Spelling suggestions: "subject:"private eroperty"" "subject:"private aproperty""
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Igualdade política e desigualdade econômico-social na Política de Aristóteles / Political equality and social economic inequality in Aristotle\'s PoliticsSoares, Larissa Barbosa Nicolosi 10 November 2016 (has links)
A presente dissertação de mestrado tem por objetivo estudar os fundamentos da comunidade política (polis), em especial, de que modo fundamentos, como a liberdade e a igualdade, contribuem para perturbação e conservação da comunidade política, a partir do livro I e II da Política de Aristóteles. A pesquisa busca mostrar o papel relevante da crítica que Aristóteles lança à aquisição ilimitada de bens e da crítica à propriedade comum dos bens, proposta por Sócrates, na República - i.e. tal como Aristóteles compreende Sócrates - para sua visão de unidade política. / This thesis aims to study, based on Books I and II of Aristotle\'s Politics, the foundations of the political community (polis), in particular, how core principles such as freedom and equality contribute to the disturbance or to the conservation of the political community. This research intends to present the important role of both Aristotle\'s critique addressed to the limitless accumulation of wealth, and his critique of the common ownership of properties--proposed by Socrates in the Republic - i.e. as Aristotle understands Socrates--to constitute his vision of political unity.
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Tensions in American environmentalism : federal and non-federal initiatives from a historical perspective / Tensions dans le mouvement écologique américain : initiatives fédérales et non-fédérales d'un point de vue historiqueMeunier, Mélanie 28 November 2014 (has links)
L'environnementalisme américain est un mouvement dont la première vague surgit à la fin du 19e siècle face à l'exploitation excessive des ressources naturelles. Théodore Roosevelt a mis en place des mesures pour assurer la gestion avisée de la nature au bénéfice des générations présentes et futures. A côté de la conservation du gouvernement, un autre courant appelé préservation mit l'accent sur les valeurs esthétiques et spirituelles de la nature. Les deux conceptions de la relation de l'homme à la nature suscitèrent des conflits à propos de la façon dont on devait utiliser et protéger le patrimoine naturel. Le fort développement économique après 1945 puisa dans les ressources et généra de la pollution ainsi que des dangers posés par les industries atomiques et chimiques. "Printemps Silencieux" de Rachel Carson, paru en 1962, démontra que ces risques pesaient sur l'humanité elle-même et lança le mouvement environnemental moderne. Désormais, l'aspect éthique de la protection environnementale rivalise avec l'intérêt économique. Le succès du mouvement, canonisé par une série de lois environnementales, en fit la cible du contre-mouvement conservateur qui se développe depuis les années 1980. Les valeurs écologiques représentent une menace au credo américain, ainsi créant des tensions qui caractérisent le débat depuis le début du mouvement aux États-Unis. / American environmentalism is a movement that grew out of concerns over wilderness and wildlife depletion evident in the late 19th century. Theodore Roosevelt initiated conservation measures designed to manage natural resources wisely to ensure their sustainability for the benefit of present and future generations. Preservation, another current of American ideas that stressed the esthetic and spiritual values of nature, existed concurrently. The two visions of humans' relationship to nature gave rise to conflicts over how the nation's natural resources should be used. By the 1960s rapid development had led to heightened resource use and pollution, as well as new threats posed by the chemical and atomic industries. Rachel Carson's "Silent Spring" published in 1962, demonstrated that humans themselves were in peril and launched the modern environmental movement. The ethical dimension of preserving nature and human health came to rival economic concerns. The success of the movement, canonized in a series of major environmental protection laws, made it the target of the conservative countermovement from the 1980s onward. Ecological values threaten the dominant values of the American creed, causing tensions that have characterized the debate since the advent of environmental protection in the United States.
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Metropolização e o discurso da modernidade na reposição da periferia: o bairro do Cabuçu no município de Guarulhos / Metropolises and the discourse of modernity in the replacement of the periphery: the neighborhood of Cabuçu in GuarulhosCarvalho, André Luiz de 03 March 2011 (has links)
O presente trabalho tem por objetivo de estudo a relação envolvendo a periferia e o seu processo de reposição na metrópole de São Paulo, tendo por base o estudo realizado no bairro do Cabuçu, no município de Guarulhos. A complexidade urbana do momento atual comporta diferentes análises no sentido de sua interpretação. Partindo-se desse pressuposto, o que se analisa neste trabalho é a atual condição da periferia na metrópole de São Paulo face as promessas da modernidade relacionada ao desenvolvimento urbano. Essa modernidade, acompanhando a evolução do capitalismo, leva a instituição propriedade privada à posição de centralidade, transformando esta numa das principais marcas da sociedade moderna. Em meio a tantas alternativas acerca da complexidade urbana atual, a escolha aqui feita foi a de analisar a periferia enquanto uma realidade sócio-espacial que, do ponto de vista desta reprodução ampliada, deve ser incessamente resposta ao longo do território da metrópole, não excluindo as contradições inerentes a esse processo. Por sua vez, esse movimento incessante vincula-se ao próprio sentido do urbano, que é reproduzido a partir da lógica do capital, e à impossibilidade no alcance das promessas da modernidade. A metrópole chega à atual fase enquanto um território que, dentre vários outros desdobramentos, passa a enfatizar a relação entre o capital especulativo e o mercado imobiliário. Vem daí a intensificação da especulação imobiliária, que é articulada longo do território da metrópole. Como consequência, a reposição da periferia, que se consubstancia em função do drama cada vez maior da moradia, passa também a ser um movimento articulado nessa mesma metrópole. / This task has as na aim of study the relation which involves the suburb and its processo f replacement in São Paulo city, having as a fundamental support the accomplished study in Cabuçu district in Guarulhos city. The complexity, for the time being keeps diferent analysis in the way of its interpretation starting from this pretext what studies in this task is the presente situation of São Paulo metropolis suburb according to the promises of modernity in the relation to the suburb development. This modernity with the capital evolution takes private property institution to the center point, changing it into the most principal marks of the modern society. Among so many alternatives around the present urban complexity, the done choice here was to analyse the suburb as the reality of associate space that, by the point of view of this bigger reprodution must be constantly replaced in the metropolis land not excluding contradictions inherent into this process. However, this constant movement goes to its own urban way which is remade from a capital logic and impossibility in reaching modernity promises. The metropolis gets to the present moment as a territory that, among several developments, begings emphasizing the link between speculative capital and real state market. From this point, the intensification of speculative real state comes and it is articulated in the metropolis land. By as consequences, the suburb repositiion that gets worse according to the misery which becomes bigger in the dwellings and also becomes being na articulated movement in the same metropolis.
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Surveillance et ordre commercial : ethnographie d’un centre de contrôle de vidéosurveillance en milieu privé de massePratte, Anne-Marie 12 1900 (has links)
Dans l’optique que la télésurveillance est devenue un outil indispensable en matière de sécurité, notre projet de recherche porte sur la manière dont elle est utilisée à des fins de gestion de l’ordre dans une propriété privée de masse (propriété privée que le public général est invité à visiter). Il s’agit de comprendre le rôle du centre de contrôle de télésurveillance dans la gestion d’un centre commercial. De façon plus spécifique, nous voulons décrire le fonctionnement et les objectifs des technologies de télésurveillance et les méthodes de contrôle utilisées dans un espace privé de masse. Nous voulons décrire les pratiques des agents affectés au centre de contrôle de télésurveillance ainsi que leur perception des notions de sécurité et d’ordre, avec une attention particulière accordée à la surveillance des lieux. Le site que nous avons sélectionné est un édifice situé en plein cœur du centre-ville de Montréal, où nous retrouvons des galeries commerciales abritant plusieurs restaurants et boutiques. Afin d’atteindre nos objectifs de recherche, nous avons fait plus de 150 heures d’observation participante dans le centre de contrôle de télésurveillance. Nos observations étaient complétées par des entretiens spontanés, afin de bien comprendre la dynamique et les interactions entre les agents, les autres employés et les visiteurs. Ainsi, notre matériel empirique est surtout de nature qualitative, mais nous avons complété ces données avec une grille d’analyse quantitative permettant une analyse minutieuse de l’emploi du temps des agents de sécurité à l’aide d’un fichier informatisé. Nous sommes en mesure d’établir que la surveillance dans une propriété privée de masse vise, à biens des égards, la gestion de l’image. La sécurité proprement dite est reléguée au second plan, derrière tout ce qui est relatif au marketing et à l’encouragement à la consommation. De plus, nous avons constaté que les agents de sécurité dans de tels lieux servent surtout à répondre à des besoins organisationnels ponctuels, leur quotidien n’étant guidé par aucune mission globale. Quant au centre de contrôle de vidéosurveillance, nous pouvons affirmer que son rôle est de s’assurer que toutes les activités au centre se déroulent comme convenu par les gestionnaires de l’établissement. / In the perspective that Closed-Circuit Television (CCTV) has become an essential tool in the world of security, our research project attempts to understand the ways in which this tool is used to create order in a mass private property (a private property that the general public is invited to visit). It is a matter of understanding the role of a CCTV system, and of the command center, in the security management of the shopping center. More specifically, we wish to describe the inner functioning and the objectives of the surveillance technologies, as well as the control methods, used in a mass private property. Also, we want to describe the practices of the agents assigned to the control center and their perceptions on safety and order, with a particular attention given to the surveillance of the environment. The selected site for this study is a commercial building located in downtown Montreal, which houses several restaurants and shops. In order to achieve our research objectives, we completed more than 150 hours of active observation in a CCTV monitoring control center. Our observations were supplemented with spontaneous discussions in order to better understand the dynamics and interactions between agents, other employees and visitors. As such, our empirical material is mainly qualitative in nature; however, we complemented these data with a quantitative analysis grid allowing for a meticulous analysis of the security agents’ timetable using a computerized file. We are able to establish that monitoring in a mass private property aims primarily image management, and safety itself is considered less important than marketing and consumption encouragement. Moreover, we discovered that security agents’ day-to-day activities were not guided by a global mission, but rather serve the timely organizational needs. As for the CCTV monitoring control center, we claim that its main role is to help the establishment’s managers insure that all activities progress as planned.
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Contre le libertarianisme de droite : l’accès aux ressources pour une justice minimaleSicard-Dequoy, Sébastien 08 1900 (has links)
Dans ce mémoire, nous aborderons des questions portant sur la légitimité de la propriété privée, à quels moments est-ce que la propriété privée cesse d’être légitime ? Nous défendrons que chaque individu détient le droit inaliénable d’accéder aux ressources, et que cet accès aux ressources doit lui fournir tous les moyens nécessaires pour qu’il puisse se développer jusqu’à ce qu’il soit pleinement autonome. Ainsi, lorsque la propriété privée de certains individus bloque l’accès aux ressources, il doit y avoir des mécanismes de redistribution permettant de compenser la nuisance produite par la propriété privée. Par ailleurs, l’accès aux ressources peut être remplacé par une gamme d’opportunités de base : les opportunités de développement nécessaires à l’atteinte de l’autonomie en société. La redistribution n’a donc pas besoin de viser l’accès aux ressources, elle doit garantir que tous aient accès aux opportunités de base.
Nous circonscrirons notre réflexion à un cadre de justice minimale dans le but d’attribuer une nécessité morale à chacune des conclusions de ce mémoire. Autrement dit, si les paramètres de redistribution développés au terme de ce mémoire représentent le strict minimum pour qu’une société se soucie de la justice, alors il est nécessaire que toutes les sociétés instituent au moins ces paramètres de redistribution. Pour démontrer le minimalisme de ces paramètres de justice, nous les déduirons à partir de la position des libertariens de droite. Considérant que leur position se veut la plus minimale possible, si nos paramètres de redistribution sont pleinement consistants avec leur position, alors ces paramètres relèvent de la justice minimale. / This paper is based on a crucial question of social justice: when does the private property stop to be morally legitimate? This paper will defend a universal right to have access to all the resources needed for the acquisition of a personal autonomy. Therefore, when the private properties of some people prevent others to gain a sufficient access to the resources they need, we have to institute a system of wealth redistribution in order to compensate the prejudice of loosing access to the resources. Furthermore, it is possible to substitute the right to resources by a group of basic opportunities, such as an education system accessible without indebtedness. Since the basic opportunities grant an access to personal autonomy, people do not need to have access to resources anymore. Therefore, private properties are legitimate if and only if there is a system of wealth redistribution ensuring that everyone has an access to the basic opportunities.
In this paper, every conclusion concerning the wealth redistribution is bound to minimal justice. In other words, if a society fails to grand access to the basic opportunities, this society is necessarily unjust. To ensure that ours conclusions are bound to minimal justice, we will also demonstrate their consistency with right libertarianism. Although, every conclusion concerning basic opportunities come from the no harm principle and the full self-ownership, the two basis of right libertarianism.
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Mine, yours and ours: economic analysis of Property Law / Mío, tuyo y nuestro: análisis económico del Derecho de PropiedadFriedman, David 12 April 2018 (has links)
In this article, the author analyzes the property legal system has to achieve efficient and useful results. In addition, he points out the reasons for the existence of private property and public property, then he explains the costs and benefits of private property, and he states the difference between real and personal property is the registry system. He concludes by stating the courts believe that a property agreement is obligatory if it is economically efficient. / En este artículo, el autor analiza que el sistema de reglas de la propiedad tiene que lograr resultados eficientes y útiles. También, señala las razones de la existencia de la propiedad privada y propiedad pública, luego, explica los costos y beneficios de la propiedad privada, y establece que la diferencia entre la propiedad inmueble y mueble es el sistema de registros. Concluye, afirmando que las cortes creen que un pacto de propiedad es vinculante si es económicamente eficiente.
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Minha propriedade, minha vida: as interfaces entre o direito à cidade e a política habitacional na cidade de João Pessoa-PBSilva, Phillipe Cupertino Salloum e 30 March 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Morgana Silva (morgana_linhares@yahoo.com.br) on 2016-06-16T13:23:28Z
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Previous issue date: 2016-03-30 / Because of the importance of the struggle for housing, we discuss in this study the relationship between the perpetuation of the institute of private property, the housing issue and the right to the city in Brasil from the analysis of housing policies initiated in the Age Vargas and the first building venture of 'Programa Minha Casa, Minha Vida” targeted to lower classes in the city of João Pessoa. With the theoretical frame of reference marxist, it uses the category of the right to the city in order to problematize the process of urbanization that unfolds in the face of the establishment of capitalist mode of production in Brazil and its growing involvement with the generation and deepening of the housing deficit. For this purpose, it is used historical and descriptive method in order to review the option of brazilian state for public policies of housing finance. The method of approach in greater frequency employee is dialectical materialism, by allowing the inclusion of categories of geography and urban planning, as the housing issue, the urban crisis and socio-spatial segregation, the critical analysis of the “Programa Minha Casa, Minha Vida, making it possible also the contetion of the role of the state and the establishment of the inalienable character of private property. The text has been structurally divided int the three sections each having two parts. The first is the unfolding of the housing problem form the the formation of the capitalist mode of producion and recognition of the housing issue linked to the class struggle in Brazil. The second emphasize the theory of natural rights in Locke and points that the impact of Land Law (1850) on urban land privatization process in João Pessoal. Finally, in the third chapter, the impact of the “Programa Minha Casa Minha Vida” is analyzed, as well as, the preterit public housing policies, in confronting with the housing crisis. This is a social policy model that comes opting for inclusion through consumption, the conception of housing right as a deployment of property rights and including the right to the city simply as an individual right. / Diante da importância da luta pela moradia no cotidiano das pessoas, discute-se neste trabalho a relação entre a perpetuação do instituto da propriedade privada, a questão habitacional e o direito à cidade no Brasil a partir da análise das políticas públicas habitacionais iniciadas na Era Getulista e dos primeiros conjuntos habitacionais do Programa Minha Casa Minha Vida direcionados às camadas de baixa renda na cidade de João Pessoa. Tendo como referencial teórico a corrente marxista, utiliza-se da categoria do direito à cidade no intuito de problematizar o processo de urbanização que se desencadeia em face da constituição do modo de produção capitalista no Brasil e sua crescente associação à geração e o aprofundamento do déficit habitacional. Para tanto, é utilizado método histórico-descritivo no intuito de rediscutir a opção do Estado brasileiro por políticas públicas de financiamento da habitação. O método de abordagem em maior frequência empregado é o materialismo dialético, por permitir a inserção de categorias da geografia e do urbanismo, como a questão habitacional, a crise urbana e a segregação socioespacial, na análise crítica do Programa Minha Casa Minha Vida, tornando possível, ainda, a contenda acerca da função do Estado e o estabelecimento do caráter inalienável da propriedade privada. O texto está estruturalmente dividido em três capítulos cada um deles contendo duas partes. O primeiro consiste no desdobramento da problemática habitacional a partir da constituição do modo de produção capitalista e o reconhecimento da questão habitacional atrelado à luta de classes no Brasil. O segundo destaca a teorização dos direitos naturais em Locke e a aponta a repercussão da Lei de Terras (1850) no processo de privatização do solo urbano na capital paraibana. Por fim, no terceiro capítulo, é analisada a repercussão do Programa Minha Casa Minha Vida, assim como as políticas públicas habitacionais pretéritas, no enfrentamento à crise habitacional em João Pessoa. Trata-se de um modelo de política social que vem optando pela inclusão por meio do consumo, pela concepção de direito à moradia como um desdobramento do direito de propriedade e compreendendo o direito à cidade simplesmente como um direito individual.
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Igualdade política e desigualdade econômico-social na Política de Aristóteles / Political equality and social economic inequality in Aristotle\'s PoliticsLarissa Barbosa Nicolosi Soares 10 November 2016 (has links)
A presente dissertação de mestrado tem por objetivo estudar os fundamentos da comunidade política (polis), em especial, de que modo fundamentos, como a liberdade e a igualdade, contribuem para perturbação e conservação da comunidade política, a partir do livro I e II da Política de Aristóteles. A pesquisa busca mostrar o papel relevante da crítica que Aristóteles lança à aquisição ilimitada de bens e da crítica à propriedade comum dos bens, proposta por Sócrates, na República - i.e. tal como Aristóteles compreende Sócrates - para sua visão de unidade política. / This thesis aims to study, based on Books I and II of Aristotle\'s Politics, the foundations of the political community (polis), in particular, how core principles such as freedom and equality contribute to the disturbance or to the conservation of the political community. This research intends to present the important role of both Aristotle\'s critique addressed to the limitless accumulation of wealth, and his critique of the common ownership of properties--proposed by Socrates in the Republic - i.e. as Aristotle understands Socrates--to constitute his vision of political unity.
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Burden Sharing of Climate Change : Should Indonesia Be Held Responsible for Its Deforestation and Transboundary Haze?Putri, Siska Purnamasari January 2020 (has links)
The IPCC's report in 2018 projects global warming will increase by 1.5oC in 2030, which makes contribution of each country to control their emissions becomes significant. This study seeks to investigate what entitlement human beings have over the absorptive capacity of the atmosphere as well as the harm it caused by elaborating the Entitlement Theory of Justice, thereto, finding out how the burden of climate change should be distributed according to the Polluter Pays Principle (PPP) and the Equal per Capita Shares Principle (ECSP). Furthermore, this study seeks to investigate Indonesia's part in increasing the burden of climate change and whether Indonesia should be held responsible for its part by comparing data of Indonesia's emissions to some developed countries' emissions. Humanity has a collective ownership over the absorptive capacity of the atmosphere, which implies that every individual has equal share of this absorptive capacity. A violation of this equal share should be compensated. The PPP suggests countries, who has the most cumulative amount of emissions from the past to present, to compensate and bear the climate change burden. While, the ECSP suggests countries, who emit more than their equal share per capita, to bear the climate change burden and reduce their emissions. Indonesia, despites massive amounts of CO2 released by its deforestation and annual haze, contributes insignificant to climate change due to both its cumulative and per capita emissions are considerably low compared to developed countries and even lower than acountry with large population size such as China.
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Poselství a vzájemný vztah sociálních myšlenek Bernarda Bolzana a Charlese Fouriera / Message and relationship of social thoughts of Bernard Bolzano and Charles FourierKrpálková, Soňa January 2022 (has links)
This work presents the personality and work of two thinkers, Bernard Bolzan and Charles Fourier. It focuses on their social ideas, so it looks mainly at their side of social utopians. It compares their views on the ideal organization of human society. It also pays attention to teaching and education in their conception, moreover, with reflection in relation to today. The aim is also to map the initial conditions of each of the thinkers, material, family, ideological, historically contemporary. At the very beginning, the work places all this in the context of historical development and subsequently in social theories. After an overview of developments and social theories, he introduces the topic of social utopianism and introduces two other important utopians - Saint-Simon and Robert Owen. Then the personality and work of Bernard Bolzan, followed by Charles Fourier, are introduced. The following is a comparison of the relevant categories for both thinkers, representing the degree of overlap of their common features. Then there is a chapter focused on education and training with an overlap to the present. The work shows that social utopianism is characterized by ignorance of socio-economic development and insufficient processing of a specific way of implementing the social establishment. These elements also...
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