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The Police Organizations Education, Knowledge and Experiences of Mental Illness: A Qualitative Interview StudyMehmedovic, Edina January 2019 (has links)
This study illustrates the experiences and knowledge on mental illness within the police organization. The main queries are how the police education prepare the police for encounters with mentally ill individuals, what police officers experience and what is done within the department in relation to strengthen knowledge and competence on mental illness.Nine interviews were conducted with police students, police officers and a business developer and the findings are that the overall perception of the police programme is that it provides future police officers with a basic understanding about mental illness. However, experienced police officers feel that they need more knowledge about mental illness to feel more secure and comfortable in these meetings. Furthermore, the police department works with the governmental assignation by preparing study material for different groups to strengthen their knowledge and competence on mental illness. The aim is to provide the police with knowledge about legal frames, recognition of mental states/disorders, how to respond to mentally ill individuals and what agencies are available to assist in the community. The limitation of the study was the relatively small sample considering that data was collected from different parts of the organization. However, this study has demonstrated an overview of the whole organization and their work connected to mental illness. The conclusion of this study is that the police department in Sweden has realized the knowledge gap and developed an educational plan to resolve the missing puzzle pieces.
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Områdespolisernas roll - En kvalitativ studie om områdespolisernas upplevelse av sina arbetsförutsättningarAlnesved, Annica, Macauley, Belinda January 2019 (has links)
Den stora Polisreformen 2015 benämns som den största omorganiseringen i modern tid. Medborgarlöften som syftar till att förebygga brott, öka tryggheten, stärka förtroendet för Polisen samt öka medborgarnas och lokalsamhällets delaktighet i det brottsförebyggande och trygghetsskapande arbetet, är en betydelsefull del av arbetet i den nya organisationen. Även att arbeta utifrån en tydlig problembild. Områdespoliser i Sverige är av stor vikt i detta arbete. Studien syftar till att belysa arbetssituationen för Områdespoliser i Sverige, huruvida förutsättningar finns för att till fullo uppfylla sina arbetsdirektiv samt belysa om arbetsuppdraget anses som tydligt. Kvalitativ design ligger till grund för berörd studie; resultaten baseras på fyra semistrukturerade intervjuer av områdespoliser från olika orter i Polisregion Syd med särskilt utsatta områden. Tidigare forskning kring organisationer, omorganisation, påverkan av denna på anställda, samt implementering av arbetsmetoder som Problem Oriented Policing (POP) och Community Policing (COP) ligger till grund för studien. Av resultatanalysen framgår att det i stort råder tydlighet kring arbetsbeskrivningen men att den subjektiva tolkningen och även arbetsledningens tolkning är av relevans. Områdespoliserna arbetar på bästa sätt utifrån de förutsättningar som idag finns men personalbrist leder till att områdespoliserna ofta blir kommenderade till att utföra andra polisiära uppdrag, vilket leder till brist på kontinuitet i arbetet. Av resultatet framgår även vikten av ledningsstöd. Stöd av tidigare forskning finnes avseende vikten av ett tydligt arbetsuppdrag för det polisiära arbetet, ledningsstöd, den anställdes subjektiva upplevelse av dennes arbetssituation, samt vikten av adekvat personal och att vid omorganisationer inkludera medarbetaren. Longitudinell framtida forskning kring påverkan av omorganisation hos anställda rekommenderas. Detta för möjlighet av insyn i såväl organisationens förändring samt anställds upplevelse därav. / The major police reform in 2015 is referred to as the largest reorganization in modern times. Citizens' pledges aimed at preventing crime, increasing security, strengthening confidence in the police and increasing citizens' and local communities' involvement in crime prevention and efforts aimed at increasing the perceived feeling of safety, are an important part of the work of the new organization. Also working from a clear problem description. Community police in Sweden are of great importance in this work. The study aims to shed light on the work situation for community police in Sweden, whether conditions allow them to fully comply with their role specification and to clarify whether the work assignment is considered clear. Qualitative design forms the basis of the study concerned; the results are based on four semi-structured interviews of community police from different locations in Police Region South with particularly vulnerable areas. The study is based on previous research of organizations, reorganization, the influence of reorganization on employees and the implementation of working methods such as Problem Oriented Policing (POP) and Community Policing (COP). The results show that there is general clarity about the stated work description but that the subjective interpretation and also the interpretation of the management is of relevance. The community police work in the best way on the basis of the conditions that exist today, but staff shortages lead to the community police often being commanded to carry out other tasks within the organization, which leads to a lack of continuity in the work. The results also show the importance of management support. The results largely confirm previous research. Support from previous research is found in the importance of a clear job description, the importance of management support, the importance of the employee's subjective experience of his work situation and the importance of adequate staff. Also the importance of including employees during reorganization. Longitudinal future research on the influence of reorganization among employees is recommended. This allows for the possibility of transparency in the organization's change as well as its impact on employees.
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E-Learning and In-Service Training: An Exploration of the Beliefs and Practices of Trainers and Trainees in the Turkish National PoliceZengin, Selcuk 08 1900 (has links)
This targeted research study, carried out by an officer of the Turkish National Police (TNP), investigated the perceptions and beliefs of TNP trainers and trainees towards the potential adoption and implementation of e-learning technology for in-service police training. Utilizing diffusion and innovation theory (DOI) (Rogers, 1995) and the conceptual technology integration process model (CTIM) (Nicolle, 2005), two different surveys were administered; one to the trainers and one to the trainees. The factor analyses revealed three shared trainer and trainee perceptions: A positive perception towards e-learning, personally and for the TNP; a belief in the importance of administrative support for e-learning integration; and the belief in importance of appropriate resources to facilitate integration and maintain implementation. Three major recommendations were made for the TNP. First, the research findings could be used as a road map by the TNP Education Department to provide a more flexible system to disseminate in-service training information. The second is to establish two-way channels of communication between the administration and the TNP personnel to efficiently operationalize the adoption and integration of e-learning technology. The third is the administrative provision of necessary hardware, software, and technical support.
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警察組織風紀危機管理之研究-以民國90年員警擄妓勒贖案為例王輝傑 Unknown Date (has links)
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Polisens organisationskultur : En explorativ studieStenmark, Henric January 2005 (has links)
<p>The purpose of this thesis is to analyse the police organizational culture in Sweden. Previous research on Police in Sweden has focused largely on Police Chiefs and police officers. It has ignored a major element in the organisational culture of the police – civilian employees. This thesis revisits the organisational culture of the Swedish Police Service in its entirety. The thesis reports the change, steering and management issues that arose from the introduction of ’planned change’, via quality management, into the organisational culture of the police. To clarify these issues, it focuses on a recent reform initiative – community policing in the period between 1993 and 2004. Fieldwork and other data on a quality project were collected between 1995 and 1998. The results of this initiative were uneven. It was difficult to accomplish planned change. Much time was taken up with ’muddling through’. These results are then compared earlier accounts of planned change and ’muddling through’, taken from the international literature on organisational cultures. Overall, the research suggests that the organisation of Police Chiefs, police officers, and civilian staff are not fully integrated, and boundaries between these groups are a source of internal, time-consuming discussion, all of which have an impact on the Swedish police service. In sum, organizational culture of the Swedish police service can be understood in terms of its relationships with different sub-cultures and in term of its relationship with the outside world. These features give the service a unique character.</p>
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Polisens organisationskultur : En explorativ studieStenmark, Henric January 2005 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to analyse the police organizational culture in Sweden. Previous research on Police in Sweden has focused largely on Police Chiefs and police officers. It has ignored a major element in the organisational culture of the police – civilian employees. This thesis revisits the organisational culture of the Swedish Police Service in its entirety. The thesis reports the change, steering and management issues that arose from the introduction of ’planned change’, via quality management, into the organisational culture of the police. To clarify these issues, it focuses on a recent reform initiative – community policing in the period between 1993 and 2004. Fieldwork and other data on a quality project were collected between 1995 and 1998. The results of this initiative were uneven. It was difficult to accomplish planned change. Much time was taken up with ’muddling through’. These results are then compared earlier accounts of planned change and ’muddling through’, taken from the international literature on organisational cultures. Overall, the research suggests that the organisation of Police Chiefs, police officers, and civilian staff are not fully integrated, and boundaries between these groups are a source of internal, time-consuming discussion, all of which have an impact on the Swedish police service. In sum, organizational culture of the Swedish police service can be understood in terms of its relationships with different sub-cultures and in term of its relationship with the outside world. These features give the service a unique character.
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Interpol National Central Bureau : an operational policyFoxcroft, Graham 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2005. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Foreign criminal syndicates are using South Africa as a springboard to commit certain
crimes throughout the world. The crimes vary from fraud to murder to dealing in
drugs. The South African Police Service does possess the capacity and the means to
trace and arrest these criminals but this is not enough. Foreigners arrested in this
country are tried and sentenced without any checks being done in order to determine
whether the subject is possibly sought by other policing agencies throughout the
One of the means available to the South African Police Service but which is
completely under utilizsed is the component "Interpol", which is based within the Crime
Intelligence division at Head Office in Pretoria. One reason for the under utilisation of
this component is the absence of an operational policy. The design of a policy
document will inform members of the South African Police Service of the environment
in which Interpol operates and what contribution it can make in respect of- the
investigation of crimes that have an international dimension.
The theoretical aspects of the policy environment have been discussed and it was
found that it is of importance that the proper goals and objectives are formulated and
that policy analyst must be able to differentiate between the two. As progress is made
in respect of the policy document the analyst will have to keep abreast with current
tendencies and make the necessary adjustments. These changes must not be of
such a nature that the goals and objectives of the policy document are changed or
By the middle of the nineteenth century, the police, especially in Europe, began to
realise that criminals were regularly committing offences in other countries and then
returning to their own country. There was nothing that the police could do in this
regard as the extradition of a criminal was done applied for in exceptional
circumstances. The possibility of establishing an international policing agency in order
to assist all policing agencies in combating these "cross-border" crimes was
investigated. The first conference was held during 1914 in Monaco. This was the first
of many conferences that would lead to the establishment of the international policing
agency known as "Interpol". South Africa only joined the organisation in September
It is proposed that an operational policy document be drafted and send to all the
divisions of the South African Police Service. This document clearly stipulates how
Interpol Pretoria can be of assistance to all the divisions of the South African Police
Service. This includes what must be done when foreign nationals are arrested in
South Africa and when members of the South African police Service undertake official
journeys to foreign countries. The document also includes how the component is
managed, its structure and the nature of its duties. Research has proven that there is a need for a policy document for Interpol Pretoria.
It is recommended that the operational policy document be accepted. Once accepted,
the document must be converted into a national instruction. The advantages of a
document of this nature are:
./' The component already exists and no additional funding is required to establish
the component.
./' More members of the South African Police Service will be able to make use of
the services rendered by the component.
Of the disadvantages in this regard, is that it is a long-winded procedure that has to be
followed before the document is approved. Visits will have to be undertaken to hold
"information sessions" with the commanders within the various provinces.
Research has illustrated that policy documents are valuable within the Public Service.
The absence of a policy document is not necessarily a disadvantage to certain units
within the policing environment but when it comes to available resources not being
optimally utilized, the reason therefore could be the absence on an operational policy. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Suid-Afrika word deur buitelandse misdaadsindikate as afsetgebied gebruik om
sekere misdade oor die hele wêreld heen te pleeg. Die misdade wissel van bedrog tot
moord tot dwelmhandel. Die Suid-Afrikaanse Polisiediens beskik weloor bronne en
kennis om die misdadigers op te spoor en in hegtenis te neem. Maar dit is nie genoeg
nie. Buitelanders wat in hegtenis geneem word, word vervolg sonder dat daar
vasgestel word of die persoon deur ander polisie-agentskappe in ander wêrelddele
gesoek word.
Van die bronne wat tot die beskikking van die Suid-Afrikaanse Polisiediens is, maar
wat heeltemalonderbenut word, is die "Interpol"-komponent van Misdaadintelligensie,
Hoofkatnoor, Pretoria. Een van die redes hiervoor is dat daar geen operasionele
beleid vir hierdie komponent bestaan nie. Die opstel van so 'n beleidsdokument sal
lede van die Suid-Afrikaanse Polisiediens inlig oor die werksmilieu waarbinne
"Interpol" werk en watter bydrae die komponent by die ondersoek van misdade met 'n
internasionale dimensie kan maak.
Die teoretiese aspekte van die beleidsmilieu is bespreek en daar is gevind dat dit van
kardinale beland is om behoorlik geformuleerde doelstellings en doelwitte op te stel.
Die beleidsanalis behoort ook tussen die twee kan onderskei. Soos die opstel van die
document vorder, is dit belangrik dat die analis met nuwe tendense moet tred hou en
die nodige verstellings behoort aanbring te word. Dié verstellings behoort nie van so
'n aard wees dat dit die doelstellings en doelwitte van die beleidsdokument verander
Teen die middle van die negentiende eeu het die polisie, veral in Europa begin besef
dat misdadigers gereeld misdade in ander lande pleeg en dan na hulle eie land
terugkeer. Daar was niks wat die polisiebeamptes hieraan kon doen nie aangesien
die uitlewering van 'n verdagte slegs in uitsonderlik egevalle aangevra is. Die
moontlikheid is ondersoek dat 'n internasionale polisie-organisasie op die been
gebring moes word wat alle polisie-agentskappe sou help om "oorgrensmisdade" te
bekamp. Die eerste konferensie van dié is in 1914 in Monaco gehou. Dit was die
eerste van 'n reeks konferensies wat aanleidign sou gee tot die totstandkoming van
die internasionale polisie-organisasie wat vandag as "Interpol" bekend staan. Suid-
Afrika het eers in September 1993 lid van dié organisasie geword.
'n Operasionele beleidsdokument word voorgestel wat na al die afdelings van die
Suid-Afrikaanse Polisiediens versprei moet word. Die dokument gee 'n uiteensetting
van hoe Interpol Pretoria ander afdelings van die Suid-Afrikaanse Polisiediens van
hulp kan wees, soos byvoorbeeld wat van lede in sekere gevalle verlang word, soos
waar buitelandse burgers gearresteer word en/of wanneer lede amptelike besoeke
aan ander lande aflê. Die dokument gee ook 'n uiteensetting van hoe die komponent
bedryf word, asook van sy struktuur en werksaamhede. Die navorsing bewys dat daar 'n behoefte aan 'n beleidsdokument vir Interpol Pretoria
bestaan. Daar word aanbeveel dat die operasionele beleidsdokument aanvaar
behoort te word. Nadat dit goedgekeur is, behoort dit in 'n nasionale instruksie
omskep te word. Die voordele van so 'n dokument is meervoudig, en sluit die
volgende in:
./ Die Komponent bestaan reeds en bykomende fondse hoef nie daarvoor bewillig
te word nie .
./ Meer lede van die Suid-Afrikaanse Polisiediens sal die dienste gebruik wat die
komponent verskaf.
Van die nadele is dat dit 'n langdurige proses is om so 'n beleidsdokument te laat
goedkeur. Besoeke sal aan die verskeie provinsiale kantore gebring behoort te word
om 'inligtingsessies' met die bevelvoerders te hou.
Die navorsig het weer eens bewys dat beleidsdokumente nog steeds 'n waardevolle
plek in die Staatsdiens het. Die gebrek aan 'n beleid is nie noodwendig nadelig vir
sekere eenhede binne die polisiemilieu nie, maar wanneer daar gekyk word na die
onderbenutting van bestaande bronne, kan dit heel moontlik aan die afwesigheid van
'n operasionele beleidsdokument toegeskryf word.
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Narrativité et temporalité dans la construction identitaire en contexte organisationnelBasque, Joëlle 01 1900 (has links)
Cette thèse propose une contribution théorique et méthodologique pour l’étude de la constitution de l’identité dans les organisations. Elle présente le développement d’une conceptualisation originale du problème de la durée des identités, qui s’incarne à travers la tension stabilité-changement. L’identité, vue soit comme une réalité qui évolue au fil des changements, ou alors comme quelque chose qui perdure, est abondamment étudiée en communication organisationnelle. En effet, plusieurs auteurs mettent l’accent sur la dimension performative de l’identité au détriment de sa dimension stable et fixe. Je propose, dans cette thèse, que ces deux dimensions de l’identité sont l’objet d’une tension dialectique, et que la configuration et l’interprétation de narratifs identitaires par les individus en interaction permet d’effectuer la médiation entre ces deux aspects de l’identité (Ricoeur, 1990). La thèse s’efforce de montrer que la mise en tension des dimensions temporelles de l’identité permet par ailleurs de regarder la construction concomitante des identités personnelles, collectives et de l’organisation. À partir d’une méthode d’analyse élaborée à partir de la théorie de l’identité narrative de Paul Ricoeur (1990) et inspirée de l’analyse de conversation, je réalise une étude minutieuse de narratifs identitaires produits lors d’entrevues de groupe. Cette méthode a permis d’analyser simultanément et comme un tout le contenu textuel des narratifs ainsi que leur performance en contexte. Les données analysées proviennent d’un travail de recherche de terrain que j’ai réalisé en 2007 et 2008 auprès des employés de la division québécoise de la Gendarmerie royale du Canada. / This dissertation makes theoretical and methodological contributions to questions of identity construction in organizations. It does so by developing an original conceptualization of the problem of temporal dimensions of identity, made visible through the dialectical tension between stability and change. In the organizational communication literature, identity is either seen as something that evolves or as something that is stable through time. For instance, many authors adopt a performative stance to study identity, which makes it difficult to take into consideration fixity of identity. I postulate that these two dimensions of identity are in a dialectical tension and that the process of configuration and interpretation of narratives makes their mediation possible. Moreover, I demonstrate that keeping in tension temporal dimensions of identity through narratives makes it possible to study the concomitant construction of individual, collective and organizational identities. Using an analytical method drawn from Ricoeur’s theory of narrative identity (Ricoeur, 1995) as well as inspired by conversation analysis, I analyzed data drawn from group interviews with employees of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police conducted in 2007 and 2008. This method allowed me to simultaneously analyze textual and contextual aspects of identity narratives
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Narrativité et temporalité dans la construction identitaire en contexte organisationnelBasque, Joëlle 01 1900 (has links)
Cette thèse propose une contribution théorique et méthodologique pour l’étude de la constitution de l’identité dans les organisations. Elle présente le développement d’une conceptualisation originale du problème de la durée des identités, qui s’incarne à travers la tension stabilité-changement. L’identité, vue soit comme une réalité qui évolue au fil des changements, ou alors comme quelque chose qui perdure, est abondamment étudiée en communication organisationnelle. En effet, plusieurs auteurs mettent l’accent sur la dimension performative de l’identité au détriment de sa dimension stable et fixe. Je propose, dans cette thèse, que ces deux dimensions de l’identité sont l’objet d’une tension dialectique, et que la configuration et l’interprétation de narratifs identitaires par les individus en interaction permet d’effectuer la médiation entre ces deux aspects de l’identité (Ricoeur, 1990). La thèse s’efforce de montrer que la mise en tension des dimensions temporelles de l’identité permet par ailleurs de regarder la construction concomitante des identités personnelles, collectives et de l’organisation. À partir d’une méthode d’analyse élaborée à partir de la théorie de l’identité narrative de Paul Ricoeur (1990) et inspirée de l’analyse de conversation, je réalise une étude minutieuse de narratifs identitaires produits lors d’entrevues de groupe. Cette méthode a permis d’analyser simultanément et comme un tout le contenu textuel des narratifs ainsi que leur performance en contexte. Les données analysées proviennent d’un travail de recherche de terrain que j’ai réalisé en 2007 et 2008 auprès des employés de la division québécoise de la Gendarmerie royale du Canada. / This dissertation makes theoretical and methodological contributions to questions of identity construction in organizations. It does so by developing an original conceptualization of the problem of temporal dimensions of identity, made visible through the dialectical tension between stability and change. In the organizational communication literature, identity is either seen as something that evolves or as something that is stable through time. For instance, many authors adopt a performative stance to study identity, which makes it difficult to take into consideration fixity of identity. I postulate that these two dimensions of identity are in a dialectical tension and that the process of configuration and interpretation of narratives makes their mediation possible. Moreover, I demonstrate that keeping in tension temporal dimensions of identity through narratives makes it possible to study the concomitant construction of individual, collective and organizational identities. Using an analytical method drawn from Ricoeur’s theory of narrative identity (Ricoeur, 1995) as well as inspired by conversation analysis, I analyzed data drawn from group interviews with employees of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police conducted in 2007 and 2008. This method allowed me to simultaneously analyze textual and contextual aspects of identity narratives
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Mångfald - nödvändigt eller en fjäder i hatten? : En diskursanalytisk studie av polisorganisationens mångfaldsarbete / Diversity - necessary or a feather in the cap? : A discourse analytical study of the police organization's diversity workDedic, Selma, Montelin, Tove January 2022 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to explore and interpret the different meanings and consequences of diversity and its associated practices for the police organization in Sweden. By highlighting possible discourses on the concept of diversity within the police organization and how the police organization presents the concept of diversity, based on that, contribute to an increased understanding of the police organization’s diversity work. Our study is based on a qualitative method, discourse analysis, which has helped us collect the empirical material. The purpose with discourse analysis is to interpret what is written, therefore this study is based on our own interpretations of the empirical material. The empirical material that consists of the police policy documents has in turn been analyzed based on Carol Bacchi’s “What’s the problem represented to be-approach” (WPR-approach) and the neo-institutional theory where concepts such as isomorphism and loosely coupled occur. When studying the police organization, the concept of diversity is seen to be common. The police highlights the importance of having diversity within their organization, which can be seen to have emerged over time. The result of this study indicates that the police organization works actively to make equal treatment a natural part of the organization today. This includes wanting to reflect society and they believe that diversity entails different skills which they want to utilize within the organization. The study also describes three different problem representations which we have identified in the empirical material. These problem representations have in turn helped us to highlight different discourses about the concept of diversity, which has contributed to an increased understanding of the police organization’s diversity work.
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