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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Emojis, brobyggare mellan människor eller bara onödigt grafiskt element? : En användarstudie om emojis betydelse för textad digital kommunikation / A user study about the importance of emojis in printed digital communication

Lithander, Dennis, Hylin, Frida January 2021 (has links)
Emojis anses av många vara en viktig komponent för att ge digitala konversationer en känslomässig nyansering och bidrar med tonalitet. Användning och uppfattning av dessa symboler kan variera och i denna uppsats undersöker vi om detta beror på ålder, emojis design eller om det påverkas av andra faktorer. Vi har utfört en enkätundersökning för att undersöka hur människor använder emojis. Här frågade vi vilka enheter och plattformar används regelbundet vid digitala konversationer i dagens läge, i vilka sammanhang emojis används ochom emojis utformning bidrar till en varierad användning av dessa. Vidare har vi genomfört semistrukturerade intervjuer med femton respondenter för att få djupgående svar om deltagarna anser att emojis används på olika sätt beroende på olika åldersspann mellan olika parterna, huruvida digitala kanaler kan påverka användningen av emojis samt vilka övriga faktorer som kan påverka både användning och uppfattning av emojis. Resultatet vi fick av denna studie tyder på att skillnader i användningen av emojis främst styrs av vilken relation finns mellan olika parterna, samt huruvida det existerar en åldersskillnad mellan dem. Yngre tenderar att använda ovanligare emojis oftare samt verkar mer benägna att testa nya emojis och nya plattformar, medan äldre individer i vår studie främst använder tydligare emojis på välbekanta plattformar för att inte riskera att misstolkas. Vidare kan olika plattformar avgöra hur användningen av emojis förefaller då samtliga tjänster har individuella tolkningar och betydelser på hur utformningen av emojis ska se ut. / Emojis are by many considered to be an important component in giving digital conversations an emotional nuance as well as tonality. The use and perception of these symbols can vary and in this study we investigate whether its usage depends on the users age, the design of the chosen emoji or if it’s due to other factors. We have conducted a survey to investigate how people use emoji, which devices and platforms are used in digital conversations and whether the design of emoji contributes to a varied use of them. Furthermore, we also conducted semi-structured interviews with fifteen respondents to get in-depth answers about whether the participants use emojis in different ways depending on different age ranges between separate parties, whether digital channels can affect the use of them and what other factors can affect both use and perception of emojis. The results we obtained from this study indicate that differences in the use of emojis are mainly governed by the relationship between the different parties, and that it matters whether there is an age difference between them. Younger people tend to use more unusual emojis more often and seem more willing to try new emojis and platforms, while older individuals mainly use plainer emojis on familiar platforms as they do not want to risk being misinterpreted. Furthermore, different platforms can determine how the use of emojis appears, as all services come with individual interpretations of what the design of emojis looks like and what they mean.

La E-Service Quality y la intención de uso en relación a la E-Satisfaction de los usuarios de streaming de televisión.

Cáceres Carrera, Mario Gerardo, Mendoza Espinoza, Gabriela Jazmin 08 July 2021 (has links)
La presente investigación tiene la finalidad de explicar cómo el E-Service Quality y la intención de uso que influyen, como variables independientes, en la E-Satisfaction denominada variable dependiente en las plataformas de servicio de streaming. Con ello, se busca comprender de mejor manera la satisfacción de los clientes durante el uso del servicio. Así mismo, el estudio realizará una investigación exhaustiva sobre las características principales de las variables involucradas, con el fin de poder comprender de manera eficaz dicho procedimiento. Por ello, el muestreo será no probabilístico debido a la población infinita del presente estudio y a los parámetros que se pueden establecer. La muestra estará conformada por hombres y mujeres con edades entre los 18 y 40 años y que utilicen de manera frecuente los servicios de las plataformas de streaming de TV. Por último, en el testeo estadístico se aplicarán correlaciones y regresiones lineales múltiples con el objetivo de establecer relaciones entre las variables analizadas. / The present research aims to explain how the E-Service Quality and the intention of use that influence, as independent variables, the E-Satisfaction called dependent variable in streaming service platforms. With this, we seek to understand the customer satisfaction during the use of the service better. At the same time, the study will carry out an exhaustive investigation on the main characteristics of the variables involved, to be able to understand this procedure effectively. Therefore, the sampling will be non-probabilistic due to the infinite population of the present study and the parameters that can be established. The sample will come from men and women between the ages of 18 and 40 and who use the services of the streaming TV platforms frequently. Finally, in the statistical testing, multiple linear correlations and regressions will be applied in order to establish relationships between the analyzed variables. / Trabajo de investigación

The Social Network Mixtape: Essays on the Economics of the Digital World

Aridor, Guy January 2022 (has links)
This dissertation studies economic issues in the digital economy with a specific focus on the economic aspects of how firms acquire and use consumer data. Chapter 1 empirically studies the drivers of digital attention in the space of social media applications. In order to do so I conduct an experiment where I comprehensively monitor how participants spend their time on digital services and use parental control software to shut off access to either their Instagram or YouTube. I characterize how participants substitute their time during and after the restrictions. I provide an interpretation of the substitution during the restriction period that allows me to conclude that relevant market definitions may be broader than those currently considered by regulatory authorities, but that the substantial diversion towards non-digital activities indicates significant market power from the perspective of consumers for Instagram and YouTube. I then use the results on substitution after the restriction period to motivate a discrete choice model of time usage with inertia and, using the estimates from this model, conduct merger assessments between social media applications. I find that the inertia channel is important for justifying blocking mergers, which I use to argue that currently debated policies aimed at curbing digital addiction are important not only just in their own right but also from an antitrust perspective and, in particular, as a potential policy tool for promoting competition in these markets. More broadly, my paper highlights the utility of product unavailability experiments for demand and merger analysis of digital goods. I thank Maayan Malter for working together with me on collecting the data for this paper. Chapter 2 then studies the next step in consumer data collection process – the extent to which a firm can collect a consumer’s data depends on privacy preferences and the set of available privacy tools. This chapter studies the impact of the General Data Protection Regulation on the ability of a data-intensive intermediary to collect and use consumer data. We find that the opt-in requirement of GDPR resulted in 12.5% drop in the intermediary-observed consumers, but the remaining consumers are trackable for a longer period of time. These findings are consistent with privacy-conscious consumers substituting away from less efficient privacy protection (e.g, cookie deletion) to explicit opt out—a process that would make opt-in consumers more predictable. Consistent with this hypothesis, the average value of the remaining consumers to advertisers has increased, offsetting some of the losses from consumer opt-outs. This chapter is jointly authored with Yeon-Koo Che and Tobias Salz. Chapter 3 and Chapter 4 make up the third portion of the dissertation that studies one of the most prominent uses of consumer data in the digital economy – recommendation systems. This chapter is a combination of several papers studying the economic impact of these systems. The first paper is a joint paper with Duarte Gonçalves which studies a model of strategic interaction between producers and a monopolist platform that employs a recommendation system. We characterize the consumer welfare implications of the platform’s entry into the production market. The platform’s entry induces the platform to bias recommendations to steer consumers towards its own goods, which leads to equilibrium investment adjustments by the producers and lower consumer welfare. Further, we find that a policy separating recommendation and production is not always welfare improving. Our results highlight the ability of integrated recommender systems to foreclose competition on online platforms. The second paper turns towards understanding how such systems impact consumer choices and is joint with Duarte Gonçalves and Shan Sikdar. In this paper we study a model of user decision-making in the context of recommender systems via numerical simulation. Our model provides an explanation for the findings of Nguyen et. al (2014), where, in environments where recommender systems are typically deployed, users consume increasingly similar items over time even without recommendation. We find that recommendation alleviates these natural filter-bubble effects, but that it also leads to an increase in homogeneity across users, resulting in a trade-off between homogenizing across-user consumption and diversifying within-user consumption. Finally, we discuss how our model highlights the importance of collecting data on user beliefs and their evolution over time both to design better recommendations and to further understand their impact.

Second Chance

Martínez Palomino, Juan Agustín, Ortiz Pachas, Flor de Maria Guadalupe, Salvatierra Cáceres, Jhonny Daniel, Sánchez Gonzales, Arturo Rodolfo 13 July 2020 (has links)
Second Chance nace como una idea de negocio alternativo al comercio de prendas de vestir basado en un enfoque sostenible ofreciendo una segunda oportunidad a las prendas de vestir en buen estado y desarrollar así un mercado de comercio en línea altamente rentable. Se identificaron dos problemáticas, en primer lugar, personas que poseen gran cantidad de prendas en desuso, las cuales se encuentran en buen estado y desearían poder deshacerse de ellas a cambio de un ingreso monetario, en segundo lugar, personal que estarían dispuestas a comprar prendas de segunda mano de calidad a bajo precio y en buen estado ya que no cuentan con efectivo suficiente para adquirir las prendas nuevas, es así que Second Chance desarrolla una plataforma web con la finalidad de dar atención a estos problemas identificados proveyendo un espacio practico y seguro. Los clientes potenciales de la compañía pertenecen a un sector socioeconómico B y C con estilo de vida moderno y progresista. El mercado al cual se enfoca el negocio es uno existente, sin embargo, la propuesta de valor del proyecto espera promover la moda sostenible como alternativa de consumo. Para ello Second Chance cuenta con un equipo altamente calificado para desempeñarse en cada una de las unidades administrativas. Se proyecta generar un alto índice de rentabilidad al finalizar el quinto año de operaciones, así también, luego de analizar dos escenarios, optimista y pesimista, se obtiene resultados positivos de alta rentabilidad y alta probabilidad de viabilidad para el proyecto. / Second Chance was born as an alternative business idea to the clothing trade based on a sustainable approach, giving second chance to clothing in good condition and developing a highly profitable online trading market. Two problems were identified, the first one, people who have a large number of obsolete garments, which are in good condition and they wish they could get rid of them at the change of a monetary income, the second one, there are people who would be willing to buy garments second-hand quality at a low price and in good condition since they do not have enough cash to purchase the new garments, so Second Chance develops a web platform in order to address these identified problems, demonstrating a practical and safe space to buy. The company's potential customers affected are a socio-economic sector B and C with a modern and progressive lifestyle. The market to which the business focuses is an existing one, however, the value proposition of the project hopes to promote sustainable fashion as an alternative for consumption. For this Second Chance has a highly qualified team to perform in each of the administrative units. It is projected to generate a high profitability index at the end of the fifth year of operations, as well as, after analyzing two scenarios, optimistic and pessimistic, positive results of high profitability and high probability of viability for the project are obtained. / Trabajo de investigación

Market Place Gifty

Morales Ponce de León, Ernesto Jorge, Valderrama Ascencios, Sayda Rosa, Veliz Salazar, Lorena Elizabeth, Yoshimura Akatsuka, Diana Harumi 13 July 2020 (has links)
El presente trabajo de grado desarrolla el plan de negocios para implementar una plataforma intermediaria de venta de productos novedosos. Esta plataforma online se dedicará a la intermediación de obsequios ofreciendo factores diferenciales, con el objetivo de cautivar a los clientes con un producto innovador. Nuestra empresa ofrece un catálogo amplio de posibilidades para que uno pueda escoger el regalo adecuado para la persona especial. Regalos novedosos que calzan con los gustos, personalidades y, sobre todo, podemos afirmar, que la originalidad y creatividad harán sentir especial a la persona. Gifty es una plataforma virtual que se abre paso dentro los Market places del momento para ofrecer un espacio de fácil acceso para emprendedores que tienen como objetivo ampliar su margen de venta y dar a conocer sus productos originales en el rubro de los regalos novedosos. Gifty necesita una inversión total de S/ 45,477.00 soles de los cuales, el 30% será mediante financiamiento y un 70% será mediante aporte de accionistas por S/ 31,834.00 los cuales serán repartidos en partes iguales. Se ha determinado que es un proyecto escalable en el tiempo, con un riesgo bajo y con un COK de 14.34% / The present degree work develops the business plan to implement an intermediary platform for the sale of new products. This online platform will be dedicated to the intermediation of gifts offering differential factors, with the aim of captivating customers with an innovative product. Our company offers a wide catalog of possibilities so that one can choose the right gift for the special person. Novel gifts that fit the tastes, personalities and, above all, we can affirm that originality and creativity will make the person feel special. Gifty is a virtual platform that makes its way into the Market places of the moment to offer an easily accessible space for entrepreneurs who aim to expand their sales margin and present their original products in the area of novelty gifts. Gifty needs a total investment of S / 45,477.00 soles, of which 30% will be through financing and 70% will be through the contribution of shareholders for S / 31,834.00, which will be distributed in equal parts. It has been determined that it is a project scalable in time, with a low risk and with a COK of 14.34% / Trabajo de investigación

Discrimination in Online Platforms: A Comparative Law Approach to Design, Intermediation and Data Challenges

Correa Harcus, Ana Maria 23 October 2020 (has links) (PDF)
This doctoral thesis is at the intersection of law and technology by focusing on the ethical governance of private companies on the topic of discrimination. It centers on algorithmic and intentional discrimination. It aimed to determine whether the European Union and Federal USA law are equipped to address discrimination in the provision of work, goods, and services online. Through and extensive analyses of sources that included private company practices, private anti-discrimination policies, collective and private litigation, court decisions, public regulation at the EU, Member State levels, and United States, this thesis argued that statutory law and legal precedents in the European Union and United States are only partially equipped to address discrimination against statutorily protected classes. The author of this thesis inferred from the selected sources that the main obstacles to the full implementation of the equality principle rely on businesses' structural challenges, including aesthetic design, matching tools, evaluation systems, and network effect of online platforms that ultimately reinforce old biases against protected classes. Furthermore, rigid and more flexible regimes of liability immunities to online intermediaries results in the lack of incentive for structural changes. Finally, in the light of these structural challenges, this thesis asserts that the fight against discrimination in online platforms might produce the best results when also oriented by a model of regulation that encourages online platforms to implement the principle of transparency and fairness in their interactions with users, coupled with the cooperation of anti-discrimination bodies and private businesses. / Doctorat en Sciences juridiques / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Outils de prototypage pour la conception de systèmes complexes / Prototyping tools for the design of complex systems

Louali, Rabah 29 September 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse s’inscrit dans le contexte des systèmes embarqués qui sont qualifiés de complexes car leur développement nécessite une expertise pluridisciplinaire. Une stratégie de développement s'avère incontournable pour concevoir ces systèmes. Cette complexité est encore plus sévère dans le domaine du développement des systèmes embarqués pour UAV.Nous proposons une approche de développement orientés systèmes embarqués basés COTS. Cette démarche combine plusieurs méthodes issues du génie logiciel classique que nous avons adapté aux systèmes embarqués. Nous avons appliqué cette approche pour développer un système de capteurs embarqués pour un micro-UAV à voilures fixes.Le système embarqué développé a été déployé sur un robot classique, une bicyclette et un modèle réduit d'avion. L'objectif est de valider la consistance des données capteurs, compte tenu de la disparité des dynamiques entres ces systèmes. Ces expériences ont permis de mettre en évidence des similitudes théoriques entre ces 3 dynamiques. L'objectif est de pouvoir valider des systèmes embarqués pour UAV sur des plateformes à moindre coût et à moindre complexité, tout en garantissant la consistance des données capteurs et leur interprétation par rapport aux trois plateformes. Nous avons construit, aussi, une plateforme de simulation dont l’objectif est de supporter l’approche de développement proposée. Nous avons utilisé cette plateforme pour concevoir un système de contrôle, guidage et navigation pour un UAV à voilures fixes. Ces applications montrent, ainsi, l’efficacité de l’approche de développement proposée. / This thesis tackles the problem of embedded system design, which are often qualified as complex systems because their development requires multidisciplinary expertise. A development strategy is then essential to design these systems. As an application, we focused on UAV embedded systems, which show very severe development constraints.We propose a development approach oriented COTS-based embedded systems. This approach combines several methods from classic software engineering filed that we have adapted for embedded systems. We applied this approach to develop an embedded sensors system for a micro fixed wings UAVs.The designed embedded system has been deployed on an UAV, a mobile and a bicycle. The aim is to validate the UAV embedded system using a lower cost platforms and with less complexity, while ensuring sensors data consistency and interpretation regarding the dynamic of the three platforms. These experiments highlight the theoretical similarities between those three dynamics. Furthermore, we built a simulation platform that aims to support the proposed development approach. We used this platform to design a control, guidance and navigation system for a fixed wings UAV. These applications show the effectiveness of the proposed development approach.

Effect of structural motion on the hydrodynamic forcing of offshore steel structures

Laya, Enrique J January 1980 (has links)
Thesis (M.S.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering; and, (M.S.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Civil Engineering, 1980. / MICROFICHE COPY AVAILABLE IN ARCHIVES AND ENGINEERING. / Bibliography: leaves 124-127. / by Enrique J. Laya. / M.S.

Exploring teachers experience with learning management systems within flexible learning environments

Holtzberg, Joel January 2022 (has links)
New types of emerging classrooms called flexible learning environments change the traditionalclassroom structure by removing barriers previously set by the room. Within these environments learningmanagement systems (LMS) are used by teachers to support them in their daily operations. The digitaltransformation of education presents new challenges of designing LMS for flexible learning environments.The research question for this study is as follows: “How do teachers experience learning managementsystems within flexible learning environments?” The aim of this study is to gain insights into teachers'experience with the use of LMS in flexible learning environments; and how the teachers experience theirdevelopment of digital competence to use the systems in their teaching. The study resulted in four themesof experiences (1) Lack of adoption, (2) Control within the system, (3) Collaboration and competencedevelopment, (4) Direct feedback and interactions. The insights of the themes of experience are presentedin the form of design propositions.


HENRIQUE COSTA LIMA 07 August 2023 (has links)
[pt] O que significaria, se a otimização do sistema capitalista, através do processo competitivo e da inovação tecnológica, alcançasse uma produtividade extrema e fizesse que o lucro, o sangue que dá vida ao capitalismo, secasse? A questão da música hoje está atrelada à digitalização do fonograma, e à desmaterialização da mercadoria musical, no período em torno da passagem do milênio. A pesquisa coloca a possibilidade de que o campo da música tenha chegado aos limites de um percurso previsto por Marx, no aumento contínuo da competição e da produtividade como eixo da sociedade moderna. Por outro lado, as manifestações musicais mais marcantes do século XX, ao explorarem uma sensibilidade ao instante, contribuíram para a formação de uma temporalidade e mentalidade neoliberal. A partir das propostas do economista francês Jacques Attali, de que a música pode ser uma ferramenta teórica capaz de antecipar futuros desenvolvimentos históricos e sociais, o trabalho traz as ideias do teórico político alemão Robert Kurz, do grupo da Crítica do Valor, de atualização da concepção marxista, privilegiando o ponto de vista de músicos e profissionais do áudio. O trabalho se dedica a uma análise da trajetória do fonograma no século XX, pela história das tecnologias de gravação de áudio e de três gravações emblemáticas da cultura musical popular de língua inglesa. Houve uma democratização na escuta e no acesso, o músico adquiriu autonomia, valorizou sua voz própria e aprendeu a se gerenciar como produtor, no instante em que seu produto perdia o valor; em seu processo de emancipação, paradoxalmente, o músico contribuiu para uma nova forma de sujeição. / [en] What would it mean if the optimization of the capitalist system, through its competitive process and technological innovation, would have reached a point of extreme productivity caused profit, the lifeblood of capitalism, to dry up? The main question of music today is linked to the digitalization of the sound recording, and the dematerialization of the music merchandise, around the turn of the millennium. This research is dedicated to an analysis of the trajectory of the sound recording in the 20th century, through a short history of audio recording technologies and an analysis of three emblematic recordings of English-speaking popular musical cul-ture. The work crosses French economist Jacques Attali’s ideas that music can be a theoretical tool capable of anticipating future historical and social developments, and the ideas of German political theorist Robert Kurz, the main author of the Value Critiscism group. Privileging the point of view of musicians and audio profession-als, the investigation is set to check whether the field of music has traveled and reached the limits of a path foreseen by Marx, in the dynamics of competition and continuous increase of productivity as the axis of modern society. Also, whether the most striking musical manifestations of the 20th century, by exploring a sensi-tivity to the moment, to the instant, contributed to the formation of a neoliberal temporality and mentality. There was a democratization in listening and manipulat-ing sounds, musicians acquired autonomy, were able to value their own voice and learned how to manage themselves as producers at the same moment that the prod-uct of their labour lost form and value. In his process of emancipation, paradoxi-cally, the musician contributed to a new form of subjection.

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