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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The effect of range restriction on personnel selection

Steindl, James Richard 29 November 2010 (has links)
In 1903 Karl Pearson identified the effects of censorship, or range restriction, on the correlation coefficient. The current report reviews the history and literature examining those effects, corrections for range restriction, and the limitations of previous research. A rationale for further research of the effect of range restriction on logistic regression parameter estimates is presented. / text

Lojalaus personalo ugdymas švietimo organizacijose optimizuojant verbavimo ir atrankos procesus / Development of loyal personnel in education organizations by optimizing recruitment and selection processes

Česnelienė, Miglė 03 September 2010 (has links)
Pastaruoju metu personalo paieška ir atranka yra neatsiejama įmonės vadovo darbo dalis. Prireikus naujų darbuotojų nemažai organizacijų jų ieškosi pačios arba naudojasi specialių agentūrų paslaugomis. Iš esmės, tai klausimas apie tris svarbiausius darbdavių dalykus: kaip pritraukti į laisvą darbo vietą tinkančius kandidatus, kaip susirinkti apie juos tokią informaciją, kuri leistų išsiaiškinti geriausią kandidatą ir kaip tinkamai motyvuoti darbuotoją, kad šis liktų jūsų organizacijoje lojalus. Tyrimo objektas yra personalo lojalumas švietimo organizacijoje. Tyrimo tikslas – ištirti lojalaus personalo švietimo organizacijose ugdymo galimybes optimizuojant verbavimo ir atrankos procesus. Tyrimo uždaviniai: 1. Pagrįsti darbuotojo lojalumo ugdymo veiksnius organizacijoje. 2. Išnagrinėti personalo verbavimo ir atrankos procesus. 3. Atlikti darbuotojų lojalumo anketinę apklausą. 4. Parengti rekomendacijas lojalaus personalo ugdymo tobulinimui švietimo organizacijose, optimizuojant verbavimo ir atrankos procesus. Tyrimo metodai: 1. Mokslinės literatūros analizė taikyta siekiant apibrėžti lojalaus personalo sampratą, lojalumo ugdymą ir palaikymo veiksnius. 2. Anketinė apklausa naudojant uždaro tipo klausimyną. 3. Statistinė duomenų analizė. Tyrimo imtis. Tyrimui buvo pasirinktos penkios Panevėžio bendrojo lavinimo mokyklos patogiosios atrankos būdų. Iš viso tyrime dalyvavo 109 pedagogai. / Lately, searching and selection of personnel have become an inseparable part of manager’s work. As the need arises for new employees, quite many organizations either organize the searching themselves or use the services of special agencies. Essentially, this issue deals with the three key subjects for employers: how to attract suitable candidates to the vacancies, how to collect the information enabling to choose the best candidate and how to motivate the employees suitably to build their loyalty to your organization. Object of the research is the personnel loyalty in education organization. Purpose of the research is to examine the opportunities for the development of loyal personnel in education organizations by optimizing the recruitment and selection processes. Tasks of the research: 1. To substantiate the employee loyalty development factors in an organization. 2. To examine the personnel recruitment and selection processes. 3. To perform a questionnaire survey on employee loyalty. 4. To prepare the recommendations for the improvement of loyal personnel development in education organizations by optimizing the recruitment and selection processes. Methods of the research: 1. Scientific literature analysis was applied to define the conception of loyal personnel, loyalty development and supporting factors. 2. Questionnaire survey with closed type questions. 3. Statistical data analysis. Sample of the research. Five comprehensive schools of Panevėžys were chosen by way of... [to full text]


Leleivienė, Vilija 28 September 2010 (has links)
Palyginti su kitomis naujomis ES šalis, Lietuvos valstybės tarnyba pasižymi atviriausia konkurencija tarp kandidatų į valstybės tarnybą. Tačiau atvirą konkurenciją Lietuvoje riboja tai, jog pakaitinių valstybės tarnautojų atranka nėra skelbiama viešai, o darbuotojams konkursai nėra taikomi. Lietuvoje valstybės tarnautojų atranka yra decentralizuota. 2008-2012 m. Vyriausybės programoje planuojama „diegti nešališką, objektyvią, iš dalies centralizuotą atranką į valstybės tarnautojo pareigas.“ Tai aktualu mažesnėms Lietuvos viešojo administravimo įstaigoms, kurių personalo atrankos pajėgumas yra silpnesnis. Todėl personalo atranką buvo įmanoma vykdyti per institucijas, kurioms šios institucijos pavaldžios, ar centralizuotą atrankos centrą, įtraukiant išorinius ir nepriklausomus vertintojus. Lietuvos valstybės tarnautojų sutinka, jog Lietuvos valstybės tarnybai reikalingos esminės reformos. Magistrinio darbo tikslas – atskleisti Lietuvos valstybės tarnybos atrankos ypatumus Mažeikių, Plungės, Skuodo bei Telšių savivaldybėse ir numatyti tobulinimosi kryptis. Magistrinio darbo teorinėje dalyje analizuojame žmogiškųjų išteklių valdymo viešajame sektoriuje reformos teorines galimybes, valstybės tarnybos konstekte; Lietuvos valstybės tarnybos sistemos sudėtines dalis bei bruožus, siekiant identifikuoti atrankos metodus į valstybės tarnybą; pateikiame teisės aktų ir kitų dokumentų, reglamentuojančių atrankos bei priėmimo procesus į valstybės tarnybą, analizę. Praktinėje dalyje... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Compared with the other new EU countries of Lithuania, the civil service has the most open competition among candidates for public office. However, open competition in Lithuania limited by the fact that the alternate selection of civil servants are not publicly available, and the workers do not apply to contests. Lithuania selection of civil servants is decentralized. 2008-2012, Government's program is planned to "introduce a fair, objective, in part to the selection of a centralized public servant." This is true for smaller Lithuanian public administration institutions with the selection of staff capacity is weaker. Therefore, recruitment has been possible to carry out the institutions to which these institutions under the authority of, or a centralized screening center, including external and independent evaluators. Lithuanian state officials agree that the Lithuanian civil service requires major reform. The aim of the master research - to reveal the Lithuanian civil service selection features Mazeikiu, Plunge, Skuodas Tent municipalities and provide training and direction. Theoretical part of the master studying human resource management in public sector reform, the theoretical possibilities, the civil service konstekte; Lithuanian civil service system of components and features in order to identify the sampling methods in the civil service; present legislation and other documents governing the selection and adoption processes in the civil service analysis. The practical... [to full text]

Detecting Inaccurate Response Patterns in Korean Military Personality Inventory: An Application of Item Response Theory

Hong, Seunghwa 16 December 2013 (has links)
There are concerns regarding the risk of the inaccurate responses in the personality data. The inaccurate responses negatively affect in the individual selection contexts. Especially, in the military context, the personality score including inaccurate responses results in the selection of inappropriate personnel or allows enlistment dodgers to avoid their military duty. This study conducted IRT-based person-fit analysis with the dichotomous military dataset in the Korean Military Personality Inventory. In order for that, 2PL model was applied for the data and person-fit index l_(z) was used to detect aberrant respondents. Based on l_(z) values of each respondent, potentially inaccurate respondents was identified. In diagnosing possible sources of aberrant response patterns, PRCs was assessed. This study with the military empirical data shows that person-fit analysis using l_(z) is applicable and practical method for detecting inaccurate response patterns in the personnel selection contexts based on the personality measurement.

The Applicability Of The Turkish Armed Forces

Kocarslan, Eylem 01 June 2005 (has links) (PDF)
This study was conducted to estabilish the validity of the Turkish Armed Forces Personality Battery (TAFPB) in selecting Turkish Air Force Academy (TAFA) cadets. Before the data collection some items of TAFPB were made suitable for the TAFA cadets by SME&rsquo / s. Data were collected from first, second and third year students on TAFPB, 16 PF, psychomotor scores and objective and subjective performance measures. The data of 647 TAFA cadets were evaluated. The correlation matrixes, means and SD&rsquo / S of this study is found consistent with the TAFPB applications of Sumer et al. (2000) and Kale (2004) in military settings. TAFPB is face valid because of the common aims of TAFA and TAFPB, selecting ideal officer. TAFPB is content valid because all traits are determined by using job analysis and the relevance and importance of the traits are scored by SME&rsquo / s. Criterion-related validity was measured by analysing the correlations of TAFPB with objective (academic and sport score) and subjective (commander evaluation, flight, military score) performance. Correlations, and a series of regressions pointed out that TAFPB predicts significantly objective performance. TAFPB has incremental validity over 16 PF and BSI in explaining objective performance. The source and class variances were compared by ANOVA. Cadets from military source had significantly higher scores on 11 factors of TAFPB and on performance factors. Moreover they got significantly low scores on BSI. Military high school graduates seems more preferable by selecting cadets. To conclude, TAFPB is a valid test for TAFA.

Critical indicators associated with negative performance in a selectively manned unit

Bruntmyer, Hans C. Herbold, John R., Moore, Frank I. Herbold, John R. January 2009 (has links)
Source: Masters Abstracts International, Volume: 47-06, page: 3544. Adviser: John R. Herbold. Includes bibliographical references.

Second career CNAs' perceptions of and factors influencing their employment in nursing homes /

Pennington, Karen S. January 2005 (has links)
Thesis (Ph.D. in Nursing) -- University of Colorado at Denver and Health Sciences Center, 2005. / Typescript. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 156-167). Free to UCDHSC affiliates. Online version available via ProQuest Digital Dissertations;

O não dito sobre os requisitos de seleção de pessoal e as empresas de telefonia móvel: flexibilização, competências e intermediação de empregos na expansão capitalista

Straliotto, Marcia Carvalho e Silva January 2011 (has links)
O objetivo geral desta dissertação é analisar o não dito sobre os requisitos de seleção de pessoal das empresas de telefonia móvel, através de vagas encaminhadas para empresas intermediadoras de emprego. O estudo está centrado em três grandes eixos: a flexibilização, os requisitos descritos e os requisitos não descritos nas seleções realizadas por intermediadoras de emprego para as empresas de telefonia móvel. O primeiro eixo diz respeito ao contexto em que ocorrem os processos seletivos e verifica os aspectos explícitos e implícitos das relações flexíveis estabelecidas entre operadoras e empresas intermediadoras. O segundo eixo está centrado na análise dos requisitos descritos como necessários para os cargos, sendo esses critérios os anunciados para os candidatos. O terceiro eixo, por fim, analisa os requisitos não descritos, aqui nomeados como “não ditos”e não anunciados, mas praticados pelas empresas e determinantes para contratação ou exclusão de candidatos. Trata-se de uma pesquisa de abordagem qualitativo-exploratória. A coleta de dados foi realizada através de entrevistas semiestruturadas, realizadas com 14 sujeitos – gestores, selecionadores e trabalhadores – que atuam em empresas intermediadoras de emprego. O estudo constata que as vagas encaminhadas para as empresas intermediadoras são predominantemente operacionais e temporárias e que os processos seletivos realizados ocorrem mediante pressão por cumprimento de prazos e metas impostas pelas operadoras. A pesquisa revela que os requisitos de seleção de pessoal vão além dos descritos e anunciados socialmente, identificando 12 elementos que não constam no perfil formal das empresas, mas que são considerados na seleção. Com isso, questiona a negação da subjetividade e discurso de imparcialidade e neutralidade nos processos seletivos sustentados por correntes tradicionais da Administração e Psicologia. O estudo também discute a aplicação do modelo de competências no contexto de submissão e pressão por prazos em que estão inseridas as intermediadoras e conclui que o seu caráter subjetivo e ainda incipiente, em termos de ferramentas de avaliação, ajuda a mascarar os requisitos velados. / The objective of this paper in general is to analyze the untold about the requirements for personnel selection of mobile phone companies through vacancies taken to job brokerage companies. The study focuses on three main areas: flexibility, the requirements described and the requirements that are not described in the selections made by job brokerage companies to the mobile phone companies. The first axis is related to the context in which there are selective processes and it verifies the explicit and implicit aspects of flexible relations established between operators and brokerage companies. The second axis focuses on the analysis of the requirements needed for the positions described, these being the advertised criteria for applicants. The third axis, finally, discusses the requirements that are not described, here named as "untold" and not announced, but practiced by companies and fundamental to the recruitment or exclusion of applicants. This is an exploratory qualitative research approach. Data collection was conducted through semi structured interviews with 14 individuals - managers, pickers and workers - who work for job brokerage companies. The study points out that the vacancies taken to the job brokerage companies are mainly operational, temporary and the selective processes occur under pressure because of meeting deadlines and targets imposed by the operators. The research reveals that the requirements for personnel selection go beyond those described and announced socially, identifying 12 elements not found in the formal profile of the companies, but considered in the selection. Thus, it questions the denial of subjectivity and discourse of impartiality and neutrality in the selection processes supported by traditional patterns of management and psychology. The study also discusses the application of the competency model in the context of submission and pressure for deadlines in which job brokerage companies are embedded and it concludes that its subjective and still nascent nature in terms of assessment tools helps mask the hidden requirements.

O Processo de seleção de pessoal em psicologia na era da técnica: reflexões sob a perspectiva fenomenológico-hermenêutica / The process of personnel selection in psychology in the era of technology: reflections in the phenomenological-hermeneutic perspective

Elina Eunice Montechiari Pietrani 26 March 2014 (has links)
Neste trabalho, analisamos o modo como o processo de seleção de pessoal se estabeleceu em meio às determinações de sentido nesta que Martin Heidegger denominou a era da técnica. Esse filósofo descreve a época em que vivemos como uma era que se caracteriza essencialmente pela ênfase no pensamento técnico-calculante, em que todas as coisas são tomadas pelo caráter da mensuração e calculabilidade. Nesse sentido, podemos afirmar que a era moderna detém como verdades algumas características, como: fundo de reserva, funcionalidade (serventia) e a produtividade sem limites. Esse modelo de pensamento tem um impacto direto na realização do processo de seleção de pessoal pela Psicologia, haja vista ser esse o critério básico exigido para que o trabalhador seja aprovado. Ocorre que, ao tomar esse critério como a única e absoluta verdade da capacidade do trabalhador, outras capacidades e motivações, quando muito, ficam relegadas a um segundo plano. O homem, tomado como um estoque de matéria-prima, com funcionalidades específicas e pela determinação da produtividade incessante, passa a se comportar de modo autômato, tal como a máquina, cuja utilidade dura enquanto durar a necessidade de sua produção, sendo descartado quando outras necessidades se sobrepõem àquela. Através da análise da trajetória da organização do trabalho e sua interface com a Psicologia, procuramos esclarecer o domínio do caráter técnico instrumental que vem sustentando a Psicologia no modo de realização da seleção de pessoal, baseando-nos em autores como Sampaio, Chiavenato, Pontes e Leme. Apresentamos, também, a contribuição de outros autores, como Sennett, Dejours e Schwartz, que tentaram, a seu modo, construir uma análise crítica da relação homem-trabalho sob os parâmetros predominantes na atualidade. Por fim, por meio a uma visada fenomenológico-hermenêutica, pudemos refletir sobre o processo de seleção em Psicologia e compreender como esta, ao ser constantemente interpelada pela era da técnica, vem tomando os atributos dessa era como verdades absolutas e, assim, estabelecendo seu fazer em seleção de pessoal sob essas verdades. Ao orientar seu fazer por esse modo, a Psicologia, comprometida com o processo de seleção, compactua, sedimenta e fortalece essa forma de pensar em que o homem é tomado como objeto de produção tal qual a máquina, consolidando uma relação homem-trabalho em bases preponderantemente deterministas e, como tal, aprisionadoras. A proposta aqui desenvolvida consiste em evidenciar a possibilidade de outra posição da Psicologia frente ao modo de estabelecimento do processo de seleção, de forma a resistir à perspectiva de homem apenas como um fator produtivo. / In this work, we examined how the process of personnel selection was established at determinations of a period called by Martin Heidegger as the era of technology. This philosopher describes the time we live in such an era that is essentially characterized by the emphasis on technical and calculating thought, in which all things are made by the character of the measurement and accountability. In this way, we can say that the modern era has some characteristics taken as truths, as reserve fund, functionality (usefulness) and productivity without limits. This type of thinking has a direct impact on the achievement of the personnel selection process by Psychology, considering this is the basic criterion required for the worker to be approved. However, if this criterion is taken as a absolute truth and capacity of the worker, other capabilities and motivations are relegated to low priority. Man, taken as a stock of raw material, with specific functionalities and at determination of uninterrupted productivity, begins to behave automaton mode, such as machine, whose usefulness lasts as long as the need for its production. Afterwards, he is discarded when other needs overlap those former needs. Through the analysis of the industrial work trajectory and its interface with Psychology, we could clarify the field of the instrumental technical model that has sustained Psychology in the way of accomplishing personnel selection, based in Sampaio, Chiavenato, Pontes and Leme theories. We also presented the contribution of other authors such as Sennett, Dejours and Schwartz, who have tried, in their own way, to build a critical analysis of worker labor relationship, under current parameters. Finally, through a phenomenological-hermeneutic sight, we could meditate on the selection process in Psychology and to understand how this, which is constantly challenged by the era of technology, has been taking the attributes of that era as absolute truths and thus establishing its making in personnel selection under these truths. Guiding its doing by this way, Psychology, committed to the process of selection, complies, consolidates and strengthens this way of thinking, in which man is regarded as an object of production such the machine, consolidating a man-work relationship predominantly on deterministic and, as such, imprisoning bases. The proposal developed here is to emphasize the possibility of another position of Psychology in relation to the mode of the established selection process, in order to resist the prospect of man only as a productive factor.

O Processo de seleção de pessoal em psicologia na era da técnica: reflexões sob a perspectiva fenomenológico-hermenêutica / The process of personnel selection in psychology in the era of technology: reflections in the phenomenological-hermeneutic perspective

Elina Eunice Montechiari Pietrani 26 March 2014 (has links)
Neste trabalho, analisamos o modo como o processo de seleção de pessoal se estabeleceu em meio às determinações de sentido nesta que Martin Heidegger denominou a era da técnica. Esse filósofo descreve a época em que vivemos como uma era que se caracteriza essencialmente pela ênfase no pensamento técnico-calculante, em que todas as coisas são tomadas pelo caráter da mensuração e calculabilidade. Nesse sentido, podemos afirmar que a era moderna detém como verdades algumas características, como: fundo de reserva, funcionalidade (serventia) e a produtividade sem limites. Esse modelo de pensamento tem um impacto direto na realização do processo de seleção de pessoal pela Psicologia, haja vista ser esse o critério básico exigido para que o trabalhador seja aprovado. Ocorre que, ao tomar esse critério como a única e absoluta verdade da capacidade do trabalhador, outras capacidades e motivações, quando muito, ficam relegadas a um segundo plano. O homem, tomado como um estoque de matéria-prima, com funcionalidades específicas e pela determinação da produtividade incessante, passa a se comportar de modo autômato, tal como a máquina, cuja utilidade dura enquanto durar a necessidade de sua produção, sendo descartado quando outras necessidades se sobrepõem àquela. Através da análise da trajetória da organização do trabalho e sua interface com a Psicologia, procuramos esclarecer o domínio do caráter técnico instrumental que vem sustentando a Psicologia no modo de realização da seleção de pessoal, baseando-nos em autores como Sampaio, Chiavenato, Pontes e Leme. Apresentamos, também, a contribuição de outros autores, como Sennett, Dejours e Schwartz, que tentaram, a seu modo, construir uma análise crítica da relação homem-trabalho sob os parâmetros predominantes na atualidade. Por fim, por meio a uma visada fenomenológico-hermenêutica, pudemos refletir sobre o processo de seleção em Psicologia e compreender como esta, ao ser constantemente interpelada pela era da técnica, vem tomando os atributos dessa era como verdades absolutas e, assim, estabelecendo seu fazer em seleção de pessoal sob essas verdades. Ao orientar seu fazer por esse modo, a Psicologia, comprometida com o processo de seleção, compactua, sedimenta e fortalece essa forma de pensar em que o homem é tomado como objeto de produção tal qual a máquina, consolidando uma relação homem-trabalho em bases preponderantemente deterministas e, como tal, aprisionadoras. A proposta aqui desenvolvida consiste em evidenciar a possibilidade de outra posição da Psicologia frente ao modo de estabelecimento do processo de seleção, de forma a resistir à perspectiva de homem apenas como um fator produtivo. / In this work, we examined how the process of personnel selection was established at determinations of a period called by Martin Heidegger as the era of technology. This philosopher describes the time we live in such an era that is essentially characterized by the emphasis on technical and calculating thought, in which all things are made by the character of the measurement and accountability. In this way, we can say that the modern era has some characteristics taken as truths, as reserve fund, functionality (usefulness) and productivity without limits. This type of thinking has a direct impact on the achievement of the personnel selection process by Psychology, considering this is the basic criterion required for the worker to be approved. However, if this criterion is taken as a absolute truth and capacity of the worker, other capabilities and motivations are relegated to low priority. Man, taken as a stock of raw material, with specific functionalities and at determination of uninterrupted productivity, begins to behave automaton mode, such as machine, whose usefulness lasts as long as the need for its production. Afterwards, he is discarded when other needs overlap those former needs. Through the analysis of the industrial work trajectory and its interface with Psychology, we could clarify the field of the instrumental technical model that has sustained Psychology in the way of accomplishing personnel selection, based in Sampaio, Chiavenato, Pontes and Leme theories. We also presented the contribution of other authors such as Sennett, Dejours and Schwartz, who have tried, in their own way, to build a critical analysis of worker labor relationship, under current parameters. Finally, through a phenomenological-hermeneutic sight, we could meditate on the selection process in Psychology and to understand how this, which is constantly challenged by the era of technology, has been taking the attributes of that era as absolute truths and thus establishing its making in personnel selection under these truths. Guiding its doing by this way, Psychology, committed to the process of selection, complies, consolidates and strengthens this way of thinking, in which man is regarded as an object of production such the machine, consolidating a man-work relationship predominantly on deterministic and, as such, imprisoning bases. The proposal developed here is to emphasize the possibility of another position of Psychology in relation to the mode of the established selection process, in order to resist the prospect of man only as a productive factor.

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