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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Explaining complexity in human language processing : a distributional semantic model / . : .

Chersoni, Emmanuele 04 July 2018 (has links)
Le présent travail aborde le thème de la complexité sémantique dans le langage naturel, et il propose une hypothèse basée sur certaines caractéristiques des phrases du langage naturel qui déterminent la difficulté pour l'interpretation humaine.Nous visons à introduire un cadre théorique général de la complexité sémantique de la phrase, dans lequel la difficulté d'élaboration est liée à l'interaction entre deux composants: la Mémoire, qui est responsable du rangement des représentations d'événements extraites par des corpus, et l'Unification, qui est responsable de la combinaison de ces unités dans des structures plus complexes. Nous proposons que la complexité sémantique depend de la difficulté de construire une représentation sémantique de l'événement ou de la situation exprimée par une phrase, qui peut être récupérée directement de la mémoire sémantique ou construit dynamiquement en satisfaisant les contraintes contenus dans les constructions.Pour tester nos intuitions, nous avons construit un Distributional Semantic Model pour calculer le coût de composition de l'unification des phrases. Les tests sur des bases de données psycholinguistiques ont révélé que le modèle est capable d'expliquer des phénomènes sémantiques comme la mise à jour context-sensitive des attentes sur les arguments et les métonymies logiques. / The present work deals with the problem of the semantic complexity in natural language, proposing an hypothesis based on some features of natural language sentences that determine their difficulty for human understanding. We aim at introducing a general framework for semantic complexity, in which the processing difficulty depends on the interaction between two components: a Memory component, which is responsible for the storage of corpus-extracted event representations, and a Unification component, which is responsible for combining the units stored in Memory into more complex structures. We propose that semantic complexity depends on the difficulty of building a semantic representation of the event or the situation conveyed by a sentence, that can be either retrieved directly from the semantic memory or built dynamically by solving the constraints included in the stored representations.In order to test our intuitions, we built a Distributional Semantic Model to compute a compositional cost for the sentence unification process. Our tests on several psycholinguistic datasets showed that our model is able to account for semantic phenomena such as the context-sensitive update of argument expectations and of logical metonymies.

L’expression de l’espace dynamique en français L2 par des apprenants italophones / The expression of dynamic space in French L2 learners of Italian speakers / L’espressione dello spazio dinamico in francese L2 di apprendenti italofoni

Russo, Rosa 22 June 2017 (has links)
Les recherches qui se sont intéressées à l’étude des événements de mouvement ont démontré que, pour les coder, les langues utilisent des stratégies de lexicalisation différentes. Selon la proposition de Talmy (1985), les langues romanes correspondent au type ‘verb-framed’(VF), tandis que les langues germaniques sont considérées ‘satellite-framed’(SF). Cette classification qui permet d’identifier des distinctions intéressantes au niveau macro-typologique, mais sa rigidité ne consent pas d’observer la variabilité inter- et intra-typologiques. La thèse étude les événements de mouvement de deux perspectives complémentaires. D’un côté, du point de vue de la typologie, on observe les différences existantes entre les langues appartenant au même groupes typologique et à la même famille génétique. De l’autre côté, du point de vue acquisitionnel, on analyse l’impact des facteurs typologiques sur l’acquisition du français L2 chez apprenants italophones. Dans ce but, on a été construit un corpus de productions sur la base d’un support qui montre des mouvements volontaires et provoqués soumis auprès quatre groupes d’informateurs: deux groupes de natifs (francophones et italophones) et deux groupes d’italophones apprenant le français L2 de deux niveaux de compétence. Les résultats montrent qu’il y a des différences intratypologiques entre les langues génétiquement proches, comme l’italien et le français. De même, ces mêmes différences intratypologiques engendrent des transfert en influençant la restructuration du penser pour parler. / Recent research is interested in studying motion events in different languages by showing that, they follow different lexicalization strategies to code motion events. In light of Talmy’s proposal (1985), romance languages are classified as ‘verb-framed’ (VF), while the Germanic ones are considered as ‘satellite-framed’ (SF). The Talmy’s classification legitimated a large number of studies that confirm the validity of this dichotomy, which is the identification of interesting distinctions on a macro-typological level. Nevertheless its rigidity does not allow to observe the inter- and intra-typological variability. The study investigates motion events from two complementary perspectives. On the one hand, the differences within languages of the same typological group and the same genetic family are observed from the point of view of the semantic type On the other hand, the impact of typological factors on French acquisition as L2 by Italian speakers is analyzed from the acquisitional point of view. For this purpose, a corpus of productions was collected in a controlled situation on the basis of a support containing voluntary and caused movements submitted to four groups of informants: two groups of native (French and Italian speakers) and two groups of Italian learners of French L2 of two different skill levels. The results show that there are differences between intra-typological languages which are genetically very close, such as Italian and French. Similarly, these same intra-typological languages generate some transfer that influences the restructuring of thinking for speaking. / Le recenti ricerche in psicolinguistica e in linguistica cognitiva si sono interessate allo studiodegli eventi di movimento in diverse lingue del mondo dimostrando che, per codificare glieventi di movimento, le lingue seguono strategie di lessicalizzazione differenti. Alla luce dellaproposta di Talmy (1985, 2000), le lingue romanze sono classificate nel tipo ‘verb-framed’(VF), ovvero a quadro verbale, mentre le lingue germaniche sono considerate ‘satelliteframed’(SF), ossia lingue a quadro satellitare. I due tipi si differenziano essenzialmente per ildiverso locus di codifica delle componenti semantiche: le lingue a quadro verbale, come ilfrancese e l’italiano, tendono a lessicalizzare l’informazione semantica della Traiettoria nelverbo principale, mentre la Maniera è omessa o espressa in una proposizione subordinata.Invece, le lingue a quadro satellitare come l’inglese, esprimono la Maniera nella radiceverbale e la Traiettoria mediante dei satelliti, ovvero degli elementi associati al verbo(avverbi, prefissi, particelle, etc). La classificazione di Talmy ha giustificato un gran numerodi studi che hanno confermato la validità di questa dicotomia, che permette di individuaredelle interessanti distinzioni a livello macro-tipologico, ma la sua rigidità non consente diosservare la variabilità inter- e intratipologica (Ibarretxe-Antuñano, 2004b,d, 2009a; Slobin,2004). La variabilità tipologica che le lingue mostrano nella concettualizzazione degli eventidi movimento, condiziona il modo in cui i locutori selezionano le informazioni semantiche(Traiettoria e Maniera) e, di conseguenza, il modo in cui un apprendente esprime lecomponenti di un evento di movimento in L2. La tesi studia gli eventi di movimento da dueprospettive complementari. Da un lato, dal punto di vista della tipologia semantica, siosservano le differenze esistenti tra le lingue appartenenti allo stesso gruppo tipologico e allastessa famiglia genetica. Dall’altro lato, dal punto di vista acquisizionale, si analizza l’impattodei fattori tipologici sull’acquisizione del francese L2 di apprendenti italofoni. A questoscopo, è stato costruito un corpus di produzioni raccolte in una situazione controllata sullabase di un supporto che mostra dei movimenti volontari e provocati sottoposti a quattrogruppi di informatori: due gruppi di informatori nativi (francofoni e italofoni) e due gruppi diapprendenti italofoni di francese L2 di due livelli di competenza (intermedio e avanzato).I risultati mostrano che vi sono delle differenze intratipologiche tra lingue geneticamentemolto vicine, come l’italiano e il francese. Analogamente, queste stesse differenze intratipologiche generano dei transfert influenzando la ristrutturazione del pensare perparlare.

Questions que pose une didactique plurilingue au Liban, pratiques et représentations / Questions that poses multilingual teaching in Lebanon practices and representations

Wehbe, Oula 26 April 2017 (has links)
Notre recherche relève de la didactique des langues et s´inscrit dans la réflexion sur le plurilinguisme et l’acquisition des langues. Cette étude examine le processus d’activation partielle d’une langue autre que la langue cible pendant l’apprentissage des langues. Notre étude a été conduite dans deux établissements scolaires au Liban auprès des apprenantes des classes d’EB7, possédant un répertoire langagier plurilingue et ayant appris la diglossie arabe comme l’arabe (dans une version dialectale à la maison et standard à l’école) comme L1 et la langue française comme L2 et l’anglais comme L3. Lors de leur apprentissage et production du français L2 et de l’anglais L3, ils mettent en œuvre leur compétence plurilingue à travers l’activation partielle de leur potentiel plurilingue. Nous allons montrer quelles sont les processus cognitifs qui entrent en jeu lors de l’apprentissage de la nouvelle langue l’anglais L3. Ainsi que les facteurs qui conditionnent l’activation des langues connues par les apprenantes et à quel niveau linguistique se réalise le plus fréquemment l’activation partielle de la langue autre langue que la langue cible. / Our research comes from the didactics of languages and is part of the reflection on plurilingualism and the acquisition of languages. This study examines the process of partial activation of a language other than the target language during language learning.Our study was carried out in two schools in Lebanon with students of EB7 classes, having a multilingual language repertoire and having learned the Arabic diglossic language as L1 and the French language as L2 and English as L3.During their apprenticeship and production of the French L2 and the English L3, they apply their plurilingual competence through the partial activation of their plurilingual potential.We will show what are the cognitive processes that come into play when learning the new L3 English language. As well as the factors that condition the activation of the languages known by the learners, and at which linguistic level, is most frequently realised, the partial activation of the language other than the target language.

Prinzipien kohärenter Kommunikation

Grommes, Patrick 04 May 2007 (has links)
Die Dissertation zeigt, dass die Prinzipien kohärenter Kommunikation auf psycholinguistisch begründete Prinzipien der Textproduktion zurückzuführen sind. Die gemeinsame Basis von Text- und Dialogproduktion ist die Quaestio, die als leitende Frage Vorgaben für den Aufbau eines Textes, aber auch einer einzelnen Äußerung macht. Im Text sichert die Quaestio Kohärenz, indem die Textbausteine auf der konzeptuellen Ebene – und nicht allein durch lexikalische oder grammatische Mittel – verknüpft werden. Das bedeutet, dass Kohärenzherstellung eine kognitive Leistung ist, die nicht allein rezeptiv zu erbringen ist, sondern auch bei der Sprachproduktion die Beachtung von Planungsvorgaben verlangt. Zunächst werden die Begriffe Kohärenz und Kohäsion und verschiedene Ansätze zu ihrer Beschreibung diskutiert. Außerdem werden Methoden der Dialoganalyse einander gegenüber gestellt. In dieser Diskussion werden unter anderem Rhetorical Structure Theory und Centering-Theorie behandelt. Da die Arbeit eher strukturelle mit qualitativen Analysen verbindet, werden methodische Zugänge zur Dialoganalyse wie die Konversationsanalyse, aber auch Clark’s sozialpsychologischer Ansatz der joint actions und joint activities sowie Pickering’s und Garrod’s alignment-Theorie aufgegriffen. Letztlich wird auf das Quaestio-Modell von Stutterheim zurückgegriffen, da es aus psycholinguistischer Perspektive den weitesten Erklärungsrahmen bietet. Der Hauptteil der Dissertation ist der Modell-Entwicklung anhand authentischer Gesprächsdaten gewidmet. Schließlich werden Prinzipien der Quaestio-Bearbeitung im Dialog entwickelt. Da unterschiedliche Gesprächssituationen untersucht werden, liefert diese Arbeit ein Inventar an Kohärenzprinzipien samt ihrer charakteristischen Merkmale, das nicht nur die Analyse beliebiger weiterer Gespräche erlaubt, sondern beispielsweise auch zur Entwicklung von Kommunikationsroutinen eingesetzt werden kann. So werden Anwendungsperspektiven psycholinguistischer Forschung erkennbar. / This doctoral thesis shows in how far principles of coherent communication can be traced back to psycholinguistically founded principles of text production. The so-called quaestio forms the common basis of text and dialogue production. As an implicit underlying question it sets preferences for the structure of a whole text as well as a single utterance. The quaestio ensures coherence of texts on a conceptual basis rather than merely through the use of lexical or grammatical means. Thus, the production of coherence can be seen as cognitive achievement not only by listeners, but also by speakers who have to follow planning constraints. The thesis discusses the terms coherence and cohesion as well as descriptive approaches dealing with these terms. Additionally, methods of dialogue analysis are confronted with each other. This discussion treats for example Rhetorical Structure Theory and Centering-Theory. The thesis discusses diverse methodological approaches, because it combines structural with qualitative analyses. Thus approaches such as Conversation Analysis, Clark’s concept of joint actions and joint activities, but also Pickering’s and Garrod’s alignment-theory are being treated. In the end the quaestio approach by Stutterheim is chosen, because it offers the widest explanatory framework from a psycholinguistic point of view. The main part of the thesis is dedicated to detailed analyses of real-life dialogue. In conclusion, principles of quaestio management in dialogues are proposed. Because the study treats a wide variety of interaction settings, it delivers a set of principles of coherence and their typical features that allows not only for analyses of any other set of dialogues, but may also support the development of communication routines. Therefore, this thesis hints on application scenarios of psycholinguistic research.

Predicate-induced semantic prominence in online argument linking: experiments on affectedness and analytical tools

Rausch, Philip 20 July 2018 (has links)
Teil I dieser Arbeit untersucht Effekte einer semantischen Eigenschaft von syntaktisch transitiven Prädikaten auf die Satzverarbeitung: den Grad der Affiziertheit, den solch ein Prädikat für eines seiner Argumente impliziert, also das Ausmaß in dem ein Teilnehmer eine Zustandsveränderung während des ausgedrückten Ereignisses erfährt. Drei Experimente (zu Akzeptabilitätsurteilen, Lesezeiten & ereigniskorrelierten Potentialen [EKP]) überprüften den Einfluss von Affiziertheit auf die lexikalisch-semantische Verarbeitung des Prädikats und die Integration folgender Argument-Nominalphrasen (NPn) beim Satzlesen. Um den Effekt von Affiziertheit auf Verarbeitungsprozesse beim Argumentlinking zu maximieren, machten die Experimente Gebrauch von deverbalen, eventiven, deutschen -ung-Nominalisierungen, die von Verben mit verschiedenem Affiziertheitsgrad abgeleitet sind. Hierbei wurde der Einfluss der Affiziertheit ausgenutzt, folgende Objekts- oder Subjektsgenitive als Argument zu lizensieren. Während sich keine klaren Effekte bei der Verarbeitung der Nominalisierungen ergaben, zeigten die Ergebnisse zur Integration der Genitiv-NPn eine spezifische Interaktion zwischen dem Grad der Affiziertheit und der Akzeptabilität, einen Objekts- bzw. Subjektsgenitiv zu verwirklichen. Dieser Befund wurde von übereinstimmenden Lesezeiten- und EKP-Interaktionseffekten begleitet. Die EKP-Ergebnisse legen eine zentrale Rolle von zwei späten Positivierungen bei der Integration der Genitivargumente nahe. Diese Befunde werden im Kontext theoretischer Modelle von abgestufter Affiziertheit und von Satzverarbeitungsmodellen diskutiert, mit Fokus auf der möglichen Rolle der Prototypikalität von Argumenten und Unterschieden zwischen prädikatsinduzierter und argumentinhärenter semantischer Argumentprominenz. Teil II stellt zwei Softwarepakete für die statistische Umgebung R vor, die Schnittstellen für die zur Analyse der EKP-Daten verwendeten WFMM Software (Morris & Carroll, 2006) bieten. / Part I of this thesis investigates the effects of a semantic feature of syntactically transitive predicates on online sentence processing: the degree of affectedness such a predicate implies for one of its arguments, taken to indicate the extent to which an event participant undergoes a change of state during the event expressed. Three experiments (using acceptability judgements, reading times & event-related potentials [ERPs]) probed the effects of affectedness on the processing of the predicate and on the integration of following argument noun phrases (NPs), thus assessing the impact of affectedness on lexical-semantic processing and its influence on processes related to online argument linking. Maximising the effects of affectedness on linking-related processes, the experiments used German -ung nominalisations derived from verbs implying different degrees of affectedness, exploiting a paradigm involving the linking of either object or subject genitive argument NPs to deverbal, eventive nominalisations. While no clear effects of affectedness emerged for the processing of the nominalisations, results related to the integration of genitive NPs revealed a specific interaction between the degree of affectedness and the acceptability of realising either object or subject genitives. This pattern was accompanied by consistent reading time and ERP interaction effects. ERP results suggest a prominent role of two late positivities with different spatial foci in the integration of the genitive arguments. These findings are discussed in the context of theoretical models of graded affectedness and sentence processing models, considering possible roles of argument prototypicality and differences between predicate-induced and argument-inherent semantic argument prominence. Part II introduces two software packages for the statistical platform R, offering interfaces for the WFMM software (Morris & Carroll, 2006) used for the analysis of the ERP data in part I.

Cognitive conflicts in the Stroop paradigm

Bohle, Hannah 02 September 2016 (has links)
Kognitive Kontrolle wird besonders in solchen Momenten deutlich, wenn eine geplante Handlung gestört wird. Weil zwei widerstreitende Verhaltenstendenzen gleichzeitig bestehen oder anlaufen, entsteht ein Konflikt. Experimentell können kognitive Konflikte beispielsweise mit dem Stroop-Paradigma hergestellt und untersucht werden (Stroop, 1935). Es ist dabei eine aktuelle Frage, wie Konflikte zeitlich verarbeitet werden und wo im Gehirn diese Verarbeitung geschieht. Zeitlich können Konflikte beispielsweise dann entstehen, wenn die Informationen des Stimulus abgerufen werden oder auch erst dann, wenn die intendierte Antwort tatsächlich für die Artikulation ausgewählt werden muss. Eine weiterführende Frage ist, ob sich die entsprechenden Ergebnisse für verschiedene Stroop-Varianten unterscheiden. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden diese Fragen systematisch für die Verarbeitung von Objekten und Zahlen mit zwei Varianten des Stroop-Paradigmas untersucht. In der vorliegenden Dissertation präsentiere ich Ergebnisse von Reaktionszeitstudien und fMRT-Experimenten zum zeitlichen Ablauf und zu neuronalen Substraten kognitiver Konflikte während der Verarbeitung von Objekten und Zahlen. Um die Konflikte zeitlich und räumlich lokalisieren zu können, wird die Abrufphase und die Antwortphase separat modelliert. Die Ergebnisse deuten darauf hin, dass die Konflikte eher während des Abrufs als bei der Antwortauswahl stattfinden. Außerdem wird geschlussfolgert, dass die Konflikte für Zahl- und Objektrepräsentationen nicht auf gemeinsamen neuronalen Substraten basieren. Die Ergebnisse meiner Reaktionszeitstudien und der MRT-Studien deuten also darauf hin, dass Konflikte bei der Verarbeitung von Objekten und Zahlen zwar einem ähnlichen zeitlichen Verlauf folgen, aber offenbar in unterschiedlichen neuronalen Netzwerken verarbeitet werden. / In daily life, we constantly have to adjust our goals and plans to changing task demands and internal needs. Our ability to balance the initiation and inhibition of our actions, and to solve resulting conflicts between them, is referred to as cognitive control. To study the processes of cognitive control, the Stroop Paradigm has become a popular tool (Stroop,1935). The Stroop Paradigm is frequently used to address central questions of cognitive control. It is, for instance, an open issue, where and when in the processing stream cognitive conflicts arise. Do they arise early, for example, during the retrieval of target and distractor? Or do they occur late, when the response is prepared for execution? Another debate is concerned with the question whether the findings agree for different Stroop variants (Van Maanen et al., 2009). In this dissertation I present research on the temporal characteristics and the neural substrates of cognitive conflicts during the processing of objects and numbers. To better understand the locus of the conflict, the retrieval phase and the response phase are modelled separately. The results from several reaction time studies and from two fMRI experiments speak to the issue that processing costs occur during retrieval, i.e., early in the processing stream, for both, object and number representations. The results further indicate that the processing of the conflict between target and distractor for number and object representations do not rely on common neural substrates. I will thus present the results from behavioural and functional imaging experiments, showing similar temporal patterns for the conflicts in both systems, but distinct underlying neural networks.

Epidemiology of representations : an empirical approach / Epidemiology of representations : an empirical approach / Epidemiología de las representaciones : un enfoque empírico

Lerique, Sébastien 27 October 2017 (has links)
Nous proposons une contribution empirique aux tentatives récentes d'unification des sciences cognitives et des sciences sociales.La Théorie de l'Attraction Culturelle (CAT) propose de s'atteler à des questions interdisciplinaires en utilisant une ontologie commune faite de représentations.D'après la CAT, malgré des transformations au niveau micro, la distribution globale des représentations peut rester stable grâce à des attracteurs culturels.Cette hypothèse est difficile à tester, mais les technologies du web permettent de combiner les avantages des techniques existantes pour étendre le champ des études possibles.Nous présentons deux études de cas sur de courts énoncés écrits.La première examine les changements que des citations subissent lorsqu'elles sont copiées en ligne.En combinant psycholinguistique et fouille de données, nous montrons que les substitutions de mots sont cohérentes avec l'hypothèse des attracteurs culturels, et avec les effets connus de variables lexicales.La deuxième étude étend ces résultats, et utilise une expérience web permettant de récolter des chaînes de transmission de qualité et en grande quantité.En étendant un algorithme bioinformatique, nous décomposons les transformations en des opérations plus simples, et proposons un premier modèle descriptif du processus qui relie les connaissances psycholinguistiques sur la transformation de phrases aux tendances de haut niveau identifiées dans la littérature sur l'évolution culturelle.Enfin, nous montrons que la compréhension de l'évolution de telles représentations nécessite une théorie du sens des énoncés, une tâche pour laquelle nous explorons les approches empiriques possibles. / We propose an empirical contribution to recent attempts to unify cognitive science and social science.We focus on Cultural Attraction Theory (CAT), a framework that proposes a common ontology made of representations for cognitive and social science to address interdisciplinary questions.CAT hypothesizes that in spite of important transformations at the micro-level, the overall distribution of representations remains stable due to dynamical attractors.Testing this hypothesis is challenging and existing approaches have several shortcomings.Yet, by taking advantage of web technologies one can combine the advantages of existing techniques to expand the range of possible empirical studies.We develop two case studies to show this with short written utterances.The first examines transformations that quotations undergo as they are propagated online.By connecting data mining tools with psycholinguistics, we show that word substitutions in quotations are consistent with the hypothesis of cultural attractors and with known effects of lexical features.The second case study expands these results, and makes use of a purposefully developed web experiment to gather quality transmission chain data sets.By extending a bioinformatics alignment algorithm, we decompose transformations into simpler operations, and propose a first descriptive model which relates psycholinguistic knowledge of sentence transformation to evolutionary trends elicited in the cultural evolution literature.Finally, we show that further understanding the evolution of such representations requires an account of meaning in context, a task for which we flesh out possible empirical approaches.

Remembering to remember : a practice-based study in digital re-appropriation and bodily perception

Chevalier, Cécile January 2016 (has links)
Through the evolution of digital media technology, social networks and more recently Web 3.0 (e.g. Cloud-based) technologies, culture and memory is being transformed, both in relation to how memories are represented, and how they may be engaged with or re-accessed. As digital technology alters ways in which knowledge is produced, stored, connected and shared, new terrains, tools and artefacts are formed; new cultural practices alter the ways in which we remember and the ways in which memory is processed, destabilising traditional “historically encoded social habits: religion, authority, morality, traditional values, or political ideology” (Diamantaki 2013). This doctoral project consists of two parts exploring questions of memory in contemporary time. The practice work submitted develops various imaginaries and investigates how to enable mnemonic practices so that works function as memory palaces where bodies and ‘collective' and ‘networked memories' (Hoskins, 2010) can be realised. The work, briefly summarised, includes communal activities in public spaces (a series of workshops and heritage day events, Rendezvous, centrally social activities organised between Fabrica and various charitable organisations in Brighton). It includes a series of installation works, as a transitional process of memory between body, object, an investigation of ubiquitous technology, are investigated – iremembr (2009-15); Rendezvous (2010-15); Untitled#21 (2012). And it leads to the development of an installation piece, (2013-15), that seeks to offer or extend the possibilities of the act of remembering, of memory, as a post-Internet experience; a complex temporal, social, spatial and material, overlapping and merging human and silicon memory. In this, the written component of the combined and larger project, questions concerning memory and digital technology, and how to explore them, are taken up in theoretical terms, and the works I have produced returned to and explored in these contexts. A central project here has been to locate new forms of qualities of ‘digital' memory in a memory map or topology that builds on adapts, and develops other models. Aspects of zones of memory are explored centrally in each of the later thesis chapters each of which also takes up a particular aspect of my practice. The intention – and the contribution to the development of critical thinking around the digital – particularly critical thinking that comes through digital media art practice, is to question how digital technology intervenes in the process of memory; how the concept of digital memory is being thought about; leading me to investigate what does this new digital terrain do as it overlaps and re-writes to some extent the older ones? How does it change ‘how memory happens'.

Issues in L2 phonological processing / Questions sur le traitement phonologique en langue seconde

Melnik, Gerda Ana 19 July 2019 (has links)
L’apprentissage d’une langue étrangère nécessite une quantité considérable de temps et d’efforts. Les apprenants doivent faire face à de nombreux défis dans cet apprentissage, dont le traitement des sons qui n'existent pas dans leur langue maternelle. La différence entre les propriétés de la langue maternelle et de la langue étrangère entraîne des distorsions dans la perception et un accent dans la production des sons non-natifs. De plus, ces difficultés persistent à tous les niveaux de traitement, car les problèmes de perception et de production d’un son influencent le traitement des mots contenant ces sons. Heureusement, la capacité à percevoir et à produire les sons de la L2 (langue seconde) s’améliore progressivement. Cette thèse porte sur le traitement phonologique de la L2 et son développement à travers les modalités (perception vs. production) et les niveaux de traitement (niveau prélexical vs. lexical). Dans la première partie de la thèse, nous étudions la relation entre la perception et la production en L2. Les résultats des études précédentes ont souvent été contradictoires et nous suggérons que plusieurs limitations méthodologiques aient pu y créer des confusions. Nous avons donc pris en compte ces limitations méthodologiques et nous avons développé un paradigme expérimental afin de tester la perception et la production du contraste français /u/-/y/ par des apprenants anglophones. Nous avons utilisé des tâches qui visent le traitement prélexical et lexical afin d'examiner si le lien entre les deux modalités, s’il en existe un, est maintenu à travers les niveaux de traitement. Les résultats ont montré que la perception et la production sont corrélées, mais uniquement au niveau prélexical. De plus, nous avons trouvé que le développement de la perception précède celui de la production car il faut d’abord bien percevoir un son non-natif afin de le produire correctement. Dans la deuxième partie, nous avons poursuivi l’étude du traitement phonologique à travers les niveaux de traitement en nous concentrant sur la perception du son anglais /h/ par des apprenants francophones. Nous avons d’abord examiné si les difficultés à percevoir ce son précédemment signalées au niveau prélexical posaient également problème au niveau lexical. De plus, nous avons examiné si l’asymétrie observée dans la production (les francophones omettent le /h/ plus souvent qu’il ne l’insèrent) était présente dans la perception. Les résultats ont révélé que les apprenants francophones ont du mal à percevoir des mots et des non-mots contenant le /h/. De plus, une performance asymétrique a été observée. Nous avons interprété ceci comme une indication que les représentations phonologiques des mots anglais contenant le /h/ sont imprécises chez les apprenants francophones. Dans un second temps, nous avons examiné si un entraînement phonétique pouvait améliorer la perception du /h/ non seulement au niveau prélexical, mais également au niveau lexical. Nous avons démontré que l’entraînement phonétique améliorait la perception du /h/ dans les deux niveaux de traitement. De plus, cet effet positif a été maintenu quatre mois après l’entraînement. Enfin, nous avons examiné si les asymétries dans la perception du /h/ au niveau lexical pouvaient s'expliquer par des asymétries au niveau prélexical. Un tel lien n’a cependant pas été observé dans les résultats. Dans l’ensemble, cette thèse démontre que les mécanismes sous-jacents au traitement de la parole en L2 sont complexes et dynamiques, et influencent ainsi la perception et la production tant à travers les modalités qu’à travers les niveaux de traitement. Enfin, des pistes pour les recherches futures, qui permettraient d’explorer davantage les liens entre ces éléments du traitement phonologique, sont proposées. Cela mènerait à une compréhension plus approfondie des processus impliqués dans l’acquisition de la L2. / Learning a foreign language (L2) is a difficult task, requiring considerable amounts of time and effort. One of the challenges learners must face is the processing of sounds that do not exist or are not used contrastively in their native language. The mismatch between the properties of the native language and the foreign one leads to distortions in the perception of non-native sounds and to foreign accent in their production. Moreover, these difficulties persist across levels of processing as problems in prelexical L2 sound perception and production influence the processing of words containing these sounds. Fortunately, with growing proficiency the abilities to perceive and produce L2 sounds gradually improve, although they might never attain native-like levels. This thesis focuses on L2 phonological processing and its development across modalities (perception vs. production) and across levels of processing (prelexical vs. lexical). In the first part of the thesis, we investigate the relationship between perception and production in L2. Previous literature has provided contradictory evidence as to whether perception and production develop in parallel. We hypothesized that several methodological limitations could have brought confounds in some of these previous studies. We therefore designed an experiment that addressed these methodological issues and tested proficient English learners of French on their perception and production of the French contrast /u/-/y/ that does not exist in English. We included tasks that tap into both prelexical and lexical levels of processing in order to examine whether the link between the two modalities, if any, holds across levels of processing. Results showed that perception and production were correlated, but only when tested with tasks that tap into the same level of processing. We next explored if the developments in one modality precede developments in the other and found that good perception is indeed a prerequisite for good production. In the second part of the thesis, we continue to investigate the phonological processing of L2 across levels by focusing on the perception of the English sound /h/ by intermediate to proficient French learners of English. We first studied if the poor perception of this sound previously reported at the prelexical level also causes problems at the lexical level. We also looked at whether asymmetries found in production (i.e. more deletions than insertions) are reflected in perception. The results revealed that French learners of English have difficulty in perceiving /h/-initial words and non-words at the lexical level. Moreover, an asymmetry was indeed observed in their performance, which was interpreted as an indication that French learners of English have imprecise phonological representations of /h/-initial but not of vowel-initial words. Second, we carried out a training study to test if phonetic training could improve the perception of /h/ not only at the prelexical, but at the lexical level as well. We found that the High Phonetic Variability training did improve the perception of /h/ both at the prelexical and lexical levels, and that this positive effect was retained four months after training. Finally, we examined if asymmetries in the perception of /h/ at the lexical level could be explained by asymmetries at the prelexical level. The results revealed no such relationship. Overall, this thesis demonstrates the complex and dynamic nature of the mechanisms underlying non-native speech processing and its development during learning both across modalities and across levels of processing. We discuss how future research could further explore the links between these elements of the phonological processing apparatus to get a better understanding of L2 acquisition.

以字詞共現網絡探勘情歌歌詞中的情感隱喻 / Exploring the Affective Metaphor and Their Relations in the Love Songs Lyrics via Word Co-Occurrence Network

李岱珊, Li, Tai Shan Unknown Date (has links)
情感運算引領人機互動開創一新的研究發展領域,通過各種能觀測人類情感表達的工具來計算不同表達方式的情感蘊含;另一方面,拜發展急速的網路媒體所賜,大量文字成為線上傳遞訊息便捷又有效率的方式,因此,各類富含情感的文字能夠被搜集成為情感分析運算的語料;而近年來跨領域研究的盛行,促成許多不同學科間的對話,也將各種技術帶入不同的領域知識範疇中,開啟創新研究的可能;有如資訊領域的社會網路分析(Social Network Analysis)技術套用到語言文字的研究上,使得大量語料的分析能夠更快速的達成。 本研究針對英文的情歌歌詞進行字詞共現網絡(Word Co-Occurrence Network)的分析,將字彙之間的概念關聯,和歌詞文本隱喻分析的結果作一比較,以評估字詞共現網絡作為隱喻表達分析工具的潛能,提供不同角度的情感語意探勘方法,作為情感溝通上的一項貢獻。 / Affective computing explore a new research field, human different emotional expression could be calculated through types of affection detection tool. On the other hand, “word” as a convenience communication medium through the online media, lead lots of entailment affection word to be the affective computing analysis corpus. Interdisciplinary cooperation researches prevail among different academic field to initiate innovation study. Applying Social Network Analysis (SNA) information technique to semantic research as an example, make the large corpus analysis to be more efficiency. In this research, Word Co-Occurrence Network was used to explore the specific meaning of the lyrics to observe what the content represent affective concepts in western classical love songs, and evaluated the potential of Word Co-Occurrence Network to be a new concept relation analysis tool by compared with the content analysis data.

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