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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Estágios de mudança do comportamento alimentar em pacientes submetidos à angioplastia transluminal coronária / Stages of dietary change in patients submitted to percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty

Lis Proença Vieira 24 November 2009 (has links)
Introdução - A identificação dos estágios de mudança do comportamento alimentar e dos fatores que interferem nas escolhas alimentares podem direcionar intervenções nutricionais mais efetivas contra a progressão da doença arterial coronária. Objetivo - Verificar os estágios de mudança do comportamento alimentar, sua relação com gênero, idade, escolaridade, estado nutricional, consumo alimentar, eventos cardiovasculares prévios e descrever as influências sobre as escolhas alimentares, as dificuldades e as mudanças realizadas para se alimentar de forma saudável em cardiopatas. Métodos - Estudo transversal, onde foram avaliados 200 pacientes consecutivos, internados num hospital especializado em cardiologia, após angioplastia transluminal coronária eletiva, nos quais foi aplicado algoritmo sobre a prática de hábitos alimentares saudáveis para identificar os estágios de mudança. Foram medidos peso, altura e circunferência abdominal e o consumo alimentar foi obtido por meio de questionário de frequência alimentar.Resultados - Observou-se média de idade de 60 anos, 70% do gênero masculino, 64% de excesso de peso, circunferência abdominal aumentada em 63,6% dos homens e 88,3% das mulheres, consumo calórico médio de 2 535 kcal (±752,5 Kcal) e mediana de 2 404 kcal. Pela classificação dos estágios de mudança, 17,5% estavam na pré-contemplação, 9% na contemplação, 26,5% na preparação, 11,5% na ação e 35,5% na manutenção, sem que, necessariamente, houvesse adequação nutricional nas mudanças referidas na alimentação. Não houve associação do estado nutricional com os estágios de mudança (p = 0,130). Observou-se maior presença de indivíduos mais jovens (p = 0,002) e com maior grau de escolaridade (p = 0,003) em manutenção, evento cardiovascular prévio em manutenção/ação (p = 0,042) e maior consumo calórico (p = 0,041), de carnes/ ovos (p = 0,006) e doces (p = 0,026) em preparação em relação à manutenção. Gênero, circunferência abdominal, consumo de nutrientes e outros grupos de alimentos (pães, frutas, hortaliças, laticínios e gorduras) não apresentaram diferença estatisticamente significante. Os fatores que mais influenciaram as escolhas alimentares foram qualidade dos alimentos (82,5%), sabor (82,5%) e tentar comer de forma mais saudável (72,5%). As principais dificuldades foram controle da vontade de comer (15%) e mudança de hábitos (14,5%), porém 54,5% negaram dificuldades para se alimentar de forma saudável. As mudanças mais citadas na alimentação a fim de torná-la saudável foram redução de gorduras (60%), redução de carne gorda (42%) e aumento de verduras/legumes (41%). Conclusão - A maioria dos pacientes desse estudo classificou-se em estágio de manutenção, onde predominaram indivíduos mais jovens, com maior grau de escolaridade, presença de evento cardiovascular prévio, menor consumo calórico, de carnes, ovos e doces. A maioria apresentou excesso de peso, porém sem associação dos estágios de mudança com estado nutricional e demais variáveis estudadas. A maioria referiu não ter dificuldades para seguir uma alimentação saudável, porém, quando presentes, controlar a vontade de comer e mudar hábitos foram as dificuldades mais citadas . / Introduction The identification of stages of dietary change and the factors affecting food choices can direct more effective nutritional intervention against coronary heart disease progression. Objective - To verify the stages of dietary change, its relation to gender, age, education, nutritional status, previous cardiovascular events and to describe the influences on food choices, the difficulties and changes accomplished to healthy eating in cardiac patients. Methods Cross-sectional study, where were evaluated 200 consecutive patients hospitalized in a specialized cardiology hospital. They were applied an algorithm about practices of healthy eating to identify the stages of change, after elective percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty. Weight, height and waist circumference were measured and the food consumption was evaluated by a food frequency questionnaire. Results It was observed a mean age of 60 years, 70% male, 64% overweight, increased waist circumference in 63,6% male and 88,3% female, mean caloric consumption of 2 535 kcal (±752,5 kcal) and median of 2 404 kcal. Through the classification of the stage of change, 17,5% were in pre-contemplation stage, 9% in contemplation, 26,5% in preparation, 11,5% in action and 35,5% in maintenance, without necessarily a nutritional adequacy in the referred diet. There was no association between nutritional status and stages of change (p = 0,130). It was observed greater presence of younger people (p = 0,002) and higher education (p = 0,003) in maintenance, higher previous cardiovascular events in maintenance/action (p=0,042) and higher consumption of calories (p=0,041), meat and eggs (p=0,006) and sweets (p=0,026) in preparation in relation to maintenance. Gender, waist circumference, nutrient consumption and other food groups (breads, fruits, vegetables, milk and fat) showed no statistically significant difference. The factors which most influenced the food choices were food quality (82,5%), taste (82,5%) and try to eat healthier (72,5%). The main difficulties were eating control (15%) and changing habits (14,5%), but 54,5% denied difficulties to eat in a healthy way. The dietary changes mostly done in order to eat in a healthier way were fat reduction (60%), fat meat reduction (42%) and vegetables increase (41%). Conclusion - The majority of patients in this study was classified at maintenance stage, where the predominance was of younger, higher education individuals, who have had a previous cardiovascular event, with a lower consumption of calories, meat, eggs and sweets. The majority showed overweight, but without association of stages of change with nutritional status and the other variables. The majority referred no difficulties on eating healthy but if present, control eating and change habits were the most cited difficulties

Estratificação de risco para eventos cardíacos maiores em pacientes submetidos ao implante de stents farmacológicos. Escore DESIRE / Cardiovascular Risk Stratification for Patients Treated with Drug-eluting Stents: Development and Validation of the DESIRE score

Adriana Costa Moreira 10 May 2017 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: A estratificação de risco, pré intervenção coronária percutânea, é um elemento-chave para auxiliar na tomada de decisão oferecendo o nível de expectativas de resultados imediatos e tardios. Esta investigação tem como objetivo desenvolver o escore DESIRE para predizer o risco de ocorrência de eventos cardíacos maiores(ECM) em pacientes(P) submetidos ao implante de stents farmacológicos(SF) na prática clínica diária. MÉTODOS: Desde 2002 todos os pacientes consecutivos, tratados com 1 SF , foram incluídos no Registro DESIRE (Drug-Eluting Stents In REal world), não-randomizado. Desenvolvemos o escore DESIRE, a partir da análise retrospectiva dos dados dos P incluídos entre janeiro de 2007 e dezembro de 2012 uma vez que esta população representava melhor a prática contemporânea da cardiologia intervencionista. As associações das variáveis com os eventos foram testadas pelos testes chi-quadrado e t de Student. Devido às diferenças entre as fases analisadas, decidimos por dois modelos de predição de riscos: hospitalar (Regressão logística) e tardio (Cox) estimando o tempo até o primeiro evento. Após o desenvolvimento, o escore foi aplicado prospectivamente nos pacientes incluídos entre janeiro de 2013 e dezembro de 2014. As estimativas de risco obtidas foram comparadas às taxas de ECM observadas, validando o escore DESIRE nas duas fases. RESULTADOS: 4.061 P compõem a população do estudo sendo que destes, 2.863 P constituem a coorte B1 que foi utilizada para o desenvolvimento do escore e 1.198 P na coorte B2 na qual o escore foi aplicado e validado. As variáveis e seus respectivos pontos para o escore DESIRE hospitalar que variou de 0 a 37 pontos foram: idade em anos (<=49= 0; 50 - 59=1; 60 a 69=2; 70 a 79=4; <= 80=6); cirurgia de revascularização miocárdica prévia(1); doença vascular periférica (5); insuficiência renal (3); síndrome coronária aguda (3); doença multiarterial (3); ponte de safena (6); lesão com trombo (5) e lesão longa (5). Compuseram o escore DESIRE tardio (0 a 45 pontos) as seguintes variáveis: diabete melito com medicação oral (4) ou com insulina (9); cirurgia de revascularização miocárdica prévia (2); doença vascular periférica (6); síndrome coronária aguda (5); doença multiarterial (4); FE<40% (6); ponte de safena (8) e vaso de pequeno calibre (5). Definimos 3 faixas de risco para cada um dos escores categorizando os pacientes de acordo com a pontuação obtida em baixo, intermediário e alto risco para ECM sendo para a fase hospitalar. Ambos os escores apresentaram acurácia para predizer eventos próxima a 70%. CONCLUSÃO: Baseados em dados do Registro do \"mundo real\" foi possível desenvolver o Escore DESIRE que permitiu a adequada estratificação do risco de eventos cardíacos maiores após o implante de SF, nas fases hospitalar e tardia. A partir destas estimativas de risco é possível consubstanciar as escolhas terapêuticas. / BACKGROUND: Risk stratification before percutaneous coronary intervention is a key element to assist in decision making offering the level of expectations for immediate and late outcomes. This research aims to develop the DESIRE score to predict the risk of major cardiac events (MACE) in patients (P) who underwent drug-eluting stent implantation in daily clinical practice. METHODS: Since 2002 all consecutive patients treated with> 1 SF in a single center were included in the non-randomized DESIRE (Drug-Eluting Stents In the Real world) Registry. We developed the DESIRE score based on a retrospective analysis of the patients included between January 2007 and December 2012, since this population better represented the contemporary practice of interventional cardiology. The associations of the variables with the events were tested by chi-square and Student\'s t tests. Due to the differences between the analyzed phases, we decided on two models of risk prediction: hospital (Logistic Regression) and late (Cox) estimating the time until the first event. After the development, the score was applied prospectively in the patients included between January 2013 and December 2014. The risk estimates obtained were compared to the observed MACE rates, validating the DESIRE score in the two phases. RESULTS: A total of 4,061 patients were included in the study population. Of these, 2,863 P were the B1 cohort that was used for the development of the score and 1,198 P in the B2 cohort in which the score was applied and validated. The variables and their respective points for the hospital DESIRE score ranged from 0 to 37 points were: age in years <=49= 0; 50 - 59=1; 60 a 69=2; 70 a 79=4; <= 80=6); Previous myocardial revascularization surgery (1); Peripheral vascular disease (5); Cronic kidney dysfunction (3); Acute coronary syndrome (3); Multivessel disease (3) Saphenousvenous graft (6); lesion with thrombus (5) and Long lesion (5);The following variables composed the late DESIRE score (0 to 45 points): Diabetes mellitus with oral medication (4) or with insulin (9); previous myocardial revascularization surgery (2); Peripheral vascular disease (6); Acute coronary syndrome (5); Multivessel disease (4); ejection fraction <40% (6); saphenous vein graft (8) and small vessel (5). We defined 3 risk ranges for each of the scores by categorizing the patients according to the low, intermediate and high-risk scores for ECM being for the hospital phase. Both scores had accuracy to predict MACE close to 70%. CONCLUSION: Based on data from the \"real world\" registry, it was possible to develop the DESIRE score that allowed the adequate stratification of the risk of major cardiac events after the SF implantation in the hospital and late phases. From these risk estimates it is possible to substantiate the therapeutic choices.

Análise da influência da intervenção coronária percutânea prévia na mortalidade e eventos cardiovasculares e cerebrovasculares até cinco anos de seguimento após cirurgia de revascularização / Analysis of influence of previous percutanea coronary intervention on mortality and cardiovascular and cerebral events in 5 years after coronary artery bypass graft surgery

Gade Satuala Vasco Miguel 07 May 2018 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: Os inúmeros avanços tecnológicos no tratamento percutâneo da doença coronariana aterosclerótica propiciaram que um crescente número de pacientes tratados previamente por angioplastia coronária transluminal percutânea (ACTP) seja referenciado à Cirurgia de Revascularização Miocárdica (CRM). Resultados de estudos a curto, médio e longo prazo confirmaram ou contestaram os efeitos negativos da angioplastia prévia com \"stent\" na mortalidade e morbidade da CRM. OBJETIVO: Avaliar a influência da intervenção coronária prévia com \"stent\", na mortalidade e ocorrência de eventos cardiovasculares e cerebrais maiores em pacientes com insuficiência coronária, submetidos à cirurgia de revascularização miocárdica, até cinco anos de seguimento. MÉTODO: Foi feito um levantamento retrospectivo a partir do banco de dados REVASC (Registro de reVAScularização mioCárdica) do Hospital Beneficência de São Paulo, dos pacientes consecutivos submetidos à CRM entre junho de 2009 a julho de 2010 e com seguimento em três fases: aos 30 dias, um ano e cinco anos. As características dos pacientes e os fatores de risco foram analisados, de acordo com as definições dadas às variáveis pelo EuroSCORE (\"The European System for Cardiac Operative Risk Evaluation\"). Para controlar eventual viés de seleção foi realizada análise agrupada com \"propensity score matching\". Todos os testes foram realizados considerando hipóteses bilaterais e assumindo um nível de significância alfa = 5%. RESULTADOS: Os pacientes foram divididos em dois grupos: CRM primária e com ACTP prévia. 261 (8,7%) de pacientes tiveram ACTP prévia. Na coorte original, no grupo com ACTP os pacientes são mais velhos (p=0,032) e têm mais doença arterial periférica (p < 0.001) e mais dislipidêmicos (p < 0,001) porem com o risco operatório EUROSCORE menor (p=0,031) e mais cirurgias não eletivas (=0,008). Após cinco anos, a mortalidade por causas cardiovasculares foi de 134 (5,6%) no grupo com ACTP prévia versus 13 (5,5%) no grupo de CRM primária; (p=0,946); a taxa de reinternação por causas cardiovasculares foi de 359 (15,0%) no grupo com ACTP prévia vs 47 (19,8%) no grupo de CRM primária; (p=0,048) e a taxa eventos combinados óbito/reinternação por causas cardiovasculares foi de 399 (16,7%) no grupo com ACTP prévia vs 51 (21,5%) no grupo de CRM primária; (p=0,057). Em seguida,foi realizada comparação na coorte pareada e em cinco anos a mortalidade por causas cardiovasculares foi de 17 (7,8%) no grupo com ACTP prévia vs 13 (5,5%) no grupo de CRM primária; (p=0,321); a taxa reinternação por causas cardiovasculares foi de 31 (14,2%) no grupo com ACTP prévia vs 47 (19,8%) no grupo de CRM primária; (p=0,113) e a taxa eventos combinados óbito/reinternação por causas cardiovasculares foi de 40 (18,4%) no grupo com ACTP prévia vs 51 (21,5%) grupo de CRM primária; (p=0,398). CONCLUSÃO: Em cinco anos de seguimento não houve diferença na mortalidade nos dois grupos, mas houve maior taxa readmissão por causas cardiovasculares no grupo com ACTP prévia. Essa diferença não foi confirmada na coorte pareada / BACKGROUND: several technological advances in percutaneous treatment of atherosclerotic coronary disease have led to an increasing number of patients treated with previous percutaneous intervention (PCI) referred to coronary artery bypass graft (CABG). Results of short-term initial studies showed negative effects of PCI on CABG outcomes .. Neverthless, further studies with immediate and long term follow-up confirmed or contested the negative influence on mortality and morbidity of CABG. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the influence of previous coronary intervention with stent in the mortality and occurrence of major cardiovascular and cerebrovascular events in patients with coronary artery disease undergoing myocardial revascularization surgery, up to 5 years of follow-up. METHODS: A retrospective review was performed in the REVASC (Registro de rEVAScularização mioCárdica) database of patients undergoing coronary artery bypass grafting at the Hospital Beneficência Portuguesa de São Paulo, operated between June 2009 and July 2010, and followed in three periods: at 30 days, 1 year and 5 years. Patient characteristics and risk factors were analyzed according to the definitions given to the variables by EuroSCORE (The European System for Cardiac Operative Risk Evaluation). In order to control eventual selection bias, a simultaneous analysis with propensity score matching was performed. All tests were performed considering bilateral hypothesis and assuming a significance level ? = 5%. RESULTS: Patients were divided into two groups: primary CABG , 2746 patients and previous PCI. 261 (8.7%) of patients had previous PCI. In the original cohort, in the PCI group, patients were older (p = 0.032) and had more peripheral arterial disease (p < 0.001) and more dyslipidemic (p < 0.001) but with lower EUROSCORE operative risk (p = 0.031) and more non-elective surgeries (= 0.008). After five years, the mortality due to cardiovascular causes was 134 (5.6%) in the previous PCI group versus 13 (5.5%) in the primary CABG group; (p = 0.946); the rate of rehospitalization for cardiovascular causes was 359 (15.0%) in the group with previous PCI vs 47 (19.8%) in the primary CABG group; (p = 0.048) and the combined death / rehospitalization event due to cardiovascular causes was 399 (16.7%) in the group with previous PCI vs 51 (21.5%) in the primary CABG group; (p = 0.057). Then, we performed a paired cohort and in 5 years the mortality from cardiovascular causes was 17 (7.8%) in the group with previous PCI vs 13 (5.5%) in the primary CABG group; (p = 0.321); the rehospitalization rate for cardiovascular causes was 31 (14.2%) in the group with previous PCI vs 47 (19.8%) in the primary CABG group; (p = 0.113) and the combined death / rehospitalization event due to cardiovascular causes was 40 (18.4%) in the previous PCI group vs 51 (21.5%) primary CABG group; (p = 0.398). CONCLUSION: There is no statistically demonstrable difference in mortality over five years in both groups, but there was more readmission for cardiovascular causes and combined outcomes in the previous PCI group. In the matched cohort we cannot find any diferences

Valor prognóstico de provas funcionais na evolução tardia de pacientes com infarto agudo do miocárdio tratados com angioplastia coronária transluminal percutânea primária com implante de stent / Prognostic value of non-invasive functional tests during the follow-up of acute myocardial infarction treated with primary coronary stenting

Rica Dodo Delmar Büchler 25 June 2007 (has links)
Introdução: A angioplastia primária associada ao implante de stent é o tratamento de escolha no infarto agudo do miocárdio. Discute-se o valor de provas funcionais na abordagem de reestenose coronária, bem como o tempo ideal para sua realização. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a importância do teste ergométrico, da cintilografia de perfusão miocárdica e do ecocardiograma bidimensional em repouso, no diagnóstico de reestenose em pacientes tratados durante as primeiras 12 horas de evolução do infarto com supra desnivelamento do segmento ST. Métodos: No período de agosto de 2003 a janeiro de 2006 foram selecionados 64 pacientes tratados com angioplastia primária e implante de stent nas primeiras 12 horas de evolução do primeiro infarto. Os pacientes realizaram ecocardiograma bidimensional em repouso, teste ergométrico com adição de derivações precordiais direitas e cintilografia de perfusão miocárdica com captação tomográfica (SPECT) sincronizada ao ECG (GATED SPECT), seis semanas (etapa1), seis meses (etapa 2) e um ano (etapa3) após a angioplastia primária. Foi realizado reestudo angiográfico no sexto mês de evolução. Resultados: A idade média foi 56,2 ±10,2 anos; 53 pacientes eram do sexo masculino. Doença uniarterial > = 50% foi observada em 46,9% dos casos. A artéria descendente anterior foi tratada em 48,4% dos pacientes, artéria coronária direita em 34,4%, artéria circunflexa em 10,9%, tronco de coronária esquerda em 3,1%,grande ramo diagonal em 1,6% e ponte safena em 1,6%. Reestenose angiográfica ocorreu em 28.8% dos 59 casos submetidos a reestudo. A fração de ejeção do ventrículo esquerdo ao ecocardiograma foi em média: 0,55 (etapa 1), 0,55 (etapa 2) e 0,56 (etapa 3). Observou-se diferença entre a fração de ejeção dos pacientes com e sem reestenose um ano após o procedimento (p=0,003). Sensibilidade, especificidade, valor preditivo positivo, valor preditivo negativo e acurácia do teste ergométrico foram respectivamente: 53,3%, 69% , 38,1%, 80,6% e 64,9% na etapa 1 (p=0,123); 54,5%, 70,7%, 33,3%, 85,3% e 67,3% na etapa 2(p=0,159) e 38,5%, 66,7%, 27,8% ,76,5% e 59,6% na etapa 3 (p=0,747). A adição de derivações precordiais direitas não elevou os índices de sensibilidade em nenhuma das etapas. Os valores de sensibilidade, especificidade, valor preditivo positivo, valor preditivo negativo e acurácía obtidos após a cintilografia de perfusão miocárdica com MIBI, quando considerada a diferença de escores entre esforço e repouso >2, foram respectivamente 40%,78,6%, 40%, 78,6% e 68,4% na etapa1(p=0,185); 54,5%,87,8%,54,5%,87,8% e 80,8% na etapa 2 (p=0,006) e 25%,91,7%,50%,78,6% e 75% na etapa 3(p=0,156). Quando considerada a diferença de escores >4 os valores foram respectivamente: 13,3%,88,1%,28,6% ,74% e 68,4% na etapa 1(p>0,999); 36,4%,95,1%,66,7%,84,8% e 82,7% na etapa 2 (p=0,014) e 8,3%,94,4 %,33,3%,75,6% e 72,9 % na etapa 3 (p >0,999). Conclusões: O teste ergométrico não permitiu discriminar reestenose na população estudada, em nenhuma das etapas durante a evolução. A cintilografia miocárdica realizada seis meses após o infarto apresentou associação com reestenose. Os pacientes com reestenose apresentaram menores valores de fração de ejeção do ventrículo esquerdo um ano após a angioplastia primária, por avaliação ecocardiográfica. / Primary coronary angioplasty and stenting during acute myocardial infarction is the first treatment choice. Non-invasive testings have been used in the diagnosis of restenosis but its efficacy and time to be performed have to be determined. The purpose of this study was to evaluate exercise treadmill test, myocardial perfusion imaging and rest two-dimensional echocardiogram in the diagnosis of restenosis in patients treated during the first 12 hours of STelevation myocardial infarction.Methods: From August 2003 to January 2006, 64 patients were selected after primary coronary angioplasty and stenting. Rest two- dimensional echocardiogram, exercise treadmill test associated to right precordial leads and myocardial perfusion imaging according to GATED-SPECT were performed 6 weeks (step 1), 6 months (step 2) and one year (step 3) after the procedure.Coronary angiography was performed during the sixth month of follow-up.Results : Mean age was 56.2 ± 10.2 years; 53 patients were male. Single vessel disease > = 50% was observed in 46.9% of patients. The left anterior descending coronary artery was treated in 48.4%, the right coronary artery in 34.4%, the left circumflex in 10.9%, the left main coronary artery in 3.1%, a large diagonal branch in 1.6% and saphenous vein graft in 1.6% of the cases. Angiographic restenosis occurred in 28.8% from 59 patients submitted to coronary angiography. Mean left ventricular ejection fraction observed during rest two-dimensional echocardiogram was: 0.55 (step 1), 0.55 (step 2) and 0.56 (step 3). It was observed in patients with and without restenosis a significant difference in the left ventricular ejection fraction one year after the procedure (p= 0.003). Exercise treadmill test sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive values and accuracy were respectively: 53.3%, 69%, 38.1%, 80.6% and 64.9% in step 1(p=0.123); 54.5%, 70.7%, 33.3%, 85.3% and 67.3% in step 2 (p=0.159) and 38.5%, 66.7%, 27.8%, 76.5% and 59.6% in step 3 (p=0.747). Right precordial leads did not show any additional significance. Sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive values and accuracy during myocardial perfusion imaging when considering summed difference score > 2 were respectively: 40%, 78.6%, 40%, 78.6% and 68.4% in step 1(p=0.185); 54.5%, 87.8%, 54.5%,87.8% and 80.8% in step 2(p=0.006) and 25%, 91.7%, 50%, 78.6% and 75% in step 3(p=0.156). When considering summed difference score > 4 they were respectively: 13.3%, 88.1%, 28.6%, 74% and 68.4% in step 1(p> 0.999); 36.4%, 95.1%,66.7%, 84.8% and 82.7% in step 2 (p=0.014) and 8.3%, 94.4%, 33.3%, 75.6% and 72.9% in step 3(p> 0.999). Conclusions: Exercise treadmill test did not allow to discriminate restenosis in this population in all steps.Myocardial perfusion imaging performed 6 months after acute myocardial infarction was associated to restenosis. Patients with restenosis showed lower left ventricular ejection fraction one year after acute myocardial infarction by rest two-dimensional echocardiogram.

Interventioner för patientinformation för att minska ångest hos patienter som ska genomgå kranskärlsröntgen eller perkutan koronar intervention / Interventions for patient information to reduce anxiety in patients undergoing coronary angiography or perkutaneous coronary intervention

Woldamanuel, Yohannes January 2020 (has links)
Bakgrund: Kranskärlsröntgen eller perkutan koronar intervention är en av de mest avancerade diagnostiska och interventionella verktyg som har förbättrat livet för miljontals patienter med hjärt- och kärlsjukdom. Ingreppet är dock kopplat till en viss mängd komplikationer eller oönskade biverkningar. Trots att det är låg risk för dödlighet finns det betydande problematik kring psykologiska besvär både inför, under och efter ingreppen. Icke-farmalogiska interventioner som kan minska psykiskt lidande för patienter som genomgår Kranskärlsröntgen eller PCI är en viktig del i sjuksköterskans arbete.  Syfte: Syftet var att beskriva interventioner för patientinformation med syfte att minska ångest hos patienter som ska genomgå kranskärlsröntgen eller perkutan koronar intervention. Metod: En litteraturstudie, där artikelsökningar utfördes i databaserna PubMed, CINAHL, samt genom manuella sökningar från Google Scholar. Femton empiriska originalartiklar inkluderades. Dessa granskades och analyseras genom en integrerad analys. Resultat: Videobaserade informationsinterventioner visade sig vara effektiva för att minska ångestnivån i samband med kranskärlsröntgen eller perkutan koronar intervention i sex av studierna. Det fanns sju studier som använde multimodal utbildningsintervention och de minskade patientens ångestnivå före proceduren kranskärlsröntgen eller perkutan koronar intervention. Även erfarenhetsutbyte interventioner har visat statistisk signifikant skillnad på att minska ångest hos patienterna före proceduren. Slutsats: Litteraturöversikten visade att videobaserad och multimodal information och per-leed undervisning användes som interventioner för patientinformation med syfte att minska ångest hos patienter som genomgick kranskärlsröntgen och PCI. Vidare ger litteraturöversikten stöd för att användningen av interventioner för patientinformation i form av videobaserad information, stödd av broschyrer och muntlig diskussion med sjuksköterskeledda inlärningstillfällen har en betydande minskning av ångestnivån innan kranskärlsröntgen eller PCI procedurer. / Background: Coronary angiography or percutaneous coronary intervention is one of the most advanced diagnostic and interventional tools that has improved the lives of millions of cardiovascular patients. However, the procedure is linked to a certain amount of complications or unwanted side effects. Even though there is a low risk of mortality due to the procedure, there are significant problems regarding psychological distress both before, during and after the intervention. Non-pharmacological interventions that can reduce this psychological distress for patients undergoing angiography or percutaneous coronary intervention are an important part of the nurse's duty.  Aim: The aim was to describe interventions for patient information with the aim of reducing anxiety in patients undergoing coronary angiography or percutaneous coronary intervention.  Method: Three databases were chosen based on research by relevant scientific evidence identified during the pilot search test. PUBMED, CINAHL and Google Scholar are the databases used in the literature search. The selection resulted in a total of 15 articles on which this literature review is based.  Result: Video-based information interventions were found to be effective in reducing anxiety levels associated with coronary angiography or percutaneous coronary intervention in six of the studies. There were seven studies that used multimodal educational intervention for patients who underwent coronary angiography or percutaneous coronary intervention, which have shown a reduction in the anxiety level of patients prior to the procedure. Also, experience exchangeinterventions have shown statistically significant difference in reducing anxiety in patients prior to the procedure.  Conclusion: This literature review showed that video-based and multimodal information and per-leed instruction were used as interventions for patient information with the aim of reducing anxiety in patients who underwent coronary angiography and PCI. Furthermore, the literature review supports that the use of interventions for patient information in the form of video-based, supported by brochures and discussion with nurse-led learning opportunities has a significant reduction in anxiety levels before coronary angiography or PCI procedures.

Randomisierter Vergleich von Medikamenten freisetzenden Stents mit minimal-invasiver Bypasschirurgie für isolierte proximale LAD-Stenosen – Ein 7-Jahres-Follow-Up

Rossbach, Cornelius 24 September 2015 (has links)
OBJECTIVES The aim of this analysis was to assess the 7-year long-term safety and effectiveness of a randomized comparison of percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) with sirolimus-eluting stents (SES) versus minimally invasive direct coronary artery bypass (MIDCAB) surgery for the treatment of isolated proximal left anterior descending lesions. BACKGROUND Long-term follow-up data comparing PCI by SES and MIDCAB surgery for isolated proximal left anterior descending lesions are sparse. METHODS Patients were randomized either to PCI with SES (n ¼ 65) or MIDCAB (n ¼ 65). Follow-up data were obtained after 7 years with respect to the primary composite endpoint of death, myocardial infarction, and target vessel revas- cularization. Angina was assessed by the Canadian Cardiovascular Society classification and quality of life with Short Form 36 and MacNew quality of life questionnaires. RESULTS Follow-up was conducted in 129 patients at a median time of 7.3 years (interquartile range: 5.7, 8.3). There were no significant differences in the incidence of the primary composite endpoint between groups (22% PCI vs. 12% MIDCAB; p ¼ 0.17) or the endpoints death (14% vs. 17%; p ¼ 0.81) and myocardial infarction (6% vs. 9%, p ¼ 0.74). However, the target vessel revascularization rate was higher in the PCI group (20% vs. 1.5%; p < 0.001). Clinical symptoms and quality of life improved significantly from baseline with both interventions and were similar in magnitude between groups. CONCLUSIONS At 7-year follow-up, PCI by SES and MIDCAB in isolated proximal left anterior descending lesions yielded similar long-term outcomes regarding the primary composite clinical endpoint and quality of life. Target vessel revascularization was more frequent in the PCI group. (Randomied Comparison of Minimally Invasive Direct Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting and Percutaneous Coronary Intervention With Drug-Eluting Stents in Patients With Proximal Stenosis of the Left Anterior Descending Coronary Artery; NCT00299429) (J Am Coll Cardiol Intv 2014;-:-–-) © 2014 by the American College of Cardiology Foundation.

Review of Acute Coronary Syndrome Diagnosis and Management

Kalra, Sumit, Duggal, Sonia, Valdez, Gerson, Smalligan, Roger D. 01 April 2008 (has links)
Acute coronary syndrome (ACS) refers to a group of clinical conditions caused by myocardial ischemia including unstable angina, non-ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (NSTEMI), and ST-segmcnt elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI). Appropriate and accurate diagnosis has life-saving implications and requires a quick but thorough evaluation of the patient's history, physical examination, electrocardiogram, radiographic studies, and cardiac biomarkers. The management of patients with suspected or confirmed ACS continues to evolve as new evidence from clinical trials is considered and as new technology becomes available to both primary care physicians and cardiologists. Low- and intermediate-risk patients have frequently been managed in a chest pain center or in the emergency department. While stress testing with or without radionuclide imaging is the most common evaluation method, a CT angiogram is sometimes substituted High-risk patients are often managed with an early invasive strategy involving left heart catheterization with a goal of prompt revascularization of at-risk, viable myocardium. With the increased availability of cardiac catheterization facilities, patients with STEMI are more commonly being managed with primary percutaneous coronary intervention, although thrombolysis is still used where such facilities are not immediately available. This article provides primary care physicians with a concise review of the pathophysiology, clinical evaluation, and management of ACS based on the best available evidence in 2008.

An interaction between statins and clopidogrel : a pharmacoepidemiology cohort study with survival time analysis

Blagojevic, Ana. January 2007 (has links)
No description available.

Current Use and Trends in Unprotected Left Main Coronary Artery Percutaneous Intervention

Nagarajarao, Harsha S., Ojha, Chandra P., Mulukutla, Venkatachalam, Ibrahim, Ahmed, Mares, Adriana C., Paul, Timir K. 01 April 2020 (has links)
Purpose of Review: To review the clinical evidence on the use of percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) revascularization options in left main (LM) disease in comparison with coronary artery bypass graft (CABG). Coronary artery disease (CAD) involving the LM is associated with high morbidity and mortality. Though CABG remains the gold standard for complex CAD involving the LM artery, recent trials have shown a trend towards non-inferiority of the LM PCI when compared with CABG in certain subset of patients. Recent Findings: Two recent major randomized trials compared the outcomes of PCI versus CABG in the LM and multi-vessel disease with LM involvement. The NOBLE trial included patients with all range of Synergy Between Percutaneous Coronary Intervention With TAXUS and Cardiac Surgery (SYNTAX) scores and utilized biolimus drug-eluting stent (DES). The trial concluded that MACCE (major adverse cardiac and cerebrovascular event) was significantly higher with PCI (28%) when compared with CABG (18%) but overall stroke and motility were not different. EXCEL trial evaluated the same treatment option in low to intermediate SYNTAX score population with third-generation everolimus DES platform as PCI option. Results showed no significant differences in the composite primary endpoints of death, stroke, and myocardial infarction (MI) at the end of 30 days (22% versus 19.2%, p = 0.13), although repeat revascularization was higher in PCI group (16.9% versus 10%). Summary: Recent evidence suggests that PCI is an acceptable alternative to treat symptomatic LM stenosis in select group of patients. In low to medium SYNTAX score, particularly in patients without diabetes mellitus, PCI remains a viable option. Future trials focusing on evaluating subset of patients who would benefit from one particular revascularization option in comparison with other is warranted.

Treatment Effect of Percutaneous Coronary Intervention in Dialysis Patients With ST-Elevation Myocardial Infarction

Kawsara, Akram, Sulaiman, Samian, Mohamed, Mohamed, Paul, Timir K., Kashani, Kianoush B., Boobes, Khaled, Rihal, Charanjit S., Gulati, Rajiv, Mamas, Mamas A., Alkhouli, Mohamad 15 October 2021 (has links)
RATIONALE & OBJECTIVE: Patients receiving maintenance dialysis have higher mortality after primary percutaneous coronary intervention (pPCI) than patients not receiving dialysis. Whether pPCI confers a benefit to patients receiving dialysis that is similar to that which occurs in lower-risk groups remains unknown. We compared the effect of pPCI on in-hospital outcomes among patients hospitalized for ST-elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) and receiving maintenance dialysis with the effect among patients hospitalized for STEMI but not receiving dialysis. STUDY DESIGN: Retrospective cohort study. SETTING & PARTICIPANTS: We used the National Inpatient Sample (2016-2018) and included all adult hospitalizations with a primary diagnosis of STEMI. PREDICTORS: Primary exposure was PCI. Confounders included dialysis status, demographics, insurance, household income, comorbidities, and the elective nature of the admission. OUTCOME: In-hospital mortality, stroke, acute kidney injury, new dialysis requirement, vascular complications, gastrointestinal bleeding, blood transfusion, mechanical ventilation, palliative care, and discharge destination. ANALYTICAL APPROACH: The average treatment effect (ATE) of pPCI was estimated using propensity score matching independently within the group receiving dialysis and the group not receiving dialysis to explore whether the effect is modified by dialysis status. Additionally, the average marginal effect (AME) was calculated accounting for the clustering within hospitals. RESULTS: Among hospitalizations, 4,220 (1.07%) out of 413,500 were for patients receiving dialysis. The dialysis cohort was older (65.2 ± 12.2 vs 63.4 ± 13.1, P < 0.001), had a higher proportion of women (42.4% vs 30.6%, P < 0.001) and more comorbidities, and had a lower proportion of White patients (41.1% vs 71.7%, P < 0.001). Patients receiving dialysis were less likely to undergo angiography (73.1% vs 85.4%, P < 0.001) or pPCI (57.5% vs 79.8%, P < 0.001). Primary PCI was associated with lower mortality in patients receiving dialysis (15.7% vs 27.1%, P < 0.001) as well as in those who were not (5.0% vs 17.4%, P < 0.001). The ATE on mortality did not differ significantly (P interaction = 0.9) between patients receiving dialysis (-8.6% [95% CI, -15.6% to -1.6%], P = 0.02) and those who were not (-8.2% [95% CI, -8.8% to -7.5%], P < 0.001). The AME method showed similar results among patients receiving dialysis (-9.4% [95% CI, -14.8% to -4.0%], P < 0.001) and those who were not (-7.9% [95% CI, -8.5% to -7.4%], P < 0.001) (P interaction = 0.6). Both the ATE and AME were comparable for other in-hospital outcomes in both groups. LIMITATIONS: Administrative data, lack of pharmacotherapy and long-term outcome data, and residual confounding. CONCLUSIONS: Compared with conservative management, pPCI for STEMI was associated with comparable reductions in short-term mortality among patients irrespective of their receipt of maintenance dialysis.

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