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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Využití produkčních rybníků pro sportovní rybolov na Třeboňsku a Novohradsku / Usage of production ponds for sport fishing in area of Třeboň and Nové Hrady

VIDRMAN, Jan January 2008 (has links)
After a year 1989 opened new possibilities for sport fishing. The biggest change in this direction is the possibility of fishing in private fishing grounds. Fishing firms and the other private subjects started to derive benefit from this kind of fishing. This phenomenon is caused by increasing of the fishing pressure on wild waters and higher buying power of the population and its willingnes to spend more money for quality leisure time.Because most of these fishing grounds belong to commercial producers of market fish and sport fishing is realized as a form of economic mining fish on rod as a payed service. This fact causes different way of organisation and different rules of sport fishing.

Avaliação de morangos submetidos a resfriamento rapido e armazenamento em diferentes embalagens e temperaturas / Strawberries evaluation submitted to fast cooling and followed by storage in different packings and temperatures

Castillo Pizarro, Cintya Alejandra 02 March 2009 (has links)
Orientador: Paulo Ademar Martins Leal / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Agricola / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-13T09:54:07Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 CastilloPizarro_CintyaAlejandra_D.pdf: 538268 bytes, checksum: a0775d761ca852aadb1dc74aa8998449 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009 / Resumo: O morango é produzido e apreciado nas mais variadas regiões do mundo, sendo a espécie de maior expressão econômica entre as pequenas frutas. O Estado de São Paulo é um dos seus maiores produtores no Brasil. De todo o ciclo produtivo do morango, a comercialização tem se mostrado a fase mais complexa e problemática, podendo afetar mais o lucro do que todas as outras etapas de produção. Isso ocorre devido às características do produto, como fragilidade, manuseio inadequado, alta perecibilidade e falta de embalagens e de refrigeração adequados. Por possuir elevado valor comercial, principalmente no mercado in natura, a tecnologia do frio para sua melhor conservação pós-colheita, pode ser utilizado para manter as boas características de qualidade do fruto. Este trabalho teve por objetivo geral definir qual a melhor condição pós-colheita para conservação de morangos quanto a embalagem cumbucas de tereftalato de polietileno (PET) ou em meia cumbuca de tereftalato de polietileno, envoltas por filme de policloreto de vinila (PVC), resfriamento rápido e armazenamento refrigerado, visando seu consumo in natura. Realizaram-se dois experimentos, sendo um para monitoramento da taxa respiratória dos pseudofrutos a 0°C, 5°C, 10°C e 15°C em dois sistemas (sistema de fluxo contínuo e sistema estático). Outro experimento foi feito para avaliar a resposta da fruta expressa pelos parâmetros respiração, sólidos solúveis, pH e acidez titulável, quando estes foram submetidos a processos de resfriamento rápido e armazenagem. As variedades avaliadas foram Camarosa, Sweet Charlie, Dover e Oso Grande. Neste experimento utilizou-se câmaras de armazenamento com regulagem de 0 e 10°C, e os frutos foram embalados em cumbucas PET e PVC. As frutas foram analisadas a cada dois dias, até ficarem impróprias para o consumo. Verificou-se que o melhor método para avaliação da taxa respiratória é o método do sistema de fluxo contínuo, por possuir um fluxo constante durante todo o experimento, assim como melhor reprodutibilidade dos tempos de retenção e da quantificação do CO2 dentro dos frascos. A temperatura 0°C, foi a que possibilitou a maior vida de prateleira dos frutos. Não se observou diferença entre as embalagens PET e PVC no armazenamento a 0°C e a 10°C. Das variedades avaliadas a Sweet Charlie é a que se mostrou mais indicada para consumo in natura, devido suas características fisico-químicas. Enquanto a variedade Camarosa a mais indicada para indústria. / Abstract: The strawberry is cultivated and appreciated in several regions around the world, being the specie with the most economical value among the small fruits. The São Paulo state is one of the biggest producers in Brazil. From all productive cycle of strawberry the commercialization has shown the most complex and problematic phase, and it can affect more the profit than all the others. This happens due to the product characteristics, such as fragility, improper handling, high perishable, inadequate packaging, and use of cold chain. Since strawberry has high commercial value, mainly on in natura maket, the cold chain technology may be used to keep the good characteristics of fruit quality. The objectives were to define which are the best conditions postharvest for the strawberry fruits in terms of packing PET or PVC, precooling and refrigerated storage aiming the consumption in natura. Two experiments were realized, being one to monitoring and evaluating the respiratory rate of the fruits at the temperatures of 0, 5, 10 and 15°C in two different systems: continuous flow system, and static flow system, in BOD's. The other experiment was to evaluate the answer of biochemical parameters (respiration rate, soluble solids, pH and titratable acidity) submitted to the precooling and refrigerated processes using the Camarosa, Sweet Charlie, Dover, and Oso Grande varieties. For this experiment was used chambers at 0 and 10oC, and the fruits had been packed in packs of tereftalate of polyethylene (PET) clam shell type, and packs of tereftalate of polyethylene (PET) wrap with PVC film. Physical-chemical analyses were carried every two days until the fruits got improper for consumption. The experiment show that the optimum method for evaluation respiratory rate is the one using the continuous flow system since presented a constant flow during all the experiments, and allows better accuracy for the retention time and CO2 quantification inside of the bottles. The temperature of 0°C was the one that shows longest fruits shelf life time. There were not differences between packs of tereftalate of polyethylene (PET) clam shell type and packs of tereftalate of polyethylene (PET) wrap with PVC film storaged at 0 and 10°C. Among the varieties, the Sweet Charlie was the most indicated for in natura consumption, due to its physical-chemical characteristics. Meanwhile the variety Camarosa was the most appropriate for industry use. / Doutorado / Tecnologia Pós-Colheita / Doutor em Engenharia Agrícola

Desde o campo e pelas margens: o direito agrário de produzir das mulheres camponesas / From the countryside and by the margins: the agrarian right to produce of the peasant women

Oliveira, Larissa Carvalho de 20 March 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Luciana Ferreira (lucgeral@gmail.com) on 2017-04-26T12:39:41Z No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação - Larissa Carvalho de Oliveira - 2017.pdf: 1745930 bytes, checksum: a6ed647bd775757e3ad48dd8d1cc7b77 (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Luciana Ferreira (lucgeral@gmail.com) on 2017-04-26T12:40:05Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação - Larissa Carvalho de Oliveira - 2017.pdf: 1745930 bytes, checksum: a6ed647bd775757e3ad48dd8d1cc7b77 (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-04-26T12:40:05Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação - Larissa Carvalho de Oliveira - 2017.pdf: 1745930 bytes, checksum: a6ed647bd775757e3ad48dd8d1cc7b77 (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-03-20 / Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de Goiás - FAPEG / This dissertation considers the right of peasant women to produce. In Brazil, the oppressions suffered and the intense workloads in the production for the self-consumption are some of the daily features of the peasant women. Thus, it is intended to verify a perspective of the reality of rural women, especially if their right to produce has been respected socially and institutionally and how this right relates to the principle of gender equality in peasant space. The development follows bibliographical analysis, with a descriptive and supposedly critical approach. It is based on the hypothesis that peasant women are in subaltern socioeconomic position and experience conditions of inequality, when compared to men. In the first part of the text, it is considered especially on the rural land and aspects pertinent to the agrarian and social reality of the peasant women. Some tensions surrounding the peasantry and agribusiness debate are highlighted and explain that this analysis considers women of low social class, linked to a family-based model of agriculture. The debate about some meanings of the word gender appears in the second part of the text. Power relations are thrown open in patriarchal practices, which reflect male domination and demand certain patterns of social behavior from the rural women. In the third part of this dissertation are related legal discourses of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and perspectives on Brazilian agrarian law related to peasant women. It concludes with an analysis of the productive organizations of peasant women as a form of exercise of the agrarian right to produce. / Essa dissertação aborda o direito de produzir das mulheres camponesas. No Brasil, as opressões sofridas e as cargas de trabalho intensas na produção para o autoconsumo são algumas das feições do cotidiano das camponesas. Assim, pretende-se verificar uma perspectiva da realidade das mulheres do campo, especialmente se o direito de elas produzirem tem sido respeitado social e institucionalmente e como esse direito se relaciona com o princípio da igualdade de gênero em espaço camponês. O desenvolvimento segue análise bibliográfica, com enfoque descritivo e pretensamente crítico. Parte-se da hipótese de que camponesas estão em posição socioeconômica subalterna e vivenciam condições de desigualdade, se comparadas aos homens. Na primeira parte do texto, considera-se especialmente sobre a terra rural e aspectos pertinentes à realidade agrária e social das camponesas. Algumas tensões que envolvem o debate sobre campesinato e agronegócio são elencadas e explicitam que a presente análise considera mulheres de classe social baixa, vinculadas a um modelo de agricultura de base familiar. O debate sobre alguns sentidos da palavra gênero aparece na segunda parte do trabalho. As relações de poder são escancaradas em práticas patriarcais, que refletem a dominação masculina e exigem determinados padrões de comportamento social das mulheres do campo. Na terceira parte dessa dissertação, estão relacionados discursos jurídicos da Organização das Nações Unidas para Alimentação e Agricultura e perspectivas sobre direito agrário brasileiro relativos às camponesas. Conclui-se com análise das organizações produtivas das camponesas como uma forma de exercício do direito agrário de produzirem.

A informação jornalística em rádios de fronteira: a questão da binacionalidade em Ponta Porã-Pedro Juan Caballero e Corumbá-Puerto Quijarro / The journalistic information in border radios: the inquiry of the binationality in Ponta-Porã - Pedro Juan Caballero and Corumbá-Puerto Quijarro

Daniela Cristiane Ota 20 September 2006 (has links)
A pesquisa desenvolvida tem como objetivo analisar os conteúdos jornalísticos das rádios Cero Corá e FM Melodia e verificar se o meio, que atua como instrumento de divulgação, representa de forma simbólica a cultura e a identidade das comunidades fronteiriças. A análise foi desenvolvida na fronteira de Ponta Porã-Pedro Juan Caballero e Corumbá-Puerto Quijarro, e a seleção dos objetos de pesquisa, a saber, as rádios de fronteira, teve como fundamento o fato de caracterizarem-se as emissoras como binacionais. Por ser uma região limítrofe do Brasil, onde não existem barreiras geográficas, caracterizada pela conformação de fronteira seca, os municípios sul-mato-grossenses e paraguaio e boliviano representam uma área peculiar para pesquisa, uma vez que os intercâmbios entre as comunidades são cotidianos. Sendo assim, pretende-se identificar se os discursos e as vivências da população que mora na fronteira estão presentes nos relatos das emissoras radiofônicas. / The research aimed at analyzing the journalistic content of Cerro Cora and FM Melodia radio stations and certifying that the medium represents in a symbolic manner the culture and identity of the neighbouring communities. The analysis took place on the borders of Ponta Porã-Juan Caballero and Corumbá-Puerto Quijarro and the choice of the research objects, i.e. the neighbouring communities\' radio stations, happened thanks to their binational characteristic. Since it is a borderline region of Brazil, with countries separated by land borders and with no actual barriers between them, the exchange between communities is common-place and thus such municipalities of Mato Grosso do Sul, Paraguay and Bolivia are very peculiar subjects to research. Hence, the goal here is to identify whether the language and experiences of the population of the borders are present in the broadcast of the radio stations.

Vivres en ville: des jardins au marché sur l'archipel du Vanuatu

Greindl, Delphine January 1999 (has links)
Doctorat en sciences sociales, politiques et économiques / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Member perspectives on the role of social capital in the success of the Heiveld Cooperative in the Northern Cape, South Africa

Carlisle, Juliet Hazel January 2014 (has links)
The aim of this qualitative study is to explore the perspectives of current members of the cooperative regarding the role of social capital in the success of the Heiveld Cooperative on the Suid Bokkeveld in the Northern Cape, South Africa (SA). This cooperative has been cited by several researchers as being successful for various reasons, including the existence of a marketable resource, a steady increase in production, and certification through Fairtrade, resulting in an export market. Social capital, as a contributing factor to the success of the cooperative, has not however previously been investigated in depth. In light of the unique success of this cooperative, it is important to obtain an in-depth understanding of the role of social capital, if any, in its success, particularly in the formation and day-to-day operation of the cooperative. With a particular focus on the members’ perspectives of the cooperative, this qualitative research adopted a case study approach to explore and to gain multiple and subjective understanding of the role played by social capital in the success of the Heiveld Cooperative. This may assist the organisation under study, as well as similar initiatives, in strategically harnessing the benefits of social capital as a resource in future. This report has three interrelated sections. The first part is an academic paper, which includes a condensed literature review, research methods, results and discussions. The second part is an expanded literature review, while the third section details the research methods. It is vital to note that these sections are separate, but interrelated. Convenience sampling was used to identify current members of the cooperative who participated in this exploratory qualitative study. Four heterogeneous focus group discussions, with a total of 44 members of the Heiveld Cooperative in the Suid Bokkeveld, were conducted. The focus groups were heterogeneous, as they included ordinary members, founding members and committee members. A guideline with questions based on the theory of social capital was developed, and used to initiate or stimulate discussion among the members of the cooperative in order to address the key research question, namely: What was the role of social capital, if any, in the success of the Heiveld Cooperative in the Northern Cape as perceived by current cooperative members? The primary source of data was collected through focus group discussions, while secondary data was obtained from documents in a form of internal reports and papers written for the Heiveld Cooperative. Data was analysed using open coding and constant comparison techniques in order to induce emerging themes from the data. Findings of this study revealed that social capital played a major and influential role during the inception and also in the successful operation of the Heiveld Cooperative, by bonding and bridging not just between individual members, but also between communities, trading partners and other collaborators. Another key finding of this study is that social capital was also critical in enhancing supportive knowledge sharing, and the promotion of pride and shared identity, which the study identifies as aspects of cognitive social capital. Interestingly, the cognitive dimension of social capital in the Heiveld Cooperative has contributed to the weakening of social capital, as evident in claims related to lack of transparency and procedural injustice. Last, but not least, leveraging the sense of community has also been useful in promoting collective efficacy, strengthening familial togetherness, and enhanced democratisation of decision-making. Diminished trust, based on perceived oligarchy and nepotism is gradually weakening relational social capital. Findings in this study are illuminated using the social capital theory described by Nahapiet and Ghoshal (1998) to depict the social, cognitive and relational aspect of social capital that are at work at Heiveld Cooperative. Additionally, the social network theory by Hoppe and Reinelt (2010) is used to highlight the systemic view of social capital, which embraces the structural, relational and cognitive nature not only internal to but also between networks of the cooperative. Recommendations are provided to ensure social capital is harnessed, rather than undermined. These include the need to promote the processes of learning, monitoring and discussion that have been implemented; harnessing the benefits of bonding and bridging social capital; leveraging the sense of community and applying a more systemic view of social capital; and addressing perverse aspects of social capital such as nepotism and oligarchy that have been identified.

Assessing the impact of primary agricultural co-operative membership on smallholder farm performance (crops) in Mnquma Local Municipality of the Eastern Cape Province

Mzuyanda, Christian January 2014 (has links)
No description available.

A systems approach to marketing in less developed agriculture with reference to Bululwane Irrigation Scheme

Zenda, Sipho Macriba January 2002 (has links)
No description available.

Multivariate data analysis for embedded sensor networks within the perishable goods supply chain

Doan, Xuan Tien January 2011 (has links)
This study was aimed at exploring data analysis techniques for generating accurate estimates of the loss in quality of fresh fruits, vegetables and cut flowers in chilled supply chains based on data from advanced sensors. It was motivated by the recent interest in the application of advanced sensors, by emerging concepts in quality controlled logistics, and by the desire to minimise quality losses during transport and storage of the produce. Cut roses were used in this work although the findings will also be applicable to other produce. The literature has reported that whilst temperature was considered to be the most critical post-harvest factor, others such as growing conditions could also be important in the senescence of cut roses. Kinetic modelling was the most commonly used modelling approach for shelf life predictions of foods and perishable produce, but not for estimating vase life (VL) of cut flowers, and so this was explored in this work along with multiple linear regression (MLR) and partial least squares (PLS). As the senescence of cut roses is not fully understood, kinetic modelling could not be implemented directly. Consequently, a novel technique, called Kinetic Linear System (KLS), was developed based on kinetic modelling principles. Simulation studies of shelf life predictions for tomatoes, mushrooms, seasoned soybean sprouts, cooked shrimps and other seafood products showed that the KLS models could effectively replace the kinetic ones. With respect to VL predictions KLS, PLS and MLR were investigated for data analysis from an in-house experiment with cut roses from Cookes Rose Farm (Jersey). The analysis concluded that when the initial and final VLs were available for model calibration, effective estimates of the post-harvest loss in VL of cut roses could be obtained using the post-harvest temperature. Otherwise, when the initial VLs were not available, such effective estimates could not be obtained. Moreover, pre-harvest conditions were shown to correlate with the VL loss but the correlation was too weak to produce or improve an effective estimate of the loss. The results showed that KLS performance was the best while PLS one could be acceptable; but MLR performance was not adequate. In another experiment, boxes of cut roses were transported from a Kenyan farm to a UK distribution centre. Using KLS and PLS techniques, the analysis showed that the growing temperature could be used to obtain effective estimates of the VLs at the farm, at the distribution centre and also the in-transit loss. Further, using post-harvest temperature would lead to a smaller error for the VL at the distribution centre and the VL loss. Nevertheless, the estimates of the VL loss may not be useful practically due to the excessive relative prediction error. Overall, although PLS had a slightly smaller prediction error, KLS worked effectively in many cases where PLS failed, it could handle constraints while PLS could not.In conclusion, KLS and PLS can be used to generate effective estimates of the post-harvest VL loss of cut roses based on post-harvest temperature stresses recorded by advanced sensors. However, the estimates may not be useful practically due to significant relative errors. Alternatively, pre-harvest temperature could be used although it may lead to slightly higher errors. Although PLS had slightly smaller errors KLS was more robust and flexible. Further work is recommended in the objective evaluations of product quality, alternative non-linear techniques and dynamic decision support system.


Du, Xinyi 15 July 2020 (has links)
The increasing market demand for fresh produce promotes a keen interest in developing a rapid, sensitive and reliable method for monitoring plant health and determining the shelf-life of postharvest produce. The objective of this study is to explore the capability of Surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) in these applications. SERS integrates Raman spectroscopy which measures molecular vibrations and nanotechnology which enhances the weak Raman signals. Herein, we developed two SERS methods based on a surface detection approach using nanoparticles solution and a headspace detection approach using gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) fibers, to detect biochemical changes during postharvest storage of arugula leaves. Compared with surface detection, the headspace detection revealed significant spectral changes during the storage, particularly in the shifts around 500, 950 and 1030 cm-1. These changes analyzed using principal component analysis (PCA) to establish a prediction model for shelf-life determination. Through analyzing reference standard compounds, we identified the dimethyl disulfide (DMDS), 1-propanethiol and methanethiol (MT) were most likely to account for the signature spectra of headspace arugula at the late storage period due to the activities of spoilage bacteria. The headspace detection method was also applied to monitor the stress responses of living basil to abiotic stresses (pesticide/salinity). However, the volatile analysis of the basil plants response to abiotic stresses (pesticide/salinity) showed indistinctive results. In conclusion, the headspace detection based on SERS provides a new strategy for quality monitoring of fresh produce in the food industry.

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