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精品珠寶市場之消費者行為研究 / A study of the consumer behavior of the luxury jewelry market苑慈祐, Yuan, Jatin Unknown Date (has links)
關鍵詞:消費者行為、購買意願、知覺風險。 / For the last decades, the intesion of consumers’ pursue of the luxury goods and jewelry was not simply the symble of the richness like before. With all the emotional attachments the marketers creacted, luxury good and jewelry have represented the high class of living style. And also because the nature resources of gem is getting less and leass, the price raises based on the higher demand and less supply, which are also the reason why the jewelries have become the popular target to invest. The perpective of this study is to figuring out the customer behavior of the jewelry market.
The questionnaires of this study were submitted to the potential customers of luxury jewelries in Taipei City. Total 325 effective copies were collected. And based on the questionnaires results, the connection between the purchase motivation, information source, evaluation, purchase intention, perceived risk and purchase behavior can be studied. Moreover, interviews with two jewelry brand managers to deeply disucss the future strategy.
Keywords:Luxurious Jewelry, Consumer Behavior, Purchase Intention, Perceived Risk.
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An exploratory study to identify the concerns that New Zealand consumers have about business-to-consumer e-commerceTrent, M. J. W. January 2007 (has links)
To date much of the literature on consumers' concerns about business-to-consumer (B2C) e-commerce has described findings from quantitative research. As a result, much of that literature has focused on specific previously-identified concerns (e.g., privacy of personal information, use of credit cards for on-line payment). Also, there has been little research into the concerns of New Zealand consumers, and all of it has been quantitative. In order to gain a broader understanding, this study took a qualitative approach. Three focus groups were conducted, in order to identify consumers' concerns. The concerns that were thus identified were combined with those that a review of the literature had previously identified, and were used to draw up a set of guidelines to be used in semi-structured interviews. Fifteen interviews were then conducted, in order to gain consumers' views about each concern. It seems that at a higher level, consumer's concerns have shifted. The literature suggests that in the past consumers' concerns about Internet shopping have focused on the fact that Internet shopping is conducted via the Internet – as a result of which consumers have, for example, been concerned about the privacy of their personal information ('if I give them my e-mail address, will I get spam?') This study suggests that now consumers' concerns focus on the fact that Internet shopping is a form of shopping – as a result of which they are now only prepared to use the Web sites of 'reputable companies', and they now require to be able to evaluate an item adequately before buying it. And it seems that another result of this is that consumers now expect that the 'reputable companies' whose Web sites they visit will – as a matter of course - address to their satisfaction issues such as the privacy of their personal information. While there are some types of products that consumers are prepared to buy on-line (e.g., air travel), there are many about which they are reluctant. Concerns were expressed about a wide range of potential purchases, and for a variety of reasons; also, some data was inconsistent (for example, some consumers were not prepared to buy clothes on-line, but others were). This appears to be an area in which consumer attitudes are still evolving. It is suggested that it may be helpful for further research on this matter to consider both demographic factors and the degree of consumer involvement in particular types of purchases.
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台灣網路書店經營型態對服務品質、知覺風險、顧客行為意圖影響之探討 / Types of Taiwan E-bookstores Effect on the Service Quality, Perceived Risk, and Consumer Behavioral Intentions施淳瑄, Shih, Chun-Hsuan Unknown Date (has links)
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Η εικόνα της Ελλάδας ως τουριστικός προορισμός / The image of Greece as a tourism destinationΙωακειμίδου, Πολυξένη 12 March 2015 (has links)
Βασιζόμενη στην θεωρία της εικόνας και του αντιληπτού κινδύνου, η παρούσα μελέτη επιδιώκει να αξιολογήσει, εν μέσω της οικονομικής κρίσης που διανύει η Ελλάδα, την εικόνα της χώρας ως διεθνής τουριστικός προορισμός. Ειδικότερα, εξετάζονται σε ένα συνολικό μοντέλο οι σχέσεις μεταξύ εικόνας προορισμού, αντιληπτού κινδύνου, σχέσης τουριστών-προορισμού, και συμπεριφοράς τουριστών.
Για την συλλογή των δεδομένων η έρευνα απευθύνθηκε σε εν δυνάμει τουρίστες δυο κύριων αγορών-στόχων για την Ελλάδα – την Ρωσία και το Ηνωμένο Βασίλειο – ενώ διερευνήθηκαν και οι πιθανές διαφοροποιήσεις μεταξύ των δυο δειγμάτων.
Από τα συμπεράσματα της έρευνας υποστηρίζεται η γενική αρνητική επίδραση του αντιληπτού κινδύνου στην εικόνα, και αναδεικνύονται οι συγκεκριμένοι τύποι κινδύνου που συνδέονται με τις επιμέρους διαστάσεις της εικόνας. Ακόμη, επιβεβαιώνεται η επίδραση των εικόνων στην συμπεριφορά των τουριστών, η οποία μάλιστα στις περισσότερες περιπτώσεις διαμεσολαβείται από την σχέση τουριστών-προορισμού.
Συνολικά το προτεινόμενο μοντέλο επιτυγχάνει να ερμηνεύσει περισσότερο από το μισό της μεταβλητότητας στην συμπεριφορά των τουριστών, δηλαδή την πρόθεση τους να επισκεφτούν και να συστήσουν την Ελλάδα. / Based on image theory and perceived risk theory, this study aims to evaluate the image of Greece as a international tourist destination, while the country suffers a financial crisis. Specifically, the study employs an overall model to examine the relationships among destination image, perceived risk, tourist-destination relationship and tourist behaviour.
As it concerns the data collection, we address potential tourists of two main Greece’s target-groups – Russia and United Kingdom – while possible differentiations between the two groups were also investigated.
The research’s results support the overall negative effect of the perceived risk on image, and reveal the specific types of risk that are associated with each image dimension. Moreover, they confirm the effect of image on tourist behavior, in most cases mediated by tourist-destination relationship.
In conclusion, the proposed model explains more than the half of the variance of tourist behavior – namely their intention to visit and to recommend Greece.
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原來不是每個人都想跟團! 探討人格特質如何影響知覺風險並進而牽制團購行為 / The antecedents of risk perception on group buying behavior蔡衣宜, Tsai, I Yi Unknown Date (has links)
根據EOLembrain東方快線2011年11月份所進行的調查發現,雖然團購市場發展蓬勃,依然有高達44%的人沒有團購經驗。顯現出團購固然方便,還是有其風險所在,像是商品不如預期、等待時間過長、被盜用帳號等,使人們有所顧慮。過去針對團購的研究中,大多將知覺風險當成團購行為的前因,卻忽略知覺風險事實上也被不同因素所影響著。本研究提出一個中介模式來探討團購中知覺風險的前因(消費者性格特質、資源投入感知)與團購行為的關連性。研究結果發現,知覺風險低者,有團購經驗的可能性越高,而知覺風險又會中介信任特質、多疑特質、資源投入感知與團購行為的關係。信任特質高者其知覺風險低,故越可能有團購經驗,多疑特質高者其知覺風險低,故抑制其團購行為,而消費者因感知較大的資源投入,而有較大的知覺風險,因此也抑制了團購行為。 / According to EOLembrain’s survey, 44% Taiwanese people don’t have group buying experience. It shows that people have different levels of perceived risk in terms of group buying owing to their different characters. Also, there are some worries behind the trend, such as product issue, long waiting time and account privacy issue.While past researches focus on how perceived risk affects consumption behavior, they ignore the fact that some factors also have influence on perceived risk. This study aims to understand how perceived risk is affected by different antecedents like personalities (adventurousness, trust, distrust and cautiousness) and perceived resources input. The study also proposes a mediation model to explore the relations between the antecedents, the risk perception and group buying experience. The result shows that people with higher level of trust have lower perceived risk and higher chance to attend group buying. On the contrary, people with higher level of distrust have higher perceived risk and lower chance to attend group buying. Furthermore, people with higher cautiousness also have lower chance to attend group buying. While adventurousness has no significant relevance to perceived risk and group buying experience, people with higher level of adventurousness will have higher frequency of group buying.
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Pocit bezpečí a obavy z kriminality v České republice / Feeling of Safety and Fear of Crime in the Czech RepublicKrulichová, Eva January 2016 (has links)
The research on feeling of safety and fear of crime abroad has been developed since 70s of the 20th century. In the Czech Republic it became of interest at the beginning of 90s after the fall of the communist regime, while the discrepancy between actually committed and formally registered offences resulting in the sharp increase of officially recorded crime manifested itself. In response to this increase there were written first scientific studies, which mainly dealt with the development of feeling of safety and models explaining such feeling in the context of former social problems (economic stress, trust in the government). In our opinion, however, we lack a comprehensive study that discusses the feeling of safety and fear of crime phenomenon from different aspects and intend to verify the validity of the results of international studies in our milieu. Based on the existing theoretical approaches and selected data sources, the study therefore aims to illuminate the structure of the relationship between fear of crime and individual or social factors that correlate with it. The study particularly deals with the relationship between perceived risk of victimization and fear of crime, i.e. concepts that were often used interchangeably at the beginning of research in this area. The analysis has showed...
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Les antécédents et les conséquences des risques perçus dans les achats sur Internet en Chine et en France : une approche interculturelle / Antecedents and consequences of perceived risk in Internet shopping in China and France : a cross-cultural approachZheng, Lili 01 July 2013 (has links)
Les risques perçus associés aux achats en ligne ont un effet critique sur la prise de décision du consommateur. En outre, étant donnée la mondialisation rapide des achats en ligne, une compréhension des raisons pour lesquelles les risques perçus varient en fonction de différentes cultures dans les achats en ligne est pertinente. La question de recherche qui motive cette étude est la suivante: « Quelles sont les différences significatives dans les effets de plusieurs déterminants des risques perçus dans les achats de vêtements en ligne en fonction des différences culturelles entre la Chine et la France ? » Un modèle d'équations structurelles est développé sur les relations hypothétiques entre les construits de l'étude. La recherche a apporté quelques résultats. Tout d'abord, nous avons constaté que les répondants chinois et français perçoivent de faibles niveaux de risques non-personnels et personnels dans leurs achats de vêtements sur Internet, mais les répondants chinois perçoivent un niveau plus élevé de risques non-personnels et personnels que les français. Le deuxième résultat principal est que le rôle des déterminants des risques perçus (la préoccupation des informations personnelles, la protection de la sécurité et la réputation des vendeurs en ligne) sur les risques perçus dans les achats en ligne varient selon les cultures. La réputation du site Web est plus valorisée dans les cultures collectivistes (Chine), tandis que la préoccupation des informations personnelles et la protection de la sécurité sont plus valorisées dans les cultures individualistes (France). Enfin, à la fois pour l'échantillon chinois et français, les risques perçus non-personnels ont un effet significatif sur l'intention à racheter. D'autre part, en ce qui concerne l'effet des risques perçus personnels, nous avons constaté qu'il y avait un effet négatif des risques perçus personnels sur les consommateurs chinois. / The perceived risks associated with online shopping have a critical effect on consumer decision making. In addition, cultural values provide a good theoretical basis for understanding perceived risk. Given the rapid globalization of online shopping, an understanding of the reasons why perceived risk vary in different cultures regarding online shopping should be crucial. The research question furnishing the main impetus for this study is: What are the significant differences in the effect of several determinants of perceived risk of online clothing shopping depending on cultural differences between China and France? Structural equation models with the maximum likelihood estimation method are employed to test all the hypothesized relationships. The research puts forth some findings. First, it is interesting to note that both the Chinese and French respondents perceive low levels of non-personal and personal risk regarding their online clothing purchases, but the Chinese respondents perceive higher non-personal risk than the French respondents and higher personal risk than the French respondents. The second key finding is that privacy concerns, security protection, and reputation have different effects on both consumer perception of non-personal risk and personal risk depending on cultural differences. Reputation is more valued in collectivist cultures (China), while privacy concerns and security protection are more valued in individualist cultures (France). Additionally, for both the Chinese and French samples, non-personal perceived risk significantly effects intention to repurchase. We found personal perceived risk has a significant effect only on Chinese consumer intention to repurchase.
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The effect of using claim confirming product cues on the product claim credibility: is seeing believing?Castro, Cristiano do Amaral Britto de 01 March 2013 (has links)
Submitted by Cristiano Amaral (cristiano.ab.castro@gmail.com) on 2013-03-29T12:07:34Z
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Dissertacao Versão Final Revisada Pós Banca.pdf: 5123662 bytes, checksum: 8f45db0b7df686fbca7c29913288d95c (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Suzinei Teles Garcia Garcia (suzinei.garcia@fgv.br) on 2013-04-01T13:25:15Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1
Dissertacao Versão Final Revisada Pós Banca.pdf: 5123662 bytes, checksum: 8f45db0b7df686fbca7c29913288d95c (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2013-04-01T13:29:02Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Dissertacao Versão Final Revisada Pós Banca.pdf: 5123662 bytes, checksum: 8f45db0b7df686fbca7c29913288d95c (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2013-03-01 / The Cue Utilization Theory establishes that all products are made of multiples cues that may be seen as surrogates for the intangible attributes that make up any given product. However, the results of many years of research have yet yielded little consensus as to the impact generated by the use of such cues. This research aims to contribute to the discussion about the importance of intrinsic cues by investigating the effects that the use of product cues that confirm the product claim may have on Claim Credibility (measured through Ad Credibility), and also on consumers’ Purchase Intention and Perceived Risk toward the product. An experiment was designed to test such effects and the results suggest the effects of the use of Claim Confirming Product Cues depend on consumer’s level of awareness about such cue, and that when consumers are aware of it, Ad Credibility and Purchase Intention increase, as Perceived Risk decreases. Such results may have implications to academicians and practitioners, as well as may provide insights for future research.
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Factors Influence Citizen Adoption for Government E-Tax ServiceWang, Xuyang January 2012 (has links)
E-tax is an important function of e-government since it is highly related to the life of citizens (Wu & Chen, 2005). So in this paper I have discussed the factors influence the citizen adoption of government e-tax service. I have used the decomposed TPB model as my research model. This model integrated two important theories – TAM model and TPB model. The taxpayers were divided into adopters who have used the e-tax service and non-adopter who has used the conventional method to pay their tax. And the effect of these factors for adopters and non-adopters are different. Therefore, understand the factors’ effect can help governments formulate the corresponding measures to promote more citizens to use the e-tax service and lead to better planning and implementation of e-tax service.
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Kundförtroende : Digitaliseringen av banktjänsters påverkan på kundförtroendetKieninger, Ellinore, Martinsson, Ambjörn January 2017 (has links)
Bankbranschen befinner sig i en ständig förändring, där traditionella bankkontor avvecklas och de digitala banktjänsterna tillkommer. Detta har skapat en ny sorts relation mellan bankernas kunder och banken, där den fysiska relationen har minskat och den digitala relationen har ökat. Således var det relevant att studera hur kundernas förtroende för banken har påverkats när bankerna digitaliserar sina tjänster. Syftet med studien är att undersöka digitaliseringen av banktjänsters påverkan på kundernas förtroende för banken. Studien utgår från en kvantitativ metod. Den kvantitativa metoden baseras på en positivistisk och deduktiv ansats som utgår från teorier och testar studiens tre hypoteser. Studiens empiriska data samlades in i form av en Internetenkät. Internetenkäten besvarades av 182 respondenter. I den teoretiska referensramen presenteras teorier som har för avsikt att klargöra studiens bakgrund. Digitalisering, osäkerhet och risk är de teorier som utgör studiens påverkande faktorer mot kundförtroendet för banken. Resultatet visar att digitalisering av banktjänster, upplevd osäkerhet i användningen av digitala banktjänster och upplevd risk i användningen av digitala banktjänster har ett negativt samband med kundernas förtroende för banken. / The banking industry is constantly changing. Where traditional banking offices are discontinued and the digital banking services are added. This has created a new kind of relationship between the bank’s customers and the bank, where the physical relationship has decreased and the digital relationship has increased. It then became relevant to study how the bank’s customers has been affected when banks digitize their services. The purpose of this study is to explore the digitization of banking services impact on customer’s trust to the bank. The study is based on a quantitative method. The quantitative method is based on a positivistic and deductive approach which is based on theories and tests the three hypotheses of the study. The empirical data was collected by an Internet survey. The Internet survey was answered by 182 respondents. The theoretical frame of reference presents theories that intend to clarify the background of the study. Digitization, uncertainty and risk are the theories that make up the study’s influencing factors towards customer trust in the bank. The result shows that digitization of banking services, the perceived uncertainty in the digitization of banking services and the perceived risk in the digitization of banking services has a negative correlation with customer trust in the bank.
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