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Utan tvivel är man inte klok : En vetenskaplig essä där jag uppmärksammar och undersöker tvivlet som jag uppleveri min profession som förskollärare / No wisdom without doubt : an essay about doubt in my profession as a preschoolteacherRyberg, Carina January 2019 (has links)
Working at preschool is not always easy. Meetings between different people, the ability to weigh and assess situations, analyze documentation, have scientific knowledge and, not least, be able to lead a careful and educational teaching that gives all children the conditions to meet curriculum goals are some of the demands placed on us working in preschool. The method I have used is to write a scientific essay. But I have also performed participatory observations of two different teams during their pedagogical reflection time. The observations have taken place at two different preschools. My own story is presented together with other educators' stories that I take part of through participatory observation. I examine our thoughts about preschool teaching through conversations, reflection and literature. My essy investigates the doubt that I experience in my profession as a preschool teacher. In this essay, doubt for me means a sense of uncertainty how to interpret and perform my assignment as a preschool teacher. I start from my own perceived contradiction between the administrative documentation responsibility for individual children as the preschool teacher profession entails and my practical knowledge. The essay investigates four main questions: How can I understand, and interpret the doubt as I experience in my role as a preschool teacher? How can deal with to the perceived contradiction between the documentation obligation that I have as a preschool teacher and the practical knowledge? What difference makes documentation for an individual child? How can an individual child´s changed knowledge be made visible in the documentation tool for systematic quality work without it being personal or knowledge assessments? The study's conclusion is, in a way, two-dimensional because it shows my personal journey in new knowledge add new perspectives that awaken new thoughts to me. The survey also shows a fundamental crash between Reggio Emilia's thoughts on pedagogical documentation and the Swedish curriculum where individual children's changed knowledge should be made visible in documentation. The investigation also points out that we live in a documentation culture where continuous registration of what we do is important, otherwise there is no. / Att arbeta på förskola är inte alltid enkelt. Möten mellan olika människor, förmågan att kunna avväga och bedöma situationer, analysera dokumentationer, ha vetenskapliga och teoretiska kunskaper och, inte minst kunna leda en omsorgsfull och pedagogisk undervisning som ger alla barn förutsättningar för att möta läroplansmål är bara några av de krav som ställs på oss som arbetar i förskolan. Metoden som jag använt mig av är att skriva en vetenskaplig essä. Men jag har dessutom utfört deltagande observationer av två olika arbetslag under deras pedagogiska reflektionstid. Observationerna har skett på två olika förskolor. Genom skrivprocessen med essän undersöker jag mina och informanternas berättelser genom reflektioner med kurskamrater, handledare och vald litteratur. Essän undersöker tvivlet som jag upplever i min profession som förskollärare. I den här uppsatsen betyder tvivel för mig en känsla av osäkerhet hur jag ska uttolka och utföra mitt uppdrag som förskollärare. Jag utgår ifrån den självupplevda motsättningen mellan det administrativa dokumentationsansvaret av enskilda barn och min praktiska kunskap. Utgångspunkten för uppsatsen är fyra frågor: Hur kan jag förstå, och tolka tvivlet som jag upplever i min roll som förskollärare? Hur kan jag förhålla mig till den upplevda motsättningen mellan dokumentationsskyldigheten som jag har i egenskap av förskollärare och den praktiska kunskapen? Att dokumentera enskilda barns utveckling, vad gör det för en skillnad för det enskilda barnet? Hur kan enskilda barns förändrade kunnande synliggöras i dokumentationsverktyget för systematiskt kvalitetsarbete utan att det blir personlighets eller kunskapsbedömningar? Undersökningens slutsats är på ett sätt tvådimensionell därför att den dels visar min personliga resa genom ny kunskap som tillfört nya perspektiv som väckt nya tankar hos mig. Undersökningen visar även på en fundamental krock mellan Reggio Emilias tankar om pedagogisk dokumentation och den svenska läroplanen där enskilda barns förändrade kunnande ska synliggöras i dokumentationer. Undersökningen pekar dessutom på att vi lever i en dokumentationskultur där kontinuerlig registrering av det vi gör är betydelsefullt, annars finns det inte.
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A formação de professoras em uma creche universitária: o papel da documentação no processo formativo / The teachers training in the day care center in a university: the role of documentation in the training processVieira, Flaviana Rodrigues 26 April 2013 (has links)
Este trabalho de pesquisa teve, como objeto de estudo, a formação de professores, pensada na relação com a prática de documentação pedagógica- expressão que designa um conjunto de registros, constituindo-se como um material investigativo mediante a materialização das narrativas de aprendizagens de adultos e crianças. Partiu-se da seguinte questão: em que medida a documentação pode apoiar o desenvolvimento profissional dos professores no âmbito da educação infantil? A investigação, de caráter qualitativo, configurou-se como um estudo de caso, envolvendo oito professoras e a coordenadora pedagógica no contexto de uma creche universitária. Como fonte primordial de dados, considerou-se a documentação de um processo formativo realizado durante os encontros de formação continuada mensal no contexto do trabalho, no ano de 2011. Os registros dos diários de campo, registros escritos dos professores, registros fotográficos e os relatos de cada encontro transformaram-se em um instrumento de avaliação investigativa do próprio percurso da formação contribuindo, dessa forma, para o estudo em questão. Também os diários, planejamentos, relatórios, materiais de exposição e portfólios, que compõem o conjunto de realizações docentes das professoras, constaram da análise do presente estudo, de modo a buscar uma compreensão de como esses elementos podem ser transformados em instrumentos de ação, reflexão e reformulação das práticas. O aporte teórico da investigação, que dialogou com os dados coletados, envolveu as contribuições de autores como Nóvoa (1992, 1995), Oliveira-Formosinho (2002, 2007) Tardif (1991, 2002), Zeichner (1993, 2008) para refletir sobre os elementos da formação em uma perspectiva de transformação, desenvolvimento pessoal e profissional dos professores, que, na pesquisa, assumiram o lugar de sujeitos da experiência. No que tange à documentação pedagógica, houve interlocução com as pesquisas e produções inspiradas na abordagem de Reggio Emilia, situada na perspectiva de uma Pedagogia da Infância. Algumas ações decorrentes das discussões assinalaram alguns passos na construção de um planejamento coletivo pautado no diálogo entre adultos e crianças no processo de apropriação/recriação do conhecimento, bem como na visibilidade dos registros das diversas histórias que fazem parte do dia a dia de uma creche, construindo um cenário de narrativas diversas apresentadas à comunidade. A análise dos dados reafirma a importância de uma política voltada para a formação continuada dos professores na educação infantil e aponta a documentação pedagógica como um elemento imprescindível nas propostas que se inspiram em uma pedagogia da escuta, da visibilidade e da comunicação entre crianças, professores e famílias. Desta forma, acredita-se que as discussões e ações desencadeadas nos encontros de formação puderam contribuir para se pensar em um processo formativo, em que os profissionais tenham condições de atuar como pesquisadores de suas práticas, a partir das suas próprias produções e também das criações infantis. / The aim of this research was to study the teacher training, designed in relation to the practice of pedagogical documentation a expression that designates a set of records, becoming as investigative material through the materialization of the narratives of adults and children learning. We started from the following question: to what extent can this documentation support the professional development of teachers in the early childhood education? The qualitative research turned out to be a case study, involving eight teachers and the educational coordinator within day care center in a university. As a primary source of data, we considered the documentation of a teacher training process conducted during the monthly meetings of continuing education in the workplace in the year 2011. Field notes, teachers written records, photographic records and reports of each meeting turned into a tool for investigative evaluation of teachers own learning route and thereby contributing to the study in question. Also diaries, the planning, reports, exhibition materials and portfolios, comprising the set of the teachers achievements, consisted of analysis of this study in order to get an understanding of how these elements can be transformed into instruments of action, reflection and rethinking of practices. The theoretical investigation, which had dialogue with the collected data, involved the contributions of authors like Nóvoa (1992, 1995), Oliveira-Formosinho (2002, 2007) Tardif (1991, 2002), Zeichner (1993, 2008) to reflect on elements of teacher training in a transformation perspective, personal and professional development of teachers, which played the experience main role in this research. Regarding the pedagogical documentation, it had dialogue with the research and productions inspired by the Reggio Emilias approach, from the perspective of child pedagogy. Some actions resulting from discussions indicated some steps in building a collective planning guided dialogue between adults and children in the process of acquirement / re-creation of knowledge as well as the visibility of the records of the various stories that are part of everyday life of a day care center, constructing a scenario of several narratives presented to the community. Data analysis reaffirms the importance of a policy for the continuing education of teachers in early childhood education and pedagogical documentation is presented as an essential element in the proposals which are based on the pedagogy of listening, visibility and communication between children, teachers and families. Thus, we believe that discussions and actions triggered in the teacher training meetings might be useful to think in a teacher training process, in which professionals can act as researchers of their own productions and the production of their children.
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A documentação pedagógica e o trabalho com bebês: estudo de caso em uma creche universitária / The pedagogical documentation and the work with babies: case study in a university childcare centerCardoso, Juliana Guerreiro Lichy 05 June 2014 (has links)
A relação entre a produção dos registros na educação infantil e o quanto eles se configuram como documentações pedagógicas proporcionando a prática reflexiva e o olhar para os bebês foi o que buscou compreender esta pesquisa. Partindo da concepção de documentação pedagógica defendida pelas pedagogias do norte da Itália e da Associação Criança em Portugal, entende-se que ela é valioso instrumento para professores, crianças e comunidade educativa que, ao partilhar os processos vivenciados do cotidiano das ações pedagógicas, contribui para a postura reflexiva dos professores e a visibilidade das crianças. A investigação de caráter qualitativo configurou-se como um estudo de caso envolvendo três professoras de um agrupamento de berçário de uma creche universitária da cidade de São Paulo. Os dados envolvem essencialmente os registros de caráter pedagógico dessas professoras e o acompanhamento de suas práticas com os bebês. Na busca da compreensão de como os bebês estão evidenciados na prática reflexiva do professor que é instrumentalizada por meio dos registros e da documentação pedagógica buscou-se responder essencialmente a três questões: 1) Como os registros periódicos evidenciam o olhar para os bebês?; 2) Como os registros podem se transformar em documentações pedagógicas com vistas ao planejamento e à avaliação das práticas?; 3) Como as documentações pedagógicas estão a serviço da prática reflexiva do professor? Os dados confirmam uma prática qualificada com bebês, elemento fundamental para que a prática reflexiva aconteça instrumentalizada pelos registros que, por sua vez, se revelam potentes documentações pedagógicas se alcançarem os processos de aprendizagem dos bebês, para além da consecução de produtos estéticos e visuais. A documentação pedagógica pode representar um novo caminho à educação infantil na medida em que possibilita a prática reflexiva do professor e evidencia as crianças no processo educativo, porém os resultados denunciam os escassos espaços e tempos legitimados nas instituições infantis para a reflexão em equipe, além de propor um olhar mais atento à extensa produção de registros, em especial as fotografias, que se constituem arquivos de memória pouco apresentados às crianças e pouco utilizados no âmbito educacional qualitativamente. / The relation between the production of the records in child education and how much they are configured as pedagogical documentation providing the reflexive practice and the look at the babies is what this research intended to understand. From the conception of pedagogical documentation defended by the pedagogies of the North of Italy and the Associação Criança in Portugal, it is understood that it is a valuable tool to teachers, children and the educational community, which, by sharing the everyday processes of pedagogical actions, contributes to the reflexive attitude of teachers and the visibility of the children. The investigation of qualitative type was configured as a case study involving three teachers from a nursery group in a university childcare center at the city of São Paulo. The data involves essentially the records of pedagogical type of these teachers and the monitoring of their practices with the babies. In seeking to understand how the babies are evidenced in the reflexive practice of the teacher that is instrumented through the records and the pedagogical documentation, the intention was to answer three questions essentially: 1) How do the periodic records evince the look at the babies?; 2) How can the records become pedagogical documentation with a view in the planning and evaluation of the practices?; 3) How is the pedagogical documentation at the service of the reflexive practice of the teacher? The data confirm a qualified practice with babies, a fundamental element for the reflexive practice to happen in an exploited way by the registers, which in turn become powerful pedagogical documentation if achieving the learning processes of the babies in addition to the achievement of esthetic and visual products. The pedagogical documentation can represent a new path to the childhood education to the extent that it enables the reflexive practice of the teacher and evidences the children in the educational process, but the results denounce the scarce spaces and legitimized time in the children institutions for the team reflection, besides of proposing a more attentive look to the extensive production of registers, specially photographs, which become memory files that are little presented to the children and little used in the educational field in terms of quality.
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Barnens bidrag till verksamhetsutvecklingen. : En undersökning av förskollärarnas perspektiv av hur barns deltagande i dokumentationsprocessen kan bidra till verksamhetsutveckling. / Children's contribution to development activity. : A study of the preschool teachers' perspective on how children's participa- tion in the documentation process can contribute to development activity.Eklöf, Linda January 2019 (has links)
Many studies on children's participation in the documentation process are car- ried out through observations. The purpose of this study has been, that by ask- ing the preschool teachers, through a survey, to give their perspective on the question of whether children's participation can contribute with the develop- ment activities. The answer to this question has been obtained by sending out a questionnaire to a number of preschools within a county in Sweden. By using questions that have been asked from a socio-cultural perspective and a child's perspective, the respondents have replied based on their situation. Another the- oretical concept that has gained focus in this study is pedagogical documenta- tion. By combining these two perspectives with pedagogical documentation, the answers have been interpreted in order to get a result of how the respond- ents believe that the children's participation in the documentation process can contribute to development activities. The result of the studies have shown that the preschool teachers have a great interest in pedagogical documentation, however the resources and knowledge of the subject are not sufficient, further education of the subject is needed. / Många undersökningar om barns deltagande i dokumentationsprocessen utförs genom observationer. Syftet med denna undersökning har varit att, genom att fråga förskollärarna genom en enkät, få deras perspektiv i frågan om barns del- tagande kan bidra med verksamhetsutveckling. Svaret på denna fråga har er- hållets genom att skicka ut en enkät till ett visst antal förskolor inom en kom- mun i Sverige. Genom att använda frågor som har ställts utifrån ett sociokul- turellt perspektiv och ett barns perspektiv har respondenterna svarat utifrån de- ras situation. Ett annat teoretiskt begrepp som fått fokus i denna undersökning är pedagogisk dokumentation. Genom att kombinera dessa två perspektiv med pedagogisk dokumentation har svaren tolkats för att få ett svar på hur respon- denterna anser att barnens deltagande i dokumentationsprocessen kan bidra till verksamhetsutveckling. Resultatet av studien har visat att förskollärarna har ett stort intresse för pedagogisk dokumentation, men att resurserna och kunskapen i ämnet är inte tillräckliga och vidare utveckling i ämnet krävs.
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Documentação pedagógica: a produção da criança protagonista e do professor designerHorn, Cláudia Inês 24 February 2017 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2017-02-24 / CAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / A presente Tese tem por objetivo problematizar as práticas de registro docente sobre as aprendizagens das crianças na Educação Infantil, mais especificamente, as práticas denominadas de documentação pedagógica. Com sustentação nos aportes teórico-metodológicos de Michel Foucault e seus comentadores, desenvolveu-se uma analítica das tecnologias e estratégias de poder, tanto em relação à condução da conduta dos outros (o governo dos outros), quanto em termos de condução da conduta de si mesmo. Ao desenvolver tal analítica, a investigação procurou compreender como as práticas de registro da documentação pedagógica operam enquanto tecnologia de governamento da infância, produzindo modos muito particulares de ser sujeito infantil na escola contemporânea. Ao analisarem-se tais práticas, percebeu-se a mobilização de outras formas de constituição docente e a emergência de outros modos de ser professor nas escolas de Educação Infantil. A pesquisa valeu-se de dois conjuntos de materialidade de análise – 17 obras denominadas neste trabalho de referenciais italianos, publicadas no Brasil a partir do final da década de 1990; exemplares de documentação pedagógica elaborados por professores de escolas de Educação Infantil do interior do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. Os referenciais italianos foram selecionados por conterem fundamentação teórico-metodológica de tais práticas, sendo utilizados pela comunidade docente no Brasil por conta de sua tradução e ampla divulgação. A partir da análise dos materiais – tendo como grade de inteligibilidade a noção foucaultiana de governamentalidade –, perceberam-se deslocamentos nas práticas de registro docente, cada vez mais sistemáticas, refinadas, pontilhistas e eficientes, capturando as minúcias das ações infantis na escola. Tais deslocamentos estão relacionados com as transformações da infância contemporânea, das pedagogias da infância, bem como da instituição escolar de Educação Infantil, articuladas com as transformações de uma sociedade com ênfase nas disciplinas que se desloca para uma sociedade com ênfase no controle. Ao analisarem-se os modos de funcionamento dessas práticas de registro, foi possível defender a seguinte Tese: as práticas da documentação pedagógica produzidas pela maquinaria escolar constituem a criança protagonista e o professor designer. São acionadas por meio de estratégias do interesse infantil e do aprender a aprender e mobilizadas por práticas docentes de gerenciamento de oportunidades e de inovação docente. Pode-se concluir que as práticas de registro da documentação pedagógica contribuem para certo tipo de estetização da infância e para a fabricação de uma docência design, uma vez que fortalecem a centralidade dos processos educacionais na criança protagonista e esmaecem a função docente em relação ao ensino, redirecionando os modos de ser docente na Educação Infantil. / This Thesis aims to problematize practices of recording child learning by teachers in Child Education, particularly the practices known as pedagogical documentation. Supported by theoretical-methodological contributions by Michel Foucault’s and his commentators, I have performed an analysis of power technologies and strategies by considering both the conduction of the conduct of the others (the government of the others) and the conduction of the conduct of oneself. By performing such analysis, the investigation has attempted to understand the way in which the practices of pedagogical documentation have functioned as a technology of government of childhood, thus producing very special ways of being a child subject in the contemporary school. By analyzing such practices, we have noticed the mobilization of other ways of teacher constitution and the emergence of other ways of being a teacher in Child Education schools. The research has used two sets of materials for analysis – 17 works that have been named as Italian references in this Thesis, which have been published in Brazil since the late 1990s; and samples of pedagogical documentation recorded by teachers in Child Education schools situated in the countryside of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. The Italian references were selected because they have provided the theoretical-methodological foundation of such practices and have been used by the teacher community in Brazil due to the availability of their translations and wide publicization. From the analysis of the materials – considering the Foucauldian notion of governmentality as a grid of intelligibility –, some displacements have been noticed in the teachers’ practices of recording, which have become increasingly systematic, refined, pointillist and efficient, by capturing the details of children’s actions at school. These displacements have been related to changes in the contemporary childhood, in the childhood pedagogies, as well as in the Child Education schools, together with societal changes from an emphasis on disciplines to an emphasis on control. By analyzing the ways that these recording practices have functioned, it has been possible to defend the following thesis: the pedagogical recording practices produced by the school machine have constituted both the protagonist child and the designer teacher. They are triggered by the strategies of child interest and learning to learn, and mobilized by teaching practices of management of opportunities and teaching innovation. It is possible to conclude that the recording practices of pedagogical documentation have contributed to a certain kind of aestheticization of childhood and the production of design teaching, since they strengthen the centrality of the educational processes on the protagonist child and weaken the teacher function in teaching, thus redirecting the ways of being a teacher in Child Education.
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Teacher Learning Made Visible: Collaboration and the Study of Pedagogical Documentation in Two Childcare CentresWong, Alice Cho Yee 01 March 2011 (has links)
Pedagogical documentation inspired by the early childhood schools of Reggio Emilia, Italy is a tool for teacher inquiry, learning, and development. Teachers systematically reflect upon artifacts that make visible children’s thinking, using for instance, digital photographs, quotations of children’s verbal thoughts, and teachers’ field notes. In two Reggio-inspired childcare centres in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, early childhood educators formed two teacher learning groups to study pedagogical documentation.
As participants studied these artifacts (i.e. documentation), an underlying question emerges: What happens to teacher learning when early childhood educators form teacher learning groups to study pedagogical documentation in childcare centres? From this question, participants collaborated throughout six to seven research meetings to discuss and reflect upon documentation that they created.
Portraiture research as a method of qualitative inquiry (Lawrence-Lightfoot, 1983; Lawrence-Lightfoot & Davis, 1997) offered a range of data collection methods used in this study, including videotaped research meetings, participants’ documentation work, open-ended group interview, and researcher’s field notes. These methods informed the portraiture research and constructed a vivid, in-depth look at participants’ experiences in studying pedagogical documentation in teacher learning groups.
The results of this study are retold through two portraits focusing on the co-construction of teacher knowledge in teacher learning groups. Participants’ experiences such as deconstructing barriers to documentation practice, developing new documentation skills, critical self-reflection upon teacher practice, and emergent curriculum planning generated two rich portraits of teacher learning and development.
Essential themes, conclusions, and implications appear in the examination of the two portraits and are explored in the final chapter. The themes included: (1) Skills of documentation, (2) Teacher learning and, (3) Teacher collaboration. Overall, this research study exposed the questions and assumptions, process of inquires, and new teacher knowledges and practices developed by two groups of early childhood educators in this study.
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Teacher Learning Made Visible: Collaboration and the Study of Pedagogical Documentation in Two Childcare CentresWong, Alice Cho Yee 01 March 2011 (has links)
Pedagogical documentation inspired by the early childhood schools of Reggio Emilia, Italy is a tool for teacher inquiry, learning, and development. Teachers systematically reflect upon artifacts that make visible children’s thinking, using for instance, digital photographs, quotations of children’s verbal thoughts, and teachers’ field notes. In two Reggio-inspired childcare centres in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, early childhood educators formed two teacher learning groups to study pedagogical documentation.
As participants studied these artifacts (i.e. documentation), an underlying question emerges: What happens to teacher learning when early childhood educators form teacher learning groups to study pedagogical documentation in childcare centres? From this question, participants collaborated throughout six to seven research meetings to discuss and reflect upon documentation that they created.
Portraiture research as a method of qualitative inquiry (Lawrence-Lightfoot, 1983; Lawrence-Lightfoot & Davis, 1997) offered a range of data collection methods used in this study, including videotaped research meetings, participants’ documentation work, open-ended group interview, and researcher’s field notes. These methods informed the portraiture research and constructed a vivid, in-depth look at participants’ experiences in studying pedagogical documentation in teacher learning groups.
The results of this study are retold through two portraits focusing on the co-construction of teacher knowledge in teacher learning groups. Participants’ experiences such as deconstructing barriers to documentation practice, developing new documentation skills, critical self-reflection upon teacher practice, and emergent curriculum planning generated two rich portraits of teacher learning and development.
Essential themes, conclusions, and implications appear in the examination of the two portraits and are explored in the final chapter. The themes included: (1) Skills of documentation, (2) Teacher learning and, (3) Teacher collaboration. Overall, this research study exposed the questions and assumptions, process of inquires, and new teacher knowledges and practices developed by two groups of early childhood educators in this study.
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Pedagogisk dokumentation : Hur tolkas begreppet?Ahonen, Anne-Mari January 2011 (has links)
Denna studies syfte är att ta reda på hur pedagoger och tjänstemän på utbildningsförvaltningen tolkar begreppet pedagogisk dokumentation. Min frågeställning var: Hur tolkar pedagogerna och ansvariga på utbildningsförvaltningen pedagogisk dokumentation? Vad är meningsfullt att dokumentera? Vad är det som gör att man kan arbeta med pedagogisk dokumentation? För att få svar på mina frågor så byggde jag min studie på teori från olika pedagoger och forskare inom pedagogik och sedan intervjuer och enkäter med pedagoger och tjänstemän på utbildningsförvaltningen. Resultatet visar att begreppet pedagogisk dokumentation kan tolkas olika och det som ligger i grund hur man tolkar begreppet är vilken barnsyn du som pedagog har. Förskolans pedagoger använder sig av pedagogisk dokumentationen genom observationer med olika metoder det kan vara ex kamera, observationsmallar m.m. och det ska synliggöra barns lärande, men det är även pedagogernas lärande som synliggörs och det bidrar till ett utvecklingsarbete och förändringsarbete. Genom att reflektera över dokumentationerna så kan man se nya saker som man kanske annars inte skulle ha sett. Syftet att använda pedagogisk dokumentation kan vara av olika skäl. Det kan vara att man vill se hur ett barn tänker, barnets utveckling med även för att förändra miljön på förskolan. Läroplanen, Lpfö98 tar upp pedagogisk dokumentation i förorden. Det står att verksamheten synliggörs men även att det ger ett underlag för att se verksamhetens kvalitet. Begreppet pedagogisk dokumentation är hämtat från Reggio Emilia filosofin, där man arbetat med arbetsverktyget i mer än 30 år och syftet är att synliggöra barns lärande, men barnsynen är avgörande om du kan arbeta och förstå begreppet pedagogisk dokumentation. / The purpose of this study is to see how educators and municipalities interpret the term of pedagogical documentation. My question was; how do the educators and the responsible at municipalities interprets pedagogical documentation? What is meaningful to document? What do you think is the foundation if you can work with pedagogical documentation? To find out the answers to my questions, I based my study on theory from different teachers and researchers in education and then interviews and questionnaires. The results show that the concept of pedagogical documentation can be interpreted differently. The Pedagogue´s child perspective controls whether you can make use of pedagogical documentation. Preschool teachers use pedagogical documentation through observation of different methods that can be ex camera, observation templates, etc. and it will make children's learning visible but it is also making the educator's learning visible and it contributes to development and change. By reflecting on documentation it gives you opportunities to see things you would not see yourself. The purpose of the use of pedagogical documentation can be for various reasons it may be that you want to see how a child thinks, child development, even to change the environment at the preschool. The curriculum Lpfö98 raise educational documentation in the preface, it says that the activity is made visible but also that it provides a basis to ensure the quality. The concept of pedagogical documentation is taken from the Reggio Emilia philosophy, which worked with the working tool in more than 30 years and the aim is to make visible children's learning but children view is essential if you can work and understand the concept of pedagogical documentation.
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"Som snickaren har sin hammare har vi pedagogisk dokumentation" : Pedagogisk dokumentation som verktyg för verksamhetsutveckling i förskolan / "As the carpenter has his hammer, we have pedagogical documentation" : Pedagogical documentation as a tool for development in preschool.Härling, Susanne, Törnhage, Emma January 2010 (has links)
Studiens syfte är att ta del av hur förskollärare beskriver vad som kännetecknar pedagogisk dokumentation samt hur de arbetar med den i verksamheten. Vi vill även belysa vilka möjligheter och begränsningar som förskollärarna ser i sitt arbete med arbetsverktyget. Intresset för ämnet har skapats under utbildningen och VFU (verksamhetsförlagd utbildning) då pedagogisk dokumentation förefaller vara ett arbetsverktyg som blir allt vanligare i förskolan. Det är en kvalitativ studie där semistrukturerade intervjuer har valts för att samla in det empiriska materialet. Studien baseras på fyra intervjuer med förskollärare som alla har läst eller läser kursen Pedagogisk dokumentation med IT-stöd på högskolan i Skövde. I det empiriska materialet har vi sett att förskollärarna har en snarlik syn på vad syftet med pedagogisk dokumentation är och vad det är. De arbetar med arbetsverktyget i olika utsträckning i sitt arbete och ser olika på vikten av arbetsverktyget för utvecklingen av verksamheten. Under kursen på högskolan i Skövde har de tillägnat sig olika kunskaper som leder till att deras arbete utvecklats på olika sätt. De ser begränsningar i arbetet med pedagogisk dokumentation men framförallt möjligheter där förskollärarnas egen inställning påverkar hur arbetet ser ut. Att skapa ett fungerande arbete med pedagogisk dokumentation verkar vara en process som sker i steg där ett utvecklat förhållningssätt och teknisk kunskap leder till fokusering på reflektion och utveckling av verksamheten. Vidare diskuteras kring hur utbildningen i pedagogisk dokumentation skulle kunna se ut. / The purpose of this study is to investigate how preschool teachers describe the characteristics of pedagogical documentation, and how these teachers work with it. We will also highlight the possibilities and limitations that preschool teachers see in their work with this tool. Our interest in this topic was raised during our education and VFU (practical education) because we then experienced that pedagogical documentation is a working tool that is becoming increasingly common in preschool. This is a qualitative study in which we have chosen to use semi-structured interviews to collect the empirical material. The study is based on four interviews with preschool teachers who have all read or are reading the course Pedagogical documentation of IT support at University of Skövde. In the empirical material we have seen that the preschool teachers have a similar view about the purpose with pedagogical documentation and what it is. They work with the working tool in varying degrees and look different on the importance of the working tool for the development of their work. During the course at University of Skövde they have acquired different skills that have lead to that their work has evolved in different ways. The preschool teachers can see limitations in their work with pedagogical documentation but they foremost see the opportunities and how their own attitude towards it affects their work. Creating an effective job of pedagogical documentation seems to be a process that takes place in steps, where a developed attitude and technical knowledge leads to a focus on reflection and development in their work. We further discuss how the education of pedagogical documentation should be developed.
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"Som snickaren har sin hammare har vi pedagogisk dokumentation" : Pedagogisk dokumentation som verktyg för verksamhetsutveckling i förskolan / "As the carpenter has his hammer, we have pedagogical documentation" : Pedagogical documentation as a tool for development in preschool.Härling, Susanne, Törnhage, Emma January 2010 (has links)
<p>Studiens syfte är att ta del av hur förskollärare beskriver vad som kännetecknar pedagogisk dokumentation samt hur de arbetar med den i verksamheten. Vi vill även belysa vilka möjligheter och begränsningar som förskollärarna ser i sitt arbete med arbetsverktyget. Intresset för ämnet har skapats under utbildningen och VFU (verksamhetsförlagd utbildning) då pedagogisk dokumentation förefaller vara ett arbetsverktyg som blir allt vanligare i förskolan. Det är en kvalitativ studie där semistrukturerade intervjuer har valts för att samla in det empiriska materialet. Studien baseras på fyra intervjuer med förskollärare som alla har läst eller läser kursen<em> Pedagogisk dokumentation med IT-stöd </em>på högskolan i Skövde. I det empiriska materialet har vi sett att förskollärarna har en snarlik syn på vad syftet med pedagogisk dokumentation är och vad det är. De arbetar med arbetsverktyget i olika utsträckning i sitt arbete och ser olika på vikten av arbetsverktyget för utvecklingen av verksamheten. Under kursen på högskolan i Skövde har de tillägnat sig olika kunskaper som leder till att deras arbete utvecklats på olika sätt. De ser begränsningar i arbetet med pedagogisk dokumentation men framförallt möjligheter där förskollärarnas egen inställning påverkar hur arbetet ser ut. Att skapa ett fungerande arbete med pedagogisk dokumentation verkar vara en process som sker i steg där ett utvecklat förhållningssätt och teknisk kunskap leder till fokusering på reflektion och utveckling av verksamheten. Vidare diskuteras kring hur utbildningen i pedagogisk dokumentation skulle kunna se ut.</p> / <p>The purpose of this study is to investigate how preschool teachers describe the characteristics of pedagogical documentation, and how these teachers work with it. We will also highlight the possibilities and limitations that preschool teachers see in their work with this tool. Our interest in this topic was raised during our education and VFU (practical education) because we then experienced that pedagogical documentation is a working tool that is becoming increasingly common in preschool. This is a qualitative study in which we have chosen to use semi-structured interviews to collect the empirical material. The study is based on four interviews with preschool teachers who have all read or are reading the course <em>Pedagogical documentation of IT support</em> at University of Skövde. In the empirical material we have seen that the preschool teachers have a similar view about the purpose with pedagogical documentation and what it is. They work with the working tool in varying degrees and look different on the importance of the working tool for the development of their work. During the course at University of Skövde they have acquired different skills that have lead to that their work has evolved in different ways. The preschool teachers can see limitations in their work with pedagogical documentation but they foremost see the opportunities and how their own attitude towards it affects their work. Creating an effective job of pedagogical documentation seems to be a process that takes place in steps, where a developed attitude and technical knowledge leads to a focus on reflection and development in their work. We further discuss how the education of pedagogical documentation should be developed.</p>
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