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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Adaptação, normatização e validação do inventário de personalidade para a aviação / Adaptation, Normatization and Validation of the Aviation Personality Inventory

Mauricio Pereira da Costa 27 April 2016 (has links)
O presente estudo teve como objetivo a adaptação, normatização e validação do Inventário de Personalidade para a Aviação (IPAV) para o Brasil, de modo a permitir seu uso clínico e/ou seletivo dos futuros pilotos militares da Academia da Força Aérea (AFA). O IPAV é um inventário de personalidade voltado para as características da aviação composto por 218 itens, divididos em 14 escalas, sendo que seis escalas possuem 15 itens e oito, 16 itens, nas quais o indivíduo responde a cada item escolhendo entre verdadeiro ou falso. As escalas avaliam características da personalidade (confiança, sociabilidade, agressividade, ordem e negativismo), psicopatologia (labilidade afetiva, ansiedade e depressão) e interação com a tripulação (dogmatismo, deferência, orientação de equipe, organização, impulsividade e exposição ao risco). O IPAV é baseado no Armstrong Laboratory Aviation Personality Survey (ALAPS), que foi desenvolvido especialmente para ser usado na seleção e avaliação clínica de pilotos militares da Força Aérea Americana, uma vez que as características dos pilotos aeronáuticos se diferenciam da população geral e, para sua avaliação, é desejável o estabelecimento de normas específicas, algo que não é encontrado nos manuais dos testes comercializados em nosso país. A amostra de normatização do IPAV foi composta por 537 cadetes aviadores com idades entre 18 e 22 anos do Curso de Formação de Oficiais Aviadores da AFA, que participaram desta pesquisa de forma voluntária. Para a amostra de teste-reteste, 90 cadetes realizaram o IPAV pela segunda vez com um intervalo de 30 a 90 dias. A validade convergente do IPAV foi realizada utilizando o NEO PI-R em uma amostra composta por 437 cadetes, que participaram da aplicação dos dois testes. Para a obtenção da validade preditiva foi usado o resultado do Teste de Aptidão para a Pilotagem Militar (TAPMIL), cuja aplicação ocorreu durante a seleção dos cadetes para o Curso de Formação de Oficiais Aviadores, e da variável de critério, que é a nota final de cada cadete atribuída na instrução aérea. Foram construídas tabelas percentílicas e de Nota T para o IPAV e os resultados indicaram que os pilotos brasileiros se diferenciam dos americanos. Os resultados das análises estatísticas do IPAV foram semelhantes aos das pesquisas americanas. As correlações encontradas entre o IPAV e a variável de critério se mostraram similares aos apresentados em pesquisas internacionais com inventários de personalidade. Os resultados aqui apresentados demonstram a possibilidade da inserção do IPAV na seleção dos futuros cadetes aviadores da AFA, podendo inclusive ser utilizado em conjunto com o TAPMIL. O IPAV pode ser empregado como instrumento auxiliar em termos clínicos pelos psicólogos da AFA, que atuam diretamente com os cadetes aviadores antes e durante a instrução aérea, podendo ser trabalhadas algumas características aqui descritas com o intuito de diminuir a probabilidade de fracasso na instrução aérea, sempre buscando a diminuição da taxa de atrito (desligamentos) em tal instrução / This study aimed to make the adaptation, normatization and validation of the Aviation Personality Inventory (IPAV) to Brazil in order to allow their clinical use and / or selective use of future military pilots of the Air Force Academy (AFA). The IPAV is a personality inventory facing the aviation features composed of 218 items, divided into 14 scales, where 6 scales have 15 items and 8 scales have 16 items, where the individual responds to each item choosing between true or false. The scales assess personality characteristics (confidence, sociability, aggressiveness, order and negativity), psychopathology (affective lability, anxiety and depression) and crew interaction (dogmatism, deference, team orientation, organization, impulsivity and risk exposure). The IPAV is based on the Armstrong Laboratory Aviation Personality Survey (ALAPS), which was specially developed for use in clinical assessment and selection of military pilots of the US Air Force, and according to studies, aeronautical pilots differ from the general population and its evaluation is desirable specific normatization, something that is not found in off-the-shell tests manuals. The standardization sample from IPAV comprised 537 cadets pilots aged between 18 and 22 years of Aviator Officers Training Course AFA who participated in this research voluntarily. For test-retest sample, 90 Cadet accomplish the IPAV the second time with an interval of 30 to 90 days. The convergent validity of IPAV was performed using NEO PI-R in a sample composed of 437 Cadet who participated in the administration of the two tests. For the realization of predictive validity was used the results of the Pilot Aptitude Tester (PILAPT) the administration occurred during the selection of the cadets for the Aviator Officers Training Course, and the use of the criterion variable that is the final grade each cadet was assigned in the air instruction. Tables of T-score and percentile were built for IPAV and the results indicate that the population of Brazilian pilots differs from the American pilots. The results of the statistical analysis of IPAV proved to be similar to those presented in the American research. The correlation between the IPAV and the criterion variable has shown similar to those shown in international studies with personality inventories. The results presented here show that there is a possibility of inserting the IPAV in the selection of future aviators cadets from AFA, and may also be used in conjunction with TAPMIL (PILAPT). The IPAV can be used as an auxiliary instrument in clinical aspects by psychologists of the AFA, who work directly with the aviators cadets before and during the flight instruction and can be worked some features described herein in order to reduce the likelihood of failure in air instruction, always looking for the decrease in attrition rate (resignation) in such instruction

Personalo atrankos sistemos įtaka žmogiškųjų išteklių valdymui smulkiame ir vidutiniame versle / Personnel selection influence to human resources management in small and medium business

Šafranauskaitė, Kristina 08 September 2009 (has links)
Darbe analizuojama personalo atrankos sistemos įtaka žmoniškųjų išteklių valdymui smulkiame ir vidutiniame versle. Pirmoje dalyje supažindinama su įvairių autorių požiūriais į žmogiškųjų išteklių sampratą, reikšmę bei vaidmenį įmonės valdyme. Analizuojama atrankos proceso vieta bei įtaka įmonės veiklos bei žmogiškųjų išteklių valdymo efektyvumui. Svarbu paminėti, kad personalo atranka turi įtakos įmonės konkurencingumui, reputacijai, užima svarbią vietą žmogiškųjų išteklių valdyme, tuo pačiu veikdama ir kitas sistemos dalis. Personalo atrankos proceso metu atskleidžiamos organizacijos vertybės bei kultūra, kurios formuoja organizacijos įvaizdį, o tvirta įmonės kultūra rodo, kad firmoje tinkamai vadovaujama ir investuojama į žmogiškąjį turtą. Be to, atsirenkant tinkamiausius tam tikrai darbo vietai naujus darbuotojus, galima pasiekti didelio veiklos efektyvumo. Darbe pateikiamos personalo atrankos proceso etapų problemos bei nagrinėjama jų įtaka. Kadangi pirmas personalo parinkimo žingsnis- personalo poreikio planavimas, tad pirmiausia ir supažindinama su personalo poreikio planavimo svarba. Toliau analizuojamos verbavimo, atrankos metodų taikymo metu iškylančios problemos ir jų sprendimo būdai. Antroje darbo dalyje pateikti atlikto tyrimo, kuriuo siekiama išsiaiškinti vadovų ir darbuotojų požiūrį į atrankos procesą, rezultatai. Tyrime iškeliamos hipotezės: smulkiose ir vidutinėse įmonėse per maža dėmesio skiriama strateginei personalo atrankai. Neįvertinamos atrankos metu... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / This study includes analysis of personnel selection process influence to human resources management in small and medium business. First part has identified the importance of personnel selection in the performance of the business. It is important to understand that organizational values can be shown over all selection process and values of an organization can influence candidate’s job choice. Therefore selection systems should leave applicants with the perception that they have been treated fairly, and one important and easy way to accomplish this is to treat people fairly. Additionally, effective personnel selection enhances a strategic advantage for their organization, may improve image and "reputation capital" for those firms. So, the hiring process is critical to a company's success - the right employee helps the company to reach its objectives but the wrong employee will cost the company a great deal in time, money and energy. The research about personnel selection procedures in Lithuania chosen for analytical part of this study. The research object – the personnel selection process in small and medium business. There are analysed attitudes of employees and employers about problems in personnel selection, most popular selection methods, recruitment sources, about the importance and value of selection in organizations. According to the results of the survey, the most popular way for employees selection is recommendation of acquaintances, friends. The survey found that the... [to full text]

Die Task-Analysis-Tools (TAToo) - Entwicklung, empirische und praktische Prüfungen eines Instrumentes für Anforderungsanalysen / Task-Analysis-Tools (TAToo) - Development, empirical and practical assessment of a job analysis instrument

Koch, Anna 19 July 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Das Anliegen der Arbeit war, den aktuellen Stand der Forschung zu Anforderungsanalysen in ein Instrument zu integrieren und dabei den Ansprüchen von Anwendern nach Praxistauglichkeit gerecht zu werden. Dafür wurden die Task-Analysis-Tools (TAToo) entwickelt und im Rahmen dieser Arbeit umfangreich geprüft. Die TAToo sind multimodal aufgebaut: Das Instrument basiert in der Theorie auf der Critical Incident Technique, enthält zusätzlich aber auch den Ansatz der Aufgabenbeschreibung, der Beschreibung von Knowledge, Skills, Abilities, der zukunftsorientierten Anforderungsanalyse und verschiedene methodische Durchführungsvarianten für die Datenerhebung in "Tool 1 – Erheben". Die Anforderungsanalyse mittels TAToo besteht aus drei Arbeitsschritten: (1) Erheben von Informationen zur analysierten Stelle in "Tool 1 – Erheben", (2) Erstellen eines Anforderungsprofiles aus diesen Informationen in "Tool 2 – Gruppieren" und (3) Bewerten des Anforderungsprofiles in "Tool 3 – Bewerten". Studien 1 und 2: "Tool 1 – Erheben" als Fragebogen, Workshop und Interview: Die Informationen zu einer Stelle oder Tätigkeit können in "Tool 1 – Erheben" in einem Workshop, einem Interview oder mit einem Fragebogen erhoben werden. Diese Durchführungsvarianten wurden in zwei Studien miteinander verglichen, wofür Datenmenge, Datenqualität und Teilnehmerbeurteilungen herangezogen wurden. Für die Datenmenge zeigte sich, dass mit dem Interview pro Teilnehmer die meisten erfolgsentscheidenden Situationen (5,4 pro Teilnehmer) und Verhaltensweisen (13,1 pro Teilnehmer) geschildert wurden. Workshop und Fragebogen lieferten insgesamt weniger Informationen als das Interview. Pro Situation wurden im Interview durchschnittlich 2,4 Verhaltensweisen, im Workshop 3,4 und im Fragebogen 2,0 geschildert. Damit schilderten die Teilnehmer im Workshop zu jeder Situation mehr Verhaltensweisen als im Interview und Fragebogen. Zur Datenqualität zeigte sich, dass allein mit einem Workshop, kein vollständiges Anforderungsprofil erstellt werden konnte. Hingegen waren 8 Interviews oder 29 Fragebögen ausreichend, um ein vollständiges Anforderungsprofil zu erstellen. Die Teilnehmer beurteilen die Handhabbarkeit und Verständlichkeit von Interview und Workshop vergleichbar positiv, den Fragebogen hingegen weniger positiv. Insgesamt zeigte sich, dass mit dem Interview, Fragebogen und Workshop grundsätzlich die Daten für "Tool 1 – Erheben" gesammelt werden können. Von der Datenqualität und der Datenmenge sollte das Interview bevorzugt vor dem Fragebogen als alleinige Methode eingesetzt werden. Der Workshop sollte entsprechend der Ergebnisse aus den Studien dieser Arbeit nur ergänzend zum Interview oder Fragebogen genutzt werden. Studien 3 bis 6: Gütekriterien der TAToo: Die Objektivität wurde für "Tool 3 – Bewerten" als Übereinstimmung der Teilnehmer bei der Bewertung der Wichtigkeit der Anforderungen und der jeweils operationalisierenden Kriterien bestimmt. Insgesamt wurde die Beurteilerübereinstimmung für elf Mitarbeitergruppen aus elf verschiedenen Tätigkeitsbereichen ermittelt, die jeweils ihr Anforderungsprofil anhand einer 5-stufigen Skala von gar nicht wichtig bis sehr wichtig bewerteten. Die prozentuale Übereinstimmung für die einzelnen Anforderungsprofile lag in einem Bereich 70-80%. Die ermittelten weighted Kappa-Koeffizienten lagen in einem Bereich, der als slight bis fair zu klassifizieren ist. Obwohl die Beurteilerübereinstimmung insgesamt eher niedrig war, können die Ergebnisse im Vergleich zu vorliegenden Studien als zufriedenstellend bezeichnet werden. Besonders positiv war, dass auch für kleinere Stichproben (hier N=3) noch akzeptable Werte für die prozentuale Übereinstimmung und den Kappawert erreicht werden konnten. Das spricht für einen effektiven Einsatz der TAToo in der Praxis. Zusammenfassend konnte gezeigt werden, dass mit "Tool 3 – Bewerten" Anwender aus der Praxis die Wichtigkeit von Anforderungen und den dazu gehörenden operationalisierenden Kriterien übereinstimmend bewerten. Zur Prüfung der Validität wurden die Güte der Gruppierung von Verhaltensweisen zu Anforderungen in "Tool 2 – Gruppieren" und die Vollständigkeit der Anforderungen anhand der Beurteilung von Mitarbeitern untersucht. Die Ergebnisse waren sehr positiv und zeigten, dass 94% der Verhaltensweisen inhaltlich und begrifflich passend zu Anforderungen gruppiert wurden. Die Mitarbeiter beurteilten auch die Passung der Anforderungsprofile zu den tatsächlichen Anforderungen im Arbeitsalltag. Der Großteil der Mitarbeiter fand die eigene Tätigkeit zu 76-100% passend in den Anforderungsprofilen abgebildet. Diese Passung bestätigte sich auch bei der wiederholten Bewertung der Anforderungsprofile nach mindestens 16 Monaten. In einer weiteren Studie wurden die TAToo mit dem Fragebogen für Arbeitsanalysen und einem beobachteten erfahrungsgeleitet-intuitiven Vorgehen verglichen. Das Anforderungsprofil des FAA enthielt sehr viele irrelevante Items und wenig brauchbare Beschreibungen zur analysierten Tätigkeit. Das Anforderungsprofil der EIM enthielt nur abstrakte, nicht näher operationalisierte Anforderungsbegriffe. Es unterschied sich damit im Detailliertheitsgrad deutlich vom Anforderungsprofil der TAToo, das zusätzlich zu den Anforderungen umfangreiche Operationalisierungen in Form von Verhaltensweisen enthielt. Das Anforderungsprofil der TAToo war deshalb am besten für die Personalarbeit nutzbar. Diese Ergebnisse bestätigten sich auch in den Beurteilungen durch Subject Matter Experts (SME). Sie beurteilten verschiedene Kriterien aus Qualitätsstandards für Anforderungsanalysen sehr positiv für die TAToo und deutlich negativ für den FAA. Das Anforderungsprofil der EIM wurde im Vergleich zu den TAToo ähnlich positiv beurteilt, war für die SME allerdings zu wenig konkret. Zusammenfassend konnte gezeigt werden, dass mit den TAToo Anforderungsprofile zutreffend und passgenau erstellt werden können. Es zeigen sich deutliche Vorteile gegenüber dem FAA und der EIM hinsichtlich der zutreffenden Beschreibung einer Position, hinsichtlich wichtiger Qualitätskriterien für Anforderungsprofile und in Bezug auf den Nutzen der Ergebnisse für die Personalarbeit eines Unternehmens. Die Nebengütekriterien Ökonomie und Nützlichkeit wurden anhand der Kriterien von Lienert und Raatz beurteilt. Es zeigten sich dabei zufriedenstellende Beurteilungen für die Durchführungszeit, die anhand des tatsächlichen Aufwandes und anhand von Mitarbeiterbeurteilungen erfasst wurde. Es zeigte sich, dass im Vergleich zur Erstversion der TAToo der zeitliche Aufwand für die Mitarbeiter verringert werden konnte. Ebenso positiv zu beurteilen sind der geringe Materialaufwand und die Möglichkeit der Gruppendurchführung der TAToo als Fragebogen oder Workshop. Mitarbeiter der Personalabteilung einer Organisation beurteilten die Nützlichkeit der TAToo ebenfalls positiv und konnten sich einen erneuten Einsatz des Instrumentes gut vorstellen. Studie 7: Entwicklung und Prüfung einer Instruktion für das Gruppieren von Verhaltensweisen zu Anforderungen: In der letzten Studie der Arbeit wurde für die Gruppierung der Verhaltensweisen zu Anforderungen in "Tool 2 – Gruppieren" eine Instruktion erstellt und bei der Anwendung geprüft. An der Prüfung der Instruktion nahmen Laien, ohne Vorerfahrung in der Gruppierung teil. Sie gruppierten je-weils zu dritt in insgesamt 10 Workshops allein anhand der Instruktion 79 Verhaltensweisen zu An-forderungen. Anhand von Beurteilerübereinstimmungen wurden die Anforderungsprofile dieser Gruppen miteinander verglichen. Für die prozentuale Übereinstimmung wurden hohe Werte von durchschnittlich 74% erzielt. Diese hohe Übereinstimmung zeigte sich auch in einem mittleren Wert für Cramers V von .47 sowie unerwartet hohen Kappa-Koeffizienten in einem Bereich von fair bis moderate. Diese hohen Beurteilerübereinstimmungen spiegelten sich auch in sehr positiven Beurteilungen zur Verständlichkeit und Handhabbarkeit der Instruktion aus dem Blickwinkel der Anwender wider. Schlussfolgerungen Aus der Arbeit lässt sich insgesamt ableiten, dass es gelungen ist, verschiedene Durchfüh-rungsvarianten für die Datenerhebung in "Tool 1 – Erheben" zu integrieren. Mit dem Instrument kön-nen Anforderungen für eine Stelle oder Tätigkeit objektiv und valide beschrieben werden. Für den Arbeitsschritt des Gruppierens von Verhaltensweisen zu Anforderungen in "Tool 2 – Gruppieren" konnte eine Instruktion entwickelt werden, die sich als geeignet erwiesen hat, ein objektives Vorgehen sicherzustellen. In weiteren Studien soll vorrangig die prädiktive Validität des Instrumentes und die Anwendbarkeit der Instruktion in Unternehmen geprüft werden.

Entre o kháos e o kósmos, a demiourgía da excelência: a seleção de pessoal como regulação, normalização e mediação no contexto das novas políticas de gestão de recursos humanos

Vizzaccaro-Amaral, André Luís [UNESP] 25 June 2003 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:29:03Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2003-06-25Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T19:58:36Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 vizzaccaroamaral_al_me_assis.pdf: 3910634 bytes, checksum: 7de844476ffea8a940c86816d2c846cb (MD5) / Os altos índices de desemprego e subemprego no Brasil e no mundo requerem uma reflexão mais cuidadosa acerca dos impactos da nova ordem global. De um lado, um mundo globalizado, com suas demandas, ofertas e concorrências, uma disposição de forças que se chocam e que se atravessam (o ―kháos‖) e, do outro, a organização (o ―kósmos‖), com sua forma e sua ordem, construída com base em conceitos e teorias do mundo da ciência, da ordem e do controle (o ―Bem‖ e as ―idéias‖), por meio de seu arquiteto, o gestor (o ―demiourgós‖). A competência do gestor em controlar seus recursos organizacionais, nesse contexto, tem o propósito de garantir a produção da excelência necessária à sobrevivência de sua organização (a demiourgía da excelência). Por intermédio do mito cosmogônico de Platão, no Timeu, da psicodinâmica do trabalho e do estudo dos fenômenos de poder nas organizações, buscou-se compreender a participação do processo formalizado de seleção de pessoal, e do profissional envolvido em sua realização, na demiourgía da excelência nas organizações (uma vez que ela visa a garantir o controle de qualidade já no processo de provisão de pessoal), e analisá-la sob a perspectiva de que a qualidade total, aliada à flexibilização das relações de trabalho, tem sido fonte de aviltamento dos trabalhadores (a hýbris da demiourgía da excelência). Entrevistando gestores de recursos humanos, responsáveis pela seleção de pessoal de cinco grandes empresas nacionais e multinacionais da Região Metropolitana de São Paulo que, juntas, geram aproximadamente 90 mil postos de trabalhos em todo o Brasil, concluiu-se que a seleção de pessoal, pautada numa concepção platônica reducionista, atua como reguladora, normalizadora e mediadora na demiourgía da excelência, tentando garantir, com isso, condições para a antecipação de conflitos... / The high levels of unemployment and subemployment in Brazil and over all the world require a deep and careful reflection on the impact of the new worldwide order. From one side, a globalized world and its demands, offerings and competition, a set of strengths which crash and go across themselves (the kháos) and from the other side, the organization (the kósmos), with its design and order, built based on conceits and theories from the science, order and control universe (the Good and the ideas), through its architecture, the administrator (the demiourgós). The administrator competence to take over the organizational resources, in this context, should guarantee the necessary excellence to the organization survival (the demiourgía of excellence). Through the cosmogonic mith of Plato, in Timeu, the psychodinamic of work and the studies of the power phenomenon inside the organizations, it was tried to comprehend the participation of the formalized process of personnel selection and the professional involved with the process execution, in the demiourgía of excellence into the organizations (once its aim is to guarantee the control of quality in the process of personnel supply), and analize it from the perspective that total quality and flexibilization of work affairs together have been the source for worker depreciation (the hýbris of demiourgía of excellence). Interviewing administrators of human resources in charge of the personnel selection for five national and multinational big companies placed in the Metropolitan Area of São Paulo City, which put together, provide at about 90 thousand jobs all over Brazil, it was concluded that the personnel selection... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)

Predicting Counter-Productive Workplace Behavior: Item Level Analysis of an Integrity Test

Impelman, Kevin 08 1900 (has links)
Counter-productive workplace behavior (CWB) is defined as any intentional behavior on the part of an organization member viewed by the organization as contrary to its legitimate interests. A growing body of literature reveals that individual variables and pre-employment integrity tests can play a strong role in the prediction of CWB. The empirical literature has failed to clarify which type of individual level antecedents, or types of integrity test items, are more predictive of CWB. The current study evaluated data collected from restaurant employees (N=464) that measured items relating to personality tendencies, attitudes toward acceptance of counter-productive behaviors, work and high school background, and admissions of counter-productive behavior. A confirmatory factor analysis revealed a mediocre fit to a typology of CWB (interpersonal CWB vs. organizational CWB). Correlation analysis revealed that only specific attitudinal items and empirically keyed biodata items were significantly related to CWB. Hierarchical regression analysis found that attitudinal items paralleling admissions of CWB contributed variance beyond that of other personality and work and high school background antecedents.

Vícečlenné posádky dopravních letadel / Multipilot Airliner's Crew

Munk, Tomáš January 2010 (has links)
The aim of this master„s thesis is detailed study of multipilot airliner?s crew in sence of optimalization of its actions, which is known as Crew Resource Management (CRM). This paper shows what is the main purpose of CRM through the air crash investigations and human factor analysis. According to this findings, the last chapter presents problems of flight crew planning and personnel selection.

Personnalité et compétences en emploi : comparaison de la capacité prévisionnelle de deux configurations de la personnalité

Longpré, Philippe 05 1900 (has links)
Certaines études récentes confirment que les tests de personnalité sont largement utilisés à des fins de sélection dans les organisations nord-américaines et que leur fréquence d’utilisation continue de croître (Boudrias, Pettersen, Longpré, & Plunier, 2008; Rothstein & Goffin, 2006). Or, les résultats des recherches portant sur le lien prévisionnel entre la personnalité et le rendement global au travail sont peu convaincants (Morgeson et al., 2007b; Murphy & Dzieweczynski, 2005). La présente thèse vise à vérifier si une amélioration des liens prédictifs entre la personnalité et le rendement au travail pourrait être obtenue en modifiant la façon d’opérationnaliser les variables prévisionnelles issues des inventaires de personnalité et en précisant les critères à prédire de manière à les rendre plus spécifiques et mieux arrimés. Pour ce faire, la capacité prévisionnelle d’une approche centrée sur le critère, c’est-à-dire l’utilisation de composites de traits de personnalité, est comparée à l’approche traditionnelle centrée sur le prédicteur, dans ce cas-ci, les cinq grands facteurs de personnalité (Big Five). D’autre part, le rendement au travail est opérationnalisé sous l’angle des compétences en emploi, ce qui permet d’en différencier les dimensions et d’augmenter la spécificité des critères. Des hypothèses précisant les facteurs de personnalité qui devraient permettre de prédire chacune des compétences évaluées sont testées. De plus, des hypothèses précisant les traits de personnalité servant à créer les variables composites sont aussi testées. Finalement, une hypothèse portant sur la comparaison de la puissance prévisionnelle des deux approches est mise à l’épreuve. L’échantillon de la recherche est composé de 225 employés occupant divers emplois au sein d’une grande organisation québécoise. Ils ont complété un inventaire de personnalité au travail dans le cadre des processus de sélection de l’organisation. Leur supérieur immédiat a effectué une évaluation de leurs compétences et de leur rendement au moins six (6) mois après leur embauche. Les résultats démontrent que la maîtrise des compétences est mieux prédite par une approche centrée sur le prédicteur (c’est-à-dire les Big Five) que par une approche centrée sur le critère (c’est-à-dire les variables composites). En effet, seules trois hypothèses portant sur le lien entre certains facteurs de personnalité et les compétences se sont avérées partiellement soutenues. Les résultats d’analyses statistiques supplémentaires, réalisées a posteriori afin de mieux comprendre les résultats, laissent supposer la présence de variables modératrices, dont, notamment, les caractéristiques situationnelles. En somme, il nous semble plus probable d’arriver, dans le futur, à trouver une méthode structurée de création des variables composites qui permettrait d’obtenir des liens prévisionnels plus puissants que de découvrir des variables composites qui seraient elles-mêmes généralisables à tous les emplois et à toutes les organisations. Par ailleurs, nous encourageons les praticiens à porter attention à la façon d’utiliser les données de personnalité. Pour le moment, il semble que les facteurs de personnalité permettent de prédire, en partie, le rendement futur en emploi. Or, les preuves empiriques concernant l’efficacité d’autres approches demeurent relativement rares et, surtout, insuffisantes pour guider fidèlement les praticiens à travers les choix nécessaires à leur utilisation. / Recent studies confirm that personality tests are widely used for selection in North American organizations and that their frequency of use continues to grow (Boudrias, Pettersen, Longpre & Plunier 2008; Rothstein & Goffin, 2006 ). However, research shows that the predictive relationship between personality and overall job performance is generally weak and that it remains similar to the initial results on the subject (Morgeson et al, 2007b;. Dzieweczynski & Murphy, 2005). This thesis aims to determine whether an improvement in the predictive relationship between personality and job performance could be achieved by modifying the way data obtained from personality inventories is used and by specifying the criteria to predict. To do so, the predictive ability of an approach centered on the criterion, that is to say, the use of compound variables of personality, is compared with the traditional approach centered on the predictor, in this case, the five factors (Big five). Moreover, job performance is operationalized in terms of job competencies, which makes it possible to differentiate the criteria and to increase its specificity. Hypotheses specifying the personality factors that should predict each competency are tested. In addition, hypotheses specifying the personality traits used to create the compound variables are also tested. Finally, a hypothesis comparing the predictive power of the two approaches is tested. The sample consisted of 225 employees occupying various jobs in a large Quebec organization. These employees have completed a work-contextualized personality inventory through the selection process of the organization. Their immediate supervisor conducted an assessment of their competencies and of their performance at least six (6) months after being hired. Thus, the design of this research is predictive and the method used is based on a confirmatory strategy, which is similar to the normal practices of testing used by industrial and organizational psychologists. Results indicate that the competencies are better predicted by a predictor-centered approach. Indeed, only three hypotheses pertaining to the relationship between personality factors and competencies proved partially supported. The results of additional statistical analyzes, performed in order to better understand the initial results, suggest the presence of moderating variables, including, in particular, the situational characteristics. In conclusion, it seems, at this time, much more likely for researchers to find a structured method for creating compound variables that would provide stronger predictive relationship, than to discover new compound variables that would be predictive of performance in every job and every organization. In addition, we encourage practitioners to pay attention to the way they use personality data. For the moment, it seems that personality factors predict, in part, future job performance. However, empirical evidence on the effectiveness of alternative approaches is relatively rare, and insufficient to accurately guide practitioners through the choice necessary for their use.

Seleção de pessoal: a visão dos gestores

Niemeyer, Luciana Grasseschi Mathias Duarte 31 October 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-25T16:44:32Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Luciana Grasseschi Mathias Duarte Niemeyer.pdf: 1404528 bytes, checksum: dad8649095f03677619873502133af36 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-10-31 / This paper aims to discuss the vision of managers regarding the selection of staff today and evaluate the potential for using the Systemic Organizational Placement in the selection processes. Throughout the work presented the story of the evolution of the selection process, both from the management science point of view and the psychology point of view, the contemporary model of personnel selection Systemic Organizational Placement as a selection tool. This study is based on an applied research with an exploratory and descriptive character with a qualitative approach. The survey research procedure is used seeking to measure the opinion of a distinct population of respondents / A presente pesquisa tem como objetivo discutir a visão dos gestores no que tange a seleção de pessoal nos dias de hoje e verificar o potencial de utilização da Colocação Sistêmica Organizacional nos processos seletivos. É apresentada a história da evolução do processo de seleção, tanto na visão da Ciência da Administração como na visão da Psicologia, o modelo contemporâneo de seleção de pessoal e a Colocação Sistêmica Organizacional como ferramenta de seleção. O estudo se fundamenta em uma pesquisa aplicada de caráter exploratório e descritivo, com abordagem qualitativa. Por buscar medir a opinião de uma distinta população de respondentes utiliza-se dos procedimentos de pesquisa survey

O labirinto organizacional e o fio da razão: os processos de seleção interna como via de reflexividade institucional

Araujo Netto, Carlos Alberto 21 June 2012 (has links)
Esta tese teve por objetivo investigar a reflexividade como componente estratégico na prática de Gestão de Recursos Humanos (GRH) e na contribuição crítica da Psicologia das Organizações e do Trabalho (POT) frente aos desafios da alta modernidade. Tomando como referencial a Sociologia de Anthony Giddens, os atores são capazes de elaborar, no contexto das relações sociais em que estão inseridos, as condições da sua própria ação e a do outro, confrontando aquilo que a organização diz ser da forma como é compreendida. Ao mesmo tempo, o estudo revelou que os atores esperam poder contribuir e agregar valor para a organização, pela dimensão cognitiva que possuem. Isso porque os atores produzem reflexão sobre os processos nos quais estão envolvidos, queira a empresa ou não, construindo experiências pessoais com alta potencialidade de informações e conhecimentos para a GRH realizar o auto-monitoramento contínuo, identificar gaps existentes e aperfeiçoar as práticas adotadas que podem ser, assim, reconstituídas ou reorganizadas. O presente estudo, tomando como objeto de investigação empírica o processo interno de seleção de pessoas de uma empresa, analisou o quanto o conhecimento produzido pelos atores, uma vez ignorados diante da ênfase dada aos sistemas técnicos especialistas, fechados à participação pela ausência deliberada de espaços dialógicos, pode levar a perdas de referenciais e sentido, levando a uma situação denominada neste estudo como labirinto organizacional. O estudo conclui que um processo interno de seleção de pessoas vai além da escolha do candidato mais habilitado para exercer uma determinada função, pois é capaz de revelar também a forma de ser da própria organização, seu auto-retrato, na visão dos diversos atores envolvidos no processo. O quadro teórico elaborado com os conceitos de Giddens foi aplicado, neste estudo, às experiências elaboradas pelos atores quando questionados. A pesquisa demonstrou a condição e o potencial dos atores de transformarem a estrutura existente, como um Teseu contemporâneo que entra no labirinto com um projeto, agente ativo no uso reflexivo da razão como fio lógico para si que move os seus passos dentro da organização. Trata-se da experiência oposta à figura do Minotauro, submetido de forma passiva aos limites impostos pela estrutura. Ligar essas experiências é um exercício de construção que remonta ao hipertexto, como contra-labirinto, que conecta experiências e oferece um sentido para o agir organizacional. O resultado da investigação sobre a visão dos candidatos e psicólogos selecionadores mostrou que criação e análise das práticas, exploração e leitura das experiências vividas, potencializa a reflexividade institucional como condição para modernização das organizações ao fortalecer o papel dos atores como agentes ativos / This thesis aimed at investigating reflexivity as a strategic feature of Human Resources Management (HRM) linked to the critical contribution of Work and Organizational Psychology (WOP) within the facing up to the high modernity organizational challenges. Grounded in the Anthony Giddens Sociology, it scrutinized actors capacity to elaborate the conditions related to their own and others actions within the social contexts they are settled in by withstanding organizational narratives about what is being done by management. Additionally, it analyzed actors expectations of their own contribution to the organization by adding value through the offering of their own cognitions to the organization. Their expectations stem from their reflexivity on the processes they are involved in through which, be recognized or not by the enterprise, they produce a wide range of knowledge and information potentially fertile for the accomplishment of HRM selfappraisal, the identification of existing gaps and the amelioration of its practices. Taking the process of personnel selection as the target of scrutiny, this study analyzed the extent to which the knowledge produced by organizational actors is ignored by the organizational preference for the information produced by expert systems which are hemmed in to any kind of participation due to the lack of dialogical spaces. This situation produces loss of meaning and of references thus creating a kind of organizational maze. The empirical findings disclosed that an internal process of personnel selection goes beyond the choice of the most competent applicant for a particular position since it is enabled to disclose the way the organization works and its self-portrait according to actors views. Actors experiences were matched to the theoretical framework. Yet the findings confirmed actors potential competence to contribute to the transformation of the existing organziaitonal structure, as contemporary Teseus enter into the maze having a project as an active agents enabled to apply reflexivity by using the logical thread to move within the organization. Actors experience withstand Minotauros situation which was passive within the boundaries imposed by the maze structure. The scrutiny of those experiences hints at the hypertext as a sort of counter maze since it relates and offers meanings to the organizational action. Finally, the findings which emerged from the comparison of applicants with psychologists views put into light the potentiality of the analysis of procedures and the reading of experiences to enhance institutional reflexivity as inputs for organizational development since it gives momentum to actors roles as active agents

O labirinto organizacional e o fio da razão: os processos de seleção interna como via de reflexividade institucional

Carlos Alberto Araujo Netto 21 June 2012 (has links)
Esta tese teve por objetivo investigar a reflexividade como componente estratégico na prática de Gestão de Recursos Humanos (GRH) e na contribuição crítica da Psicologia das Organizações e do Trabalho (POT) frente aos desafios da alta modernidade. Tomando como referencial a Sociologia de Anthony Giddens, os atores são capazes de elaborar, no contexto das relações sociais em que estão inseridos, as condições da sua própria ação e a do outro, confrontando aquilo que a organização diz ser da forma como é compreendida. Ao mesmo tempo, o estudo revelou que os atores esperam poder contribuir e agregar valor para a organização, pela dimensão cognitiva que possuem. Isso porque os atores produzem reflexão sobre os processos nos quais estão envolvidos, queira a empresa ou não, construindo experiências pessoais com alta potencialidade de informações e conhecimentos para a GRH realizar o auto-monitoramento contínuo, identificar gaps existentes e aperfeiçoar as práticas adotadas que podem ser, assim, reconstituídas ou reorganizadas. O presente estudo, tomando como objeto de investigação empírica o processo interno de seleção de pessoas de uma empresa, analisou o quanto o conhecimento produzido pelos atores, uma vez ignorados diante da ênfase dada aos sistemas técnicos especialistas, fechados à participação pela ausência deliberada de espaços dialógicos, pode levar a perdas de referenciais e sentido, levando a uma situação denominada neste estudo como labirinto organizacional. O estudo conclui que um processo interno de seleção de pessoas vai além da escolha do candidato mais habilitado para exercer uma determinada função, pois é capaz de revelar também a forma de ser da própria organização, seu auto-retrato, na visão dos diversos atores envolvidos no processo. O quadro teórico elaborado com os conceitos de Giddens foi aplicado, neste estudo, às experiências elaboradas pelos atores quando questionados. A pesquisa demonstrou a condição e o potencial dos atores de transformarem a estrutura existente, como um Teseu contemporâneo que entra no labirinto com um projeto, agente ativo no uso reflexivo da razão como fio lógico para si que move os seus passos dentro da organização. Trata-se da experiência oposta à figura do Minotauro, submetido de forma passiva aos limites impostos pela estrutura. Ligar essas experiências é um exercício de construção que remonta ao hipertexto, como contra-labirinto, que conecta experiências e oferece um sentido para o agir organizacional. O resultado da investigação sobre a visão dos candidatos e psicólogos selecionadores mostrou que criação e análise das práticas, exploração e leitura das experiências vividas, potencializa a reflexividade institucional como condição para modernização das organizações ao fortalecer o papel dos atores como agentes ativos / This thesis aimed at investigating reflexivity as a strategic feature of Human Resources Management (HRM) linked to the critical contribution of Work and Organizational Psychology (WOP) within the facing up to the high modernity organizational challenges. Grounded in the Anthony Giddens Sociology, it scrutinized actors capacity to elaborate the conditions related to their own and others actions within the social contexts they are settled in by withstanding organizational narratives about what is being done by management. Additionally, it analyzed actors expectations of their own contribution to the organization by adding value through the offering of their own cognitions to the organization. Their expectations stem from their reflexivity on the processes they are involved in through which, be recognized or not by the enterprise, they produce a wide range of knowledge and information potentially fertile for the accomplishment of HRM selfappraisal, the identification of existing gaps and the amelioration of its practices. Taking the process of personnel selection as the target of scrutiny, this study analyzed the extent to which the knowledge produced by organizational actors is ignored by the organizational preference for the information produced by expert systems which are hemmed in to any kind of participation due to the lack of dialogical spaces. This situation produces loss of meaning and of references thus creating a kind of organizational maze. The empirical findings disclosed that an internal process of personnel selection goes beyond the choice of the most competent applicant for a particular position since it is enabled to disclose the way the organization works and its self-portrait according to actors views. Actors experiences were matched to the theoretical framework. Yet the findings confirmed actors potential competence to contribute to the transformation of the existing organziaitonal structure, as contemporary Teseus enter into the maze having a project as an active agents enabled to apply reflexivity by using the logical thread to move within the organization. Actors experience withstand Minotauros situation which was passive within the boundaries imposed by the maze structure. The scrutiny of those experiences hints at the hypertext as a sort of counter maze since it relates and offers meanings to the organizational action. Finally, the findings which emerged from the comparison of applicants with psychologists views put into light the potentiality of the analysis of procedures and the reading of experiences to enhance institutional reflexivity as inputs for organizational development since it gives momentum to actors roles as active agents

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