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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Två subtyper av förövare av digitalt dejtingvåld

Lindgren, Saga, Maletic Söderbom, Lovisa, Torstensson, Jens January 2019 (has links)
Den aktuella studien syftade till att applicera Johnsons typologier om två subtyper av förövare av partnervåld, intimate terrorism och situational couple violence, i en kontext av digitalt dejtingvåld bland unga universitetsstudenter. En kvantitativ metod med tvärsnittsdesign användes. Studien identifierade 185 förövare av digitalt dejtingvåld från ett urval på 512 studenter mellan 19-29 år. De 185 förövarna kategoriserades som intimate terrorism (n=46) eller situational couple violence (n=139) beroende på om respondenten endast hade utövat digitalt dejtingvåld eller om respondenten både utövat och själv blivit utsatt för digitalt dejtingvåld. Resultatet visade att kvinnor som ingick i subtypen situational couple violence utövade digitalt dejtingvåld med en signifikant högre allvarlighetsgrad än män. Flera resultat från studien visade inga signifikanta könsskillnader i en av subtyperna eller mellan de två subtyperna i grad av kontrollerande beteenden och allvarlighetsgrad. Med stöd i studiens resultat bör framtida forskning vidare utforska digitalt dejtingvåld bland unga för att få en fördjupad kunskap inom digitalt dejtingvåld och för att stärka det brottspreventiva arbetet. / This study examined Johnson's typology of two different subtypes of perpetrators of intimate partner violence, intimate terrorism and situational couple violence, on digital dating violence among young college students. A quantitative cross-sectional design was used. The study identified 185 perpetrators of digital dating violence from a sample of 512 students, ages 19 to 29 years. The 185 perpetrators were categorized as intimate terrorism (n=46) or situational couple violence (n=139) based on whether the person was only a perpetrator of digital dating violence or if the person was both a perpetrator and a victim of digital dating violence. The current study found that women included in the subtype situational couple violence committed digital dating violence with a significantly higher degree of severity than men. Results from the study showed no significant differences between genders in one of the subtypes or between perpetrator subtypes in controlling behavior or severity. In light of these findings, future research should investigate digital dating violence among young adults to gain a deeper understanding of digital dating violence in order to strengthen crime prevention.

Vivência de homens autores de violência contra a mulher em Grupo Reflexivo: memórias e significados presentes / Experience of women violence perpetrators in a Reflexive Group: memory and present meaning.

Mistura, Tales Furtado 27 April 2015 (has links)
Introdução: A violência contra a mulher tem se apresentado como relevante problema social e de saúde pública, ganhando expressão global na sociedade contemporânea que aponta para sua complexidade e desafios. No Brasil, a promulgação da Lei Maria da Penha (11.340/2006) representa conquista do movimento das mulheres e avanço na busca de tratamento da questão. Dentre os desafios à implementação da Lei a participação em Grupos Reflexivos tem se apresentado, a título de experiência, como estratégia de encaminhamento jurídico aos homens denunciados como autores de violência, que optam voluntariamente pela participação nos mesmos como indicativo de possível atenuação da pena caso, como réu, seja condenado. Objetivo: Em termos gerais, o presente trabalho se propõe a refletir sobre as contribuições relatadas pelos sujeitos da pesquisa à participação dos mesmos em um Grupo Reflexivo e os significados atribuídos pelos mesmos à essa vivência para suas relações afetivo-conjugais e desconstrução de estereótipos de gênero. Método: A pesquisa foi de natureza qualitativa, na perspectiva da historia oral do tipo temática. Foram realizadas entrevistas em profundidade, mediante roteiro temático, com sete homens denunciados pela Lei Maria da Penha, que participaram de Grupo Reflexivo realizado na cidade de São Paulo. As falas foram transcritas e interpretadas à luz da literatura sobre violência, gênero e masculinidades, buscando-se uma aproximação à denominada análise de discursos, que contempla a ideia do lugar social de onde se fala. Resultados e Discussão: Na chegada ao grupo os homens relatam sentimento de estranhamento e não pertencimento por não se identificarem como autores de violência, pela conotação social atribuída a tal expressão: a de agressores ou criminosos. Pela característica aberta e de fluxo contínuo do Grupo Reflexivo, que leva a um acolhimento de discursos diferenciados por parte de todos os membros do grupo, e não somente dos coordenadores/ facilitadores, a partir do segundo encontro nossos entrevistados passam a identificá-lo como rico espaço de interlocução e a atribuir sentido às suas participações no mesmo. Foram identificadas mudanças em relação às suas concepções acerca da violência contra a mulher, inicialmente atribuída somente a agressões físicas graves, assim como novos posicionamentos frente aos conflitos afetivo-conjugais e de gênero. Antes naturalizados, tais conflitos passaram a ser entendidos como marcadores da ocorrência de violência em potencial e risco de denúncia. Daí todos os homens investigados, independentemente de sua categoria sócio-profissional e nível de escolaridade, mencionarem como grande contribuição da participação no grupo a identificação de estratégias pessoais para se prevenirem dessa ordem de conflitos com as mesmas ou com novas companheiras. Nessas estratégias delineia-se, em seus discursos, a busca de flexibilização e (re)significação dos relacionamentos. Considerações Finais: A presente pesquisa permite evidenciar a grande contribuição que os grupos reflexivos podem propiciar à desconstrução dos estereótipos de gênero e da masculinidade hegemônica, em nossa sociedade, por possibilitar aos homens novo entendimento acerca do significado La Lei Maria da Penha e da sua importância no combate a prática da violência contra as mulheres. Para maior alcance social e jurídico de tais grupos é sugerido o aprofundamento de alguns temas identificados como cruciais e destacada a relevância de que tais grupos possuam lugar definido na aplicação da Lei e estejam oficialmente inscritos na política pública de combate à violência contra a mulher. / Introduction: Women violence, a relevant social and Public Health problem, has gained global expression in contemporary society with its complexity and challenges. In Brazil, the passing of the bill Lei Maria da Penha (11.340/2006) represents an achievement of the women movement and an advance in search for solution. Among the challenges legal of the implementation of the law reflexive groups has been attempted as a strategy of referral of men reported as violence perpetrators who volunteer to participate in search for sentence mitigation in case of conviction. Objectives: The present work aims at reflecting on the contribution reported by the study participants as members of the reflexive group and the meanings generated by the experience towards their affective marital relations along with the gender stereotype deconstruction. Method: This is a qualitative research study from a thematic oral story perspective with seven men reported as violence perpetrators under the Lei Maria da Penha participating in the Reflexive Group in the city of São Paulo. In depth thematic scripted interviews were carried out. Statements were transcribed and interpreted in the light of violence, gender and masculinities literature, in consonance with discourse analysis, that contemplates the idea of the social locus of discourse terrain. Results and Discussion: On arrival the group of men refers strangeness and mismatch for not perceiving themselves as violence perpetrators given the social connotation of the label assaulter and criminal. Given the openness and continuous flow present in the reflexive groups there is acceptance of different discourses, not restrictive to coordinators, but also of those generated by all members of the group. Thus the interviewees perceive the group as of the second meeting as a rich space of interlocution and see meaningfulness in their participation. Change was identified in their concepts of women violence at first attributed to solely to severe physical assault alongside with new attitude concerning gender and affective marital conflicts. Originally seen as natural, such conflicts are then perceived as markers of potential violence occurrence and report risk. Hence, irrespective of socio-professional category and schooling level, all studied men refer the participation in the group as significant contributor to the identification of personal strategies for prevention of such kind of conflict both with the present or new partners. Their discourse displays such strategies in the search of flexibility and re signification of relationships. Conclusion: The present study brings into focus the marked contribution of reflexive Groups towards the deconstruction of gender stereotypes and hegemonic masculinity in our society. It enables men to exercise novel understanding of the meaning of Lei Maria da Penha and its importance in the combat against women violence. This work also puts in evidence that the broadening of the social and juridical scope of Reflection Groups demands both the deepening of a few themes identified as crucial. It highlights the clear relevance of such groups for the enforcement of the law and the need for its official inclusion in the public policy of combat against women violence.

Vivência de homens autores de violência contra a mulher em Grupo Reflexivo: memórias e significados presentes / Experience of women violence perpetrators in a Reflexive Group: memory and present meaning.

Tales Furtado Mistura 27 April 2015 (has links)
Introdução: A violência contra a mulher tem se apresentado como relevante problema social e de saúde pública, ganhando expressão global na sociedade contemporânea que aponta para sua complexidade e desafios. No Brasil, a promulgação da Lei Maria da Penha (11.340/2006) representa conquista do movimento das mulheres e avanço na busca de tratamento da questão. Dentre os desafios à implementação da Lei a participação em Grupos Reflexivos tem se apresentado, a título de experiência, como estratégia de encaminhamento jurídico aos homens denunciados como autores de violência, que optam voluntariamente pela participação nos mesmos como indicativo de possível atenuação da pena caso, como réu, seja condenado. Objetivo: Em termos gerais, o presente trabalho se propõe a refletir sobre as contribuições relatadas pelos sujeitos da pesquisa à participação dos mesmos em um Grupo Reflexivo e os significados atribuídos pelos mesmos à essa vivência para suas relações afetivo-conjugais e desconstrução de estereótipos de gênero. Método: A pesquisa foi de natureza qualitativa, na perspectiva da historia oral do tipo temática. Foram realizadas entrevistas em profundidade, mediante roteiro temático, com sete homens denunciados pela Lei Maria da Penha, que participaram de Grupo Reflexivo realizado na cidade de São Paulo. As falas foram transcritas e interpretadas à luz da literatura sobre violência, gênero e masculinidades, buscando-se uma aproximação à denominada análise de discursos, que contempla a ideia do lugar social de onde se fala. Resultados e Discussão: Na chegada ao grupo os homens relatam sentimento de estranhamento e não pertencimento por não se identificarem como autores de violência, pela conotação social atribuída a tal expressão: a de agressores ou criminosos. Pela característica aberta e de fluxo contínuo do Grupo Reflexivo, que leva a um acolhimento de discursos diferenciados por parte de todos os membros do grupo, e não somente dos coordenadores/ facilitadores, a partir do segundo encontro nossos entrevistados passam a identificá-lo como rico espaço de interlocução e a atribuir sentido às suas participações no mesmo. Foram identificadas mudanças em relação às suas concepções acerca da violência contra a mulher, inicialmente atribuída somente a agressões físicas graves, assim como novos posicionamentos frente aos conflitos afetivo-conjugais e de gênero. Antes naturalizados, tais conflitos passaram a ser entendidos como marcadores da ocorrência de violência em potencial e risco de denúncia. Daí todos os homens investigados, independentemente de sua categoria sócio-profissional e nível de escolaridade, mencionarem como grande contribuição da participação no grupo a identificação de estratégias pessoais para se prevenirem dessa ordem de conflitos com as mesmas ou com novas companheiras. Nessas estratégias delineia-se, em seus discursos, a busca de flexibilização e (re)significação dos relacionamentos. Considerações Finais: A presente pesquisa permite evidenciar a grande contribuição que os grupos reflexivos podem propiciar à desconstrução dos estereótipos de gênero e da masculinidade hegemônica, em nossa sociedade, por possibilitar aos homens novo entendimento acerca do significado La Lei Maria da Penha e da sua importância no combate a prática da violência contra as mulheres. Para maior alcance social e jurídico de tais grupos é sugerido o aprofundamento de alguns temas identificados como cruciais e destacada a relevância de que tais grupos possuam lugar definido na aplicação da Lei e estejam oficialmente inscritos na política pública de combate à violência contra a mulher. / Introduction: Women violence, a relevant social and Public Health problem, has gained global expression in contemporary society with its complexity and challenges. In Brazil, the passing of the bill Lei Maria da Penha (11.340/2006) represents an achievement of the women movement and an advance in search for solution. Among the challenges legal of the implementation of the law reflexive groups has been attempted as a strategy of referral of men reported as violence perpetrators who volunteer to participate in search for sentence mitigation in case of conviction. Objectives: The present work aims at reflecting on the contribution reported by the study participants as members of the reflexive group and the meanings generated by the experience towards their affective marital relations along with the gender stereotype deconstruction. Method: This is a qualitative research study from a thematic oral story perspective with seven men reported as violence perpetrators under the Lei Maria da Penha participating in the Reflexive Group in the city of São Paulo. In depth thematic scripted interviews were carried out. Statements were transcribed and interpreted in the light of violence, gender and masculinities literature, in consonance with discourse analysis, that contemplates the idea of the social locus of discourse terrain. Results and Discussion: On arrival the group of men refers strangeness and mismatch for not perceiving themselves as violence perpetrators given the social connotation of the label assaulter and criminal. Given the openness and continuous flow present in the reflexive groups there is acceptance of different discourses, not restrictive to coordinators, but also of those generated by all members of the group. Thus the interviewees perceive the group as of the second meeting as a rich space of interlocution and see meaningfulness in their participation. Change was identified in their concepts of women violence at first attributed to solely to severe physical assault alongside with new attitude concerning gender and affective marital conflicts. Originally seen as natural, such conflicts are then perceived as markers of potential violence occurrence and report risk. Hence, irrespective of socio-professional category and schooling level, all studied men refer the participation in the group as significant contributor to the identification of personal strategies for prevention of such kind of conflict both with the present or new partners. Their discourse displays such strategies in the search of flexibility and re signification of relationships. Conclusion: The present study brings into focus the marked contribution of reflexive Groups towards the deconstruction of gender stereotypes and hegemonic masculinity in our society. It enables men to exercise novel understanding of the meaning of Lei Maria da Penha and its importance in the combat against women violence. This work also puts in evidence that the broadening of the social and juridical scope of Reflection Groups demands both the deepening of a few themes identified as crucial. It highlights the clear relevance of such groups for the enforcement of the law and the need for its official inclusion in the public policy of combat against women violence.

"Det är en väldig kraft i henne. Även nu när hon har gått bort" : En kvalitativ studie om mordet på Kim Wall i Aftonbladet / "There is a huge power in her. Even now that she has passed away" : An qualitative study of the murder of Kim Wall in Aftonbladet.

Arvidsson, Clara, Ekblad, Amanda January 2019 (has links)
The purpose of our study was to examine how the newspaper Aftonbladet reported about the murder of Kim Wall. The questions in focus were; how are Kim Wall and Peter Madsen being represented in Aftonbladet? And how are the representation of them changing throughout time? In the study we have made a discourse analysis where eleven news articles were analysed. The result is presented in themes of discourses constructed of Wall and Madsen in Aftonbladet. Our results showed that Kim Wall was represented as a helpless woman, a brave journalist and an invisible individual. Peter Madsen was represented as a talented inventor, a cold-hearted monster and a crazy man. The results also showed that the tabloid journalism Aftonbladet had about the murder of Kim Wall were in a sensational and detailed way.

Dětská šikana a právo / CHILD BULLING AND THE LAW

SMOLA, Zdeněk January 2009 (has links)
The main reason for undertaking this analysis and synthesis of the findings into the present state of the socio-pathological behaviour of child bullying is the unsatisfactory and complicated situation we find when dealing with this phenomenon. When examining the subject of school bullying in the first instance (within a school), the basic problem is the definition of bullying. We can only use a definition which is acceptable by all three basic subjects: the pupil, the school and the legal guardian of the child. Criminal law does not recognize the definition of bullying as such. The explanation of the actual situation is specifically given in this thesis. Even the definitions quoted by the experts and those found in specialized literature cannot be taken as the final words because they can be easily questioned and undermined. This subject cannot be catigorized by anyone and this based upon the grounds that another of version of the definition of the term can be preferred. This thesis also pays attention to criminal law, as well as finding the means for the prevention of bullying and further education on this subject, as they are all essential parts in combating this socio-pathological phenomena. The qualitative research has been aimed in gathering the relevant information concentrated in the following specific areas: that of primary education, the statistics from the Police of the Czech Republic and also upon the data gathered by the Sdružení Linka bezpečí (the Czech Telepohne Line for Children), as well as the Probation and Mediation Services in Třebíč Region. This research also includes national statistical data from the Police of the Czech Republic and chosen NGOs. To support the finding that have been collected, this data cannot be generalized. Therefore it is necessary to observe certain legal conditions which prevent the objectivity of this research. This mainly concerns the data regarding the perpetrators (aggressors) of bullying who are minors, even though there is no doubt that they are guilty of the crime.

Kärleken övervinner hatet : En kritisk diskursanalys av nyhetsrapporteringen om offer, förövare och samhället från terrorattentatet i Stockholm / Love overcomes hatred : A critical discourse analysis of the news report about the victims, perpetrator and the society from the terrorist attack in Stockholm

Nilsson Lopez, Marisol, Johansson, Natalia January 2017 (has links)
This study aims at covering the perpetrators, victims and Sweden's society. The main issue is to examine how these categorization portrayed in the biggest newspaper in Sweden, Aftonbladet. To conduct the survey we have used a critical discourse analysis. The empirical material consists of 55 strategically selected news articles and 127 images related to the analyzed articles. In order to identify discourses we chose to use the following analytical concepts: We, they, include, exclude, ideal offender, ideal victim, the victims who survived and the ideal society to apply the investigation. With these concepts, we were able to identify five discourses and analyse how the perpetrators, victims, survivors and society were represented in the articles. In our conclousion, we found out that Sweden's society gets the largest space in the news texts. The representation of the perpetrator is depicted on the basis of different time aspects. In the first insight, the suspected perpetrator is presented as a father of four children who lived in Sweden to support his family, who remained in their homeland. In the second insight he is conceived as a stranger and a insane human. As far as the victims are concerned, they are usually reflected as saints and they are rewarded by loveful words.

Kärleken övervinner hatet : En kritisk diskursanalys av nyhetsrapporteringen om offer, förövare och samhället från terrorattentatet i Stockholm / Love overcomes hatred : A critical discourse analysis of the news report about the victims, perpetrator and the society from the terrorist attack in Stockholm

Nilsson Lopez, Marisol, Johansson, Natalia January 2017 (has links)
This study aims at covering the perpetrators, victims and Sweden's society. The main issue is to examine how these categorization portrayed in the biggest newspaper in Sweden, Aftonbladet. To conduct the survey we have used a critical discourse analysis. The empirical material consists of 55 strategically selected news articles and 127 images related to the analyzed articles. In order to identify discourses we chose to use the following analytical concepts: We, they, include, exclude, ideal offender, ideal victim, the victims who survived and the ideal society to apply the investigation. With these concepts, we were able to identify five discourses and analyse how the perpetrators, victims, survivors and society were represented in the articles. In our conclousion, we found out that Sweden's society gets the largest space in the news texts. The representation of the perpetrator is depicted on the basis of different time aspects. In the first insight, the suspected perpetrator is presented as a father of four children who lived in Sweden to support his family, who remained in their homeland. In the second insight he is conceived as a stranger and a insane human.  As far as the victims are concerned, they are usually reflected as saints and they are rewarded by loveful words.

Förgiftad av svartsjuka eller driven av hat? : En kvalitativ studie om kvinnliga och manliga gärningspersoner i svensk nyhetsjournalistik / Poisoned by jealousy or driven by hatred? : A qualitative study of female and male perpetrators in Swedish news journalism

Löfgren, Evelina, Elfving, Emily January 2017 (has links)
The aim of this study was to examine how female and male murder perpetrators are represented in Swedish news journalism. We examined four specific murder cases, with two female and two male perpetrators, and the questions examined were: How are female and male perpetrators represented in news journalism, and what differences and similarities can be found in these representations? We made a critical discourse analysis of 21 news articles, published between the day of the crime and the day of the verdict, from the tabloids Aftonbladet and Expressen. The result shows that female perpetrators are represented as driven by their emotions, either as victims for unrequited love or as evil, jealous women. Male perpetrators, on the contrary, are represented with attributes that are associated with masculinity. The reporting of female perpetrators is also more intense and dramatically structured. Our study also shows similarities between perpetrators regardless of gender. They are represented as cold hearted and deviant, and the news articles are constructed almost as fiction, with sensational writing and dramatic storytelling.

Pertinent legal issues and impediments fettering the successful prosecution of the crime of money laundering and its predicate offences in Zambia: proposed reforms

Chitengi, Justine Sipho January 2009 (has links)
Magister Legum - LLM / The law relating to money laundering is not a new branch of law although it seems to be just emerging in this modern era of advanced technology and organised crime. It evolved in the 18th century with the case of Rex v William Kidd et al1 from the so-called golden age of piracy. With the increase in the sophistication of the world economy, the techniques of money laundering have become correspondingly complex, leading to incoherent and uneven prosecutorial policies with regard to crimes related to money laundering. This is specially so in developing African countries like Zambia, where the legal system is still evolving on this terrain. Inevitably, a lot of pertinent legal issues and impediments remain unresolved, particularly when prosecuting highcalibred white collar perpetrators such as former heads of state.

Příčiny genocidy ve Rwandě: Psychologické aspekty / Causes of genocide in Rwanda: Psychological aspects

Burešová, Jana January 2012 (has links)
Ethnic discrimination has deep roots in Rwanda. For many dozens of years, Tutsis have been marked down as those whose task it is to rule the country and Hutus have been treated as those who have to submit to it. As time moved on, Hutu hatred had been growing steadily and resulted in coup d'état in 1959 and consequent persecutions of Tutsis. However, hidden grudge lingered on. The pretext for its revival was the RPF incursion into the country at the beginning of nineties. The invasion also became one of the major preconditions of the fastest genocide in history. This thesis aims to pinpoint actors with direct and also indirect influence, to specify their motives, to assess implications of their decisions and on the grounds of this all to divide them into groups of perpetrators, bystanders and rescuers. The identification of psychological aspects of Hutu perpetrators was made with intent to analyse the process of Us-Them thinking with its typical features and consequences and the process of dehumanization with particular emphasis on its linguistic forms. In connection with that, this thesis points out crucial importance of Rwandan media of hate which determined anti-Tutsi propaganda to a considerable extent.

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