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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

"Det känns som om välfärdssystemet håller på att krackelera" : - En studie om hur strukturella och organisatoriska förutsättningar samt förståelsen av kvinnors våldsutsatthet påverkar stödet till våldsutsatta kvinnor inom socialtjänsten och ideella kvinnojourer / "It feels like the welfare system is cracking" : - A study on how structural and organizational conditions and the understanding of women's exposure to violence affects support for abused women in social services and nonprofit women's organizations

Chackla, Izzy January 2021 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka hur strukturella och organisatoriska förutsättningar samt förståelsen av kvinnors våldsutsatthet påverkar det stöd som ges inom socialtjänsten och inom ideella kvinnojourer till kvinnor utsatta för mäns våld i nära relation. En kvalitativ innehållsanalys har använts för att analysera insamlad empiri från semistrukturerade kvalitativa intervjuer med fyra kvinnojoursanställda, tre behandlare inom socialtjänsten och en socialhandläggare. Handlingsutrymme och intersektionalitet har sedan använts som teoretiska ramverk för att analysera studiens resultat. Studien visade på att mäns våld mot kvinnor främst tolkades av verksamma som ett resultat av strukturell ojämlikhet. I kombination med en strukturell förståelse kunde mäns våld mot kvinnor i nära relation även tolkas som ett resultat av våldsutövande mäns kommunikationssvårigheter. Skyddat boende, praktiskt stöd, stödsamtal och rådgivning var de behov som verksamma i första hand bedömde att kvinnorna hade. I fråga om strukturella och organisatoriska förutsättningar och hinder lyftes framför allt samverkan, kompetens, intresse, tid, administrativ börda, personalresurser, organisationsform, lagstiftning och bostadsmarknaden fram som de faktorer som upplevdes påverka arbetet med kvinnor utsatta för mäns våld i nära relation. Förståelsen av kvinnors våldsutsatthet påverkar och påverkas av strukturella och organisatoriska förutsättningar och hinder vilka också påverkar verksammas handlingsutrymme och möjlighet att ge stöd. / The purpose of this study was to investigate how structural and organizational factors and the understandings of women's exposure to violence affects the support provided in social services and nonprofit women's organizations to women exposed to intimate partner violence. A qualitative content analysis has been used for analyzing empirical data from eight semi-structured qualitative interviews. Four employees in nonprofit women's organizations, three counsellors and one social worker participated. Discretion and intersectionality have been used as theoretical frameworks to analyze the results of the study. The results show that men's violence against women was mainly interpreted by social worker and employees in nonprofit women's organizations as a result of structural inequality. In combination with a structural understanding, intimate partner violence could also be interpreted as a result of men's communication difficulties. Sheltered housing, practical support, consultation and counselling are needs that woman exposed to intimate partner violence had according to the respondents. In terms of organizational prerequisites or obstacles, collaboration, competence, interest, time, administrative burden, human resources, organizational form, legislation and the housing market were highlighted as the factors that are perceived to influence the work with women exposed to intimate partner violence. The understanding of women's exposure to violence affects and are affected by structural and organizational prerequisites or obstacles which in turn affects professional discretion and their ability to support women.

Knowledge-based Lean Six Sigma Maintenance System for Sustainable Buildings

Al Dairi, Jasim S.S., Khan, M. Khurshid, Munive-Hernandez, J. Eduardo 27 June 2016 (has links)
Yes / Purpose– This paper develops a Knowledge-based (KB) System for Lean Six Sigma (LSS) Maintenance in environmentally Sustainable Buildings (Lean6-SBM). Design/methodology/approach– The Lean6-SBM conceptual framework has been developed using the rule base approach of KB system and joint integration with Gauge Absence Prerequisites (GAP) technique. A comprehensive literature review is given for the main pillars of the framework with a typical output of GAP analysis. Findings– Implementation of LSS in the sustainable building maintenance context requires a pre-assessment of the organisation’s capabilities. A conceptual framework with a design structure is proposed to tackle this issue with the provision of an enhancing strategic and operational decision making hierarchy. Research limitations/implications– Future research work might consider validating this framework in other type of industries. Practical implications– Maintenance activities in environmentally sustainable buildings must take prodigious standards into consideration and, therefore, a robust quality assurance measure has to be integrated. Originality/value– The significance of this research is to present a novel use of hybrid KB/GAP methodologies to develop a Lean6-SBM system. The originality and novelty of this approach will assist in identifying quality perspectives while implementing different maintenance strategies in the sustainable building context. / Ministry of Defence Engineering Services (Sultanate of Oman)

”Det är ju också dubbla känslor i det här ämnet” : Kvalitativ intervjustudie med barnmorskor om planerad hemförlossning

Smith, Julia, Ugljanin, Nersina January 2024 (has links)
Bakgrund: Fler kvinnor efterfrågar planerad hemförlossning. Sverige saknar en verksamhet för detta inom den offentliga hälso- och sjukvården. Tidigare forskning indikerar att det kan vara lika säkert att föda hemma som på sjukhus vid normal graviditet och förväntad normal förlossning. Kvinnors förlossningsterritorium främjas av hemlik miljö och stödjer den fysiologiska processen. Europadomstolen stadgar att valet av födelseplats är en grundläggande mänsklig rättighet. Syfte: Att beskriva barnmorskors inställning till planerad hemförlossning. Metod: Elva kvalitativa intervjuer med induktiv innehållsanalys.  Resultat: Barnmorskorna framhöll flera förutsättningar för att planerade hemförlossningar skulle anses säkra, dels att kvinnorna fattade ett informerat val, dels att de var omföderskor med tidigare normal förlossning. Barnmorskorna ansåg att sjukhusmiljön kunde anpassas och efterlikna hemmiljön för att främja trygghet. Barnmorskorna ansåg att bistå kvinnor i hemmet var ansvarsbetungande men kunde överväga detta om planerade hemförlossningar integrerades i offentlig hälso- och sjukvård. Slutsats: Barnmorskornas inställning till planerad hemförlossning var mångbottnad och tudelad. De värnade om kvinnans rätt till val av födelseplats, samtidigt som de uttryckte oro och såg risker i samband med planerade hemförlossningar, på grund av bristande medicinska och kollegiala resurser jämfört med sjukhus. Denna delade syn speglar balansen mellan att stödja kvinnors valfrihet och samtidigt säkerställa en säker förlossning. / Background: An increasing number of women desire the option of a planned home birth. As of today, Sweden lacks guidelines and infrastructure to support this. Previous research indicates that birthing at home may be equally safe compared to hospital birth in cases of normal pregnancy and expected normal births. The statutes of the European Court of Human Rights affirm that the choice of birthplace is a fundamental human right. Aim: To describe midwives’ attitudes toward planned home birth. Method: A qualitative interview study using an inductive approach with eleven midwives' interviewed. Results: The midwives emphasized several prerequisites for planned home births to be considered safe, including women making informed decisions and being multiparous with a history of previous normal deliveries. They believed that hospital environments could be adjusted to promote security and emulate home settings. While the midwives considered assisting women at home to be demanding, they were open to reconsidering this if planned home births were integrated into public healthcare. Conclusion: The midwives’ attitude towards planned home births was multifaceted and conflicted. They advocated for women’s autonomy and choice of birthplace, while simultaneously expressing concerns and seeing risks associated with planned home births due to inadequate resources and security compared to hospitals. This split perspective reflects the balance between supporting women’s autonomy while ensuring a safe delivery.

Den nya svenska koden för bolagsstyrning och dess funktion i förhållande till culpabedömningen av bolagsledningens skadeståndsansvar

Lundqvist, André January 2005 (has links)
<p>From July 2005 on, the new Swedish Corporate Governance Code will be applied gradually by companies listed on the stock exchange or any authorized financial market in Sweden. The Code has been drawn up in order to clarify and to improve the self-regulation in Swedish companies. The need for codified self-regulation standards has been considered as urgent due to negative trends on the market such as the last few years’ corporate scandals in domestic and international trade and industry. The sought-after consequence is to clarify the mission framework for corporate directors.</p><p>Ch. 15, section 1 of the Swedish Corporate Act (Aktiebolagslagen) regulates the internal and external damages liability of corporate directors. In order to decide whether or not they have broken a rule or neglected to follow their responsibilities, and thereby contracted damages liability, a so-called culpa judgement is to be made. Virtue of the culpa judgement is foremost found in Ch. 8 of the Swedish Corporate Act, regulating the tasks of the corporate directors.</p><p>The Stockholm Stock Exchange has decided to incorporate the Code in their quotation prerequisites. This means that all quoted companies have to comply to the Code or, when compliance is not possible, explain the cause of divergence.</p><p>My purpose with this master thesis is to investigate in what way the new Corporate Governance Code affects the culpa judgement, as well as to discuss in what conditions the Stockholm Stock Exchange can handle the code as a disciplinary instrument towards the quoted companies.</p> / <p>Från juli 2005 skall den nya svenska koden för bolagsstyrning successivt börja tillämpas av bolag vars aktier kan handlas på börs eller annan auktoriserad marknadsplats i Sverige. Koden har utformats i syfte att förtydliga och förbättra självregleringen i svenska bolag. Behovet av kodifierade självregleringsnormer har ansetts stort inte minst med tanke på de senaste årens bolagsskandaler i svenskt och internationellt näringsliv. Följden blir, hoppas man, bland annat att bolagens styrelser och verkställande direktörer skall kunna arbeta efter tydligare ramar i sina uppdrag.</p><p>Genom ABL 15:1 regleras styrelseledamots och vd:s interna och externa skadeståndsansvar. För att kunna avgöra huruvida de brutit mot eller underlåtit att genomföra sina förpliktelser, och därigenom ådragit sig ett skadeståndsansvar, görs en s k culpabedömning. Ledning för culpabedömningen hämtas främst från bolagsledningens arbetsuppgifter såsom de är formulerade i ABL 8 kap.</p><p>Stockholmsbörsen har beslutat att införliva koden i sina noteringskrav. Detta innebär att samtliga noterade bolag måste följa kodens regler eller, när så inte är möjligt, avge en förklaring till varför så inte skett.</p><p>Föremålet för min uppsats är att utreda på vilket sätt den nya koden för bolagsstyrning påverkar culpabedömningen, samt diskutera Stockholmsbörsens förutsättningar att hantera koden som ett disciplinärt instrument gentemot de noterade bolagen.</p>

Den nya svenska koden för bolagsstyrning och dess funktion i förhållande till culpabedömningen av bolagsledningens skadeståndsansvar

Lundqvist, André January 2005 (has links)
From July 2005 on, the new Swedish Corporate Governance Code will be applied gradually by companies listed on the stock exchange or any authorized financial market in Sweden. The Code has been drawn up in order to clarify and to improve the self-regulation in Swedish companies. The need for codified self-regulation standards has been considered as urgent due to negative trends on the market such as the last few years’ corporate scandals in domestic and international trade and industry. The sought-after consequence is to clarify the mission framework for corporate directors. Ch. 15, section 1 of the Swedish Corporate Act (Aktiebolagslagen) regulates the internal and external damages liability of corporate directors. In order to decide whether or not they have broken a rule or neglected to follow their responsibilities, and thereby contracted damages liability, a so-called culpa judgement is to be made. Virtue of the culpa judgement is foremost found in Ch. 8 of the Swedish Corporate Act, regulating the tasks of the corporate directors. The Stockholm Stock Exchange has decided to incorporate the Code in their quotation prerequisites. This means that all quoted companies have to comply to the Code or, when compliance is not possible, explain the cause of divergence. My purpose with this master thesis is to investigate in what way the new Corporate Governance Code affects the culpa judgement, as well as to discuss in what conditions the Stockholm Stock Exchange can handle the code as a disciplinary instrument towards the quoted companies. / Från juli 2005 skall den nya svenska koden för bolagsstyrning successivt börja tillämpas av bolag vars aktier kan handlas på börs eller annan auktoriserad marknadsplats i Sverige. Koden har utformats i syfte att förtydliga och förbättra självregleringen i svenska bolag. Behovet av kodifierade självregleringsnormer har ansetts stort inte minst med tanke på de senaste årens bolagsskandaler i svenskt och internationellt näringsliv. Följden blir, hoppas man, bland annat att bolagens styrelser och verkställande direktörer skall kunna arbeta efter tydligare ramar i sina uppdrag. Genom ABL 15:1 regleras styrelseledamots och vd:s interna och externa skadeståndsansvar. För att kunna avgöra huruvida de brutit mot eller underlåtit att genomföra sina förpliktelser, och därigenom ådragit sig ett skadeståndsansvar, görs en s k culpabedömning. Ledning för culpabedömningen hämtas främst från bolagsledningens arbetsuppgifter såsom de är formulerade i ABL 8 kap. Stockholmsbörsen har beslutat att införliva koden i sina noteringskrav. Detta innebär att samtliga noterade bolag måste följa kodens regler eller, när så inte är möjligt, avge en förklaring till varför så inte skett. Föremålet för min uppsats är att utreda på vilket sätt den nya koden för bolagsstyrning påverkar culpabedömningen, samt diskutera Stockholmsbörsens förutsättningar att hantera koden som ett disciplinärt instrument gentemot de noterade bolagen.

The new premises of the Tanzanian orphanage Kichijo

Ljung, Jessica, Andersson, Nina January 2011 (has links)
In Boma Ng’ombe in the Kilimanjaro Region in Tanzania lies an orphanage that is run by the organization KCJF. The orphanage is known as Kichijo and it is supported by the Swedish non-profit humanitarian organization I Aid Africa. Children’s rights have been given special attention in Tanzania over the last years, and the Social Welfare Department has drawn up guidelines concerning the management of orphanages. Today, the Kichijo does not fulfil these guidelines, and need new premises to do so. The situation would be improved by relocating the orphanage and erecting new buildings in a more fertile area. Such relocation would also be in line with the manageress’ wish of being self-supportive. Two suitable plots have become available in a village further up the slopes of Mount Kilimanjaro. One of the plots can hold orphanage buildings and one is intended for farming. To proceed with the relocation new premises that are in line with all regulations need to be planned. That planning is the purpose of the project that is described here. Regulations are imposed by the social welfare and by national building regulations. Further demands are given by the KCJF and I Aid Africa, and the plots themselves make up some restrictions. Major directing prerequisites have been the number of children at the orphanage and the demands regarding area, gender and age separation that are imposed by the social welfare department. Drawings and site plans can be seen in appendix A-01.1-01 to A-49.0-04. In the presented layout common and staff areas are gathered in a main building. Gender separation is accomplished by separate dormitories for boys and girls, with separate rooms for the different age groups. The buildings are adapted to the terrain to avoid increased work and costs. A suggested utilization of the farm plot can be seen in Figure 24 and in Appendix A-01.1-03. The farm has been given least attention, and only draft plans are presented. The drafts show facilities and disposition that fulfil the demands for the number of animals that the orphanage owns today. Both I Aid Africa and KCJF want the new premises to have a low environmental impact. Environmental considerations are taken by planning for ecological sanitation and investigating the possibilities of rainwater harvesting. To aid the client I Aid Africa in the further process, a chapter describing real estate transactions and construction processes is included. The main obstacle has been that the land intended for the orphanage buildings proved too small to hold buildings that fulfil all requirements. Therefore, the plans presented are based on the assumption that an adjacent plot can be bought. If that transaction cannot be carried through another alternative is to reduce the number of children. The suggested disposition can then easily be remade. The first steps towards relocating Kichijo have been taken.

Från idrott till Life Orientation : - en kvalitativ studie om idrottsämnets ställning på en skola i Sydafrika / From Physical Education to Life Orientation : - a Qualitative Study on the Position of Physical Education at a School in SouthAfrica

Carlsson, Samuel January 2014 (has links)
När Sydafrika blev en demokrati 1994 gjordes utbildningssystemet om. En del i de storaförändringarna var att introducera Life Orientation, ett nytt ämne från och med 1998.Forskning har visat att införandet av ämnet inte varit friktionsfritt, vilket bland annat berott påatt ämnet varit nytt och det varit brist på lärare med relevant utbildning för att undervisa i LifeOrientation.Syftet med den studie som gjorts var att ta reda på hur lärare på en High School (årskurs 8-12)upplever idrottsämnets ställning är på deras skola, mot bakgrunden att ämnet integrerats i LifeOrientation som ett av sex delområden. En kvalitativ forskning har genomförts medsemistrukturerade interjuver som metod. Resultatet i undersökningen visade utifrån de trefrågeställningsparametrarna; uppfattningar om ämnet, upplevelser av ämnet och åsikter om demateriella förutsättningarna, att lärarna upplevde att ämnets ställning var låg på deras skola.Nyckelord: Sydafrika, utbildning, Life Orientation, idrott och hälsa, ställning, status,upplevelser, materiella förutsättningar / When South Africa turned into a democracy in 1994, the educational system was alsoreformed. One part of the mayor changes was the introduction of the new subject LifeOrientation, starting in 1998. Research has shown that the launch of this new learning areawas not altogether smooth, partly due to its novelty in combination with the deficit ofeducators holding appropriate academic background to teach Life Orientation.The purpose of the conducted study was to find out how educators at a High School (year 8-12) experience the position of Physical Education (P.E) at their school, given that P.E hasbeen integrated into Life Orientation, as one out of six sub areas. Quantitative research hasbeen carried out, using the methodology of semi structured interviews. The result of the studyshowed, based on the three parameters of the query; values, perceptions and materialprerequisites pertaining the learning area, that educators experienced that the subject had alow position at their school.

“Jag som socialarbetare blir medverkare i en process som inte någon del av mig själv står bakom” : socialarbetares erfarenheter av hur lagändringar förändrar förutsättningar och yrkesidentitet / “As a social worker, I become involved in a process that I in no way can stand behind” : social workers' experiences of how amendments in law change working conditions and professional identity

Kauppi, Jannika January 2018 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie har varit att undersöka de konsekvenser som uppstår när lagändringar påverkar socialarbetares förutsättningar och yrkesidentitet i arbetet med ensamkommande unga. Då flera lagändringar har skett i kontakt med det sociala arbetet har jag valt SFS 2016:752. Med lagen så infördes tidsbegränsade uppehållstillstånd och begränsade möjligheter för familjeåterförening med anhöriginvandring samtidigt skärptes försörjningskraven för anhöriga. Studien har genomförts med kvalitativa semistrukturerade intervjuer med åtta socialarbetare som varit arbetsverksamma med målgruppen ensamkommande unga innan och efter lagändringen. Intervjuerna har sedan utgjort det material som analyserats med hjälp av en teoretisk referensram som bygger på socialarbetarens yrkesidentitet, yrkesroll och profession samt tidigare forskning. Studiens resultat visar att förutsättningarna som förändrades skapade konsekvenser som påverkar socialarbetarnas arbetssituation både internt inom verksamheten och externt mot andra instanser samt mellan socialarbetare och hjälpsökande ungdom. Respondenterna påverkades även i sitt privatliv. Resultatet och analysen visar att yrkesrollen och yrkesidentiteten separeras när yrkesrollen förändras med SFS 2016:752. Yrkesidentiteten ställs på sin spets och socialarbetarens egna etiska kompass avgör hur det sociala arbetet ska genomföras. Med förändringarna av lagen försvinner också resurser från socialarbetarnas arbete och kompensatoriska strategier skapas. Socialarbetarna påverkas i olika grad på en hälsonivå av de konsekvenser som uppstår i situationen, vilket enligt studiens resultat hör ihop med handledning, hantering av empati och känslokontroll. / The Purpose of this studie has been to investigate how the socialworkers professional identity in relation with unaccompanied refugee children, has been effected by amendments of the law. Since several amendments of the law has been in contact with the social work I have chosen SFS 2016:750. With this amendment timelimted residence permits was initiated which limited possibilities for family reuinons with a relative background, in the midst of this the sustention demands was hardened. Eight social workers has been interviewed in a qualitative, semi-structured manner. These social workers has been involved professionally with the target group constisting of unaccompanied refugee children, both prior and after that the amendment of the law was made. The Interviews has then been the foundation of the material that has been analysed with the help of a theorecital frame of reference that is the foundation of the socialworkers professional identity and role, previously conducted research has also been accounted for. The results of the studie concludes that when the prerequesites are changed it also changes the social workers profesional situation, both internally and externally, in regards of the relation between the social worker and the refugee children. Also the private life of the respondends were effected. The result and analysis show that the Professional identity and role got separated when the professional role are changed when SFS 2016:752 was amended. The Professional identity is put to the test and the social workers own ethical compas decides how the social work itself should be performed. Amendments of the law also reflects on the social workers professional work and compensatory strategies are made. The social workers are affected on different levels of health by the consequences that appear in the sitiation, the results of the studie shows that this relates to guidance, empathy managemant and emotional control.

Função simbólica em pessoas com Transtorno do Espectro Autista: requisitos comportamentais para a formação de classes de equivalência / Symbolic function in individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder: behavioral requisites for equivalence class formation

Varella, André Augusto Borges 01 July 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-02T20:30:08Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 5418.pdf: 888005 bytes, checksum: 814bbba6b7803dd4143c766e02642864 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-07-01 / Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais / Individuals with autism present language impairments and different degrees of difficulty in discriminative learning. From the standpoint of language as symbolic behavior, language impairments could be related to individuals discriminative repertoires, which may not support rapid acquisition of arbitrary relations and equivalence class formation. The objective of the present work is to investigate possible relations between discriminative repertoires and equivalence class formation in individuals with autism. The first chapter consists in a review of empirical studies about the ABLA test, used to assess the ease or difficulty in learning tasks that require the establishment of different types of discriminations. The chapters 2 and 3 presents two empirical studies, which investigated the role of discriminative repertoires and the relations between the types of discriminations taught and tested (intra-modal and cross-modal) on equivalence class formation. In Study 1, AA, BB and CC identity relations, with class-specific compound consequences (tangible + auditory stimulus) were taught to three autistic participants who failed the ABLA predictive tasks of arbitrary conditional discriminations, and to four participants who passed the predictive tasks. Tests were conducted to assess AB, BA, AC, CA, BC and CB relations. Evidence of equivalence class formation was obtained for one of three individuals who failed the predictive tasks and for three of four individuals who passed the ABLA tasks. In the Study 2, AB and CD visual relations with class-specific compound consequences (tangible + auditory stimulus) were taught to four participants. The visual-visual relations BA, DC, AC, CA, AD, DA, BC, CB, BD and DB and auditory-visual relations SA, SB, SC and SD were tested. All participants showed emergence of all auditory-visual relations and only one participant did not show the emergence of all visual-visual relations. The results suggest an important role of discriminative repertoires on equivalence class formation and demonstrate that auditory-visual relations (cross-modal) can emerge after teaching visual-visual conditional discriminations (intra-modal), if auditory stimuli are employed as class-specific consequences. The implications of these results for teaching symbolic repertoires and its requisites to individuals with autism are discussed. / Indivíduos com autismo apresentam comprometimentos na linguagem e variados graus de dificuldade na aprendizagem discriminativa. A partir da concepção de linguagem enquanto comportamento simbólico, tais dificuldades podem estar relacionadas a um repertório discriminativo que não sustenta a rápida aprendizagem de relações arbitrárias e a formação de classes de equivalência. Este trabalho tem como objetivo investigar possíveis relações entre o repertório discriminativo de indivíduos com autismo e a formação de classes de equivalência. O primeiro capítulo apresenta uma revisão dos estudos sobre o teste ABLA, utilizado na avaliação da dificuldade/facilidade de aprendizagem de tarefas que envolvem o estabelecimento de diferentes tipos de discriminações. Os capítulos 2 e 3 apresentam dois estudos empíricos que investigaram o papel dos repertórios discriminativos e dos tipos de discriminações ensinadas e testadas (intramodais e intermodais) na formação de classes de equivalência. No Estudo 1, foram ensinadas relações de identidade AA, BB e CC com emprego de consequências específicas compostas (item comestível + estímulo auditivo) para três participantes que falharam e para quatro participantes que passaram nas tarefas do ABLA que prediziam facilidade de aprendizagem de discriminações condicionais arbitrárias. As relações arbitrárias AB, BA, AC, CA, BC e CB foram testadas. Resultados positivos de formação de classes foram obtidos para um dos três participantes que falharam nas tarefas preditivas e para três dos quatro participantes que passaram nas tarefas do ABLA. No Estudo 2, relações visuais AB e CD com consequências específicas compostas (item comestível + estímulo auditivo) foram ensinadas a quatro participantes. As relações visuais BA, DC, AC, CA, AD, DA, BC, CB, BD e DB e auditivo-visuais SA, SB, SC e SD foram avaliadas. Todos os participantes apresentaram emergência das relações auditivo-visuais e apenas um participante não obteve emergência de todas as relações visuais. Os resultados sugerem um importante papel dos repertórios discriminativos na formação de classes e demonstram que relações auditivo-visuais (intermodais) podem emergir a partir do ensino de relações condicionais visuais-visuais (intramodais), quando estímulos auditivos são empregados como consequências específicas. As implicações dos resultados para o ensino repertórios simbólicos e de seus requisitos são discutidas.

Children's involvement in Physical Education lessons : Differences between children with high grades and children with disabilities

Clemente, Isabel January 2018 (has links)
Children with disabilities need physical activity in order to promote development and health, and this can be fulfilled in their physical education lessons. However, adapting lessons for children with disabilities can be a very complicated task as there are many factors that affect, both positively and negatively, the child´s general self-efficacy, their self-efficacy in their physical education lesson and their aptitude to participate. In a previous descriptive quantitative study teachers self-rated teacher skill were positively correlated to self-efficacy for students with high grades but negatively correlated to self-efficacy for students with disabilities. Therefore, the aim of the study is to test two hypothesis concerning the relations between teacher´s teaching skills, environmental prerequisites and climate and the student´s general self-efficacy, self-efficacy in physical education and aptitude to participate for with high grades and with disabilities respectively. With the help of a quantitative study with questionnaire data the hypotheses were tested for children with disabilities and children with high grades within PE lessons in regular Swedish mainstream schools. The results show that teaching skills are negatively correlated to general self-efficacy, self-efficacy in physical education and aptitude to participate for children with disabilities. For children with high grades the same relations were positive. Regarding prerequisites for physical education and climate in class both were positively related to general selfefficacy, self-efficacy in physical education and aptitude to participate for both children with high grades and children with disabilities. The importance of having an individually adapted lesson planning and grading criteria are discussed.

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