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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Trestní řízení, veřejnost a media / Criminal procedure, the public and media

Žilová, Denisa January 2016 (has links)
Criminal procedure, the public and media - abstract The public principle is a fundamental element of the right to a fair trial. This public character protects litigants against the secret administration of justice with no public scrutiny. Public hearing also fulfils the educational and preventive function. Therefore there must be sufficient legal reasons to justify an exclusion of the public. The right of the public to receive information and the media's right to disseminate information are tied with the public control of the judiciary. Courts do not operate in a vacuum and criminal cases may be a subject to public debates. However, none of this is happening without any regulation. The freedom of expression has also its limits. As the personality rights and the presumption of innocence stand at the same level as this freedom. Media play two important roles in criminal proceedings. First role consists of dissemination of information (within the public interest) about ongoing criminal proceedings. This important task has several results. One is development of general prevention, when state tries to influence the society as whole, another is assistance with finding a missing person. Second role of media is interfaced with supervision. Information provided by media facilitate to control criminal proceedings....

O cumprimento de pena sem decisão transitada em julgado: efetividade processual versus presunção de inocência / The fulfillment of sentence without a final and unappealable decision: procedural effectiveness versus presumption of innocence

Lascane Neto, Felipe 26 February 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Nadir Basilio (nadirsb@uninove.br) on 2018-04-05T18:54:34Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Felipe Lascane Neto.pdf: 1163728 bytes, checksum: a278d7e1606bb03ec2721ecc0e66e730 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-04-05T18:54:34Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Felipe Lascane Neto.pdf: 1163728 bytes, checksum: a278d7e1606bb03ec2721ecc0e66e730 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-02-26 / The dissertation aims at the examination of the decisions given by the Supremo Tribunal Federal that allowed the beginning of the prison penalty involving deprivation of liberty just after the decision of second instance instead of after the final judgment of the criminal case, according to the fifth article, item LVII, of the Brazilian Federal Constitution of 1988 -, moderating, in this form, the extension of the constitutional presumption of innocence, to the extent that as the provision textually in the norm consecrating the presumption of innocence doesn’t admit this abbreviation of the cessation of the state of innocent and consequently the arrest of person who does not have against him a finally decision. / A dissertação visa ao exame das decisões prolatadas pelo Supremo Tribunal Federal que permitiram o cumprimento da pena segregativa da liberdade a partir da decisão de 2ª instância, e não mais a partir da sentença penal transitada em julgado, conforme dispõe o artigo 5º, inciso LVII, da Constituição da República Federativa do Brasil de 1988 - CR/88 -, mitigando, dessa forma, a extensão do princípio constitucional da presunção de inocência e promovendo uma mutação inconstitucional na medida em que o disposto textualmente na norma consagradora da presunção de inocência não admite esse abreviamento da cessação do estado de inocente e, consequentemente, o encarceramento de pessoa que não tem contra si uma decisão condenatória transitada em julgado.

La présomption d'innocence au sens de l'article 6§2 de la Convention européenne des droits de l'homme / The presumption of innocence within the meaning of Article 6§2 of the European Convention on Human Rights

Bendjafer, Khalida 04 July 2019 (has links)
L’article 6§2 de la Convention européenne des droits de l’homme affirme que « toute personne est présumée innocente des faits qui lui sont reprochés jusqu’à ce que sa culpabilité ait été légalement établie ». Consacré sur le plan international et sur le plan national, le principe de présomption d’innocence est une constante dans les droits des pays du Conseil de l’Europe et il est le principe directeur de la procédure pénale. Néanmoins l’enjeu du procès pénal repose sur la recherche d'un équilibre entre les intérêts de la société et le primat de l'individu. À ce titre, l’opposition éternelle entre les intérêts de la société et celle du citoyen ainsi que la confrontation du principe avec d’autres principes fondamentaux (droit à l’information pour les journalistes) tendent à amoindrir la valeur de la présomption d’innocence. Malheureusement, l’affaiblissement de l’effectivité du principe s’observe sur l’ensemble des États membres, ce qui est d’autant plus inquiétant. C’est pourquoi, à travers cette thèse, j’ai voulu démontrer que le rôle du Conseil de l’Europe va au-delà de la simple exigence du respect des minimas imposés, il a un impact réel sur le droit positif de chaque État membre et il doit jouer un rôle plus affirmé pour renforcer les principes fondamentaux qu’il proclame. L’harmonisation des droits internes par le Conseil de l’Europe est une solution à envisager afin de renforcer l’effectivité du principe de présomption d’innocence. Bien que les prérogatives du Conseil de l’Europe soient limitées et que la rivalité avec l’Union européenne ne facilite pas l’objectif, il demeure le moteur principal en matière de promotion des droits de l’homme et l’impact de la jurisprudence de la Cour européenne en est une illustration. / Article 6§2 of the European Convention on Human Rights states that "everyone is presumed innocent of the facts alleged against him until his guilt has been legally established". Dedicated internationally and nationally, the principle of the presumption of innocence is a constant in the countries rights of Council of Europe and is the guiding principle of criminal procedure. Nevertheless, the issue of the criminal trial lies in the search for a balance between the interests of society and the primacy of the individual. As such, the eternal opposition between the interests of the society and the citizen as well as the confrontation of the principle with other fundamental principles (right to information for journalists) tend to undermine the value of the presumption of innocence. Unfortunately, the weakening affecting the effectiveness of the principle is observed in all Member States, which is all the more worrying. That is why, through this thesis, I wanted to show that the role of the Council of Europe goes beyond the simple requirement of respecting minimum imposed standards, it has a real impact on the positive law of each state member and he must play a more assertive role to reinforce the fundamental principles it proclaims. The harmonization of internal laws by the Council of Europe is a solution to be considered in order to reinforce the effectiveness of the principle of the presumption of innocence. Although the prerogatives of the Council of Europe are limited and the rivalry with the European Union does not facilitate the objective, it remains the main engine for the promotion of human rights and the impact of the European Court case-law is an illustration of this.

Flerspråkiga elevers muntliga förmåga på mellanstadiet / The oral ability of multilingual students in middle school

Björkman, Andrea, Bengtsson, Ida January 2021 (has links)
Syftet med den här studien är att undersöka hur lärare på mellanstadiet undervisar språkutvecklande för att främja den muntliga förmågan hos flerspråkiga elever. Studien tar sin utgångspunkt i den sociokulturella teorin. För att besvara studiens syfte och frågeställningar har observation och intervju använts som insamlingsmetod. Genomförandet av observationer gjordes i tre klassrum på olika skolor i södra Sverige. Vidare genomfördes semistrukturerade intervjuer muntligt med lärarna som deltog under respektive observation. Studiens resultat pekar bland annat på att smågruppssamtal är ett främjande arbetssätt för den flerspråkiga elevens muntliga utveckling. Smågruppssamtal bidrar till muntlig kommunikation där eleverna får lyssna, prata och repetera tillsammans. I arbetet med flerspråkiga elevers muntliga förmåga, framkommer det också att boksamtal är ett främjande arbetssätt som bidrar till att elever vågar uttrycka sig muntligt. Lärarna anser dock att det saknas resurser och förutsättningar för att utveckla flerspråkiga elevers muntliga förmåga på ett sätt som hade önskats.


LEANDRO HOLLERBACH FERREIRA 23 September 2011 (has links)
[pt] O presente trabalho tem por objeto o estudo a cerca da vedação da liberdade provisória em absoluto pelo legislador ordinário. Busca-se analisar a tensão entre o direito à liberdade provisória e a viabilidade da imposição do cerceamento da liberdade de locomoção em momento anterior à sentença penal condenatória irrecorrível, isto é, o propósito da pesquisa concentra-se na discussão em torno da validade da vedação da liberdade provisória em absoluto pelo legislador ordinário em face do direito à liberdade provisória assegurado no art. 5º, inciso LXVI, da Carta Política/88. A pesquisa apresentará como interlocutor a Teoria do Garantismo Penal elaborada pelo professor italiano Luigi Ferrajoli que permeará o desenvolvimento de todo o trabalho. Para a compreensão do tema proposto, necessário se faz abordar, inicialmente, o instituto jurídico da prisão processual, buscando a legitimidade da restrição da liberdade de locomoção do acusado anteriormente à sentença penal condenatória definitiva em face do postulado constitucional da presunção de inocência, bem como, analisar as singularidades das diversas modalidades de prisão processual previstas no ordenamento jurídico. Em seguida, discorre-se sobre a liberdade provisória, partindo do Código de Processo Penal de 1941 – ainda em vigor –, passando, logo após, para as considerações sobre as alterações realizadas pela Lei 6.416/77, até se chegar à nova ordem constitucional instalada pela Carta Política/88. Por fim, examina-se a relação entre a vedação da liberdade provisória em absoluto pelo legislador ordinário e o discurso de emergência no processo penal. Será abordada também a vedação da liberdade provisória em absoluto na legislação infraconstitucional, especificamente nas Leis n.º 8.072/90 – Lei dos Crimes Hediondos –, n.º 10.826/03 – Estatuto do Desarmamento – e, n.º 11.343/06 – Lei anti-Drogas. / [en] The present work has for object the about the prohibition of free on parole in absolute for the ordinary legislator. One searchs to analyze the tension enters the right to the free on parole and the viability of the imposition of the method of clipping of the freedom of locomotion at previous moment to the unappealable condemnatory criminal sentence, that is, the intention of the research is concentrated in the quarrel around the validity of the prohibition of absolute the free on parole in for the ordinary legislator in face of the right the assured free on parole in art. 5º, item LXVI, Charter Politics/88. The research will present as interlocutor the Theory of the Criminal Garantismo elaborated by Italian professor Luigi Ferrajoli who will all permeate the development of all the work. For the understanding of the considered subject, necessary if it makes to approach, initially, the legal institute of the procedural arrest, searching the legitimacy of the restriction of the freedom of locomotion of the defendant previously to the definitive condemnatory criminal sentence in face of the constitutional postulate of the innocence swaggerer, as well as, to analyze the singularities of the diverse foreseen modalities of procedural arrest in the legal system. After that, it is discoursed on the free on parole, leaving of the Code of Criminal Procedure of 1941 – still in vigor –, passing, then after, for the consideration on the alterations carried through for Law 6.416/77, until if arriving at the new constitutional order installed by the Charter Politics/88. Finally, it is examined relation enters the prohibition of absolute the free on parole in for the ordinary legislator and the discourse of emergency in criminal proceeding. The prohibition of the free on parole in absolute will be boarded also infra-constitutional legislation, specifically in the Laws n.º 8.072/90 – Law of the Hideous Crimes –, n.º 10.826/03 – The Disarmament Statute – and n.º 11.343/06 – Anti-Drug Law.

Formální důkazní břemeno státního zástupce v trestním řízení / Formal Burden of Proof of Public Prosecutor in Criminal Proceedings

Pudilová, Anežka January 2020 (has links)
The legal concept of formal burden of proof of public prosecutor has been discussed for more than 17 years of legislative work on the new Criminal Procedure Code and an increased attention was also paid to it before by the legal science, at the same time with the enforcement of adversary elements of court proceedings. The legal concept in question was established and developed as part of the Anglo-Saxon type of criminal proceedings where trial is based on a dispute between the parties. This involves the exclusive procedural responsibility of public prosecutor to clarify the facts relevant to the indictment filed. Although it is possible to give a brief description of the legal concept in question in a single sentence, its enactment would affect the overall nature of the proceedings before the court and would also be reflected in other stages of the criminal proceedings. The aim of the dissertation was to analyse the prerequisites and consequences of the enactment of the formal burden of proof of public prosecutor in the Czech criminal proceedings. Given the origin of the legal concept, the crucial question was whether its adoption would necessarily constitute a total departure from the legal principles which the existing Criminal Procedure Code is based on or whether it is possible and appropriate...

Utmaningar kring lägesfaktorns inverkan på hyressättningen av nyproduceradebostadslägenheter : En fallstudie av sex fastighetsaktörer i fem områden i Stockholm / Challenges regarding the location factors impact on the rent setting of newly constructedapartments : A case study research on six real estate developers in five areas in Stockholm

Rinaldo, Max, Hofstrand, Carl January 2020 (has links)
Denna studie har syftat till att undersöka hur ett antal aktörer resonerar kring lägesfaktorn ochdess inverkan i hyressättningen av nyproducerade lägenheter i fem utvalda områden i Stockholm.Detta då de tidigare studier som har utrett lägets inverkan i hyressättningen har baserats på detbefintliga hyresrättsbeståndet, där hyrorna till stor del är satta enligt bruksvärdesprincipen. Då detnumera till största del tillämpas presumtionshyra och egensatt hyra på nyproducerade lägenheter,saknas information om lägets inverkan i de lägenheter som tillförs marknaden idag. Resultatet visade att det endast är presumtionshyror och egensatta hyror som används i de utvaldaområdena samt att valet av hyressättningsprincip är ej lägesspecifikt. Läget har ingen direktinverkan i någon av dessa hyressättningsprinciper. Lägesfaktorn kommer indirekt in ipresumtionshyressättningen genom markpriser och avkastningskrav. Markpriserna kan dockibland vara en liten faktor av produktionskostnaderna och andra mikrofaktorer kan ge ett störregenomslag på hyresnivåerna i vissa situationer. Aktörer på marknaden resonerar ochargumenterar även olika kring det avkastningskrav som ska tillämpas i de enskilda projekten,vilket även det skapar en asymmetri kring lägets inverkan i denna princip. Läget har dessutomingen tydlig inverkan i de egensatta hyrorna då läget kommer in i bedömningen avnormhyresnivån. Denna normhyresnivå baseras dock på nyligen satta presumtionshyror ochandra egensatta hyror i samma område, som ej tar läget i tydlig beaktning. Lägets möjligagenomslag i egensatta hyror hålls även tillbaka då hyrorna anpassas för att kunna klara enbruksvärdesprövning i Hyresnämnden. Läget har dock fått ett större genomslag i de senare årens hyresförhandlingarna. Läget har nuäven tagits i beaktning i nyligen avgjorda rättsfall, Stockholmshyra samt i 73-punktsprogrammet.Det finns därmed tendenser till att läget kommer att få ett större genomslag i framtiden. Dessaförslag och rättsfall har dock brister som uppmärksammas i denna studie. / The purpose of this research paper was to investigate how a number of actors reasoned about thelocation factor and its impact on the rent setting of newly constructed apartments in five selectedareas in Stockholm. Previous researchers that have investigated the impact of location on rentsetting has conducted research on the existing rental housing stock in which the predominanttechnique for setting rent is the use-value principle. However, the most used rent settingprinciples are now presumption rent and self-set rents on newly constructed apartments.Therefore, it exists a research gap regarding the impact of the location factor in the rent setting ofthe rental housing stock that is being supplied to the market today. The result showed that the real estate developers only applied presumption rents and self-set rentsin the selected areas. The result also showed that the choice of rent setting principle is notlocation-specific. The location factor does not have a direct impact in these rent settingprinciples. In presumption rent, the location factor has an indirect effect through the land priceand yield. However, land prices can sometimes be a small factor in production calculation andother micro factors can have a larger impact on rent levels in some situations. In addition, theinterpretation and the application of the yield differ between the actors. Therefore, there is anasymmetry in how the location factor impact in presumption rent. In self-set rent, the factor oflocation does not have a clear impact. When setting the rent, the rent is based on recent rentlevels for similar apartments in the area, but these are presumption rents and self-set rents, wherethe location factor does not have a clear impact. The full extent of the impact of the locationfactor is not realized since real estate owners tune-down rents in order to pass a use-value trial inthe Rent tribunal. However, the location has had a greater impact on the rent negotiations in recent years. The location factor has now also been acknowledged in recent court cases, Stockholmshyra and the73-point program. Thus, there are tendencies that the location factor will have a greater impact inthe future, but these proposals and legal cases also have deficiencies that have been addressedand analysed in this study.

Presumption Rent-System : A Sustainable Rent-Setting System or a "Necessary Pain"?

Måradson, Elina January 2016 (has links)
State of Objectives: This paper addresses the question of how the presumption-rent system has developed during ten years of its introduction to the rental market, with a particular emphasis on the investors’ perspective. The study has three focus areas, firstly an emphasis on how the real estate investors within the private and public sectors reacted to the introduction of the presumption-rents. Secondly, it examines whether the trends have changed during the course of these ten years. Finally, it observes how the presumption-rent system, as a rent-setting method for new residential rental constructions, is perceived and evaluated by the investors. Methodology: The empirical study focuses on the rent market in Stockholm, and it is articulated through a holistic multiple case-study of six public-and private real estate companies with rental dwellings in Stockholm. In order to examine the developments of the presumption-rent structures in these companies, a numerical analysis of the rent structures through a quasi-experimental design is as well conducted. Empirical Findings: The results in general prove that the rent-setting within the presumption rent system is unpredictable and subjective, because it is influenced by conflicting interests and different perceptions. The implication of this for the application of the presumption-rents is that it is depended on a complex, ambiguous and vague negotiation structure, rather than being based on a systematized rent-setting procedure. Furthermore, it is noted that the collective bargaining system, which sets the standards for the rent negotiations, is undergoing a slow process of change, as the law amendment in 2011 has caused paradigm-shits within the rental market. One dimension of this is that the rent-negotiations noticeably do not influence the investment decisions anymore, but the rent negotiations certainly have an impact on the rent-setting method. The implication for the application of the presumption-rentsystem, including its negotiation framework, is that it is applied when it meets the criteria for the investment decision, otherwise it is ignored. Finally, it is showed that nor the public neither the private companies perceive the presumption-system as a long-term and sustainable solution to the prevailing challenges with the Swedish rent-setting system. What is clear is that the system is mainly considered as a temporality solution to a course of disorders that have emerged from prolonged institutional negligence and error that have impaired the rental markets.

Le renvoi des jeunes contrevenants aux tribunaux pour adultes : la loi et les pratiques

Roy, Mélanie 12 1900 (has links)
"Mémoire présenté à la Faculté des études supérieures en vue de l'obtention du grade de Maître en droit (LL.M.)" / La mesure d'exception de renvoi des adolescents vers les tribunaux pour adultes qui était prévue par la Loi sur les jeunes contrevenants, désormais abolie, est le sujet de cette recherche. Depuis quelques années, des modifications apportées à la mesure de renvoi sont venues faciliter la procédure permettant d'envoyer un adolescent devant la juridiction criminelle adulte. Les années qui se sont écoulées depuis les amendements législatifs apportés en 1992 et 1995 à la mesure de renvoi et les nouveaux changements apportés par la récente Loi sur le système de justice pénale pour les adolescents soulèvent inévitablement plusieurs questions. La question principale de recherche concerne plus particulièrement l'étude des perceptions des différents acteurs impliqués (juges, procureurs de la Couronne et avocats de la défense) dans le processus judiciaire quant aux changements sur leur pratique et ce, dans le contexte des amendements législatifs. Nous voulons vérifier si les changements apportés permettent toujours aux différents praticiens de privilégier en matière de renvoi les mesures de traitement, de réhabilitation, d'aide ou d'éducation. Par l'analyse des résultats d'entrevues que nous avons effectuées avec différents acteurs judiciaires, nous concluons que les perceptions sont à l'effet qu'il n'y a eu que peu de modifications aux pratiques. Les différents acteurs perçoivent qu'ils ont pu, malgré les amendements, privilégier la réhabilitation de l'adolescent et ce, malgré le fait qu'ils aient aussi la perception que les modifications apportées aient un caractère de plus en plus répressif. / The exceptional measure of youth transfer to ordinary court, which was prescribed by the recently abolished Young of Jenders Act, is the subject ofthis research. Over the last few years, some amendments thave modified the measure of transfer which has eased the procedure to transfer a youth to an ordinary court.The years that have passed since the legislative amendments enacted in 1992 and 1995 to the transfer provisions and the changes brought by the recent Youth Criminal Justice Act raise several questions. The principal question of this research particularly concerns the manner in which the actors (judges, Crown prosecutors and defense lawyer) involved in the judicial proceedings perceive the changes in their practices within the context of the amendments. We want to verify ifthe different actors are still able to give greater importance to the measures of treatment, rehabilitation, assistance and education despite the fact that the legislative provisions are more repressive. With the help ofthe results obtained from the interviews heId with differents actors, we conclude that the perceptions indicate that there is not much change in the practices. The different actors, despite the amendments, perceive that they were able to give greater importance to the measures of treatment, rehabilitation, assistance and education, even though they believe that the amendments are more and more repressive.

Určování rodičovství / Determination of parenthood

Kučera, Karel January 2015 (has links)
Determination of Parenthood The topic of my thesis is Determination of parenthood. The reason why I chose this topic is because it combines legal, historical, social and ethical aspects. Goal of my thesis is to analyse legal institute and raise awareness about its problems. The thesis is concerned with determination of maternity, determination of paternity and denying of paternity. Diploma thesis is divided into five chapters. First chapter is Introduction, in which I determine the extent of the thesis. Second chapter deals with historical development of legal regulation of determination of parenthood. This chapter comprises of three subchapters. First is concerned with determination of parenthood in ancient Rome. Second explains determination of parenthood in ABGB. Third explains the Czech legal regulation between 1948 and 2014. Third chapter is about contemporary legal regulation. Chapter is divided in three subchapters. First deals with determination of maternity. Second deals with determination of paternity. Third deals with denying of paternity. Fourth chapter reports on decisions of European Court of Human Rights. It outlines concrete cases a tries to summarise, how the court decides in question of determination of parenthood. Last chapter summarises the whole thesis with conclusion that...

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