Stress changing comparation of professional Soldiers Group before and after psychological Stress, They receive every Day in their Job. Methods: The Method used in this Work is Research by standard Questionnaire consists of two Parts. One of Them was realised before psychological Stress and the second One was realised after the psychological Stress. Both Parts of Questionnaires was analyzed and statisticaly evaluated. Results: By the Research was found, that from researching Age, Education and Length of Service in Unit Factors, the most significant Influence on Changes of subjective perceived psychological Stress have the Age and the Length of Service Factors. After that was found, the subjective perceived psychological Stress at the End of all-day Duty have increased. Keywords: Stress, psychological Stress, Frustration, Trauma, Post-traumatic Stress Disorder, peacekeeping Operation, Soldier.
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[pt] O presente trabalho se propõe a aferir a mudança
institucional que teve
lugar nas atividades da Organização das Nações Unidas
(ONU) relacionadas
com as Operações de Manutenção da Paz, no período 1992-
2000. A abordagem
levada a cabo se localiza no encontro da disciplina das
Relações Internacionais
com outras Ciências Sociais, através dos autores Ernst
Haas e Anthony
Giddens. Na Modernidade, organizações sociais, como a ONU,
levam a cabo
contínuo monitoramento, reflexivo, de suas próprias ações,
na busca por
solucionar problemas de cuja solução são incumbidos. Nessa
dinâmica de
monitoramento reflexivo, as organizações sociais podem -
ou não - aprender
com suas experiências pregressas. / [en] The present research intends to evaluate institutional
change that had
taken place within United Nations (UN) activities related
to Peacekeeping
operations, from 1992 to 2000. The following approach is
located on the
interface between International Relations and other Social
Sciences, through the
theoretical contributions of Ernst Haas and Anthony
Giddens. In Modernity,
social organizations (such as UN) continuously monitor its
own behavior -
reflexively - seeking for solutions for problems to be
solved. Amidst this
dynamics of reflexive monitoring, social organizations
may - or may not - learn
from its previous experiences.
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Maintenir la paix, mais laquelle ? : Interdépendances, zones d’action et conjoncture de maintien de la paix dans le secteur de la sécurité collective / Keep the peace, but which peace ? : Interdependance, areas of action and conjuncture of peacekeeping in the collective security sectorGodefroy, Maxime 05 April 2016 (has links)
A travers l’exemple des opérations de maintien de la paix (OMP) conjointes entre les Nations Unies et l’Union européenne au Tchad et en République centrafricaine (Eufor Tchad-RCA et Minurcat) entre 2008 et 2010, cette thèse questionne les mécanismes qui mènent au déclenchement d’une opération de sécurité collective dite de maintien de la paix ainsi que son déroulement. Alors que les analyses anglo-saxonnes du maintien de la paix dans le champ des Relations internationales questionnent peu le processus qui mène à leur déploiement, faisant de celui-ci une réponse quasi rationnelle à l’émergence ou la reprise d’une « crise », cette thèse analyse finement le processus non linéaire qui mène au déploiement des opérations Eufor Tchad-RCA et Minurcat. Cela permet d’interroger de manière originale les disfonctionnements du maintien de la paix en ne s’intéressant pas uniquement à l’appropriation locale d’une OMP comme dans la littérature sur la paix libérale mais en analysant les continuités entre les phases dites de décision et celles de mise en oeuvre. La thèse défendue ici est que le déclenchement d’une OMP se comprend comme le produit de l’activité sociale ayant lieu autour d’un enjeu sécuritaire qui mène à la structuration d’une zone d’action conjoncturelle dans le secteur de la sécurité collective. On parle de conjoncture de maintien de la paix. Le déroulement de l’OMP s’analyse alors comme la poursuite de l’activité au sein de cette zone d’action qui intègre de nouveaux acteurs durant la phase de conduite des opérations. La reconfiguration de la zone d’action peut mener à la poursuite de l’OMP ou à sa fin suivant la dynamique sociale qui se met en place. / Through the example of joint peackeeping operations (PKO) between the United Nations and the European union in Chad and Central african Republic (known by their French acronyms as Eufor Tchad-RCA and Minurcat) between 2008 and 2010, the purpose of this research is to question the social process that lead to the launching and the implementation of a collective security operation knwon as a peacekeeping operation.Though the Anglo-Saxon analyses of peacekeeping inspired by the International Relations theory not often question the decisionnal process, considering the deployment as a rational mean to treat a crisis, this thesis is an analysis of the non-linear social process that led to the deployment of Eufor Tchad-RCA and Minurcat. This analysis allows us to question in an orignal way the dysfunction of peacekeeping by shifting the focus from the local appropriation of the PKO as suggested by the Libera Peace approach to the continuity between decisionnal stages and implementation stages of the PKO. The thesis proposed here is that the launching of a PKO must be understood as the output of the social activity that takes place around a security issue that lead to the structuration of an area of action in the collective security sector. We named that periode a conjuncture of peacekeeping. The conduct of the operation is then analysed as the continuity of the activity in this area of action which includes new actors during its implementation stage. The re setup of the area of action can lead to the pursuit of the PKO or to its end, regarding the social dynamic that is set up.
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La Côte d'Ivoire et les modes de règlement des conflits africains : la prééminence du dialogue / Côte d'Ivoire and the modes of African conflicts resolution : primacy of dialogueAhui, Brou Manio Ange Hervé 25 February 2011 (has links)
Selon un bilan établi en 1998 par le Secrétaire général de l’O.N.U., l’Afrique est le continent le plus touché par les conflits. Aussi bien les Organisations Internationales que les Etats contribuent à apaiser les situations soit par la voie pacifique soit par le recours à la force armée. Le premier Président ivoirien avait fait du dialogue sa priorité en matière de résolution des conflits tant internes qu’internationaux. Plusieurs médiations avaient été menées par les autorités ivoiriennes à l’occasion de crises auxquelles étaient confrontés certains pays africains. La Côte d’Ivoire s’était attelée à trouver, par le dialogue, des solutions. Mais elle a également participé à des opérations de maintien de la paix. Le déclenchement de la crise ivoirienne a inversé les rôles. La Côte d’Ivoire a été l’objet de médiations ; des troupes étrangères ont été déployées dans le cadre d’une mission de maintien de la paix. Le dialogue utilisé à l’occasion des autres conflits africains a mis du temps à trouver une application effective. En tout état de cause, c’est par le dialogue que les acteurs politiques ivoiriens ont pu trouver des solutions aux problèmes de la Côte d’Ivoire. / According to an established assessment by the General Secretary of the UN in 1998, Africa is the most affected continent by conflicts. International organisations as well as States play a great part in alleviating conflict situations, either by the peaceful way or the recourse to the armed force. The former Ivorian president has made dialogue his priority, as far as, both internal and international conflicts ‘resolutions are concerned. Several mediations were led by Ivorian authorities at the time of crises with which some African countries were confronted. Côte d’Ivoire set out to find, through dialogue, solutions. But it also took part in peacekeeping operations. The Ivorian crisis outbreak reversed the roles. Côte d’Ivoire has been object of mediations. Some international armed forces have been deployed as part of peacekeeping mission. The dialogue used at the time of other African conflicts took time over finding an effective application. At all events, it is through dialogue that the Ivorian political actors were able to find solutions to the problems of Côte d’Ivoire.
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L'apport de la théorie des systèmes dynamiques complexes à l'ontologie du droit international dans la crise : Analyse de l'action normative du Conseil de sécurité / The contribution of the theory of complex dynamic systems to the ontology of international law in time of crisis : Analyzing the normative action of the Security CouncilGratadour, Audrey 05 October 2015 (has links)
Cette thèse est une réflexion originale sur le droit international dans la crise, car elle aborde le droit international grâce à une théorie peu connue en droit, celle des systèmes dynamiques complexes. L’étude du cas particulier de la gestion normative de la crise par le Conseil de sécurité illustre les intérêts de l’utilisation d’une théorie novatrice en droit. La théorie des systèmes dynamiques complexes offre les outils d’une réflexion sur le droit, fondée sur les interactions du droit avec le contexte particulier dans lequel il intervient, la crise, et ses acteurs. La mise en lumière de ces interactions favorise une lecture critique du droit international dans la crise et permet de renouveler l’ontologie de ce droit. Les dynamiques complexes appréhendées et définies par cette théorie sont utiles lorsqu’il s’agit d’expliquer les atouts et les limites de l’action normative du Conseil. Par ailleurs en renouvelant l’ontologie du droit, la théoriedes systèmes dynamiques complexes facilite une lecture prospective de l’action normative du Conseil et insiste sur le rôle institutionnel du droit. / This thesis is an original reflection on international law in time of crisis, as it addresses international law through a little-known theory in law, that of complex dynamic systems. The study of the specific case of the normative management of the crisis by the Security Council illustrates the interest of the use of an innovative theory in law.The theory of complex dynamic systems provides the tools to think differently the law, based on the interaction of law with the particular context in which it operates, the crisis, and its actors. The highlighting of these interactions favors a critical reading of international law in time of crisis and helps to renew the ontology of law. The complex dynamic understood and defined by this theory are useful when explaining the strengths and limitations of the Council’s action in time of crisis. In addition to renewing the ontology of law, complex dynamic systems theory facilitates a prospective reading of the normative action of the Council and stresses the institutional role of law.
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As operações de manutenção da paz da Organização das Nações Unidas e os direitos humanos / The United Nations peacekeeping operations and the human rights.Faganello, Priscila Liane Fett 19 October 2012 (has links)
As operações de manutenção da paz da Organização das Nações Unidas vêm sendo empregadas há mais de 60 anos com o objetivo de assegurar a paz e a segurança internacionais. A partir dos conflitos da Somália, Bósnia e Ruanda ocorridos na década de 1990, caracterizados pelas massivas violações de direitos humanos e pela incapacidade da Organização de impedi-las, esta deu início a uma série de debates acerca de como melhor operacionalizar suas peacekeeping operations, a fim de que violações como aquelas não mais voltassem a ocorrer. Ademais, o entendimento, por parte do Conselho de Segurança das Nações Unidas, de que violações de direitos humanos e estabilidade internacional guardam estreita relação, colaborou para que esses debates se desenvolvessem. O presente trabalho tem como obejtivo analisar as propostas sugeridas com vistas ao aperfeiçoamento do modus operandi das peacekeeping operations em virtude das citadas violações de direitos humanos e a verificar se tais propostas estão sendo aplicadas nas operações de manutenção da paz atuais / The peacekeeping operations of the United Nations have been used for over 60 years with the goal of ensuring international peace and security. From the conflicts in Somalia, Bosnia and Rwanda occurred in the 1990s, characterized by massive human rights violations and the inability of the Organization of preventing them, United Nations have initiated a series of debates about how to best operationalize its peacekeeping operations, in manner that those violations no longer occur. Moreover, the understanding by the United Nations Security Council that human rights violations and international stability are closely related, contributed to the development of these discussions. The present work aims, therefore, to assess the proposals suggested for the improvement of the modus operandi of peacekeeping operations in view of the aforementioned human rights violations and to verify whether they are being applied in todays peacekeeping operations.
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NATO’s eastward expansion and peace-enforcement role in the violent dissolution of Yugoslavia: 1994-2004.Tsoundarou, Paul January 2008 (has links)
Since the end of the Cold War, political and geographical realities have changed considerably. One such reality was the balance of power between East and West, which was especially visible in Europe. The contest between rivals, the Warsaw Pact and the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO), was over. Ultimately, NATO found itself the pre-eminent security organisation in Europe. The new post-cold war environment forced questions about the appropriate role for NATO. However, that changed with both the process of NATO expansion into former Warsaw pact countries and the ethnic conflicts throughout the former Yugoslavia. NATO found a new purpose during the violent dissolution of Yugoslavia as ‘peace-enforcer’ in the Balkan region. The focus of this thesis is NATO’s role in peace-enforcement in the former Yugoslavia. It examines how NATO dealt with the end of the Cold War and the collapse of the Warsaw Pact. Specifically, how NATO managed to re-establish its relevance as a security organisation. NATO’s military intervention in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Kosovo were crucial in securing the end of hostilities in both those regions. NATO’s Implementation Force (IFOR), Stabilisation Force (SFOR) and Kosovo Force (KFOR) all played significant roles in subsequent peace-enforcement and peace-building roles in the region by suppressing violence through power projection and institution building. In 2001, NATO undertook a third operation in the Balkans, that time of a more limited nature, disarming ethnic Albanians in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. NATO’s presence there also encouraged stability. This thesis argues that, ultimately, NATO maintained its relevance by the establishing a new role for itself after the Cold War through Eastward expansion and in suppressing ethnic conflict in the Balkans. Both these roles have been successful. The decisive interventions in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo and FYROM forced the belligerents to stop fighting. NATO’s subsequent enforcement of the peace has stopped each conflict from flaring up again. With NATO membership now including most of Europe, it remains the only viable security organisation on the continent. NATO’s effectiveness as a security organisation was demonstrated with its ability to end the conflict in the Balkans and providing a stable environment for the people of the region. This intervention was crucial to the definition of a new role for NATO in the post-Cold War world. / http://proxy.library.adelaide.edu.au/login?url= http://library.adelaide.edu.au/cgi-bin/Pwebrecon.cgi?BBID=1320482 / Thesis (Ph.D.) -- University of Adelaide, School of History and Politics 2008
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Canadas Non-Imperial Internationalism in Africa: Understanding Canadas Security Policy in the AU and ECOWASAkuffo , Edward Ansah 06 1900 (has links)
This study is concerned with Canadas policy towards peace, security and development in Africa. It examines Canadas response to these issues in relation to the New Partnership for Africas Development (NEPAD), the African Union Peace and Security Architecture (APSA), and the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) Security Mechanism. With the intensification of violent conflicts in parts of Africa and their impact on individuals, communities, and socioeconomic development, African leaders transformed the OAU into the AU and established APSA to promote regional and human security in Africa. At the sub-regional level, West African leaders established the ECOWAS Security Mechanism to address the (human) security deficit in the West Africa region.
These institutional transformations coincided with the launching of the NEPAD, which became one of the central instruments of engagement between Africa and the international community to address the peace, security and development challenges on the African continent. Canadas response to the NEPAD under the Liberal government of Jean Chrtien came in the form of a $500 million Canada fund for Africa (CFA) that among other things supported the capacity building of APSA and the ECOWAS Security Mechanism. The promotion of human security played a key role in Canadas approach to the AU and ECOWAS peace and security capacity building. I use a non-imperial internationalist approach that draws on the theoretical insights of a constructivist approach to international relations to provide an understanding of the Canadian governments policy. I argue that the Canadian governments policy towards the AU and ECOWAS can be understood in terms of the moral identity that Canada has built or acquired over the years in Africa. While this moral identity provides the means through which Canadian interests are pursued in Africa, it appears that the interest in maintaining this image has overshadowed the need for the Canadian government to craft an overarching policy and put resources behind the rhetoric of promoting peace and security, particularly human security in Africa.
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Kvinnor i internationella insatser? : En undersökning om hur kvinnligt deltagande kan påverka internationella insatser. / Women in international peacekeeping operationsBurenius, Louise January 2009 (has links)
<p>Kvinnor har sedan 1980 fått tjänstgöra som officer i Sveriges försvarsmakt. Trots detta är fortfarande de kvinnliga officerarna och soldaterna i klar minoritet i organisationen. FN:s säkerhetsråd har arbetat fram två resolutioner som båda strävar efter att involvera kvinnor i större omfattning när det gäller arbeten vid kris, krig och konflikter. Inte enbart att öka andelen kvinnor i hjälpande trupper, utan även involvera lokalbefolkningen. Hur ser då verkligheten ut vid de internationella insatserna? I detta arbete presenteras en fallstudie om MOT Juliette, ett kvinnligt observationsteam som under sju månader tjänstgjorde i Afghanistan. Målet med detta team var att effektivisera underrättelseinhämtningen i insatsområdet.</p><p>Arbetet syftar till att undersöka vilka för- respektive nackdelar kvinnor kan föra med sig vid internationella insatser. Resultatet visar att kvinnor har flera möjliga fördelar att tillföra till insatserna, bland annat att underlätta underrättelsearbetet samt att verka som förebilder för de lokala kvinnorna. Även att förbandet uppnår jämställdhet kan vara en fördel.</p> / <p>The purpose of this study is to find out if deployment of women improves an operation’s chances of success. Since 1980 traditionally male roles within the Swedish Armed Forces have been avalible for women. In spite of this fact, deployment of women in international military operations are not very common.</p><p>The method used in this essay is a case study. The author has studied a Swedish operation in Afghanistan in 2006, where the commander decided to form a MOT (military observation team) only with women. The main purpose with this team was to gather intelligence from the local population. Earlier operations in the country clearly showed that male soldiers were experiencing difficulties in interacting with local women. During seven months the team, MOT Juliette, worked in the area and found out that the presence of women considerably contributed to the success of the operation.</p><p>To acknowledge the need to increase the proportion of women in the work of war and conflict, the UN Security Council has adopted a number of resolutions where the two most important are 1325 and 1820.</p><p>The results of the study show that women have an important role in international operations. Not just to gather intelligence, but also to act as role models for the women in the country.</p>
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