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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Socialinių pedagogų bendradarbiavimas su rizikos šeimomis, įtakojant vaikų nusikalstamumo mažinimą / Cooperation between social pedagogues and families at risk for minimize childrens delinquency

Šlechticova, Liudmila 03 July 2006 (has links)
Youth delinquency is a relevant theme for discussions not only in Lithuania but also in a whole world for a long time already. On a sociological view, the forms of the behaviour which is declinatory from the norms (deviation), appear more often in a society which is in the economical – social transformation period. Children and youth is the part of the society, the most sensitive to changes. Their „I“ conception isn’t formed yet, and the social immaturity is clearly visible. The atmosphere in a family, and the upbringing methods has a high influence on the developing personality attitude and value system/ orientation. On the social pedagogical aspect, the family socium is the underlying area in the Lithuanian social policy. The social policy is oriented towards the sane consolidation of the family socium relationships and the development of the family potential. In this context, the particular role in the social policy of the country is given to the social pedagogue’s work with the family. Recently, both - the interinstitutional cooperation and the cooperation of the social pedagogue with the falimy is emphasized very often, while dealing with its and the child’s social problems. However, in the official instruction of the social pedagogue, the cooperation concept, as a cooperation with a family while solving the child’s problems is not mentioned. The social pedagogue is indicated as an adviser. Practically, the social pedagogue‘s cooperation with the family is laden with... [to full text]

Kroppsliga uttryck genom gestik och mimik i kommunikation med barn.

Larsson, Elisabeth January 2014 (has links)
The aim of the study is to investigate how pedagogues working with gesticulation and facial expressions to communicate with children aged 3-5 years. The methods used are observations as well as interviews of educators. My empricial evidence was collected on two different preschools in Värmland County. The pedagogues are dealing with body language in a conscious way by collections as they sing and they reinforce feelings of characters support. In my conclusion I have come come to the conclusion that there is no difference on how male and female educators use gesticulation and facial expressions without its personality traits and body language often are unconsciously in conversations with children.

Handtvätt, handskar och handspit : Att förebygga smitta inom förskolan - likheter och olikheter inom en kommun / Handwash, handcare and handgloves : How to prevent infections within preschools - similarities and dissimilarities in a municipality

Beck-Friis, Elin January 2014 (has links)
The aim of this study is to investigate similarities and dissimilarities in the preschools work to prevent infections through hygiene in a municipality. The study was done through a survey of handhygiene among preschool-pedagogues and by analysing written instructions in the preschools and how these are being followed. The results from the survey show that both similarities and dissimilarities exist, both between and within preschools in the municipality. Most pedagogues wash their hands after changing diapers and before eating meals, but not before eating fruits. There is a considerable variation both within and between preschools in their use of handdesinfection and handglowes. Handhygiene instructions for pedagogues and children are missing in many preschools. The response from preschool headmasters to written hygiene instructions was low. Current written instructions in handhygiene could be more detailed. The education in handhygiene among pedagogues has shortages. / Syftet med studien är att undersöka likheter och olikheter i hur handhygien används i det smittförebyggande arbetet på förskolor inom en kommun. Studien görs genom en enkätundersökning om handhygien bland pedagoger samt genom att undersöka vad som står i de skriftliga hygienanvisningarna på förskolorna och hur dessa efterföljs. Resultatet från enkätundersökningen visar att både likheter och olikheter finns såväl mellan som inom förskolorna i kommunen. De flesta pedagoger tvättar händerna efter blöjbyten och före mat, detta gäller dock inte handtvätt då frukt ska ätas. Det föreligger stora skillnader både inom och mellan förskolorna då handdesinfektion och användning av handskar är aktuella. En tredjedel av pedagogerna anser att skriftliga anvisningar om handhygien saknas. 38 % av förskoleavdelningarna anser att det saknas skriftliga rutiner för barnens handhygien. Svarsfrekvensen från förskolecheferna på skriftliga hygienanvisningar var låg. Aktuella anvisningarna om handhygien kunde vara mer utförliga. Utbildning inom handhygien bland pedagogerna har brister.

Förutsättningar för naturvetenskap i förskolan : En intervjundersökning om förutsättningar för naturvetenskap i förskolan / Conditions for science education in pre-school : An interview survey about the conditions for science education in pre-school

Karlsson, Linus January 2014 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to examine the conditions for pre-school teachers to achieve those goals that are constituted for science education in the Swedish curriculum for the pre-school. The study questions of formulations are: which importance have the conditions for the work with science education in pre-school, which importance have pre-school teachers engagement and knowledge for the work with science education in pre-school and does the pre-school pre-school teachers think that they have enough conditions to achieve those goals that are constituted for science education in the Swedish curriculum for the pre-school. The results are based on an interview survey with ten pre-school teachers from three pre-schools that are connected in a unit. The interviews were recorded and transcribed. The results from the study points out that the pre-school teachers engagement are most important for the work with science education in pre-school to flourish. Which conditions there are, have less importance for the work with science education works out, even if the respondent reckoned that they benefited from the fact that they have the forest in the near from their pre-school. The results from the study also points out that the conditions for science education in pre-school are good enough to the goals that are constituted for science education in the Swedish curriculum for the pre-school and that the pre-school teachers engagement where the most important condition to achieve those goals. In the discussion is argued for that the study results also can be applied to other subjects in the pre-school environment. It is also argued that the results could have been different if pre-school teachers, from other pre-schools with different conditions had been interviewed. / Undersökningens syfte är att undersöka förutsättningarna för förskolans pedagoger att uppfylla de mål som finns i läroplanen och som kan kopplas till naturvetenskap. Undersökningens frågeställningar är: vilken betydelse förutsättningarna har för arbetet med naturvetenskap i förskolan, vilken betydelse har pedagogernas engagemang och kunskap för arbetet med naturvetenskap samt anser personalen att de har tillräckligt med förutsättningar för att uppfylla läroplanens mål för naturvetenskap. Den empiriska fakta består av kvalitativa intervjuer från tio pedagoger från tre förskolor inom samma förskolechefsenhet som spelades in och sedan transkriberades. Resultatet för undersökningen pekar på att det främst är pedagogernas engagemang som har den stora betydelsen för att naturvetenskap som ämne ska frodas inom förskolans verksamhet. Vilka förutsättningar som finns har mindre betydelse för hur arbetet med naturvetenskap fungerar, även om respondenterna ansåg sig ha stor fördel av deras närhet till skogen. Resultatet visar också att det fanns tillräckligt med förutsättningar för att uppfylla målen i förskolans läroplan samt att det ännu en gång var pedagogernas engagemang som var det viktigaste för att uppnå måluppfyllelsen. I diskussionen så diskuteras det över hur undersökningens resultat kan göra sig gällande för andra ämnen inom förskolan. Det diskuteras också över hur man genom att ändra undersökningsområde hade kunnat uppnå ett annorlunda resultat, främst om man valt förskolor där de yttre förutsättningarna skiljde sig mer än de gjorde mellan de undersökta förskolorna.

Högläsning : Pedagogik eller tidsfördriv?

Härnborg, Ulrika, Moqvist, Pernilla January 2008 (has links)
<p>Studien handlar om verksamma pedagogers syn på högläsning. Med högläsning avser vi när pedagogen läser högt ur en text, en bok eller ett läromedel. Bakgrunden till studien var att få reda på hur pedagogerna använder sig av högläsning i undervisningen då vi genom egna erfarenheter, från den verksamhetsförlagda utbildningen (VFU) under vår lärarutbildning, upplever den som tidsfördriv. Vi anser att man som pedagog ska kunna motivera alla val man gör gällande all undervisningstid. Vårt intresse för högläsning väcktes under en kurs som vi deltog i som behandlade hur barn lär sig läsa och skriva och en annan kurs som behandlade barn- och ungdomslitteratur.</p><p> </p><p>Syftet med studien var att ta reda på pedagogernas intentioner med att använda högläsning i sin undervisning och vad de grundar sina val på. Det har använts en kvalitativ metod i studien där fem pedagoger verksamma i grundskolan till och med årskurs sex har intervjuats.</p><p> </p><p>Det framkom i resultatet att respondenterna anser att högläsningen fyller en viktig funktion av flera olika orsaker. Dessa var exempelvis att eleverna förvärvar nya kunskaper, deras ordkunskap utvecklas och att det ger eleverna en gemensam upplevelse. Pedagogerna nämnde att högläsningen ska bidra till att eleverna själva skapar sig inre bilder, använder sin fantasi och kreativitet. Vår slutsats av studien innebär att pedagogerna har ett bakomliggande syfte med sin användning av högläsning i undervisningen. Pedagogernas syften är bland annat att bidra till eleverna genom högläsningen skapar ett intresse för olika sorters litteratur. Eleverna ska även känna lust och glädje över att ta del av det skrivna ordet.</p><p> </p><p>Det framkom även i resultatet att pedagogerna gör medvetna val av litteratur och att de inte enbart använder skönlitteratur i högläsningssammanhang utan även andra texter och läromedel. Vidare så grundade pedagogerna sina val på rekommendationer givna av bibliotekarien, kollegor samt egna erfarenheter.</p><p> </p> / <p>The study is about active pedagogues’ view of reading aloud. With reading aloud we intend the pedagogue reading aloud from a text, a book or other teaching aids. The background to the study was to find out how the pedagogues use reading aloud in the education since by our practice during our teacher training we experience it as a pastime. We consider that as a pedagogue you must be able to justify all the choices you make concerning all the educationtime. Our interest for reading aloud arouse during a course about how children learn to read and write that we participated in and also during another course that handle literature for youth and children.</p><p> </p><p>The purpose of this study was to investigate the intentions of the pedagogues using reading aloud in their education and what they base their choice on. A qualitative method has been used in the study since five pedagogues, working in compulsory-school for children aged seven to thirteen years old, have been interviewed.</p><p> </p><p>The results showed that the participants in the study consider reading aloud serve as a useful purpose for many reasons. These were for example that the pupils acquire new knowledge, their knowledge of words improves and it gives them a common experience. The pedagogues’ stated that reading aloud develops the pupils’ ability to form internal pictures, use their fantasy and creativity. Our conclusion from the study implies that the pedagogues have an underlying aim with their use of reading aloud in the education. The pedagogues’ purpose with using reading aloud is for example to contribute to make the pupils create interest for many kinds of literature. The pupils shall feel inclination and joy over taking part of the written word.</p><p> </p><p>The results also showed that the pedagogues’ in this study make choices of literature that are enlightened and that they not only adopt literary but also adopt other text and textbooks and teaching aids when they read aloud. Furthermore the pedagogues based their choices on recommendations of librarians, colleagues and their own experiences.</p>


GISELI BARRETO DA CRUZ 17 June 2008 (has links)
[pt] O estudo focaliza o Curso de Pedagogia no Brasil a partir da visão de um grupo de dezessete pedagogos considerados primordiais. Primordiais no sentido amplo de terem tomado parte como alunos no período inicial do curso entre nós, nas décadas de 40, 50 e 60, mas também de se manterem atuantes e influentes desde então, destacando-se pela sua longa e expressiva trajetória como formadores e pesquisadores em educação, ocupando importantes posições no campo acadêmico. Trata-se de uma investigação que buscou levantar, junto aos participantes, aspectos característicos do início do Curso de Pedagogia no Brasil e das mutações por ele experimentadas, para analisar as implicações, resistências e avanços na sua evolução. Buscou, ainda, obter a visão predominante acerca da pedagogia enquanto domínio de conhecimento e processo de formação, para mapear e interpretar a sua posição no contexto do campo acadêmico. Os participantes foram escolhidos através de uma definição intencional e proposital, com critérios e perfis predefinidos, no sentido de assegurar, tanto quanto possível, a composição de um grupo representativo dos primórdios do curso e, também, do campo da educação no Brasil. A abordagem metodológica recaiu sobre a análise de depoimentos colhidos através de entrevistas semi- estruturadas. Dos dados construídos e da análise empreendida emergiu uma série de aspectos que apontam para a forma como o Curso de Pedagogia veio se construindo entre nós e da posição conflituosa, porém importante, que foi ocupando no âmbito do espaço acadêmico da educação. As análises evidenciam que no início a ênfase no conhecimento teórico mostrou-se nuclear, reservando pouco espaço para a prática. Apesar da discussão que põe em xeque a natureza do conhecimento produzido pela pedagogia, em função de sua abrangência e diversificação teórica, fazendo esmorecer o que poderia ser o seu próprio saber, o estudo das diferentes disciplinas que lhe são contributivas representou o eixo central do curso, favorecendo, inclusive, a atividade de pesquisa. As mutações experimentadas pelo curso evidenciam, entre outros aspectos, que a densidade teórica perdeu força, sem que se tivesse consolidado uma outra força capaz de contribuir para o processo de afirmação de um conhecimento específico da pedagogia e, conseqüentemente, para uma maior visibilidade da sua posição no campo acadêmico. / [fr] Ce travail fait ressortir les études de Pédagogie au Brésil d`après le regard d`un group de dix-sept pédagogues considérés comme primordiaux. Primordiaux au sens large parce qu`ils ont pris part en tant qu´étudiants parmi nous pendant la période initiale du cours, dans les années 1940, 1950 e 1960, mais aussi, vu qu`ils sont restés actifs et influents depuis cette époque- là.Grâce à leur vaste et expressif parcours comme enseignants et chercheurs en éducation, ils ont occupé d`importantes positions dans l`espace académique. Il s`agit d`une recherche qui a essayé de relever, auprès des participants, des aspects caractéristiques des débuts du Cours de Pédagogie au Brésil et des transformations qu´il a éprouvés, afin d`analyser les conséquences, les obstacles et les progrès dans son développement. Cette recherche a encore essayé d`obtenir la vision prédominante vers la pédagogie en tant que domaine de connaissance et processus de formation, pour montrer et comprendre sa position dans le contexte de l`espace académique. Les participants ont été choisis avec des critères et profils prédéterminés, dans le sens d`assurer, autant que possible, la composition d`un group représentatif depuis les origines du cours et aussi de l`espace de l`éducation au Brésil. L`approche méthodologique de cette investigation a été influencée par l`analyse des témoignages recueillis lors des entretiens semi structurés. Les divers aspects qui ont émergé des donnés construits et de l`analyse entamée indiquent la manière par laquelle le Cours de Pédagogie s`est construit entre nous ainsi que la position conflictuelle, mais importante, qu´il occupe dans le cadre académique de l`éducation. Les analyses révélent qu`à l`origine on a privilegié la connaissance théorique au détriment de la pratique. Malgré la discussion qui met en doute la nature du savoir produit par la pédagogie, en fonction de son large champ d`études et de sa diversification théorique, ce qui fait affaiblir ce qui pourrait être son savoir propre, l`étude de différentes matières qui contribuent avec elle a représenté l`axe central du cours, et il a favorisé, de plus, l`activité de recherche. Les mutations que le cours a éprouvées montrent, entre autres aspects, que la densité théorique a perdu de sa force, sans avoir consolidé une autre force, capable de contribuer au processus d`affirmation d`une connaissance spécifique de la pédagogie et conséquemment à une plus grande visibilité de sa position dans l`espace académique.

Ikimokyklinio ugdymo programų kūrimą sąlygojantys veiksniai / Factors influencing creation of preschool child curriculum

Žaliukienė, Dalitė 24 September 2008 (has links)
Nuolat besikeičiančioje ir tobulinamoje Lietuvos švietimo sistemoje daug dėmesio skiriama kokybiško ugdymo klausimams, todėl aktualus tapo ir ikimokyklinio ugdymo programų atnaujinimo procesas. Magistro baigiamajame darbe nagrinėjami ikimokyklinio ugdymo programų kūrimą sąlygojantys veiksniai: Lietuvoje vykdoma švietimo reforma, ikimokyklinio ugdymo įstaigų bendruomenės (pedagogų, tėvų, vaikų) poreikiai, pedagogų kompetencija, pedagogų motyvacija, laiko veiksnys ir kt. Magistro baigiamajame darbe tiriama pedagogų ir tėvų nuomonė apie ikimokyklinio ugdymo programų kūrimą įtakojusius veiksnius. Šio darbo tikslas: išnagrinėti ikimokyklinio ugdymo programų kūrimą įtakojusius veiksnius. / In today’s changing and constantly improved Lithuanian system of education a significant part of attention is being devoted to the quality of child development, and therefore importance of the process of creation of preschool curriculum arose. This Master thesis analyses factors influencing creation of preschool child curriculum: Lithuanian education reform, needs of preschool development institutions’ societies (pedagogues, parents, children), pedagogues competence, motivation of pedagogues, time factor and other. Master thesis emphasises the opinion of pedagogues, parents with regards to the factors influencing creation of preschool child curriculum. The aim of this master paper: to analyse main factors influencing creation of preschool child curriculum.

Kompetence pedagogů předškolního vzdělávání pro výuku dramatické výchovy / Competences of pre-school teachers in drama teaching

Mňuková, Dita January 2013 (has links)
The thesis is divided into two blocks - the theoretical part and the empirical part. The first chapter of the theoretical part deals with pre-school education in general, with the educational mission of kindergartens in compliance with the FEP PSE, with pre- school age specifics, with a kindergarten teacher and his/her professional competences. The second and the third chapters deal with drama education in a kindergarten and with competences of pre-school teachers in drama teaching. In the empirical part I explore the approach to drama education in pre-school education in Jindřichův Hradec and preparedness of local teachers in the field of competences in drama teaching. The research has shown that most teachers consider drama education one of the most important elements of pre-school education. They have social and personality competences, among which they include empathy, understanding, tolerance, patience and ability to develop positive relations among children. However hardly anyone is concerned with theory.

Připravenost vybraného území podílet se na provádění úkolů ochrany obyvatelstva při úniku nebezpečných chemických látek. / Preparedness of the selected area to participate in implementation of the tasks of civil protection during the release of hazardous chemicals.

ŠEVČÍK, Martin January 2019 (has links)
This diploma thesis and its research deals with the preparedness of the population, pedagogues and representatives of municipal council, to participate in tasks of population protection during the leak of dangerous chemical substances. The work develops research from my Bachelor thesis from 2017, where was my task to verify preparedness of the integrated rescue system to deal with the leak of dangerous chemical substances. The aim of this diploma thesis was to find out, if is the selected area able to adequately respond to hazards arising from the leak of hazardous chemical substances. In order to assess preparedness, slightly different questionnaires were used, those questionnaires were answered by the residents of České Budějovice, teachers working at secondary schools in České Budějovice and representatives of the city and representatives of the South Bohemian Region. The results of the questionnaire survey are presented using descriptive statistics, interesting results are shown using graphs. A high degree of unpreparedness of respondents was found. According to the results of the questionnaire survey, some respondents may also behave dangerously in the events of leakage of hazardous chemicals. The contribution of this work should be increasing and improving awareness in this area. To this purpose, was created an information leaflet containing lot of important information, which was distributed to the population. The benefit which this work has already brought, is to alert representatives from city and region councils, as well as teaching staff, to improve their knowledge of hazardous substances. According to the feedback of several representatives, analyzes focusing the transport of dangerous substances can be expected in the near future. This work can be used as well as a source of information and can be used to compare it with other researches.

Barns utveckling genom lek : Några pedagogers syn på lek förskolan / Childrens development through play : Some pedagogues point of view about play in preschool

Eriksson, Tina Marie Helene January 2010 (has links)
<p>Sammanfattning</p><p>Syftet med det här arbetet är att undersöka hur pedagoger tänker kring lekens betydelse för</p><p>barns utveckling, pedagogernas synsätt och delaktighet. Jag har använt mig av ämneslitteratur</p><p>samt intervjuat 4 pedagoger som arbetar i en förskola men med 2 olika åldersgrupper.</p><p>Resultatet visar att pedagogerna anser att leken har stor betydelse för barns utveckling och</p><p>lärande inte minst i sociala sammanhang. Lek och lärande går hand i hand. Det skall vara</p><p>lustfyllt att lära. Att leka stärker barnen både som grupp och som individ. Förutsättningarna</p><p>för att lek skall bli av enligt pedagogerna är bl a att barnen känner trygghet i miljön och</p><p>pedagogerna anser att deras roll är att stödja utan att störa, ge trygghet och att finnas i</p><p>bakgrunden. Alla barn har olika förutsättningar och det är pedagogernas ansvar att se till att</p><p>alla barns behov tillgodoses.</p><p>Nyckelord</p><p>: Lek, pedagoger, utveckling, förskola</p>

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