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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Retratos das periferias urbanas nos raps dos Racionais MC's / A portrait of brazilian urban peripheries in the raps of the musical group Racionais MC's

Meichelle Souza Candido 30 March 2009 (has links)
Este trabalho tem por objetivo verificar, a partir do recorte de um dado discurso musical (rap), como os jovens das periferias urbanas brasileiras têm representado discursivamente o social. Sob esse aspecto, a representação dos atores sociais no discurso é o principal foco analítico, tendo como perspectivas teóricas de estudo a Análise Crítica do Discurso (doravante ACD), e a lingüística funcional sistêmica (doravante LFS) no que diz respeito a questões de linguagem. O trabalho apresenta uma introdução na qual são apontadas características de grupos musicais diretamente afetados por conflitos sociais, destacando-se como corpus de trabalho o discurso musical dos Racionais MCs e seguindo-se de uma contextualização histórica do grupo e do movimento hip- hop. Em seguida, apresentam-se, no capítulo teórico, as matérias ligadas diretamente ao objeto de estudo (discurso, ideologia e tipos de significado), ao mesmo tempo em que é feita uma apresentação da linha teórica utilizada e da orientação assumida pelos autores de referência para o trabalho (Fairclough e Halliday). Logo depois, no capítulo metodológico, são descritas as etapas de construção da pesquisa, observando-se os seguintes aspectos: 1) apresentação dos critérios de constituição do corpus, destacando o interesse pelo estilo rap, através de suas principais características, até delimitar as músicas do grupo Racionais MCs para análise; 2) descrição do corpus, a partir de uma característica particular (gangstar rap), com posterior explicação da metodologia criada aqui para sua análise; 3) explicação da categoria analítica utilizada (a representação dos atores sociais), através de exemplos dados pelo seu autor (van Leeuwen, 1996) e outros encontrados no próprio corpus. A análise volta-se, inicialmente, para a observação do significado representacional enfocando as estratégias de representação dos atores sociais utilizadas pelo discurso rap; e, num segundo momento, revela uma prática de polarização, a partir da qual se traça a identidade discursiva do grupo Racionais MCs e sua alteridade (significado identificacional). Com os resultados obtidos, foi possível refletir sobre uma forma de representar o mundo, realizada atualmente por alguns jovens oriundos de comunidades periféricas. Dessa forma, foi possível perceber como os sentidos produzidos por eles podem revelar aspectos significativos de uma nova ordem social brasileira / This dissertation aims at exploring how the youth of Brazilian urban peripheries have been representing their social reality in discourse, on the basis of a study of a given musical genre (rap). To achieve this aim, the main analytical focus of this research is on the discursive representation of social actors, from the perspective of Critical Discourse Analysis (henceforth CDA), and that of systemic functional linguistics (henceforth SFL). The introduction of this dissertation deals with the most prominent features of musical groups directly affected by social conflicts, and singles out for corpus of this research the musical discourse of Racionais MC's, a group from São Paulo. The introduction also presents a historical contextualization of the emergence of the group and that of the hip-hop movement. In the theoretical chapter, conceptual categories directly related to the object of study of this research (discourse, ideology and types of meaning) are presented, as well as the theoretical principles in Faircloughs (CDA) and Hallidays (SFL) frameworks. The chapter which introduces the methodology describes the different stages in the construction of the research: 1) it first introduces the criteria in the constitution and delimitation of the corpus; 2) next, it describes the corpus and how it was narrowed down to one particular kind of artistic phenomenon within hip-hop ( gangstar rap ); 3) finally, it introduces an explanation of the analytical category adopted in the research (the representation of social actors in discourse), with examples given by its author (van Leeuwen, 1996) and others found in the corpus itself. The analysis focusses on the strategies used by producers of rap to represent social actors in discourse (representational meaning); in doing this, it reveals a practice of polarization in discourse, on the basis of which the discursive identity of the group Racionais MC's is constructed, as well as its alterity (identificational meanings). The analyses confirm previous research by Herchmann (2005), who argues that the discursive construction of social reality that is carried out at present by some young people in urban peripheries emphasizes fragmentation and conflict. Results of the analyses also suggest that the social meanings produced by Racionais MCs reveal significant aspects of a new Brazilian social order

Periferias urbanas da metrópole de São Paulo: territórios da base da indústria da reciclagem no urbano periférico / Urban peripheries in the city of São Paulo: territories of the base of the recycling industry in the urban peripheral

Rosalina Burgos 06 February 2009 (has links)
Esta Tese tem como questão central o processo de transformações recentes das periferias urbanas da metrópole de São Paulo, no contexto do mundo do trabalho (políticas neo-liberais pós anos 70). Com base neste questionamento, realizou-se uma pesquisa sobre a estruturação da indústria da reciclagem, enquanto objeto plenamente implicado pela questão inicialmente posta. A pesquisa foi desenvolvida a partir de três premissas. A primeira diz respeito ao processo de formação da periferia urbana, bem como de suas transformações recentes, tendo como fundamento as determinações do mundo do trabalho. A segunda premissa se refere às formas de inserção dos trabalhadores pobres urbanos no processo de industrialização-urbanização. Parte-se do pressuposto de que o urbano sempre ocupou contigentes de trabalhadores pobres não inseridos em atividades formais. Trata-se, nesta pesquisa, de compreender os termos pelos quais, no contexto da urbanização crítica (Damiani), a indústria da reciclagem se ergue arregimentando milhares de catadores, na condição de trabalhadores sobrantes. A terceira premissa se remete ao fortalecimento do Terceiro Setor, enquanto parte constitutiva do Estado em reforma, cujo fundamento se encontra no contexto das políticas neo-liberais, pós anos 70. Com base nestes fundamentos, a pesquisa foi realizada de acordo com os Níveis e Dimensões do urbano (Henri Lefebvre, 1999) correspondentes aos níveis do real. Por sua vez, privilegiou-se o Nível Misto, propriamente urbano. Enfatiza-se a (re)inserção produtiva de trabalhadores sobrantes nas atividades inscritas no urbano periférico, noção desenvolvida no escopo da Tese. Neste contexto, as periferias urbanas constituem territórios da base desta indústria, inclusive como frentes de formação de capital. Caracterizam-se, neste sentido, como territórios de expropriação, ou ainda, como território de escassez da riqueza produzida. / The central question of this thesis is the transformation process of the recent urban peripheries in the city of São Paulo, concerning to the world of work (neoliberal policies after 70s). Based on this question, was held a search on the structuring of the recycling industry, while object fully involved in the issue originally called. The research was conducted from three premises. The first concerns the formation of the urban periphery, as well as its recent changes, with the plea determinations of the world of work. The second premise refers to integration forms of poor urban workers in the process of industrialization-urbanization. It is assumed that the city always held contingent of working poor not entered into formal activities. It is, in this research, to understand the terms by which, in the context of urbanization critical (Damiani), the recycling industry is built recruit thousands of cart-pullers on the condition of spare-workers. The third premise is referring to the strengthening of the Third Sector as a constituent part of the reforming State, whose foundation is in the context of neo-liberal policies, post 70s. Based on these reasons, the search was carried out according to the Levels and Dimensions of Urban (Henri Lefebvre, 1999) corresponding to the levels of reality. In turn, the emphasis is the Mixed Level, as a proper urban. We emphasize the productive (re) integration of spare-workers in the activities shown in the peripheral urban, developed concept within the scope of the thesis. In this context, the outskirts of urban areas are underpinned this industry, including as fronts for capital formation. They are characterized, in this sense, as areas of expropriation or, as territory of the shortage of wealth.

Território, cidadania cultural e o direito à cidade: a experiência do Programa VAI / Territory, cultural citizenship and the right to the city: the experience of the VAI Program

Ana Paula do Val 10 November 2014 (has links)
A presente pesquisa trata de examinar uma política pública concebida no âmbito legislativo, na Câmara Municipal dos Vereadores do Município de São Paulo, entre 2001 e 2002, com expressiva participação juvenil e da sociedade civil. Originou a Lei 13.540/2003 e o Decreto 43.823/2003, que instituíram uma política pública por meio de um programa cultural batizado de Programa VAI, implantado a partir dos anos de 2004 na Secretaria Municipal de Cultura, na Gestão de Marta Suplicy. Em seus mais de dez anos de implantação, Programa VAI passou por tranformações importantes em seus métodos e execuções, em decorrência de seus gestores, metodologias compartilhadas entre eles e a comissão de seleção no decorrer da execução dos projetos. Dados estes que demonstram positivamente, um processo de implantação da política pública com efetiva participação dos contemplados e não contemplados no edital. O programa trouxe também outros aspectos externos ao curso de sua implantação, que são cruciais para compreender um arranjo possível da democracia cultural pelo viés do território, onde muitas populações das periferias paulistanas e cidades de fronteira das mesmas estão vivenciando processos da tão almejada cidadania cultural. A participação política dos jovens e também as ações intergeracionais são responsáveis pelas mobilizações e reivindicações relacionadas aos direitos culturais via pressões e diálogos com o Estado. Por fim, territórios complexos e reveladores se observados por meio do seu cotidiano, suas práticas culturais coletivas, em suas potências de deslocar a cartografia cultural da cidade, invertendo fluxos de poderes pelas ações afirmativas, artísticas, culturais e identitárias para garantirem o direito à cidade / This research examines a public policy conceived within the legislative body, at the Sao Paulo City Council, between 2001 and 2002, with significant participation of civil society, especially youth. This public policy originated the Law 13.540/2003 and the decree 43.823/2003, which instituted a cultural program named VAI, implemented in 2004 by the City Cultural Department during the mandate of Marta Suplicy. Over its ten years of implementation, the VAI program has undergone important transformations in its methods and executions, due to its different managers, and the methodologies theyve shared with the selection committee throughout the execution of selected projects. These transformations provide important information on management and monitoring of the program, revealing a qualitative and evolving process of this public policy. During the course of its implementation the program also brought up other external aspects that are crucial for understanding a possible arrangement of cultural democracy by the bias of the territory, where many populations from the peripheries of Sao Paulo\'s and its bordering cities are experiencing processes of this so desired cultural citizenship. The political participation of young people and also intergenerational actions are responsible for the mobilization and claims related to cultural rights via pressure and dialogues with the State. Finally, when observed from within their daily lives and own collective cultural practices, those are complex and revealing territories with power to displace the cultural cartography of the city, reversing power flows through affirmative artistic, cultural and identity actions to ensure the right to the city

Modernização periférica e crise do trabalho: considerações sobre a reprodução social a partir da periferia metropolitana de São Paulo / Modernization and peripheral crisis work: considerations for social reproduction from the periphery of metropolitan São Paulo

Fernando Firmino Messias 05 March 2013 (has links)
O crescimento econômico brasileiro nas décadas de 60 e 70, sobretudo, levantava questões importantes referentes aos mecanismos nos quais se estabelecia a exploração da força do trabalho frente à modernização nacional e, por conseguinte, à consolidação de um padrão de acumulação urbano-industrial. Nessa direção, verificava-se a superexploração do trabalho como fundamental ao contexto do Milagre Econômico, assentado em relações de trabalho cuja especificidade estava no pagamento de um salário ao trabalhador que não correspondia às necessidades integrais para a sua reprodução. No interior deste debate, alcançavam-se os problemas da reprodução da força de trabalho que levava a cabo o processo econômico, dos quais se desdobram, nas grandes metrópoles brasileiras, principalmente, os termos da espoliação urbana. Diante deste quadro, a urbanização no Brasil, sobretudo a partir da dimensão que assumia o crescimento das periferias urbanas , foi compreendida como um momento deste processo, pois denotava uma modernização que, no limite, não apenas reproduzia os salários insuficientes dos trabalhadores e a carência por bens de consumo coletivos no âmbito de um diminuto salário indireto -, mas também os tinha como fundamento. Esta dissertação procura recuperar algumas questões deste debate acerca das periferias da superexploração do trabalho e tecer algumas considerações de modo a auxiliar na reflexão sobre a reprodução social contemporânea a partir da periferia de São Paulo. Para tanto, constitui nosso foco traçar uma interpretação a respeito da modernização brasileira, buscando seu fundamento na negatividade do trabalho. Nesta medida, não nos reservamos a negar a espoliação urbana como intrínseca à modernização nacional, mas sim a uma tentativa de deslocar os termos a que se refere, inserindo a sua razão de ser não em padrões distributivistas, mas como uma das formas de manifestação da crise do trabalho. O esforço, nesta direção, se fez com o resgate de alguns pontos do método e da teoria presente em obras de Lukács e Marx, além de alguns de seus interlocutores, o que nos permite reconhecer a pertinência da abstração valor como mediação não superada da sociedade capitalista. Pretende-se, assim, corroborar para uma análise que se permita trazer à discussão uma Comunidade da periferia de São Paulo a partir dos nexos sociais e dos processos fundamentais aos quais reporta. A Vila Nova Esperança, comunidade que trazemos à investigação nesta dissertação, situada na divisa entre os municípios de São Paulo e Taboão da Serra, se compõe de inúmeros processos que revelam, a partir de nossa interpretação, momentos capazes de descortinar o 10 sentido da reprodução social capitalista em sua universalidade, no âmago da modernização periférica. / The Brazilian economic growth in the 60s and 70s, especially, raised important questions regarding the mechanism which was established in the exploitation of the labor force opposite the national modernization and therefore the consolidation of a pattern of urban-industrial accumulation. In this direction, it turned the overexploitation of labor as the fundamental context of the Economic Miracle, seated in labor relations whose specificity was in payment of a salary to workers who did not meet the full requirements for their reproduction. Within this debate, reached up the problems of reproduction of the labor force that was pursuing the economic process, of which unfold in big Brazilian cities, especially the terms of urban dispossession. Given this framework, the peripheral urbanization in Brazil was a moment of this process understood as denoting a modernization that, in the end, not only reproduced the inadequate wages of workers and the lack of collective consumption goods - within a miniature indirect salary - but also was based. This dissertation seeks to recover some issues of this debate about the peripheries of the overexploitation of labor and some considerations to assist in reflecting on contemporary social reproduction from the outskirts of São Paulo. Therefore, our focus is to draw an interpretation regarding the Brazilian modernization, seeking its foundation in the work of negativity. To this extent, we reserve not to deny the urban dispossession as intrinsic to national modernization, but rather an attempt to shift the terms referred to by entering your reason for not being in distributive patterns, but as one of the manifestations of labor crisis. The effort in this direction was made with the rescue of some points of method and theory in the present works of Marx and Lukács, and some of its partners, which allows us to recognize the relevance of abstraction mediation unsurpassed value to society capitalist. The aim is thus to corroborate an analysis which allows to bring a community discussion on the outskirts of São Paulo from the social nexus of the fundamental processes and to whom reports. The Vila Nova Esperança, the research community to bring this dissertation, located on the border between the cities of São Paulo and Taboão da Serra, is composed of numerous processes that reveal, from our interpretation, moments can unveiling the meaning of social reproduction capitalist in its universality, in the essence of modernization peripheral.

DN:s nya Norrland : En digital textanalys av representationen av Norrland efter Dagens Nyheters satsningar i norra Sverige / DN:s new Norrland : A digital text analysis of the Swedish national newspaper Dagens Nyheters new editorial offices in northern Sweden.

Forsman, Filip, Hellgren, Anton January 2023 (has links)
DN:s new Norrland – A digital text analysis of the Swedish national newspaper Dagens Nyheters new editorial offices in northern Sweden.     The aim of this study is to compare the coverage of Norrland in the Swedish newspaper Dagens Nyheter before and after the fourth of April 2022. That date marks the opening of two new editorial offices in Umeå and Luleå as part of new investments in the area. The material gathered for the analysis consists of articles from one year before the editorial offices opened, as well as one year after. The method utilized in this essay was a quantitative digital text analysis, as it was the method that allowed us to capture a whole year worth of news coverage. Using computers in quantitative analysis is of big help, and something that allowed the study to incorporate 1579 articles into two separate networks for our study.    The theoretical framework of this study consists of Representation (defined by Stuart Hall), concepts of media shadow (by Nygren, Althén and Nord) as well as Madeleine Erikssons thoughts about reproducing Norrland in the media. Other theories such as news values, centers and peripheries and agenda setting are also used to strengthen the analysis.    With the help of the network analysis tool Gephi, two different networks of correlations were identified and analyzed. The results show that despite the opening of the new editorial offices,  DN still portrays a picture of Norrland as “the other”. New industries and investments are covered, with lots of articles regarding the need for workers in Norrland. In the networks from Gephi, we can see a shift from focus on Sweden to Stockholm as the main local areas that feature in the articles. However, regions, and most specifically, cities, are still in the periphery of the news discourse in DN.

Les ateliers locaux de sarcophages sculptés en Méditerranée occidentale : les cas d'Arles, Carthage et Tarragone (IIe-Ve) / Local Workshops of sarcophagi of three Western Towns of the Roman Empire : Arles, Carthage, Tarragona (IIe-Ve)

Berraho, Sarah 13 December 2019 (has links)
Cette thèse a pour but d’examiner la production de sarcophage à décor sculpté, à travers l’étude comparative de trois grands pôles occidentaux de l’Empire romain, puissances économiques et productives, et symboles d’un lien privilégié avec Rome. Si ce procédé funéraire a toujours été utilisé dans ces régions, la généralisation de l’inhumation vers le milieu du IIe siècle implique la mobilisation d’importantes forces productives et techniques afin de répondre à la demande nouvelle sans cesse croissante. Ce serait trois grands centres situés à Rome, en Grèce et en Asie Mineure, qui assureraient les fonctions essentielles : décision des décors et des motifs, prise en charge de la majorité de la production et de son exportation, signification et portée de ce procédé funéraire. Notre étude ville par ville a pour ambition de montrer que le développement de la production des sarcophages à décor sculpté ne peut s’expliquer dans un tel schéma traditionnel où les provinces se laisseraient passivement imposer toutes les décisions de sièges plus importants. Au-delà de l’indispensable analyse technique, stylistique et iconographique du corpus, c’est la prise en compte pratique d’un contexte local d’ateliers décentralisés qui doit permettre de saisir la réalité de production et son évolution : comment cet objet s’intègre dans une production déjà existante qu’il investit en retour. Cela nous conduira à ne plus l’envisager sous le seul rapport de la copie à son original, passant ainsi d’un modèle de rayonnement unilatéral du centre vers la périphérie, à une structure d’échange dynamique entre influences centrales et ateliers locaux. / This dissertation explores the production of sarcophagi with sculpted decorations, through the comparative study of three Western towns of the Roman Empire that are economic and production centers as well as closely connected to Rome.Although in these regions, such funeral process was always in use, the generalisation of burials in the middle of the 2nd century required the mobilization of production and technical forces in order to meet the increasing new demand.We argue that three main centers located in Rome, Greece and Asia Minor were responsible for the development of this funeral technique: they decided on the decorations and designs, were in charge of the majority of the production and exportations, and gave this process its characteristics and meaning. Considering each city consecutively, we aim to show that the development of sarcophagi production goes beyond a traditional context where provinces would passively let more important cities be in charge of all the decisions. In addition to the technical, stylistic and iconographic analysis of the corpus, if we want to grasp the specificity of this funeral technique, we also need to replace its production and evolution in a local context of decentralized workshops. How do sarcophagi with sculpted decorations fit in an already existing production, and how do they transform such production? This will lead us to consider this technique from another point of view than the mere copy of an original model, thus moving from the unilateral model of a central influence on the peripheries to a structure of dynamic exchanges between main cities and local workshops.

Diasporic identification and gender construction in the Caribbean nightlife of Paris / Identification diasporique et construction de genre dans la vie nocturne antillaise de Paris

Rossignoli, Sabina 05 July 2013 (has links)
Cette thèse explore les formes d’identification adoptées par des antillais fréquentant les lieux de divertissements caribéens en région parisienne. Cela, dans une perspective d’études des questions de genre et diasporiques. Mon hypothèse est que la vie nocturne est un espace culturel encourageant les liens transnationaux et diasporiques. Ma méthodologie a été de fréquenter ces lieux selon les méthodes de l’observation participante et de l’entretien en région parisienne ainsi qu’en Martinique. D’abord, j’ai investigué la géographie humaine des lieux de divertissements antillais en banlieue parisienne en enquêtant sur les lieux d’habitation ainsi que sur l’origine sociale de mes informateurs. Par la suite, j’ai lié les pratiques de la vie nocturne aux phénomènes migratoires des antillais de France. Le fort caractère transnational de ces lieux de divertissement témoigne de constructions diasporiques qui n’ont pas été évoquées auparavant. Néanmoins, ma thèse souligne que ces constructions étaient problématiques pour mes informatrices qui devaient négocier leur sorties avec plusieurs contraintes. La deuxième partie de la thèse se concentre sur le caractère transnational et diasporique du zouk, un genre musical de la Caraïbe française. Je conclue en étudiant les inégalités de genre dans les discothèques et les stratégies que les femmes emploient pour participer aux soirées dancehall. / This thesis explores the forms of identification adopted by French Caribbean clubbers in the Parisian region in relation to the issues of gender and diaspora. My hypothesis is that clubbing is a cultural space that fosters diasporic identities and transnational socialities. Methodologically the thesis is the result of fourteen months of participant observation in Paris and one in Martinique. First I have investigated the human geographies of Antillean clubs in the banlieues of Paris by analyzing in detail the residential patterns and sense of class belonging of my informants. Next I have inscribed the night-time leisure practices in the migration patterns of these informants. I argue that the transnational character of Caribbean nightlife is a testimony to relevant diasporic constructions that have not previously been explored. However my thesis underlines how these constructions were not unproblematic for female participants. The second part of the thesis focuses on the specific transnational and diasporic character of zouk, a French Caribbean music genre. I conclude having investigated issues of gender inequality in clubs and the strategies women employ in order to participate in the dancehall scene.

L’évolution économique et sociale comparée de deux régions sénégalaises dans le processus de colonisation, décolonisation et développement : le boundou et le gadiaga, 1885-1980 / The economic and social evolution compared by two Senegalese regions in the process of colonization, decolonization and development : Bundou and Gajaaga, 1885-1980

Tandjigora, Abdou Karim 30 November 2012 (has links)
L’évolution économique et sociale comparée de deux régions sénégalaise dans le processus de décolonisation : Le Boundou et le Gadiaga 1885-1980Ce travail est le diagnostic de l’évolution interne du Boundou et du Gadiaga (Sénégal oriental) dont les économies respectives n’ont suscité que peu d’intérêt pour le pouvoir colonial et les élites postcoloniales. Le processus et les mécanismes de leur marginalisation sont jusqu’ici mollement signalés pour ce qui concerne le Gadiaga et ne sont pas envisagés dans le cas du Boundou ; d’ailleurs, les travaux antérieurs sont exclusivement circonscrits dans la période de la domination coloniale, et n’établissent aucune "passerelle" entre les manifestations coloniales et postcoloniales de la marginalisation.Cette exclusion de l’économie globale du Sénégal en toute époque est la résultante de l’orientation des politiques économiques et de la faible opportunité offertes par les politiques publiques à certaines régions. Les facteurs de la marginalisation du Boundou et du Gadiaga sont pour ainsi dire d’ordre structurels (absence d’investissement digne de ce nom et de solutions économiques durables) et non conjoncturels. Sur le plan social, les conséquences économiques sont lourdement ressenties, avec la genèse de phénomènes tels l’exode rural, l’émigration massive et organisée de travail et le bouleversement des structures sociales, ce qui accentue à rebours le retard économique. Il se produit à terme une sorte de cercle vicieux de la marginalisation puisque l’accentuation du retard économique par les phénomènes sociaux, encourage les autorités publiques à différer les investissements, voire à y renoncer, en prenant parfois pour seul prétexte la régression démographique dont sont victimes toutes les "périphéries".La similarité de la situation économique entre le « temps partagé » colonial et le « temps propre » postcolonial et les comportements sociaux considérés comme leurs effets induits ne permettent-elle pas de dire que le schéma de gestion de l’État moderne du Sénégal est simplement le rejeton de la politique coloniale. / The economic and social evolution compared by two regions of Senegal in the process of decolonisation: Boundou and Gadiaga on 1885-1980This thesis is the analysis of the internal evolution of Boundou and Gadiaga (Eastern Senegal) whose economies have been little entitled to the colonial and postcolonial elites. The processes and mechanisms of marginalisation are so far softly reported regarding the Gadiaga’s area but this has not been considered in the case of Boundou, and indeed previous work exclusively restricted to the period of colonial domination and makes no “link” between the colonial and postcolonial manifestations of marginalisation.This exclusion of the overall economy of Senegal in many ways and any time is the result of the orientation of economic policies and low opportunities offered by public policies in certain areas. The factors of marginalisation of Boundou Gadiaga are basically structural order (lack of substantial investment and lack of vision and strategy on long run but weakness of sustainable economic approaches) and non-cyclical economic mechanism. Along the social aspects, the population undergoes heavily the economic consequences of the lackluster of the region, and the conditions entail the mass movement of population from rural to urban area (rural exodus) and the disruption of social structures, which increase the pressure of the economic on backwardness. It occurs on short run vicious circle of marginalisation since the accentuation of economic backwardness by social phenomena, encourages public authorities to push back investment’s programs or cancel it, by spotlighting the pretext of the declining population.The similarity of the economic condition between the “shared time” colonial and “owned time” postcolonial and the social behaviours considered induced effects does not allow the scheme management of the modern state of Senegal is simply the offshoot of colonial policy.

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