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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Marketing de contenido: la experiencia de consumo como mediador entre la satisfacción y la intención de compra, aplicado al turismo en las agencias de viaje de Lima / Content marketing: the consumer experience as a mediator between satisfaction and purchase intention, applied to tourism in Lima travel agencies

Esteban Valderrama, Yazmin Arianna, Rojas Palacios, Danitza Xiomara 27 November 2019 (has links)
Solicitud de embargo por publicación en revista indexada. / En la actualidad, se han venido desarrollando cada vez más plataformas de agencias de viajes online, debido a que el turismo y la compra online han ido creciendo durante los últimos años. Sin embargo, existen factores de la adquisición de productos y servicios por este medio que pueden afectar positiva o negativamente a la satisfacción del usuario en cuestión, lo cual puede afectar su decisión de utilizar dicha plataforma para concretar su compra. Este estudio buscó analizar las principales variables influyentes en los consumidores digitales dentro del rubro de turismo y agencias, enfocados desde el concepto de marketing de contenido, basándose en el uso de herramientas cuantitativas como la encuesta online, aplicada dentro de Lima Metropolitana. Ante esto, se recaudó información imprescindible para valorar el nivel de importancia e influencia de cada uno de estos factores con respecto a los individuos, además de confirmar o descartar la relación entre estos. / Nowadays, more and more online travel agency platforms have been developed, due to the fact that tourism and online shopping have been growing in recent years. However, there are factors in the acquisition of products and services by this means that can positively or negatively affect the satisfaction of the user in question, which may affect their decision to use said platform to complete their purchase. This study sought to analyze the main variables influencing digital consumers within the tourism and agencies sector, focused from the concept of content marketing, based on the use of quantitative tools such as the online survey, applied within Metropolitan Lima. Given this, essential information was collected to assess the level of importance and influence of each of these factors with respect to individuals, in addition to confirming or ruling out the relationship between them. / Trabajo de investigación

Determinantes de la satisfacción del usuario de las plataformas de agencias de viajes en línea. Una propuesta de Perú / Determinants of User Satisfaction of Online Travel Agency Platforms. A Proposal From Peru

Esteban Valderrama, Yazmin Arianna, Rojas Palacios, Danitza Xiomara 19 August 2021 (has links)
Objetivo - El objetivo de esta investigación es comprobar si la satisfacción de los usuarios de las agencias de viajes online se ve influida por la disponibilidad y precisión de la información, el riesgo percibido, la calidad de la plataforma web y los hábitos y rutinas del consumidor. Diseño / Metodología - Se realizó una encuesta en línea a usuarios de plataformas de agencias de viajes en línea con una muestra de 124 encuestados. El instrumento se dividió en dos partes: perfil demográfico y evaluación de los constructos. Estos fueron medidos utilizando una escala Likert de cinco puntos. Los resultados se analizaron mediante la realización de una regresión lineal múltiple utilizando el software IBM-SPSS-26. Resultados - Los resultados muestran que la calidad de la plataforma web, la disponibilidad y precisión de la información, así como los hábitos y rutinas de los usuarios contribuyen a obtener la satisfacción de los usuarios de las agencias de viajes online. También se encontró que el riesgo percibido no tiene relación negativa ni positiva con la satisfacción. Originalidad / valor - Los resultados contribuyen a incrementar el conocimiento del e-commerce en el sector turístico, permitiendo reconocer los puntos clave en los que las agencias de viajes online deben enfocarse para fortalecer e incrementar su nivel de satisfacción de los usuarios. Para esto, los resultados muestran que deberán enfocarse en reforzar la calidad de la plataforma, la disponibilidad de información, y considerar los hábitos y rutinas de los usuarios. Tipo de artículo - Artículo de investigación / Objective - The aim of this research is to test whether online travel agency user satisfaction is influenced by the availability and accuracy of information, perceived risk, the quality of the web platform and the consumer's habits and routines. Design-methodology - An online survey of users of online travel agency platforms was conducted with a sample of 124 respondents. The instrument was divided into two parts: demographic profile and evaluation of the constructs. The constructs were measured using a Likert five points scale. The results were analysed by performing a multiple linear regression using IBM-SPSS-26 software. Results - The results show that the quality of the web-platform, the availability and accuracy of information, as well as the habits and routines of users contribute to obtaining the satisfaction of online travel agency users. It was also found that perceived risk has neither a negative nor a positive relationship with satisfaction. Originality/value - The results contribute to increasing the knowledge of e-commerce in the tourism sector, allowing the recognition of the key points that online travel agencies should focus on in order to strengthen and increase their level of user satisfaction. Moreover, the results show that online travel agencies should focus on reinforcing the platform quality, availability of information and consider the user's habits and routines to increase the users' satisfaction. As a result, the perceived risk does not have a negative effect on the user's satisfaction as previous researches showed. Type of article – research article. / Tesis / PE

Factores de los riesgos percibidos con relación a la intención de compra digital de los consumidores en plataformas móviles de retail

Arguedas Ramírez, Jose Augusto, Urdanivia Valerio, Yemina Ivana 24 August 2020 (has links)
El presente trabajo tiene como principal objetivo poder dar a conocer e investigar los Factores de los riesgos percibidos con relación a la intención de compra digital de los consumidores, en plataformas móviles de retail, de manera que se pueda identificar cuáles son los riesgos que tienen una mayor influencia en la intención de compra online de los consumidores. Además, se identificará la relevancia, los alcances y las limitaciones que se puedan hallar dentro del mismo, en el contexto actual peruano. Como parte de la investigación se presentarán las características específicas de cada uno de los riesgos que influyen en el consumidor al momento de querer realizar una compra a través del móvil, así como el crecimiento que ha venido teniendo el comercio móvil en el retail peruano. Gracias a la investigación realizada de los distintos autores, se pudo identificar los papers que más se asemejan a nuestro tema y gracias a ello poder entender la importancia que tiene cada riesgo. / The main objective of this work is to be able to make known and investigate the Factors of the perceived risks in relation to the intention of digital purchase of consumers, in mobile retail platforms, so that it can be identified what are the risks that have a greater influence on the intention of online purchase of consumers. In addition, the relevance, scope and limitations that may be found within it, in the current Peruvian context, will be identified. As part of the research, the specific characteristics of each of the risks that influence the consumer when they want to make a purchase via mobile will be presented, as well as the growth that mobile commerce has been having in Peruvian retail. Thanks to the research carried out by the different authors, it was possible to identify the papers that most resemble our subject and thanks to this, be able to understand the importance of each risk. / Trabajo de investigación

Perceived risk of cannabis use and cannabis use among Swedish youth : A quantitative study from a public health perspective

Ali Mohamed, Kaltum January 2021 (has links)
Background: Risk perception has been studied concerning the use of marijuana and it impacts the intention to use that specific substance. Aim: The aim was to study the association between the perceived risk of cannabis use and cannabis use among Swedish youth after controlling for gender, age, and education. The aim was also to study whether the association between the perceived risk of cannabis use and cannabis use was different according to gender. Method: The thesis project was based on data from the Flash Eurobarometer 330 - Youth Attitudes on Drugs. Results: When age and education were controlled for, both among Swedish youth and among male participants, the perceived risk had an association with cannabis use - higher risk perception entailed a lower use. Discussion: The association between the perceived risk of cannabis use and cannabis use appears to be due to the impact of risk perception on behaviour. Conclusion: By preserving the risk perception that Swedish youth have of cannabis, it may be possible to protect them from the potential harm that cannabis use cause.

Analyzing Campus Safety: A Survey of Perceived Risk, Crime and Outdoor Lighting Levels

Marcheskie, Justin S. 11 June 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Motivación hedónica, valor y riesgo percibido en relación a la decisión de compra del consumidor en el canal online de tiendas por departamento / Hedonic motivation, value and perceived risk in relation to the consumer's purchase decision in the online channel of department stores

Salviati Chunga, Valeria Alexandra, Tantachuco Vargas, Valeria Abigail 02 December 2020 (has links)
En la actualidad, los consumidores han cambiado su estilo de vida a causa de diversos factores. Uno de ellos es la pandemia causada por el Covid-19, la cual ha modificado la decisión de compra de los shoppers, afectando también al sector retail y; por otro lado, se encuentra la digitalización, la cual transformó los canales de venta existentes. Estos han tenido que adaptarse, a través de estrategias digitales, con el fin de motivar la compra de los clientes. Por lo tanto, se realizó una revisión bibliográfica de diversos autores, los cuales estudian los principales factores de compra y su relación con la venta online de tiendas por departamento. En base a lo anteriormente mencionado, el presente artículo de investigación, tiene el objetivo de analizar la relación entre la motivación hedónica, valor y riesgo percibido, como factores de compra y la forma en que influyen en la decisión de compra en el canal online de tiendas por departamento. Para ello, se propondría una investigación de tipo correlacional de enfoque cuantitativo y carácter concluyente, que será testeada en 400 personas que hayan comprado en línea en los últimos seis meses. Los resultados obtenidos, serán medidos a través de un análisis estadístico descriptivo (regresiones lineales, correlaciones, desviación estándar). / Currently, consumers have changed their lifestyles due to a large variety of factors. One of them is the pandemic caused by Covid-19, which has modified the purchase decision of buyers, also affecting the retail sector and; on the other hand, there is the digitization, which transformed the existing sales channels. These have had to adapt, through digital strategies, in order to motivate the purchase of customers. Therefore, a bibliographic review was carried out by various authors, who study the main purchasing factors and their relationship with the online sale of department stores. Based on the aforementioned, this research article has the objective of analyzing the relationship between hedonic motivation, value and perceived risk, as purchase factors and the way in which they influence the purchase decision in the online channel of department stores. To do this, a conclusive quantitative-focus correlational research would be proposed, which will be tested on 400 people who have bought online in the last six months. The results obtained will be measured through a descriptive statistical analysis (linear regressions, correlations, standard deviation). / Trabajo de investigación

Digitala banktjänster och kundernas förtroende : En empirisk kvantitativ studie om sambandet mellan digitala banktjänster och bankkunders förtroende

Abdirahman, Leensaa, Kombarova, Lalitta January 2023 (has links)
Bakgrund och problemformulering: Skiftet till digitala banktjänster innebär ett annat arbetssätt att bibehålla förtroendet hos sina kunder då servicen blir mindre personlig. Förtroende och service är en viktig del hos kunderna samtidigt som det ställs nya krav gällande bekvämlighet och automatiserade självtjänster. Mot denna bakgrund är möjliga problem som kan uppstå en bristande säkerhet samt riskerna kring integriteten.   Syftet: Studiens syfte är att undersöka om det finns ett samband mellan kundernas förtroende och bankernas digitala banktjänster. Utöver detta vill forskarna få en förståelse för bankkunders förtroende för sin digitala bank.   Metod: Undersökningen bygger på kvantitativ metod i form av en enkätundersökning som sedan används för att genomföra en korrelationsanalys och regressionsanalys.  Teoretisk referensram: Technology Acceptance Model, Social Exchange Theory, Perceived Risk och Digitala Tillitsmodellen.  Empiri: Empirin har fyra olika fokusområden: kontrollfrågor, förtroende, digitala banktjänster samt risk och säkerhet. Dessa sammanställs och testas i en korrelationsanalys och regressionsanalys för att undersöka samband och testa hypoteser.   Slutsats: Resultatet visar att det föreligger ett positivt samband mellan digitala banktjänsters användbarhet och förtroende för digitala banktjänster samt att upplevd integritetsrisk har ett negativt samband med förtroendet. Trots att det kan finnas ett samband mellan digitala banktjänsternas användarvänlighet och förtroende finns inte tillräckligt med stöd för att bevisa detta. / Background and problem formulation: The shift to digital banking services means a different way of working to maintain the trust of its customers, this as the service has become less personal. Trust and service are valued highly for the customers, while new demands are being made regarding convenience and automated self-service. Against this background, possible problems that may arise are a lack of security and the risks surrounding integrity.  Purpose: The purpose of the study is to investigate whether there is a relationship between customers' trust and the banks' digital banking services. In addition to this, the researchers want to gain an understanding of bank customers' trust in their digital bank.  Method: The survey is based on a quantitative method in the form of a questionnaire which is then used to carry out a correlation and regression analysis.  Framework: Technology Acceptance Model, Social Exchange Theory, Perceived Risk and Digital Trust Model.  Empiricism: The empiricism has four different focus areas: control questions, trust, digital banking services and lastly risk as well as security. These are compiled and tested in a correlation and regression analysis to examine relationships by testing hypotheses.  Conclusions: The findings show that there is a positive relationship between the usability of digital banking services and trust in digital banking services, and that perceived integrity risk has a negative relationship with trust. Although there may be a link between the ease of use of digital banking services and trust, there is not enough support to prove this.

Returpolicys påverkan på konsumenter : En kvantitativ studie kring hur olika returkomponenter påverkar konsumenters upplevda risk vid köp av kläder online / Return policies' influence on consumers : A quantitative study of how different return components affect consumers' perceived risk when buying clothes online

Janzén, Jessica, Rönn, Rebecca January 2022 (has links)
Syfte: Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur e-handelsföretags returpolicys, mer specifikt returkomponenterna returtid, returkostnad och returansträngning, kan påverka konsumenters upplevda risk vid köp av kläder online. Studien utgår från tre hypoteser, vilka är: “Längre returtider resulterar i en lägre upplevd risk hos konsumenter vid köp av kläder online”, “Lägre returkostnader leder till lägre upplevd risk hos konsumenter vid köp av kläder online” samt “Lägre returansträngning medför att konsumenter upplever en lägre risk vid köp av kläder online”. Metod: Tvärsnittsstudien omfattades av en enkätundersökning där deltagarnas åsikter och inställningar ställdes i centrum. 109 användbara svar genererades utifrån ett bekvämlighetsurval. Svaren analyserades genom en multipel regressionsanalys för att undersöka respektive returkomponents påverkan på konsumentens upplevda risk vid köp av kläder online. Resultat: Resultatet indikerade på att ökad returtid respektive en minskad returkostnad bidrar till att reducera den upplevda risken för konsumenten vid köp av kläder online. Vad gäller returansträngning fann studien inget stöd för att en lägre ansträngning genererade en lägre upplevd risk för konsumenten vid köp av kläder online. Däremot saknades signifikans för variablerna returtid och returansträngning vilket gör det svårt att utesluta slumpfaktorn i dessa hypoteser. Det gick även att observera att returkomponenten returkostnad påverkade den upplevda risken i störst omfattning. Originalitet/Värde: I en ständigt växande e-handelsmarknad, speciellt inom modebranschen, är konkurrensen ett faktum vilket gör att företagen alltmer konkurrerar i andra områden än de produkter de säljer. Det finns en problematik kring hur returpolicys ska utformas på bästa sätt. Då upplevd risk har en betydande effekt på köp- och returintentionen av kläder köpta av konsumenter online är det ett relevant och viktigt ämne att studera. Studien kan bidra med insikt i vilka returkomponenter som värderas och uppskattas mest av konsumenter i en returpolicy, något som kan påverka konsumenters inställning till köpet. Med grund i studien och dess resultat konstateras att företag som säljer kläder online bör arbeta med att utforma sina returpolicys på ett sätt som minskar konsumenternas upplevda risk i största möjliga utsträckning. Vid situationer där företag behöver strama åt sina returpolicys kan denna studie hjälpa till med att ge stöd för vilken returkomponent som värderas minst av konsumenter. / Purpose: The aim of the study is to investigate how e-commerce companies’ return policies, more specifically the return components return time, return cost and return effort, can affect consumers' perceived risk while purchasing clothes online. The study revolves around three different hypotheses, which are: “Longer return times result in a lower perceived risk for consumers when buying clothes online”, “Lower return costs lead to a lower perceived risk among consumers when buying clothes online” as well as “Lower return efforts lead to consumers experiencing a lower risk when buying clothes online” Methodology: The cross-sectional study consists of a questionnaire survey in which the participants' opinions and attitudes were at the center. 109 useful responses were generated based on a convenience sample. The responses were analyzed through a multiple regression analysis, in order to examine the impact of each return component on the consumers' perceived risk while purchasing clothes online. Findings: The result indicated that an increased return time as well as a reduced return cost contribute to reducing the perceived risk for the consumer when purchasing clothes online. Regarding return effort, the study found no support that a lower return effort generated a lower perceived risk for the consumer when buying clothes online. However, the findings regarding return time and return effort were lacking significance, which means that there is a risk of the findings being coincidental. It was also possible to observe that the return component return cost affected the consumers’ perceived risk to the greatest extent. Originality / Value: In an ever-growing e-commerce market, especially in the fashion industry, competition is a fact which results in companies increasingly cofmpeting in other areas than the products they sell. There is a problem with how return policies should be designed in the best way. As perceived risk has an effect on the consumers’ intention to buy and return clothes purchased online, it is a relevant and important topic to study. The study can provide insight into which return components consumers value and appreciate most in a return policy, something that can affect consumers' attitudes towards the purchase. Based on the study and its results, it is stated that companies that sell clothes online should work on designing their return policies in a way that reduces consumers' perceived risk to the greatest possible extent. In situations where companies have to tighten their return policies, this study can help provide support for which return component is least valued by consumers. This thesis is written in Swedish.

Understanding Adoption of Mobile Wallets : On Aged Population

Koosha, Amirmohammad January 2018 (has links)
A mobile wallet is a mobile application that is intended to replace leather wallets. With high mobile and Internet penetration and increased life expectancy in developed economies, adoption of mobile wallets by the older population is becoming more important due to new trends. Therefore, this thesis aims to understand and increase adoption of mobile wallets in developed economies by the citizens between the ages of 50 to 75. Based on the mobile payment technology acceptance model (MPTAM) and an extensive literature review, a simplified model is suggested. Three sub-questions (on 1 - social influence, 2 - perceived security, trust and risks, and 3 – perceived ease of use) are proposed for further study, which has been suggested in the literature to have more importance for the targeted demography. An exploratory qualitative study based on in-depth semi-structured interviews was conducted. The findings show that social influence can have direct or indirect effects. Moreover, several factors were identified that seems to have impacts on the degree to which a content can influence people. In addition, perceived trust, security, and risks seem to be the most important impediment for the adoption of mobile wallets, especially for risk-averse people. Furthermore, perceived ease of use can improve the values that mobile wallets may provide. Perceived ease of use is more important for the targeted age group since some of the potential users in this age group has reduced learning and physical abilities. Finally, many implications of the findings and methods to improve the adoption of mobile wallets for the selected demography, i.e. restriction and customization, use of familiar design, use of strong brands, etc. are suggested.

Konsumentens köpbeslut inom second-hand mode : En kvalitativ studie om motiv och upplevda risker vid second-hand konsumtion / Purchase decisions in second-hand fashion through a consumer perspective : A qualitative study on motives and perceived risks in second-hand consumption

Johansson, Nina, Thanner, Nike January 2023 (has links)
Denna studie syftar till att undersöka vilka faktorer som påverkar konsumentens köpbeslut inom second-hand mode. Med tanke på hållbarhet och dess aktualitet så är det ett ämne som är intressant att forska vidare på. För att konsumenten ska ställa om till ett mer hållbart konsumtionsbeteende krävs en bred förståelse för vad som påverkar ett köpbeslut. Det finns ofta flera motiv och framförallt upplevda risker bakom second-hand konsumtion. Detta på grund av att begagnade varor utgör en större risk för konsumenten i och med att de tidigare har använts. Med en förhoppning om att kunna upplysa second-hand modeföretag kring hur de kan utveckla mer effektiva strategier, valde vi att undersöka bakomliggande faktorer till ett second-hand köp. Studien har en kvalitativ ansats som bygger på fokusgruppsintervjuer med 12 second-hand mode konsumenter. För att besvara studiens syfte och frågeställningar används Means-End Chain teorin (MEC) som bygger på motivationsfaktorer. Resultatet av studien visar att de största motiven till att handla second-hand mode är hållbarhet, ekonomi, unicitet och att konsumenten får känna att de har ett ansvar. Vi använder oss även av begreppet Perceived Risks med anledningen att vi ville identifiera upplevda risker med second-hand modekonsumtion, det visade sig vara defekta varor samt returer, tillgänglighet och utbud samt struktur och hygien. Vår studie bidrar till ökad förståelse för vilka faktorer som driver second-hand mode konsumenter till köp. / This study aims to investigate the factors that influence the consumer’s purchase decisions in second-hand fashion. Considering sustainability and its current relevance, it is an interesting topic to conduct further research on. In order for consumers to transition to a more sustainable consumption behavior, there needs to be a broad understanding of what influences purchasing decisions. There are often several motives and above all perceived risks behind second-hand consumption, as used goods pose a greater risk to the consumer due to their previous usage. With the hope of being able to inform second-hand companies about how they can develop more effective strategies, we chose to investigate the factors behind a second-hand purchase. The study employs a qualitative approach based on focus group interviews with 12 second-hand consumers. To answer the study's purpose and research questions, the Means-End Chain theory (MEC) is used, which is based on motivational factors. The results of the study show that the primary motives for shopping second-hand are sustainability, economics, uniqueness, and a sense of responsibility. We also utilize the concept of Perceived Risks to identify consumers' perceived risks associated with second-hand consumption, which turned out to be defective goods and returns, availability and selection, and structure and hygiene. Our study contributes to increased understanding of which factors drive second-hand fashion consumers to a purchase.

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