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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ebene Seiltragwerke: Darstellung des Berechnungsmodells und Entwicklung eines Computerprogrammes zur Schnittgrößenberechnung

Wanke, Niklas 06 May 2024 (has links)
Der Einsatz von Seilen im Ingenieurbau ermöglicht häufig konkurrenzlos leichte, widerstandsfähige und zugleich wirtschaftliche Tragwerkslösungen. Voraussetzung hierfür ist eine wirklichkeitsnahe statische Bemessung der Seile. Das Ziel dieser Arbeit ist die Entwicklung eines „Open Source“ Computerprogrammes für die Schnittgrößenberechnung ebener Seilsysteme an zwei Aufhängepunkten. Dafür werden zunächst allgemeine und bemessungsrelevante Aspekte zum Bauteil Seil vorgestellt. Anschließend erfolgt die theoretische Herleitung von drei Berechnungsmodellen, welche für unterschiedliche Belastungsarten ausgelegt sind. Jedes dieser Berechnungsmodelle wird anhand eines praxisnahen Anwendungsbeispiels veranschaulicht. Auf Grundlage der theoretischen Herleitungen wird mithilfe der Mathematiksoftware „MATLAB“ ein Berechnungsprogramm für ebene Seiltragwerke entwickelt. Die Plausibilität dieses Programms wird durch Vergleichsrechnungen mit der Statiksoftware „RFEM“ im Rahmen einer Parameterstudie nachgewiesen. Innerhalb der Plausibilitätskontrolle können größtenteils Abweichungen von weniger als 5 % erzielt werden. Einzelne Versuche zeigen größere Abweichungen. Hierfür werden die Ursachen erschlossen und behoben, bzw. Anwendungsgrenzen definiert, um eine sichere Verwendung des Programms zu gewährleisten.:1 Einführung 10 1.1 Seile im Bauwesen 10 1.2 Zielsetzung 11 1.3 Literaturüberblick und aktueller Wissensstand 12 2 Allgemeine Ausführungen zum Seil 13 2.1 Materialien 13 2.2 Herstellung 14 2.3 Eigenschaften von Drahtseilen 16 2.4 Anwendungsgebiete 27 2.5 Typische Einwirkungen 28 3 Theoretische Betrachtung 36 3.1 Berechnungsmodell für ebene Seiltragwerke 36 3.2 Seil unter Eigengewicht 39 3.3 Seil unter beliebiger vertikaler Belastung 54 3.4 Seil unter beliebiger Belastung in Seilebene 62 3.5 Seil unter reiner Zugbelastung 75 3.6 Biegesteifes Seil 75 3.7 Seil mit nichtlinearem Materialverhalten 77 4 Entwicklung eines Programms zur Berechnung ebener Seiltragwerke 79 4.1 Entwicklung des Programms 79 4.2 Plausibilitätskontrolle 86 5 Zusammenfassung und Ausblick 97 Anhang A: Auszug aus der Zulassung für eine 7-drähtige Spannstahllitze 101 Anhang B: Auszug aus der Zulassung für vorgefertigte Drahtseile 107 Anhang C: Produktdatenblatt Spiralseil 112 Anhang D: Programmcode „SEIL“ 113 Anhang E: Verzeichnis der verwendeten Variablen in Programm „SEIL“ 130 Anhang F: Berechnungsparameter RFEM 136 Anhang G: Übersicht Versuchsreihe zur Herleitung von Gl. 4.3 138 Literaturverzeichnis 141 Normenverzeichnis 144 Bildquellenverzeichnis 146 / The usage of cables for engineering often provides unparalleled lightweight, durable, and economically viable structural solutions. A prerequisite for that is a realistic static design of these cables. The objective of this thesis is the development of an 'open source' computer program for calculating internal forces in planar cable systems with two support points. To achieve this, general and design-relevant aspects for cables are initially presented. Subsequently, three calculation models, each designed for different types of loading, are theoretically derived. Each of these calculation models is demonstrated by a practical application example. Based on the theoretical derivations, a calculation program for planar cable structures is developed by using the software „MATLAB“. The plausibility of this program is verified by comparative calculations with the statics software „RFEM“ in the context of a parameter study. Within the plausibility check, deviations of mostly less than 5% can be reached. A few tests show larger deviations. The causes for these are identified and emended, or application limits are defined to ensure the safe usage of the program.:1 Einführung 10 1.1 Seile im Bauwesen 10 1.2 Zielsetzung 11 1.3 Literaturüberblick und aktueller Wissensstand 12 2 Allgemeine Ausführungen zum Seil 13 2.1 Materialien 13 2.2 Herstellung 14 2.3 Eigenschaften von Drahtseilen 16 2.4 Anwendungsgebiete 27 2.5 Typische Einwirkungen 28 3 Theoretische Betrachtung 36 3.1 Berechnungsmodell für ebene Seiltragwerke 36 3.2 Seil unter Eigengewicht 39 3.3 Seil unter beliebiger vertikaler Belastung 54 3.4 Seil unter beliebiger Belastung in Seilebene 62 3.5 Seil unter reiner Zugbelastung 75 3.6 Biegesteifes Seil 75 3.7 Seil mit nichtlinearem Materialverhalten 77 4 Entwicklung eines Programms zur Berechnung ebener Seiltragwerke 79 4.1 Entwicklung des Programms 79 4.2 Plausibilitätskontrolle 86 5 Zusammenfassung und Ausblick 97 Anhang A: Auszug aus der Zulassung für eine 7-drähtige Spannstahllitze 101 Anhang B: Auszug aus der Zulassung für vorgefertigte Drahtseile 107 Anhang C: Produktdatenblatt Spiralseil 112 Anhang D: Programmcode „SEIL“ 113 Anhang E: Verzeichnis der verwendeten Variablen in Programm „SEIL“ 130 Anhang F: Berechnungsparameter RFEM 136 Anhang G: Übersicht Versuchsreihe zur Herleitung von Gl. 4.3 138 Literaturverzeichnis 141 Normenverzeichnis 144 Bildquellenverzeichnis 146

Bibeln på mina egna villkor : En studie av medierade kontakter med bibeln med särskilt avseende på ungdomar och Internet / The Bible on my Own Terms : A Study of Mediated Contacts with the Bible with Special Reference to Youth and the Internet

Sjöborg, Anders January 2006 (has links)
Does mediation via the Internet contribute to the use of the Bible as a cultural resource, and if so does this contribute to other ways of relating to the Bible as an authority? This is investigated in three steps. Firstly, quantitative survey data concerning Bible reading and other forms of contact with the Bible as well as attitudes to the Bible are scrutinized for variation over time and generational differences. Secondly, patterns of use on a Swedish Christian ecumenical web site on the Bible targeted at teenagers are explored. Thirdly interviews with young users of this web site are assessed in terms of detraditionalization. Earlier results emphasizing the privatizing effect of the mediation of religion are complemented by considering a cultural component against which the individual relates to religion in a manner which is both private and social. This study supports the findings of earlier studies on the Internet and religion, as to the significance of factors such as offline experiences of religion, attitude to pluralism, and technical features online. This study adds to those results by exposing how these features come into play in the use of a Christian website, and that such a site may also work as an arena for young people from diverse religious backgrounds. Thirdly, the role of the mediation of religion via the Internet for religious and social change is understood in a reciprocal manner: the Internet is a product of a time of insecurity, an agent contributing to this insecurity, as well as a cultural response to this insecurity. It is argued that the use of the studied website can be seen as detraditionalization, in terms of weakening of traditions and individualization of religion. The concept virtual plausibility structure is suggested for understanding the role of the Internet in between the individual and the social in late modernity.

Trojaborgarnas dolda agenda : En övergripande beskrivning av trojaborgar i Sverige och en jämförelse av olika teorier om trojaborgarnas funktion / The Hidden Agenda of the Troy Towns

Olsson Söderhäll, Kristina January 2019 (has links)
A Troy Town is a labyrinth either built of stones or made of turf. They can be found in northern Europe, especially in Scandinavia. The number of Troy Towns in Sweden is outstanding. They are around 400. Most of them are situated on the coast but there are still approximatly 80 inland about 20 of which are located on ancient burial grounds from both bronze and iron age. The Troy Towns in Sweden are mostly marked with round circles of stones, the size of human skulls, and placed directly on the ground. The entrance of a Troy Town is often formed as a cross. There are some turf labyrinths left in Denmark, England and Germany but most of them are overgrown by grass and can no longer be seen. The Troy Towns are hard to date. Away from the coast one can examine their contexts whilst along the coast lichenometry and the sea level may be used to determine the age of them. There are different ways to describe the purpose of them depending on what period they belong to and where they are situated. Researchers do not agree on all the theories and many of them are based on older explanations. Still new theories appear. My purpose apart from describing the Troy Towns is to examine and compare the theories and to evaluate their plausibility. / <p>Uppsatsen ventilerad 2019-05-27</p><p>Uppsatsen godkänd 2019-06-12</p>


Pereira, Perciliana Chaves 26 March 2004 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-07-27T13:48:51Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Perciliana Chaves Pereira.pdf: 8433744 bytes, checksum: d75f751f681297087e07b3584621e18f (MD5) Previous issue date: 2004-03-26 / The objective of this thesis seeks to study analytically the religiousness present in the poetic writings of Cora Coralina underscoring her representative influence in the field of letters in Goiás and her multifaceted symbologies that were made possible by the re-signification of linguistic signs through which the poetess elaborates her universe of meanings. Starting with bibliographical research as a basis of support, a hermeneutic process is utilized in the de-construction of the poems being studied in order to verify the fabric of her work. Initial1y, the social-cultural enviroment lived and represented by Cora Coralina, which gives birth to the majority of her themes, is established. What is sought to be shown is how the authoress constructs by means of nature' s elements ( earth, water, vegetation, rocks) manifestations that mark the presence of the force of the sacred in her poetry elevating the profane world to this irrefutable condition by means of a rich symbology with which her verses are ornamented. Her identification with the "obscure" (workers, marginalized women, the poor, the outcast) and her symbiosis with the elements of animate (animals, plants, roots etc.) and inanimate (earth, land, rocks etc.) nature are researched. Final1y, the plausibility of Coralina s world, which via religiousness and mysticism is impregnated with diverse levels of transcendence converting that which is particular into universal, is sought to be revealed. What one seeks to disclose as a synthesis to all this examination is human essence as scrutinized by the poetess, who is a representative of the presence of the feminine being in the world. / Este trabalho tem por objetivo fazer um estudo analítico da religiosidade presente na escritura poética de Cora Coralina, destacando também sua representatividade no cenário das letras goianas e as multifaces de suas simbologias, possibilitadas pela ressignificação dos signos lingüísticos com que a poetisa elabora o universo de suas conotações. Partindo de uma pesquisa bibliográfica como suporte teórico, utiliza-se um processo hermenêutico na desconstrução dos poemas em estudo, a fim de verificar como se processa a sua tecitura. Inicialmente, situa-se o ambiente sóciocultural vivido/representado por Cora, gestador maior de suas temáticas. Procura-se mostrar que, por intermédio dos elementos da natureza: terra, água, vegetação, pedra, a autora constrói hierofanias que marcam a força do sagrado em sua poesia, alçando o mundo profano à irrefutável condição de sagrado por meio da rica simbologia com que orna seus versos. Investiga-se sobre suas identificações com os obscuros (trabalhadores, mulheres excluídas, gente humilde, marginalizados) e sobre suas simbioses com os elementos da natureza animada (animais, plantas, raízes etc.) e inanimada (terra, gleba, pedra etc). Por fim, busca-se revelar a plausibilidade do mundo coralineano que, por via da religiosidade e do misticismo, é impregnado de diversas transcendências, as quais convertem o que é local em universal. Como síntese de todas essas perquirições, tenta-se desvelar a essência humana perscrutada pela poetisa, representante do ser feminino no mundo.

再探語意預視效應:中文雙字詞處理 / Revisiting Semantic Preview Benefit: Evidence from Processing of Chinese Two-Character Words

李孟璋, Li, Bing Tsiong Unknown Date (has links)
本研究探討中文讀者對於中文雙字詞的早期語意處理,特別要探討的是中文讀者是否能在凝視一個中文雙字複合詞之前,即可提取該詞的語意資訊。在中文的閱讀研究中曾經發現單字的語意資訊可以在該單字被凝視之前提取,不論是成詞的單字或是多字詞其中的組成單字。也有證據顯示中文雙字詞或雙字複合詞呈現在中央視野時的處理方式是整詞處理。由於事實上就詞長來看,雙字詞的詞類數量為中文詞類的最大宗,也是最常被使用的詞類,因此中文雙字詞語意處理的時間歷程便是本研究的研究目標。   實驗一旨在檢視雙字詞的語意資訊是否能和單字一樣,在被凝視之前即被提取。本實驗採用邊界典範(Boundary paradigm, Rayner, 1975),除了目標詞預視(identical preview)之外,本實驗亦包含語意相關預視(semantic-related preview)、語意無關預視(semantic-unrelated preview)及非詞預視(nonword preview)。實驗發現語意相關預視能促進目標詞的處理。然而和預視空間(preview space)及預視時間(preview time)的交互作用則顯示語意預視效益(benefit)在預視空間較大的時候會隨著預視時間拉長而增加,在預視空間較小的時候,則會隨著預視時間漸減。   在實驗一中,語意關聯性的高低和該詞合理性(plausibility)的高低是共變的,因此這兩個要素構成一個混淆的因子。語意相關預視和語意無關預視之間的效果有可能來自語意關聯性的差異,或是來自在句中合理性的差異。合理性同時也能解釋在為何在實驗一中,不合理的語意無關預視在目標前詞(pretarget)上造成較短的閱讀時間。為了解決這項混淆的因子,實驗二因此採用對目標詞預視、語意相關預視、及語意無關預視都合理的句子。結果發現,語意預視的主要效果消失。然而交互作用的模式則顯示出,語意預視效益在較長的預視時間、較大的預視空間下仍會存在。但在較小的預視空間下,會隨著較長的預視時間而轉為耗損(cost)。實驗二的結果因此提供證據支持在沒有合理性的交互作用下,中文雙字詞的語意預視效應仍會發生。最後,兩個實驗的差異顯示在中文閱讀中存在合理性的預視效益,此結論和之前中文閱讀的研究結果一致。 / The present study investigates the early semantic processing of Chinese two-character words by Chinese readers. Specifically, whether Chinese readers are able to extract semantic information of an up-coming two-character compound as a whole when the word is yet being fixated. In Chinese, it has been demonstrated that semantic information can be extracted from a single character, whether it is a word or part of a word, before the character is being fixated. There is also evidence for whole word processing of foveally presented two-character compounds/words. Since two-character words actually constitute the majority of word type and are used most frequently in total, the time course of processing the meaning of such combination of characters during reading is then the goal of this study. The first experiment aimed to examine whether semantic information of a two-character word can be extracted before it is fixated, as what have been found for single characters. Boundary paradigm (Rayner, 1975) was used, with identical, semantic-related, and semantic-unrelated words, as well as nonwords as preview. Semantic-related preview did facilitate target word processing. The interaction pattern of the effects with preview space and preview time, however, showed that semantic preview benefit could increase with preview time with small preview space, but decrease with preview time under large preview space. A possible confounding factor in the first experiment was the overlap between semantic relatedness and plausibility. The effect between semantic-related and semantic-unrelated previews could be of semantic or plausibility nature. Plausibility may also explain the shortened fixation duration found in Experiment 1 when implausible semantic-unrelated preview was presented parafoveally. Experiment 2 then solved this confounding by using sentence frames which are plausible for identical, semantic-related, and semantic-unrelated previews. In Experiment 2, main effect of semantic preview benefit disappeared, while the interaction patterns showed that such benefit existed for large preview space with long preview time, but became cost for small preview space with long preview time. The results of Experiment 2 thus provide evidence for semantic preview effect of Chinese two-character words without the interaction with plausibility. Finally, the discrepancies between the two experiments indicate the existence of plausibility preview benefit, which previous studies have suggested to exist in Chinese.

A grande transformação : a formação sacerdotal da Arquidiocese de São Paulo (1958-1984)

Bárbara Junior, Camilo Antônio Santa 29 August 2014 (has links)
This thesis examines the changes in priestly formation at the Archdiocese of São Paulo between 1958 and 1984, focusing on the following dimensions: working method, disciplinary measures, spiritual practices and intellectual formation. Although the changes are concerned with the nature of social institutions, this period was characterized by very intense changes in priestly formation towards an increasing secularization of the religious practices and discourse. This thesis, based on the theoretical tools developed by the sociologist Peter Berger, examines the correlations between the modernization of São Paulo society, with its consequent objective and subjective secularization process, and changes occurred in the archdiocesan priestly formation. Therefore, as Brazil and the city of São Paulo - advanced center of Brazilian modernization - were introduced in the spiral process of rapid secularization, traditional Catholic education has become dysfunctional to the interests of Catholicism. After all, to each form of social organization corresponded certain kind of Catholic priest whose function was to conserve or enhance the structure of domination of Catholicism. For this, it was necessary to strengthen its plausibility structure, namely, the social base that makes it a socially relevant discourse. Within the context of the military regime and the opening of the Catholic Church to the world, with the ecclesiastical politics of Vatican II, d. Paulo Arns decided to put the archdiocese in the struggle for human rights and criticism of the Brazilian development model. Thus, opted to introduce archdiocesan Catholicism into the interests and secular reality, considering that the secularized religious clientage of São Paulo has secular issues at the center of their interests. For this, had to operate a reordering of archdiocesan pastoral, including priestly formation in order to adapt it to new pastoral praxis. This process of secularization of religious consciousness led to the end of educational activity at the seminary and the reform of theology school in accordance with the canons of secular thought. Therefore, emerged a new kind of priestly formation and a new secularized religious discourse that legitimated it: liberation theology. / Esta tese trata das transformações na formação sacerdotal da Arquidiocese de São Paulo entre os anos de 1958 e 1984, concentrando-se nas seguintes dimensões: regime de funcionamento, regime disciplinar, práticas espirituais e formação intelectual. Embora as mudanças sejam da natureza das instituições sociais, esse período foi caracterizado por mudanças bastante intensas na formação sacerdotal no sentido de uma crescente secularização das práticas e do discurso religiosos. Esta tese, baseando-se no instrumental teórico desenvolvido pelo sociólogo Peter Berger, analisa as correlações entre a modernização da sociedade paulistana, com o seu consequente processo de secularização objetivo e subjetivo, e as mudanças ocorridas no seio da formação sacerdotal arquidiocesana. Dessa forma, à medida que o Brasil e a cidade de São Paulo centro avançado da modernização brasileira foram introduzidos na espiral do rápido processo de secularização, a formação tradicional católica tornou-se disfuncional aos interesses do catolicismo. Afinal, a cada forma de organização social correspondeu certo tipo de sacerdote católico, cuja função foi conservar ou aumentar a estrutura de dominação do catolicismo. Para isso, foi preciso fortalecer a sua estrutura de plausibilidade, isto é, a base social que torna um discurso relevante socialmente. Dentro do contexto do regime militar e da abertura da Igreja Católica ao mundo, com a política eclesiástica do Concílio Vaticano II, d. Paulo Arns resolveu inserir a Arquidiocese nas lutas pelos direitos humanos e na crítica do modelo de desenvolvimento brasileiro. Dessa forma, optou pela inserção do catolicismo arquidiocesano no âmbito dos interesses e realidades seculares, tendo em vista que a clientela religiosa secularizada da cidade de São Paulo tem as questões seculares no centro de seus interesses. Para isso, teve de operar uma reordenação da pastoral arquidiocesana, inclusive, da formação sacerdotal, a fim de adequá-la à nova práxis pastoral. Esse processo de secularização da consciência religiosa conduziu ao fim da atividade formativa no seminário e à reforma da faculdade de teologia de acordo com os cânones do pensamento secular. Por isso, surgiu uma nova modalidade de formação sacerdotal e um novo discurso religioso secularizado que a legitimava: a teologia da libertação.

De la validité du modèle de situation en compréhension de textes / On model situation’s validity in text comprehension

Taffin, Maïté 13 December 2010 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur la compréhension de textes et plus précisément sur son caractère dynamique. Elle interroge la validité d’une notion qui fait consensus dans les différents modèles de compréhension, celle du modèle de situation qui est la représentation de la situation évoquée par le texte. Construit tout au long de la lecture et permettant l’établissement de la cohérence, ce modèle de situation serait le produit fini obtenu à la fin de la lecture. A travers quatre séries d’expériences, ce travail étudie la répercussion qu’une tâche de compréhension proposée après lecture d’un texte, peut avoir sur la compréhension même du texte. La première série d’expériences examine si la dynamique du modèle de situation, c'est-à-dire sa mise à jour, perdure au-delà de la simple lecture du texte. Les séries d’expériences suivantes s’axent sur l’effet du contexte au moment de la tâche de compréhension. Plus précisément, la deuxième série d’expériences porte sur un effet de discriminabilité au sein des énoncés à juger dans la tâche de compréhension après lecture ; la troisième et quatrième série d’expériences manipulent la fluence conceptuelle et perceptive du traitement. Les résultats tendent à montrer que la réponse du participant n’est pas un acte faisant appel au passé et à une représentation, mais un acte dans le présent et dépendant du contexte situationnel. Ainsi, sa réponse n’est pas contenue dans un schéma pré-stocké que l’on pourrait nommer modèle de situation, mais émerge du présent et de son contexte. / This thesis is about text comprehension and more precisely about its dynamic feature. It questions the validity of a notion which has reached consensus in the various models of comprehension: The notion of situation model which is the representation of the situation evoked by the text. Founded throughout the reading and allowing the establishment of coherence, this situation model would be the final product obtained at the end of this reading. Through four series of experiments, this thesis puts under scrutiny the repercussion a comprehension task, proposed after the reading of a text, could have on the very comprehension of the text. The first series of experiments examines whether the model situation’s dynamic, meaning its updating, is maintained beyond a straightforward reading of the text. The next series of experiments are centred on the context effect when the comprehension task occurred. Much more precisely, the second series of experiments deals with the discriminability effect within the statements which are going to be judged during the comprehension task after reading; the third and fourth series of experiments manipulate the conceptual fluency and the perceptual fluency. The results tend to point to the fact that the participant’s response is not an act referring to the past and a representation, but an act embedded in the present, which depends on the situational context. Thus, the participant’s response is not held in a pre-stocked schema, that we could call situation model but emerges from the present and from its context.

Generický přístup ke změně nejistoty s důrazem na kondicionalizaci / Generic Approach to Updating Uncertainty: Focus on Conditioning

Kuncová, Alexandra January 2016 (has links)
First, we consider different kinds of representation of uncertainty and the meth- ods for updating each of them by conditioning. We focus on the generic frame- work of (conditional) plausibility spaces, since it generalises all the introduced representations. Further, we select three frameworks and list the properties that need to be added to a conditional plausibility space in order to recover each of these frameworks. The main goal of this work, however, is to show how public announcement on single-agent plausibility models, ranking structures, and pos- sibility structures realised by their corresponding update mechanisms, can be embedded into the framework of conditional plausibility spaces. At the very end we briefly illustrate a general update model using plausibility measures. Keywords: belief revision, dynamic logic, epistemic logic, plausibility space, pub- lic announcement, uncertainty, update.

Risk Quantification and Reliability Based Design Optimization in Reusable Launch Vehicles

King, Jason Maxwell 01 December 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Life is a spectrum : a critical appraisal of some of Chauke's works

Ndove, Mkhancane Daniel 06 1900 (has links)
This dissertation critically appraises some ofChauke's literary works within a semiotic approach especially in terms of colours of the spectrwn. In this study the spectrum is reganled as a replica or symbol of man's various filcets of Jife. Analyses of the representations of "Life is a Spectrum" have been made in tenns of psychological and symbolic &.cets. Cbauke's narrative s1yle in delineating characters and milieus sketching received attention in the discussion. The cunent scenario in education and politics as well as socio-economic issues have also been dealt with. This study has revealed that Chauke is an author who dmws readers very close to his works that serve as mirrors of their lives. It bas been established that Chauke is an outstanding writer who uses real situations and events that are relevant to people•s life in this contempotaty situation. / African Languages / M.A. (African Languages)

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