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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

TĖVŲ ĮSITRAUKIMO Į SOCIOEDUKACINĖS PAGALBOS ORGANIZAVIMĄ MOKYKLOJE GALIMYBĖS: SOCIALINIŲ PEDAGOGŲ POŽIŪRIO ANALIZĖ / Possibilities of parents involvement in process of social-educational problems: social-educators view

Gronskytė, Julita 03 September 2010 (has links)
Bakalauro darbe analizuojamas socialinių pedagogų požiūris į tėvų įsitraukimo galimybes, sprendžiant vaikų socioedukacines problemas. Tyrime apklausta 100 socialinių pedagogų, dirbančių pradinėse, pagrindinėse, vidurinėse mokyklose ir gimnazijose. Anketinės apklausos metodu tirta tėvų dalyvavimo raiška ir jo poreikis, sprendžiant vaikų socioedukacines problemas, bei socialinių pedagogų pastangos įtraukti tėvus į socioedukacinių vaikų problemų sprendimo procesą. Analizuojant tyrimo duomenis, palygintos socialinių pedagogų nuomonės apie tėvų dalyvavimą ir jo poreikį, sprendžiant konkrečias socioedukacines vaikų problemas. Taip pat analizuota, kaip socialiniai pedagogai vertina tėvų vaidmenį bei bendravimą su tėvais socioedukacinių vaikų problemų sprendimo procese. Aiškintąsi, kokius socialiniai pedagogai naudoja tėvų informavimo apie problemą, skatinimo spręsti problemas, pedagoginio švietimo bei pagalbos pokalbyje su tėvais būdus. Tyrimu nustatyta, kad socialiniai pedagogai tėvų įsitraukimą vertina kaip pasyvų. Tėvai mažai dalyvauja socioedukacinės problemos sprendimo procese, bet, tam jie turėtų skirti daugiau dėmesio. Lyginant tėvų įsitraukimą į atskiras socioedukacines problemas ir įsitraukimo poreikį, nustatyta, kad beveik visoms problemoms tėvai skiria nepakankamai dėmesio. Pagrindinės menko tėvų dalyvavimo priežastys, socialinių pedagogų nuomone, yra tėvų asocialus elgesys, kuris gali būti suprantamas kaip šeimos priklausomumas rizikos atvejui, tėvų abejingumas... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The purpose of investigation was to analyse the social – educators view of parents involvement in the process of solving childrens social – educationals problems. In this investigation participated hundred social – educators who works in comprehensive schools. They had to fill form about parents involvement in childrens social – educationals problems and social – educators demands about that. Also they had to sum up his/her work to involve parents in the process of solving childrens social – educationals problems. The view about parents involvement and demands was compared. Also, it was analyse a social – educators view about parents role and comunication with parents. It was showed social – educators methods to inform about the problem, to motivate to solve the problem, to educate parents and to help in the conversation about the problem. The rezults of invetigation showed that a parents involvement is passive. Parents involve too litlle in the process of problems solving. They must to give more attention to this process. The rezults of the compare of a parents involvement and demands estime that parents involve too litlle in all childrens sociol - educational problems. There are bad habits, a motivation to learn and attendance, problems of personality and comunication with contemporaries. Principals problems of parents involvemet are their dissosiable behaviour, a indifference to their childrens, their emigration, their occupation in the work. Social educators estime that... [to full text]

Regėjimo negalę turinčių asmenų įgalinimo galimybės kolektyvine muzikine veikla / Possibilities of Empowering People with Visual Impairment by Means of Collective Music

Mockutė, Kristina 03 September 2010 (has links)
Šiandieninėje visuomenėje vis daugiau dėmesio skiriama neįgalumą turinčių asmenų socialinei integracijai į visuomenę. Tam turi reikšmės priimti Invalidų socialinės integracijos (1991), Neįgaliųjų socialinės integracijos (2005), Specialiojo ugdymo (1998) įstatymai, Nacionalinė žmonių su negalia socialinės integracijos 2003 – 2012 metų programa, iškeliantys būtinybę mažinti šių asmenų socialinę atskirtį. Pažymima, kad socialinė integracija gali padėti asmeniui prisitaikyti socialinėje aplinkoje ir kartu gerinti aplinkos sąlygas siekiant užtikrinti jo sėkmingą funkcionavimą. Sprendžiant šias problemas, svarbu, kad regėjimo negalę turintis asmuo, dalyvautų pilnavertėje visuomeninėje veikloje, patikėtų savo galimybėmis ir kad jam būtų padedama įgyti aukštesnį socialinį kompetentingumą. Meninė integracija suprantama kaip skirtingai besivystančių asmenų bendravimas ir kūrybinė meninė veikla. Tačiau ypatingą reikšmę turi profesionalus požiūris į integruotos meninės veiklos turinį, parenkamą repertuarą ir jo adaptavimą skirtingų gebėjimų kolektyvui, bendros veiklos organizavimą. Tyrimo objektas – regėjimo negalę turinčių asmenų kolektyvinė muzikinė veikla. Tyrimo tikslas – atskleisti regėjimo negalę turinčių asmenų įgalinimo galimybes kolektyvine muzikine veikla. Tyrimo uždaviniai: 1) apibrėžti regėjimo negalės sampratą mokslinėje literatūroje; 2) apžvelgti visuomenės požiūrio į neregius kaitą istorinės raidos kontekste; 3) apibūdinti regėjimo negalę turinčių asmenų... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The society is increasingly focused on people with disabilities to social integrate them into society. Implications for Social integration for handicapts (1991), Social integration for disabled (2005), Special education (1998) laws, Nacional 2003 - 2012 year program for social integration for people with disabilities, putting emphasis on the need to reduce their social exclusion. Noted that social integration can help a person to adapt the social environment, and to improve environmental conditions in order to ensure its successful functioning. Tackling these problems, it is important that a person with vision disabilities participates in social activities , entrustes to his potential and that he would get help to gain a higher level of social competencies. Arts integration is understood as communication and creative artistic activity for people with different development. However, professional attitude for content of integrated art activities, selected repertoire and its adaptation for collective with different abilities and organizing activities have special significance. Research subject – collective musical activity in persons with visual disabilities. Purpose of the research – to reveal opportunities for integration into society for people with visual disabilities through collective musical activities. Research objectives: 1) define the concept of visual disability in scientific literature; 2) overview public attitude to blind people in the context of the historical... [to full text]

Smurtas bendrojo lavinimo mokykloje: situacija, prevencija ir šalinimo galimybės / Violence at secondary school: situation, prevention and elimination possibilities

Teišerskienė, Danguolė 07 September 2010 (has links)
Temos aktualumas. Magistriniame darbe atlikta ir pristatyta Kelmės rajono kaimo ir miesto bendrojo lavinimo mokyklų vaikų, patyrusių smurtą, lyginamoji analizė, kadangi pastaruoju metu ypač padaugėjo emocinio, fizinio ir seksualinio smurto prieš vaikus ir tarp jų pačių atvejų. Bendrojo lavinimo mokyklose dažnai įvyksta smurto protrūkių, per kuriuos nukenčia mokiniai- jie sužalojami fiziškai, emociškai, pasitaikė atvejų, pasibaigusių mirtimi. Tyrimo objektas- smurtas Kelmės rajono kaimo ir miesto bendrojo lavinimo mokykloje. Tyrimo tikslas- išanalizuoti ir palyginti smurto Kelmės rajono kaimo ir miesto bendrojo lavinimo mokyklose situaciją ir teoriškai bei empiriškai pagrįsti prevencijos ir šalinimo galimybes. Tyrimo uždaviniai: 1. Atskleisti situaciją, teorinius smurto raiškos, paplitimo ir šalinimo galimybių prevencijos pagrindus. 2. Palyginti Lietuvos ir kitų Europos šalių smurto bendrojo lavinimo mokyklose apraiškas. 3. Įvertinti smurto prevenciją ir jo šalinimo galimybes. 4. Atlikti lyginamąją Kelmės rajono kaimo ir miesto bendrojo lavinimo mokyklų vaikų, patyrusių smurtą, analizę. Tyrimo klausimas: kokia situacija, smurto prevencija ir šalinimo galimybės Kelmės rajono kaimo ir miesto bendrojo lavinimo mokyklose? Hipotezės: 1. Kaimo bendrojo lavinimo mokyklų mokiniai dažniau patiria smurtą ir patys smurtauja, negu miesto. 2. Teigiamas mokyklos mikroklimatas įtakoja smurto prevencijos programų įgyvendinimo sėkmingumą bei šalinimo galimybių patikimumą. 3.Ankstyvoji... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Relevance of the subject. Due to the fact that emotional, physical and sexual violence cases against children as well as among themselves have increased dramatically, this Master‘s thesis presents the comparative analysis of the children who experienced violence in rural and urban secondary schools in Kelme area. Violent outbursts often happen in secondary comprehensive schools where students suffer physically and emotionally. There were even death cases. Research object- violence in rural and urban secondary schools in Kelmė area. Research objective- to analize and compare the situation of violence in rural and urban secondary schools in Kelmė area and present theoretical and empirical justifications for its prevention and elimination possibilities. Research tasks: 1. to reveal present situation, theoretical violence models, its occurrence, prevention and elimination possibilities. 2. to compare various manifestations of violence in Lithuanian and other European secondary schools. 3. to evaluate the possibilities of violence prevention and elimination. 4. to carry out a comparative analysis of children who experienced violence in Kelme rural and urban secondary schools. Research question: What is the violence situation, its prevention and elimination possibilities in rural and urban secondary schools in Kelme area? Hipotheses: 1. The students in rural secondary schools experience violence as well as use it themselves more often than urban students. 2. The positive school... [to full text]

Vägar till kommunikation hos individer med afasi – ett patientperspektiv : En litteraturöversikt / Ways to communication by individuals with aphasia - a patient perspective : A literature review

Pettersson, Emma, Talic, Erma January 2015 (has links)
Bakgrund: Årligen drabbas 12000 individer av afasi i Sverige. Det är ett stort samhällsproblem. Sannolikheten att som sjuksköterska stöta på dessa individer är därmed stor. Sjuksköterskor är i behov av mer kunskap om de kommunikationsmöjligheter som finns för att kunna främja hälsa hos individer med afasi. Syfte: Syftet med denna litteraturstudie var att belysa vilka möjligheter individer med afasi har till kommunikation. Metod: Vald metod var en litteraturöversikt med fokus på empirisk forskning i form av kvalitativa och kvantitativa vetenskapliga artiklar som sammanställdes för att få en överblick över kunskapsområdet. Sökorden som användes var Communication, Aphasia, Nursing, Strategies, Health och Well-being. Resultat: Examensarbetets resultat baserades på 15 vetenskapliga artiklar. Följande huvudområden framkom i resultatet: Materiella hjälpmedel för kommunikation, Verbal och icke verbal kommunikation, Kommunikationsfrämjande miljö och Kommunikationsfrämjande icke-materiella faktorer. Slutsats: De möjligheter till kommunikation som framkom i resultatet passar olika bra på olika individer med afasi och kan därför inte vara applicerbara på samtliga av dessa. Det visade sig dock att det är av vikt att sjuksköterskor har en medvetenhet om de olika möjligheter till kommunikation som finns hos individer med afasi, samt lär känna individen i fråga. Detta för att underlätta kommunikation och främja hälsa och välbefinnande hos dessa individer. / Background: Each year 12 000 individuals get affected by aphasia in Sweden. It is a big problem in the society. The chance of facing these individuals as a nurse is therefore very big. Nurses are in need to gain more knowledge about the different communication possibilities to be able to promote health in these individuals. Aim: The aim of this literature review was to illustrate communication possibilities for individuals with aphasia Method: The chosen method was a literature review with focus on empirical research in the form of qualitative and quantitative scientific articles, which were compiled in order to attain an overview on the current field of knowledge. Search terms that were used in this study were Communication, Aphasia, Nursing, Strategies, Health and Well-being. Result: The result was based on 15 scientific articles. Following main areas were identified in the result: Physical facilities for communication, Verbal and nonverbal communication, Communication enabling environment and Communication enabling non- material factors. Conclusion: The communication possibilities identified in this study cannot be applied to all individuals with aphasia. It appeared though, that it is important that nurses have an awareness of different communication possibilities in individuals with aphasia, but also take time to get to know the individual in question. This is important when facilitating communication and hence promoting health and well-being in these individuals.

O/ändliga o/möjligheter i Kathy Ackers Great Expectations och Alison Knowles The Big Book

Kihl, Emma January 2015 (has links)
In this paper I'm trying to trace, analyze and emphasize Kathy Acker’s Great Expectations and Alison Knowles’s The Big Book in regard to the books in/finite im/possibilities. I analyze them through historical changes in the books format and structure, especially ones proposed by Mallarmé, Duchamp and Fluxus. To analyze the texts more closely attention is directed to how Acker and Knowles challenge the conventional narrative, in regard to the body and language/voice and sound. I give specific emphasizes to thoughts posted by écriture féminine, while also adding Mara Lee’s temporalities in regard to body resistance and time. A final thing I do in this paper is through close reading look at contemporary material discourses. I try to examine especially two examples that open up for in/finite im/possibilities in Acker’s and Knowles’s use and references to holes and animals.

Att främja delaktighet : Attityder och förutsättningar bland chefer med personalansvar i en militär organisation

Hallström, Louise January 2014 (has links)
Delaktighet är grundläggande för främjandet av folkhälsa. Inom arbetslivet kan delaktighet främjas genom ledarskap, till exempel använder Försvarsmakten utvecklande ledarskap för att främja hälsa genom chefer. Arnsteins delaktighetsstege visar på nivåer av delaktighet i ett hierarkiskt system och kan användas för att mäta delaktighet. Attityder kan påverka hur människor handlar och kan påverkas av mängden krav och resurser inom arbetslivet. Syftet med studien är att undersöka attityder till delaktighet inom det egna ledarskapet, i vilken grad det finns förutsättningar att bedriva ett ledarskap som främjar delaktighet samt om det finns ett samband däremellan, hos chefer med personalansvar i en militär organisation. Enkäten har skickats ut till samtliga 135 chefer med personalansvar på ett regemente i Sverige. Enkäten innehåller egenkonstruerade påståenden om attityder till delaktighet i det egna ledarskapet samt grad av förutsättningar för att bedriva ett ledarskap som främjar delaktighet. 65 procent (n=88) av de tillfrågade har besvarat enkäten. Resultatet visar på en positiv attityd till delaktighet i det egna ledarskapet samt goda förutsättningar för att bedriva ett ledarskap som främjar delaktighet. Däremot påpekas tidsbrist. Inga signifikanta samband kan påvisas. Resultatet i denna studie kan användas för att förbättra förutsättningarna för och utveckla arbetet med att främja delaktighet inom Försvarsmakten. / Participation is a basic component for ensuring public health. It is common for participation to be promoted in the workplace via leadership. For example, within the Swedish armed forces transformational leadership is used to promote healthier workplaces. Our attitudes can affect the way we chose to act and can be affected by the demands and resources found in our working environments. Arnstein’s latter of participation determine three levels of participation that can occur within a hierarchical system and can be used to measure participation. The purpose of this paper is to narrate for attitudes towards participation within the leadership among the heads of personnel at a garrison in Sweden, their possibilities to conduct a leadership which promote participation and if these two factors correlate. For this survey, self-composed claims about attitudes towards participation within leadership and degree of possibilities to conduct a leadership that promotes participation is used. The survey was sent to 135 chiefs responsible for personnel at a Swedish garrison and 65 percent (n=88) responded. The results indicate that chiefs have a positive attitude towards participation in leadership and that they have high degree of possibilities to conduct this kind of leadership. The results also indicate a lack of time to promote participation. However, the results did not indicate a significant correlation between attitudes and degree of possibilities. The results discussed in this paper can be used to improve and develop the possibilities to promote participation within the Swedish armed forces.

Výnos, riziko a likvidita investičních možností / The yield, risk and liquidity of investment options

KOLÁŘOVÁ, Monika January 2016 (has links)
This diploma thesis is devoted to the topic of yield, risk and liquidity of investment possibilities. The thesis is divided into two parts, the theoretical and the practical one. The theoretical part is based on a thorough study of specialized literature. Attention is initially focused on the definition and the characteristics of investments, then the issue of the financial market and its segments is clarified. The following chapter discusses investment strategies and the creation of rational investment portfolios. The theoretical part concludes with the description of selected possibilities of individual and collective investment. The practical part of the thesis is initially focused on the characteristics of two different types of investors A and B and the creation of their individual risk profiles. This section is based on information gained from the unstructured interview with two independent investors. Eventually, the reader is familiarized with selected possibilities of collective investment and their assessment in terms of yield, risk and liquidity. This chapter is primarily processed by analysis of data obtained from the websites of selected investment companies. Data are processed through Microsoft Excel with the help of selected functions. The study results in recommendations of optimal investment strategies in form of the compilation and the assessment of several investment portfolios for both Investor A and Investor B.

Leitura à primeira vista no violão : um estudo com alunos de graduação

Pastorini, Eduardo Vagner Soares January 2011 (has links)
A capacidade de executar uma obra à primeira vista no violão é considerada por muitos uma tarefa de difícil execução. Um dos principais motivos para isto é o fato de uma mesma nota poder ser tocada em diferentes lugares da escala do violão, gerando diversas possibilidades de digitação para uma mesma passagem. A presente pesquisa investigou os procedimentos utilizados por 11 estudantes de graduação em violão durante a execução de uma tarefa de leitura à primeira vista. Os sujeitos da pesquisa foram filmados e entrevistados e os dados relativos ao histórico de cada sujeito foram acessados pela aplicação de questionário. Foram considerados como variáveis influentes na execução dessa tarefa fatores como as diferentes possibilidades de digitação para uma mesma passagem, o conhecimento das possibilidades expressivas do instrumento, e a habilidade motora. A digitação e a tonalidade apresentaram-se como as principais dificuldades. As questões expressivas foram deixadas em segundo plano, considerando a quantidade de decisões a serem tomadas no tempo de um minuto dado a leitura silenciosa. Assim, nem sempre a execução mais correta em termos de acertos de notas e tempo foi a de resultado mais expressivo. Evidenciou-se na pesquisa que nem sempre o tempo de estudo reflete no melhor resultado quando se trata da tarefa de leitura à primeira vista. Os sujeitos de melhores desempenhos na tarefa de leitura à primeira vista responderam em questionário que praticam música de câmara e/ou canto coral, mostrando que essas práticas podem influenciar positivamente o desenvolvimento da habilidade de leitura à primeira vista. Com relação ao teste de habilidade motora, os sujeitos com os melhores desempenhos na execução do teste de leitura à primeira vista (considerando fluência de tempo, evitando correções de notas e ritmos) ultrapassaram os sujeitos de menor desempenho em marcas metronômicas. / Sight-reading a piece on the guitar is often considered a difficult task. One reason for this may be the fact that the same note on the guitar may be played in different ways, thus generating various fingering possibilities for the same passage. The present study investigated the procedures adopted by 11 undergraduate guitar students in a sight-reading exercise. The subjects were filmed and interviewed and their background was taken from a written questionnaire. Distinct fingering possibilities for the same passage, knowledge of expressive possibilites of the guitar and mechanical dexterity were considered as influential variables in this study. Fingering and tonality proved to be the main difficulties. Expressive aspects were not considered the most important, considering the number of decisions to be made in the one minute allotted for silent reading before the sight-reading began. Thus, the best performances in terms of correct notes and tempo were not necessarily the most expressive. The best outcomes came from students who engage in choral or chamber music activities, therefore, these may have a positive influence on sight-reading. The mechanical ability exercise applied showed that the subjects that did better on the sight-reading passsage (considering tempo, correct notes and rhythm) surpassed those that had lower metronomical markings.

Limites e possibilidades inédito-viáveis do 'ser' professor-educador na prática do 'educar'

Barbosa, Márcia Silvana Silveira January 2012 (has links)
Muitos são os dilemas no mundo da educação. Conflitos são próprios do trabalho docente, desestabilizando o ‘Ser’, comprometendo não só a prática do educador, como também a qualidade de vida do sujeito. A Tese objetiva analisar e compreender as relações que, ao movimentar o todo social, agregam a escola como espaço de embate de forças conflitivas, com implicações no 'Ser' professor-educador e nas práticas (de)formadoras dos sujeitos no processo do “educar/educar-se”. Para entender o atual contexto social, político e econômico em que os educadores estão inseridos, a fim de identificar os limites e as possibilidades ineditamente-viáveis deste 'Ser' no caminho da educação libertadora–transformadora, apresentam-se os argumentos e conclusões, frutos da coleta e análise de dados, apreendidos no processo do desenvolvimento de pesquisa qualitativa, centrado na Associação de Educação Católica/RS (AEC-RS) e nos espaços educativos onde o ‘Ser’ professor-educador faz sentido – as escolas. Com o cimento teórico Gramsci e Freire analisa-se, a relação ou correlação de forças que permeiam os agrupamentos sociais, manifestando os interesses de classe. Cada uma delas, representando uma posição determinada, confrontam-se na defesa de interesses específicos dos grupos. A consciência destes agrupamentos e os objetivos dos seus membros estão permeados por fatores políticos, culturais e econômicos que influenciam as visões de mundo defendidas por aqueles que o integram. No espaço da escola, as relações possuem o componente político-pedagógico na medida em que propicia condições de enfrentamento de ideologias. Assim, as brechas possibilitam o embate de contrários e se configuram nichos de resistências para confrontação de ideias que permeiam leituras de mundo. / Many are the dilemmas in the world of education. Conflicts are proper from the teaching work, disestablishing the “Being”, compromising not only the educator practice, but also the individual’s quality of life. The thesis aims to analyze and understand the relations which, by moving the whole social, insert school as a space of shock of conflicting forces, with implications in the educator-professor Being and in the (de) formed practices of individuals in the process of educating/educating yourself. To understand the current social, political and economical context in which the educators are inserted to identify the limits and the possibilities which are unheard and feasible from this “Being”, in the patch of the liberatingtransforming education, we present the arguments and conclusions, fruit of data collecting and analyzing, learned from the developing process of qualitative research, based on “Associação de Educação Católica/RS” (AEC-RS) and in the educational spaces where the professoreducator “Being” makes sense - the school. With the theoretical cement Gramsci and Freire, we analyze the relation or correlation of forces which permeate the social gatherings, expressing the interests of the class. Each one of them representing a determined position confronts in the defense of specific interests from the groups. The consciousness from these gatherings and the objectives of their members are permeated by political, cultural and economical factors which influence the world views defended by those who make part of it. In the school space the relations have the political-pedagogical component, as it propitiates conditions of facing the ideologies. So, the gaps make possible the shock of contraries and configure niches which permeate understanding the world.

Docência universitária na era da imprevisibilidade : dilemas e possibilidades

Santos, Sílvia Maria Barreto dos January 2009 (has links)
O estudo teve como objetivo desvelar dilemas e possibilidades com que o docente universitário se defronta, revelando os paradoxos da sociedade do conhecimento. A abordagem metodológica constitui um estudo de caso qualitativo. A entrevista semiestruturada foi o instrumento utilizado, juntamente com as evidências dos documentos analisados. Os participantes do estudo são nove docentes com mestrado e/ou doutorado e com mais de dez anos de serviço, na ULBRA, Campus Cachoeira do Sul, escolhidos intencionalmente, pelos critérios de titulação e tempo de serviço no magistério superior. Os professores atuam nos Cursos de Administração, Biologia, Direito, Educação Física, Letras, Matemática, Odontologia, Pedagogia e Psicologia. Foram definidas como categorias referentes: sociedade do conhecimento, universidade e docência universitária, configurando o objeto de investigação e cinco categorias conceituais: paradoxos, compromissos e desafios, gestão da sala de aula, dilemas e possibilidades. Autores como Bauman, Chauí, Hargreaves, Morosini, Santos e Zabalza fundamentam o estudo. A construção teórica dos autores geram junto com os depoimentos dos docentes a confirmação da proposição de tese de que os dilemas e as possibilidades com que o professor se defronta na docência universitária são produzidos pelas contradições da sociedade do conhecimento, expressos nos paradoxos gestados pelo contexto político e social que interferem na dimensão profissional, pessoal e administrativa nos docentes universitários. Todavia inserem novas dimensões aos dilemas e possibilidades da docência, influenciando sua configuração: o modelo de universidade, a formação acadêmica, a área de conhecimento de origem do docente, a constituição e participação em redes. / This research intends to show the dilemmas and possibilities that the university teachers deal with, revealing the paradoxes of the knowledge society. As for the methodology, a qualitative case study was used as well as a semi structured interview and the evidences of the documents analyzed were the instruments for this study. The subjects were nine university teachers with master degree or and PhD with more than ten years of experience in teaching at ULBRA - Campus Cachoeira do Sul. They were chosen deliberately according to their curriculum and years of university teaching. The teachers work at the following courses: Business Administration, Biology, Law, Physical Education, Languages, Math, Odontology, Pedagogy and Psychology. The reference categories were: knowledge society, university, university teaching which constitute the objective of the investigation. Five conceptual categories were chosen: paradox, commitment and challenge, classroom management, dilemmas and possibilities. Authors such as Bauman, Chauí, Hargreaves, Morosini, Santos and, Zabalza were the references of this study. The theories proposed by the authors together with the subjects' testimonies confirm the thesis that the dilemmas and possibilities which the teachers confront in university teaching are produced by the contradictions of the knowledge society expressed in the paradoxes formed by the social-political context which interfere in the professional, social and administrative dimension of the respective teachers. However they insert new dimensions to the dilemmas and means of the teaching, affecting its configuration: the kind of university, the academic formation, the background of the teacher, the constitution and participation in networks.

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